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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EEST

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on the one hand, and on the other hand, i do not imagine a situation in which socialist china acts as a united front with the united states, there france, great britain, well , for me at the moment this is a situation that seems at least strange, it is also being prepared now, approaching elections to the european union, what is the balance of power there now, what can it affect? i think that the european people's party has every chance to maintain its dominant position in the european parliament, but both the liberals and the social democrats will be present and the right-wing forces will be present, that is, in fact, the question is how significant the success of the european people's party will be, and you know, now the situation is what ... last week
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, when the european parliament said that until if the patriots are not handed over to ukraine, then they will not approve the report for the past year, the accounts of the european council, in fact, will not be closed where the money has already been spent, the impression is that the delegates of the european parliament were bitten by ukrainian parliamentarians. actually, this one this populism, in my opinion, does not adorn any political force. and he is simply a testament to the fact that it is still easier to manipulate the european establishment in this way than to actually fight against putin. eh, by the way, about putin now and his, his, high-ranking officials, what lavrov said about, that is, someone openly declared about, in fact frankly, and declared about the plan.
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the kremlin will seize kharkiv during this year, for whom is this statement aimed, and how should we treat it? i believe that russia would like to go to the negotiations, but on its conditions. ugh. russia also needs a break. because, of course, we are inferior to russia in... in many indicators, except moral and strong-willed qualities, and therefore, what is happening, for russia, this protracted war, it also, well, they also expected a blitzkrieg , let's be honest, and they didn't get it, so i think we'll be watching and watching these manifestations and looking at those european politicians or american politicians who can support these kinds of statements, for russia, er, kharkiv... it's a very
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serious factor is, well, i would say a symbolic city, because it is a city of a million people, in which the majority of the population spoke russian until february 24, 2022, from where hundreds of thousands of people left, but which continues to function to the point that books in kharkiv are published in ukrainian, it seems to me that russia... well, a very serious irritant and that is why lavrov, well, lavrov does not take much care at all, i would say, does not care much about maintaining some norms of diplomatic decency, it seems to me all the time that he has forgotten that ribbentrop was hanged, despite the fact that what he was also the minister of foreign affairs, and not, let's say, commanded some army.
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returning now to ukraine, they are discussing the possibility of some reshuffles in the cabinet of ministers in ukraine, in particular there, for example, that the minister of reintegration and temporarily occupied territories iryna veryshchuk may be appointed as the head of the ternopil ova. i am also very interested in the comment, because she said that it is first of all not true, but that's the way it is, in principle even... i never pay attention to the first sentence of our ukrainian politicians now and what they say from the authorities, but secondly, it is interesting, i would not agree to this, and my leadership knows this very well, she is a minister of the cabinet of ministers, what is her leadership, who is her manager, shmygal cannot do that, shmygal cannot take it off and send it into the water. or vova,
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we also understand that, who is the leader of the people of ukraine, the servants of the people of ukraine, mr. andriy, you played ping-pong in your childhood, that was for sure. well, it’s true, it’s on the one hand, when you first play 15 chips on 16 slots and try to bet, it’s it's interesting, but then it gets boring quite quickly, but it's a shame that our personnel policy resembles a game of scat, because instead of attracting new faces, we have old ones, that is, we have those who were already new faces, huh. myself, i would say, i have exhausted myself, like new faces, they are trying to relocate them somewhere so that they continue to work, well, so be it, well, actually, just when there were rumors that danilov could be fired, it became clear that he
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will be released, as soon as president zelensky's decree appeared, stating that we have now been released this ambassador from moldova, i don't know, i don't know how effective he was, i didn't follow the effective, marko shevchenko was effective, professional, well prepared, as far as i remember, he knows the romanian language, and the appointment of oleksiy danilov, on it's a pity, well, how, if, so to speak, it can complicate our already difficult relations with moldova, but thank you for not chausa, well, we can only thank you for that, well, probably, well, but on the other hand side, well, we had a minister of defense, for example, andriy taran, and there are many questions as to how much he was effective minister of defense, and to what extent he prepared and seriously assessed the danger of a russian invasion, well, that's a big question,
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but on the other hand, today he is the ambassador of ukraine to slovenia, what is the ambassador of ukraine, maybe he is a slav by origin, maybe he knows the slovenian language from childhood. no, it 's not his first year there, firstly, secondly, he still, well, with all his shortcomings and virtues there, he was at one time a military matron, that is, he has more experience in the diplomatic service than oleksiy danilova, absolutely unequivocally, but the fact that , unfortunately, ukrainian foreign policy is under manual control is also true, and it is also necessary to talk about it and state these things, well , especially since now, for example, we have all witnessed this amazing reversal and mr. johnson, mike johnson, the speaker, and well, one of the versions, which is no worse than any other, and at least it echoes what mike johnson himself says, this is the visit of this
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young pastor from odessa, a wife and a child, who died during missile fire, and it may be, it may very well be. politicians are difficult enough, but it is necessary to influence the environment from which they came, because well , just like if you want to grow professionally, then you will share your experience with your alma mater, true, and not just for yourself... . to convey some new information in exactly the same way, and since the united states has a majoritarian principle of elections, accordingly , the people we will encounter there will be precisely those, that is, they depend on their voters, and it is to them that we must look.
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the most effective and shortest way, well , they say that they actually belong to the same church, this pastor is young from odesa, and mike johnson himself. and it's just a story, i thought, how did this happen, this, that's when we see this picture, how did this happen, who, who came up with this beautiful move in fact, who organized this meeting, who took this pastor and organized this meeting with the speaker, it was not so easy, at first i thought, maybe this is a genius move of the president's office, maybe it's a trick that worked super well, no, it turns out that it's the former deputy from odesa unguryan, who himself is also a protestant. deputy, because no one would have let him in, stefanchuk would not have put the stamp where it was necessary, and no one would have gone anywhere, and johnson would continue to say that the bill is very bad, you know, in fact,
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even the recent history of ukraine is simply not well known in our country and they do not know, well, first of all, that the protestants stayed during the years of the soviet union. under sufficiently strong pressure, on the one hand, and on the other hand, many of our powerful people, not understanding for the united states, the issue of freedom of conscience is extremely sharp and... and if we knew better recent history and knew about those who were not released from the soviet union after the signing of the helsinki act, then we would understand that this can be actively played with and this can be actively taken into account, but oh well, well, that it turned out the way it did, and let's hope for a productive vote today, we really hope for it, thank you very much, yevhen magda was with us today, we talked about first of all. international politics, but also , of course, about our ukrainian politics, well
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, we will go now, we will now remind our to the audience that we are collecting in progress, let's show the announcement, what are we collecting for, we will show the fpv drones that our military really needs, for today, dear friends, we have collected 71 for 100 uah, very good the result although yesterday in... yesterday was a record day, 87,000 total was accumulated in the account, well the day is not over yet, so i hope that there will still be people who will join in watching our airs, even after our ether will end, you are now on your screens you can see the qr codes mono and private qr codes, the one that, if you look at the screen, the one on the left, facing the screen, is a monobank, and the one on the right is a private bank, and it must be scanned if... in you have a private application, open the application, find the scanner function there, point it and only then transfer
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the funds, well, if it immediately sends to you either to monopay, or for example to google pay, in the word or there apple, apple i don’t remember, what's it called, i didn't have apples, i didn't have a generation of gadgets, well, in a word, and then you just have it one literally, well, in two touches you send money, choose 100, 500 thousand. or enter your amount in 1 million hryvnias , to whomever his wallet allows, and i, and andriy , meanwhile, while you are watching the video of a drone hitting russian equipment, andriy, meanwhile , also joined this collection and transferred his few hryvnias, you can also see the card number in the title, so join please, dear friends, every hryvnia is important and it is in fact that the sooner we close this collection, the sooner this small but effective weapon will end up on on the front line and will make moskals nervous,
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1,212,592 hryvnias, just at this moment i turned it on to update and 29 kopecks have already disappeared, this is what we have out of two million, that is, we already need 800 and a half thousand for that, to close this collection, we hope it will be very soon, i also want to remind you that... you can, if you missed, for example, our broadcast, you can go to the youtube channel of the espresso tv channel and find the link to the broadcast there ours, i know that many viewers say, oh, i didn't have time, or turn off the lights, or something else, such as in kharkiv, you can find the ether there, for this you just need to subscribe to the youtube channel, exclusive interviews are posted there, news is posted there, there are short videos, you can watch them, you can also leave your own. likes, it also helps us a lot to be visible and helps our broadcasts
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to be among the ones offered, because the muscovites make our voice, the voice of the tv channel , not to be heard and they attack us with strikes, so support, this is also a great support, thumbs up , moreover, under ours youtube broadcast, if, for example, you didn't have time to pay attention and see the qr code or write down the card number, under our youtube broadcast there is just the actual... information about this fee, and there is a simple link that you can just click on and go to , actually in that small window where you can transfer a few hryvnias, i still think about vereshchuk's words, about my leadership, who knows, i still think about me, it still doesn't leave my head, because i think about the sure thing a proud and self-respecting person, which any... minister should be a parliamentary republic, a person who understands that he represents the party, that behind
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him are the voters whom he represents, who represents the party program, which, what, in which this person believes, who came into politics to implement this program , because in such a way, as this person is sure, she will make this country better, in our case, it will also help to win the battle. no, and on the other hand, we see vereshchuk, who says: my management, well, what kind of management, but she actually says real things, yes, she has a management to which she is directly under... because she is just an appointed person, and any 158 deputy head of the president's office, i think, is in principle her boss and manager, to whom she can report at some point, because they said so, but the fact that she will be appointed, for example , to ternopil oblast, and in ternopil oblast she will already be the boss, well, how will she also carry out everything that only
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kiev blinks at there, that's understandable, but already in ternopil oblast she will be the boss, and her own. then his lack of dignity, it will broadcast to other people. we will talk about it talk further with the political technologist, whom we expect on our airwaves at 16. dear friends, just now we bring to your attention a conversation with the head of the representative office of the republic of moldova in yasvi, yanis mazheiks. our kateryna halko talked with him, talked about the european integration aspirations of our closest neighbor, because on april 16 , the constitution. the court of moldova has approved the referendum on joining the european union, it will be held simultaneously with the presidential elections on october 20, and this conversation is now for your attention on our airwaves, let's watch. congratulations
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viewers of the espresso channel, my name is kateryna galko and this is our exclusive. conversation with the head of the representation of the european union in the republic of moldova. let's start. congratulations. thank you for making time for us today. so, on june 23, 2022, the european council granted the republic of moldova the status of a candidate for joining the european union. what are the prospects of moldova's european integration and what are the actual terms of accession. i believe that since june 2022 , quite significant and quite impressive work has been done, because, as in ukraine, in moldova there was quite a lot of homework, in fact more homework, if you look at the number of points that moldova needed to complete, and the work is progressing, this was recognized by both the european commission and the european council, which decided to open accession negotiations with the country.
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we are now in the technical stage where we are explaining what the negotiations will be like. to which, in the first place, moldova needs to pay special attention in the process of screening and negotiations, so now it will be the usual process that we conducted with all by the candidate countries that have gone through chapters, this is the opening of chapters, the closing of chapters, and it will take quite a long time, because the purpose of this process is to prepare the country for full membership with all the rights and obligations. and can moldova join the eu by 2030. for example, this is the ambition of the country's leadership, and this is also what the highest eu officials said, that the union should be ready for expansion by 2030, noting that it is currently 2024, and by 2030 is not much time left, it is a very
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ambitious schedule, but quite feasible if high pace of reforms. the high rate of change will continue throughout, because one of the points that i keep repeating is that it is not only about the current mandate of the president, or not only about the current mandate of the parliament, which means that such a high rate of european integration has to be preserved in the next election cycle, because we also saw bad examples when countries lost their desire for european integration, and about this... slowed down, on our part, this is something ambitious, but we hope that it is possible. it won't hurt euroscepticism of a rather large part of citizens, to quickly and effectively join moldova to the european family. well, first of all,
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citizens will have the opportunity, most likely, as soon as the decision of the constitutional court appears, to mark it in a referendum. we see that the number of people who support the european union is growing slowly. of course, it depends on who is asking the question and what the question is. the understanding that the future of the republic of moldova in the european union is growing slowly, although, of course, everyone is there for it. in all strata of the population. do you think that if
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ms. sanda does not win the election this year and is replaced by a pro-russian representative, which is quite realistic, according to recent polls, could moldova suddenly stop the process of joining the... first , we greatly appreciate the leadership of president maia sando is in the process of eu integration. after all , i believe that much of what the country has accomplished is to its credit, not only political steps towards obtaining the status of a candidate country and starting negotiations. but also all the essential steps, which are these made it possible, namely the reform of justice, in particular. therefore, we hope that the european course
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of the country will be preserved even after the elections, because it is also supported by the citizens. this applies not only to eu membership, but also to eu integration as such. do you allow that russia can interfere with the president? unfortunately, i'm pretty sure that russian interference will happen, because we see it on a regular basis, whether it's the local elections last year, when there was a lot of it. we are talking about millions of euros and dollars that were brought into the country. different means to influence political processes, or let's take maria zakharova, for whom moldova has become a daily topic, i can say that this is, on the one hand, a reality that the country
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will have to live with until it becomes a member of the eu. since this was the case with all candidate countries, russia tried to slow down this process, but at the same time it is important to take measures against russian disinformation. of russian propaganda, hidden funding that comes from outside, because we need help for the political process to take place genuine, that he was not guided by unshakable pro-russian forces, of course, legitimate public sentiments can be different. and for a couple of things: first, it's the job of making that happen, i think,
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that law enforcement agencies that have to fight extortion should do. and secondly, it is work to combat disinformation. that is why we now supported the creation of the stratcom center in the republic of moldova. which will hopefully not only analyze the narratives, but also provide advice on how to counter them, and of course, on our part, we also do this work, both here nationally and through headquarters. ukraine and moldova started their path to the european union at the same time, however, both countries suffer from their proximity to russia, so... otherwise, how does the eu plan to help these countries in their struggle? we provide quite strong
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support, and it's not only our projects, but when needed, it's also very quick and very large amounts, like for example to the republic of moldova in the last two years just to counter the crisis, the energy crisis, the migration crisis, the covid crisis, our the support amounted to more than 1 billion euros, so this is... a very good example of how the eu really is a friend in bida. kremgit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves the mobility of joints, with dolgit cream, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. what is bahmud? bahmud is a place of fear and a place of bravery. no matter what anyone says, bravery is not
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stronger together. exclusively on the air. our channel congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attack on moscow and other russian cities. process analysis. that change the country and each of us, the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project, we are bored because there is nothing to fight about, let's go make up, help understand the present and predict the future, the second trump presidency will be terrible for the world. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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verdict from by serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the malice of the day with a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday, from 20 to 22 at espresso. dear friends. friends, these are our final 15 minutes for today on the espresso tv channel, andriy saichuk lesaliuk, in this studio we are working for you today throughout the day from 8:00 a.m., tomorrow we will also return to the air at 8:10 a.m., we have already collected 80,000 with you today , this is such a good harvest, so to speak, i hope that after this story that i will tell you, a little more hryvnias will be added, it will somehow, you know, support you and will inspire. a wonderful story happened to me. to
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the eyes, it's a pity, this is the moment when i really regret that according to the law we cannot show an excerpt from the report in russian, in the original language, so we will watch this video, and i will comment on what is happening in it, so this is report, in some settlement in russia , this man is standing and says: everything was stolen from me here, they were stolen so much that they even ripped out the heating from this floor, they ripped out the floor heating with meat, they wore children's things, all the world, they took my things, there is nothing to wear, moreover, the thieves came twice, and all those thieves took the toilet out of that house in a few steps, ugh, here, but what is the funniest, most ironic and most pleasant thing for our souls...


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