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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EEST

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the story that i will tell you, a little more hryvnias will be added, it will somehow, you know, support and inspire you, a beautiful plot caught my eye, it is a pity, this is the moment when i really regret that by law we cannot show an excerpt from the report is in the original russian in the original language, so we will watch this video, and i will comment on what is happening on it, so there is such a report in some settlement in russia , this man stands and says: everything was stolen from me here, they stole so much that even snatched from this floor with the heating, the floor heating , the meat was ripped out, the children's things were stolen, the whole world, my things were stolen, i have nothing to wear, and the thieves came twice, and all the thieves took the toilet out of that house in a few steps, ugh, that's it, but the funniest, most ironic and most pleasant thing for our souls in... history is that this man, this
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young guy says: i volunteered for the svo to protect these people, and they took me and robbed me at that moment, and they robbed me twice, robbed me like a fool, moreover, they left me bare-footed, now here the weather is like this outside, i have nothing to wear, and what do i want to say to my husband, you see, and you thought that only you could come to ukraine to steal toilets, but not muscovites. they even have some kind of unhealthy attraction to those toilets, an unhealthy attraction to toilets, they steal toilets not only from us, but also from themselves, dear friends, so that they steal these toilets from theirs, it is not a pity for us, it is true that they do it there, and for those who went here with the war, let them continue to do it, and so that they are not on our land, write down the qr code, card number, scan, tell, this will be a huge help for our military, 2 million hryvnias is
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what we want to collect, and for this we need to collect 880 00 more, and this is already a smaller part of the amount that is needed, here you can see on the title now, here on the title, that 's it, andriy, show the card number on the title for those who don't know how to use that qr code, then you have to do it before the computer, oh yeah, and that's what we in the meantime , we will talk with oleg posternak, a political technologist, about the fact that in... the country, in our corridors of power, some reshuffles people's deputy yaroslav zheleznyak announced personnel changes in the cabinet of ministers, and what kind of personnel changes are these, or has this time come for them, oleg posternak, a political technologist, is with us, mr. oleg, we congratulate you, have a good day, well, actually they say that allegedly several ministers will go of their own accord. oh and not only that, what
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kind of personnel changes are these, have you heard anything about them? well, look, they have been talked about for a long time, the president himself basically announced at the beginning of the year reshuffles in the government offices, in the environment of the supreme the commander-in-chief, actually they are gradually continuing, and the commander-in-chief, the new chairman, the new secretary of the national security and defense council have been replaced, and now... it is the turn of the government itself, there are rumors that two vice-prime ministers may be replaced, er, mrs. virishchuk will be dismissed from the post of vice-prime minister and minister and possibly sent by the head of the military administration to one of the regions of western ukraine, as if positions are being played out.
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kubrakov, he holds the position of deputy prime minister and minister of infrastructure, development of communities and territories, although he was once one of the favorites in the president's entourage, there are questions about the minister of justice, the child, and there are rumors about the possible rotation of the minister, and it is clear that they continue. what strange conversations about the position of the prime minister of ukraine, since different names emerge, which, in principle, in this personnel pool, i think our audience knows oksana markarova from there and rostislav shurma, chernyshov, svyredenko, there, even to the head of the office of the president, andriy yermak. but nevertheless, there are other rumors about the fact that, in principle, denys shmihal is completely satisfied. bank, so it makes no sense, uh
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, taking into account his political inertia, to change him to another person and thereby create, create additional turbulence in the government offices. therefore, it is most likely for the prime minister, this is such a long game, which will be periodically, these names will emerge, but at the moment there is no significant desire to change the chair of the prime minister, nevertheless, well, we can do as much as we can talk as you like about the rotation of ministers, but do not forget that most personnel appointments the government will be carried out by the parliament, and the parliament will need votes for this, since the law... on the improvement of mobilization has shown that there can always be certain problems with votes that will have to be solved in an emergency, therefore , conducting personnel rotation for the government is always a certain test, since there are various deputy
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groups, both inside the majority and outside the majority, which can influence these processes, and there should also be an insurance of votes. we still don't have, for example, a minister of culture, we don't have a minister youth and sports, that is why there are also periodic talks about reformatting, structural reformatting of the government, combining part of the ministries, changing the functionality, simplifying the system, along with personnel changes, and one of the reasons for this is, of course, saving money, since in the near future the state budget, you understand, more than once... the new one is not enough for all the officials, but what can the minister of education oksena lisovyi , whose resignation is also being talked about, disagree with? yes, i have heard that name, nevertheless, this minister was appointed already during the full-scale
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invasion, and there were certainly certain hopes for the minister of education, but i can say that there, speaking of the educational public, there are many problems and questions for this minister, and this question is not plagiarism of his dissertation at all, believe me, society is less interested in this than anything now, but the education system is facing difficult challenges, because there is a reduction ahead, a probable reduction of budget employees in the education system is possible, because the state and municipal budgets are not take out such a large amount of educational infrastructure. secondly, this is the issue of restoring the educational infrastructure, thirdly, this is the organization of the education of ukrainian children abroad, and this is a huge problem now, and many other subtleties, most likely,
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the bank has a question regarding the functionality, the competence of this official . i want to say that many of the ministers, officials, well, it seems to me, do not understand at all how to work in extreme conditions of martial law, so one of the important requests of the bank is for the managers to answer met the criteria for working in extraordinary conditions, and there are many new challenges ahead, and it is clear that the presidential entourage and the team want to see, probably, more effective and more active ministers, well, if we are talking about the voice itself. then we saw that, for example, for the law on mobilization, for the most important things, for example, the exclusion of the rule on demobilization after 36 months, which was critical for banking, as you say, accordingly, it was possible to collect barely
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the necessary minimum number of votes, there or 227 , there were not even votes in the end, that is, i.e. plus one vote literally from the minimum and... and this vote literally could not be effective without the votes of the opz faction and for the future, i.e. actually the former regionalists, they are de facto voting in the majority today, and in this case the question is, why not create a coalition government in such a case, because it simply exists de facto, well, coalition voting exists, if this coalition exists, that is, if we look, then opzhzh. and for the future, they vote in agreement with literally any initiative from servants of the people. look, we are talking about the fact that there are four groups in the parliament that vote, yes, as it is sometimes said, this is trust, this is for the future, this is a platform for
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life and peace, and this is the restoration of ukraine, some of these groups are remnants opzzh, because, yes, the other... on this and there are just majoritarians from certain regions of ukraine, nevertheless, i take a more pragmatic approach to this, if the opposition factions have their opinion, they... and they have the right to their opinion , we are talking about the homeland, european solidarity and voice, and do not want to support the authorities in their initiatives, then in appropriate and absolutely timely initiatives, well, this is the responsibility of the opposition factions, but the authorities, taking into account that in the monomajority itself there are a number of deputies who have already lost interest in deputy activities, in law-making , to the active, active positioning of their positions, it is clear that it is not enough for the majority of votes, and therefore the recruitment of votes from these four
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parliamentary factions of the groups, it becomes in order to ensure national security issues historically extremely important, therefore from the point of view of statesmanship, and from the point of view of passing certain decisions through the parliament, of course i would not regard this vote as some kind of catastrophe or betrayal, from the point of view of... formality, yes, this is a matter for a monomajority , if you cannot ensure discipline in your faction, communication between different deputy groups and the timely presence of deputies in the meeting hall, then the question arises in society that something, something is wrong, but we must take into account the circumstances of wartime, we must take into account circumstances that we are dealing with a long parliament, i call it so, by analogy with the parl. the time of the english revolution in the middle of the 17th century and the loss of serious
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internal processes in the parliament, which indicate a parliamentary crisis, then it seems to me that returning to the government-opposition discourse is possible, but there is a certain risk, so when the parliament, as a subject legislative, legislative branch, as... a body that passes laws, and when deputies of different groups and factions vote, i don't see it, especially for important state decisions, i don't see it big problem, i just want to understand, that is, if deputies of the pro-presidential majority and former henchmen of yanukovych and pro-russian deputies vote together, then this is a statist position, and if, for example, representatives of the current parliamentary opposition vote together with them, then it would not would be
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a statesman's position, and of course, it would also be a statesman's position, but i repeat, european solidarity in the motherland also has certain motives of its own, if we are talking, for example, about the last vote for the law on improving mobilization, on personnel initiatives, for example, if the eu and the motherland do not vote, well, here, you know, there are a lot of obvious things, and here, it seems, there are none. e zone of internal pressure on the opposition factions, because they do not share responsibility for power, they do not authorize certain officials to perform their functions, it is their decision: they want to support this or that minister, they do not want to, they do not support, many of them prefer to be dismissed will vote for everything from the opposition factions, but when it comes to you know, separate draft laws that define the security and defense system, here another question arises, because... you can treat the decisions that come from the banking department as the decisions of zelenskyi and the banking department, and you can treat
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these decisions from the point of view of the need to ensure the system defense and security, and when the opposition factions have their opinion, to which they are directly entitled, well, the society has its own interpretation and its interpretation of the behavior in principle of the opposition factions. well, look, just for example, there was a decision on... about this one about the counteroffensive last year, this decision was announced several months in advance, as president zelenskyi says, the plans were on the table in the kremlin after half an hour and so on, and this was a decision, well, if only the authorities, and here it is, an unsuccessful offensive, unsuccessful, but this was also a statesman's decision, they came out of something, respectively, in some non -military situation, not in a situation. war, they would bear political responsibility, since now there is a war situation, a change of power
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is impossible, it is as if no one is responsible, well, they bombed there, buried there, all this aid that was collected suffered some unnamed losses, or named ones, president zeletskyi said 31,000 dead, well, this figure also seems doubtful, but they did not suffer any losses, they did not bear any responsibility for it . but on the other hand , there are no more votes, but there are people who are pro-russian factions, if they are removed from the parliament, only, as you say, a situational union will remain. with for the future and trust, people who represented oligarchic factions, yes, those oligarchs, oligarchs, and accordingly, then would they would, for example, say, well, okay, take us into the government, give us a couple of ministries, we will somehow come to an agreement, that's right, in principle, parliamentarism works, and then they take on part of the responsibilities for
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the government's policy, and here it is possible, maybe it will turn out that people will appear, i 'm not even talking about european solidarity, i 'm not even talking about the motherland and i'm not even talking about the voice, well, let's imagine, let's imagine what might happen in the future and trust there are people who will add to the power, a little, no i know, smart heads, a few good ministers who may help to make better management decisions, because our whole fate now depends on the quality of management decisions, if suddenly you... it turns out that incompetent decisions are made in our country, for which no one is responsible no responsibility, after all, this is also a big problem. well, look, first of all, the plans for a counteroffensive are not approved by the parliament, this is for the first part of your question or reply, and therefore the question here is not about
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incomparable things at all, and secondly, about coalitional responsibility of these deputy groups and factions that vote. together with the monomajority, and the current lineup, well, first of all, they did this even before the full-scale invasion, in principle, and what is this connected with, it is not a stable and consolidated majority, there are microgroups, there were more than p' that is, they had different levels of connections with the bank and different levels of connections with potential big capital beneficiaries there. and oligarchs, yes, as well as for the future and trust is indeed also connected with certain they were a certain big business, at least they talked about it publicly, journalists and experts articulated it, nevertheless, and in the future trust was used precisely in order to level the influence within
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the monomajority of some groups that could play interests, for example, well... igor kolomoisky, or rinat akhmetov, etc. and for a long time, president zelensky tried to minimize oligarchic influence. in the end, even the law on deoligarchization was announced, but here the full-scale invasion made a significant, well, one might say a certain correction, serious in terms of the influence of the oligarchs on the parliament, it has decreased significantly, it has not been completely dismantled, but it has decreased significantly, but at the same time... the quantitative weight of some mini-groups within the people's servants has decreased, therefore insurance in the form of these four groups, i think, instrumentally-politically and technologically , absolutely effective and perhaps even justified from the point of view of banking, well, what
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it might look like for our society, as you know the former... large pro-russian, pro-russian deputies vote, for example, for the same mobilization or, or, for example, for the law on the bureau of economic affairs, security, and for each, you know, there may be separate questions, since there is a version that many of these deputies of these four groups or two pro-russian former groups, but they are out of caution. they feel about possible pressure from law enforcement agencies and thus believe that they would rather calmly vote for the decision of the monomajority, even when it is possible and they will not be asked to do so. another motivation, and i do not rule out that for someone it is a desire, though to maintain a minimum of influence on any government
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decisions or government a-a corridors thanks to the demonstration of such support. including in the parliament, well, this is a problem for the opposition, of course, it would be more interesting for the opposition factions if there were significant contradictions between the bank and these four groups, and this allowed to increase their shares in the parliamentary game , but the fundamental issue, the parliament now, if you can summarize, because we already have to finish, here is a fundamental thing, and the parliament is not the platform for of great flight... of his game, due to the circumstances of the time, the wishes of some politicians, as from the opposition, the parliament is not a place for discussion, three dots on that alone. thank you very much, oleg posternak, a political technologist was with us, dear friends, thank you for being with us, oles vaklyuk, andriy seichuk, worked in this studio for you, see you tomorrow at 8:10, well, ether
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espresso continues, so stay , please, it will be further, by the way, at 4 p.m. , consideration of a bill called peace through force will begin in the us congress, and voting we are waiting for you at 8-8:30 a.m. kyiv time, stay with us. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always , the fuel runs out untimely, and you want to have a beautiful, well-kept plot, there is a solution, kors garden trimmer unpack the tv, buy it in time at a special price, only 999 uah. rimmer corse is light, compact. and incredibly powerful tool. it will cope with bushes and lawn even in the most inaccessible places, near fences, along paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees. unlike gasoline,
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look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine. there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is mr. orban dreaming of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 5:10 p.m., sunday 6:15 p.m. on espresso. kanal spresso and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what exactly... news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio, we will find out already this sunday, clearly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, their own names with
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myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 on espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! friends, i welcome you, and before i talk about culture, i would like to show you something very funny. and in principle, it even leads to a performance, to some kind of cultural phenomenon, although this is just an information story on the television of the city of olan ud, which is in... in buryatia,
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and this video, this story was simply thrown on facebook, and it spread there , and it's really , really funny. we can already watch excerpts, and it is about the main character, his name is alexander. alexander came to us, volan ode on vacation from the so-called of a special operation, he is also a military man, and when he came home, he saw that his house was ransacked, and he began to complain about everything about... the police began to complain to the journalists who came to him, they showed: here he tells that he has they stole, they stole everything, even the thermometer was stolen from the window, all the children's things, all his things, there is nothing to walk in, nothing to dress the children in, he does not understand what kind of people these are who broke into his house, started there to live for a few days, they said, and most of all to me i liked that here he is now showing that
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the toilet was stolen from him and he can't understand how, as he asks the journalist, why steal the toilet, he doesn't understand, and here we are with you, friends, and, and you know, we have been thinking for more than two years, why steal toilets, and, you know, since my toilet was not stolen and almost all my neighbors after the occupation, i thought that this toilet is just some kind of meme already, you know , maybe one was stolen from someone or from two, and it has already dispersed, such an interesting story, but we see why not, because... stealing toilets is a very popular story, but the funniest thing in this plot is not the toilet, the fact is that already at the end this alexander tells the journalist that he does not understand what morality is of this story, let's listen, here's one moment for me, here's one moment i'm interested in, where's the morality, that is, i'm going as a volunteer to the svo, i'm fighting in a foreign country, a foreign land
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, i literally shed my blood for my people, for my republic, for the inhabitants of our buryatia, but returned and saw that i was being robbed a house, a car is stolen, where are the morals? you know, i really liked oleksandr, who really doesn't understand where morality is when he defends his buryat people for some reason, so in ukraine, what is the connection between all that, so he doesn't understand many other connections, well, the main thing. in order for us to understand them, maybe we should go and comment, there is this plot on youtube, maybe we should explain it to him, but because, as i will remind you, he was on vacation at his place right now, and he is going to go back to ukraine for the war from this vacation , well, this is the situation, but let's go to ours now, because we always have scandals, i really like the scandal this time, because it was
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enough... the one when everyone understood everything at once, apologized and there was no more fighting. the fact is that there is such a brand ethnodome, which you probably know very well from previous scandals, this is a very cool brand from my point of view, it also has different clothes, ethnic, and from time to time they do different projects, and here now they have made a project called svoboda rizna, and they are in it wanted to thank various representatives of various countries who help us. are helping ukraine and they released a series of embroidery in which, one way or another , bright symbols of different countries beat the symbols. and everything would be nothing if it were not for the embroidery, which is dedicated to poland, the poles, and there they embroidered such a symbol of the territorial army. as you know, during the second world war, the kraiova army fought not only against the nazis, but also against the upa and killed the civilian population in ukraine.
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that's why this army is a bit contradictory, yes and by the way, etnodom did not do this alone, but together with gur, so the representatives of guru missed the historical part a little, obviously, but when the brand was pointed out about this unfortunate mistake, they immediately apologized and said that they would remove this shirt from sale , and indeed it is no longer on the site, it seems to me that this is a very good indicator that... you need to immediately accept your mistake and then almost everyone will understand you and your reputation will remain, in principle, within the norm. i will remind you about other scandals that happened with ethnodom, first of all, there was a scandal with kosovorodka, do you remember when volodymyr zelenskyi and elena zelenska were photographed in these shirts, and many people started talking about the fact that they are russian...
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kosovorodkas, now we can show them.


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