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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EEST

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oleksandr kovalenko, a military-political columnist of the information resistance group, is great, of course, i still have 5 million questions for him, but you need to have air discipline, and therefore, i hope, we already have bohdan ferens, candidate of political sciences, expert an internationalist, if he has appeared, show him to us, we will still talk with him for now, i am told that he is not there yet, but it is about to arrive, we will just be, we will probably focus on... american topics, and i would i would like to warn you, here is mr. bohdan, thank you, bohdan ferrens is with us, a candidate of political sciences, an international expert, but for citizens who do not care, i want to say that the vote for kyiv at 4:00 p.m. begins the procedure in the lower house of representatives of the united states of america, and the vote itself for aid to ukraine is expected at about 20:00 kyiv time, i.e. in an hour. how
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mykola veresen will disappear from your screens. and now bohdan ferens is on your screens, and we ask him very simple and very difficult questions. what happened in the mind of trump, who said in johnson's head, what johnson said, we will put it to a vote and we will already try to overcome all the obstacles on the way to ukraine receiving 60 billion and 60. as far as i remember, please, well, first of all, i don't think that trump radically changed his position there and became completely different, it is unlikely, but on the other hand , you need to understand that, by the way, we discussed with you on the air more than once, i always emphasized that two factors will affect the acceleration or not. adoption
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of a legislative act and its amendment. first a factor in how the democrats and republicans will come to an agreement among themselves, or find common ground, given the high chances of the adoption of this legislative act today, in my opinion, they really succeeded in finding these common points, and most likely they also concern their internal issues that resonate in the context of electoral races. there is still talk, we are not like that... we are scrupulous about this, but we are also talking about a legislative act on migration issues, on the borders with mexico, hardly it will be quickly adopted, but at the same time it is worth understanding that this is also part of the issues around which these constant communications between the republicans and democrats were built, this is the first, the second, after all, the legislative act was amended, that is, it is not in in the form, at least now, as it has been announced and proposed by the administration. biden, that is
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, these are different legislative initiatives in different countries, and some also in ukraine, there are changes regarding part of the loan funds, which will make it possible, if approved in this form, will give both trump and the republicans an opportunity to communicate to their constituents, saying, look, we still got results that some of the funds will have to be returned, this is not a permanent bailout, and i think they will use that communication strategy. in his further struggle, and the third is a stretch in time, after all, it is months, and both trump, who has a direct influence on the faction, on the party, and mr. johnson, they still showed that without their green light, yes, accepting such important legislative initiatives are now virtually impossible through congress, and that means that they will also present this as a context that... can help them
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work further in the campaign, and the changes that are really happening there geopolitically, or should i say more in the regional vector, there between israel and iran, a new wave of escalation, the russian-ukrainian war, this is also the phase of it, it is seriously reflected in the speeches of key people there, such as there... the cia, which reports to congressmen, so here it is also a factor that worked, well, in principle , the visit of mr. duda is also partly there, i don’t think that he really had a drastic effect, but the communication that took place between the president of poland and between candidate trump, i still think it is a little added, is it not, is mr. bohdana not a school for ukrainian politicians, if we analyze the entire com... we see that this is a classic
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win-win option, i.e. everyone won, biden won, what will he provide aid, the republicans won that they set their terms and... on they must be taken into account, the ukrainians won, because after all they receive help and weapons, and ammunition, money and so on and so on, and this is exactly, this is exactly the sign of a democratic state, where through various compromises that we may not like, but we are not voting for american senates, american presidents, they achieved and delaying, yes , because of ukrainian victims, ukrainian people died because of it, but... they achieved that they are all satisfied, the republicans are satisfied, trump is satisfied, biden i am satisfied, the ukrainians are satisfied, everyone is satisfied, everything is good, is it there, is it worth studying, because i see that the ukrainians have all the remnants of the soviet union, the politicians that either i will win 100, or mr. bohdan will win 100 from me,
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we have there can't be a draw, we have to have an absolute victory for someone, i still think that... that american politics, it has also changed significantly there in the last 10 years, at least, and at the moment we have also observed a certain, a certain erosion and polarization in american society, and in this policy, which in principle could not to give results for many months in such an important area as foreign security policy, the usa, that is, this is really an aid package for ukraine, it is not only about us, not only yes... about the russian-ukrainian war, it is about the national interests of the united states of america , then there is no, yes, difference here, and in this context, i think that with the previous domestic policy of the united states , such decisions would have been made much faster, and
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now there are serious challenges and questions before this pragmatic, sometimes such, on the one hand rational, and on the other hand backstage american politics, but... really , democracy is not the most effective tool for the speed of making certain decisions, i did not say that, and even mr. churchill once stated and they like to repeat such phrases about democracy, so here, if we compare in the context of the confrontation between autocratic regimes, these alliances that are formed at the tactical level there between china, russia, and iran, as well, there is also north korea, then... that is, it is really much easier and faster for autocrats to accept decisions that are immediately converted there into weapons and there into tightening of nuts, regarding the internal rights of certain people in democratic societies, and by the way, this does not only
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apply to the united states, we see now at the level of european countries, they also communicate for quite a long time, where find additional anti-missile air defense systems for ukraine. how to decide it internally for them, i.e. who can financially, who can with the systems themselves, and these processes are stretched over time, when it is precisely the speed and efficiency of making these decisions that is very important, mr. bohdan, the last question, i think, i suspect that this is the last question i have with you, i don't use the word extreme, somehow in ukraine now everything is extreme, we don't have anything last, everything is extreme, but it was like this... yes, the spokesman of the pentagon said that we will very quickly start supplying ukraine after the decision of congress, how quickly is it, do they have everything ready and transports, and fueled planes, and boats, and so on, how about, i
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understand that you not a military or transport expert, but according to your feeling , to quickly hand over weapons to ukraine is weeks, days, months, years, god forbid. indeed, i do not have exact information on how many vessels are loaded there, and how logistically, all these routes have been built, but i believe that now there should be maximum acceleration and a lot depends precisely on the american side, by the way, i assumed earlier that it was it would be good if our partners, perhaps even in advance, had already started such and such logistical acceleration. campaign even before, for example, a decision is made, but with a gut feeling that such a decision will be approved, i.e. yes, don’t wait for it to be there, while the vote is already there, and the senate, i will remind you, but there i think there will be no problems, it will come quickly and biden’s signature will come, but again
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, i think not it is worth waiting , even procedurally, when it is finished, one or another weaponry, which is very important for our heroes on the front, is already possible. it should probably be on the way, let's say so, so we will do everything possible to make these transfers happen as soon as possible, let's say so. which is super necessary at the front. thank you very much, a huge thank you to mr. bohdan ferens, candidate of political science, expert international. we say goodbye to him, now we say hello with advertising, with a pause of 3 minutes and 15 seconds, and then maria mezyntseva, people's deputy of ukraine, head of the permanent delegation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine to the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, and this, but it will still be in 3 minutes -3 and a half, not earlier.
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two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. in the evening! so, as i promised, mrs. maria meznytze, you are a people's deputy of ukraine, the head of the permanent delegation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine to the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, i hope she will appear now, i hope she and i will be able, we will be able to talk, despite the fact that she is moving on some big or small car, and very often it spoils the possibility of contacts, not because we forbid someone to drive something, please. but it's just that i have the impression that it might just hinder us, well less, but
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i have three groups of questions, the first group of questions, and this question: the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe called russia a dictatorship, there is a president, not a president, and the whole world, and this is the end of history, that’s what they said, and then nothing more happens, can there be any consequences of such decisions of the parliamentary assembly ? yes, thank you for the critical and important question, mr. mykola, now i'm stabilizing so that it's convenient for you and the tv viewers to see and listen to me, well, it's very practical. decisions were made, this is not just a matter of statements, in fact something on the international level was spoken for the first time, let's figure it out, moment number one, we already had a register of losses, this is an accumulation of a list of all war crimes, or rather registered criminal cases, which
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are transferred as a registration of war... crimes from kyiv to the hague, into a special register, then they must be verified, the fair price of such damages is determined, although we understand that such categories of war crimes as a missing relative or abducted child, or the sexual abuse of a four-year-old child cannot be assessed in any way by any means, but still the register of damages and compensations will be tried... and for this the question arises, who should pay for it? the assembly of the council of europe, 46 parliaments and actually even more countries of the world, agree that only russia should pay for this, not ukraine, not france, not liechtenstein, which currently chairs the cabinet
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of ministers of the council of europe, only russia. the next logical question is how to transfer sovereign frozen assets. the document mentions 350 billion dollars, but in reality it is them much more, and we can also talk about private individuals who continue to support putin's aggression. we give, let's say, freedom for the legal mechanisms of each member state, and i want to note that again , we are not limited by the geography of the countries of the 46 member states. there may be g7 countries, and canada, and japan, and the united states of america, by the way, both canada and the united states are observer countries, that is, we are entering the practical plane, and by the way, at the meeting of the g7 countries, which took place the other day in italy, this issue was also discussed. i want too
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to note, there are historical short stories about which, perhaps, someone somewhere talked, but they were not put on paper. on paper, this is a question of how the russian church, the moscow patriarchate, behaves, and i want to use the opportunity to appeal to my colleagues as well, we finally have to vote on this document, well , we already at par level support the fact that russia uses this element of religion in fact, as an element of planting a certain religion of war, and not only that, and this... the church is absolutely not a church, only an instrument of influence and spread of russian aggression, also very important, wait, wait, wait, ms. maria, excuse me, please, because i have many questions here, and i would like to ask now, if you could briefly say, the assembly accepted, supported the accession of kosovo to the council of europe, and what was the reaction of serbia, because
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serbia is one of the few countries that are super resistant, simply. they say goodbye to everyone, just briefly, they are satisfied, will they leave the couple, will they not leave, will they stay, or will they just talk and forget, yes, mr. mykola, a separate opinion, that is, an opinion on the introduction kosovo, by the way, is not yet a finished process, the ministers still have to agree to it, but the assembly gave its consent, precisely at the committee on equality, non-discrimination, which i chair, we have both kosovars and serbs represented, and it was so serious. the battle with different nations, and the head of the serbian delegation, she also said that they could potentially consider leaving, but at the level of statements, that's all that remains, so far there are 46 countries, maybe it will be 47 after the decision, including the ministers, so such a short answer, yes now, so more
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one answer may not be so short, but we still have 10 minutes, this is a lot for timing, television, look, i just happened today, or not by accident, probably not by accident, there is nothing accidental in the world, i listened to such tears, i listened to tears good russians on some russian channels, and they said that those who are not russia are not members of the council of europe, but there are russian good russians wandering around, and they say that ukrainians do not want to do business with them, is it true that they there are circles around you, isn't it true? what they want with you make friends and is it true that you are not without enthusiasm for this? look, we had some interesting discussions about... the list, well, the so-called file was called the karamurza list, and this is for the tv viewers, i want to clarify, this is the person who called the war a war
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, one of the first, back in february, during the first days of the invasion , for this he is in prison in russia, his wife evgenia, during the debate, which united three topics, it is the death of navalny, the totalitarian regime. russia and the attack on democracy, kara morza's list, and also the third file, i won’t quote it to you now, she personally spoke from a high platform, from the same platform from which , for example, speaker stefanchuk spoke before, if we consider ms. yevgenia as a representative, well, let’s say, she is not a politician, she is the wife of a politician, yes, but, but she makes quite serious statements and does it... professionally with the full support of ukraine, i just don't know who is reporting this information and what are the names of good russians? that is, i
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can comment on what happened at the assembly, i will say, there is such a father and son gutkovy, this is the elder gutkov, he used to be in the russian parliament, and he really plays a big role there, he does that, and i was just listening to him and he was saying that yes. there is a parliamentary assembly, we were there, we should somehow make friends with them, but somehow the ukrainians are not without enthusiasm towards it , well, i smiled a little to myself, well, because before putin’s government came to power, it was necessary to engage in all these friendships, we have a common so-so note of understanding that is not there the very understanding among russians. in general, that is, there is a feeling that, after all , they expect ukraine to win first, and then something can be done. i am not talking about
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specific names now, but about the feelings that it causes, although at our base the pariah works, and we meet at the highest level, where representatives of the russian opposition speak, but my opinion... and the opinion of my colleagues who work in paré and also at the same time in the temporary investigative commission on the enslaved peoples of russia, this is that we should expand this platform and speak precisely about the enslaved peoples, about the indigenous peoples of russia, about which we said precisely in the file on the murder of navalny and the totalitarian regime of russia, i consider it historical, it is important, it was reacted to by the indigenous peoples of russia, who live all over... the world and support ukraine , by the way, they organized, for example, the circassian community, they organized rallies in support of ukraine for the adoption of the bill, which we are waiting
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for to be voted on today in washington, in the house of representatives, it is very nice, and this is, you know, their appeal hearts they we well, they were not asked for this, they are doing it themselves, and we also talked about the fact that russia... as an empire, well, i am already quoting the resolution itself, it uses enslaved indigenous peoples on the battlefield as well, which leads to unbalanced losses, and also, of course, we talk about the need for decolonization, and for us the most interesting reaction was the reaction of a former colleague in parie, this is mr. tolstoy, i think, posted something to himself in the telegram channel with such. .. you know, with calls, and we should have long ago, sorry, i am quoting, we should have left everyone, from here leave, well that is, it's as usual, you know, if
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they didn't react at all, that means they wouldn't be affected, but the topic is very serious and very interesting, and we know that the representatives, for example, fight together with the defense forces on the battlefield , against the russians, there is an exception, there is one more question, i would... support you in that area that the russians really want to do everything with other people's hands, i very regularly listen to the so -called good russians, they constantly, let's wait until ukraine will win, and the west is not working well with russia ukrainians do it, let the west do it, let everyone do it, and we will sit down and figure out our quarrels among ourselves, one part of the opposition against the other, the second against the third, the third against the fourth, and that's nothing, well, it's hard to imagine... , that they will come to an agreement, but my question is different, home, i invite you home, mrs. maria, next week, plenary and staff, here i have it
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written. and changes in the cabinet of ministers, three or four ministers, these are two vice prime ministers, the prosecutor general may be changed, members of the accounting chamber will be dismissed, some other positions, how serious is this, how serious is this reboot, which mr. president started back in february, now it should spread to the parliament and the cabinet of ministers, what do you know about it, or is it so simple that some forces are speculating through me, i don't.. . yes , the parliament meeting will take place next week, well, we know with you that due to security issues, we do not say a clear date and timing, regarding who exactly can be proposed for replacement, removal from office and new appointment, i do not know yet, such i get the information itself from the general ones resources, just like you, mr. mykola, the only
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thing i know for sure is... in particular, you said that among the parliament, will there be any changes, such changes are not foreseen at the moment, although we will always be happy if, for example, more women will become heads of committees or subcommittees, we are fighting for this and working on it since 2015-14, and this is only, let's say, one of the steps of our general policy of solidarity, women-politics. and gender policy, regarding the positions of ministers, unfortunately, i cannot comment at the moment, because it is not written on the agenda yet, most likely, it will be more appropriate to comment on this from monday, okay, no, well, but the mood, i am not talking about any specifics now, well, if people are just walking around the hall, do you call back, and they say,
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masha, did you hear that pupkin can... be removed, i'm not talking about pubkin-tsyupkin, i'm just saying whether there are any conversations, there are always the day before, there were no conversations, mr. mykola, there were no conversations, because we are reading it with you now from resources are unconfirmed, so far, colleagues are writing something to be newsmakers, yes, collect likes, collect dislikes, give to people, if, well, to express their opinions, i am ... a supporter of having some clarity, so if i am 99.9% sure that today the congress will vote on the aid package, then i can comment on it, and with regard to the appointments of ministers, on sorry, i'm getting away from the comment right now. we have a minute left, but this is a lot for you to explain as much as possible, because there is also a transfer to ukraine in the decisions of the parliamentary assembly. russian money
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that is frozen, that is understandable, but there is already some algorithm, we can already imagine how it is can do, because there are courts, trials, there, it is not such an easy process, not such an easy process, please, ms. maria, mr. mykola, everything is not easy, and it is not easy to create a tribunal, but we started doing it on february 25, 2022, and the damage register is not easy, but we are already at the second stage, that is, first we collected the signatures of the governments of 43 governments, they are added every day. more than that, we agreed that we need to accumulate these funds in different ways, and it is the task of the governments, how they want to do it in what way, and the third is justice, yes, for example, the tribunal will be launched after some time, but every ukrainian family needs justice and payments already today, whether it concerns their destroyed house or a lost relative, god forbid, and in this together with the ministry of justice, with
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the command of the office... we achieve every day, believe me, the work does not stop, the most important thing is that there is a document, it is not something ephemeral, already created, kyivga is in constant communication and ukrainians are very, maria mezentseva, excuse me, maria mezyntseva, people's deputy, head of the permanent delegation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, and now the news with anna eva melnyk, because she will fire me from my job if i already ... 15 seconds dragged on, my congratulations, thank you for your work, the newsroom is working, we will talk about the most important thing in this issue , i will start with the fact that the muscovites launched rockets in the sumy region, i will start with the details of the enemy attack.


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