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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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organizations we achieve every day, believe me, the work does not stop, the most important thing is that there is a document, it is not something ephemeral, already created kyiv-gaga is in constant communication with ukrainians thank you very much, maria mezyntseva, sorry, maria mezyntseva, people's deputy, head of the permanent the delegation of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, and now the news with anna eva melnyk, because she will fire me from my job if i am already 16 seconds late. my greetings, thank you for your work, the news editorial office is working, we will tell you about the most important things in this issue, i will start with that the muscovites launched rockets in the sumy region, i will start with the details of the enemy attack. the russians hit the rake. on the sixth day in sumy oblast
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, the regional military administration reported that the occupiers attacked the city's infrastructure. the consequences of the attack are clarified: emergency services are working on the spot. the enemy attacked zaporizhzhia, our air forces shot down an enemy drone over the city, the head of the regional military administration, ivan fedorov, reported. due to this , residents of the city heard explosions earlier, karmanych said. a 54-year-old man died as a result of an impact in dnipropetrovsk region - said the head of the region, serhiy lesak. the russians attacked the dnipro district. a fire broke out at the point of impact. the flames were extinguished. the details of the shelling are being clarified. large-scale fire in sumy. a non-residential building caught fire there. the flames engulfed the roof, walls and wood inside the building, the state emergency service reported. rescuers managed to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading. on neighboring houses, people
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were not injured. unknown people attacked bukovyna at the military territorial assembly center. the event took place near the village of chornoguzy. previously, a group of civilians used physical force and blocked the car of an employee of the state civil service. in order to protect himself, the serviceman shot the ground and called the police. law enforcement is investigating the reasons and circumstances of the incident. he took the gun. what are you doing, where are you shooting people ? what are you doing here? fighting for the right to be a father, military serviceman ihor solonyna from novoyavorsk returned from the front in the winter of last year. however, still. the former
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his wife does not allow him to see his daughter yana, a 4.5-year-old girl, what prevents the father from spending time with the child and how military servicemen's parents act in similar situations, let's see. igor solonyna's relationship with his wife began to deteriorate even before the full-scale war. in 2021, a special commission that deals with children's issues, at the request of the father, established a schedule of meetings with his daughter. in 2022, the man went to serve in the lviv airborne assault brigade, was in hot spots in the zaporozhye direction, near kremina, bakhmut and kherson. when he returned home, he underwent rehabilitation for several months, the couple officially divorced in september 2023, when the woman began to prevent meetings with the child. since i am a military man, then i am inadequate, commodification of the military is complete.
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it works in all spheres, elementary, i come to the kindergarten in order to see the child, i don’t have a ban, see my child, they tell me, you, i don’t allow you to enter the kindergarten, because the uniform of the armed forces scares people, scares children, i i will not allow you to scare children, since this is a uniform our defenders are afraid of children, what is happening in general, according to the expertise of psychologists and other specialists, the man cannot cause any harm to the child. and the daughter herself needs the father's attention, the husband says, in the official bodies he is hindered and the mother helps him. i asked children's services to help remove the obstacles. nothing was done to me. in general, complete inaction, so that you understand, to date, to date, the child has lost 560 hours of meeting with the father. she was deprived of the right to communicate with her father for 560 hours. at the same time,
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that i was in the east for another year, if the child is now 45 years old, she does not see her father for a third of her life, where are her rights then? igor every month. in total, for the past year, it is more than 3,000 hryvnias, i bought clothes, toys, if necessary, paid for the child's treatment, as well as kindergarten, dances, english language school, leisure time. in a telephone conversation with spresso , igor's ex-wife denied her husband's words and said that she does not forbid him to see the child, she did not want to answer any more. the case of ihor solonyna, regarding his participation in the child's life, is being considered more in court. four months, the meeting was postponed every time. such problematic situations are very common in ukraine. pravozahnyk assures that the military really gets into a deadlock regarding participation in the child's life, and such cases in wartime need to be regulated. first of all
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, it is reasonable to file a petition in court to speed up this case, and secondly, to file a complaint against the judge's actions, if applicable. it is being delayed, thirdly, i see that there is still a need for an executive committee, for example, the one involved in the novoyavari city council, to be considered at a committee meeting the mother's behavior, because she abuses her rights as a mother, i believe that the authorities should be involved here. er, the government and local self-government, well, as such an intermediary between the father and the mother to protect the interests of the child. meanwhile, the committee of the novoyavoriv city council, which includes the child protection service, currently
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does not see a significant problem in this case. that there are two sides, right? one party is satisfied, the other party is dissatisfied, but the final decision is made by the court. but i think two young ones people in... will find some kind of understanding and the service will contribute to that, i really think, but i think that everything will be fine, i don't see such a big conflict there, well, that's my opinion, for example. according to article 141 of the family code of ukraine, the mother and father have equal rights and responsibilities regarding the child, regardless of whether they were married to each other. the supreme court also noted that the issue of raising a child is decided jointly by the parents. the father, who lives separately from the child, is obliged to participate. in her upbringing and has an indisputable right to personal communication with the child, taking into account his attitude towards the fulfillment of his parental duties, the child's attachment to the father, the child's age, the state of his health and other circumstances of significant importance. a mother who lives with a child does not have
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the right to prevent the father from communicating with the child and participating in its upbringing, if such communication does not have a negative impact on the child's normal development. starepravo, oleg palyamar, espresso tv channel. green and red waters, eco-activists have painted the grand canal of venice, ansa reports. in this way, the activists wanted to emphasize the need to solve the climate crisis: colored paint was poured into the canal from a cruise ship plying the waters of venice. the police detained two french tourists. this action is associated with the exhibition today. of art that is currently happening in the city. run to help, a charity race with obstacles was organized in the capital. spartan kyiv, more than 200 participants of various categories, test themselves and overcome a five-kilometer track with 20 obstacles.
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a special part of the event is the staveis race for athletes with musculoskeletal disorders or amputations. the purpose of the event is to raise money for... the name and rehabilitation of the fighter, as well as to purchase fpv drones for units of the main intelligence department. we will have to carry weight, go through manoeuvres, and there will even be a water obstacle, the weather is very nice today, so we will give all the participants very, very many emotions. collecting for the army is always necessary, we need it at the moment.
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the collection of the tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third is underway regiment of special operations forces in the hot eastern direction, they are in heavy battles. t our independence with you, thanks to these courageous soldiers we can live, work, study, and in order to somehow thank you, let's close the collection as soon as possible, the goal is ambitious - 720 00 hryvnias. there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, join, you can see all the details on the screen. read more about the important thing on our website "espresso tv, also subscribe to our channels on social networks and i urge all viewers of espresso" support our youtube channel. mykola veresen will continue to work for you.
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and good health again, i will be with you until 19:00 and we will start with gas and oil of ukraine, oil and gas of ukraine, why? because andriy zakrevskyi is with us, an energy expert, the chairman of the board of the association called oil and gas of ukraine, and now he will appear and we will talk with him. thank you, mr. andrii, for finding time for us, thank you very much. well, thank you, i'm glad to see you, mr. mykola, each other, each other, it's very nice to be with you to work always, and here is my question, this morning i was just looking at what different people write, and there is a huge criticism of the energy companies, that they did not save something there, were not able to repel some attacks and so on and so on, and there is some kind of discussion , and i am a little bit like that, you know, despite the fact that these are quite tragic stories because of the russian raids, i... allowed myself to smile a little and thought: there is an opportunity and i am redirecting my thoughts to you, mr. andriy, but there is, in principle
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, an opportunity to protect the energy system ukraine, it exists like that in nature, but remember vysotsky's song, if i decide something, i will definitely drink it, yes, well, such an opportunity does not actually exist, but i can say that there are almost only two on the territory of ukraine. of energy infrastructure that are protected from the type of strikes that the russians have taken during this full-scale invasion, what we call, since february 22nd, is underground gas storage, well, because it's just essentially old gas fields, no caves there, as people imagine, there is no gas or oil underground, it is a rock through which something seeps through microscopic hairs and they are deep. there from 400 m there from 2 km, so if even a nuclear bomb gets there, then
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no more gas will burn there, and by the way, such an experiment was conducted near kharkiv oblast, if you do not know, there are so -called peaceful nuclear explosions, and what was done by the soviet union, they once tried to put a nuclear bomb in a well and make just such a cave and thought that the gas would go there from that, well, nothing happened, but the second one... this is a nuclear zone of the reactor, when it is shut down, that's where that's where that's the fuel assemblies, that's where that's here is the water with the pool, here, if it is blocked, if it does not work, then this is the safest place on earth in general, in the world, if there was a nuclear war, then in fact, during a nuclear war, we should not make bunkers, move to the zone nuclear reactor, that is, there is the safest place on earth, well , it is... these are two such places that are fully secured, everything else, if you want, you
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can handle it, the question, i agree, mr. andriy, and so for viewers, just to make it clear, now there is a discussion that ukraine can get five or six or seven patriots there, i looked at the americans, the american pentagon, the department of defense says that they are 67 patriots short in america. in order to close all the critical places, they themselves need to build 67 more of them and put them there, i don't know, around some critical points, so if there is not enough in america, it is even more so in ukraine, so we come to a balance, we come simply to the balance of air defense and the attacks that the russians can make, and here we have a good... news, the most good news, i don't i know, i told you, didn’t i tell you, it was,
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it was the most pleasant for me, it’s the second wave of attack on our power system, but when the first wave went then on thursday, i think that’s it, we’re good, now with the second wave they will take out everything and so on, and here they cannot bear everything with the second wave, they need a third wave, then a fourth wave, and when i saw in 4 eyes... three waves, then i understood that the goat-faced people simply do not have enough means for that , to push it, and everything became clear to me, we were exhausted in the process. the earth, they flew at us, they were shaheds, found out where it is, that's all, yes, and then they already took out our maneuverable power generation and thermal generation of kharkiv and sumy with these four waves, that is, now i answer this question, what should have been invested in, well, now it is clear that it was necessary to invest not in concrete, turtles and so on, but as people advised, it was necessary to increase
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this mobile anti-aircraft defense, that is, roughly speaking, all of them are there, well, i say so conditionally. spikes, yes, that is, rapid-fire guns that can hit anti-aircraft targets and so on and the like, this had to be done, and it is now of course, it was necessary to put patriots and this and that, of course, and then you can already worry about some shards there and other things, but the first thing that had to be done was to create mobile, mobile air defense groups against shahedov, they are very... after all, when our pppo system was crushed, they suggested to us, well, and then this, anti-aircraft missiles, that is , we could protect ourselves with those things, now, by the way, the muscovites are there too these nets are stretched, well let them be stretched, especially after saw two of our drones hit
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the rectification column, one after the other, well we're just getting to it, but i'm with you with your permission. i will steal the phrase the word goat-mordi, i somehow did not hear it, now i will steal it from you, i will use it sometimes, excuse me, please, we will settle after the war, well, it is very simple here, he is a goat-mordi sitting on his left shoulder, and they already have there is no head, and now they have become scapegoats, that is, now about russia, mr. andrii, look, at first they said that ukrainian attacks are quite significantly damaging, are destroying, doing a good thing for ukraine. and now literally yesterday or the day before yesterday, i read somewhere that they have already restored everything and they don’t have all the damage, and all the oil refineries worked flawlessly, just like before the bombing, and everything, everything is fine, tell me your point of view, to what extent, why what the experts say, it can't be restored in weeks,
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it can be restored in years, or something like a year in the ideal version, and there is nowhere to take it. europeans don't sell spare parts, americans don't sell them and say that it is it's impossible, it's as if they have restored everything here and everything is fine with them as always, well, as they say in the joke, as the neighbor says that at the age of 90 he has a 20-year-old young woman, then you can also talk about it, and not come to doctor, that’s right, so what are they, they just talk about it, but the facts are different, the facts, here are two facts that simply cross out this entire conversation, the first fact is... that a 25% drop in diesel exports from russia , this is the first fact, the most important, and the second fact is that they requested emergency assistance there to create a reserve of 100,000 tons of gasoline from kazakhstan, well, what is that for a country without a column, a 25% loss of diesel exports, look,
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they had 430 million tons, they could process them. oil, yes, that is, into oil products, was never processed, it was somewhere around 372, 372 million, and this goat-faced minister comes out, again the goat-faced minister of the russians and says, but to me, we have such reserves in terms of capacities, we did not use them completely, therefore they hit us, there are no questions for us, yes, and here is 25%, they cannot create a diesel engine, no, so there is problem if you have 25% drop. diesel, but now the sowing has just started, and you didn't, and you could say that there are bans on the export of diesel, no, there is a ban on the export of gasoline, but there was no ban on the export of diesel, and you have such a drop, that's when we hit for gasoline, then we saw that once they recovered, well, there is oil, they started a little more there, well, a 14%
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drop in gasoline production, and exports increased by about 14% in the first two weeks. oil flow, here the export of diesel is reduced by 25%, oil flow does not increase, and this indicates that everything, primary oil processing is covered, and where the primary oil processing is covered, on the other hand, through the pipe, there is a field, and unlike a factory, you cannot restore a field, and that is all, that is, you can already safely say about what i predicted to you on our airwaves two years ago, well... everyone likes to refer to me, where are your predictions about the death of niftyanka, and what is this? you were 25, 25% is not enough for you, what i like, why i love. with andii zakrevsky, because he is an optimist, and optimists live 8 years longer than pessimists, and our conversation today is just optimistic, the ukrainian
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energy system can withstand and the russian energy system cannot withstand, excellent news, news andriy zakrevsky, energy expert, chairman of the board of the oil and gas association of ukraine, was in touch with us, now a small pause, and then we will talk about the middle east, and about iran, and about israel, and about the surrounding countries. not arab around israel, in short, we will talk about all this with sergey danilov, deputy director of the center for middle eastern studies, now a pause, a few minutes two the pain in the joints is so piercing, it does not allow to move. in the pharmacy, i bought a yellow dolgit cream, it saves me from the pain of rheumatism. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate the zas after its release - says energy expert olga kosharna. exclusive interview with valery peker.
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every saturday at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. watch at 9 p.m. news, summaries of the week. decisive saturday. the house of representatives is considering bills on aid to ukraine, israel and the indo-pacific region. the pentagon is already ready to quickly send a package of weapons to kyiv. the document will soon be approved in the house of representatives. senate. systems air defense will be defense ministers of nato countries agreed to strengthen and provide further military support to ukraine.
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approximately one in eight people in the world will participate in the vote. parliamentary elections are underway in india. why is it important for ukraine? about this and much more already at 21 on espresso. yes, good health, i will repeat it once again, at 16:00 kyiv time, that is , a discussion has already begun in washington about whether to provide money to 60 excess billions in ukraine, at 20:00, that is , an hour after when i finish my broadcast, it will be here voting, voting is expected, the discussion is going on now, and we are going to the middle east, together with serhiy danilov, deputy director of the middle eastern studies center. he appears in front of us, thank you mr. sergius for taking the time for us, well, so, israel bombed the environment near
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kos. consulate of iran in syria, then iran bombed something not very bright, we saw it, now yesterday israel responded to it, this is the end of the story, this part of the marlizon ballet is already over, can we expect further escalation, because all in my opinion, they bombed each other in such a way that the consequences were as small as possible, so that no one would start such an uproar. the situation in the middle east, what do you say, mr. sergey? but i will also say exactly that, everyone tried to minimize the consequences, everyone tried to avoid a regional war. everyone agreed with everyone, everyone warned about everything, and everyone did everything so that there would not be a big war, this is the truth. but at the same time, it should be understood that as a result, everyone showed their capabilities. the iranian side,
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especially with less. israeli strike on isfahan, but in reality it was not as small as they tried to show, the israelis clearly showed what will happen when they want to strike, that's on the one hand, but on the other hand, they were quite happy for the iranians to celebrate, there were even dancing over the israelis, saying your wedding... the fpv drones that went down there didn't do anything, they're not a serious threat to us like the iranians tried to do. everyone won, yes, this, this is such a he-he, but my question, we, i think, talked to you about this, maybe not, maybe i forgot something, but this is a nuclear program, there are rumors that israel will not
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be able to destroy anything there. because they buried themselves underground, all these productions, all these centrifuges there, or whatever they are called there, and now israel can bomb iran, but it can inflict some very heavy casualties on the troops , but the nuclear program will not be able to stop, what do you say, well, israel has accumulated enough during the opposition to the iranian nuclear program. experience of a non-trivial response to this nuclear program, there were also, interception of control, for example, centrifuges that were accelerated to such a speed that they broke, the introduction of viruses, the killing of key engineers who were associated with the nuclear program, and on account of what was buried, the iranians
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buried it perfectly . by the way, they always like to show underground storages, in which missiles, planes, unmanned vehicles, which are out of reach, but each of these underground storages has a small dot where it all comes to the surface, a gate, relatively speaking, and if these gates are blocked, then... then yes, iranian missiles, the iranian nuclear complex underground will be preserved, but it will be problematic to get to it. look, one more question, there was information today that from the united states, that israel and saudi arabia may soon conclude, well, in the coming months, not the coming days or hours, a historic agreement
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on normalization. relations, then my question is, on october 7, there was a terrible attack by hamas on israel, that’s it, now the war is going on, but it means that the radical muslims have not made any progress if these negotiations with saudi arabia continue, saudi arabia is obviously a key country in the middle east, one of the key countries, and if they come to an agreement with israel then they can follow. the remnants of those countries that have not yet agreed with israel, because we know that a huge number of countries have already agreed on the normalization of relations, then all these vain hopes to isolate israel, to continue some such intrigues, speaking in russian against israel, all this if it is in vain, the world will live its own life, and all these problematic moments can be, well , at least temporarily healed.


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