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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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that this help will be quickly approved, i want to thank all those who were with us during this broadcast, thank you, thank you vitaliy portnikov, once again we congratulate all ukrainians, all citizens of ukraine, all those who supported us, the saturday political club, we were live and followed this historic event and discussed all the most important events of the week. thank you and see you soon. in a week, goodbye, good luck, victory to you and glory to ukraine, help from the usa, what exactly does our country expect to receive from its allies. destruction for the first time
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bomber plane and why the results of the parliamentary elections in india are important to us? good evening, anna yavomelnyk is with you, the espresso team talks about the most important things of the past week. they finally agreed, after six months of delay, today the us house of representatives supported the provision of an aid package for ukraine, israel and the indo-pacific region. now with a final vote in the senate, majority leader democratic sen. schumer has warned his colleagues: be prepared to stay through the weekend to finish work on the package he supports help president joseph biden promises to immediately sign these bills after the congressional vote on long deliberations and what we can finally get from the us in a detailed review. being an enemy of america can be dangerous, but being a friend of america is fatal. the supersense of this aphorism, which is attributed to the legendary state. henry
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kissinger of the usa ukrainians had time to think over the past six months, that's how much time congress needed to finally take up the consideration of a vitally important package for ukraine help back on october 20, president joseph biden proposed a bill that provided military support to ukraine, israel and taiwan, but the document became hostage to the election campaign and irreconcilable contradictions between democrats and republicans. the result for... an acute shortage of artillery shells and air defense equipment, a retreat from avdiyivka and the threat of a collapse of the front, which the media are writing about and ukrainian and western politicians are already openly talking about. it is necessary to specifically tell congress that if congress does not help ukraine, ukraine will lose the war. and find a public format of this. if ukraine loses the war, other states will be attacked. and this is a fact. the most surprising thing in this story is that
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after a half-year delay in the draft law, little has changed in substance. almost 61 billion dollars have been pledged for the needs of ukraine. this is the same amount proposed by the biden administration. not all funds are directly received by ukraine. more than a third, i.e. 23 billion, will go towards the purchase of weapons to replenish the pentagon's warehouses. more than 20 billion will go directly to the ukrainian defense forces, both for immediate needs and on. long-term programs, finally almost another 8 billion is direct budgetary support of ukraine. the most heated debate took place around the last point. after all, it was formally issued not as a grant, i.e. irreversible aid, but as a loan, which, however, the us president will have the right to write off with the consent of congress. the only significant innovation of michael johnson - the joint project was divided into three parts, separately for ukraine, israel and taiwan. in addition, there appeared an item about... confiscation
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of frozen russian assets for the benefit of ukraine. i think that helping ukraine right now is critical. i really believe the information and the briefings we received. i believe that xi jinping, vladimir putin and iran are indeed the messengers of evil. i think vladimir putin would march across europe if he were allowed to. i think he might go to the balkans next time. i think he may have a conflict with poland. or one of our nato allies. was speaker johnson really so frightened by the closed briefings of numerous american intelligence agencies? maybe. in particular, this week cia director william burns spoke before congressmen. he directly warned american lawmakers. if you don't vote, ukraine will fall. there is a very real risk that the ukrainians could lose the battlefield by the end of 2024, or at least put putin in that position. when he will be able to essentially
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dictate the terms of the political settlement. it is not only about russian aggression, but also about china's cronyism, its ambitions and our allies and partners in the indo-pacific region. it really is the question of whether our adversaries understand our reliability and resolve, and whether our allies and partners do. however, there is another explanation why speaker johnson agreed to bring the bill to the vote without reference to the issue of the security of the us-mexico border, which the republicans insisted on earlier, it is donald trump. thanks to the support of the ex-president, the little-known congressman from louisiana, mike johnson, became the head of the lower house of the parliament. the most powerful country in the world, and his opinion for johnson weighs much more than briefings intelligence trump de facto won the nomination from the republicans and is ready for a rematch with biden. it is difficult to call him a sympathizer of ukraine. he criticized the biden administration with the help of kiev, stressing that
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once he returned to the white house, he would be able to stop the war in 24 hours. the former us president was against aid to ukraine. two ex-prime ministers of britain, boryzh, tried to change his opinion at once. johnson, who met with trump last year, and the current foreign secretary , david cameron, who spoke with trump this year in early april. according to the media, both missions failed, but after another meeting with speaker johnson, trump did not object to the aid package to ukraine, if it was issued as a loan. and then something unexpected happened. in his social network, the ex-president wrote for the first time about the importance of ukraine for the united states. why can't europe contribute the same or proportional amount that the united states of america contributes to help a country that desperately needs help. everyone agrees, survival and strength of ukraine should be much more important for europe than for us, but it is also important for us.
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come to europe. donald trump, the president of the united states in 2017-2021, is the presumptive candidate for the presidency of the republican party. has trump changed his mind, and if so, why? perhaps he also received information about the real state of affairs at the front and the only way to save ukraine, as kissinger himself said, the lack of alternatives miraculously clears the brain, and speaker johnson heard trump's main demand. in his project, it is clearly stated that economic us aid cannot exceed 50% of combined allied aid. first of all, the eu and japan. importantly, the initiative includes a call to president biden, finally. provide ukraine with missiles for long-range attacks. it is interesting that in the document, the purpose of aid is not only the ability to defend itself, but also ukraine's victory over russia. the only question is whether american lawmakers have matured to this goal too late. a tragic day in
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chernihiv. on the morning of april 17, the russians launched three iskander missile strikes on the city. 18 people died and were injured. 78, including four children. the attack was on the central part of the city, where many people were at the time of the attack, damaged civilian objects, houses, a hospital and the central building of the chernihiv polytechnic. it is a difficult day in dnipropetrovsk oblast as well. on the morning of april 19, the russian army attacked dnipro, senelnikovo, kryvorizky district and pavlograd with missiles. in dnipro , the russians hit a... high-rise building near the station, as a result of the attack, three people died in the city, among them an employee of ukrzaliznytsia, in general, due to the shelling of the russian invaders in dnipropetrovsk region, eight people were killed, two of them children, at least 34 people were injured, debris, a private house,
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educational institutions, cars, the countryside and the infrastructure of the region were destroyed. a day of mourning was declared in dnipro on saturday. air defense systems. will be, the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, jens stoltenberg, announced after the meeting of the ukraine-nato council. according to him , the ministers of the alliance agreed to provide ukraine with more air defense systems. the secretary general did not specify the number, but noted the batteries the patriots will help. president volodymyr zelenskyi joined the meeting of the ukraine nato council online. the supreme commander called for the provision of aircraft and long-range weapons. and emphasized: ukraine needs at least seven more patriot anti-aircraft missile complexes or its analogues for defense. our capabilities from a distance impression, it is absurd when partners are afraid of their strength. the more means of long-range
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influence our soldiers have in their hands, the closer it will be, the sooner peace will come. poleboi really needs long-range missiles impressions and artillery. regarding the payment. air defense systems for ukraine, i want to say that it will happen soon. germany also decided to provide additional systems to ukraine. ukraine will soon receive additional patriot systems. our allies in... which, unfortunately, do not have available systems, they can provide financial assistance to ukraine. we are also working to strengthen the production of those necessary systems that met the goals. for the first time, the defense forces destroyed the russian tu-22m3 strategic bomber. from it muscovites shelled ukraine, shot it down 300 km from the state border. the elimination of the enemy bird was a joint operation of the air force and the headquarters. intelligence, as a result of damage the plane was able to fly to the stavropol region, where it fell and
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crashed. rosmedia confirms the death of two pilots, as noted by air force spokesman ilya yevlash. it was from this bomber that x-22 missiles were fired at the dnipro and kryvyi rih. exactly at the enemy's goal. on the night of april 17 , local residents heard powerful explosions in the temporarily occupied dzhankoy in crimea. reported that fires had started in the area of ​​the military airfield. the main directorate of intelligence of ukraine has officially confirmed the destroyed or critically damaged russian equipment, it is about four s-400 sam launchers, three radar stations, a control point for air defense equipment and air space surveillance equipment fundament m. as noted in gur, enemy losses are still being clarified . after striking , most of the aircraft. occupiers relocated, i should note, the airfield in zhankoya, one of the largest bases for russian
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helicopters, as well as a military transport node that serves to move both equipment and ammunition, as well as personnel. strengthening of mobilization, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi signed a new law on mobilization on tuesday, it will enter into force in a month, i.e. on may 16. president . said that it will help the country's military leadership, and the document also has norms for supporting the troops at the front, thanks to rotations and vacations. however, there is no demobilization there. the act deals with new rules for the mobilization of military records, conscripts, conscripts and reservists, social protection of military personnel, as well as individual issues of military service. on april 11, 283 people's deputies voted for the draft law. the biggest elections on april 19
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, the first stage of parliamentary elections began in the republic of india, how do people vote in the largest democracy in the world and why ukraine does not care. answers in the material of kateryna galko. approximately one in eight people in the world will participate in this vote. parliamentary elections are underway in india. 969. citizens 543 deputies will be elected to bharata for the next 5 years. voting will take place in several stages, that is, seven days over six weeks. so that 15 million employees of the security service were able to protect more than one million precincts throughout the country. our third term. the government is not far away, there are 100-150 days left, i do not delve into the numbers, but
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i feel the mood of the country. this is the statement of the current prime minister narendra modi. he hopes to win a third consecutive term. under modi's leadership, india's economy surpassed britain's in terms of gdp in 2023 and became the fifth largest in the world. him the goal is to achieve the status of a developed country before old age regardless of the proclamation. in 2047 to sit on two chairs, so to speak, yes, what we can see from the outside, but this is the kind of balancing that he will do, i think that now they are also actively negotiating peace summits, and maybe they will participate, and indeed , recent polls point to a victory for modi's party, the bjp and its allies, but the opposition, india's... inclusive development alliance says india is now sliding towards autocracy, representatives of
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indian minorities report discrimination and attacks, and freedom house classifies india as only a partially free country. mr. narendra modi claims to have passed a bill offering reservation in parliament. he performed an important role and then told the nation that the parliamentary assembly would be held after 10 years. we don't need 10 years. we will do it as soon as we come to power. who would n't win an election in india? ukraine is interested in new delhi's position on russia. ukrainian war. as of the end of 2023, the country has sent 14 tranches of humanitarian aid aid to ukraine. meanwhile, the traditionally neutral pharad was carefully building a particularly privileged strategic partnership with the russian federation. and in voting for ukrainian resolutions at the un, india abstained throughout the entire period
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of the full-scale invasion. and for desert. russia has become the main supplier of oil to india in the financial year 2023-24 thanks to unprecedented discounts. the world is grateful to india for buying russian oil. it's not that they don't want us to buy russian oil. there may be price restrictions, there may be other restrictions. it is so. if india wants to buy russian oil, if we start buying more middle eastern oil, the price... will not be 75 or 76, it will be around 150. the countries of the global south, for various reasons, cannot or do not want to unquestionably side with ukraine, but here is the formula president volodymyr zelenskyi's 10-point peace plan allows such states to choose those areas of support that will be politically safe for them, and even
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despite its objectively undefined position, india took part in... all meetings on levels of foreign policy and security advisors in the format of the peace formula. they are part of the process, and today we really did not talk about the inclusion of india in the peace formula in principle, because they are already in this process, namely about the organization of the peace formula summit, which was agreed upon by the presidents of ukraine and switzerland, and we also talked about concrete steps that india could take, and what other countries. we could involve the so-called global south together in this process. the ice between india and ukraine is breaking. this march minister of foreign affairs dmytro kuleba visited new delhi for the first time in seven years. it is quite important that russia can become an enemy even for india, because the increased cooperation between moscow and beijing exacerbates the difficult
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geopolitical situation in the region. but here are the answers to these questions. we don't have to announce the results of the elections in india until june 4. a sudden and irreparable loss for ukraine. this week , ukrainian writer and public figure dmytro kapranov was said goodbye in mykhailo golden dome cathedral. he died on the 16th april at the age of 56. the cause of death was heart problems. dmytro was buried at the baiko cemetery. kapranovo brothers and ukrainian writing. publishers, publicists, public figures and bloggers. they founded a youtube channel named after taras hryhorovych shevchenko about the history of ukraine. and from the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion , they fought against the russian invaders in the ranks of the azov regiment. guys, in general, they were always joking, funny, like, you know, as they
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say, with a twist, with such a twist, playing in the nativity scene. well, my personal story. with them, this is an interview about the maidan, euromaidan, they were just writing a book about the maidan, and i gave a comment about it, as the commander of the euromaidan, so i can only remember the good, the good and say that i should repeat what i think, for the country is a great loss, this loss is so powerful, i am not exaggerating, well, it is clear that for the family, it is clear that for friends, and for ukraine, well, you know, it is such a huge hole today. was formed, i am not talking about when i was on farewell and looked at another brother, and that was the impression, it was like a painful amputation that happened before our eyes, it's just some kind of absurd, to be honest, the world volunteer thanksgiving day, today each of you is a volunteer, because thanks to your donations, we managed to close more than 80 meetings, which is more than
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32 million hryvnias . the espresso tv team has been volunteering since 2000, and with the start of a full-scale invasion, activity has intensified. espresso takes care of providing units of the armed forces of ukraine with the necessary equipment, vehicles, and clothing. and for the second year in a row we make our own vitamin mixes and goodies for our defenders. the espresso team is open to cooperation with foundations, companies and individuals. i, iryna koval, mother, wife, tv channel host. espresso, and i'm a volunteer. our military on the front lines need a lot of things every day, and that's why part of my life today is helping the armed forces. of ukraine, and i am very grateful to my colleagues for supporting me in this. espresso tv channel and the yerena koval charitable foundation are asking for help with the purchase
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maviks and accessories for them, as well as fpv drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. the first thing to do is to make coffee, and with the second hand to make a quick donation, because together with the ua resistance base, we are collecting 2 million for very necessary things. take revenge. russians can donate. collection from the tv channel continues. they are fighting for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front. and they give us the opportunity to live, work and study. we ask you also not to forget that our volunteer mission continues we are currently collecting funds in order to collect uah 2 million for the purchase of fpv drones. the sooner those fpv drones get to the front, the faster they will do their job, the more our lives will be saved. i mean the lives of our defenders, well , ours and yours. in less than three weeks, we managed to collect uah 1,300,000. thanks to you, we were able to purchase
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radios and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, and detection detectors for the military, who are performing combat missions in the zaporozhye region drones and many other equipment. now these drones will help soldiers on the front lines to destroy the enemy and save our defenders. glory to ukraine! glory to the hero! glory to the nation! this is death! ukraine! i want to thank the readers and the team from the press for collecting and producing after those povidrons. we carry out tasks in the eastern direction. and these co-buckets will help us destroy water. this car and yasin's father will go to protect yasya and many other children of the east. i want to thank all the viewers of spresso for the help you give us
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army we will end our season with a vitamin. mixtures, but the boys still need some kind of supporting and nutritious lollipop, and we have sweat no less, so we decided this time with our colleagues to repurpose our kitchen a little and continue, well, rather packaging than production, and we are looking for collaborations with other volunteers who prepare, for example, dry borscht or stewed meat, it is important to understand that this is not a stew. it is stewed meat or jerky, that is, dried meat or fish, in that difficult time they see us,
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they listen and know what we do on such days off as saturdays, thank you very much to tetiana rubas from the kyiv region, we have stewed meat again. we have honey, we have dried meat, we also have canned meat, once again thank you very much, ms. tatyana, and until the next meetings, well, continue to support us, glory to ukraine, i am very grateful to you for your donations, for that , that you help us do our work, for this rap, it makes our work easier, it knocks down the tron, it works, we are very grateful to you. we express our sincere thanks to everyone to our viewer and reader. thank you the espresso team talked about the main events of the week. stay tuned, read more on
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the spreso tv website, subscribe to our social media channels and of course, support the espresso youtube channel with your likes and comments. good bye. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags are not for my sick back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with the cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit - the only yellow cream for pain in the joints and back. turn on well, it's when everything is as you want. click and now you're running the game, bird and you're on a tv show. oh, what is needed. we are google, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgyl.
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espresso tv channel. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 for espresso. premium sponsor the national team represents united football together stronger.
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congratulations! another edition of the real front program is on the air. and i, taras berezovyts, am with you. ukraine does not have the necessary amount of weapons to successfully resist the russian invasion, president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi said in an interview with the pbs channel. under such conditions, the occupiers will push it further every day - the president emphasized. let's hear direct speech, i will give you one example, a very simple one, at the trypil station, and the light in the kyiv region depends on it, 11 rockets flew, the first we destroyed seven, four destroyed tripillia, why, because we had zero missiles.
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all the rockets protecting trypilly ran out. you know when they say that the allies cannot give us this or that weapon, or cannot be in ukraine with this or that force, because then it will be perceived that ukraine has dragged out the nato war. today we will talk about this in our issue. the situation at the front and the lack of resources prompts the military to make loud statements, and the politicians to intensify mobilization. in the united states are concerned about the possible confrontation between israel and iran. however, they promised not to intervene in a direct confrontation. after several difficult months of congressional gridlock.


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