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tv   [untitled]    April 20, 2024 11:00pm-11:29pm EEST

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just hit this five-story building, they coincided so much that my colleague serhii horbatenko, a journalist of the donbass, was kind. with bakhmut and he shared his memories and an exclusive video. serhiy himself shot it in the city, which is now completely destroyed, because before that bakhmut was one of the most beautiful and oldest cities of donbas, its business cards are not mines and factories, but champagne and salt. in 1950 , the artemiv factory of champagne wines already existed. fighters use bottles lying idle. when bahmud was already
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under fire, i went there, made stories with of these arrivals, showed the deaths of people, and my mother kept saying: take the canning, because i was making it, it will disappear somehow, and in the end it so happened that the only thing i took from this apartment was my father's fishing rods and a bag of bakhmutska with... salt, well, about five kilograms, and i like to cook borscht, soups, various dishes, i know that bakhmut salt is the best, for this it was created simply by god himself, in order to cook delicious food, and currently here in kramatorsk this bag is with me, it is about half empty, but i hope that before our victory i will bakhmut salt will still be enough, thanks to the fact that... since the beginning of the russian aggression in 2014
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, bakhmut was quite far from the demarcation line, which allowed it to develop, build and even become a kind of hub for migrants from donbas. today i live here in bakhmut, i don't know what will happen tomorrow. bahmud lived actively, had his own holidays and traditions. for example, every year on january 22 , a long ukrainian flag was unfurled in the city on the day of the unity of ukraine. we will remind, for the first time in donbas. the yellow flag was raised in bakhmut over the district zemstvo by the board it was in november 1917, when the central council proclaimed the formation of the ukrainian people's republic. i used to walk along this troyant alley almost every day in the summer, going down to the northern pond. and there were wonderful places where i caught such normal crucians. all my fishing photos were taken. on
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a film camera, and they all stayed in my parents' apartment, i hope they stayed, that they will wait, someday i would like to show them to my son again. artillery and airstrikes on the city began back in may of the 22nd year. but the russian troops concentrated on attempts to capture bahmud in the summer. fierce fighting began that lasted more than 10 months. according to preliminary estimates, the russian army lost about 100,000 soldiers at bakhmut. if we are talking about bakhmut, there is such a concept, and first of all it is important for the military, military expediency. expediency from the point of view of maintaining this location, and during this or that operation. and bahmud in this case, he became. just such
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an evocation, and which attracted to itself the maximum number of enemy troops. just for the enemies, for the russians, bahmud became a kind of, you know, a-ah, an idea of ​​a fix, a symbol, the taking of which, well, played a more political role. running, burning, and burning here. let's put it this way, after the end of the operation, the defensive operation in bakhmut, something serious happened on the front line. by no means, by no means, but bakhmut actually destroyed the enemy's plans for massive offensive operations in the north. bakhmut allowed us to buy time by drawing a considerable force of the enemy in order to prepare the shock brigades we employed, a separate subject, how effectively we employed them, in the half-day battles. that is, from a military point of view, bakhmut played his role. this city. was once
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home to 70,000 people, the institute of national remembrance says that you can understand from the video and photos that there is almost no surviving house left in bakhmut, this city also experienced... the revolution of the 17th year of the ukrainian revolution, this city suffered and its surroundings, the city of the ukrainian holodomor 2 1933 places, this city suffered a period of great terror, suffered, there was accordingly persecution, there was a nazi occupation in this place, and yet, even after the nazi occupation, this city was less destroyed than it is now during the period of the russian invasion. where houses are destroyed, where life is destroyed by the complete absence of life. tens of meters of this land are taken away from you, your parents, and your children every day.
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what can you feel when a piece of flesh is constantly being cut off from you, what can you feel? you can feel not... hatred, pain, you can weaken, it hurts, well in a human way, it hurts when you are cut alive into pieces, and now ukraine continues to be cut alive into pieces, it is very difficult, but, i would say that the city is raped by russian ammunition, it lived little by little in it somehow. it is not killed, but it is raped by rockets, mines, shells, when it was still possible to go to bakhmut, i tried to go as often as possible, i did not go to work, i went to see my old friend,
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me, i just every time i came there , i just hugged him, i hugged him tried somehow to calm down, to hold tight. to him to breathe this air of the city where i carved, where i became a man, i just wanted to hug him, and the raped city, beaten, crushed, but it is still alive, both bahmud and avdiyivka are under occupation not for the first time, russia seized it in the spring 2014 and ukraine managed to liberate the city. in four months. 16:32 minutes, let us raise the flag of ukraine. the president allows to raise the flag, raise it. there is hope, i believe in god and i hope that he will help us all, and there is
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hope that one day i will return there and i will hug again, i will hug bahmut. and this is the first thing i would do, i would go there and see what happened to my apartment. parents, because they miss her very much, very much, and secondly, i would go to the ruins of the house where i was born, where i grew up, i would just, i don't know what i would do there, but i would i visited exactly there, these are two locations, two points, two places where my strength came from and where some of my strength comes from, i would go. right there.
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people are sitting on a bench, and young people are walking, talking to each other, and this is very gratifying. it footage of the summer of the 20th year, the video is called "marinka chooses peace". people tell local tv journalists that for the first time in a long time they fall asleep at home without being surrounded by cannons of explosions. we don't go out in basements, we sit for days, days. let's not get out, but this video was filmed by our team of the donbass rally exactly two years later, when there were only 500 civilians left in marinetz out of 10,000 local residents. that's how marinka will turn it off now, this is how marinka looks now, almost everything is burned. by the end
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of the 22nd year, it was possible to evacuate everyone from the city residents no one lives in maryinka anymore. all these places, all these streets where... yarik was, these are all my very dear places, i see this destroyed rax, i understand that i have been there 10 times, because we have a very, very big family.
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oleg grew up on the outskirts of marinka in the village of oleksandrivka, says that every trip there was an adventure for him. i remember that my grandfather and i took seeds with us and went to the elevator, i was very small, he sat on my motorcycle, the motorcycle was full of seeds, these seeds then had to be processed, to imagine that this is an elevator in a building'. will become a direct strategic point of defense, because it is an important point of that front line, well , not that it was impossible, as one could imagine it when i was 5-6 years old. marinka practically adjoins the outskirts of occupied donetsk, so since 2014 it has become one of the hotspots of the russian-ukrainian war. at the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation, all of ukraine was talking about this small town. it remains the hottest point of the front. defense of the ukrainian military.
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marinka was a key point where he was crossing point, through which people moved from the occupation to the territory controlled by ukraine and back. the shortest road from the controlled territory to donetsk is through the marinka checkpoint. there is always a queue here. more than 6,000 people cross this kpv every day. people had no idea where they were or why they were important. and where will they come from? when they, well, who explained it to them, they lived, lived, and then at one point in the 14th year a border appeared, well, in fact, it is a border, if it is not a border, then at least it is a fence, well, what about the fact is, to be honest, this is the front, and they lived for themselves and did not even realize that yesterday they could simply drive from marinka to oleksandrivka with a lisapette, as they say, and today you cannot do that and... these cultural ties, family ties, some stayed there, others there, they
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talk to each other, communicate about something, but they are here and there at the moment when you stand and look at that front line, there you already see some stadium where we played football, yes, and you look and realize that it's very close, but it is very far, at the same time, despite the proximity to the front line, the city lived life, schools opened, small businesses appeared. two schools opened in the front-line city on september 1. we will create about 15 jobs on the basis of the bakery. people will receive a full salary. on february 17, 2022, shelling in the marinka area intensified, and from that moment the countdown for the city began. comrade putin blurted out everything. it was raining now, we can't see it, but everything is destroyed here. phosphorus hail is a common phenomenon here. and in the afternoon. i was sure always, that there will be more flooding in mariintka in
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the future, well, that is, already now, as everything happened, but when i look at this video from a drone, i understand that i definitely did not expect to see such a thing, this is just hell on land, the fighting for marinka did not stop, in december 23rd, the ukrainian general staff received information that the front line from marinka had moved to the outskirts of the city, and that is why it was possible to hold out, because marinka was for the first time on the road that leads further to kurakhovo and further there to pokrovske, maryanka had quite such, well, she has, in principle, quite such a serious relief, which allowed her to hold on, well, and the third, and the third, that maryanka was preparing, just like the car , for... them for 10 years, that is, a system of engineering structures, fortifications, positions, ah,
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had been created there for years, it was so, you know, statically it was very serious, which allowed us to hold these positions, not only that, already in the course of hostilities, when the first attacks were repelled, it became clear that the enemy did not leave the enemy peace of mind, and therefore they will do everything it is possible to break through in this direction, and it is very difficult to bypass it, in this case, and thus the enemy was simply forced to attack head-on, losing an insane amount of troops there, and in principle, that is why marinenka held out for so long. today , marinka, its houses and streets remain only on the maps, here is the palace of culture, here is the city council, the city council of the city of prymara. when we talk about those smaller cities, marinka, ugledar, they became a kind of bridge, yes, through which the war passed, through which the war rolled, through which they simply were,
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got into the war zone, under huge. there was a lot of artillery shelling, phosphorous bombs, some cluster bombs, that is , it was practically impossible to survive there, and of course, to record these moments, not only through memories, but documentally, this is very important, because, well , hopefully, history will put its dots on and the enemy will be punished , it's really like someone took away your past, your memories, that is, left only memories, but there is no way to touch that memory even a little, that is, in my case, there is still an opportunity to return to donetsk, and this the possibility motivates, inspires, and she still has the impression that the same moment will come, it will definitely come, we don't know, it will be in a month, a year, two, 10, well, because
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we know for sure what the story of the berlin wall is over, right? it fell to my grandfather, there is no possibility and, most likely , there will be no possibility to touch these memories from my childhood, from my youth, because there is nothing left to remember, everything is already there, there is a completely different world, i asked to go home, he is everything to me didn't let you're cute mine, and i'm yours, let me go, the dawn has risen, my mother will wake up, she will ask where i was, my mother will wake up, she will ask where i was, and you give her, i am two, what
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a wonderful, may night, spring goes, brings beauty. and everything rejoices at that beauty, spring is coming, it brings beauty, and that, avdiivka bahmud marinka. today we traveled not in space, but in time. in these cities, everything was burned, except the memory of them. and it is important to preserve this memory. donbass realiy was with you. see you soon. turn on well, it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. megugo turn on hundreds
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of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts on gliceset and gliceset max. 15% in pharmacies plantain to you and. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of air time, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will be about the war to talk more, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is living now and what in happened to the world. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchyvka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to linia chechenna for the information about culture news. leaders who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is already
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ready to tell us about the weather on the day of easter. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football. with'. stronger an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , it would be even better in... a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what a world dreams, pa norban, we can imagine it,
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all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. friends, i welcome you, and before talking about culture, i would like to ... show you something very funny, and in principle, it even draws on a performance, on some cultural phenomenon, although this is just an informational story on television of the city of olan ud in buryatia, and this video, this plot was simply thrown on facebook and it spread there, and it is really very funny, we can already watch excerpts, and it is about the main character, his name is alexander, alexander came to us... volan od came on vacation from the so-called special operation, he is also a military man, when he came home, he saw that his house
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was ransacked, and he began to complain to all the police, began to complain, and the journalists who came to him were shown: here he tells that he was robbed, everything was stolen, even the thermometer was stolen from the window, all the children's things, all his things, he had nothing to walk in. not having children to dress, he does not understand what kind of people these are who broke into his house, they started living there for a few days, they screwed him over, and what i liked the most here is that here he is now showing that the toilet was stolen from him, and he cannot understand how, as he asks the journalist, why steal the toilet, he does not understand , and here you and i, friends, and we ourselves, you know, have been thinking for more than two years, why steal toilets, and you know, since ... i didn't have a toilet stolen and almost all my neighbors after the occupation, i thought , that this toilet is just some kind of meme already, you know, maybe one was stolen from someone or from two and it's already
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it’s gone, such an interesting story, but we see that it’s not, because stealing toilets is a very popular story, but still, the toilet is not the funniest thing in this plot, the fact is that only later at the end this alexander tells the journalist that he... doesn't understand what the moral of this story is, let's listen, for one moment i'm interested in where is the moral, that is, i go as a volunteer to the svo, i fight in a foreign country, i literally shed my blood on a foreign land, for my people, for his republic, for the residents of our buryatia, and returned and i saw that my house was being robbed, my car was being stolen, my ego, that is, where is the morality. you know, i really liked alexander, who really does not understand where morality is when he defends his people for some reason, a fighter, so in ukraine, what is
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the connection between all that, so he does not understand many other connections, well, the main thing is that we understood them, maybe we should go and comment, there is this plot on youtube, maybe we should explain it to him, because as i will remind you, he would have done nothing if there was not an embroidered shirt dedicated to poland, not only against the nazis, but also against the upa and killed civilians population in ukraine, that's why this army is somehow a little contradictory, and by the way, this ethnodome was not done by itself, but together with gur, so the representatives of guru also neglected the historical part a little, obviously, but when... the brand was pointed out to this unfortunate mistake , they immediately apologized to her and said that they will remove this shirt from sale, and indeed it
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is no longer on the site, i think that this is a very good indicator that you need to immediately accept your mistake and then almost everyone will understand you, and your the reputation will remain, in principle, within the norm, i will remind you about others scandals that were with ethno. home, first of all, there was a scandal with a kosovorodka, do you remember when volodymyr zelenskyi and elena zelenska were photographed in these shirts, and many people started talking about the fact that these are russian kosovorodkas, now we can show them, if there are any, and here, and i remember, then there were just not only several days, probably several weeks of battles regarding this shirt, because some researchers, that's right researchers. the specialists said that this is not a braid, that it is a traditional vyshyvanka, which was popular in donetsk region, so it should not be attributed to the russians, and everyone was quarreling, and
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everyone was proving to each other what... there, and to be honest , i don't even remember if people who are engaged in this professionally reached some common denominator , or simply who comment, as usual in social networks, because very often we have all our quarrels that take place in social networks, they do not find their end, but they are somehow like that, half-words are cut off and we wait for the next scandal, and before it was a scandal also z... well, in general, i liked it very much, also around the embroideries, also around the photo of elena zelenska and volodymyr zelensky, they took a picture, and now we can look at the photo, the other one, no, this is exactly this photo with the army of the territory, you you can see how she was portrayed, but i remind you that you can no longer buy these vyshyvankas, there is another photo of elena zelenska and volodymyr zelenskyi, they just took a picture in these vyshyvankas, here they are:
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that’s right, and if you remember, around what there was a scandal, it was relatively recently, the scandal was simply around the fact that we have people who do not like volodymyr zelensky, but also elena zelenska, and they simply said that the brand was ashamed by the fact that they gave away their clothes, like that people who don't like them, that is, there was basically no fakap, but there was such and such a tension, well then the brand didn't seem to explain anything and didn't refuse the photo. well, now let's talk about medvedchuk, or rather, about his paintings. the fact is that now we are too let's come to the point that we are discussing, ah, well, what is better, more profitable, ah, to sell or not to sell the paintings seized from someone who is a state traitor there, or all that,
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and... and then we just came to medvedchuk , i think you heard the news and saw these photos with the painting, where medvedchuk is in this in burshtyn, but the fact is that there is his collection, which consists of 264 paintings, and it was seized by the arma agency, which is engaged in search and management assets, and here is his head of this agency, olena duma, she said, that... these paintings will be sold and then to replenish the state budget, the main, as it seems to me, the most professional, the most famous art curators, art critics, people who are engaged in visual arts and people who, i will emphasize, are engaged in particular , opposed this decision and the market, the art market, i.e. people who understand exactly how sales systems work, what is profitable,
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what to do, what not, and here they are... almost with one voice they say that this cannot be done and they have his arguments basically everyone too are the same, the arguments boil down to the fact that , firstly, these paintings will most likely be sold cheaply, that is, after the end of the war, we do not know when it will end, but then it will be possible to sell it for a higher price, and secondly, that everything - they still call for these paintings, because they have artistic value, well, obviously viktor medvedchuk had... such an artistic taste, i don’t know if you can say that, or someone told him, but in any case, they suggest that this collection be left in museums, now the collection is stored temporarily in the national art museum, and that's why they offer such a story, let's listen to what art curator olga sagaidak has to say about it.


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