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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EEST

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only one in order to help the russians, to help russian propaganda, in order to simply openly play on its side, there is no other purpose in these actions, and i will tell you, it fits in with what is happening now with russian propaganda , because they talk more and more about how to literally act on ukrainians on... ukrainian territory and how to find such bloggers who will help them. well, for example, konstantin zatulin, he is so famous because he has been around for a long time has been working against ukraine for, well, i don't know, 30 years, he constantly has some projects of his own that are directed against ukraine, all the people who worked on these projects together with konstantin zatulyan received money from him. now they are mostly all in russia
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and again on all these russian tv channels, and now he is talking about what, in fact, what he does and how it should all happen. we must rebuild our propaganda, our actions, our comments. to me, as a special propaganda officer certified in the military department of moscow university, always explained that special propaganda. but if there is an offensive, you are the most important person, because you can minimize losses, you can use your leaflets, your transmissions to the enemy, push them to surrender and go over to our side, which means that less of our people died, this is what you have to do, this it is very important precisely at this moment, when fluctuations in the people began. of ukraine, on the side
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that we do not control. these fluctuations should be encouraged in every possible way, doubts and everything else. well, and the special propagandist zatulin has actually been doing this all his life. and it is clear that since 2014, the russians have been conducting a constant offensive against ukraine. yes, we manage to give them a pee from time to time, we manage to make them wash themselves with blood in the end. but it doesn't work. for the time being , to stop this offensive completely, and that is why the cadres trained by special propagandist zatulin are being trained, and people such as ihor mosiychuk are trained, who, as you can see, work in exactly the same paradigm that special propagandist zatuulin talks about: to shake doubts, to shake ukrainian society, to reduce the resistance of society, to reduce the opportunity to attack the enemy in the end, and as a rule, these people... well, they very
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quickly flee somewhere from ukraine and sit somewhere, you know, outside of ukraine, they tell all this as it really is and the fact that now the same people are inflaming again, and who are also very much welcomed by russian propagandists and even promise to reward them, how happily some of us mock and troll the dodgers, as they are called in ukraine, those who escaped from mobilization. to europe and so on, some of them are cowards, some of them don't want to fight, some of them don't want to shoot at all and kill at all, some of them don't want to shoot and kill russians, but we should reward them with diplomas, reward them with diplomas in every way, well , i award someone there not only with diplomas, in principle, someone with enough money, such, you know, rude ones, well, at least that there is enough in life, well... but if we compare one more event
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that took place literally just these days in in the russian space, and not only, by the way, in russian, you know, some kind of finished picture appears, because there are people who, like ihor mosiychuk, perform something there, and there is a platform on which they represent telegram, and you know, we had long discussions about whether telegram is bad or good, whether it is russian... or not, until literally, well, yesterday, pavlo durov, the owner and actually the person who created telegram, gave an interview with tucker carlson, the same person who just took it an interview with vladimir putin, and apparently, well, how did i take it first, tucker first took an interview with putin, then he talked a lot about how one should literally be alone. sides with russia, and now he
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interviewed pavel durov, the owner of the telegram, well, it was a complete coincidence, you know, such a coincidence of circumstances, these things coincided completely by chance, and it was so accidental that about... this interview is literally not had time, it even spread widely, as russian propagandists began to advertise and promote it. tucker carlson continues pursuit of russian exclusives, this time he interviewed the creator of the vkontakte social network and telegram messenger pavel durov. this is durov's first video interview in 7 years. it is about such important and sensitive things. i have the impression that they wrote it in reality, because this whole interview, well, literally, i say so, but
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it has not yet had time to come out, as it did on theirs, on the same telegram, on their pages , they also began to advertise skabeev, which is simple... that there is such an interview and watch everyone immediately, because it is really very important, and and and then simonyan also commented on it in her own words, that this is it, she heard something like that there, and then the former rasha that day now rt wrote a lot about him, which also stretched it into a bunch of quotes and distributed it on literally all of its media, where only they could. they distributed this interview, so by chance russian propagandists suddenly started promoting the first interview in seven years with the owner of telegram, you can say that this is a coincidence, no, you can't say that it is a coincidence, rather the opposite, you can say that for a very long time they didn't need, or,
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you know, for a long time they didn't touch their own person who gave her the opportunity to develop, gave her the opportunity to show that i... was there somewhere in the free world, and when it became extreme it is necessary, they finally used this dormant agency, and somehow everything became clear to everyone, because pavlo durov came out with the usual narratives of russian propaganda, which the russians themselves simply spread when they say that there is no freedom of speech in the west , everyone is oppressed here in the west, and notice, at the same time... somehow absolutely, well, they are not oppressing for some reason pavlo durov turns out to be in russia with his telegram, so he says, vkontakte was taken away from him, well , after vkontakte was completely blocked around the world, well, it was possible to give this vkontakte to the russian government, let them use it there, but this new
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telegram messenger, which is very widespread even now, ukrainians use it a lot, 72% of ukrainians use telegram for a minute. so now they are trying in every possible way to promote it further, to advertise further, they will use for this, you see , takir karlson, and actually, well, they are even trying to tell somehow that no, we do not control him, although i say, well, it is such a coincidence that all this is somehow being told by russian propagandists, to the west the founder of telegram, a businessman, complained about bureaucracy and censorship. pavlo durov. after a short introduction about the businessman's creative path, the conversation turned to pressure and censorship. durov said that the telegram messenger quickly found itself in the field of view of the fbi. however, according to durov, the greatest danger for the telegram was going out not at all from some world governments, but from
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transnational corporations. apple and google constantly put a stick in telegram , threaten to remove the application from their platforms, or dissolve all sorts of things. this can be said by people with very limited knowledge of where telegram comes from, they can be encouraged by our competitors who see this as a good way to discredit us. well, you know, there is something ironic about it, on russian government tv channels. tell tv channels that cooperation with the russian government can discredit someone, you know, even i can’t comment on it, somehow, it’s already self-evident, so-and-so such-and-such a fixed thing, that is, they still understand that
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cooperation with the russian government discredits anyone, and at the same time they talk about it through the mouths of russian propagandists on russian tv. channels, and you know, well, it’s hard not to see here some kind of very active attempt by the kremlin to form a network of literally its agents in the western world, which includes russians, such as durov, and americans, such as tucker carlson, and ukrainian , you know, bloggers like masiychuk, and a mass-mass of some people whom they pick up, and they, you know, quote each other for some reason, support each other, and this is precisely their mutual citation, precisely their mutual, well, that's what... they are forced to show and promote each other in this way, already speaking of the fact that this
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is exactly a pro-russian, openly pro-russian network, and you can say so directly about it, these are not some independent people, this is a pro-russian network in the west, well, in ukraine in including, and this is how she reveals herself, when she is, when there, when russian propagandists begin to drag it, when they begin to promote all this, in this way you... that this is exactly what they need, well, in fact, they do not hide the fact that durov essentially came out with russian theses and with such an anti-american agenda that benefits russian propaganda. it is amazing what a man looks like, it is still necessary to study what kind of life he leads, that he looks so young.
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programs, abandoning everyone as a whole, i would say, you can't, they sew things into their anti-american interviews, well, you see, direct advertising is just stupid, well, tell me if a person worked. really worked with an independent program of some kind, if the russian authorities did not have control over this program, if it was an opposition platform to the russian authorities, or if it was advertised on russian state television, telling what a beautiful fool he is, how beautifully he puts forward anti-american messages, of course not , this could not be the case, that's why what was hidden for a long time, that is, it was developing, is now becoming so obvious. it gained quite a lot of users, and now they are further
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publicizing it in this way, you see, revealing it. moreover, if you look at what telegram has been doing recently, it blocked, for example, a whole bunch of posts during , well, you know, some critical situations for the russian government, and it blocked exactly at the request of the russian government, that’s okay . absolutely, well, after that, you can't say that they cooperate, you can, and here's what's important for us, here it's important for us, of course, well, not just for us, as users is critical of this platform, but it is also important for the state to get involved in this as well, now, in principle, there is a draft of the verkhovna rada regarding greater control over telegram, it does not provide for the closure of telegram, so far there is no talk of this, but it is about ... it was possible to start cooperating and somehow, well, control the content that is put forward there, for example,
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the way it is now done in relation to youtube, when the ukrainian government has a representative office in ukraine, youtube is there, the ukrainian government can turn to it, can indicate , if there is one some terrorist content or content that is clearly anti-ukrainian or content that, you know, incites something, and then. and well, youtube can block it, it happens, well, at least there is some possibility to interact at all, there is no such thing with telegram, and actually what is being achieved at this stage is that telegram, well, made its representative office here so that you can contact it and so that he responded to the requests of the ukrainian government in the same way that he responds at least to the requests of the russian government, let's say so, because so far it is absolutely one-sided. story, and actually, i would say that this
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is the interview itself, it is somehow, you know, a certain reaction and already an answer to how durov himself feels about it, he feels that he does not want to, and he , well, no, he just absolutely refuses to respond to any requests from western countries, he is trying to invent some stories that this is some kind of pressure, the fbi. something else, but at the same time, he does not say anything about how this happens, that he reacts to what the russian government requires of him, and that he is blocking and doing all this. this is... the story with the app, this is the story with another medium of russian propaganda, and this is the situation we have now, with which, well, i think it will continue to develop, we will see it in development, and this is now, well in fact, durov's connection with russia became public because of the way his interview was actually promoted, who did it, how it was done and how
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it happened in general, you know, an information campaign by russia in fact. on a global scale, so look, think, rate it all, see you, there are discounts on eurofast softcaps, 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that
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today in our war and weapons programme, we will be talking about the battle for the skies, air dominance and how to achieve it for our air force and defense forces in general. and here, of course, the first steps are to receive f-16 aircraft from our partners. great hopes are placed on these fighters, but it should be understood that these aircraft in limited numbers will not... will not become something like such a universal silver bullet, however, in a certain way , the f-16 will be able to change the rules of the game in the sky over ukraine. at the same time, by the way, the minister denmark's foreign minister recently claimed that the first six f-16s he said would be delivered this summer would likely be the first f-16s to be
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used for air defense missions. and the prime minister of belgium. stated the other day that ukraine can receive the first plane by the summer of this year, which is quite positive. and while we are waiting for fighters , new opportunities for the defense forces are added by ukrainian unmanned aviation complexes, how they develop, how they adapt to the new requirements of the military. so we will find out all the details about f-16 fighters and domestic drones in the next issue of our magazine. war and weapons programs with ukrainian aviation experts and drone developers. my name is serhii sgurets, i am the director of the information consulting company defense express, which is currently working together with the espresso channel. highlight the most relevant trends in the life of the army and the defense-industrial complex. and now we are joined by valery romanenko, an aviation expert, leading
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researcher of nauk. mr. valery, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear the spresso channel on the air. to each other, have a good day. of course, we have the basic topic of the f-16s, but an even more basic topic is air dominance, and i can't help but start with the first question, which is that today ... the commander of the air force said that it was possible to shoot down this the russian tu-22 m3 bomber used by russia for the attack. what is your reaction, can we assume that this carcass was shot down, perhaps by the s200 complex, as the russian a50 was shot down before? well, i'm still expecting more, so to speak detailed the reports say that they really shot down the s-200 and it matches the range, in general these bombers launch k-22 missiles, in which the range is approximately 400
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50 to 500 km, yes, accordingly, they are suitable for hitting, well no only front-line cities, fly somewhere deep, they can come closer to our territory and thus find themselves in the range of our long-range... complexes, well, i think that, as far as i know, before the start of the war, even before the start invasion of ours one s200 division was restored in the armed forces, and perhaps we received additional missiles or additional launchers, or in general, entire complexes that were in service with poland and bulgaria remained in service with poland and bulgaria. well, hopefully this trend will continue, it will scare the enemy, and now... moving on to the subject of the f-16, can we now talk about the general numbers of numbers that we are receiving from our
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partners and the expected specifications of these aircraft, the best performance we can hope for in those realities, given those previous promises from our partners? it's hard to say anything here, because naski is so everything, so. is closed from any media coverage, that one can only make some assumptions, well, the first assumption is that we will get the planes in the same condition as they were, ah, let's say, well, in the armed forces er in let's say denmark , denmark and norway, yes, these aircraft were, well, let's say a little outdated, they conform to the block 50-52 standard, as it is now... the main aircraft in the united states aviation, united states air force, but there are radar stations, the 66th station,
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there is a second modification or a third modification with a range of 110 km. we compare it with the russian su-35, su-30sm fighters, yes, the range is about 300 km, that is, it is inferior, maybe, maybe during... during, so to speak, the current, well, overhaul of these aircraft before they are handed over to us, there will be installed some more modern radar stations, well, then, of course, we have a chance for a full-fledged fight, opportunities for our pilots to fully fight russian fighters, will increase significantly, well, in addition, such an average option as that we will still receive aircraft with radar stations of a different trip type, for example, there is the 86th station, yes, it already has 120 km , and in general for all aircraft that have undergone
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mlu, midlife update, yes, that is, modernization during their service life, during their operation, they got the opportunity during the next such stages, they call it after modernization was difficult, this is mlu, and then there were stages improvement, so after the stages, in several stages, these planes received missiles with a range of 160 km, which in total exceeds the range of russian missiles by 40 kilometers, that is , somewhere we lose in capabilities, somewhere we gain more and better opportunities to defeat russian planes, and in general, what i... hope for , that these planes will have such modern, powerful on-board defense systems, this is always the case in
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nato countries. in the united states, they are paying special attention to what an airborne defense system is, it is radio-electronic equipment that can detect the radiation of russians by radars russian fighter jets, launching missiles and putting effective obstacles in such a way as to divert these missiles so that they do not hit the plane, well, if these conditions are met, we will get enough such planes that will give our pilots the opportunity to... lead on an equal footing the fight against the russians, well, i'm not talking about the fact that we will be able to destroy russian cruise missiles more effectively, because , for example, the last modification was the installation of anti-aircraft missile defense systems, such as those on vampire complexes to destroy drones, the cost of such a missile is $25,000. for
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comparing the cost of the shaheda, well, it is somewhere up to 200 thousand ($150-2000), that is, we can use the f-16, even if there are older models, we will be able to destroy the russian shahedas quite effectively and cheaply. well, in general , the question is, you know, inexhaustible, equipment , various options of weapons, so it is better if you ask some more specific points. because i can tell a lot here, because they know these machines quite well, i see quite a lot of them, well then it actually turns out that we will have to form such tactics where we have advantages, that is where we act, if we have the radar there is worse than that of the enemy, and the missile is better, but after all, we will probably get involved in air defense tasks rather than some aerial duels, where we will definitely have worse indicators and
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greater risks, so for sure now ... the tactics of using these f16s will rather be directed to the task of air defense. well, i think that's the imperative, the primary imperative that these aircraft are going to face, because you see the russians are now using the x-69 missiles, they're the ones that fly at a lower height, sometimes they break through our air defenses, we have guns. let me remind you that this is valery romanenko, an official expert, we are currently recruiting our guest, we are talking about the f-16s, which should already arrive in the summer, or by the summer, as our partners say, the main purpose of these multi-purpose aircraft may be different, but it all depends from the modification of the planes and from the weapons that will be transferred to our partners on these planes, also
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valery romanenko, especially so... emphasizes that it is extremely important that we get these planes with radio-electronic systems fighting, which will primarily provide the important protection of these aircraft from russian missiles with revocation guidance, this is extremely important, because this will be another indicator of increasing the efficiency of our aircraft and their protection against the russian threat, because the russian aircraft there are su-35... they are armed with x-33 missiles, which have a range of up to 300 km, as they claim, and this very combination in russian long-range aircraft, detected up to 300 km, plus these long-range missiles creates potentially significant threats, especially since at one time the a50, i.e., an aircraft that tries to perform
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detection, also works in tandem with the 135my. enemy aircraft, and we understand that this sparka a50 and 135 will act in tandem with our f-16s. we hope that then the ukrainian f-16s will also act in tandem with the nato avax aircraft, because these aircraft have much better capabilities than the russian a50 long-range detection aircraft, this avax aircraft provides the transmission of data about... enemy air targets on an f-16 fighter, thus even if our f-16 in the first versions or in those versions that we will receive will have a shorter detection range due to the capabilities of the avax aircraft, our pilot will still have good situational awareness of where the enemy aircraft are.


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