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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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not much time. it's a very ambitious schedule, but it's very doable if the high pace of reform, the high pace of change continues throughout, because one of the points i keep making is that it's not just about the current mandate of the president, or not just the current mandate of the parliament, which means that... the high pace of european integration must be maintained in the next election cycle, because we also saw bad examples when countries lost their desire for european integration and the process slowed down, from our side, this is something ambitious, but we hope it is possible. won't euroscepticism get in the way quite significantly?
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well, first of all, citizens will have the opportunity , as soon as the decision of the constitutional court appears, to indicate it in the referendum on eu membership in the fall of this year. so, of course, this will be the first step that will show whether the people of the country want to continue moving in this direction. we see that the number of people who support the european union is growing slowly. of course, it depends on who is asking the question and what the question is. understanding that the future the republic of moldova in the european union is growing slowly, although, of course, there are all rational reasons for this. including 2/3 of moldovan exports going to the markets of the european union. however, it will make for a great workflow. do you think
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that if mrs. mai sanda does not win the elections this year and a pro-russian representative takes her place, which is quite realistic according to recent polls, could moldova suddenly stop the eu accession process? first, we greatly appreciate the leadership of president maye sando in the process of integration into eu. after all, i believe that much of what the country has accomplished is to its credit, not only the political steps to obtain the status of a candidate country and the start of negotiations, but also all the essential steps that made this possible, namely the reform of justice, in particular the fight against corruption, were personal
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priorities for her. therefore, we hope that the european course of the country will be preserved even after the elections, because it is also supported by the citizens. this applies not only to eu membership, but also to eu integration as such. do you allow that russia can interfere in presidential and parliamentary? elections in moldova to compromise eu accession. how to deal with it? unfortunately, i'm pretty sure that russian interference will happen, because we see it on a regular basis, whether it's the local elections last year, when there was a lot of it. we are talking about millions of euros and dollars that were brought into the country by various means. to
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influence political processes, or take maria zakharova, for whom moldova has become a daily topic, i can say that this is, on the one hand, a reality, with which country will have to live until it becomes a member of the eu. since this was the situation with all candidate countries, russia tried to slow down this process, but at the same time it is important to take measures against russian disinformation, russian propaganda. after all, we need help so that the political process is genuine, that it is not controlled by pro-russian forces, of course, legitimate public sentiments can be of different directions, but it is important. that such processes
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come from within, and not be bought, and for this to happen, i think it is worth do several things: firstly, this is the work of law enforcement agencies, which must fight against... and secondly, this is the work of fighting disinformation. that is why we have now supported the creation of the stratcom center in the republic of moldova. which, i hope, will not only analyze the narratives, but also provide advice on how to counter them. and of course, from our side, we also do this work, both here at the national level and through. headquarters apartment. ukraine and moldova simultaneously started their path to the european union. however, both countries suffer from the neighborhood with russia. anyway, how does the eu plan to help these
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countries in their struggle? we provide quite powerful support, and not only that. our projects, but also when needed, these are also very quick and very large amounts, like for example to the republic of moldova in the last two years just to counter the crisis, the energy crisis, the migration crisis, the covid crisis, our support amounted to more than 1 billion euros, so it is a very good example of the fact that the eu really is the friend that is known in bida. haven't seen the classics of underpants since i've been here he wrote a children's poem, listen to the tractor in the field , the holes for which we froze, there are
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15% discounts on zip ellor in pharmacies, plantain, pam and savings. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities, analysis of processes changing the country and each of us. country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing
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to fight about, let's invent something, they help us understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. of indifferent and thinking politclub every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. vasyl winter's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in
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two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. channel espresso and ukrainian pen present. own names project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what kind of news will be analyzed guests of the project this week and actually who will be the guest of the studio. we will find out already this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday: 17:10 at espresso. premium sponsor team. represents united by football, stronger together. salam alaikum. atr
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telekanalyny espresso kanalyny. we welcome our viewers to the broadcast of espresso and the first krymsvitarus tv atr within the framework of the joint project of espresso and atr together beraber in the studio i work for you, i gulsuma khalilova and my colleague mr. andriy congratulations, congratulations, well, we continue to talk about crimea, talk about the latest and most relevant news regarding the temporarily occupied peninsula of crimea, and as always, we would like to start this block with the latest military news and the actions of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula and our first guest is mr. volodymyr zablotskyi, a naval expert. mr. volodymyr, i can hear you, you can hear us, ok, yes, mr. volodymyr, first of all,
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please tell me, you recently attended a very interesting conference in bulgaria, what is what was the conference, what is its significance for our defense complex and for crimea in general, well, i can't say anything about the conference, it's probably some kind of mistake, but i can say. to say in general that any conference aimed at increasing our defense capability accelerates the process of development of events at the front in our favor, and of course accelerates the liberation of the temporarily occupied crimea, this is such a basic thesis that i can prove, of which i am sure, well, indeed, the black sea security was held in bulgaria. the conference at which we heard a lot of theses and about security in the black sea region,
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representatives of the countries of the black sea region and countries strategically important for this region took part there, and you know, i have a question, can we generally talk about ensuring security in the equatorial region of the black sea region, if the black sea fleet still exists. russian federation and there is a russian regime, the russian federation as it is now on the borders of the black sea region? we definitely can't to speak, and it will be a mistake if someone convinces us otherwise, as long as the black sea fleet exists in the black sea, there is danger for everyone, even those countries that do not participate in hostilities, as long as the russian federation exists, there is no... security for the countries that are located beyond even
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the black sea, this is, firstly, secondly, we have such a historical example, very attractive, which i think should be applied after our victory, to deprive the russian federation, if it remains, or the state entity that will be to exist instead of it, the right to have military... naval forces on the black sea. we can still see that russia has greatly lost its power in the black sea due to the actions of the naval forces of ukraine, first of all, the armed forces of ukraine, and they even had to change the commanders of the black sea fleet, is it clear that the new commander somehow another conducts hostilities, more effective than the previous one, and do we oppose it? how do you rate you know, the situation is developing in such a way that
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the change of commander does not change anything, and that they do it in vain, although it is like that, it happens in our country, yes, please, the point is that changing the commander in this case does not solve anything, and the enemy loses, he has the means, he is waging a not... just war , he has the means for this war are outdated, he has weapons systems that were prepared for the last war, that is, we are ahead in terms of know-how in the war at sea, and even without a fleet, ukraine nevertheless pushes the enemy out of the water area, at least in the south-western waters of the black sea. the consequence of this is the restoration of maritime
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trade, ukraine's communication with the outside world, and the prerequisites for the liberation of crimea are created. ugh. well, indeed, we are now seeing russia trying its remnants of the black sea fleet, and as reported by a great many russian media and propagandist russian media and a great many other sources, russia ... is now moving its black sea fleet ships into ports novorossiysk and even they concluded an agreement with the occupation authorities of abkhazia. can we say that for us and for... the armed forces of ukraine, are the ports of novorossiysk and the ports, possible ports of abkhazia , a legitimate target? obviously, a legitimate target, russian warships, military facilities anywhere, even outside the black sea, we know the latest examples, let's say, almost destruction, but heavy
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damage to a missile ship in the baltic fleet, damage to facilities. for others, for others, in other regions of russia, that is , far from the theater of hostilities, but if we have such an opportunity, we will destroy the enemy where we can, and do we have such possibility, mr. volodymyr, are these goals achievable for us in novorossiysk and, well, in the future in abkhazia, they are quite achievable, this is not a problem for air drones, let’s say, strike drones, and for... sea and submarine ones, which the tests of which were recently reported, moreover, now it is only a matter of a political decision, the fact is that after the damage of the sig tanker last year, when the vdk olnogorskyi gornyak was damaged, literally a few hours later everyone's tanker, which
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was in the queue of non-passage of the kerchnskaya, was damaged straits, eh, but our western partners, well , they warned that this should not be done, because there is oil export and so on, after that ukraine moved to strikes on the oil infrastructure on the mainland, that is, where there is no threat of oil spills and environmental threats environment, well, let 's see, i think that as the need arises, we have surface, underwater, and aerial means. and ground, missile and so on, we can clearly see this on the example of the last strike on dzhanka. ugh. well, indeed, you are on this week, as a result of the attack on the military the airfield in the temporarily occupied crimea of ​​jankoi, the destruction of the launcher of the anti-missile and anti-aircraft defense systems, the radar system, as well as the affected russian aircraft. this has already
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been confirmed and stated by the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. andriy yusov, well, here, you know, the question arises, what new challenges arise for the armed forces of ukraine after the destruction of certain objects at the dzhankoy airfield, that is, who and what can be next, well, for example, the kerch bridge, as you do you assess the prospects of the destruction of the city of kerch? the kerch bridge will be destroyed, there are means for this, the only thing is that it must be destroyed. somehow coordinated with what our troops are doing on land, that is, its destruction must be part of the plan to liberate crimea, that is, a strike, then logistics are interrupted from the sea and from this bridge, then there is an assault on the peninsula, or the expulsion of the enemy, forcing him to leave the peninsula,
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temporarily occupied and so on, that is, these are interconnected parts of one chain, which... must be coordinated somewhere in time, well and it seems that russia understands that the bridge will be destroyed, because it is building a railway road across the land at an alarming rate for the supply of ammunition for its occupying forces, and even if the bridge is destroyed, then the efforts of russia will not stop, does the destruction of the kerch bridge have such already great military importance? after all, this is more about some kind of symbolism, well, symbolism is present, because the informational component always exists in parallel with the physical destruction of something or someone, it is difficult to say here, but it is necessary to do both, moreover, if they will build this branch from rostov, there are two
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such bridges, two sections over the kalmius and over another river a little further there, which can be destroyed, and it is not yet a fact that this branch will work, uh, we are talking about the rostov branch , melitopel, berdyansk, the one that russia is building now, well, this is one that they are building now at an accelerated pace, as you say, yes, yes, and one more piece of news that we would like to discuss with you, very important, but it is published by... reuters with reference to four interlocutors and writes reuters that ukraine did not conclude an agreement on safe navigation in the black sea, ukraine did not... unexpectedly refused to conclude an agreement with russia and turkey on safe navigation in the black sea when this agreement was almost reached, well, it is logical that
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ukraine did not will sign any agreement with the russian federation, and ukraine, like no one else, understands and has seen from its experience that any agreement signed by russia is not worth a penny, and we have seen it. memorandum and we saw it during this agreements and treaties on the joint use of the sea of ​​azov and so on, but still, it is possible that there are some alternative measures of security and cooperation that can be proposed, for example, with turkey, which is a strategically important state for us, well, at least in the waters of the black sea region, you know, we are now... talking about a topic that is not worth discussing, because the existence, in general, i consider it a fake, that ukraine conducted some separate negotiations with russia and
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turkey, and then left, the presidential administration officially denied such, such this fact of negotiations, that is why and why conduct them, if we have unblocked maritime trade, without the participation of russia, we have successfully transported several million, already tens of millions of... it is not necessary, moreover , the fact that they are discrediting official kyiv by the very fact of the negotiations, which he allegedly later refuses, speaks in favor of the fact that this is russia's ipso, so i especially do not believe it personally and do not... i think it is necessary to discuss this, because this is not a fact, that there were no such negotiations, that is, in fact, we do not need them either, ukraine controls the region enough to restore
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shipping up to the pre-war level, and no new grain agreements or any other agreements with russia are possible, we do not need them, so you you're right, i found news about ee... the head of the black sea fleet novy, british intelligence reports that after his appointment, the russian black sea fleet is showing the least activity since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, so mr. volodymyr, you were absolutely right that on behalf of the head the black sea fleet means little, it affects little, the very picture on the battlefield is such that it cannot do anything, even though it hides these ships. away from ukrainian drones, and this is also confirmed by british intelligence, which writes that the port of novorossiysk has already been modernized to support ships from
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the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, but at the same time, russia is now actively trying to mobilize ukrainian citizens living on the territory of the occupied peninsula to the ranks of the armed forces of the russian federation, and indeed we during this time many. saw the cases that russia opened against the crimeans, against the citizens of ukraine on the territory of the occupied crimea, who did not want to join the ranks of the russian federation. this is how you evaluate this news and what should the citizens of ukraine do who simply do not want to go to olaf of the russian federation, which simply forces them? well, i cannot disagree with the fact that... this is happening, this is a fact, this is another crime of the russian federation, so-called, and this crime is again directed against ukraine, against
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its ethnic group, without regard to that, it is crimean tatars, these are ethnic ukrainians or even the russians, they do this in crimea and other occupied territories and try to solve their issues at their expense in this way. other nations, including the occupied, to counteract this, there is such a program, which was introduced by the main intelligence department, including in crimea, which is aimed at a way to refuse , even when conscripts are so called. .. forcibly conscript the occupiers into the army, how to get in touch with the representatives of ukraine and there will be,
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let's say, detailed. instruction on what to do and how to act in order to survive, let's say, stay alive and return home. well, as i understand it, the conscription of citizens disloyal to russia, citizens disloyal to russia into the russian army, is actually an opportunity for ukrainian intelligence to get their eyes, inside the russian army, and people who, after all, could not get it. refuse to serve, but have some pro-ukrainian views, they can contact ukrainian intelligence and report useful information for ukraine and thus bring the liberation of crimea closer. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, thank you, who joined our broadcast and answered our questions. chokhsa golnas, fnzxpress military sea expert, volodymyr
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zablotsky was with us directly. connection, and we have a short break, and then we will continue our broadcast. thank you. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. meg turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts for galitsyat and lice. max 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate the zas after it release? energy expert olga kosharna tells. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the exposure section.
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with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that... cause resonance in our society, drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help understand the present and predict
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the future. second presidency for the world. tramko will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso. we continue the bereber program. this is a joint project of the tv channel and the first crimean tatar tv channel of the apr. in gulsum khalilova's studio. my colleague, i am andriy yanitskyi and today we are already friends. guest boris babin, ex-representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea. mr. boris, congratulations. so, the black sea security conference was held in bulgaria international crimean platform. your colleague was there, and i know that you know the details of what was discussed there, and the significance of this conference for the future liberation of crimea. tell us more. and why bulgaria, in your opinion? well, look, this conference.


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