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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EEST

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talk, she cannot change, let's talk, and you, let's say this, the support that ukraine has today in the united states of america, and we are very glad that johnson, who blocked support for ukraine for some time, still proved , that johnson is still a ukrainian surname, because we have boris johnson and now johnson is american, who also supports ukraine, this is very important, maybe in addition to the dessert dedicated to... boris johnson will now have another dessert dedicated to mike johnson, there are people in ukraine creative and maybe one day he will come and try it in ukraine. mr. dmytro, for a week, you say, you would invite her to live for a week somewhere in nikopol region, this is how that week looks, well, the week looks like that from the vicinity of the zaporizhia nuclear power station, which the russians, the terrorists built their logistical military facilities, will continue. this is the daily, nightly,
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morning shelling of our area, people are suffering, the economy is suffering, utilities are suffering, critical infrastructure is being targeted shooting, and we are very grateful to all the utilities, the employees of the state emergency service, who quickly fix this and start the life of our city and region so that all people have the appropriate utilities and services to live and work. further, and therefore, in principle, this is what the life of this congresswoman would look like, if she lived here, she could see how terrorists live around the zaporizhia nuclear power plant, in the nuclear power plants themselves, which pose a threat not only to nikopol region, ukraine, but also to the whole world, seizing the largest atomic power plant in europe, so the people of nikopol have already seen it burn, i think they would have seen it and felt it for themselves.
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it is living every day when terrorists live in the largest nuclear power plant in europe, and as it is now spring, summer is ahead, predictions about a russian offensive, does it somehow affect the mood of people, do you see any kind of migration, maybe people leave, or on the contrary return, well i i can say that a lot of people return, a certain part of people usually leave, but a lot of people return, so... judging by the number children walking in the yard, in the yards, in multi-story buildings, i can say that a lot of people still stay in nikopol and in the nikopol district and continue to live and plan, and that is precisely the fact that a very large number of people live and return to nikopol region, testify to the faith and support of the armed forces of ukraine. many of our residents help, volunteer, fight... fight in the ranks
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of the armed forces of ukraine, that's why such support is felt, and i can say that it is precisely such a criterion and litmus that people return and live here, the fact that they do not believe in any russian ipsos, but about the possibility of capturing nikopol and something else, they are sure that nothing like that will happen. well, thank you very much, mr. dmytro, dmytro bychkov was with us, you are the head of the nikopol district council. i will remind you that in order to know more interesting and relevant information, please visit. to the espresso tv website and our other social networks, search for espresso on youtube, be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of the program, all episodes of all our programs are currently under our broadcast, you you can leave your favorite, thumbs up, it helps us, there are already 165 likes, but it's not enough, so find espresso tv on youtube, subscribe, find the broadcast, what's online right now and put it and leave your favorite there like that. you will help to make espresso
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in the offered ones, and at the same time, you will not miss, for example, a wonderful announcement, this is another news to the fact that the americans yesterday voted in the congress for aid to ukraine, you and i, dear friends, for yesterday, and i think that on friday we will have a record collection, but no, saturday showed an even better result, you and i collected uah 90,000 yesterday, which is the largest amount for this week. eh, and we will very quickly, like a million and a half million will be in this week , someday soon they will talk about how ukraine survived six months without american help, they will remember this period, how we held on, and already now we know the answer to a large extent thanks to fpv drones, and these fpv drones, which are definitely more than half, this is a volunteer activity, this the fact that, including, we reforged to the front, every drone stopped the occupier, took their
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equipment, stopped their enemies, you know, i wanted very briefly, you know what to say, said mr. dmytro bychkov, the head of the nikopol district council very well, what if this moscow march. margery green, a pro-russian congresswoman , would have visited, for example, lived a little in nikopol, then maybe she would have talked differently about the mythological nazis in ukraine and would have loved russia less and understood putin, but in fact, here is an example, an american blogger, russell texas bentley, was a man very much in love with russia, i don't know if he had read tolstoy, but whether he loved her in russia or not, he was so in love that he left. now for this war, but on the other side, uh, and a stavlogger, well, that is , a pro-russian blogger in english for an english-speaking audience, wrote all kinds of things about the war, talked about how good the russian army was, you know how it all ended, he
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disappeared for days 10 years ago, ugh, it turned out that he was exposed by the soldiers of the fifth tank battalion, and they didn't like that he was american. they mocked him, subjected him to torture for several days, raped him, my god, and shot him, my god, what a horror, it has come to the point that now even some leaders are quarreling among themselves in this so-called dnr, which they say, oh well, that was it our american, he was important, well, what did you do like that, well , guys, well, you knew that and they say that they are still an american, well, i understand exes performers, but anyway he, he did not like i tried to understand russia... eh, the mysterious russian soul, this one i remember russian soul, well, he may have understood, but now he can't even, i think that he understood it late, and literally before his death, and that, well, such, you know, even, even a little pity for those americans who they really
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think that there is some kind of mystical, mysterious russian soul, but it is just an absolutely wild, wild, simply barbaric essence. and that's all, there's nothing original about it, it could be eaten somewhere by old, clean people in papua new guinea, and he would, i think, understand the same, because about the mysterious soul of the cannibal, who, who understands well, what a mysterious russian dear, these are residents of novaya kakhovka, an occupied city in the kherson region, volodymyr kvalenko, the mayor of this city is joining us, and for some reason the russians, having occupied the new kakhovka, have been shelling this new kakhovka for more than one day, mr. volodymyr, how to explain this again mysterious russian soul, why do they do it? good morning, good morning, you know, to understand someone who can't be understood, you don't even need to spend energy on it, because
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there is no logic there, neither in actions, nor in actions, nor in conversations, but really, shelling has been going on during the last period, however, mostly it is on the neighboring tile. nova kahovka mainly suffers from the fact that it is controlled by the drones of the armed forces of ukraine, and the enemy constantly tries to shoot down our drones over the city, so the residents and buildings of the city would suffer from this, and considering that nova kokhovka itself and its communities yes, excuse me for such a word, well, the territory of the crimean, crimean shelling. army, that's why there is a constant hum over the city, correspondingly, the armed forces of ukraine a certain ee controls the objects where the enemy is located, where his equipment is, however, it is a little bit, as if in the industrial zone of the city outside the city, and there is an arrival there, but there is peace and this constant hum of shots and
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explosions, it exists, and this leads to a certain moral, and not only that, by the way, and of course physical fear. and therefore, this is the situation from the point of view of hostilities. what does everyday life look like in novikakhovka. you know, well, it is of course due to the fact that i said that this is the front line, all the shores of the coastal territory of the dnieper, and accordingly, the streets, they are mined, there are some protective structures built by the enemy, of course, residential buildings are occupied, most of the residential buildings on these coastal areas. streets, this is in novikakhovka itself, and in our rural settlements, there is the central base, this is the private sector, and this is dniproany, and the next village is korsenka, it is in front of the crimean people, so i want to say, the truth is korsenka, she is dead there out of a thousand residents, 10 families remained, because there
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was 3 m of water, and therefore, well , two, two fears are weighing on the residents, moral, because third year in occupation and physical. which is present every day, because the motto of life is to live today, it is caused by food, it is caused by medicine, it is caused by... the lack of funds, accordingly, high prices for food products, then the enemy built such a logical chain of involvement in their occupation situation, this you are forced to go after those 10 thousand, because you have nothing to live on, that is, the choice that registers you, then there was the passport terror, today it is medical insurance, if you don't have it, then you either paid a lot of money, or you die. of course, the next thing is going on, today an inspection is going on in the city
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of all those premises where hairdressing salons were located, well, everything where there was a private small business, the search for owners is going on, are they in the city or not, considering that the absolute majority of residents have left, i am just three days ago i talked, there i walked through the entrances with a woman, so conditionally, she says: yes, 15 apartments, three live, there are no more, that is the proportion of residents, so it is clear that i... there are no owners there, these the majority is not there, there is no, they, the enemy occupies these, makes an inventory for the purpose of the so-called confiscation and taking these premises into their own property, robbery in broad daylight, well , yes, at the same time, mr. volodymyr, i know that in the city military administration of novy kakhovka conducted a survey regarding the renaming of streets in nova kakhovka, and the results of this survey have already been published on instagram,
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and actually the majority of people are against the renaming, 60%, 12% of those who do not care, and only 28% support this idea, actually people they say that now is not the time, the main thing is to de-occupy the new tile, do you know anything about this survey and why people don't like it somehow about... street renaming, i had several conversations with those residents who, well, for the most part , those who are either in the territory under the control of ukraine or abroad took part, and the absolute majority said, we are in favor, but with our participation, because, well, people, although you know, in the city there was such a principle that access to the authorities, to communication, to their opinion there through various public organizations, through my daily trips to work and from work at any time of the day on foot, people knew that their
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opinion would be heard somewhere by representatives of the authorities, and therefore today the powers of the head of the military administration are such that he can do it there on his own, people they just want to take part in this, they are not categorically against it, but that was the answer with the people i talked to, and what are the names of the streets? new tiles, such as would shock and surprise us now, you can to list them, yes, well, gorky street, for example, yes, this is such a street, pushkin street, er, mayakovsky street, these are mainly such streets, may day street, well, on may day they say, well, all over the world if it was labor day, why not, well, this is the situation, and yes, we have renamed quite a large number of streets, it is only in... in the last seven or eight years, such streets have appeared there, heroes of ukraine,
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friendship street, cozy street, well we could not shevchenko, because shevchenko was our street, that is, we are the absolute majority of such people, even the street there was the latvian striltsii, it is a shopping row, we renamed it a shopping street, and the street was the paris commune, and since we have a sister city, for more than 70 years, we named it the french, yes, that is, all this was taken into account, historical street, instead of the old one, yes, lenina street, because there were the first schools, the first kindergartens, when the city was being built, that is, we did absolutely more, and since new requirements and rules appeared, the institute introduced them, and there is an appropriate resolution, of course , we will definitely get to that, but most people she told me, it would be important for us. to take part in this, because it was not really, it was a process of not making such
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a decision arbitrarily, but a discussion, and we came to this together as a community, and today we are talking about it. well, i wish that there would be such circumstances when actually all people would be able to take part in expressing their opinions about how to rename the streets in nova kakhovka, by the way, this is the most disturbing, even one woman said, well, for the third time i'm changing the flour, i want to bake breadcrumbs for the meeting of our soldiers. tell me baby when it will be, well, i say, wait, wait, well, after yesterday's events in the senate and in the lower house, one can say, this process will be accelerated, which we are very happy about. let's hope, thank you, mr. volodymyr, for the conversation, volodymyr kovalenko, the mayor of novaya kakhovka was in touch with us, we are going for a short break, we will return and continue, we will move to dnipropetrovsk region, we will ask about the consequences of the russian attacks. have you never seen the classics in underwear, or what? i
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ether, we are continuing our roll call, now we will move to dnipropetrovsk. we will ask about what is happening now, in particular in the dnipro, after the recent terrible russian attacks, kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, is in touch with us, ms. kateryna, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, glory, how did this night pass, what is this morning like in dnipropetrovsk region, this morning is more or less calm, if we talk about shelling, then this is nikopolshchyna, but thank god that there is no victims and dead and wounded. they are not there, there is just some destruction, well, this is no longer news for nikopol region, unfortunately, they are being shelled, they were also shelled by artillery during the evening and at night, today, and kamikaze drones were also launched, but there are no victims, yesterday afternoon we had explosion in the dnipro region, and on
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it is a great pity that he took the life of one person, this... a 104-year-old, four-year-old man who was just repairing his car near his house, and the explosion happened, it took his life there, it is terrible, about this, well, actually, it is also a tragedy , there is not much talk about it, there are not so many victims, but it is still a terrible case that a person just near his, near his house... died for nothing, just because it flew there, if to talk about the consequences, even near... from the non-road station of arrival, then, unfortunately, the last such information on in the last day, there were three dead, that is
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, there were originally two dead, information, in general, this tragedy took three lives there, two women, one died under the rubble, one died at the railway station, which was on duty, and one man was also in the house, also under the rubble died, unfortunately, but if we talk about the consequences in the apartments, then there is currently no gas, electricity, or water in those houses, so in principle it is impossible to stay in them, people are scattered everywhere, who moved where they could , and there will be a commission that will to establish from the city council in general the extent of the destruction, whether it is possible to restore the house or not. in general, people should be resettled completely, or should they be repaired and resettled again, and in general , is the station already fully operational, yes, yes,
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the infrastructure, everything that is necessary, everything is working, the railway station, the bus station, i used it myself yesterday, yes, yes so to speak, that is, everything works normally, well , destruction where possible, they were limited to... access, rescuers and special services, there is still sometimes there are policemen somewhere, i.e. they are guarding, the police make sure that people do not go to dangerous places there, it is fenced off, covered with film, some passageways there are closed, here, but in principle even, let's say, public transport stops, which are very close there, they also work in principle, there are buses. and so on, well, they are very close to the place, there is a film fence, but in principle everything works, people are walking, that is , everything is normal, the first tram has resumed operation, the railway station has
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also resumed, so literally, well, it is very fast has resumed work, thanks to everyone who is involved in this, but the terrible consequences of this, of course, are not leveled, unfortunately, mrs. kateryna, but do they say in mi why this building, because they wanted to target the station, or because on this particular day did volodymyr zelenskyi visit dnipro? well, let's put it this way, this particular house has nothing to do with zelenskyi's visit, and we have seen attacks on that area more than once, our bus station has suffered a lot, and if i'm not mistaken, this is the third attack on the bus station. or the fourth, to the railway station - that's fine it was almost the first such a strong attack there, but they aimed not only at that building, but also at
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the railway track, where another railway station was killed, so i think that this time it was the upper floors of the building that may have been the target of this missile , well, that is, that they did not aim directly at... the house, but who thinks about it, the one who launches the missiles, whether it will really hit where they send it to the infrastructure, whether it will engage private houses, and in general, you know, we say so calmly that he hit the house so that to kill people, did he still fly into the infrastructure, to the object there, and is it at all normal that he flies into the infrastructure as well, well, that is, we are simply used to this and say that yes, the house is not allowed, but the infrastructure . like it's normal, but actually it's terrible that we talk about it at all, that it's already the norm for us, in the dnipro it's already in general, when the siren sounds, people
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think that they really have to go to the shelter, because they might get hit, and no one knows exactly where, because well, what to the infrastructure, what to the houses, what to where, horror, that we all live, yesterday mourning was declared in... in the city, and whether it was not violated or observed, yesterday was a day of mourning, well frankly speaking, and also on the 19th, yes we say yesterday for the 20th, but also on the 19th of april after well such, such a terrible event in the city was canceled a lot, you know, it's friday evening there, maybe there are some establishments working there, some events somewhere, but it was. many were canceled even on the 19th and 20th, well, let's put it this way, it's at everyone's discretion, there are, of course, those who do not comply, directly
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personally, but... in general, some violations such that they were public or large-scale, there was no such thing, because here we are not even talking about the fact that the day of the gutter was declared there by the city council, and it is usually some kind of rule, just probably it is even some kind of personal feeling inside each person, which when something like this happens and russian rockets simply take the lives of children and our people in the city, maybe even from... well-known people, well , it's not normal to be happy on this day, well, it's not normal, at least, absolutely, well, ms. kateryna, thank you very much for this conversation, kateryna nevchenko, was with us, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, they also talked about how the city is recovering a little bit after the missile strike, unfortunately, there are three dead after this russian attack, and unfortunately, these are
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the consequences, people... bring flowers to this house, to somehow honor the memory of the dead. we are waiting, we are waiting in the 16th, we are waiting for new patriots, about some jen stoltenberg confirmed that there is a decision to transfer stoltenberg, my god, stolten, i say, and patriot, and, sampti, similar franco-italian systems have been found, they did not say how many, but found will be transferred to ukraine in the near future, it will strengthen. our air defense shield will be able to hit the cities a little easier, and of course this is also necessary for the front, since there we know that recently they have been very, very aggressive, let's say this, the russian aviation has been acting on a whim, this is why due to, of course , experts also predict almost without exception
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all that for... now while there is a gap between the arrival of new aid from the united states and other allies, the russians will try to use this window as much as possible in order to still try to break through the defenses of the russians somewhere, in fact , difficult things also await the mobs, but what is important for us is that there will be a lot of pressure, probably now on the front, where exactly, how to restrain it, that is already the question is not ours. it is the general staff that understands it better, but we will also talk about it. friends, well, before we wait, actually, for receiving help from the united states, we can also contribute with our hryvnias, or help our military, who restrain the enemy on the front line and help the two brigades for which we are raising money for drones, the ones you see on your screens right now, the drones destroying moscow.
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small but effective technology, small but effective death for moscow technology, so scan the qr codes, there are card numbers above the qr codes, a qr code is written, which on the right, if you are facing the screen, is the qr code of privatbank, and it must be scanned using the scanner that is available in the privat application, and the card number is also recorded for your convenience, so below. come on please each hryvnia, and each of these hryvnias is very expensive and important, because it brings us closer to 2 million, that's how much we want to collect to actually give to the military, and they could already dispose of these drones at their own discretion, and thank you, that you contribute every time with your hryvnia, for yesterday you and i collected uah 90,000, this is a record number, for this, for every hryvnia
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, we are extremely grateful, and now... let's observe a moment of silence in memory of those ukrainians whose lives already taken away by russian aggression. let's honor the memory with a moment of silence ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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