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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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is this plane really as good as it is, that there are such queues for it, how significant is its advantage over, for example, there are su-27s, yes, well , look, if we are talking about the f22, then the key story here is, after all, that , that this is a fifth-generation aircraft, that is, it is an aircraft that uses reduced low -visibility technologies, that is, it still allows the execution of various maneuvers, the execution of canvases. er, for passing through enemy air defense systems and destroying them, it is also capable of directly to perform tasks in the area of ​​action of the destroyed enemy combat aircraft and, in addition, to be inconspicuous, that is, in fact, the enemy aircraft can perform tasks, then see that an air-to-air missile appears out of nowhere, at a distance of 100 or more kilometers, which , in principle, is headed for his side, and the plane is immediately in trouble because it's literally there for less than a minute to...
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take some sort of action and actually maneuver to try to escape if that missile doesn't catch up with it, so these planes , they could effectively counter not only su-35s and su-34s there, these planes could actually destroy, as modern russian su-57s are absolutely effective, and on the other hand, they could also destroy enemy rears certain objects of critical military infrastructure, such as air defense systems, such as military warehouses. that is, to go in and out to perform such tasks practically almost unnoticed, that is what is called that advantage in the air to actually create and uh, well, thank you very much, mr. bohdan, bohdan dolince was with us, an aviation expert, they were talking about planes, you were a little bit licked on the f-35, maybe someday ukraine will have these planes, it would be good if it were somewhere, maybe in the near future, no, what is he doing there arestovych, let him drive us a couple of these f-35s. well, this is the main storyteller
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of the country, well, at least he would write a blog, and he would make such airplanes, you know, paper airplanes and say: here i am sending them to ukraine, somewhere where he lives there near central park now, near central park it's already nearby , it's necessary, it's interesting, i'm interested in those now people who, for example, wrote to us when we were talking about the fact that arestovych is an aferestovych, that he is a person who invents nonsense, a person who actually harms ukraine, and harmed those people whom he soothed and smoothed over, said, that... in two or three weeks everything will be over, and we were told: my god, how unscrupulous these presenters are, that they talk about arestovych like that. i wonder now what these people are, how they feel, how they feel about the fact that arestovych simply carried out all that he said, that i will eat lobsters, and you will rot there in ukraine. now he is in the united states of america, no one can understand how he got there, and no one tells us, despite the fact that there were official inquiries from journalists, how he ended up in the united states...
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oksana korchynska, a front-line volunteer to we are joining you, ms. oksana, we are glad to see you, yes, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory. ms. oksana, today we ask each of our guests for our airtime in one way or another. about the emotions after the congress of the united states of america voted to help ukraine, and you, as a front-line volunteer, probably also expected it very much, because it is something that can protect the lives of our soldiers, what were your emotions when you found out that it was true? uh, well, we really hoped, and my fellow christians, christians, ukrainians, and in america did a lot so that...
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after all, the republicans would hear us, there was a lot of unofficial politics involved, meetings were held with by our citizens of ukraine who lost their families, and they are from christian families, because unfortunately, here our government is not working properly, in america the republicans think that you and i here are all anti-christians, that the russian federation is fighting for christ with us, with us, they have an absolutely debased image of ukraine, they think. that we have an lgbt flag on every building here, and that russia is fighting for christian values, and this is absolutely not just a mistake, it is a complete lie, and therefore a lot of our brothers, christians, were involved, who would have been able to organize even at johnson's, there was also a meeting with the family of the deceased odesita, who lost his wife after the shelling and little child, you remember this case, although... unfortunately, now in ukraine every day
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there are such cases, that's why god wins, in the morning i was before the vote, when it started there, we were all wrong with our brothers, and we knew what. .. that the matter will be done, because the lord god is on our side. well, actually, and we will see how important it is to convey this simple truth that we are part of the western world. it seems to me that president zelensky finally said the right words somewhere on twitter, addressing the non-speaking audience, emphasizing that we are fighting for democracy, that we are, that we are a democratic country that protects democracy in the whole world, a liberal system. i really don’t understand why he doesn’t say this for the internal listener and viewer, but here he has a problem with that, you understand, but there are yekanites who believe that we have an ungodly government, they hear some deputies such as dmytruk,
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a servant of the people and fralovier, such a scoundrel who brought a nun from the uoc, the fsb to the ukrainian week a few months ago, and she speaks english. told absolute lies, absolute satanism, as if ukrainians they are destroying christians, that it seems they are imprisoning priests in our country, and that this is a struggle ukrainians are waging with christians, this message was repeated by green, she, a senator from the republic of republicans, repeated it officially, that she thinks so, that is, she listens to such scoundrels, whom she brings, including , unfortunately, deputies are servants of the people, i repeat. this is mr. frolov, i do not understand at all why the sbu does not act on dmytruk and frolov, knowing that they are at the international level, coming in official delegations, conducting anti-ukrainian campaign, we were told this directly by ukrainians who were part of our delegations, they
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were witnesses, they were shocked, and by the way, i think they wrote about it, is n't dmytruk undergoing some kind of criminal case, so that i'm not mistaken now, because there was some kind of him passes, he passes, but he sits in the parliament. he's voting, he's traveling the country, he's the anti-vaccinator who was against the vaccine, and he's being released, wait, he's being released to the united states, and he's meeting with americans there, he's a constant supporter here ops, tells all these, all these satanists about the fact that some rights are being infringed, and it is shameful that the representatives of the authorities are doing this, if not, you know, they excluded them to dmytro. faction, but he is still considered, there in the west, he is considered a representative of the servant of the people. fralov, this, in my opinion, pavlo, his about fralov, he is still there, he was in the official delegation, and he brought this nun, and such people did everything to prevent ukraine from receiving aid, but on the other hand, on the other
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hand, we also do a lot to make our postpone the victory, because i asked to talk to you today, i am now in kyiv , and i am afraid. i was outraged by the situation when i was found by my soldiers with severe wounds, with severe amputations, who were passing through the city of pum, they found me at a liturgy, and i was at a liturgy in an open place, not in a simple ordinary church, at a fraternal liturgy, because they told me that for several months in a row they have been denied the right to tender, and because the ministry of social policy has been unable to set the marginal prices for several months in a row... on prosthetics, if the shoulder joint is removed, that is, these are extremely severe injuries, this is when the boys do not even have stumps, and this is happening now in ukraine, when i asked him why you don't unite, why don't you leave, let's go to minsos, they
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tell me, mrs. oksana, we are ashamed, muscovites will use the same picture when we come out with amputations and say that they cannot treat us normally. to do, this applies specifically to severe amputations, because at the moment, they are ashamed, but artom dmytruk, about whom we spoke, is not he is ashamed, for example, to demonstrate his new range rover, which he bought last year with and with a leather white interior, and he showed it to his audience on instagram, he is not ashamed, for example, well, but that means, yes, i consider him an enemy of ukraine. and therefore to discuss the enemy of ukraine, this is a question only for the security service of ukraine, why this enemy of ukraine moves to ukraine, conducts anti-ukrainian agitation on our territory, corresponds with the ukrainian orthodox church, the fsb, openly supports those against whom the sbu has already opened cases for
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anti-ukrainian activities in the ukrainian territory, and he will continue to be a deputy, this is a question for the parliament and for those scoundrels who in this case they help such... for me, there is no other word for this, because what they are doing against ukraine now has led to led to the fact that they did not give us help for six months, because the republicans are completely wrong. the situation was mistaken about the situation in ukraine, and therefore what people's diplomacy has managed to do now is, thank god, i say, it is more of a miracle of god, but i would simply like to insist once again, nevertheless anyway, i am addressing the ministry of social policy and the minister, whom, unfortunately, i have never seen, i have no idea what she looks like, i think her name is ms. oksana, the ministry of social policy, you, you are now acting the same way... you are doing anti-ukrainian policy , you are doing everything so that our seriously injured people feel that
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they defended officials like you in vain, now to me, our benefactor yana matviychuk, who helped us a lot at the checkpoints, gave the figures that this year 112 billion hryvnias have been provided for the payment of state employees, 112 billion uah, and you can't find 200 million... for additional prosthetics, to replace our heavy ones, you set the maximum price for the protest of a guy who does not have a pelvic joint, the same as for a hip, $12,000 , this is on a stick, he must walk on a stick, the ministry of social policy, what are you doing if you cannot, having a commission, gather people, set marginal prices, demand and submit a project to the government that you need additional money, i will not believe it, that
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the parliament would vote, it would not find 200-300 million, when 112 billion are spent on civil servants, when mayor klitschko has 20 million on the seashore allocated for the construction of a bridge for beachgoers on the seashore, 20 million, it is impossible to find 200-300 extra payment for seriously injured guys who have high amputations. million a year, i will not believe it, i will never believe it, because now it is done by volunteers, when you see what they collect there , yanina sokolova was collecting by name now, because thank god they have a patronage service and they are constantly looking for additional money for prosthetics, we can't care about you are wounded, so what kind of nation are we then, if we cannot take care of those people who protect you, these ukrainians are badly wounded, and now they have to fight to find extra money. in order to prosthetic my high amputations, this is nonsense, i couldn't believe this, because
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when i arrived, and it turned out that these guys already, already they, they were trying to apply, already these prosthetic productions applied for ministry of social policy, deputies to me, i call the deputy, they say, this is the first time i hear, sorry, people deputies, what are you doing then, this social policy committee of ms. trityakov, well, i didn't call, i don't know her, i called the deputies from the national health committee, well, they are the first to hear about it, when i handed them the letters, they were surprised that it turns out that we have a problem, that they cannot properly treat our boys, especially those who were wounded more than a year ago, because they were introduced to them there in general, some absolutely anti-human article in the 518 order, where a year later they did not have the right to apply for electronic knee must walk on a primary prosthesis only because some official of social policy made a point
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that until the period of operation of the primary prosthesis, that is, of course, the usual prosthesis, expires, thank you for voicing this problem, i hope that the journalists will pick up and e and develop , you understand, they don't pick up, the guys told me that they tried to contact some journalists there, i'm silent about the marathon, i'm already persuading them to at least come to your channel, i told what are you, let's attack you, because there is no way out, because they wrote to someone there, but these guys who came to me, it's good that there is an american foundation, that is , a protest foundation, they took them to america with high , but they can take 10, klitschko publicizes that he has sent 11 people for pretesting, it is not yet known what quality, it is not known who these guys will be here later. to take care of these prostheses, but nevertheless, i will never believe, at the same time there, in his
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budget, a billion is allocated for the changes in the climate zone, which is taking place in the great ukraine, what is the money going to, our, our money, our taxes, if we can't take care of our seriously wounded, thank you for saying that, i think we are still on our airwaves on espresso we say, in our , if there are military personnel who have problems, please contact our journalists. as soon as there is a chance, they will tell about this story, about this story and other stories, oksana zholnovich, i specifically googled just so that we know who our minister of social policy is. that's how she is, we just don't know who is there cabinet of ministers, so ukraine should know its heroes in quotation marks, who do not help those heroes who, who laid down their health for this country, oksana zholnovich, minister of social policy, who does not help the military, but i hope that this will have publicity, this is what she looks like, ms. oksana,
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oksana korchynska, i am addressing you now, thank you for the conversation, thank you for raising the issue, frontline volunteer. who was with us, now we are going to take a short break and then continue, stay with us. tired of heavy hoses, which are constantly entangled and create tangles on the site. unboxing tv is represented by a maxi hose at a favorable price of only uah 299. the hose automatically triples in size when water is supplied and shrinks to its original size as soon as the water supply stops. extremely compact and light. the hose weighs less than a kilogram, it is very convenient to store and carry. the new improved version of the maxi hose is three times stronger and more reliable than the normal expanding hose. the stable and flexible inner coating makes it strong and durable, improved materials and a wear-resistant outer coating allow the maxi hose to withstand incredible loads without kinks and kinks. but that's not all. in the set, you
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of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. special. overview of the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what kind of world is mr. norman dreaming of, we can imagine it. all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about. two hours to keep up with economic news. and sports news for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium
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sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together! dear friends, we return to the ether, we continue our marathon, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, today we work for you throughout the day until 10 a.m., and then we will return at 2 p.m. and continue. now we will talk with ivan tymochko, a military serviceman and head of the council of reservists of the ground forces, armed forces of ukraine. mr. ivan, we welcome you. congratulations, glory to ukraine, glad to see you, comrade. mr. ivan, we are asking everyone today what emotions were there when you learned the results of the vote in the united states congress, what did you feel at that moment? well let's say temporary relief, because in addition to the publicly available information, which we all saw with you, that will be provided and will be provided
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funding, and also funds, in fact, for the training of crews, for, in particular, for artillery, for air defense systems, as well as for myself, i noted that the situation regarding the support of ukraine in the united states, after all. congress, on the one hand, is positive, but on the other hand, there is still a lot of work to be done, because in fact we saw more than two hundred congressmen who still did not vote, and this is also a kind of certain and an alarming challenge, because we understand that the situation will require a more than one-time such vote in support of ukraine in various forms, and not only that... there will certainly be financial assistance, and perhaps some political support and tasks will arise, and of course, what is here surely
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, in the future, it will be necessary to involve all ukrainian, not only state institutions, but also religious public organizations, and religious associations, and international ones in order to establish communication, in order that after all, this 200 congress.. . which were against or turned out to be on our side in the future, because on the other hand, support even for the same israel, we saw, in fact , 60 more votes, what position we are in, and what israel is in, that is , we have a much more difficult situation, so in that regard, i i observe for myself, you know, with such restrained optimism that it is still very good that this happened to the voice. of course, it is very good that finally we and our brothers receive the long-awaited shells and the same air defense equipment, which we hope will sufficiently
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drive the enemy away from, in particular, their aviation from the borders, but on the other hand i understand, you know, such a bitter taste, how long it took, how much time was spent, with what efforts, and so that in the future the political... strong debates in america do not affect the support , on our, let's say, the state of the ability to defend ourselves, diplomacy will definitely be needed , i repeat, and that's why i emphasize religious organizations, because churches, because after all, those who did not vote, i myself, you know, councils i looked at it out of curiosity, well, that is, it is mainly people who belong to a certain group there of the religious wing, that is, this... tism is conservatives, and it is still very important, we saw this amendment for a reason, at which everyone there laughed a lot, that there they said that the church
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is independent, that there are biolaboratories, but it all looked in the context in reality and another event in russia, the so-called all-russian council, where the russians admitted that they are going to fight against satanism, there is a holy war in the country... they have it there at the level of gundyaev, that is, and if we take into account that the moscow church goes between there is such an organization, a world union of churches, in my opinion, is called, then we understand that through them they will also influence, in fact, on politics abroad, on especially conservative original associations, which... that after all, some signs of political leaders must be spiritual, so it is very
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it will actually be very serious now, if, let's say, on the economic, financial, and political level, everything is clear somewhere and the work is going on, then in this direction it is necessary to strengthen sufficiently, especially since there is a council in ukraine, the all-ukrainian council of churches, there are other international public institutions should help, we see how freely russia feels at the un, and now somewhere we have begun to understand that because of such manifestations, because of such amendments, which are currently being carried out in the congress in order to disrupt the vote, it seems that simply no one somewhere probably , even the russians did not expect that the question would be put to a vote and would gain a large number of votes, and it was such, you know, a convulsive attempt to choose... or not to give the opportunity to vote, but such risks should be taken into account the future and so that after all, we would seriously not have such problems in the future, and as for...
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weapons, well, in fact, it is very, very good, but for me in particular it is also very important, for example, what are your crimes after all russia itself will pay, i mean the confiscation of russian assets, by the way, this is very, very serious, because it seems, well, there seems to be 5 billion or eight according to different calculations out of 300, but the beginning is excellent, if we know with you how much is papa valued there? the right of private property or to what extent the world there, let's say, financial corporations are afraid to raise such issues, because they are afraid that there will be no cascade, and that somewhere in the future it will not affect them, but still, as we can see, fear of russia, of its threats and of world war, after all, thank god, finally the desire to make a living prevails, well, we will
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watch the events on... and we are waiting for ammunition, you know, today we mentioned on the air those congressmen who were adamantly against ukraine, but i i think that it is also necessary to say about those who actually stood on the side they supported ukraine in every possible way, today in particular they also showed a video of congressmen there waving blue and yellow flags and you can hear somewhere there how they say glory to ukraine, with such an american accent, and actually these proportions are revealed... one of the largest brought to the congress ukraine's lobbyist in the congress, this is congresswoman marcy kaptur from ohio, such a good woman who cheers for ukraine, maybe we can show her so that people know their heroes, not only as she is marcy, as she and the friend, here, here, here is this woman who brought flags, and these with flags, then, after the vote , the congressmen who voted for
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ukraine. this is what she looks like, and another supporter of ukraine, it must also be said about her, she is the one who defended, defended ukraine and actually shut the mouth of this margery green, and and and even our ukrainian victoria sparts, who did not come out in defense of ukraine, so-so ms. roza dela, she is also... they say a woman with purple hair, it turns out that this congresswoman is 81 years old, it seems that she is the one? i don't know where she's from, that's how she looks, and somehow she doesn't even come back to say about the fact that this grandmother is such a woman, because she is quite so stylish, a woman, and who understands where there is good and where there is evil, and she closes the mouth of the evil ones, so what is it for ukrainians who, in order to know, to know those people to
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be grateful to. well, again, you see, this is mainly the support of ukrainians from those states where there is a large diaspora, ours, which has developed there historically, where, let's say, ukrainians have not yet lost the feeling of their roots, and what is interesting, they actually in contrast to those, say, who are tangential to some russian ones ethnic groups, it is clear that they are being strengthened by the russians, through various channels of putin's finances. he is motivated by something, of course, no one will talk about it out loud or confirm it, but we know even the state secretary, what their situation was with this, with the head of the congress actually, the secretary, so what is it like here, while our diasporans do it, of course, without having any financial influence, on personal initiative, with support, these are, by the way, very
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important such diametrical things. and the fact that there were flags is certainly a good thing, because they are senators voluntarily in fact marked, you know, called by name in a large number, who is for ukraine, who, who is for ukraine in words, in deed, well, we have what we have, you know, not by words, but by deeds, mr. ivan, thank you , ivan tymochko, a serviceman and head of the council of reservists of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine was with us, we will return with andrii vater o-14. 10, well, we're just watching the news now. news time on the espresso tv channel.
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kateryna works in the studio. a belt of loud explosions.


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