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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EEST

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united by football, stronger together. news time on the espresso tv channel. kateryna shiropoyas works in the studio. loud explosions started the morning in temporarily occupied sevastopol. the occupiers also blocked the crimean bridge, local media reports. according to their data, after the explosions , fire engines rushed towards the cracker bay. meanwhile, the so-called governor assured that the russian anti-aircraft missile allegedly managed to shoot down an anti-ship missile. and due to the falling debris, they say, a small fire occurred in the port. at the same time, in the partisan movement, and also stated that it is possible. a missile hit
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the occupiers' ship and the liquidation of the russian military. two people were injured as a result of shelling in donetsk region. this was reported to the regional police. the russians struck, carried out an airstrike on krasnohorivka, and hit mirnograd with s-300 missiles. kostyantynivka and ocheretyne were also under enemy fire. as a result of the attacks , 13 residential buildings, an administrative building, an enterprise and. warehouse along the unverified power transmission line. a 56-year-old man was rescued from the rubble in the kharkiv region. russians in the evening dropped controlled aerial bombs on the settlement of zolochivska hromada. the state emergency service said. two aerial bombs hit the building of the former farm. it was under its rubble that a local resident found himself. the rescuers unblocked the man and transferred the victim to medics with moderate injuries. in the hunting season, our
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defenders choose the right target, so another 950 carcasses of russians will go to russia, albeit in black bags, and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, more than 459 thousand occupiers have returned home in polyethylene, took care defense forces and pro-russian scrap metal, just yesterday burned 16 tanks, 23 armored combat vehicles, 41. system of 68 vehicles, four anti-aircraft vehicles and eight units of special equipment. 38 enemy drones and six cruise missiles landed on the lash. the general staff is reminded that all data are indicative. and operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine: 115 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. it was the hottest again in the avdiyiv direction, where the defense forces repelled 32 enemy attacks. another 28 assaults were stopped on bakhmutskyi
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direction near klishchiivka, bilogorivka, ivanivka and spirny. 25 attacks were repulsed on novopavlivskyi. zaporizhzhia is also restless. the russians tried four times to attack near robotino and staromaiskyi. three more attacks were repelled by our soldiers in the kherson region. during the day, the ukrainian aviation struck eight district concentrations of personnel of the occupiers. and the rocket launchers... florists hit the control post and two personnel concentration areas, and also destroyed the muscovites' anti-aircraft defense system and a warehouse with ammunition. and to enemy losses only increased, we invite you to join our gathering. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and... study, i know that our goal
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is ambitious - uah 720,000, but thanks to our indifference we will close this collection for sure, join us, all the details you now see on your screens. an international delegation of ambassadors of denmark and estonia, the deputies of the diplomatic missions of france, sweden and high-ranking officials of the un were informed about this by the mayor ihor terekhov. he noted that foreign... the guests were able to see with their own eyes the completely destroyed civilian objects of the city, at the same time, the delegates were presented with a specific plan for the restoration of kharkiv's thermal infrastructure, with the help of which the city will be able to pass the next heating season. according to the head of the city, they have a full understanding with their partners regarding the needs and are very much counting on reliable and timely support. 16 inhabitants points remained without light on kirov.
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hradshchyna, the head of the region andrii raykovich informed about this. a large-scale power outage occurred due to gusts of wind and as a result of the operation of the automatic power transmission line protection system. currently medics are working to restore supplies. bad weather in kyiv, strong wind felled trees in the pechersk district, the state emergency service reported. the rescuers had to clear the roadway and free the cars. fortunately, no one was hurt. be a voice for those in captivity. in the capital, they don't care who they are. gathered to remind about the ukrainian defenders whom russia takes captive, our kateryna galko knows more, she is in direct communication with us from kyiv. katya, congratulations, did the bad weather prevent the promotion? greetings, katya, greetings to the viewers
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of the espresso tv channel. so, neither rain nor cold weather stopped the citizens, and here the action has only just begun, however, we already see hundreds of indifferent citizens who... to remind ukraine about our prisoners of war and we have the opportunity to talk with ms. svitlana. mrs. svitlana, i congratulate you, why is it important to remind about the problem of returning our boys and girls from captivity? good day, you understand, we need to remind society that our pows have been in captivity for the third year, may 18 will be like two years since they received the order of the commander-in-chief and went into honorable captivity, i promise them. that 3-4 months and they will be returned to ukraine, but russia, unfortunately, does not fulfill its obligations, neither representatives of the red cross nor the un help, unfortunately, how important is it to come to the center
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of the capital or to other cities every sunday and leave others cities? you see, when the whole country stands up and realizes what, well, what kind of... these guys have done, then we have to bow to them, well , we have to remind them, thank you very much, thank you to all our defenders, our boys and girls who keep our front, or who, unfortunately, are currently in russian captivity, i will remind you that such actions are organized by the families of the soldiers of the mariupol garrison, who gather every sunday not only in kyiv, but also in... other cities of ukraine, to remind and raise this issue again it's always very loud here, that's why that no one passes by just like that, cars pass only with a sound, to support everyone who has gathered here today, let me remind you that there are still more than
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nine hundred azov citizens in russian captivity, as well as thousands of other defenders of ours, this is all the information , as of now, the action continues, we will follow... thank you katya, let me remind you, this was our journalist kateryna galko, she communicated with the families of servicemen who are insidiously held captive by russia. the flood in russia continues to gather momentum in the tyumen region, level the water level in the ishim river rose by almost 15 meters in a day and crossed the 10 m mark, which is almost 2 m above the critical limit, local media and several villages write. in the region , only the roofs of some houses are visible from under the water, and in many settlements it is only possible to move by boat. the regional authorities called this flood the strongest in the last 77 years. also, large water is actively flooding the kurgan region, there
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is a mass evacuation of the population. unshakable. of ukraine and ways of its continuation, about it canadian prime minister justin trudeau spoke with polish president andrzej duda, their meeting took place the day before at the base of the canadian military forces, according to the website of the government of canada. the leaders also expressed their support for president volodymyr zelenskyi and his peace formula. and the first tranche of weapons from the usa will arrive in ukraine just a few days after the signing of the law. pentagon spokesman patrick ryder said. first, the weapons will be delivered to germany, then to the ukrainian border. us officials have not publicly announced which weapons will send at the same time, according to ryder, there will probably be more ammunition for air defense and artillery. and in
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poland, elections to local self-government bodies are ongoing. the second round of voting began today. cities where winners were not chosen during the first round are wroclaw, krakow, poznań and other large cities. in this round, poles are electing about 748 mayors, as well as widdiv and burg. home teachers, let me remind you that in warsaw the mayor was elected during the first round of voting, rafal became him tshakovsky. for now, that's all the news i have as of this hour, take care, see you soon.
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andriy smaliy and vitaliy portnikov are on the saturday polyclub on the espressa tv channel. today, traditionally on saturday, we discuss all the most important events of ukraine and the world. and we already have our first guest. vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, colonel zasu, former spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. congratulations mr. vladyslav. colleagues, i congratulate you and glory to ukraine. glory. so let's talk. about how yours is now what does the situation at the front look like? it seems to me that now the russian occupation army has a certain window of opportunity, and it is connected with the fact that the ukrainian defense forces are critically lacking in key components that provide the firepower of our units. it is about artillery, ammunition for that artillery, the aviation component and the air defense system, i hope that in the near future we will hear good news from the ocean, but the enemy is in a hurry. no matter what decision is made today in the us congress, the enemy is in a hurry
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to make the most of this situation, when we are frankly short of artillery ammunition, the american general notes that now the ratio of artillery shells is not in favor of ukraine. for one ukrainian projectile, there are about 10 russian ones. president volodymyr zelenskyi notes that there are 30 russian aircraft for one ukrainian aircraft, which means that the ratio of forces and means is definitely not only in our favor. number of used enemy air bombs or their analogues based on guided air bombs during in the first two weeks of april was 1,200, i think that the rate of use of this type of weapons will continue to increase, which means that the ukrainian army, being in strategic defense, is subjected to a lot of fire pressure from the enemy army, and if we constantly hear in the news centuries of information about the extremely difficult situation in the area of ​​chasov, south of marinka, west of avdiyivka, we also
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have to understand that the no less difficult situation in the kupin-liman direction, in particular in the liman direction, is not easy the situation in the south of zaporizhzhya region, in particular in the robotino region and in the staromykhaivka region, that is, the situation on the battlefield is determined by the total superiority of the de facto enemy army, well, accordingly, by the stability in the defense of the ukrainian defense forces, and here we must give credit. a certain volume of tasks related to the construction of engineering fortifications is already indicated, these fortifications already allow us to stabilize the situation on the battlefield to a certain extent, the advance of the enemy army, despite its total superiority , is distinguished by an advance at the level there 100-200-300 m during the day, although under the condition of such a ratio of silto-resources, it would seem that the advance of the enemy army should have been larger, but nevertheless, thanks to courage and heroism. our soldiers, we manage to hold the front lines. mr. vladyslav, for the past few
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days, the enemy has been hitting odesa, the dnipro, and zaporizhzhia almost 24 hours a day. should we expect similar strikes in these cities and possibly others in our country in the next few days and weeks. should it be considered an enemy? absolutely stupid, who acts unsystematically and without trying to realize some of his strategic mission. i think it's not worth it. we are absolutely clear. we understand that the enemy is insidious, the enemy is experienced in education, and the enemy is transforming its activities to the conditions of the current russian-ukrainian confrontation. so, in more detail, the hostile missile and drone attacks on the south of our country are connected with the fact that he is trying to destroy the infrastructure, in particular the infrastructure that is involved in the implementation of the grain agreement, extreme flights, in particular near the settlement of pivdenne, precisely related to what is arriving, arriving at our grain terminals and this is... a serious challenge, as for flights over the territory of the dnipropetrovsk region, it is obvious that the enemy
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is trying to destroy as much as possible with the help of missile and drone attacks our railway infrastructure. why? because we understand that ukrainian logistics is currently preparing to accept large-scale deliveries of weapons and military equipment within the framework of relevant agreements with our overseas partners, and therefore we are trying as much as possible to weaken our logistical capabilities, including by destroying key railway junctions, logistics centers... hubs, which are usually used for the transportation of goods of military importance, as far as kharkov is concerned, it is obvious that the enemy is trying to turn it into a complete ruin by creating a so-called sanitary zone, it's not us. this is the statement of vladimir putin, the dictator there, the russian dictator, so it is obvious that putin should not implement this mission in this way, the creation of a sanitary zone, by transformation of a million-strong city into a grafted city. and tell me, mr. vladyslav, what needs to be done from the point of view of scaling down ukrainian air defense, what to prevent all these strikes, because now
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the president is already talking about the possibility of strikes on nuclear power plants, and of course it can be more than that. a catastrophe for the ukrainian energy industry, but also a global catastrophe in general. mr. vitaly, i have thought about this issue and i do not have any argument that would absolutely with one hundred percent benefit prevent putin to implement, not to implement such a plan, well, what can actually affect it, and from time to time we see that the enemy arranges a critical plowing of provocations, for example, at nuclear energy facilities, in particular at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. do we hear any such conscious reaction from the world community to such flagrant actions by the russian occupation army? no, there is a certain concern, there are certain statements that do not carry any real processes, practical actions that should curb the strange encroachments putin and his entourage. i think that and with regard to nuclear energy facilities on
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the territory of our country, on those territories that are under the control of the ukrainian government, it is unlikely. putin will pay special attention to any reactions, seeing that before that it was completely impotent on the part of our western partners, and therefore such risks exist, and i think that everything is determined only by the presence of the enemy's resources and their readiness to use these resources specifically for our nuclear energy industry as for the current activity of the enemy army is aimed at the destruction of our energy complex, then it is also absolutely logical, he works with his missiles and... on our objects of hydrogen generation, heat generation, respectively, on distribution nodes, on highways, including those highways that ensure the flow of electricity from the countries of the east of europe to ukraine and in the opposite direction, that is, systematic, purposeful methodical work aimed at weakening the energy potential
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of our country as much as possible, including for what purpose, the key mission seems to me, well what spring steals on our territory and... the season is behind us, most likely the enemy is trying to deprive our enterprise of the defense-industrial complex of energy in this way, because it is obvious that here right now the ukrainian defense industry provides part of the needs of the ukrainian army under the condition of delay with the supply of weapons from the ocean and certain limited capabilities of our european partners. our international partners have undertaken to actually supply ukraine with additional ones. air defense systems, there are scholz's statements about the patriot systems, do you think will it help to really improve the situation with the prevention of missile strikes and how quickly, most importantly, can these systems be delivered to ukraine? here, only statements will definitely not help us in any way, but real deliveries of batteries of the
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patriot air defense complex and the groks for them will certainly be able to strengthen our capabilities. there is some debate here as to how many we need. the president called the maximum number of 25 patriot systems, at one time mr. podalyak stated about 12-13, i heard the number 7-8, in any case, how many of the same air defense systems do we have patriots were not received, all this works to strengthen our ee capabilities of our air defense system, because in fact we are losing our strategic level facilities due to the fact that we critically lack the same air defense systems and... i hope that a political solution , which was adopted both at the level of nato and at the level, in particular, of the german government, will be very quickly transformed into real deliveries of this type of weapons, because it actually determines the fate and lives of many of our fellow citizens, but what is happening with russian planes can be considered somehow
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a certain turning point in the fight against air targets, and i think that, taking into account the fact that in 2000, it seems like the 13th year, the last s200 complex was withdrawn from the combat composition of the ukrainian armed forces, now the reverse process continues, the s200 complex is returned to combat duty, missiles to this complex undergo a certain upgrade, a certain update, and their technical characteristics increase. general budanov announced just a few days ago that it is from the complex. 200 was aimed not only at the fortune-telling tu-22 m3 strategic gangster who launched a missile from the black sea near sevastopol on our territory, an x22 missile, and... likewise, the same, the same type of missile, the ppos200 system was constantly detected by the flying radar of the a50 complex of the military space forces, the armed forces of the russian federation, that is
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, we have such resources, it is not the first time that we use them with serious efficiency, and i hope that we have enough resources to continue to use this powerful air defense system to target enemy aircraft, and this actually imposes certain, certain obligations are already on the russian generals, because they are... forced to a certain extent to transform the use of their strategic aviation and keep, forced to keep their strategic bombers as far as possible from our territories, from those territories that are under the control of the ukrainian government. the russians actually do not use caliber missiles, in contrast to what happened, let’s say there in 22-23 years, it can already be considered a victory over the russian fleet, or after all they will... in the future they will use these missiles for that to replace some other types of weapons? in fact, it is a very valid question, because the russian defense industry continues to manufacture
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the same calibers, but recently we do not often hear news that the enemy is carrying out massive non-launches of calibers, what is this connected with, or the lack of certain infrastructure on the territory of the military port, novorossiysk, or due to the fact that the corresponding mines of launchers on warships are destroyed as a result of the intensive use of the same... libres, or are there other reasons why the enemy did not implement this mission, maybe there is a process of accumulation, in any case, the fact that the vorok, having a sufficiently powerful weapon capable of giving a distance of up to 200 km, is not using it now, this is great news, although i would not feel myself here absolutely safe, why? because most likely vorok, including at the expense of... when deploying part of its warships, and now this is being actively discussed with an emphasis on the statement of our gur,
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he is moving part of his warships of seed calibers to the waters of the caspian sea, this is quite real mission, because the network of the volgodon canal and its locks allow such a mission to be carried out regarding the movement of the same warships, or at least parts of them, which means that the entire territory of ukraine will still be at risk, even in the case of launches of the same calibers. from the northern parts of the water area of ​​the caspian sea, but it is difficult to say with certainty and unequivocally why the enemy is not actively using this missile component, because it is obvious that the enemy is in no hurry to reveal the secret of these processes, and we can only make certain suggestions. and tell me how you generally assess the situation with the black sea fleet, the russians will manage to restore some of its capabilities, at least possibly using this new vechemchila base. i don't think that base will be able to. place a sufficient number of warships, but the fact is that the enemy has definitely lost its flagship, the russian guard cruiser and under no conditions and circumstances cannot return it to
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the battle formation again, because now there are other visitors and crew members on board this flagship destroyed by ukrainian missiles of the russian black sea fleet, but those remnants that are now closer to the caucasian coast of the russian federation, all those ships, they will remain there, because the enemy is sure that at least the northwestern part of the black sea water area is completely under under the control of the ukrainian army, enemy ships do not dare to put their noses behind the horns of torkhanka, this is the western part of the temporarily occupied crimea, and transportation by sea to the bays of sevastopol also takes place with certain reservations, because ukrainian drones work too effectively and too painfully for the enemy army. note that the russians use their aviation component so intensively to keep watch over the black sea that it often leads to technical breakdowns and, accordingly
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, losses, including combat aircraft and combat helicopters. i think that there will be more in the future, because the intensity of hostilities and the use of appropriate equipment is becoming evident. well , as you can see, the ukrainian army works systematically and methodically to blind the eyes to a certain extent. occupation contingent that operates on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and sevastopol, and the cotton that recently happened on the territory of dzhankovska lytovyshche is only one of the elements of the implementation of this plan. thank you, mr. vladyslav. we were accompanied by vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2014-2017. we will break for a few minutes now, but stay with us, there are still important dialogues ahead. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you can't to feel energetic in the morning and productive
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of facts and competence. opinion, in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones, a special view on events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, what the world dreams of, norman, we can imagine it, all this in an informational marathon with mykola in september, saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. the sponsor of the national team presents united by football together stronger live broadcast, the saturday political club is back after a few minutes break, and now we will have a guest from georgia, but he is not there yet, so
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welcome sir. let's probably talk about what is happening now in georgia, the actual adoption of the law on foreign agents, foreign agents yes, or agents of influence, well, relatively speaking, this is a kind of carbon copy from the russian law, somewhere plus or minus, and by the way, there was a very similar law also accepted in kyrgyzstan, mr. vitaly, how do you assess such actions of the georgian authorities, why right now... why is georgia sliding towards such postulates of russian authoritarianism? well, by the way, this is an interesting story, because in georgia this law has not yet been adopted, in kyrgyzstan it has already been adopted and signed by president zhaparov, and here we can clearly say that this is not just some kind of, you know, formal thing, because after after signing the law on kyrgyzstan, the president...


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