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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EEST

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a supporting factor, well, plus it is obvious that it is also important that the world is really feeling the negative consequences of this war now, and china is among those countries that, as we can see, are interested in stopping the conflict, another matter, we have already discussed, on what terms they are not not about ukrainians, unfortunately, nevertheless, discomfort from the conflict in... and china, in particular , scholz emphasized, because after the visit he said that many countries that are friends with russia, they are not satisfied with this war, their this war does not suit, obviously, because the consequences are global, due to the impact on the economy and the general situation in the world. how do you think the rivalry between the united states and china in the asia-pacific region affects everything? situation, because we
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see that the congress will deal with assistance today not only to ukraine, israel, but also to taiwan, other asian-texan allies of the chinese people, and the united states. the people's republic of china, in its turn, shows an obvious initiative to somehow pull the us allies to its side, but the minister of foreign affairs was in indonesia, today he has already held talks with justin tachenko in planned guinea, where the americans would like to have their real military capabilities. foreign affairs of this country, that is, it is their clear, i would say, such attempts, even these countries of the pacific region, which are trying to cooperate with the united states, to drag their side, how can the americans oppose this? well, the americans said really bad things about china, especially lately we have been seeing such bad things as a partner, so to speak, because biden managed to establish relations between korea and japan and create this triangle. which
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actively interacts, last week japan, the philippines, the united states also agreed on interaction, there is also alkus, there is quat, and accordingly china feels that the united states has covered them with such clicks, china calls it, and of course it is preparing and trying advance your countermeasures, countermeasures, and you named the countries that china is trying to attract to its side, well, it is difficult for him, because economic interaction with these countries gives china certain trump cards, however, as regards, let's say, indonesia, that is a country that is known for its non-alignment policy, and rather the interaction with the united states, both indonesia and many countries in the asia-pacific region, this is the desire to establish a balance in the confrontation between the united states of america and china. uh, because these countries in the region, they
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've been vocally and through their actions very often showing that they don't want to take sides and that they really don't like the fact that there's this tension between the united states and china that could escalate into something more in their region, respectively this policy is more about balancing than, for example, about creating some alliances that will oppose the united states of america there or will be... the united states of america, especially since china behaves quite aggressively, and it has territorial disputes with the same indonesia also, because it claims an economic zone that belongs to indonesia, just the countries of the region, and malaysia, let's say, and the philippines, until now, until they clearly went over to the side of the united states, but there it's a different story, they have . bilateral agreement,
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all these countries are trying not to oppose china because they do not have the power to oppose it. accordingly, economic interaction is what helps to maintain peaceful relations, and to get certain benefits from this interaction. ms. natalia, thank you. nataliya plaksienko butyrska, expert on east asia, master of foreign policy. we have a not... long break, and in a few minutes we will return to you and we will talk with vitaly portnikov, also on all the most important topics of this week turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. megu, turn on
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everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats. repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return our native land meter by meter, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, keep the army together. we are returning to the live broadcast, saturday's politclub, and now we will be talking to vitaly portnikov. as i said, on to the main topics this week. so, mr. vitaly, the main topic is , after all, our vote, which is now in the house of representatives, right now the vote is taking place, in fact
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, the first amendments are already being considered, in general four, if i'm not mistaken, what should we expect? we are 100% sure that the aid to ukraine will be so that... other bills will be voted on, at least there on the support of israel as well, your opinion, i think so, i don't see any reason now for this not to happen. for the simple reason that we saw the procedural vote numbers, and they were over 2/3s there , there's a bipartisan majority, so it's just a matter of waiting, waiting to see how the vote goes on all three of these bills that the speaker has proposed, it will literally be in the next few hours now, well at least there's no reason to think it's going to fail somehow by all accounts. observers who are now dealing with the congress, well, it should be as
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planned before it was brought before the house of representatives, and by the way, there could be another rather interesting situation that the senate could vote as early as tomorrow, uh, it will then also be a very serious story, and because we will get this help earlier. than, we could get the previous one, so this is also a very important point, so what what happened, why did johnson, trump, a whole number of republicans, who, relatively speaking, previously opposed aid to ukraine, or blocked it, that is, we remember that de facto aid to ukraine, not only ukraine, has been blocked since october. last year, what happened in the last two weeks, why was there such a radical change of approaches and
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a radical change of opinion of the same johnson? i think that it could be a real understanding of what are the moods of the voters, including the voters of the republican party , it is connected not only. with ukraine, this is related to israel, we talked to you when there was an attack by iran on israel, that now it will be much more difficult to delay the help, but you say about two weeks, but when the attack took place, we were in the studio exactly a week ago , by the way, and an hour after the end of our broadcast was actually, the week of last saturday, yes last saturday, and actually from that moment everything became so active. because it became clear that if the republicans failed this test, they could
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lose a lot of important votes, you know, while the gas war was going on, ugh, it could have been dragged out somehow, israel can still argue, and the united states itself does not want to intensify military actions, here is a situation where israel has to actively defend itself, let's say from the next attacks, it may need money, an air defense system, on the same missiles, and the republicans say: "no, we will not vote for all this." this is generally general aid, not only to ukraine and israel, it is generally aid in the form of money, what donald trump is talking about, we do not want to help them, because we have american problems, he does not single out ukraine specifically, it is a general principle, if we give money to someone, let them give it back, and by the way, thanks to this statement, we have 7.5 billion loans in this ukrainian law society, but it is clear that they already they could not afford to drag luxury for a long time. and this attack, it changed the situation quite seriously. well, besides, you understand, we may not fully
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understand these people. i mean johnson, mike mccaul, the chairman of the foreign affairs committee, a republican, by the way, from of the state of texas. he said as we debate this vote, every congressman should ask himself: am i a chamberlain or a churchill? that's the question. and so everyone understands it. johnson also understands this. if he does not risk anything in particular, he sees that this situation will have a rather serious effect on the very course of military operations, that it will be against his values, and at the same time he saw that he will not be dismissed, that trump supports him, so that trump now needs johnson, that conservatives... in the republican faction have no desire set the procedure for his vote, they
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talk about it, but they don't do it, the democrats say they won't vote for it, why would they even change the rule according to which the speaker can be removed at the request of one or two congressmen. well, here's a quote from johnson: my son is going to the naval academy this fall, it's a challenge for me, as it is for... many american families, it's not a game, it's not a joke, we can't play politics, we we have to do the right thing, and i will give everyone a chance member of the chamber to vote according to his. conscience and will, i will give the opportunity to vote in large numbers, it is only about this, to give the opportunity to vote, the speaker no longer decides how the congressmen will vote, they can vote against, he gives them the opportunity to express their position, this is the frequency of his conscience , as the speaker of the house
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of representatives, and that is why congressmen like margery taylor green, who are so angry, suddenly became our great heroine as well. because what she says, what she writes, what she offers, in general , it is very strange, very strange, because they understand that there is a stable majority in this situation, this majority is the main thing that we have in voting for each, for each of these bills, well, including we must add that in fact a large number... supported this aid to ukraine, that is, not just a minority supported it, but the majority did, and by the way, from any minute there will be a vote for aid to ukraine in the congress, in the house of representatives, so now we can see it, by the way, you can see the voting, it is there
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838, is the law of peace through force. this law comes from assets, what is it called, uh, russian assets can be confiscated, that 's where tiktok can be banned, 360 uh, a total of congressmen, 186 republicans and 174 democrats voted for this bill, 80 and 38, so it is still very important for us to see how the next draft laws will be voted, now we are also talking about that, by the way, this is the first of four that concerns tiktok, yes, because there will be four separate draft laws in total, and here is the first one we have seen, it is already voted, and this, by the way, is symptomatic, it means that with an almost 100% probability,
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other draft laws will also be voted on, i.e.... the next one will be to help israel and the third, if i am not mistaken, is to help ukraine, so we, well, we can follow this vote now, how it will look, this is, as far as i understand, the next vote will be now, i understand, at 8:30, this is ukrainian law, so we can follow it live , this is the law, no, it's not ukrainian, i'm sorry law, this is the law on the indo-pacific region. but now we will see all the laws, this is the 836 bill for money for allies in the indo-pacific region, we see it, 5 minutes, by the way, the congressmen have to vote, press for or against, and when the 5 minutes are up , then there will be
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the next draft law, which most likely will already concern ukraine, so we are... watching, well, in fact, in fact already, if you look, then there is already, then there is already a majority, and now there will be, but pay attention, it's an interesting thing , what do you see, so far in this law about innotechocean region, i'm just wondering what the party majority is in each draft law, you see, it's all passed by an overwhelming majority, it's almost complete. uh, the majority is bipartisan, you see, there are practically no democrats who vote against, huh, and there are republicans, yes, well, practically, no, not that already two/thirds, more than two-thirds already, will be the most important for us now moment, so what are we waiting for, we'll look at, i think, all
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four of these bills to make sure that they go through the senate package. because the senate has to vote for all four laws, but there are literally a few minutes left, i wanted to remind you that this may remind you, dear viewers, of the atmosphere of a football match, but it is not a football match, because the lives of our defenders depend on this money, and life, your own life depends on it, because this is an air defense system, this is money for the improvement of ukrainian. protection, this is what we see now, this is a very important moment for everything that we generally perceive as the future. of the ukrainian-russian confrontation, well literally two minutes left, and by the way, when we were talking a few minutes ago
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about the fact that, after all, the majority of republicans, despite everything, they supported these bills, they all said, we just had to make it possible that there is actually a minority, a minority is she pro-trump or is she the most ultra ultra right? ultra-conservative, as they are called, they, now we will actually see them, what is their number, relatively speaking, 33, 33, well , another 17 did not vote, well, somewhere up to 50 people, and in general, republicans are practically voted as democrats, but i also wonder who and why the republicans, they have always traditionally supported taiwan, they believed, like president trump, that china is the main threat ... of this whole story, why don't they vote for er aid to taiwan, that it's a strange
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story, really, but now the main news is, you see, andrei in the russian newspaper izvestia, the us house of representatives passed a bill on the confiscation of frozen assets of ukraine in favor of ukraine, so as you can see, we are not the only ones. let's keep a close eye on this vote, our russians the neighbors know that their money is now, how to say it, another channel, by the way, what is interesting, this will be a precedent, it will actually be an impetus for other countries, because many countries they said, listen, well, look, the united states of america don't vote, the united states of america doesn't confiscate, neither do we, we won't either. in this case, we now see that the united states of america actually set an example, and we can expect similar actions now,
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including from european partners, finally, because in fact the most money, the most of russian frozen funds, they are precisely on the territory of the european union, there we are talking about tens of billions of euro-dollars, so of course this will be a good example for ... states to join in this, and accordingly, this will mean that quite maybe we will have additional support so that we can fight the russian aggressor in the future, well, the law has been passed, 385 votes in favor, it’s not even 2/3, it’s 3/4, even 75%, plus even, only 34 . republicans voted against, in fact, and we are expecting the next law from minute to minute, it will already be a law for ukraine, as far as i understand, it will be
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announced now, after the results of this legislation are announced, you see that it is not the speaker who announces these laws, specifically the whip, yes so to speak, here it is now... there will be a law on additional allocations for assistance to ukraine, here it is, it is now being announced, that's what it 's called, it's law 8035.
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and now the voting on this law will begin. unless of course it won't be. no changes or corrections as far as i understand so here it is, you see, we have an ether at such a historical moment, practically the last ether was also a historical moment, in general , we find every time now. it turns out that all, all such key geopolitical events are not simple, not only for ukraine, but for the world, and those events that are happening now in ukraine are
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russia's war. against ukraine is also a geopolitical event, well, if we say that the speaker of the house of representatives of the american parliament can lose his position in connection with aid to ukraine, then it looks like it's strange, though, from the point of view of the past, it was hard to imagine how it would be, but now i understand, it's about there, as far as i remember, there were certain amendments, they can also be voted on, that's all. will be announced now, we see how this ceremony takes place in the house of representatives, we see it live, and this is act 835, this is the law to help ukraine, and i think that this is an amendment, amendment, yes spars, sparts of indiana part b, see yes. that is, it is an amendment to
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the law to the law, now we will see, we we can see that the democrats are voting against, yes it is true, and even and even pay attention that the republicans are also in the majority, well mostly the majority and are now voting against, yes there were several amendments admitted to the vote, four, four amendments, so we are now too let's see the vote on... them, as far as i understand, the house of representatives will fail them all, it's already clear, they are voted on faster than bills, so it goes quickly, literally within a minute, and we can watch these edits vote, you know that ms. sparts, she is now opposing aid to ukraine, even though
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she is the first... a congresswoman of ukrainian descent to become a member of congress, she is a loyal supporter of donald trump, by the way, she recently wanted to leave congress, but then she decided , that she will remain, and here she made such an amendment that the vast majority of congressmen, almost all republicans and half of them, do not pass. everyone, all the democrats and half of the republicans are scrambling for this amendment, we can see that republicans were split 50 to 50, that is actually interesting, by the way, yes, if in the past, the last vote for the bill itself, in fact, it was almost completely consolidated, now we see that in fact it was split almost 50 to 50, so observe then there are a few seconds
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left until the end of the vote on this amendment, and most likely after that it has not passed, everything will be like this, there will be amendment two, now from medzhitel, yes, there will be a second amendment, by the way, you see that the house of representatives does not allow 155 amendments to be voted on, they are those which can really reasonably change the essence of the law and that it is not possible for women and the legal council to do so. there is no such thing there, everyone knows it, now the second amendment is being announced, and it is also important, it has been announced, voting on this second amendment is now starting, you see in the second amendment proposed by the presidium of the chamber - this is the second
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amendment, uh, yes, that's it. opportunity to pass, you know that among ms. green's edits, let's say, replace all the numbers of aid to ukraine with zeros, that is, it's just a game , major taylor green knows very well that edits will not go through. and as you can see, if the victoria sports amendment had some supporters among the republicans, there is not even a split in half, the majority of republicans vote against this amendment, and almost all democrats, i wonder who the one democrat who agreed with it is, maybe he confused the button, he will tell later what is needed, he will tell later what is needed.


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