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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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to you and we will meet with you in a week, goodbye, good luck, victory to you and glory to ukraine. greetings to all viewers of espresso, i'm ana yamalnyk and it's time to learn about the main news for this hour. in odesa , an explosion rang out during the alarm, according to the correspondents of the public service. the air force warned of the threat of a ballistic attack, and the head of the region oleg kiper urged people to stay in shelters. two people were injured in the morning attack in kherson, the military administration of the region said. at dawn, the occupiers
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several residential blocks were set on fire at the same time. the house of an 81-year-old woman was destroyed in the dnipro district. she has a brain injury and a contusion. a 47-year-old local woman turned to doctors with the same complaints. both victims received medical help and refused to be examined. and in the karabalny district, shells hit a high-rise building and cars parked nearby. debris hit the hospital.
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muscovites killed an 82-year-old woman in ukrainska in donetsk region. according to the regional prosecutor's office, the occupiers shelled the city in the morning from the smerch rocket launcher system. four men were injured, six apartment buildings were damaged. and the collection of the espresso tv channel for communication and security equipment for the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces in the hot eastern direction continues, they are fighting for our independence with you in hard battles. thanks to these brave soldiers, we can live, work, study, and in order to somehow thank them, let's close the collection as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - 72,000 hryvnias, small donations it doesn't happen, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, join, you can see all the details on the screen. in kyiv, a man died as a result of an explosion. according to preliminary data, he blew himself up with a grenade. the capital informed about it. police around 6 o'clock in the morning
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, loud noises were heard near one of the garage cooperatives of the holosiiv district. police found the body of a 56-year-old man at the scene. he suffered a fatal shrapnel wound. the police are investigating the circumstances of the incident, the case has been opened under the article of suicide. fatal car wreck in volyn region. two people died, another was injured. the tragedy happened in the city of horohiv. previously, the 21-year-old driver of the car lost control and crashed into a tree. kirmanych and one of the passengers died on the spot, the other was hospitalized, the national police reported. currently, law enforcement officers are investigating the circumstances of the accident. a ship was burning in occupied sevastopol. the so -called governor razvazhaev stated that
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an anti-ship missile was allegedly shot down on one of the... ships on the northern side, he says, the debris caught fire, which already were extinguished, local media write that the commune ship could have been damaged off the coast of sevastopol, this is an auxiliary vessel used to rescue submarines, and it is the oldest in the fleet of the invaders, the commune was launched more than 100 years ago. flooding russia continues to flood cities and villages in the tyumen region, the water level in the river rose over the past 24 hours and crossed the 10 m mark, which is almost 2 m above the critical limit, local media write, several villages in the region are completely flooded, there is only water from under the water roofs houses, in many settlements it is possible to move only by boats. the authorities of the region called this... the strongest in the last 77
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years, and large water engulfs the kurgan region, where mass evacuation of the population continues. another traitor of ukraine was eliminated at the front, it is the ex-serviceman of the sea guard and mariupol citizen kyryl savchenko, known as the physical engineer. according to the adviser to the mayor of mariupol, petro andriyushchenko, from the first days of the full-scale invasion, he went over to the side of the enemy, fought as part of the group cascade. there will be no more. there are fewer and fewer ukrainians. plan to stay in poland, the relevant research was conducted by a polish employment company. analysts say that most ukrainians want to return home, but most will dare to do so only after the end of the war. maria
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chernyakhivska will tell more about the plans of our people abroad. olena from zhytomyr, now lives in warsaw. the girl recently visited canada and has been planning to move there ever since. elena likes canada. more than poland, due to the fact that it is a multinational country where they live mostly immigrants, also the girl is attracted to the english-speaking environment, however, her final decision was influenced by security factors, but maybe the last one, i don’t know, two months in poland are very strong moods, everywhere you have to prepare, something, something similar to that was in ukraine before the start of the war, and we thought that we had already gone through it, probably that... it's better to pay attention to it and go somewhere far away. according to the latest research on the plans of our citizens in poland, such as olena , about 7%. these are the ukrainians who are planning go further to the west of europe or to other continents. however, most ukrainians
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plan to return home. i only plan to go home. of course, return to ukraine. i am waiting for everything to be fine. i am closer to ukraine. and i'm waiting for the moment. victory of course. 55% of ukrainians in poland say they will return to ukraine. however, among them there are those who plan to go home already in the next six months, one-fifth of those who plan to return, the rest will wait for the end of the war. many factors influence on this, but above all the economic factor in poland, the prices for staying have increased significantly, so people are either planning to return to ukraine. that, because they have their own housing there, or come to the countries of western europe, where they can have the opportunity to earn more, and the costs remain plus or minus the same. even a year ago , 55% of ukrainians willingly declared their desire to live in poland. currently, the number of people who
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definitely plan to stay in the neighboring state has decreased by 17%. currently, about 38% of ukrainians plan to stay in... poland, that's a lot less than in previous years, and 55% of respondents plan to return to ukraine after, 82% of them plan to return after the end of the war, and some of the respondents plan to return already this spring, summer or autumn. in addition to economic factors, the decision of ukrainians is influenced by the desire to be reunited with family, job offers in ukraine, and discrimination. the polish labor market is feeling the outflow of ukrainians, so the country's government has already started working on issues of migration policy for the coming years. recently, news also appeared for ukrainians, who left for poland after the start of a full-scale war and have the status of temporary protection in ukraine. it will be extended until
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september 2025. also, from next year, if desired, ukrainians with a ukr passport will be able to obtain a temporary residence card using a simplified procedure. when someone is on pesl-ukr status, who may still disappear for unknown reasons, and the person will not know about it at any moment, and when a person already has a temporary residence card there, and it immediately becomes clear what he should do , if people already plan to stay in poland on a permanent basis, if people have already lived here for 2 years, have not decided to leave, plan to live further, then it is clear that they need to be somehow more integrated, payments for children in... ukrainians will remain, says the lawyer , but probably only among those whose children attend polish educational institutions. maria chernyakhivska ihor antoniuk, for espresso tv channel from poland. the next news release is already at 15, the espresso team follows what
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is happening in ukraine and the world. we will tell you about the most important things, then for you my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk will work. dear friends, we are returning to the ether, and you will spend the next few hours in our company, lesya vakulyuk, andriy saichuk, this is an espresso marathon, turn us on, turn us on wherever you want, you can do it on youtube, subscribe to our social networks, like our youtube broadcast, it will then be offered to other people, and we will turn the eyes of muscovites, dear friends. well, i also want to remind you that our collection is ongoing and keep an eye on how the number will appear
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cards, as you can already see now, here is the announcement, two qr codes for two cards, mono and private, and private, if facing the screen on the left, mono, if facing the screen on the right, private, the one on the left, i remind you, that you scan with the scanner that is in the application on the privat2 application. if you have it on your phone, if not, write down the card number and change the money in the old grandfather's way, listen, we are actually doing very well this week, i will tell you that there are about 27 thousand left for us this week reached the mark of 500, half a hryvnia, half a hryvnia in a week, friends and i collected 27,000 without any, so join us, let's collect these 27,000 more. and let's console ourselves with the fact that we were able to do it this week, well, in general we need as much as 2 million, but
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we already have 1,251,374 hryvnias 29 kopecks of those two million. so, while we are talking to our guests, you scan the qr code or copy the card number, and we talk with nazar voloshyn, the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of the khortyts troops, lieutenant colonel. mr. nazar, welcome see you good day, studio, good day to all viewers. mr. nazar, how can you say where you are, what is your situation, tell us? well, i won't say where he is, but i will tell you briefly about the situation. it's great. well, for now, this is the eastern front, the situation has worsened in recent days. in the area of ​​our responsibility, this is an operational strategic grouping of kortyts troops. currently , the hottest directions are bakhmutskyi and avdiivskyi, here the enemy army does not stop its attempts and will continue to try to storm
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the positions of our defenders, using it uses artillery, and tanks, unmanned aerial vehicles of various types, and also uses aviation to carry out strikes as kabama, faba, to achieve its goal, which is to enter the administrative borders of the donetsk region. the situation in the area of ​​hostilities remains difficult, but controlled by the forces. what is the situation, if we talk about the times of yarcha, there and now you can observe such attacks by the russians, su-24s, which, which we saw su-25s, i can be confused here, i apologize, which we saw this week, well, you could see 125th, i'm you 125th, yes, yes thanks for the clarification, on that, on that direction, this is the bahamud direction, the situation around the city time. the ravine is difficult, but it is controlled by units of the defense forces, there is no enemy in the city, the enemy
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is trying to storm the city with its groups on infantry fighting vehicles, attacking with the support of both reconnaissance and strike type drones, and also uses artillery and aviation, which you mentioned, which once again , he is completely hindering our defenders, he is pelting the entire civilian infrastructure of the city of chasiv with bombs, and they are destroying it. at this her to the background. also , russian artillery works quite densely and on a permanent basis, both barrel and mlrs. the enemy is carrying out massive artillery fire and airstrikes, using both armored vehicles to cover and storm the positions of ukrainian defenders. in order to knock our units out of their positions and have some tactical success on the battlefield. currently, the russian army is trying to seize the city, not even counting its losses, the losses of its personnel and equipment, and in order to reduce
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of these sanitary losses of its personnel, the enemy sets up its assault groups in a somewhat planned manner for conducting future assaults, which they conduct without securing positions, that is, the assault was carried out, our defenders repelled it and they are rolling back, the enemy assault groups are rolling back to their previous places, from where they, i'm sorry... to storm. for example, i will cite that 127 mortar and artillery attacks were recorded in this direction only in the past day. this is compared to the previous day. much less. today, it is known for certain that the russian army uses north korean and chinese-made ammunition for shelling chasovoyar and other populated areas. mr. nazar, i don't know if you had the opportunity to follow
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what was happening in the congress, given the type of activity you are doing, the ukrainians who were in the rear, but they were definitely watching here. the impression is that if eurovision and the broadcast from the congress were shown on the same day, more people would watch the congress. how was this news received? that finally the announcement of aid from the united states? well, of course, the military, like all citizens of ukraine, are concerned about the fact that they will provide us with additional help, this additional help in the form of funds and ammunition and equipment will be provided just as everyone expects that we will receive... and weapons, perhaps , the newest types of weapons, so it is indisputable, everyone is watching this and so are we, because help from international partners in the form of large-caliber ammunition, modern air defense equipment, air defense, as soon as possible providing us with f-16 aircraft, and their dominance in the ukrainian skies as soon as possible, will help our
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country, of course, significantly change the situation, both in the bakhmut direction, and in the avdiiv direction, and in the whole. of a combat clash, and of course, achieving technical superiority over the enemy in high-tech, excuse me, types of weapons, this will give us the opportunity to defeat a larger enemy, well, and create conditions for intercepting his strategic initiative, this is first and foremost. the lack of which weapons is now very strongly felt? well let's say, there is no shortage, we, we feel that we need modern air defense equipment, modern equipment. modern means of radio-electronic warfare and intelligence, and of course modern aviation, in fact, until now this victory, this this this help has not arrived, or rather, yes, it is obvious that the enemy will use this window of opportunity for, perhaps he will throw all his forces at in order to
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try to get some gains somewhere, are you preparing for this... are there any, or is this the likely development of events in the coming weeks and months? i will tell you that they are armed forces and units of the defense forces are ready for any development of events, any scenarios, because our defenders are trained, and have undergone foreign training, and studied on foreign equipment, and even now this equipment does not really hit well and destroys the enemy, therefore our defenders. ready for any development of events, and certainly we all do not need to underestimate the enemy, because even on the battlefield, the enemy learns from our mistakes. after the capture of vdiivka, how far did the russians manage to advance there, or are they now advancing every day? well about i will not say this, because the enemy
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advances and rolls back to the previous positions where... where he starts his movement, because the defenders do not give the enemy attempts to advance to where he wants too much. ugh. actually, the new commander-in-chief said that the life of a soldier, the life of an infantryman is a priority, nevertheless, it is a priority, probably, to keep the same time , because it will become a serious klasdar if it falls for the future of us. half-adversary, where is here, how is the balance being sought here, after all, was syrsky telling the truth about the fact that the lives of the people of pygotyn are the highest priority, i can only emphasize and agree with those words, because the life and health of servicemen is, above all , the most important thing in the armed forces, well,
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thank you very much, mr. nazar , nazar voloshyn was with us, the spokesman of the operational-strategic group of troops. this is a lieutenant colonel, they talked about the situation in donetsk, in particular the direction in donbas, where the enemy, of course, is trying to continue advancing right now, especially since i think that now the russians have a clear awareness that they do not have much time to develop their offensive and success after the fall of avdiyivka, in the meantime they say that literally in a week the first samples of weapons... and ammunition will definitely be on the western front, because the americans were preparing, the pentagon was preparing for this decision , there were different forecasts, someone said that it was up to trump, but not trump. and before the elections of biden or trump until the fall, it will not be possible to move this whole story, a lot of people are now talking about the fact that cnn has published a large
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publication, a large material, where they too are trying to figure out what kind of transformation happened with mike johnson, who went from an absolute opponent of this aid to a staunch supporter of it, and one of his colleagues, an unnamed senior congressman, said that ... mike johnson is generally a rather inexperienced politician , who was better known as a zealous, zealous protestant, as a zealous, er, man, believer, yes, of the evangelical church, here he at some point believed, believed, conditionally speaking, in what he is, what he wants to be, as this colleague of his said, to be on the right side of history, and for the sake of this, he put uh, his, his, uh, some political considerations, his political expediency aside, and now it happened in the united states in the congress, we
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see that such a serious split took place on this issue in the ranks of the republicans, and we saw that this is what they call the internationalist wing, it's a little bit more powerful, but it's also called pro-regan, because in the... when we talk about the united states, this internationalism, it's not meant to be that these are people who are more interested in other countries than their own, let's put it this way, these are people who believe that the united states actually has to deal with any corner of the globe, and everywhere should be such a global policeman who monitors order, the detention of rules, legality and human rights, well now you know that there is a powerful wing of such... nationalists, isolationists, and this movement is actually represented by donald trump, who is actually trying to put
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america in its place, america first, or make america great again, so this maga, i can't believe it, no because, you know, they all worship there, you know, the ukrainian runvir, there was such a character of leslenko and all that, and that's it. maga is to make america great again, to make america great again, but they don't understand that they are actually only making it small, but from china, in fact, he can't wait to take the place of the world leader, if america is from him, then what is called a tsofnitsa or will it be taken away . today we will have igor eisenberg on the air, he is a professor at new york university, we will talk about what now the mood among american politicians after this vote in the congress, which mood among... people and and and we will analyze all this in more detail, they say that the united states, by the way, is going to send to ukraine, several dozen, at least new military, additional
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military advisers, the pentagon officially announced this, the soldiers were sent, listen, i would like to see several tens of thousands sent and so, immediately on tanks, on planes, a nuclear submarine, to enter somewhere near sevastopol and come out like this, surfaced, yes here is ottom with pereskop, that's it. it would be great, well, but even a few dozen military advisers, this is also a good presence in ukraine, it is expected, the representative of the pentagon, patrick ryder, actually said about this , that they will expand the defense cooperation department with ukraine, so they will help a little, i hope that our officers also, er... and and and help, because america helps us a lot with intelligence data, america has good, not always good, but good, also good, vision of what is happening on the global
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globally on the front, meanwhile moscow is urgently building defensive structures trying to cover its oil refineries to protect them from attacks by ukrainian drones, he told reuters. in particular, although so far it has not caused any global impact, so that there is no diesel fuel there, for example, for russian tanks, nevertheless, it has already reduced the processing of the actual fuel by 1-4 times, these are big numbers, and peskov too reported that the waters are doing everything to minimize. eyes attacks, how are they going to protect them, we know they're putting up these nets, it's a passive defense, powerful metal- breaking structures, here, said... it's a very, very
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expensive thing, because it's a gigantic so they're going to, they want to entangle with such a gigantic with nets, metal, you know how all their refineries use fences, make them like these, golden domes, so to speak, dear friends, we usually do not collect for those drones that attack russian refineries, but for those drones , who also attack russian equipment, so you can join his, his donation. qr code, here it is in the corner, the card number is here, please join in, while ours has started, our second part of the ether has started, we have already collected 700 with you, and there are still some 20 thousand left in order for us to have 500 thousand for this week, please join us, we will send these drones for our military from two brigades, the 93rd cold ravine and the 72nd black
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zaporozhets, and these drones will destroy moscow equipment on the front line, they will negate it, 2 million in total it is necessary, but we are already very close to our goal, and this all thanks to your activity, thanks to the fact that you care, thanks to the fact that you get involved, and now i propose to remind myself about how from, how all these discussions actually took place, to provide assistance to ukraine, not to provide, what were the hesitations, and finally, what can we get about all this further. in a detailed review. being an enemy of america can be dangerous, but being a friend of america is fatal. the meaning of this aphorism, which is attributed to the legendary us secretary of state henry kissinger, ukrainians had time to reflect on during the last half year. that's how much time congress needed to finally take up consideration of an aid package vitally important for ukraine. back on october 20, president joseph biden proposed a bill that
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provides. providing military support to ukraine, israel and taiwan, but the document became hostage to the election campaign and irreconcilable contradictions between democrats and republicans. the result for ukraine is an acute shortage of artillery shells and air defense equipment, a retreat from avdiivka and the threat of a collapse of the front, which the media already write about ukrainian and western politicians speak openly. it is necessary to say precisely the congress, if the congress will not help. country, ukraine will lose the war, and to find a public format for this, if ukraine loses the war, other states will be attacked, and this is a fact. the most surprising thing in this story is that after a half-year delay in the draft law, little has changed in substance. almost 61 billion dollars have been pledged for the needs of ukraine. this is the same amount proposed by the biden administration. not all funds are directly received by ukraine. more than
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a third. that is, 23 billion will go to the purchase of weapons to replenish the pentagon's warehouses. more than 20 billion will go directly to the ukrainian defense forces, both for immediate needs and for long-term programs. finally, almost another 8 billion is direct budget support for ukraine. perhaps the most heated debate took place around the last point. in the end, it was formally issued not as a grant, i.e. non-refundable aid, but as a loan, which, however, the president of the united states with the consent of congress. will have the right to write off. the only significant innovation of michael johnson, the joint project was divided into three parts. separately in ukraine, israel and taiwan. in addition, there appeared a clause on the confiscation of frozen russian assets in favor of ukraine. i think that helping ukraine right now is critical. i really believe the information and the briefings we received. i believe that xi jinping, vladimir putin and iran are indeed
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the messengers of evil. i think vladimir putin would march across europe if he were allowed to. i think he might go to the balkans next time. i think he may have a conflict with poland, or one of our own nato allies. was speaker johnson really so frightened by the closed bribings of numerous american intelligence agencies, perhaps. in particular, this week cia director william burns addressed the congressmen. he directly warned american lawmakers if you don't vote. on the decline. there is a very real risk that the ukrainians could lose the battlefield by the end of 2024, or at least put putin in a position where he can essentially dictate the terms of a political settlement. it is not only about russian aggression, as well as china's posture, its ambitions, and our allies and partners in the indo-pacific region. it is really a question of whether our adversaries understand ours.


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