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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EEST

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greetings to all viewers of espresso, i am anaevamelnik and this is news. they were hiding in an abandoned building and planned to escape from ukraine. the national police spokeswoman told the details of the arrest of the attackers at the police station. in the vinnytsia region, according to elena berezhnaya, attackers opened fire on law enforcement officers because they were transporting grenades in a car. but the final motives of the crime are being clarified by the investigation. earlier it became known that the perpetrators were searched in odesa region, they turned out to be military personnel from vinnytsia. father and son, aged 52 and 26, respectively, the day before , they opened fire on two law enforcement officers and a car in the haysin district of the vinnytsia region. the attackers
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were stopped to check their documents, one policeman died on the spot, the second was wounded, the deceased was 20-year-old maksym zaretskyi, he managed to shoot back and wounded the attackers, the detainees face life imprisonment. four victims in odesa region, three men and one woman. in the afternoon, the russians hit the region with ballistic missiles, reported oleg kiper, the head of the region. kissed by transport of the onboard infrastructure, private houses were damaged by the blast wave and rocket fragments, the ceiling fell in one of them, all services are working on the spot. muscovites killed an 82-year-old woman in ukrainsko , donetsk region. according to the information of the regional prosecutor's office, in the morning the occupiers shelled the city with the smerch rocket salvo fire system. four men were injured, six apartment buildings were damaged. sappers
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dropped a 500-kilogram aerial bomb in donetsk region. the dangerous object was found by an agrarian while working in the field. explosive technicians identified the munition as a high-explosive aerial bomb, the state emergency service reported. the find was removed and disposed of in a special place. the russians attacked the village of kozatske in the kherson region. as reported by the head of the military administration of the region oleksandr prok'. the occupiers dropped two aerial bombs on a settlement in the novokakhovsk community. as a result of the impact, the five -story entrance was destroyed, a private residential building caught fire, no one was injured. officially, the armed forces hit the russian komuna ship, this was confirmed by the spokesman of the naval forces, dmytro pletenchuk, on his facebook page. today there were explosions in the temporarily occupied sevastopol. then there was
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a fire, according to pletenchuk, the consequences of damage to the vessel are being investigated, but it will no longer be able to perform its tasks. i would like to note that the commune is an auxiliary ship used to rescue submarines and is the oldest in service with the occupying fleet. it was launched over 100 years ago. in germany, a bus with children overturned on the road. suffered. teenagers reports edition of bilt. according to the local police, the accident happened in the morning on the autobahn in the direction of dortmund. there were 75 passengers in the cabin, mostly schoolchildren from marburg. they were going to great britain for an excursion. four children were taken to the hospital in serious condition. the bus driver also suffered minor injuries. the causes of the accident are being investigated. brave griffin.
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poland and lithuania have started military exercises in the sowal corridor. as part of the training , the military will practice defense scenarios, lithuanian media reported. participation as well servicemen from the usa and portugal will take. and they will last until april 25. and the collection of the espresso tv channel for communication and security equipment for the third intelligence unit continues. regiment of special operations forces in the hot eastern direction, they are fighting for our independence with you in hard battles, thanks to these brave soldiers we can live, work, study, and in order to somehow thank you, let's close the gathering as soon as possible. the goal is ambitious - 720 thousand hryvnias. there are no small donations, every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, join, you see all the details on the screen. yesterday, the world celebrated the world cup.
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thanksgiving day to volunteers, each of you is a volunteer today, because thanks to your donations, we managed to close more than 80 meetings, which is more than uah 32 million. the tv channel team has been volunteering since 2014, and since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the activity has increased, we are open to cooperation with foundations, companies and individuals, how we help the army, further in the story: i am iryna koval, mother, wife, host of the espresso tv channel, and more i am a volunteer our military on the fronts are in need every day. a lot of things, and that is why part of my life today is helping the armed forces of ukraine, and i am very grateful to my colleagues for supporting me in this. the espresso tv channel and the iryna koval charitable foundation are asking for help with the purchase of mavics and their accessories, as well as anti-aircraft
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drones for the 74th battalion of the 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. the first thing to do is to make coffee, and with the second hand to quickly get... because together with the ua resistance base we are collecting 2 million for very necessary things, you can take revenge on the russians with a donation, collection from the tv channel continues, they are fighting for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and are given the opportunity to live, work and study. we ask you also not to forget that our volunteer mission continues, we are currently collecting funds in order to collect uah 2 million for the purchase of fpv drones, which was earlier. fpv drones will get to the front, then they will do their work faster, then they will save more of our lives, i mean the lives of our defenders, and ours and yours. in less than three weeks, we managed to collect uah 1,300. thanks to you, we were able to purchase
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walkie-talkies and batteries for them, starlinks, binoculars, rangefinders, scopes, drone detection detectors and many other equipment for the military, who are performing combat missions in the zaporizhzhia region. now these drones will help soldiers on the front lines to destroy the enemy and save our defenders. glory to ukraine, glory, glory to the nation, death tova, ukraine, above all, i want to thank the readers and the team from the press for collecting it. we carry out tasks in the eastern direction and these water bodies will help us destroy the water. this car and yasin's dad will go to protect yasya and many other children of the east. i want to thank all the viewers of espresso for the help you give to our army.
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we will end our season with vitamin mixes, but the boys still need some kind of supporting and nutritious lollies, and we have no less tangles, so we decided this time with our colleagues to repurpose our kitchen a little and continue , well, packaging rather than production and we are looking for collaborations with other volunteers who prepare, for example, dry borsch or stew meat, here it is important to understand that this is not stew, but rather stewed meat, or jerky, that is, dried meat or fish, in that
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difficult time they see us, listen to us and know what we do on such weekends, like on saturdays, thank you very much to tetyana rubas from... kyiv region, we received her stewed meat again, we have honey, we have dried meat, we also have canned meat, once again thank you very much, ms. tetyana and until the next meetings, well, continue to support us, glory to ukraine, we are very grateful to you for your donations and for the fact that you help us fulfill our work for this rap, he makes our work easier, he... we are very grateful to you and look for more interesting videos on the youtube channel espress, be sure to subscribe, because there are live broadcasts of ether, all news releases, programs and special projects that can be seen only with us,
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also a short video on hot topics in the shorts section, share them, comment, be there, i have everything here, i'll see you at 20, the news team is working on the final issue, and now for almost two hours leaves you not only in a pleasant, and also to the useful company of mykola veresnya. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen, anna eva melnyk, as always she told the truth, indeed, at 20:00 she will return as a news anchor, and i will say goodbye to you, but bye... bye there are still almost two hours of our talks, we will definitely start with the situation at the front, as
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always we will look broadly, and we will talk about israel, and about ukraine, and about the front, and about the aid of the united states, and we will talk about china, briefly , there's a lot to talk about, let's start with mark voyager, a military analyst, a senior researcher at the center for european political analysis in the united states, he was once a special adviser on russia. what is important, the command of american troops in europe. good health, mr. mark, good health, thank you for finding time for us. mykola, good afternoon, thank you for the invitation. well, i have several rather difficult and and and and maybe, maybe not difficult questions for you. look, but the russians, russian, even liberal, so-called observers, they say that help can come only after six months. because there is some bureaucracy there, the americans say on the contrary that the aid can start
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arriving on tuesday, when the senate votes and when the president signs it, we hope it will be on tuesday and the planes will fly immediately, then when will it arrive, when can we expect of the first, the first planes, i think they will land in poland, something seems so to me, yes, well, naive. quieter, never listen to the statements that are heard in russia, rather than kremlin or liberal ones, it doesn’t matter if they lie or don’t know, are not educated, that’s why you should not worry about what the russian channels say, there is no bureaucracy, as far as possible, we can expect it to be smaller. than a week, and this is help, the first package
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will already be delivered, logically to poland, there will probably be 155 millimeter projectiles there, maybe there will also be missiles for the heimers, and very much, well, all ukrainians really hope for anti-missile defense, that is, until... additional resources, additional, additional ammunition, ammunition, and therefore these are the most important components, the most important parts, which are needed for the protection of ukrainian bridges, ukrainian infrastructure and, of course, to deliver them to the front, where your forces will be able to respond to such. well, monstrous shelling from russia, that’s why i would say for
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a week at the most already, as far as i know, the american military has been preparing and downloading part of this package, while a vote in congress was expected, so here too it is not about what is now those who will look for something, will not collect everything. the first, the first part of the aid has been collected, so don't worry, it's going, one more question, there such a cunning story about the atakams missiles, and the dachshund, and there is some such that it seems that johnson himself wrote it there, such rumors, such conversations, and there is such a cunning version that it must be supplied, and... if not, then biden has to publicly say that we are not supplying these missiles
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to ukraine because of the danger to american national interests, for american national interests, then what can be the fate of these attack missiles? look, yes, the administration was really concerned before, and in terms of... a potential threat like that, a potential escalation, shall we say, from russia, if america will supply these long-range missiles, but now there is already... an understanding, even at this level, that the biggest strategic threat to russia, to excuse me, to america, if russia, if the west assumes and allows russia to win, that is, a strategic threat , which needs to be destroyed
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right now, and that is why the attackers will influence, very powerfully, will play. a very powerful role, and indeed, now it is still a political, political, political problem, and there are clauses written in this draft law that the president would really be able, if you think, if the administration thinks that this will be a threat to national security, there is an element of, let's say, a certain risk, there is... security adviser jack solivan, who is being too cautious about russia, well, there are certain reasons , we will not explain here now, but i already think that even the administration understands that you really need to help by all means, therefore
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, attacks can also be, can be supplied. to you, there is already a protocol, there is already an example of how it was done in the fall, when atakams were supplied, even with cassette with ammunition, they destroyed, you know, nine rotorcraft, russian and other russian systems, and what role can it play now, also gradually destroy unprotected russian systems, especially these, such as airplanes and ... rotorcraft, as well as the headquarters of the apartment, especially on the front , the front line of the battle, and also , of course, to aim at the crimean ukrainian bridge, because it was a strategic goal to destroy this bridge in order to cut this
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supply line from russia to the front. now i have a more political than a military question. trump changed his position, and that's it johnson also changed his position. why are there any suspicions, why? i understand that you weren't sitting next to trump when he changed his mind, and i wasn't, but johnson may have been, and that's speculation, but let's speculate a little. yeah, i think it's a nasty surprise for -- for putin and for the kremlin, they thought that trump, well, 100% under the control of russian propaganda, and there's these other methods that influence, i still think that he, there are certain, certain elements, influence, but he is also
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an unpredictable person who... too often accepts unforeseen decisions, which in this case are such a huge unpleasant surprise for russia, that's why i think that this is the result of such powerful pressure from the american society, especially after the last attacks against civilians in ukraine against the infrastructure, where civilians die every day. unfortunately, and that's why even trump and even the republicans, especially that part of the republicans who call themselves, well, christians, there are protestants, baptists, we know, we know that johnson himself is a baptist, and there was a letter sent, a letter from the side
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baptist leaders in america who wrote to him and convinced him. and showed that in ukraine there is freedom of religion, but in russia there is pressure against baptists, protestants and other churches that are not, not russian, well not moscow patriarchs, that is why there are so many components, many components of this pressure and this influence, as i said, at the last moment even trump refused to... and his opposition and er, how to say, allowed republicans who are under his influence, including and... to vote very actively, actually even democrats and the republicans in this case simply showed that the american system is very flexible
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and even slowly in the end it is possible to find such alternative ways for a positive result from this vote, there is again at the level of speculation there is such a version that it may be that this is the last until... help from america to ukraine, what is meant, i do not know whether it is because the next president may already be the new president trump, or simply that american society is already tired of ukraine, or maybe there are some advisors walking around the presidents who say, let's again to be friends with russia, how much do you believe in such speculations on the topic that maybe, that there is a possibility, that this is the last help. for ukraine? no, there are no serious american politicians who can believe in friendship with putin's regime, this is
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fascist-nazism, really an ideology and a regime, they are a global threat to the global order, and to global peace, so i really can't identify which of the american politicians it will be specific. will work in this direction, even if trump returns, well, the president is no longer an emperor, not a king, he is not alone sitting there in the white house, of course, there is also a legislative process, and the advisers of the administration, well, members of the administration, so i will influence him, well, as you said, well, as you already discussed, now he has changed his position, and that's why. .. and there is such a certain risk that if he is the president, then he can thus limit aid in
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the future in a year, or rather negatively affect american american responsibilities in relation to nato, in relation to the defense of europe, but this is speculation, and i do not think so , that this is the last package, this a long-term package, well, at least for a year, but more will be enough, and we hope that after this, after the next counteroffensive, either in the summer, or from the beginning of next year, there will already be certain such victories on the part of the armed forces, and thanks to this package, thanks to the new, well, f-16 aircraft and other systems. other means, attacks, so let's do it now, let this horizon of political analyzes be this next year,
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then let's do it, let's think about how the situation will develop in what direction, i think, as i said, for putin, for russia and also it will be a very unpleasant surprise that they did not expect. the last question, you can make it short, we literally have a minute there, but that's enough, here... the courts regarding trump, they somehow affect the possible choice of the american people next fall, one court is four courts, there are four cases, but one is already being considered, there some are still waiting, how much is it in general, so that what the press writes, what kind of public opinion, look at what the press writes, no one can analyze 100%, because the american system, it’s like his... white noise, there are many components, there are many components, these are constantly changing, new situations are constantly developing, but the trend,
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the tendency is that there will always be new, new accusations against trump, and this will have a negative effect on him, on his chances of being re-elected , i cannot predict, if it will be so, i really hope that he will not be the next, the next president. but even if there is, i said, there will be other factors that will also influence the direction of permanent aid for ukraine and that america supported the defense and security of europe and other allies. thank you very much, mark voyager, a military analyst, a senior fellow at the center for european policy analysis in the united states, was in touch with us. it will be now. a pause of about 4-5 minutes, then we will move to israel, because not only ukraine can receive money, but also our friendly state israel, will be arie zayden,
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an israeli political scientist under. reserve colonel of the israel armed forces, israel defense forces, tzahal. and now a short pause. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine takes the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon. and with the matrik topper, you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface. order toper matryk for comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matric, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover in which you can hide your topper will become not only a new interior item, but also quite a functional thing. you can use it both while relaxing and while working at home, the toper itself is quite easy to take out and spread out. the topper from the factory is
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the first question. linguistic.


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