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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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it seems to me that this is what makes him different in the world, of course, now there are a lot of complaints against him, a lot of questions, and well, this is absolutely logical and understandable, it seems to me that to all the presidents of ukraine without exception, after five years of their management of the state there were questions, and most of the presidents lost their second term, when they were fighting for a second term, they lost this election, and in this, and in this too, there is some kind of ... regularity, that is, it seems to me that the zelensky that we see now , claims to be the president of victory, that is, he wanted, he wanted to be the president of peace in the beginning, then he became the president of war, and now it seems to me that he wants to be the president of victory, will anyone, sergey, anyone would like to be the president of victory, and you and i, and any ukrainian, would like to see, we strive, we are going there, i hope. and let's get there and see this
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victory, sorry, sorry, discipline is discipline, i already dragged out a whole minute, and now i have to say goodbye, so buy the book of serhiy rudenko, zelensky without makeup, we dedicated these 16 minutes to the president zelenskyi, a little bit passed, we talked a little bit about modern things, now we will have the director of the center. of military and legal studies, oleksandr musienko, i hope, if he is there, then show him, if not, then i'm sorry, but he is, so everything is fine, good health, mr. oleksandr, thank you for finding time for us on sunday, thank you very much, so oleksandr musienko, director of the center for military and legal research, i am talking about the military, about the legal, somehow i will not talk today, but about the military, let's let's start with such a general question, well, we know. and we all read, well, at least someone
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read the clauses, this is the fog of war and so on, and that's all, and and and churchill and so on, and now there is such a big controversy, some part of the official, i repeat, official persons, including, for example , with president zelenskyi, whom we just talked about, and he says that there will be an offensive, that there is a concentration of forces, resources, we need to prepare, we need to do something there, ukrainians should prepare, and so on, unofficial people, as a rule, i don’t know , i'm nothing here i can't say, i don't understand anything about it myself, they say that this is a fashionable military phrase: i don't see, they say to all my questions, i don't see such a concentration, yes, i see that there are 90 tanks standing somewhere , but it's not a billion tanks or even thousands, and it's really dangerous, but it's, well, we saw 90
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or more tanks, that is, who is right, the official authorities, or people like me, well, what just irresponsible people, i would say, let's do this, let's start in order, russia really wanted, the russian command decided that it was necessary to intensify the offensive, for a very simple reason, absolutely banal, they did not see, let's say, any reason to say that the event would unite. and supports ukraine, there were other calculations, that is, russia once again miscalculated in its strategy, in its strategic plans, that is , they miscalculated in 2022, now they are the same, but no one will roll back the situation, that is, the decision has already been made, already as putin decided, it means it is necessary, the intensification of offensive combat operations is really planned, i am here i agree with the official people, why, because... no matter what, but a certain
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concentration, it is fixed, the increase of troops is fixed, for example, in the same belgorod region, it is fixed, they created a group in the north, it is fixed in the east, i.e. are really preparing to intensify these actions, the idea was, of course, that the russian troops would be able to break through the lines of the ukrainian defense, collapse the front and advance further, possibly even march on kharkiv. what was really imagined and what it was about lavrov spoke, and in principle, to achieve some success. now the trends are such that the conditions that i said remain, that is, the decision that the offensive must be intensified is in place, no one will cancel it, moreover, no one will change the plans according to which this offensive must be conducted, they are so and they will do it, but one point that russia did not take into account has changed, which is that ukraine will receive aid. just before the end of may
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for june will replenish the reserves of artillery, air defense, and atakamsia, and possibly f-16 aircraft, and which is being developed in such a way that the prince... russia will now fall into a trap, they understand that the conditions are changing now, that after all, it is not developing as planned, but they will not cancel the decision and will strive to do just that, you mentioned that , who read clausowitz, who read cherchel and others, but go to the website of russian military universities now and you will see there all the memoirs about the great patriotic war, how to fight and so on and...
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and this is not studied, it is not even that that there is some kind of clause, but they do not study theirs, they... gave orders to actively use drones, they saw how ukraine uses it, that it works, they also now actively started different systems, they are spying on what we have there, how they can adapt it, but just the preservation of the system and the rigidity
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is such that they do not have time to adapt very quickly to these changes, maybe someone there would like to, but how, let's say, refuse to throw hundreds of tanks again... into the offensive and then lose them , and they are burned by drones, for example, or burned artillery, or fire anti-tank missiles, but it still cannot be changed, so adaptation, some actions they want to change, it will just take time, it will not happen quickly, and as a result of this we can conclude that russia will still advance, they will try to break through the front line somewhere at the expense of the number, quantitative indicators, and yet... thinking that some aid to ukraine will not arrive in time, will not arrive, and they will be able to weaken the ukrainian troops and achieve some result, so we will strengthen , and i i want to remind you, because i see a lot of such, let's say, skeptical analyses, they
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also have the right to life, but let's take the other side, we are basically somewhere around 5 months without serious help from the united states, i just want to say this to remind and... in principle, this is how russia was able to capture avdiivka at what cost, yes, they have tactical successes, they have advanced, but they did not manage to develop success of an operational and strategic nature, there is no such thing, and now the situation for the russian troops, it is not will especially change, but for us it will improve somewhat, so we are entering this period of even revitalization of the russian offensive in somewhat better conditions than we could have imagined or imagined. oleksandr, i have always had the suspicion that our military, not military-political, but the military leadership itself, is fooling everyone, in the war there is no way without it, that everything is there, only we do not spend, but i always had it, because if, when they say, we have
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150 million russians for one projectile, they would have rolled back a long time ago, but they are standing, if they are standing, i understand that this is courage, strength, victory ukrainian soldiers, but... if you have one tank against you and they have 100, then you will not stand up, what will you be brave, what will you not be brave, here i see people standing and standing, and standing and standing, and those would they hit and hit, so the general staff is doing something cunning somewhere, but my question is about optimism, you brought it to us here anyway , thanks, and it is possible, well, we understand, all the experts say that if the initiative belongs to the russians for. and these, these planes, are possible, knock on wood, these 60 billion, they can return the initiative to the ukrainian side again, and are some already possible breakthroughs, you're saying they can get trapped, okay, and what does that mean, what is
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a trap, and a trap, i'll explain the first part of your question now, i'll draw an analogy with what's already happened and what we've already seen, and it is now... absolutely appropriate, remember the year 2022, russian troops withdraw from kyiv, leave chernihiv from sumy, begin an offensive in the east, they left just about may-june, this is the same period. verodonetsk, there is papasne, lysychansk, girske, zolote, ukrainian troops are leaving, leaving, leaving with a fight, well because the enemy is pressing. then the rammstein format is activated. ukraine begins to receive artillery systems and shells, and then hymers. what does this lead to? this leads to the fact that, remember, then the advantage, they said, russia uses 50-60 thousand shells per day. what they used now, and the ukrainian forces managed to stop. offensive and also to liberate kherson and a large part of kharkiv oblast, this all happened precisely in 2022, but now i see basically
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the same things, which is why i say analogies are appropriate, because in principle there are chances for what is possible not such a rapid counteroffensive, not such counterattacks, not liberating such territories as much as it was in 2022, but to stop the russian offensive, to stop it, that is, to prevent them from... being able to develop it and conduct even local counterattacks on certain directions, and why are these local counterattacks important? these are success stories that will be seen by the americans, europeans, and eventually the ukrainian people, who are also watching and asking, what will happen next, we cannot do anything without going on the offensive, as it will happen, the conflict will freeze, no freeze, truce and the like, and this will motivate, in particular, our partners, who will say, well, listen, look, we helped ukraine... we got it, they are regaining faith in themselves again, they continue the struggle, so let's not to relax, but
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to prepare the next aid packages, this is what it should lead to. one more question, mr. oleksandr, i don't know about you, i follow very closely, more closely than i do ukrainian affairs, i follow russian affairs, and when i listen to such liberal economists, they they say that it's a matter of months, not years. they discuss finances there, they discuss the economy as a whole, industries, oil, gas, metals, and so on, and they say, this is already the issue of this year on the 24th, that russia is in so much trouble that they simply, simply now it’s all, as i was taught at school, i’m sorry, at the national council for youth television and radio, superficial tension, that is, one more drop, and it will overflow, and we see it,
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the housing and communal services crisis in the winter, the crises now are the breaches of all dams and so on, nothing is repaired, i learned today that the repairs are not being made, but the pipes in the houses have broken and there are 16-story buildings that cannot be heated next winter, so how much can we count on internal weaknesses. russia, are you researching this component? you know, your comparison about one more drop and it will all overflow is absolutely appropriate, considering that now the tyumen region is flooding there, that is, it is very appropriate, but i can really say that there are feelings that many of of what is happening now, well first of all, you see, everyone was scared that russia had increased spending on the defense-industrial complex. now it will all fly, everything will go, but in fact it somewhat undermines precisely the russian economy and undermines
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from the inside precisely that socio-economic bloc, and it cannot be otherwise, accordingly, i think that it somewhat destabilizes the situation, you understand what is happening, governance is actually by these regions, regions and republics, it is somewhat lost by the center, because there are a lot of issues that cannot be resolved they can, and when they say turn to putin. putin says: listen, we have to fight, we can't solve the issue of building a new reservoir or stopping the water there. and one more thing, you know what trend i noticed, how the west, the united states, germany feel right now, everyone is trying to find common ground with china in order for china to reduce its support for russia, feeling that the moment is right now, when without of this important support and supplies from the outside. china, russia may have serious problems, and will obviously arise. thank you very much, thank you
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very much. oleksandr musiyenko, i apologize, despite the fact that he is the director of the center for military and legal studies, somehow we only talked about the military and the legal today. thank you, mr. oleksandr. thank you. yes, now we are at the ukrainian borders, because we are waiting for andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service, if he appears, show him to all of us, and we will... we will talk with him, we just have 14-15 minutes there to to discuss, good health, mr. andrii, thank you for finding time for us, so andrii demchenko, spokesperson of the state border service. and look, my question, i am such an anti-hysteric, when i read various networks, there is hysteria, here they run, there they run, there they run, there, there the border guards stop them, and the impression is that millions of ukrainians are trying to move somewhere, we can imagine how many, once i saw the number 20
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thousand, people crossed somehow cunningly. don, it was somewhere in the fall of the year 23, without having permits for this, did they make fake permits, or did they just cross the rivers, or something else somehow, we can imagine how many people who fled, simply literally violating ukrainian legislation, or this, or this cannot be, well, on a pencil, on paper at the border service, please, mr. andrii, well, actually about those the data... in the 20,000 that you are talking about, last year, such a figure, such a figure was distributed, but it was not about those who crossed the border illegally, but about the number of attempts to cross the border illegally. actually, unfortunately, we continue to record that attempts to cross the border illegally, they
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continue, this is also along the green part of the border, that is, outside the checkpoints, when... violators, well, actually try to get to the state border line and then simply cross it in order to get to the other side of our country, and the same attempts are recorded at checkpoints where you can legally cross the border, but here , as a rule, violators try to use either fake documents or try to bribe state border inspectors. services or are hidden in the design features of transport means, most of the attempts are recorded on the green part of the border, i.e. outside the checkpoints, and if we compare where such attempts are the most, then it is on the border with moldova and on the border with romania, the state
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border service and our border guards are the most. the state border guard both along the state border, and groups operate along the border in order to expose such violators in advance even on the approaches to the border, they can be single persons, they can be groups of persons, well, they are actually active our operational unit in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies in order to expose schemes, expose organizers, accomplices who promise people assistance in such illegal trips, well actually, of course, they take money from them for this, not always bringing the case to the end, although promising that they will still help violators cross the border illegally. mr.
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andrii, look, i'm sorry, it's simple, but i understand. yes, there really were problems at the beginning of the war with poland and slovakia, they intensified there, and then these people went to moldova, to romania, there, that is, if they thought that it would be easier there, but there is an agreement with the countries, it is not, it is not like that, i will correct you, the most attempts were always precisely on the border with romania and moldova, from the very beginning of the introduction martial law in ukraine, i... if we talk about the green section of the border, let's not get confused, because if we talk about attempts when violators use fake documents, then such attempts are recorded most often on the border with poland, although there are probably well, you can't be surprised, because in general, on the border with poland accounts for the largest passenger traffic
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of citizens who cross our entire border, where transit operations are carried out, it is usually somewhere around 50%. of the total passenger flow is precisely on the border with poland, that is why there are also the most attempts to cross the border using forged documents, and on the green section of the border, as i mentioned, it is the border with romania and the border with moldova, and there is a so-called readmission, we conducted your department or some other negotiating, what to return, a person appears in moldova, shows someone a document. maybe on the street they see that he is ukrainian, and he can be returned to ukraine, this was once a condition of schengen, not schengen, that ukrainians have a visa-free regime, that... we will accept those who illegally crossed the border to us, well if an indian goes through ukraine, gets to poland, then poland deports him
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to ukraine, ukraine is already there thinking how to send him to india, which was called, as far as i remember, readmission, what's up with that now? see, in order to prevent attempts to cross the border illegally, as well as previously, we closely cooperate with our colleagues from neighboring countries, including from the european union. this is also the case with the border guards of moldova, if we notice that someone is illegally crossing the border and the border guards simply do not have time to detain him physically, then such information is immediately transmitted to colleagues on the other side of the border so that they detain them, and then of course they act in accordance with the legislation of their country and can transfer back such a violator as part of readmission, or they can... not transfer, taking into account, well, those circumstances, which are present during detention. mr. andriy, what is the military situation, let's move on to the military,
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the north, the east, how is it now, well, it is the same as it was two and three months ago, i mean in the north, i mean the sumy region, just shelling , but are efforts recorded there, the concentration of strength, means of the enemy, efforts. to somehow advance from the belarusian side, what is the situation in the north-east and the north, again, if we consider in more detail belarus and the border with russia, the border with a terrorist country, then the situation here is of course different from each other, because the situation in belarus is completely controlled. and we do not record any non-standard situations directly along our border, along the state border, in addition, it must be understood that
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russia does not have sufficient forces on the territory of belarus to carry out any repeated invasion, as part of the rotation, russia gradually withdrew those units that were located on the territory of this country, and new ones were not established and in fact remain there... there are still a certain number of russian military personnel, but they are more of a service personnel for equipment, logistics units, but at the moment we also do not record the movement of any units, be it again from russia or belarus near our border, but we also have the opportunity to fully equip the border line and the fortification relationship at the border for... to have strong defensive positions, on the border with russia the situation is completely different, of course, because russia continues shelling within the borders of sumy,
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chernihiv and kharkiv regions on a daily basis, most of the shelling in the last period fixed in the kharkiv region, and unfortunately, due to such actions, it is not possible to carry out engineering fortifications directly along the border line, but of course no one is sitting still. wide, because it is happening in the strengthening of our defensive positions in terms of engineering and fortification, in the border area, in different areas, it can be different distances to the state border line, but everything is done as close as possible, of course, it is carried out by the forces of each of the units that strengthen the border with russia, it is primarily a state border services, as well as units of the national... guard, the armed forces of ukraine, which are also in this direction, and actually it should be understood that at the direction of the state leadership,
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local authorities are also actively involved in increasing defense capabilities, creating fortifications, it can be there, well let's tentatively call them the second, third line there in order to have all the opportunities... to repel any attacks if russia tries to commit them again on the territory of ukraine. according to what is happening on the other side of the border, of course, the intelligence units are watching closely, in order to understand how much the situation can change, how threatening it can be, and all this is transferred to the military leadership in order to make the necessary decisions, in the event that... the buildup of forces by russia opposite will be recorded our border in order to strengthen this or that direction with our respective forces.
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we are individuals, but we must also understand that if we talk about today's situation, unfortunately, russia also continues to carry out subversive activities, most actively, voroch drgs are recorded in the sumy region, attempts of enemy drgs to enter our territory are exposed almost every week, but ukrainian soldiers are well aware of this threat, train together, cooperate together in order to expose enemy saboteurs, and actually inflict defeat them in order to knock them out of our territory. mr. andrii, on the border with poland, we will move from a military one to a less military one, something has opened or closed on the border with poland, what are the prospects, will it continue, or are there queues like mine
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behind the scenes, we can see whether they will disappear or not, the situation with the blocking of the polish border, here is what i have written, what is mine, my editors are writing to me, what is the situation there and what do you expect from that what is happening on the border of ukraine and poland, the situation on the border with poland is quite dynamic and constantly, constantly changing, as of now, polish farmers are blocking two directions, these are checkpoints. jagodin and ravaruska, a few days ago they resumed their activities for a few days in the direction of the checkpoints krakowiec and sheghini, but fortunately they are now unblocked again, and the traffic here is heavy, in two blocked directions, until today polish farmers practically did not let the trucks that...
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follow from ukraine to poland, and we had constant zero crossings border in the direction of poland in these two directions, from today partially in the direction of the ravarusk crossing point, polish farmers agreed to allow a conditionally small number of trucks, again, which can follow from ukraine to poland, in the direction of ukraine is passed, passed... tazhivka is somewhat better, but it is so critically low, if compared with the throughput, it is in the direction of the berry crossing point, because this direction, at one time, was reformatted exclusively in order to provide logistics for the passage of freight transport means, and passenger traffic in passenger cars was redirected to
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other checkpoints. and regarding trucks, this direction can pass 1,200-1,400 cargo vehicles per day, instead, in the past day, in the direction of ukraine here followed by only 70 freight vehicles, well, as i said, in the direction of poland , the zero indicator, that is, in fact, the largest infrastructure direction, it passes the least number of freight vehicles, and it is also worth adding that today around 5 p.m. , according to the information we have from the polish side, there was a failure in the information system of the polish customs service, so now for loaded vehicles everywhere, at all checkpoints on the border with poland, well, let's say , difficult passage, until i resume, no the normal operation of
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the polish customs database will resume. thank you very much, andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service, informed us about what is happening on the ukrainian borders, and i say goodbye to you, good luck, see espresso, bye. why is the usa planning to impose sanctions against the idf unit of the servicemen who killed a policeman in the vinnytsia region is facing life imprisonment and bad weather covered ukraine, which regions were left without electricity.


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