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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm EEST

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these proxies and iranian and israeli proxies, in particular in the territory of northern iraq, i.e. kurdistan, well, after exchanging these blows, both sides showed that they can, in principle, continue to coexist in the regime in which they have already coexisted for many years, that is, there are certain threats words, but there are no such existential actions, well... now , in fact, the future hostilities have moved to the territory of syria and iraq, in particular, israel has already struck certain blows against shiite groups in iraq, and now there is a question of the dutch heights of threats to syria, the assad regime specifically, well, it also postponed peace in gaza for a long time, because... er, these reactions that
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we have are the allocation of american aid on the one hand, but on the other hand the threat of sanctions, some israeli formations from the us, here showed that the game is going on for a long time and such unconditional support of israel, which was, well, now it is still in doubt, even despite the fact that israel directly declared the threat, and the threat was... and accordingly such allies as britain and the usa, jordan to beat these crowns of rockets. here, but the conflict continued on its trajectory, and judging by everything, peace, specifically in gas and generally peace in the region, is very, very far away. and tell me, please, in principle, do you understand why a western leader, first of all the president of the united states, joseph biden, but also other leaders?
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western countries tried to prevent israel from responding to the iranian military? well, for one thing, they don't want an escalation from iran. iran has accumulated a lot of resources to fight. the iranian regime is relatively stable, no matter what they try to do there to rock and, there are also certain fears about an attack on american bases in arab countries, which, in particular, do not want this... and here already the biden administration must pay attention to these things, including the left community, since the left community, which is now going in elections and in europe and many other places, the liberal community is critical of israel's actions, often accusing it of genocide, gas, and so on, so here the americans must take this into account and somewhere try to follow such a middle...
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path, to support, but if to refrain from acting too actively, it's the same as deflecting any blame there or the strikes on russian oil facilities that were discussed, so it's the same policy, you know, we're out of this escalation, they clearly draw the lines, that they are not ready for more, and israel's response was weaker than even iran's. a blow to israel, although, i will say again, this is what on the surface, in fact, israel is doing quite painfully, to the iranian proxy in syria, and now in iraq, and i think that will continue do it further. and tell me, here is iran itself, it immediately announced that it will stop further actions against israel, now it is not reacting to the israeli attack either. to what extent is iran generally
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interested in the situation calming down? in a certain sense, interested, but the fact is that the iranians have already achieved their certain goals. inside their country, they conducted such a pr campaign, because there they talk about many ballistic missiles that reached the target, and if they say that they did not, well, they say that it is old weapons, weapons that we tried to write off anyway, well, why do they... even copy russian propaganda, then, since israel’s allies were involved, they show that, look, israel is weak, without the americans, the british, and about some regimes, such as in jordan, israel itself, they say, can’t do anything , that is, they achieved a certain goal here. on the other hand, iran is also trying somewhere not to go beyond this balance of interests, it's just that now the issue with iraq is going on, because if the americans leave
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iraq, and there will be a strengthening of bashar assad's regime, then in essence the kurdish democratic forces, this in the north of iraq is seriously threatened, because sooner or later everything... the shiite axis will simply take them in a ring from syria to iran and will try to clean up these oil and gas-bearing regions, and there is generally a question of how the situation in iraq will develop further, because after the overthrow of hussein in 2003, we see that iraq has undergone such an evolution, in fact, to the creation of such a rather moderate, but pro-iranian regime, the very thing that... the americans and the israelis would not like to allow, but what is happening now, therefore, iran is pressing here through its proxies, and as long as it has the resources, because even the sanctions regime that operates against iran is extremely limited, that is
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, no one wants to annoy iran so much, and also the iranians themselves are now solving internal issues, there are disputes between clerics and the military, it goes... the question of who will be next after ayatollah khamenei, who is already 85 years old, and it is possible that even these certain israeli strikes on the islamic revolutionary guard corps strengthen this old quarkical revolutionary guard, removing from power or even exterminating certain opponents of the military, this is a somewhat conspiratorial version, but it has its basis, so in principle the khomeinist regime is interested. so that there would be such old cadres who still remember khomeini himself, and not some military personnel who would have shed blood across the borders of iran, but for this regime, but do not have such bonuses from him as the same raisi and others , who gathered around him. and
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tell me, mr. mykhailo, now president erdogan will go to iraq for the first time in 12 years, this is a challenge for iran, or after all turkey and iran can cooperate? about their interests in baghdad? well, apparently, turkey has assumed the function of a negotiator between iran and israel, and now turkey is even trying to relocate hamas to your territory, because doha, qatar, where the leadership of hamas is now located, is already asking the question that you better go yourself, because the americans and europeans are putting pressure on us. also do not want to be associated only with hamas, but the situation with iraq is really difficult, now, for example, erdogan has improved relations with egypt, with abdelfattah assisi, although assisi in principle remains the same pro-american
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politician, and somewhere with iraq erdogan will not go beyond this american policy either, but here it is quite profitable for him. to play on this front as well, to show that he is still worth something there, you know, it didn't work out, the russia-ukraine match-up that he constantly talked about, putin, however, the visit is also postponed, well, let's go to egypt, let's go to iraq, let's not forget that erdogan has local elections were not beneficial for him, accordingly it is necessary to show what kind of politician he is in the international plan, how he protects interests. and this is powerful for him, and it is very important, because they have strong economic ties there, turkey actually receives oil from iraq , including, and this is a very important partner for it, and the question - the only question is again about the kurds, the question of the kurds and once again what i
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said about whether this axis will not close, and here the forces that support the kurdish movements, that is european, american and israeli in that number, it is necessary to carefully... monitor, so as not to lose there a region actually allied to itself and an ally to itself as a proxy. say, now you are probably watching how the rhetoric of the united states in relation to the people's republic of china begins to intensify every day. and now united states secretary of state anthony blinkin, who is scheduled to visit beijing in the next few days on april 24, seems like it will happen. he is talking about punitive measures even to china if china continues. cooperate with military-industrial complex of the russian federation, how effective can such threats be? well, for now it remains at the level of conversations, but we know that some chinese banks are already trying to actually block
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certain payments from russia somewhere, and they do not want to become, you know, such a shadow zone, that is , china is not the dprk and not iran, he will work with russia, but not so much as to... cross certain boundaries with the americans there, there is another interesting point, it is that the global market has grown, grown number of transactions in yuan. but the number of transactions in euros fell and rose again in the dollar, that is, the dollar itself and the yuan, well, the dollar, of course, to a greater extent, remains such a stable currency, that is , these are markets that have a fairly good contact with each other, and here the americans and the chinese in economic terms are much closer to everything than in political terms, it seems to me that this argumentation will be precisely in it... where the conversation goes, and it is not excluded that there will be some such mini-trade wars, but to
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some significant military political i think that the sanctions imposed this year will not be enough, especially since china behaves quite cautiously, in some moments, well, again, they already have a lot of experience of such, you know, mutual controversy, which, again, economic issues under there is no doubt, because... china is needed by the united states, and the united states is needed by china, even more so, even in dialogue it is necessary to say, well , something like that, why do you need russia, let’s be better with us, according to our rules, and it is profitable for you and us, for putin, let's go let's press, especially in light of the fact that macron, he is going to macron, xijin pin should have a dialogue in europe, scholz has already gone there, accordingly, there are also certain... hopes after his visit, so here, well, the chinese are playing long again , they have nowhere to hurry,
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they can therefore calmly continue in such a geopolitical regime until the american elections, but what will happen after that is already a question that largely depends on the united states itself. and it is not better for china to come to an agreement with the current administration, if in beijing fears the victory of donald trump. we know that trump is much more hostile to china than. formally set up, but what it will be like in reality, again, there may be many questions before that, for example, during his election, trump constantly called biden a chinese agent, and biden did a lot to wash himself away from it, but in this case, we we recall the same rhetoric of trump on the fight against global terrorism, his actions there regarding the entry of citizens where. which countries to the united states states, that is, its policy in relation to china can be unpredictable, not only
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that there will be statements about some kind of dialogue, it is necessary to look at how the circle of businessmen and those who finance trump himself, who have trade and economic ties ties with china, and they are there and it is quite significant, so i do not think that trump, in the event of victory , will become so... and chinese, especially with his constant statements about some negotiations and peacemaking there, well, you can expect anything, and now this to predict, hardly anyone will take it. and you understand why, by the way, yesterday, when the aid bills were voted on, well, we saw the distribution of forces in ukraine, it may have surprised someone, but it did not surprise many, but in the asian-texas region, in taiwan, there are already more democrats there was than the republic. well, first of all, they obviously had
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some backroom agreements that preceded all of this, although we even saw a vote for and against israel, since the democrats were actually against taiwan, here the situation that the united states in this case, well, the biden administration, in particular, is trying to put pressure somewhere. including in the light of the fact that xi jinping is currently visiting the oceanic regions, he went all the way to papua new guinea, and there he is trying to make a certain axis, you know, which, by the way, will be interesting to recognize a palestinian state, because xi jinping said , that palestine should be made a full member of the un, that is, these things actually intersect, because it is a means of trolling the united states, well and... is establishing economic cooperation there, and in particular is trying to convince these countries to try
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to bypass cooperation with taiwan, that is, to essentially cut ties with what is called the republic of china, taiwan itself, and in light of this, well, in principle there is an understanding that this poses certain threats to the cooperation of the americans and taiwan, and therefore the reaction is accordingly like this, but whether this... will always be like this, or whether there will be any new push for changes, well, here again, next year and the american elections will show. thank you, thank you for e these. answers mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, we were on the phone, we will now take a break for a few minutes, but you stay, please, friends, damn you, my legs can't walk anymore, wait, i'm suffocating that there is no health, but what kind of health is there in the sixth decade, and i
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ukrainian energy with oleksiy orzhel, head of the kyiv office of the secretariat of the energy community to ministers. of energy and environmental protection of ukraine 2019-20, congratulations, mr. oleksia, good evening, so let's try to see how the ukrainian energy industry looks after the latest russian attacks and what we should prepare for. well, let's proceed from the fact that the rashists carry out their terrorist attacks on civilian infrastructure, try to strike precisely at... the object of maneuvering power, that is, these are the objects of generation on coal and hydroelectric power plants, and why are these objects needed in the system , these objects connect... to the generation of electrical energy the moments of peak consumption, our consumption peaks in the evening and in the morning, this means that precisely by knocking these objects out of
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the system, the rasists limit our ability to balance the system, thereby actually creating the conditions when it is necessary to limit our consumers, what else needs to be said, but after all, these objects that they are destroying today are... objects that were built in soviet times, they are unique, the equipment that they are destroying is unique, in fact, to restore them, it is necessary to be quite serious, and time frames, and logistical challenges, and here you still need to understand what it is the equipment can be produced by our turboatom, which is located in kharkiv, but is again under fire, other manufacturers who... well, in principle, we still need to make very serious organizational efforts to produce all this, or look for manufacturers such as general electric or simons, but it's a completely
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different time frame and completely different equipment, so it's, well, because of course, a big challenge to restore it, so it will take time, and in addition , it must be added that simply restoring these centralized objects is not... you can, why, because, well, it's clear that the rashists can hit them again, which means that we need to ensure the protection of these objects if we are going to restore them, or there is an alternative that is currently being considered, which is to build a decentralized system, that a system of small generating facilities, which are simply unwise to destroy with missiles, because a missile is more expensive than a generating facility, which is 1-2 mega, in this... aspect, this equipment is easier to find, it is easier to bring it, it is easier to install it, and precisely the main thing is that it is less time, and we need
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very, very seriously right now that resource of time in order to have time to install these new objects, and in particular in kharkiv or potentially in kherson in order to prepare for the disgraceful season, so here it is still necessary now... to make principled decisions, which way we go, whether we restore centralized systems and for and necessarily provide protection, or after all the decentralized system, which are more reliable, on the other hand, after all, ours the centralized system is not so adapted for them, well, still, there can be power generation without shunting generation at all, maybe because of consumer restrictions. moments of peak consumption, well, this is simple, very simple, a simple answer, if all of us ukrainians can be responsible for our
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consumption precisely at peak hours, for example , at 8:9 o'clock in the evening, do not turn on the right car, boiler, turn it on at night , then we can potentially pass without disconnection, but it is so absolutely true that what if there is no block, in particular trypilska tes, which provided the load of kyiv, if it simply cannot turn on, just when everyone in kyiv came in the evening and turned on the kettles to heat water, well, there will simply be a limitation, this is an objective reality, and if we really want to have electricity supply constantly, we just have to it is impossible to change your attitude to this issue a little and wait until the energy workers do it, they... our ukrainian energy workers always do this and they will restore the energy system after the attacks of the racists, you know, mr. oleksiy, when i studied at the university back in the soviet
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era, my classes started at 11:45 a.m., because , as you know, the large enterprises of the dnipro began to work early in the morning and tried to separate workers and students according to different transport hours, because they understood , that the transport at that time... could not cope with the possibility of transporting such a number of passengers, i always think, maybe we just need to change the work of enterprises, shops in a different way, just understand that it is necessary to change all this from the point of view of work, various changes, and then not there will be no peak load, because no one will come home in the evening, people will work in the evening, some people will work, other people will come, and on the other hand, the same will happen during the day, those who will not work during the day will be able to turn on . well, if that's the case, well, that's the right example you give, and in fact, you can really just think about
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optimizing the consumption schedule. and this is, for example, electric transport, which can be limited in consumption sweat, potentially this and this business will find these solutions on its own, it will to optimize, if they prove to him the shutdown schedules, and he is already proven by the shutdown schedules, that in the evening they can be limited, they will simply transfer the shifts, for example, to night time, yes, we have certain requirements in the labor code there, but maybe now . change something so that these restrictions that people can't work at night, i think people themselves will be interested in not losing their jobs, because if the technological process needs work, it just stops because of the restrictions in peak hours, i think everyone is interested and potential business owners and those who work to still work and let it be from one there to three in the morning, we have curfew restrictions, other
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restrictions. but i think that all this can be solved, and objectively it is a requirement of the time, and an example of how at one time, and that soviet union nevertheless tried to optimize both transport and electric energy, it proves that it is possible, therefore, in fact, i think that just today we are in the period of spring, spring load, it is the least, we have just left the ignition season, we are moving into the summer season, where there are more... air conditioners, well, it is still easier than the heating season, when there is a maximum load and when people really need electricity and heat supply, i think , that just this period will still allow us to optimize as much as possible, well, let's remember that there were special regulations for businesses, that if they want and are ready to pay more for the import of electrical energy, they were accordingly on certain lists and were not turned off, this is also a solution, and what will happen
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to the prices for electricity in general. and as a result with the prices of e goods, because we understand that everything will start to increase in price exponentially, and the price of electricity will start to increase and people will have to pay for it, and if the business will pay more for electricity, it will pass the price on the products on the shoulders of the same consumers who will not have money anyway, because they will pay much more, many times more, i think so , for communal services already in a certain time. true, it will be reflected in the final ones prices, and in fact, if you look at the price for tomorrow, there is such a segment of the market, the day-ahead market, today it already showed the upper limit levels, uah 7,500 per megawatt, and you add transportation and distribution to it, then the price there is up to uah 10 per kilowatt, that is, if we compare it with the household price of 2.63, and for business it is already more than uah 10 per kilowatt, and the market has shown this today, taking into account the deficit that
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we potentially have. so yes, on the example of 22-23 years of the period when we had blackouts, restrictions, and some enterprises were looking for the possibility of preserving the technological process, they took the import of electrical energy and saw that the import was much more expensive and they were simply losing their competitive ability, and then it became a question of simply stopping the business, stopping production, so in this aspect, yes, it will reflect ... at final prices, unfortunately, well , let's look at the situation objectively, if there was an object that produced certain products, then this object was partially destroyed, and now we need to invest money so that it just starts to continue, to produce the same product, that is, there are appropriate costs to restore it and where to put these costs, of course, in the cost of the final product, so we will be helped, donors will help us, our friends will help us. and
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a lot of thanks to them for that, europe, the united states, and without this help it would be very difficult, because it is very fast, on the other hand , there are still huge costs that the energy industry will bear today in order to recover, they will be on sorry, laid down and into a product that will be directly offered to the consumer, therefore, again, very well-considered decisions must be made at moreover, it is possible that these decisions should be adopted as a corresponding plan, a schedule of tariff increases, so that just a household consumer can plan his own budget, what is there, for example , from june 1, from july 1, from september 1 , not so many tatars may be raised, then from january 1, because so at...


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