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tv   [untitled]    April 21, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EEST

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we will be helped by our friends, and a huge thank you to them, europe, the united states, and without this help it would be very difficult, because it is very fast, on the other hand , there are still huge costs that energy will bear for today in order to recover, they will, unfortunately, be embedded in the product that will be directly offered to the consumer, so again, very ... balanced decisions that must be made, moreover , perhaps these decisions must be made as an appropriate plan increase schedule tariffs, so that just a household consumer can plan his own budget, that there, for example, from june 1, from july 1, from september 1 , not so many tatarivs may be raised, then from january 1, because it is easier to perceive that way, but unfortunately, the situation such that... that surely such
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unpopular decisions will have to be made and it will really be for business, it will really be reflected in the final products in everything that we buy in the store today. thank you, mr. oleksiy. oleksiy orzhal, head of the kyiv energy secretariat community with a story about what ukrainian energy will look like in the coming months. we're going to break for just a few minutes now, but please stay with us. oh, there are no potatoes, you can bring them, but my son has caught something! i remind you, the comfrey ointment of dr. theis and you get up to work again, the comfrey ointment is a german ointment for pain in the joints and muscles, oops, the comfrey restores movement, from pain in the joints and muscles, the natural ointment with comfrey from dr. theis , try also the warming cream with comfrey to
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in the latest issue of the magazine ukraine, will it be possible to operate the zas after its report? says energy expert olga kosharna. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war? which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the disclosures section. read about these and other important topics in the kraina magazine. the new release is already at the points of sale. there are discounts on dolgit cream and dolgyl up to 30% in the pharmacies of travelers and savers. flying stairs, my legs can't walk anymore,
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become familiar to many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, together with...
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deputy of the dorzhduma of the russian federation 200. member of the executive board of the congress of people's deputies ilya ponomerov, congratulations, good evening, well, let's try to understand the reaction of the russian elite to the decision of the united states congress to provide aid to ukraine, how do you perceive this reaction in general? at the same time, the question is not that it just happened, the main thing here is that it happened because of trump, what exactly is trump. gave assurances to speaker johnson that he could support this bill and bring it to a vote, and that's what i lies, i believe, is the real concern
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of the russian elite, because now everyone there is discussing whether trump will support putin and russia or not? well, this is a good question, and is there an answer to it? no, well, i don't think anyone has an answer to that , not even trump himself. it's 50/50 whether it will happen or not . i think i'm over there in washington right now and i just talked to trump's staff and they say they're confident that trump will try. put zelenskyi and putin at the transition table, and there will be very strong pressure on ukraine with the idea that ukraine would agree to the loss of certain territories there, but how it will
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happen, which territories exactly, and what he will do when putin says that he wants everything, they have no answers for that, well, here it is... the question is that if trump really wanted it so much, then maybe it would be much more difficult to get help, but it happened and not least because trump was quite calm about such a possibility, well, i wouldn't say that it was enough calmly, because before that there was substantial resistance to this idea, and it was precisely from the side of the so-called magician republicans, i.e. trump supporters, it was because of them that even there were no normal republicans there. are ready to support this initiative, and that is why it was so important that trump finally said: "well, well, well, well, well, let them vote." they are all the same, they did not support it. and the republicans voted against maga, but they said let them
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vote. what do you think about the situation with this, i would say, the famous flood in russia that started. in orsk, but now we can already say that there was no such global scale, is it an element of nature or, in principle, corruption and the inability to build the appropriate infrastructure that should prevent such phenomena? well, of course, first of all it is nature, but if there was no corruption, then it would be possible to overcome this flood much better, faster, and the losses were much smaller, and that is why there are many residents of these territories, they usually bet now it's a matter for the authorities, but right here, as it happens in our country, when something, something good, it's because of putin, and when something
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bad, it's because of the actions of local authorities, and that's exactly what's happening there now, there are already accusations, and even arrested, this can... somehow affect social stability, or such, i would say, things on the outskirts of the russian federation are of little concern to the majority and to themselves. on the knees, unfortunately, that is, in order for it to have an impact, it is necessary for it to be something long-term, or for it to take place in moscow, in the capital. by the way, if we talk about moscow, i want to talk about the discussion that has taken place there recently. a large number of russian oppositionists, this is a story about a new film, an anti-corruption fund, which is known before because of his relationship with the deceased oleksiy navalny, the film called traitors, however, tells about the former russian president boris yeltsin in the 90s,
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and i would say with such a referendum, which we are used to seeing primarily in putin's propaganda, about such, i would say the damned 90s, oh the damned 90s, they are a referendum on this. of this tape, what do you think about it in general, i'm curious, well, first of all, my attitude to this is that putin's regime is not. some kind of counter-revolution, that the continuation of the yeltsin regime, and the first source of it in 1993, when the parliament, the real parliament of russia, was shot, and i always spoke about it, and that is why i believe that it is necessary not just to change putin, but to destroy putinism, to destroy empire, it is necessary to carry out... the real decolonization of russia and its decentralization and
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all that, and nothing like that people from fbk, they don’t say, they say that it’s just that putin was bad, berezovsky stole a lot of money there, that is, for them the primary sources of problems are not the system, but ourselves these people, and they are pouring in directly there, may we be in the future. to him, and here we will be real, normal there, for the beautiful russia of the future, everything else, but this is of course a delusion, and it is precisely because of this that such a huge scandal is new in the russian opposition, because one part of it, and quite a large part of the russian opposition , she has direct relations with the 90s, and they are also nostalgic there for mr. yeltsin and for those times, and the other part, well, she simply does not want fbkovits and says: well, why
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them themselves, i believe that the only reason , why this one the tape at all appeared now that they now expect that the west will support yulia navalnya, and they want to simply overcome everyone else under her, and they are even there already . that there will be a second part of this investigation, that it will be about mr. khodorkovsky and that he needs to prepare, well, there will be an event to support yulia navalnya, there won’t be, well, yulia navalnya’s real influence on the situation in russia is zero, and the death of her husband, in the principle demonstrated this with all the brightness, if any proof was needed, it is in the throne oleksiy navalny, of course, zero, and that is why... our attitude to this, it is very simple: whoever wants to be a real russian opera, please, we invite, come
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to ukraine, to the legion of freedom of russia, to other volunteer units, will announce their support of the armed, armed opera in ukraine, and all this should be done in kyiv, and that's when you will be real oppositionists, and not this one. the political leader of the year, according to the magazine , in the same period, it seems that this happened because here in ukraine there was a lot of discussion about regarding the appearance in this rating of the head of the office of the president of ukraine, andriy yermak, of course , from a general political point of view, yermak is interesting, not yermak, yulia navalna is interesting, and after that yulia navalna gave an interview. who reproached the ukrainian authorities for not establishing the correct contacts with the russian
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opposition in their opinion, that is, in principle, these narratives, which we have heard before, have not changed, even despite the fact that oleksiy navalny is no longer among us, but his death practically went unnoticed by the vast majority russians, look, yuliya navalny has already been invited to come to ukraine and express everything that she thinks right here, to answer frankly to all questions. it is not a question to once again support our armed russians, the guys who are actually fighting putinism at the front together with the ssu, because i think she is the only one now, she refused, no, she is simply ignored, she wants them to come to her there, to come to her there zelensky said, here is yulia navalnaya, there is someone over there, we respect you, please, there, well, it will not happen in any way. of course, but this it’s funny, zelenskyi is the legitimate head of a real existing state, which
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russia is fighting, and navalny is just one of the representatives of numerous migration and immigration opposition structures that affect only the stability of their own lives, i would say, do not even affect the worldview of the majority of russians, who are unaware of their existence, well, that's right, you have to fight, you have to fight and prove that you are worth it. real resistance, that you can influence something, and the only way to influence now is armed action, armed actions at the front and armed actions in the rear, partisan. partisan actions and there are no more and no other networks, political networks within russia simply do not exist now, but i saw such a point of view that fbk simply wants to fight for the electorate of vladimir putin, that is, in fact, we see the same thing, by the way observed in 2000 in belarus,
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when by and large the opposition to alexander lukashenko wanted to fight against lukashenka... the electorate without lukashenko, and i have the impression that the russian opposition, despite the tragic defeat by belarus, continues to take over this amazing, in my opinion, experience. well, again, as if there were real elections, i would like it to be possible to arrange some kind of competition inside russia, this could be and would be a justified strategy, but they simply do not exist now and no...
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supports, in the case of storm structures, they directly criticize it, they are just sorry, and i believe that now they are not fighting putin, they are fighting us, they are simply fighting other representatives of the russian resistance. well, it must be said that when it comes to armed resistance, those people who the anti-corruption fund is criticized for this investigation about the 90s, and the very representatives of this current, which we associate with... the name of the deceased oleksiy navalny, they are close, i would say, to a consensus. well, there are different people there, there are different people, you know, after the first forum of support for russian voluntary formations took place in kyiv, on march 17, on the day when yulia navalnaya voted there at the polling station, and then in kyiv we all
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gathered, and after that there was a memorandum, which has already been signed by more than... than a thousand people, and the representatives of the political opposition, that is, the circle of support, then it spreads, and many people who also associate themselves there with the 90s in the past, they now support the armed protest, and that is why we say that let's not talk about the past, let's talk about the future and let's act in the present, and that's why come to kyiv, it's the only one. that it is important to come here and speak here and support the armed formation right here in ukraine. well, i don't know how realistic it is, if it is true to talk about no, realistically, realistically, the next step will soon take place, and there will be new people who will come, and it will not be a few, but there will be dozens, that is, we are now
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only hindered by the question of who can enter the territory at all. countries, i myself am against the fact that various tourists with russian passports get here, but those people who come to support the armed struggle, who bring with them weapons, help to these formations, who finance them and so on, well i think it's very positive thank you, ilya panomaryov, deputy of the state duma. of the russian federation in 2007-2016 , a member of the executive council of the congress of people's deputies was in touch with us, and we talked about how the russian opposition should act, if it wants to do more than interviews for time magazine and stories, how should the ukrainian leadership behave in one case or another, and if it really wants to represent that part of russian society that
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understands that russia's war with ukraine is not putin's war against ukraine, how about that says yulia navalna, war. in which the russian leader enjoys the almost careless support of the majority of his compatriots suffering from the chauvinistic virus , for the sympathy of whom, as we see, for reasons still unclear to me, ms. navalna and those who support her in the so -called anti-corruption fund are fighting. well , now we will talk with the historian, professor of harvard university serhiy plohiy, who is in touch with us. greetings mr. serhiy. good evening, mr. vitaly. i... want to start with your new book atom and ash, which is now being translated by our format publishing house, and i wonder why you decided to write this story about nuclear blackmail and about danger in general. nuclear crisis because it is the past or because it is the future? i am a historian, i write about the past, but of course what is happening around affects
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the choice of topics, the choice of topics, to be honest, i did not intend to write a book on a current topic, for me the question was how much our history, in particular with chernobyl, how much was it unique or not. that is, you and i were in ukraine during chernobyl, we we know how much it was a problem for all of us that we were deprived of information, information about our own health, and i wanted to find out how other states, other societies, other cultures react to this in similar conditions, well, but historians work for a long time , until... this book came out, it turned out that the subject became even more relevant and the emphasis changed in connection with the capture of chernobyl,
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in connection with the capture of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant. and now, by the way, president zelensky is even talking about the possibility of attacks on the nuclear plant power plants of ukraine, that is, it makes even more relevant these thoughts about what can happen in general with peaceful nuclear energy, not even with some use of nuclear weapons, but with peaceful nuclear energy as a... tool of blackmailing the countries you want destroy or occupy? certainly, in fact, these attacks are already happening today, that is , the drones that attacked the zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, the way the russians use them, in fact, for cover, in order to bombard ukrainian targets and peaceful targets with impunity, in including in nikopol and at noon. of ukraine, so that atoms for peace, the way they were conceived, the way they were built, actually turn into atoms for war.
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well, by the way, you wrote, you wrote in your book nuclear madness, just about how it and atoms could actually be used for war in the 20th century, to what extent was this experience of overcoming the crisis, which was then demonstrated by president john kennedy . by the chairman of the council of ministers of the soviet union, nikita khrushchev, is relevant for ours time, or after all, one cannot compare, i would say, the adequacy of khrushchev with the adequacy of putin, i don't even know, of course, this is what constitutes the problem, but the problem also lies in the fact that we actually faced each other in 22, 23, 24 years with a new phenomenon, if it was about used. atoms for war, i.e. rockets, it was at least clear who controlled them, where did they come from and where did they get it? answer, with
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the seizure of nuclear facilities, such as the zaporizhia as, the possibility of using this threat and creating actually nuclear, nuclear crisis. of a nuclear explosion in conditions where it is not clear who did it, as with the kakhovskaya dam, that is, you can endlessly point the finger at the opposite side, and in fact responsibility does not come or does not come so quickly and immediately, that is, in fact, today we are in a more dangerous situation, than there were during the caribbean crisis, due to the fact that the responsibility is so... blurred, say, in principle, if you look now at the war between russia and ukraine, how you look at the further development of events, maybe
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in light of yesterday's events, when the united states congress nevertheless found opportunities for a decision on aid, but in any case it is one local decision, what will the process itself look like? ukraine survived and continues to fight thanks to two facts. mobilization of ukrainian society and support of allies, western allies. when it comes to military aid, the united states is a key, key ally, meaning it will be very difficult, if at all possible, for europe to continue supporting ukraine without the united states of america. and i would like to look at what happened yesterday as the first step in the process in which the united states of america. who are actually regaining leadership in the anti-putin coalition and in fact leadership in the world as a whole. we do not know how
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political events will develop further. in the united states of america, but i hope that this is not only a step in the right direction, but it is the beginning of a longer path, and today, today we have every reason to be optimistic after actually six months of very pessimistic forecasts, now ukraine must respond according to before this the solution, that is, to do everything possible to ... that the weapons that are going to be delivered are delivered on time and are on the front lines, on the front lines, as quickly as possible. well, we can already say that we are in such a long-term conflict, because the third year of the war has passed, we see that the russian federation is full of thirst to continue it, the russian leadership is so impressed, satisfied with the war process itself, we see how support for russia is growing ,
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primarily political support in... and the question arises, to what extent ukrainian society is ready to understand that the war may continue for many years, or it may not be considered so, because russia, despite all its desire to fight, may simply not have enough strength. russia is an authoritarian, virtually dictatorial entity and society that is completely under control, or almost completely under control. and to putin and the leadership in the kremlin, and with that comes, on the one hand, the possibilities, the mobilization of relatively rapid mobilization, but with that also comes the dangers associated with the fact that this personalist regime, that is, at some stage, the next speech of prigozhin or someone else from putin's closest circle can suddenly, suddenly stop,
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actually stop it. processes and actually end the war, but this can happen only in the case when the war drags on and begins, begins to hit the russian, russian political and security elite more and more painfully, because the business of the elite has been suffering for some, some longer time, this can only happen in the conditions of the continuation of the effective war on the part of ukraine, what is very clear to us today is that that ukraine must learn not only to attack, but also to defend itself, and in this sense, it is really, it is really a different, different stage of the war. before the vote in the american congress, i repeated for months the same, in fact, the same phrase, the same maxim, that this is a turning point in the history of war, the first turning point was after
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... russia was defeated in the battle for kiev and rammstein was created. and the war continued in a certain direction. after that, problems began at various levels, political problems in the united states of america, our hopes for a counteroffensive in the south were not fulfilled, did not live up to our hopes, and another moment came, a moment of crisis and a moment of decision. this decision was made in america, i understand that a similar reorganization is taking place in ukraine now, if it happens, i think that ukraine will be able, will be able to withstand, and it is possible to withstand in these conditions, actually win and, accordingly, influence the internal political processes in russia , and sooner or later this regime will not last, sooner or later it will
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collapse, we need it to happen as possible. rather, you are talking about the attitude of the russian elite, here is my colleague mykhailo zegar, a well-known former russian publicist, and now a columnist for the spiegel publication, published texts about the attitude of the russian elite, in which he emphasizes that now businessmen and politicians no longer think that putin loses, they believe that russia is winning, and the attitude towards putin has become much more loyal, but also much more skeptical of the west, this war must be won. otherwise, russia may disintegrate, and we we will not be able to live the way we lived, i remember hearing these words from many of my interlocutors, especially among the russian elite, so where is the hope that they will get tired of the process that they perceive as a process that should lead to victory in any case of course, they got used to it, and my understanding of what mykhailo ziggory writes about is about, well...


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