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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 12:00am-12:30am EEST

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there are incomprehensible companies, and some of those drones that are included in the semi-procurement were included without even having certification, you can imagine, that is, we went through 5 months of certification, tests on the front line, on training grounds, and so on, we reached contracting, we were not contracted, but at the same time promoted companies that did not have certification, but at the same time they were given... orders to be financed, that is, well, and some companies are not at all unclear on the market, there were, there were such questions, no i know how it will be now, and this is the first secondly, in fact, under the previous leadership of derspeczvyazuk e-e, all that was taken, well, in one word, the indicators of cheapness and not the comparison of technical characteristics was a traditional method, that is... there was a head
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of the department, who is no longer there, who was involved in this, who could allow yourself to make a new assessment of military, military equipment there, without having the qualifications for this, after the national guard or other units submitted an application and said, i need these drones, no, they said no, but we better buy these, who are you such that, to say which, what the military needs, when you sit in... that is , such things, they were. how will it be now? look, now the latest information is that funds, funds have not been allocated for the purchase, and now a decision will be made on which drones to purchase. well, let's see how, how, how transparent it will be, how adequate it is, and how much, at least, equivalently , those capacities will be loaded, the capacities that i have in the companies that were preparing for serious release things will be loaded. serious parties,
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and now they have, if there is no contract, to dissolve their, their teams and close production and freezing it all, and then to defrost it all, it takes two to three months, and also the delivery of the complete set in parallel, it also takes two, three to four months, depending on which set of units in which part volume you will do, we are not deviating from our strategy, we are creating an enterprise for... the production of motors, so it is also a difficult thing, we do not have normal motors, no one produces them, we are a smoker, we analyzed six of these chinese enterprises, identified two , at the end of the day, one got out, because of that the history of lies from the chinese side has passed, we will do it all, we will do it, they led the purchase of a serious line for the production of motors, but if there is such a contract...
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it is unclear from the side of the state, then who will need these motors in the future, and well, for now, we have in our country, we do not see all those statements that say that a million drones should be released there, yes, they can be released very easily by fpv , these light drones, but they do not solve the cardinal problem at the front, heavy drones are needed, heavy kamikazes are needed. 3 4 5 6 kg, in parallel with long shots, yes, a these things, which are there from a kilogram to two, to three at a short distance, they do some of their tactical things, but they do not close these problems on the fronts, so this kind of history, which must change, must change, and the words, which have been said that we will contract all the teams that have passed all field tests in... combat
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tests and that have the opportunity, the capacity and the means to release, this must be fulfilled, these words and promises from the state must be fulfilled, otherwise the state simply believes, then it will not be possible. sir valeria, we will probably put a full stop here, because there is really nothing to add to your words, these are extremely important words related to the fact that the state, officials... must fulfill their promises made to the enterprises of the defense-industrial complex, when we hear good, loud statements about manufacturing, cleaning and so on, and on the other hand we have, sometimes we see a different reality, when an enterprise that has been engaged in the creation of strike complexes, aviation complexes of various purposes for a long time, then these enterprises must also count on support of the state, let me remind you that it was... it was
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valery borovyk, the chairman of the board of the new energy of ukraine alliance, the commander of the special unit of strike drones white op, and we can see that his company, in particular, the company where the first contact with... is now being re-configured to other projects are related to air defense equipment, in particular he mentioned the german company diehl, it is defens diehl is actually a company that provides air defense systems to the country, there are probably technological solutions, which may partially be ukrainian enterprises are also involved, it is extremely important, but in general, if we talk about the results, now indeed, when we talk about dominance in the air, which was the topic of our... program, we, of course, count on the support of our partners on f- 16, but in any case, we should not forget about our domestic enterprises that manufacture unmanned systems for various purposes, and assistance to our enterprises is no less important so that these enterprises then provide our troops with products,
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which destroys the enemy on the battlefield. these were the main takeaways from this program, stay tuned to the spresso channel, there will be a lot more to come. the search for 12-year-old hleb cherapanov from mariupol has been going on for more than two years. all this time , his mother does not lose hope of finding the boy. all tracing services in russia. despite the fact that a lot of time has passed since the disappearance, and there is still almost no news, the woman really hopes for your concern and begs you to help her in the search for her son. he is very
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talented, he played the guitar, studied good, so artistic, i want. for him to become an artist, he studied in the second grade, he did well, and he had many friends, all his friends worry about him, he is a very good boy, i miss him very much, mrs. victoria told the details of her son's disappearance, so gleb lived with his mother and grandmother in mariupol. and they remained in the place when there was very fierce fighting there. because of the shelling, hleb, his mother and grandmother left their apartment and hid in a relative's house. one day , gleb's mother went out on business, and when she returned, saw that the house where her son and
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mother were was hit by a projectile. he told me that a shell had hit the top and that it was military... hleb's mother began to look everywhere for her son and his grandmother, the woman checked all shelters and bomb shelters, but, unfortunately, it was not possible to find the boy. on march 13, i was in...
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no result, since then nothing is known about the fate of the boy, also... the version about the death of hleb, when a shell hit the house, but fortunately the boy was not found among the dead, so hleb's mother assumes that her son could have been wounded, perhaps he had contusion, partially lost his memory and because of this cannot report anything about himself. it is worth noting that a woman called our hotline 1163 and reported that she had seen our program on the search for soil and allegedly recognized him. it seems that i saw him, probably with my grandmother, well, similar, even last year, somewhere in may, calling, because it’s a pity that my mother is crying, looking, well, god grant that they were alive, well, in which country, do you know where they are going could leave, well, for some reason, my intuition tells me that it is
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definitely him. the woman told what she saw a boy who looks like hleb cherepanov on the border with poland, namely at the sheghini checkpoint. it seems to me that he left the country, from ukraine, with his grandmother, but i don't know which country he went to, i just wanted to say that i think he is alive and maybe he lives in another country, because i... heard that at the border, not all children had documents, they did, maybe they didn't. of course, we immediately passed this information on to the police, but so far it has not been confirmed that the boy and his grandmother went abroad, so the search continues. if you have any information about hleb cherepanova, do not delay and immediately report to the hotline of the child tracing service by calling 116 30, which is free from all mobile operators in ukraine. we have created a resource thanks to which you can report
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any crime against a child. in any city, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. andrii smolii and vitaliy portnikov are broadcasting the saturday polyclub on espressa tv channel. today we traditionally discuss on saturday all the most important events of ukraine and the world. and we already have our first guest. vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, colonel zasov, former spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. congratulations mr. vladyslav. congratulations and glory to ukraine. glory. so, let's talk about what you think the situation looks like on the... front. it seems to me that now the russian occupation army has a certain window of opportunity, and it
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is connected with the fact that the ukrainian defense forces are critically lacking in key components that provide the firepower of our subdivisions we are talking about artillery, ammunition for this artillery, an aviation component and an air defense system. i hope that in the near future we will hear good news from the ocean, but the enemy is in a hurry, regardless of what decision is made in the american today. the enemy is in a hurry to make the most of this situation, when we are frankly short of artillery ammunition. the nato general notes that now the ratio of artillery shells is not in favor of ukraine. for one ukrainian projectile, there are about 10 russian ones. president volodymyr zelenskyy notes that there are 30 russian planes for one ukrainian plane, that is, the ratio of forces and means is definitely not in our favor, only the number with the enemy used. own air bombs, or their analogues based on guided air bombs,
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during the first two weeks of april amounted to 1,200, i think that the rate of use of this type of weapons will continue to increase, which means that the ukrainian army, being in strategic defense, will experience a lot of fire pressure from the enemy army, and if we constantly hear information in the information tapes that the situation in the chasovyar area, the southernmost small island, is extremely difficult. west of avdiyivka, we also have to understand that the situation in the kupin-liman direction, in particular in the liman direction, is no less difficult, and the situation in the south of zaporizhzhya region, in particular in the robotino region and in the staromykhaivka region, that is, the situation on the battlefield is determined the total superiority of the de facto enemy army, well, accordingly, the stability in the defense of the ukrainian defense forces, and here it is necessary to pay due attention to a certain volume of tasks related to the construction of engineering fortifications. it is already indicated that these fortifications already allow us to stabilize the situation on the battlefield to a certain extent,
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the advance of the enemy army, regardless of its total superiority, is characterized by an advance there at the level of 100, 200-300 m during the day, although under the condition of such the ratio of salt vehicles, it would seem, the advance of the enemy army should have been larger, but nevertheless, thanks to the courage and triumph of heroism of our soldiers, we manage to hold the front lines, sir? mr. vladyslav, for the past few days , the enemy has been hitting odesa, the dnipro, and zaporizhzhia almost 24 hours a day. should we expect similar strikes in these cities and possibly others in our country in the next few days, weeks? should we consider the enemy absolutely stupid, who acts unsystematically and not without trying to realize some strategic mission? i think it's not worth it. we understand absolutely clearly that the enemy is insidious, the enemy is sophisticated, and the enemy. transforms its activity to the conditions the current russian-ukrainian confrontation. so, in more detail, the enemy's
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missile and drone attacks on the south of our country are connected with the fact that he is trying to destroy the infrastructure, in particular , the infrastructure that is involved in the implementation of the grain agreement. extreme arrivals, in particular near the settlement of yuzhnoye , are precisely related to what is arriving, arriving at our grain terminals, and this is a serious challenge. as for flights over the territory of dnipropetrovsk. region, it is obvious that the enemy is using missile and drone attacks trying to destroy our railway infrastructure as much as possible, why? because you understand that ukrainian logistics is currently preparing to accept large-scale... deliveries of weapons and military equipment within the framework of relevant agreements with our overseas partners, and therefore they are trying to weaken our logistics capabilities as much as possible, including by destroying key railway hubs, centers, logistics hubs, which are usually used for the transportation of goods of military importance, as far as kharkiv is concerned, it is obvious that the enemy is trying to turn it into a complete ruin without
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creating a so-called sanitary zone, this is not my saying, this is the saying of vladimir putin , the russian dictator there, so it is obvious that putin is trying to implement this mission of creating a sanitary zone in this way by turning a million city into a city vaccinated and tell me, mr. vladyslav, what needs to be done from the point of view of de-escalation of ukrainian air defense, what to prevent all these strikes, because now the president is already talking about the possibility strikes on nuclear power plants, and of course this can be not only a catastrophe for the ukrainian energy industry, but also a catastrophe on a global scale. and mr. vitaly, i thought about this issue and i did not find any argument that would absolutely with one hundred percent benefit prevent putin from implementing, not implementing such a plan, well, what can actually influence him, and from time to time we see that the enemy is pleased of a critical level of provocation, for example at nuclear energy facilities,
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in particular at the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant power plant, do we hear any such unconscious reaction from the side? the world community to such flagrant actions by the russian army of occupation? no, there is a certain concern, there are certain statements that do not entail any real processes, practical actions that should curb the strange yawning of putin and his entourage, i think that and what concerns the nuclear energy facilities on the territory of our country , in those territories that are under the control of the ukrainian government, it is unlikely that putin will pay particular attention to any reactions from ... that before that it was absolutely impotent on the part of our western partners, and therefore such risks exist, and i think that everything is determined only by the presence of the enemy's resources and their readiness to use these resources specifically for our nuclear energy, as for the current activities of the enemy's army aimed at the destruction of our energy complex , then it is also absolutely
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logical, he works with his rockets and drones on our objects of hydrogen generation, heat generation from... respectively, on distribution nodes, on highways, including those highways that provide the flow of electricity from the countries of eastern europe to ukraine and in the opposite direction, that is, systematic, purposeful methodical work aimed at weakening the energy potential of our country as much as possible, including for what purpose? the key mission, it seems to me, well, considering that spring is stealing on our territory and the heating season is behind us, most likely the enemy is trying this way... to deprive our enterprises of the defense and industrial complex of energy, because it is obvious that now it is the ukrainian defense industry provides the lion's share of the needs of the ukrainian army, subject to delays in the delivery of weapons from the ocean and certain limited capabilities of our european partners. our international partners have committed
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to actually supply ukraine with additional air defense systems, there are scholz's statements about patriot systems. do you think it will help to really improve the situation with the prevention of missile strikes and how quickly, most importantly, these systems can be delivered to ukraine? soto and only statements will definitely not help us in any way, that's it real supplies of batteries of the petrio ppu complex and rockets to them will of course be able to strengthen our capabilities, there is a certain discussion going on here, how many of them we need, the president called the maximum number of 25 systems. at one time, mr. padalyak claimed about 12-13, i heard the number 7-8, in any case, no matter how many of those saami air defense systems the patriots get, all this works to strengthen our capabilities of our air defense system, because in fact on times, we lose our strategic-level facilities because of that
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we critically lack the same anti-aircraft systems, according to which missiles don't, and i hope that a political solution. which was adopted both at the level of nato and at the level, in particular, of the german government, will be very quickly transformed into real deliveries of this type of weapons, because it actually determines the fate and lives of many of our fellow citizens, but what is happening with russian planes can be considered a a certain turning point in the fight against air targets? and i think that taking into account the fact that in 2000 it seems to be the 13th year... the last one the s200 complex was removed from the combat composition of the ukrainian armed forces, now that process is ongoing . he is put on combat duty. missiles for this complex undergo a certain upgrade, a certain update, and their technical characteristics increase. general budanov
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literally stated the other day that it was from the g200 complex that not only the enemy tu-22 m3 strategic bomber, which launched a missile from the black sea near sevastopol, a missile on our territory kh-22, as well as the ppos200 system with the same type of missile. was settled on the flying radar of the a50 complex of the military and space forces of the armed forces of the russian federation, that is, we have such resources, it is not the first time that we use them with serious efficiency, and i hope that we have a sufficient amount of resources to continue using this powerful air defense complex in order to , to aim at enemy aircraft, and this actually imposes certain, certain obligations on the russian generals, because they are forced to a certain extent to transform engagement of its strategic aviation and keep, forced to keep its strategic bombers, as far as possible from our territories, from those territories that are under the control of the ukrainian government. the russians
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actually do not use caliber missiles, in contrast to what was, let's say, there in 22-23 years, this can already be considered a victory over the russian fleet, or will they still use these missiles in the future in order to to replace... some other types of weapons, actually a very valid question, because it is russian the defense industry continues to manufacture the same calibers, but lately we have not heard news so often that the enemy is carrying out massive destruction of calibers, what is the reason for this, whether it is due to the lack of certain infrastructure on the territory of the novorossiysk military port, or because , which are destroyed as a result of the intentional use of the same calibers, corresponding mines of launchers on warships. are there other reasons why the enemy did not implement this mission, perhaps there is a process of accumulation? anyway, what the enemy, having a sufficiently powerful enough weapon, which is capable of giving a distance of up to 200
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km, is not using it now, this is great news, although i would not feel completely safe here, why? because , most likely, vorok, including due to the redeployment of part of his warships, and now it is actively discussed... with an emphasis on the statement of our gur, he moved part of his warships carrying calibers to the waters of the caspian sea. this is quite a real mission, because the network of the volgodon canal and its locks allow you to implement such a mission regarding the movement of the same warships, or at least parts of them. and this means that the entire territory of ukraine will still be in the risk zone, even in the case of missiles of the same caliber from the northern parts of the caspian sea, but... it is difficult to say clearly and unambiguously why the enemy is not actively using this missile component now , because it is obvious that the enemy is in no hurry to reveal the secret of these processes, and we can only
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make certain suggestions. and tell me how you generally assess the situation with the black sea fleet, the russians will be able to restore some of its capabilities, at least, perhaps using this new base in chamchil? i don't think that base will be able to accommodate a sufficient number of warships, but the fact is that the enemy ... a significant loss of its flagship , a russian guard cruiser, and under no conditions and circumstances can return it to the battleship again, because now there are other visitors there and crew members on board this flagship of the russian black sea fleet destroyed by ukrainian missiles, but those remains that are now closer to the caucasian coast of the russian federation, all those ships, they will continue to remain there, because the enemy is sure that the least... the northwestern part of the black sea water area is definitely completely under the control of the ukrainian army. enemy ships do not dare to put their noses behind the corner of mysvytorkhanka. this is the western part of temporarily
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occupied crimea. and transportation by sea to the bays of sevastopol also takes place with certain reservations, because ukrainian drones work too efficiently and too painfully for enemy army. pay attention, the russians use their aviation component so intensively. to watch over the equator of the black sea, that in august this leads to technical breakdowns and, accordingly , losses, in particular combat aircraft and combat helicopters, i think that there will be more in the future, because the intensity of the conduct of hostilities and the use of appropriate equipment is evident, but what about the ukrainian army , as you can see, systematically and methodically works to blind the eyes of the occupation contingent operating in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea to a certain extent and sevastopol, and the cotton that happened the other day on the territory of dzhankovsky litovyshche is only one of the elements of the implementation of this plan. thank you, mr. vladyslav.
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vladyslav seliznyov, military expert, colonel, was with us. of the armed forces of ukraine, spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2014-17, we will now take a break for a few minutes, but please stay with us, there are still important dialogues ahead. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps, 10% in psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. try flebodia 600, pink french tablets for acute hemorrhoids plebodia 600, a remedy for hemorrhoids without any complications. there are 15% discounts on uroley sun in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl, let's start with winter. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. many
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important topics are discussed with you today. we talk for two hours to find out about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world lives, now yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy good evening, be please, you have a word, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money, during the war, oleksandr morchivka with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov , two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for information about cultural news, presenters who have become many. natalka didenko is already ready to tell us about the weather on the day of pride, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united
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by football, stronger together! the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the football atmosphere every monday at 10:00 p.m. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. the project is for experienced fans as well as for ordinary people. who appreciate a non-committal view of football, football format every monday at 10:00 p.m on the spresso tv channel. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already approached the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live drone attacks, kamikaze, political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no
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political season. you draw your own conclusions. live, saturday's political club is back after a few minutes break, and now we 'll have a guest from georgia, but he 's not there yet. therefore, mr. vitaly, let's probably talk about what is happening now in georgia, the actual adoption of the law on foreign agents, foreign agents, yes, or agents of influence, well, relatively speaking, this is a kind of tracing paper from the russian law, plus or minus somewhere, and by the way, a very similar law was also adopted in kyrgyzstan, mr. vitaly, how do you evaluate
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such actions of the georgian authorities, why right now, why is georgia sliding towards such postulates of russian authoritarianism? well , by the way, this is an interesting story, because in georgia this law has not yet been adopted, in kyrgyzstan it has already been adopted and signed by president zhaparov, and here we can clearly say that it is not just some kind of, you know, a formal thing, because after the law on kyrgyzstan was signed, president kasym japarov, he... said that there would be no problems, that there would be no difficulties with public organizations, and after he said that, public organizations began to close one after another, but just a few days ago, despite all the assurances of sadyr japarov, he stopped working.


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