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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EEST

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it is not a concern that there are certain statements that do not carry any real processes, practical actions, which should curb the strange encroachments of putin and his entourage. i think that with regard to nuclear energy facilities on the territory of our country, on those territories that are under the control of the ukrainian government, it is unlikely that putin will pay particular attention to any reactions, considering the fact that before that it was completely impotent from the side our western partners, and therefore such... there are risks, and i think everything is determined only by the presence of the enemy resources and their willingness to use these resources specifically for our nuclear energy, as for the current activity of the enemy army aimed at the destruction of our energy complex, it is also absolutely logical, it works with its missiles and drones on our hydrogen generation, heat generation facilities, respectively on distribution nodes, on highways, including those highways that will ensure the flow
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of electricity from the countries of eastern europe to ukraine and in the opposite direction, that is , systematic, purposeful, methodical work aimed at weakening the energy potential of our country as much as possible, including for what purpose? the key mission seems to me, well, taking into account the fact that spring is stealing on our territory and the heated season is behind us, most likely this method is bitterly trying to deprive our enterprises of the defense and industrial complex of energy, because it is obvious that here... now it is the ukrainian oboronprom provides part of the needs of the ukrainian army, subject to delays in the delivery of weapons from the ocean and certain limited capabilities of our european partners? our international partners have committed to actually supply ukraine with additional air defense systems, there are scholz's statements about patriot systems. do you think it will help to really improve the situation? with
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the prevention of missile strikes and how quickly, most importantly, these systems can be delivered to ukraine? here, only statements will definitely not help us in any way, but real deliveries of batteries of the patriot air defense complex and missiles to them will, of course, be able to strengthen our capabilities, there is a certain discussion going on here, how many of them do we need, president called the maximum number of 25 patriot systems, at one time mr. podalyak claimed 12-13. i heard a figure of 7-8, in any case, no matter how many of those same patriot air defense systems we get, it all works to strengthen our capabilities of our air defense system, because in fact, in time , we lose our strategic level object because the fact that we critically lack the same anti-missile systems, according to the missiles for them, and i hope that the political decision, which was taken both at the level of nato and at the level, in particular german of the government will be very quickly
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transformed into real deliveries of this type of weapons, because it actually determines the fate and lives of many of our fellow citizens, but what is happening with russian planes can be considered a certain turning point in the fight against air targets? and i think that, taking into account the fact that in 2000, it seems to be the 13th year, the last s200 complex was removed from the combat team. to the ukrainian armed forces, now that process is in reverse, the s200 complex is returning to combat duty, missiles before that complex undergo a certain upgrade, a certain update, and their technical characteristics increase. general budanov literally stated the other day that it was from the g200 complex that not only the tu-22 m3 was sent to a strategic bomber who launched a missile from the black sea near sevastopol. on our territory, the x22 missile, and
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also the same, the same type of missile, the ppos200 system was used by the flying radar of the a50 complex of the military space forces, the armed forces of the russian federation, that is , we have such resources, it is not the first time that we have them we use with serious efficiency and i hope that we have a sufficient number of resources to continue to use this powerful air defense complex to target enemy aircraft, and this actually imposes certain, certain... obligations on the russian generals, because they are forced to a certain extent to transform the use of their strategic aviation and keep, forced to keep their strategic bombers, as far as possible from our territories, from those territories that are under the control of the ukrainian government. the russians actually do not use caliber missiles, in contrast to what was assumed there in 22-23 years, this can already be considered a victory over... the russian
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fleet, or will they still use these missiles in the future in order to to replace some other types of weapons. in fact, it is a very valid question, because the russian... defense industry continues to manufacture the same calibers, but recently we do not often hear news that the enemy is carrying out mass destruction of calibers, what is the reason for this, or the lack of a certain infrastructure on the territory of the novorossiysk military port, or due to the fact that the corresponding mines of the launchers on warships are destroyed as a result of the intensive use of the same calibers, or are there other reasons why the enemy did not implement this mission, perhaps there is a process of accumulation by any. .. the fact that vorok, having a sufficiently powerful weapon capable of giving a distance of up to 200 km, is not using it now, this is great news, although i would not feel absolutely safe here, why? because rather for everything is the enemy, including due to
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the redeployment of part of its warships, and now it is being actively discussed with an emphasis on the statement of our gur, part of its warships. calibers he moves to the waters of the caspian sea, this is a very real mission, because the network of the volgadon canal and their locks allow the implementation of such a mission regarding the movement of the same warships, well, at least parts of them, which means that the entire territory of ukraine will still be in the zone risk, even in the case of launches of the same calibers from the north parts of the water area of ​​the caspian sea, but it is clear and unambiguous to say why the enemy is not actively using this missile company now. it is difficult, because it is obvious that the enemy is in no hurry to reveal the secret of these processes, and we can only make certain assumptions. and tell me how you generally assess the situation with the black sea fleet, the russians will be able to restore some of its capabilities, at least, perhaps, using this new base in ochomchila. i don't think that base will be able
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to accommodate a sufficient number of warships, but the thing is that the enemy definitely lost its flagship, the russian guard cruiser and under no circumstances. can return it to the combat team again, because now there are other visitors and crew members on board this flagship of the russian black sea fleet destroyed by ukrainian missiles, but the remains that are now closer to the caucasian coast of the russian federation, all those ships, they will continue to be there to remain, because the enemy is sure that at least the northwestern part of the black sea water area is completely under under the control of the ukrainian army, enemy ships do not dare to put their noses behind the horns of the storkhanka, this is the western part of the temporarily occupied crimea, and transportation by sea to the bays of sevastopol also takes place with certain reservations, because ukrainian drones work too efficiently and too painfully for
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the enemy army. please note that the russians use their aviation components so intensively to keep an eye on the black sea waters that during august this leads to technical... breakdowns and , accordingly, losses, in particular combat aircraft and combat helicopters. i think that there will be more in the future, because the intensity of hostilities and the use of appropriate equipment is becoming evident. well, as you can see, the ukrainian army is systematically and methodically working to blind the eyes of the occupation contingent operating in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea and sevastopol, and the cotton that happened the other day on the territory of the dzhankovsky airfield is only one of them. .. elements of the implementation of this plan, thank you, mr. vladyslav, with us was vladyslav selizny, a military expert, a colonel of the armed forces of ukraine, the spokesman of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine in 2014-2017, we will now take a break for a few minutes, but you will remain aware that there are still important
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dialogues ahead.
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join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized. armed forces brigades. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, and value the ability to stand shoulder to shoulder with a fellow soldier. until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, and winds kilometers roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. let's stick together. live broadcast, saturday political club. returns after a pause of several minutes, and now we will have a guest from georgia, but
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he is not there yet, so mr. vitaly, perhaps we will talk about what is happening now in georgia, the actual adoption of the law on foreign agents, foreign agents yes, or agents of influence, well conditionally in other words, it is a kind of tracing paper from the russian law, plus or minus somewhere... and by the way, a very similar law was also adopted in kyrgyzstan. mr. vitaly, how do you assess such actions of the georgian authorities, why now, why is georgia sliding towards such postulates of russian authoritarianism. well, this is an interesting story, by the way, because in georgia this law has not yet been adopted, in kyrgyzstan it has already been adopted and signed by president zhaparov, and here we can clearly say that it is... not just some kind of, you know, formal thing because after signed the law on kyrgyzstan, president
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kasym japarov, he said that there will be no problems, that there will be no difficulties with public organizations, and after he said that, public organizations began to close one after another, just a few days ago, despite all assurances. vader stopped the work of the soros foundation kyrgyzstan, and you understand that for such a small country as kyrgyzstan, every such organization that allows the creation of public initiatives, independent media, is a huge story, and here we have a simple situation, there was kyrgyzstan, which was always considered just one of those exceptions from central asian politics, because the government changed, independent media appeared, there were different political parties in the parliament, let them be. some clans there , of course, mutually, but people knew that when they go and vote, they can change the government
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or through an uprising, and as you understand in tajikistan, uzbekistan, turkmenistan and even in kazakhstan, you do not change the government in this way, that is, it was a single small country, so different from the others from the point of view number of inhabited territories, but which showed that it is possible to build democracy in central asia, as soon as kyrgyzstan began to drift under sadyr zhaparov. in the direction of russia, actions related to the liquidation of this democracy immediately began, and you understand that, in fact, the regime of sadir dzaparov is not in danger, he is very popular, he came to power on the wave of popular protest, he may have real chances for to recommend. i think
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it's because you're getting closer to moscow, and when you get closer to moscow, in moscow you they say, and it's somehow not very good, comrade zhaparov, if you have some obscure public organizations funded by the americans, you don't think that these organizations are friendly to us, the ministry of... these affairs of the russian federation made a statement that she believes that all these public organizations in the countries of central asia are anti-russian in nature, and this is an ordinary educational conversation, and it may not even be at the level of putin, at the level of just some officials, but here you have organizations financed by the americans, in you publication newspapers financed by the americans, one of the... first measures of the new kyrgyz government was an attempt to limit the activities of local
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radio freedom services, which, by the way, used to be in uzbekistan, what was in turkmenistan, that is, as you think, that you need to get closer to moscow, they immediately tell you that either you are with our enemies or you are not with us, why do you allow our enemies to operate on your territory, here it is not even a question of zaparov, that these publications and these. .. they can speak completely differently about russian-ukrainian war, look how many kazakhs sympathize with ukraine, it is because this tradition, i would say. it is not lost in kazakhstan, there is russian television, but people who, let's say, watch news in kazakh or kyrgyz there, as you understand, they can have alternative sources of information, by the way, in kazakhstan, i want to say that part of russian television was limited in 2022, 2023, and this is a big step, because
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the vastans are afraid to share our fate, that is , we are talking about the fact that in... and already in such a belarusianization is taking place in georgia. to a certain extent. well, in any, i would say, authoritarianism, which wants to focus on russia, is forced to build statehood according to the russian example. and as you remember, it was always like that in ukraine. why were all our protests so serious, either our government wanted to falsify the elections, or it refused european integration. do you remember the example in iran, where the russians really managed to convince the then president serzh sakhsyan that it was necessary to abandon the agreement on the european association, and armenia was immediately brought to the eurasian union, to the csto, and then, when the real problem began, the war, it turned out that russia was not going to defend it, that is also a very good example, that is, for moscow,
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the main thing is to separate, separate to connect the post-soviet space and the civilized one. world, by the way, here is an interesting moment, but if there is any chinese funding of, say, public organizations in kyrgyzstan, this will also be limited, they will also be under the strict supervision of the presidential administration japa, i think not, because first of all, we understand that russia and china are at least partners, and in fact russia or china is a hegemon in relation to russia. now, at least, yes, and by the way, countries like kazakhstan gravitate towards china, we know that well, that chinese money goes there, chinese money also goes to belarus, which we mentioned, yes, chinese money enter mongolia the same, for example, that is, we are countries that russia would like to influence, it is clear that
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china is also strengthening its influence there, and in in this... case, we are aware that chinese organizations, chinese businesses, chinese media projects, they will work in these states, which, including russia, wants to expose. that's great for you, by the way, the kenyan law: organizations that are recognized as representatives on the ground must provide additional reports, report quarterly to state institutions on how they used the money, every six months. provide a report on their activities, on their managers, there may be unscheduled inspections, if the state authorities decide, heads of organizations trying to influence citizens to abandon their civic duties, what does that mean, we don't know if it's a fine or they can be imprisoned for up to 5
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years if no information is provided. it is possible to impose a fine or deprivation of liberty for 5 years, in case of repeated violations, an even greater fine or deprivation of liberty for 10 years, for what, i wonder, do you imagine, this practically criminalizes public and journalistic activity, it criminalizes de facto any what dissent that is, that is, essentially one course, one party, yes, one dzhoparov, one dzhaparov. and in the case of georgia, here we come back, we see a somewhat similar path, and unfortunately, the georgian authorities are choosing it now, but there is a difference, there is already our distinguished guest, i hope he will be with us now, there is an important point, that georgia is a candidate for membership of the european union, everything can
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be understood with kyrgyzstan, kazakhstan or kyrgyzstan, i apologize, like other central asian countries, some members of the collective security treaty organization. he is a member of the eurasian economic union, but georgia, it is a candidate for membership of the european union, and i am now reading from these representatives of the georgian government, from the prime minister, let's say what he says, if we are accepted into the european union, we will change this law, or at all we will cancel it, what are the problems, we will be guided by it, while we are not in the european union, well, this is a completely distorted idea of ​​european integration, you understand, and why is georgia taking such a path, what, what, what? it is not so with the georgian authorities that they allow themselves to adopt such a law, which, by the way, is not the first bill, not the first attempt and not the first for. the draft law, which actually moves georgia towards a russian scenario, by the way, the prime minister of georgia said this week
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that they would not like to go down the path of ukrainianization, but actually it is also very interesting that this is not the case with the georgian authorities , i think that this is the problem of any government that already has a monopoly in society, but they are afraid that their monopoly will be taken away, by the way, our telethon, this is exactly the same genesis. it would seem that benzina ivanishvili, like volodymyr zelenskyi, is not in danger. is there is an obvious level of support, there is an obvious rating of the georgian dream. we understand that in the next parliamentary elections, the georgian dream will most likely win, form a government, and elect a new president. it begs the question, what should an independent media community or civil society organizations do that threatens these people, but they start to fear any kind of criticism that...they don't control, that's the idea, you know, if you 're talking realistically , this is the idea of ​​sovereign democracy, but there is no sovereign democracy in russia anymore, this is an invention of vladyslav surkov,
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sovereign democracy is when you have control and at the same time control the manifestations of the opposition, that is, there are some other opinions, but they are also controlled, this is how it was in russia, relatively speaking until 2022. a new newspaper was published, the echo of moscow radio station worked, there were some human rights organizations, and even the memorial was working, but as soon as you go a little further, you are controlled, this is the system they want to create, i think. george kandelaki, a former georgian parliamentarian, a representative of the sovlab organization, visited us. congratulations, mr. georgy, good evening, good evening, so explain to us, i am trying to understand with my colleague why... in fact
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, the motivation of bedina ivanishvili, our version of yanukovych, our oligarch, is not fully understood by anyone, not even the majority of the georgian dream, why did he engage in this adventure. before the elections, but it is not necessary to really understand to the end, because we can reflect, taking publicly announced things, it is known that this initiative is praised by the leaders of russia, lavrov, volodin, dugin, he likes this law very much, and at the same time this the law is criticized by the leaders of the civilized world. the united states, etc., and this is all said, this is enough for georgia
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first of all, yes for our friends, to draw conclusions, what are we talking about? we are talking about the fact that this tree in georgia is in the kremlin's orbit, which causes a lot of tension. mr. georgy, please tell me, you have already mentioned the georgian society, does your society, in opposition to the georgian one, have an opportunity to stop this process of actual belarusianization of the country? and the result of this process, it is difficult to predict this already, there was a year when the same law, the same
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law, was proposed due to the sharp reaction of the society, it was withdrawn, it was stopped, fortunately, by the number of people on the streets, and the energy of the protests, and the guard outweighs mine. hopes, the hopes of others prevails, so three days have passed, there were no planned protests, everyone was preparing for the second reading in the parliament, and the process was just beginning, but for the third day in a row , young people are blocking rustaveli avenue, today was a march of women of georgian feminism, in the evenings. .. spontaneous protests of the younger generation, and that's it this guard and the intensity of these protests give
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reason for optimism. of georgia, because the government must continue this course along with this, must try to do something to start negotiations already on... that all this can significantly worsen the situation, in principle, even disrupt the process of negotiations of georgia on joining the european union, why is it ivanishvili and his team? why is this for ivanishvili and his team, again, it is difficult to analyze. i already said about it, probably the logic of his actions. it is difficult to understand, on the one
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hand it expresses strength, shows, expresses force, as last year, it is motivation, but the main reason lies in the processes that are not very well known, in general, in my opinion, in the opinion of many others, it applies directly to russia, and this is the government's game with russia, that's why it is for them, answering ... your question is, why should they? the prime minister of georgia stated that he is very afraid of the threat of ukrainization, that is , it turns out that ukraine is like this, as they say, georgia was afraid of this, so to speak. tell me, please, why, why does the prime minister speak like that, and is the example of ukraine a bad one for georgia, well, with
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the point of view of the georgian authorities. and what is ukrainianization from their point of view? they mean war and bloodshed, and again they play on the fact that for georgia the war of 2008 is still a living memory, and they play on insurance before the war, their platform is precisely that we are bad, but if it's not us, it will be worse, there will be... war, whether you want it or not, and in this vein, this propaganda is 100% coincident, synchronized, and one can even say that it is coordinated from the kremlin by the russian authorities, and this understanding they invest, they have spoiled georgian-ukrainian relations for a long time, contrary to the sentiments of our society, which , of course, fully supports ukraine, but this...
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fear of war, what happened in 2008 , when our country was forced to oppose russia alone , and this, this, what, what the kremlin propaganda is playing on, the government, georgia, the georgian government is 100% the conductor of russian propaganda, such a unique and tragic situation that fell on our heads, on the other hand, diplomatic you have no relations with russia, pivdenna ossetia continues to be effectively annexed by russia, because the russian state has an agreement with them on joint military support. how can you be pro-russian on the one hand, and oppose russia's occupation of georgian territories on the other? how does it all happen in one head, if you will? in fact, the georgian dream is not very opposed to
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the occupation. t of some kind of ritual, but from the point of view of politics, politics as such, they do nothing against the occupation, especially in the international arena, the main dimension and the main the test of all this is whether georgia is active in the international arena, in terms of resistance, resistance to occupation, occupation, de-occupation, for example, inclusion. the issue of georgia, the occupied territories of georgia, to the international agenda, to the international sanctions imposed on russia, why not include our issue in these sanctions, why not, why not, this is very simple logic and very simple georgian interest, that our issue is included in the package with ukraine on the diplomatic front.


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