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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 5:30am-6:00am EEST

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in fact, it will be an impetus for other states, because many states voted in favor, it 's not even 2/3, it's 3/4, even 75%, plus, even, yes, only 34 republicans voted against, in fact, and we expect from a minute for a minute the next law, it will already be a law for ukraine, as far as i understand, it will be announced now. after the results of this legislation are announced, you see that it is not the speaker who announces these laws, a special whip, so to speak, but now a new one is announced, i understand that a new one will be announced law, it will be a supplementary aid appropriations law. here it is, now
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it is announced, that's what it's called, it's the 80 30 law, well, it's in favor. voting on this law will begin, if of course there will be no changes and amendments, as far as i understand.
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so here it is, you see, we have a broadcast at such a historic moment, practically the last broadcast was also a historic moment, in general every time, we now come in, every saturday, that all, all such key geopolitical events, not simply, not only for ukraine , and for the world, and those events, that are happening now in ukraine, this is russia's war against ukraine, this too. well, yes, if we say that the speaker of the house of representatives of the american parliament can lose his position in connection with the aid to ukraine, then in general it looks strange, however, from the point of view of the past, it was difficult to imagine how it would be, now i understand, it is about there, as far as i remember, there were certain amendments, they can also be voted on, that's all . will be announced now, we see how
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this ceremony takes place in the palace representatives, we see it live, and this is law 835, this is a law on assistance to ukraine, it seems to me that this is an amendment, an amendment, das of indiana part b, you see, yes, that's right, that is, this is an amendment to the law, to the law , now we'll see, we see that the democrats are voting against, yes, this, and even, and even note that the republicans are also, in the majority, well mostly the majority, now they are voting against, yes there were several amendments allowed to vote, four , so we will now also see voting on them.
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as i understand it, the house will fail them all, that's for sure, they vote faster than the bills, so it's fast, literally within a minute, and you and i can watch these amendments being voted on, you know ms. sports , she is now opposing aid to ukraine, although she is the first congresswoman of ukrainian... origin to become a member of congress, she is a loyal supporter of donald trump, by the way, recently she wanted to leave congress, but then she decided that she would stay, and here she is introduced such an amendment that does not pass, the vast majority of congressmen, practically all republicans and half, yes all, all democrats and half. we see that
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the republicans are split 50-50, that is , in fact, interestingly, by the way, yes, if in the past. the last vote on the draft law itself was almost consolidated, almost consolidated, now we see that in fact it is divided almost 50 to 50, so we are watching further, there are a few seconds left before the end of the vote on this amendment and, most likely, after that it will not everything has already passed, so there will be two corrections now from medzhitel, yes, there will be a second correction, by the way, you see what. naks do not allow 155 references to be voted on, they allow those that can really reasonably reasonably change the essence of the law, so you can’t just talk about the law there, well, like in our verkhovna rada, as they call it amendment spam, yes such there is none, everyone
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knows it, now the second amendment is being announced, and this is also important, it has been announced, voting on this second amendment is now starting see is the second amendment proposed by the presidium of the chamber - this is the second amendment, uh, yes, yes, it is major green, ours, the representative of georgia, yes, i would say the most, now there is a harsh criticism of aid to ukraine, here is this one. the edits have no chance to pass at all, you know that among ms. green's edits, let's say, replace all the numbers of aid to ukraine with zeros, that is, it's just a game like this major taylor green knows very well that the edits will not pass, and as
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you can see, if victoria's edits sparts had some supporters among the republicans, then there is not even a split in half here, most republicans vote against this amendment. and almost all the democrats, i wonder who this one democrat who agreed with this is, maybe he confused the button, he will say later that it is necessary, he will say later that this vote must be withdrawn, just like we have in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, this actually happens , well here we also see that the congress has an absolute consensus to reject this amendment, yes, that is, we are actually observing this situation with you now according to the procedure, in 30 seconds it will end, well, i think we can see that donald trump has also become more cautious about helping ukraine, andriy, you see what he said that he believes that
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it can be provided in the form of a loan, that the united states is not interested in order for ukraine to fall, he already said that, moreover , i will tell you, mr. vitaly, that this week. there was a statement by donald trump where he said that europe has more, there was a statement that the problem is precisely that europe does not add, that is, the rhetoric that ukraine does not actually need to give, it needs more, that after all, europe needs to get involved, and then the united states of america will get involved, that is, the rhetoric has changed, and you said, i absolutely agree with you that, most likely, the question lies here. in that the majority of voters, even republicans, are still in favor of ukraine, maybe they are not in favor of increasing support, let's say, among voters, democrats in all polls, but at least a majority in favor of maintaining
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the current support for the united states of america ukraine at the current level, and that's it victory, that in fact the opinion of the voters still influenced and even. on such a person as donald trump. well, you see that , by and large, the iranian attack on israel also showed that these are all things that really happen in one country. israeli politicians have already begun to speak for this, and you understand that when this is the next fourth, that the third was missed for some reason, well, it's interesting how difficult it is for us to fully understand this procedure, this is a different law. a legislator from these radical trumpists, and melory taylor green could remove her edit third, after she failed the second. but, by the way, here we observe that, nevertheless, among the republicans, the support of mr. kemmick, it
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is greater than, and more, yes, than, than, not what is more, in fact, there are republicans here. not even that they are divided, but more in support of his amendment, but less with the fact that we understand that it will not pass, it will not pass, democrats. all vote no, republicans two/thirds yes, but one third no, so it stands to reason that effectively 60% of the house of representatives will vote against this amendments, well, it's interesting that you can withdraw your amendment if you understand that it doesn't pass, that it doesn't pass, that you understand the mood of your colleague based on one of your amendments, you don't bother them . and again, we would definitely have someone to worry about, right? vote, vote, yes, here we see the situation, well
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, 260, even more, 200, almost 300 votes will be against this amendment, so it also does not pass, you see, we do not know, unfortunately, the text of these amendments, it would be interesting to know them so that we understand in general what they can do support the democrats in such. in such a quantity, we will now try to find out, it would be good, of course, because of course it is unprincipled, but it is just interesting, you know, it is interesting, what causes such support, well, it was zero, yes, er, yes, the fourth amendment, chemical, it says that... remove all non-military aid to ukraine, but you see, yes, help only by military
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means, and it did not pass, well, you see how many republicans supported it, as many as 150 people, and up to things, edit number one sports, she had to exclude 8 billion dollars of non-military aid, that is, in fact, it is both of these amendments, and the most, let's put it mildly, inadequate amendment, is ms. which wanted to stop aid to ukraine altogether. that's basically it in a nutshell so you understand what each of these edits is about. but you see that, yes, it didn't pass, but you see that the majority of republicans supported it. this is also an interesting point. this, of course, is not fundamental for us now, even if this non-military aid was withdrawn. well, that would be bad, but it is unprincipled it is interesting from the point of view of the cross-section of this electoral election and the cross-section
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of understanding how and what point of view the republicans have, and maybe, maybe, where ukraine needs to work and with whom it needs to work in the future in order to convince, to support ukraine more. do you remember when they talked about the fact that our people's deputies... should travel and should meet with congressmen and senators, then this is very important for the understanding of our legislators, lawmakers, what needs to be convinced, and there are still certain , certain some misunderstandings, disagreements. i understand that these are also some documents that have been removed. these are all the amendments, as i understand it, voted, so now
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the law must be voted, and the amendment does not pass, by the way, as long as it takes, it is simply canceled by a majority or by two- thirds of the votes, which happens as a result, oh, one more blow and another one ad the law, as far as i understand, is already a law, this is already the final vote on our ukrainian issue, this name of the law is just being announced, and now we let's see the voting procedure itself. well, you see, the house of representatives works like clockwork, just specifically, everyone knows their
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function, their place, three strikes. at the same time, it cannot be said that everyone is sitting still. such, i would say, the configuration. for a feature film, not for the parliament, people behave differently, democracy, it's like that, well, yes, like that, no, not everyone should sit, like in... in the state duma of the russian federation, yes, where is nobody, where is nobody it does not go anywhere, whether in the so-called parliament of belarus, people come and have some of their own point of view, we can see some flaws in this, but we understand that such
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flaws are better than, than what has, than what is in authoritarian states, in which in principle. voting does not exist as such. the law is voted ukrainian. well, in 5 minutes we will find out everything, yes, as far as i understand, this is not a law, but what, this is a rejection of something, that is, it is still for a vote according to the law,
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right? no, unfortunately, we haven't heard, it's just that. what they said, what they said yes, representatives of congress, and accordingly we can only do, this is a procedural vote on this law, yes, that is, they must logically fail this procedural vote in order to go directly to the vote, three minutes, yes 50. seconds before completing this procedural vote, and then accordingly there will probably be a transition to our ukrainian draft law, we, to things, we can also observe, you see on your screens that, in fact, most
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republicans vote for failures as well. this, this, this procedure, the absolute majority of democrats 200-203 already vote also to fail, 71 republicans votes for carrying out this procedure after all, and it will most likely plus or minus correspond to the number of votes for our ukrainian draft law. well, this is an interesting self-formulation of this, this procedure, this is a repeated vote - in fact, this is a repeated vote, so uh. we
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have to explain it now, probably to our viewers, what it is all about, this is the last opportunity for the minority to make changes to the draft law before its final adoption, that is, now it is voted whether someone else can make any changes, and if the majority votes that they cannot, then all amendments end there, this is the essence. of this procedure in fact, now we will see, well, that is, you can not look, there are already 340 votes against making any new changes to this
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legislation, there will be one more vote, so , unfortunately, we may not have time to finish of our broadcast, we have such a strange conversation today, of course, but i think that now it is important not so much to talk, but to watch the congressmen. we see something so, this means that after this
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vote, the obvious vote for will begin the law itself, well, we see the number of those who vote for voting for it now, 336 votes, this means that and when to... vote for the law itself, there will be such a number, that means now, we are now, now we will hear a translation of what is happening in the house of representatives, so we will go live so that you can already see this historical moment as it is happening, now we return to what... for 5 minutes in order to to specifically vote on this same project 8035, the aid project to ukraine is being voted on, well
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here you can watch, 5 minutes to vote. many friends, we are now seeing the historic vote, if we can bring back the very numbers of this vote, let's return to the screen, but we will comment on what is happening, so if you now, i hope now you will see on your screens the vote, you it you see, so now the decisive vote for aid to ukraine, which ukrainians have been waiting for, is taking place. six months since the president of the united states, joe biden, requested additional funding for ukraine, and we already see this bill going through the house of representatives,
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the vote has not yet been completed, but look at the numbers, 275 votes in favor, against 98 now, in order for this bill to pass , you need, you need a simple majority, which is a little bit more 218 votes, 281, 282, 4, 5, we already see that this... the draft law passes approval, but we will of course summarize more with our colleagues, so now we are waiting for 3 minutes to the end, but everything looks like the ukrainian draft law passes approval of the house of representatives, yes we see that in the congress there are ukrainian flags, marching bands, other representatives who are part of the support group of ukraine in the congress are waving ukrainian flags, expressing, expressing their support for ukraine and the festive mood, we see that those who support ukraine are really smiling ,
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ukrainian flags are handed out to the congressmen, that is, of course, it is already hopeful, there are still 2.5 minutes, a little more until the end of the vote, but we can already see that the congressmen have risen from their seats and... are approaching the rostrum, already everyone is talking and sharing their impressions, this is really such a solemn day, a solemn moment, which the congressmen talked about from the very beginning, who called it a historical moment, and pointed to the role of the usa in supporting ukraine in the face of russian aggression. friends, this is actually a very important point, the last time the house of representatives approved aid to ukraine was 2020. the second year at the end of the year, if you remember, look at this footage, look at this footage, it's footage of american lawmakers with flags of ukraine, and the numbers that you see on
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the screen now, 310 votes, against 111 votes, 310 votes, this is already much more than what is needed, minimally, for this bill to pass the approval of the house of representatives, so this not yet officially, but we can say that the bill... on aid to ukraine is being approved by the house of representatives, very long work, extraordinary, long work to get this bill approved, work continued from the ukrainian side, from the american friends of ukraine, from legislators, from europeans who came here to actually lobby on this issue, but you can see that it worked, and finally, after a six-month hiatus, the house of representatives of the american congress approves: it looks like the bill for additional funding for of ukraine. friends, i just invite you to look at this moment. please be quieter.
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members of congress are reminded to finish voting after 45 seconds. i remind the chairperson that it is necessary to finish, there are still 30 seconds left, but you can already see the emotions in the house of representatives itself. and we see that when the camera shows the congressmen, it is actually the congress hall in yellow and blue circles. almost everyone has ukrainian flags, waving them, marci captor, raised this flag above her head, oksano, look, 7 seconds left, come on, let's listen, let's listen, what's happening now, direct speech, oh, speaker johnson is coming to the podium.
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you hear cheers, shouts, greetings. friends, the bill on aid to ukraine has been approved by the house of representatives, now it's official. and now we're waiting, you see mike johnson, the speaker of the house of representatives, is now at the podium, we expect him to speak, we expect now to make the official announcement of the moment you've all been waiting for. and please, you practically do not have the right to use the flags of other countries, in the hall where you vote, please take them away.
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please order, has everyone voted, or does anyone want to change how they voted.
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voted for, 112 against, one abstained, which means that the draft law was adopted, please be quieter, please be quieter, and the chairman would like to remind you that, unfortunately, our regulations do not allow the use of flags of different countries at the meeting. in the room please the gentleman from florida wants to propose something for what purpose no it's the lady from florida wants to propose something and the chair is not seconding the new motion please order order. see.


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