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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EEST

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one abstained, which means that the draft law has been adopted, please be quieter, please be quieter, and chairman, i want to remind you that, unfortunately, in our regulations, it is not allowed to use the flags of different countries at the meeting in the hall, please. and ee the gentleman from florida wants to propose something, for what purpose, no, it's the lady from florida wants to propose something, and the chair doesn't support the new motion, but please, order, keep order, everyone. deputies must
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comply with the rules of the speakers warning for speakers, they must refer to chairman, we will now vote on one more bill that was not voted on, house bill 8034. the clerk is now reading the title of this bill, the additional security assistance to israel bill. which will be in effect until the end of the fiscal year of september 2024, well, congratulations andria, so congratulations and congratulations to all ukrainians, to all people who support our country, and thank you, thank you to the congressmen, thank you to all the democrats and those republicans who voted anyway six months, almost 6 months. have opposed this
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law or these similar bills and fortunately have already voted, so congratulations once again, today is indeed a day that without exaggeration can be considered extremely important for our country and for the entire world community, you saw, you saw how the congressmen were with with ukrainian flags, that was also a very interesting moment, but it was also a very interesting moment for me. absolutely incredible, which has to do with the fact that the republicans, the majority of the republicans voted against this bill, yes, that is, even, it can be said, this is a real defeat of the speaker michael johnson, not even, not even 50 to 50, as you and i have just discussed and thought, or even hoped, that the majority of republicans would be possible, and the minority would be against , but unfortunately, we have what we have, and it is true. what was
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a little saddened, well at least it shows what the mood of the republican party is, the republican party is split around the ukrainian issue itself, and now we are watching the vote in support of israel, there is no such problem there, republicans and democrats vote almost synchronously, indeed there is some number of democrats who do not support this bill, but it is small, it is not what happened in the faction of the republican party. this is also such a moment, but we have to say right away, this vote is not over yet, it will continue for three minutes, but its results already show that the entire package of bills proposed by mike johnson, he has been voted on and will be sent to the united states senate states, in the next few hours, and if the senators decide to vote tomorrow, then... in principle,
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this bill to support ukraine can be approved tomorrow and signed by president joseph biden on monday, if the senators do not have time to do it before their vacation, then it will happen in a week on the 29th, april 29th returns, so even then he votes for it on the 29th and april 30th will be just in time. this decision has been passed, what's the point, the senate is on vacation, why can they still work tomorrow and work until monday evening, we we also have to explain this, because the jewish passover begins on pesach 22, as a rule , congressmen there honor their colleagues who celebrate this day, and therefore on jewish ...
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holidays, as well as on christian holidays, on such great holidays, the congress interrupts its work, however, luckily it won't happen until after sunset on april 22nd, well... there are practically two business days, sunday and monday, if chuck schumer has his way, chuck schumer, the first jew, speaker, majority leader of the united states senate states of the states, so this is his holiday too, which, and he can definitely say to himself, you know, let's go to the holiday, we will work, and by the way, we must already state that the aid to israel is also a state. currently voted, therefore, therefore, therefore, this is also very important for the world community in general, as it demonstrates that one of the, let's say, the main hegemons, dominant
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states, democracies in the world, the united states of america did not make a mistake and followed the path they should have followed last autumn. and essentially all four bills at this point, so we welcome to you, our dear viewers, it is a pleasure to be with you at this moment in this live broadcast, to watch with you how this legitimate vote took place, we have been waiting for this vote for seven months in a row, we will now hope with you that this the vote will change the situation at the front, it will at least create serious problems for the russians regarding their intentions to attack ukrainian positions there, it will... change the situation in the macroeconomic sector of ukraine, you see, they wanted to suppress it somehow, but it didn't work, and you and i will hope that this assistance will be quickly approved, i want to thank all those who were with us along with this broadcast, thank you, thank you, thank you vitaliy
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portnikov, once again we congratulate all ukrainians, all citizens of ukraine, all those , who supported us, the saturday political club, we were live. and followed this historical event, discussed all the most important events of this week. thank you and see you in a week. goodbye, good luck, victory to you and glory to ukraine. there are 15% discounts on uroles in plantain pharmacies, bam and savings there are discounts on quiet - 15% in psarynyk, pam and oskad pharmacies.
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vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are about to begin. two hours of air time, two hours. your time, we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? and now , yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. a review of sports events from yevhen postahov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. many thanks to elina chechenii for the information. about the news of the presenters' culture, which has become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on prydeshnaya day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart
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and caring people. espresso in the evening. premium sponsor. represents the national team. united by football, stronger together. every week, the saturday political club helps to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaly portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts based on facts give their assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday, on espresso!
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative radio liberty project. who is visiting every day. this is the shipping district of kherson live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their fellow men, until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, cooks, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with a flurry. fire and returns meter by meter our native land, join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine,
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let's keep the line together. greetings aleyka. atr tv channel, veso, channel n. we welcome our viewers to the broadcast of spresso and the first non-svetar tv channel atr. within the framework of the joint project of express and atr together beraber, i gulsa mikhalilova and my colleague mr. andriy yanitsky work for you in the studio. congratulations, congratulations. well, we continue to talk about crimea, tell stories about the latest and most relevant news regarding the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, and as always, we would like to start this block with the latest military. and the actions of the armed forces of ukraine on the territory of the temporarily occupied peninsula, and
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our first guest is mr. volodymyr zablotskyi, a military and maritime expert, mr. volodymyr, i hear you, you hear us, okay, yes, mr. volodymyr, first of all, tell me please, you recently attended a very interesting conference in bulgaria, what kind of conference was it, what is its significance for our defense complex and in general for... crimea, well, i can't say anything about the conference, it's probably some kind of mistake, but i can say in general that any conference aimed at increasing our defense capability, uh, accelerates the development process of uh- e events at the front in our favor and of course accelerates the liberation of the temporarily occupied crimea, this is such... the main thesis that i can prove, what i am sure of, well
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, indeed, the black sea security conference was held in bulgaria, at which we heard a lot there theses, and regarding security in the black sea region, they took part there representatives of the countries of the waters of the black sea region and countries strategically important for this region, and you know, i have a question, and can we in... in general talk about ensuring security in the waters of the black sea region, if, as long as there is a black sea fleet of the russian federation and is there a russian regime, the russian federation , as it is now on the borders of the black sea region? we definitely cannot say, and it will be a mistake if someone convinces us otherwise as long as the black sea fleet on the black sea is in danger. for all, even those countries that do not take part in hostilities, as long as the russian federation exists,
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there is a danger for countries that are located beyond the borders of even the black sea, this is, firstly, secondly, we have such a historical example, very so attractive, as i think, should be applied after our victory, to deprive the russian ... federation, if it remains, or that, that, state entity that will exist in its place, the right to possess a naval force in the black sea. we can still see that russia has greatly lost its power in the black sea due to the actions of the naval forces of ukraine, first of all, the armed forces of ukraine, and they even had to change the commander of the black sea fleet, can you see that... the new commander is fighting in a different way, more
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effectively than the previous one, and do we stand up to that in your opinion? you know, the situation develops in such a way that the change of commander does not change anything, and they do it in vain, although that's the way it is, yes , it happens, it happens. please, matter in because changing the commander in this case does not solve anything, and the enemy loses, he has the means, he is waging an unjust war, he has the means. for this war are outdated, it has weapons systems that were prepared for the last war, that is, we are ahead in everything, as far as know-how in the war at sea is concerned, and even without a fleet, ukraine nevertheless pushes the enemy out of the water area, at least
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in the southern the western water area of ​​the black sea, on... the consequence of this is the restoration of sea trade, ukraine's communication with foreign the world, and the prerequisites for the liberation of crimea are also being created. ugh. well, indeed, we are now seeing how russia is trying its remnants of the black sea fleet, and as reported by many russian media and propagandist russian media and many other sources. russia is now moving its ships. of the black sea fleet to the ports of novorossiysk and even they concluded an agreement with the occupation authorities of abkhazia, can we say that for us and for the armed forces of ukraine already the ports of novorossiysk and the ports, possible ports of abkhazia is a legitimate purpose. obviously, a legitimate target is russian warships, military
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facilities anywhere, even outside the black sea, we know the latest examples from... let's say, the almost destruction, but heavy damage to a missile ship in the baltic fleet, damage to facilities for others , for others, in other regions of russia, that is, far from the theater of hostilities, but if we have such an opportunity, we will destroy the enemy where we can, and do we have such an opportunity, mr. vladimir, or are we within reach for us, these goals in novorossiysk and... well, in the future in abkhazia, are quite achievable, it is not a problem for air drones, let's say, attack ones, and for sea ones, and for submarines, the tests of which were recently reported, moreover, now it is only a matter of a political decision, the fact is that after the damage to the tankers,
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last year, when the vdk olnegorskyi was damaged... just a few hours later, the tanker sikh, which was standing in line to pass through the kerch strait, was damaged, eh, but our partners westerners, well, warned that it is not worth doing this, because there is oil export and so on. after that, ukraine moved to strikes on the oil infrastructure on the mainland, that is, where there is no threat of oil spills and... an ecological threat to the environment, well, let's see, i think that as the need arises, we have the means, both surface and underwater, and air, and ground, missile and so on, we can clearly see this on the example of the last attack on dzhanko, ugh, well, really, this week, as a result of the attack on the military airfield in
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the temporarily occupied crimea dzhanko and the destruction launcher of anti-missile anti -aircraft systems. defense, radar system, as well as affected russian planes, this has already been confirmed and stated by the representative of the main directorate of intelligence, ministry of defense of ukraine, andriy yusov, and here, you know, the question arises, what new challenges arise for the armed forces of ukraine after the destruction of certain objects at the dzhankoy airfield, i.e. who and what could be next, well, for example, the kerch bridge, how do you assess the prospects for the destruction of kerch? the kerch bridge will be destroyed, means for there is, the only thing is that its destruction must somehow be coordinated with what our troops are doing on land, that is, its destruction must be part of the plan for the liberation of crimea, that is, a strike, then logistics are interrupted from
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the sea from this bridge, then there is an assault on the peninsula or an exile. the enemy, forcing him to leave the peninsula is temporarily occupied and so on, that is, these are interconnected parts of one chain that must be coordinated somewhere in time, and it seems that russia understands that the bridge will be destroyed, because it is building at an alarming pace, the railway road is already across the land for the supply of ammunition for its occupying forces, and if it can even be destroyed, then the efforts of russia will not stop . about... some kind of symbolism, well, symbolism in war is present, because the informational component always exists in parallel with the physical destruction of something or someone,
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it is difficult to say here, but it is necessary to do both, moreover, if they build this branch from rostov, there there are two such bridges, two sections through kalmius and across another river, there a little further. which can be destroyed, and it is not yet a fact that this branch will work, ugh, we are talking about the rostov, melitopel, berdyansk branch, and the one currently being built by russian railways, well, this is the one that they are building now at an accelerated pace, as you say , yes, yes, and one more news that we would like to talk to you about is very important, but it is published by reuters, from the post. over four of his interlocutors and writes to reuters that ukraine has not begun to conclude agreements on safe navigation in the black sea. ukraine unexpectedly pulled out of
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an agreement with russia and turkey on safe navigation in the black sea, when the agreement was close to being reached. well, it is logical that ukraine will not sign any agreement, even with the russian federation, and ukraine, like no other. understands and has seen in her experience that any agreement signed by russia is not worth a penny, and we saw it in the budapest memorandum, and we saw it during this agreement and the agreement on the joint use of the sea of ​​azov and so further, but still, perhaps there are some alternative measures of security and cooperation that can be proposed, for example, with touré'. which for us is a strategically important state in, well , at least in the water area of ​​the black sea region? you know, we are currently discussing
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a topic that is not worth discussing, because the existence, in general, i consider it a fake that ukraine conducted some separate negotiations with russia and turkey, and then left, the presidential administration officially denied such, such, this fact of negotiations . therefore and and why conduct them, if sea trade is unblocked in our country without the participation of russia, we have successfully brought several million, already tens of millions of grains, we are exporting, importing cargo, now we have started container transportation, that is, we do not need it, moreover, here in favor of that this is the ipso of russia is said by the fact that they are discrediting official kyiv by the very fact... there are negotiations, which he allegedly later refuses, so i do not particularly believe in this personally, and i do not consider
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it necessary to discuss it, because that is not the fact that there were no such negotiations, that is , in fact, we do not need them either, ukraine controls the region enough to restore shipping up to the pre-war level, and no new grain agreements or anything else. any agreements with russia are impossible, we don't need them, yes, you are right, i found news about the new black sea fleet commander, british intelligence writes that after his appointment, the russian black sea fleet is showing the least activity since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, so mr. vladimir, you were absolutely right that from the name of the head of the black sea fleet means little... so he has little influence on anything, the very picture on the battlefield is such that he cannot do anything, although he hides these ships
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away from ukrainian drones, and this is also confirmed by british intelligence, which writes that the port of novorossiysk has already been modernized to support ships from the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, but at the same time, russia is now actively trying to mobilize citizens of ukraine who... on the territory of the occupied peninsula to join the ranks of the armed forces of the russian federation, and indeed during this time, we have seen a lot of cases that russia opened against the crimeans, against the citizens of ukraine in the territory of the occupied crimea, who did not want to join the ranks of the russian federation, this is how you evaluate this news and what to do with the citizens of ukraine who simply do not... well, i cannot disagree with the fact that this is happening, that it is a fact. this is another crime
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of the so-called russian federation, and this crime is again directed against ukraine, against its ethnic group, regardless of whether these are crimean tatars, ethnic ukrainians or even russians, they do this in crimea and other occupied territories and try to solve their problems in this way at the expense of other occupied nations. including to counter this, there is such a program, which was introduced by the main intelligence department in, including in crimea, which is aimed at a way to know how to refuse this, even when conscripts are so-called
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forcibly conscripted. to the troops of the occupiers, how to get in touch with representatives of ukraine, and there will be, let's say, a detailed briefing on what to do and how to act in order to survive, stay alive and return home. well, as i understand it, the conscription of citizens disloyal to russia, citizens disloyal to russia , into the russian army is actually an opportunity for ukrainians. get their eyes inside the russian army and people who still could not refuse to serve, but have some pro-ukrainian views, they can contact ukrainian intelligence and report useful information for ukraine and thus bring the liberation of crimea closer. thank you very much, mr. volodymyr, thank you.
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who joined our broadcast and responded to our questions, choksa golnes, the military maritime expert of the dzks, volodymyr zablotsky , was in direct contact with us, and we have a short break, and then we will continue our broadcast. thank you. in the latest edition of the magazine ukraine. will it be possible to operate the zas after its release? says energy expert olga kosharna. exclusive interview with valery peker. what should ukrainians prepare for after the war. which of the heads of regional centers earns the most? more details in the exposure section. read about these and other important topics in krania magazine. new release already at points of sale. if the throat is not ok, make a sneeze. do approx. choose the taste,
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a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. premium. the sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. we continue the breber program. this is a joint project of the tv channel and the first crimean tatar tv channel of the apr. in the studio.


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