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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 7:00am-7:30am EEST

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stopcraim ua. greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel. we start the information day with news. khrystyna perubiy works in the studio. a 19-year-old boy was injured as a result of shelling in kharkiv. he was hospitalized with injuries to his limbs. oleg senyuguv, the head of the region, announced this. the russians struck the outskirts of the city in the evening. the consequences of the attack are still being clarified. in general, he died during the day due to shelling.
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two people, two others were injured. the occupiers shelled vovchansk and launched guided aerial bombs on the villages of victory and kruglyakivka residential buildings and farm buildings were destroyed, and a fire broke out in the village of borova due to the impact. a drunk driver ran over pedestrians in kyiv. a 40-year-old woman died immediately. 24-year-old. the man was hospitalized with serious injuries. the accident happened in the evening on the big ring road. the 36-year-old driver of the bmw lost control and flew to uzbichye. after a drug test, he was found to have 0.35 ppm of alcohol in his blood, the metropolitan police reported. the russians demolished the monument in the temporarily occupied mariupol. it is about memorial sign to the 500th anniversary of the ukrainian
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cossacks. he was standing near the drama theater - informed petro andryushchenko, the city mayor's advisor. according to him, barbarism is a common practice of the occupiers. the day before, they destroyed the monument to the victims of the holodomor, and also painted over all the murals in the city. there was a large-scale fire at night in the russian suburbs, in the city of orikhovozuy. an industrial enterprise was engaged, the fire covered an area of ​​1,200 km, - the ministry of emergency affairs of the aggressor country said. one factory worker was previously injured. in the summer, ukraine receives f-16 fighters from denmark. this was stated by the ambassador of this country, oli ekberg mikkelsen. according to him,...
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the entire fleet of these aircraft is now being decommissioned by the danish military, part of the fighters will also be delivered to argentina, and in return denmark will receive a new generation of f-35 aircraft. and i remind you about our assembly: the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs means of communication and security. they are fighting for the independence of our country. in... difficult battles on the eastern front and they give us an opportunity live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already collected more than uah 70,000. let's not delay, the war continues. and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen.
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at the border, the movement of cargo trucks was slowed down due to a fight in the customs system, the state border service reported about it. due to a malfunction, the customs officers cannot process the cargo entering poland, at the same time , the passage of passenger cars is carried out without restrictions in advance, the traffic for vans should be restored from 8:00 a.m. today. with the warming in ukraine, ticks became more active in kirovohrad oblast , and about a hundred people sought medical attention because of their bites. our journalists will tell you how dangerous ticks are and how the utility workers of kropivnytskyi fight against them. in ukraine, the peak of seasonal activity of ticks. in spring and autumn, people most often turn to doctors because of their bite.
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a tick bitten yulia from krapovnych during a vacation in nature, and at some point in the evening i felt that i had a little my leg hurts and it's pulling, i think, well , i didn't do anything like that, it was usual, and i decided to examine it, when i examined it, i found that i had some kind of growth on my leg, and then, when they already turned on the light, because it was already dark in the evening, it turned out, that it is a tick. julia removed the tick herself, the next day her leg was very swollen, the girl went to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with lyme disease, which is fatal. i was prescribed antibiotic treatment, this treatment is, first of all, expensive, well, expensive. because how much does medicine cost now? they nurse, and secondly, this treatment took a whole month, i was sick, i had a fever, i was very tired, my leg hurt, the tick can carry about 150 types of infections, after being in nature, a person should be
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alert red circles on the body, pain and itching, they say in the regional center for disease control and prevention, here the pests are examined for infection, it has already been proven, if you call. infected tick was on the human body for up to one day, the risk of infection with these diseases will be minimal, but if the tick has been in the human body for up to three days, then the risk of infection approaches 100%. unfortunately, lyme disease, ixodid intestinal bereliosis, has an increasing tendency both in the kirovohrad region and in ukraine as a whole. substances that destroy insects in kropyvnytskyi are sprayed with the help of steam generators, and for their own safety, utility workers work in... hazardous equipment. denis processes paths, bushes and trees already at the fifth location. he says that the drugs are in stock and will remain for next year as well. well, most often they hide, they are somehow
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in parks on oak trees, on maple trees, and in general, in principle, they are around. now there is, during the processing period we post announcements for the day about, we indicate on which day the work will be carried out, and we wish that people on this day and the next day, for at least one day, do not walk with their dogs, cats and were in parks. earlier, communal workers recall, the fight against ticks in the city was not systematic, but now green locations will be treated... every spring and autumn. last year , due to tick bites, he went to the hospitals of kirovohrad oblast almost a thousand people applied, more than 60 of them became infected with lyme disease. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. they give up the russian language. latvia plans to cancel
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the study of the language of the aggressor country in schools. the relevant decision is being developed by the government - reports delfi. currently, latvian schoolchildren, in addition to... their native language, also study english and russian as a second foreign language. therefore, instead of the language of the occupiers, it is now proposed to choose one of the languages ​​of the countries of the european union. such changes are finally planned to be introduced from 2026. 60 hours continuous game of chess. nigerian tundaonkuya broke the world record - the associated press reported. hourly. the record holder and his rival had only 5 minutes of rest, with this game the man wanted to raise a million dollars to support the education of children in africa. you can find more information on our youtube
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channel, where there is a live broadcast of ether, all program releases and special projects that can only be seen here. also a short video on hot. the topic is in the shorst section, subscribe, comment, your opinions are important to us. and i this is the end of the issue, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join in, put your favorites, next on the air, welcome my colleagues, oksana vysochanska and roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. good morning, welcome to espresso, with
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you roman chaika and oksana vysochanska, we will work from today until the end of the week, until sunday, we will collect the latest information for you, analyze all this with ours. guests with our experts, we ask you to be with us instead, this is one thing, and another - be sure to support our meetings, by the way, we are currently collecting fpv drones for black zaporozhians, for the cold ravine, we need to raise millions, we already have uah 1,305,179 in the account, almost uah 180, yes, because there are pennies there too, please , scan these details for yourself, take a photo, copy them as you like, the main thing is that something regularly flies there, so that later it can also fly to that side of the front, well, in the meantime, we will tell you about tonight, both here and around us, because eh, despite what your... region can do it was calm, during the night, such
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drones and drones flew from the south, and they started to move towards odeshchyna, five were destroyed, but unfortunately, there are hits again, they hit the territory of the farm, warehouse buildings, agricultural machinery were damaged, people were not injured , it's good, but after yesterday's fire, so we see a trend, now they are not so interested in port infrastructure. as agriculture, this is already the fourth attack on economic objects of agriculture, spring, well, sowing, even the orcs know that great activity, unfortunately, we are waiting for the pppo, which may appear by the end, by the end of the week, this is tuesday, now we have the next one, we were waiting for saturday, on saturday it happened, in the congress, we are waiting for tuesday, so in the congress voted everything that would happen. they have to vote on tuesday, after which biden has to sign, after which pentaon said,
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they will ship immediately, well, with these logistics until the end of the week, it means something and we will wait, you see what a story with odessa, they shouted that odessa is a big russian city, but now permanently they are trying to destroy, destroy odesa, odesa region, well, they don't behave like that with their cities, we definitely don't behave like that with what is ukrainian, but the russians... obviously have their own goal, they want to destroy everything, so that just such a ruin remains in the south , after all, transnistria and moldova, where they would perhaps like to move further, in fact, in this way they can form a corridor, so to speak, about odesa a little later on our air , we will talk about the south of ukraine, about odeshchyna, but you already mentioned about theirs cities, then we will remind you that in russia, where you can warm up. their cities, the cities that they call their own, these are our cities, no, i
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am talking about their cities for the time being, let us remind you that in russia there is a military operation, a special water operation, the orchans will not let us lie, orenburg should prepare, karaganda too , in one word, that is, the action is expanding, at first they warmed up, now you can also wash, and the funniest thing is that the local orchans, orcs. for example, they did not build a dam, in a neighboring city, they built a dam themselves for a million rubles the locals attacked, and you know what’s wrong with them, the water didn’t reach their buildings, but a criminal case was opened against them for an illegal dam, there’s nothing to build a dam for a million, if we built it for a billion, the gophers broke it, as is the official version in orcs, another place, this is the suburbs of moscow, the nutty zuyevo, the point of invincibility is transferred there, yes... it is enough even for half of moscow to come and warm up,
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it is burning there, what is burning, how it is burning, it is not known, more precisely, what is burning, this enterprise is known , and how it caught fire, well, we know what it is because of smoking in an unspecified city, that's how it is established in them, also regarding ukraine, so let's return to our home, except for odesa, the air alert was in kherson region, the missile danger was reported there... in fact, the whole south, from north to south, kharkiv region, dnipropetrovsk region, poltava region, zaporozhye region and donetsk region were red-hot, in fact the air force reported ballistics, and we know that yesterday was not the first time kharkiv was hit, and this time a 19-year-old boy was injured, it is actually kharkiv itself, not kharkiv region, not district, now he is injured is in the hospital. uh, actually there was an attack on the outskirts of the city, why i
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paid attention to it, that it was a young man who was injured, because usually in such situations , when they talk about the victims, they are a little older people, for the most part, because maybe it is more difficult for them to get out, go to a shelter somewhere, maybe they need a little more time, and accordingly they do not have time to hide, and actually about what happened that night and yesterday... and about what kharkiv looks like today, we will ask our first guest today , bohdan tkachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council, join our broadcast, mr. bohdan, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, good! in the morning, please tell me, has the city recovered after yesterday, after yesterday's next attack, how did the night pass, was it quiet at night despite the alarm, or were there also flights? eh, yes, the alarm sounded, it was half past midnight, but there was no shelling of the city, yesterday there was shelling on the suburbs, and they are reporting there,
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a 19-year-old boy was injured, shrapnel injuries. other information about the shelling i don’t have any shelling of the city, as for, let’s say in the days that have passed, on saturday, it seems, if i’m not mistaken, the last such explosion was over the city, but it was our air defense that shot down, let’s say, a drone that was conducting reconnaissance city, quite a lot of them appeared over kharkiv based on information, if it's a sunny day they... launch them high in order to collect information about what is happening here and where else to strike, well, the usual work of intelligence officers, and yes that this is the situation in kharkiv, after these is there anything going on with the scouts, are you following a trend, or are they just flying around at the moment, figuring out what's going on?
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well, it happens, of course, but there have been no such serious attacks on kharkov for more than a week, no. yes, shahedov and ballistic missiles did not fly into the city, the last time, it was yesterday evening, what i told was that there was a hit on the outskirts, so it is difficult to say how they adjust and what the consequences may be for the city, of course, that they are looking for some military about objects, some movement of our units or infrastructural issues are being investigated. no strikes on energy, well, this is clearly the work of the intelligence services and these drones, but what was shot down directly over kharkiv, they fly high, there was quite such a loud explosion in the air somewhere in the center of the city, i personally heard it, i want to return to the what we talked about, exactly when there were already such blackouts, and disconnection schedules, we, with
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many residents of kharkiv, including you , talked about... fragmentation of generation, respectively, not about the household sector, where there are a lot of generators in kharkiv residents from the previous, as they say, winter periods, and about the generation as such, which must be at least somewhat restored before the fall, and we see that the regional military administration says that gas turbine power plants will be brought to kharkiv, so you can now tell us and estimate the pace of such restoration and... crushing, how fast it is progressing, but according to your calculations, how many manage to add, allocate, connect? well, let's say, on this day, on this day, i can say that only one of this type drove by generator, and it seems to have been handed over from irpen, and it was also started from europe, and it is
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in kharkov, there are shots that we have all seen, what it looks like, it is such a large container that... other gas generators are planned yes, it is already there, let's say this, the authorities developed it and approved it, and they talked about this plan, ambassadors came to us, sweden, denmark, i think, estonia, were there, and tyrikhov, our mayor, also talked with them there, and the head of the military administration oleksiniguv, they all declare that they are counting on the supply of such... equipment generators, which are additional to it, and others, so the plans are not disclosed, what it will look like, but what it will be, let's say on the on on the production of electricity, let's say, in the city of kharkiv such gas generators, yes this is one of the plans, and this is not enough, let's put it this way,
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if we are talking about the heat that needs to be connected to the heat network of the city of kharkiv, then... it has not yet been announced here what it will look like, whether it will be restored old people, let's say aunts, i'm big, let's say sense in i don’t see this, because it’s a lot of money, a waste of time, and then one rocket and a huge power plant shuts down half the city again, so everything is clear here, that is, there are plans, the government is working, how many points, how to evaluate it, well, it’s still too early, we have to wait a little , to see how they will arrive, how they... i will see it directly in the neighborhoods, they will establish how the connections will work, which houses, this is still such information, but there is a calculation, mr. bohdan, how much... . so that by districts, that is, how much is needed for the city itself, how much for smaller cities in kharkiv oblast, at least the need was voiced to the ambassadors, no no
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no, they were not voiced, i asked my fellow city council deputies, and they asked questions there at the commission, at the deputies' events, at other events there, but they don't give the information, it is, let's say, secret, or the plans are not fully developed yet, so we won't. how to get ahead, you have to wait a little, mr. bohdan, in addition to all these diplomats from the scandinavian countries, the baltic countries, france, representatives from the un came to see, and i understand that seeing on the spot is probably more impressive than just learning from reports or watch footage on television, especially for un representatives, how they reacted, and how they react, deeply concerned about further or how? well, as it seemed to me, they react more practically, because they have already seen these shots, we have had quite a lot of such guests from european countries, they are different diplomatic ones,
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there were even heads of countries, prime ministers, that is, this is kharkiv as such, let's say a sign of russian crimes the world, they come, they see it, but now you know, yes, if they came a year ago, help us, at least there humanitarian, some such general questions. now there are specifics that we need turbines, we need electricity networks there, some kind of restoration there, we need, let's say, spare parts from your frozen streams, which you have turned off there, and over there in germany, in the baltics, we need these turbines, we have this, that, this, and they are already, as they say, taking a pencil and exchanging some information, and i hope they will respond quickly, that is , practicality is now the most important thing for... conversations are no longer interesting, because it will take a few months, so summer and winter will come again, and then what we will do, here it must be done clearly, quickly, so this is the situation with
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these guests, there is such a program, i do not know how effectively it works, some who those who received the money are praised, those who did not receive it immediately complain, it is called a program of restoration, it is about damaged property, and here are the statistics from the parliamentary committee that concern... kharkiv oblast, in particular, well, such leadership is not happy, 37%, that is, on kharkiv oblast ranks first in applications for compensation for damaged housing it's just that people learned best in slobozhanshchyna how to submit applications for its housing, how can you explain it, because kharkivshchyna is not the most destroyed, at least in recent months in terms of shelling, comparable there to sumyshchyna, zaporizhzhia. well, wait, this application is being submitted , not what happened a month ago or a week ago, well, including, and these are general applications that are submitted there, if sinigubov
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reported there, i don't remember, for a total amount of more than two billion, it seems that people have applied for compensation, there are certificates for new housing , if it was destroyed in 2016, yes, 2 billion 100 million, and i already found this figure, that is, it is quite long and routine. the procedure works like this, well, it’s been more than a year, it was just beginning, it seems, the program was launched in the 22nd year, they started issuing it en masse already in the 23rd, now it continues, well, it’s not done so quickly, you have to submit documents, you have to pass the commission, no , not all people are in, let's say, kharkiv, many have left and have been removed, this is not always convenient to do, or well , my house was also damaged and some apartments were visited by commissions on applications, who assessed the damages that were caused, this is... the organization, these are representatives of the district, the administration of the district, the city, there are communal services, who evaluate, yes, and then
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a decision is already made, and nevertheless, a lot of their applications were satisfied, that is, you yourself see this number, it is voiced, and i am not for such practical reasons, i already have information that people started to get these apartments, there are such, let's say, not that underwater ones. stone, and quite strict requirements for new housing, for example, no more than 10 years the apartment must be, well, that is, a new building, so there are written square meters per person, which must be minimum, that is, a person of two people cannot buy, cannot get an apartment there, 30 m, it must be more than 50, well, i think about i tell you, others, the social service leaves, there it evaluates it, let's say all these parameters and social security. and then a decision is made and the person receives the money there, the money is calculated and he receives this housing or compensation for partial housing, this mechanism works,
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it must be admitted, it clearly works. about those the money that has already been received, well, you have heard and seen this information, it is about 2 billion, but it is in the city, it is restoration certificates, it is monetary compensation for the destroyed property, that is , partly there is repair work, it all works, uh, and in conclusion, if possible, the number of information leaks increased, decreased, they worked very actively in march with the fact that the whole of kharkiv had already left, all documents were burned, the authorities insulted, kharkiv was surrendered. there was a lot of it, do you feel that it has intensified now? the informational attack on the people of kharkiv, has it mostly decreased on social networks, i usually monitor it, well, look, this action was unsuccessful, it was held there for about two weeks, on april 22, it seems that leave the city of kharkiv, everything is already gone, and kharkiv already ours, and you understand there, and telegram channels
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served there and the whole world. well, i won't say that the people of kharkiv here packed their suitcases and went somewhere to the border with poland, no, but there are cases when people take their families out, especially after these, let's say, strikes on the energy structure, when we have problems with electricity , such others people just partially moved their families somewhere there, someone went near the city area to a cottage or a dacha, or relatives live there in the village, because it's easier there now, it's spring, that is, it's better to go there to do your garden or something else. well , they have already completed this information attack, it can be considered that it has already ended, or are they still continuing, because there was still sand there, they say, the attack choked, yes, of course, there was the funniest part of this whole fake attack on kharkiv, i liked this story with flashlights , where explosives are used instead of batteries, ai-ai-ai, where the emergency services themselves kill kharkiv residents, it was the most interesting option to sow panic, maybe it works for the orks,
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i think so for the ukrainians... thank you mr. bohdan for the conversation, bohdan tkachuk, a deputy of the kharkiv district council was in touch with us, don't forget, so that you want to see and even run to work, just subscribe with one click to the espresso youtube channel, do not miss any of our guests, no plot, we will take a short break, after which i understood that we will see how the situation will be in sumy region, stay tuned . turn on well - it's when everything as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. we are google. turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts on linex sport capsules. 15% at travel pharmacies for you and savings. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal
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