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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EEST

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to the mother about her son, a hero who was one of the first to volunteer to defend ukraine and went missing in the vast expanses of donbas. haven't you ever seen the classics in tsy or what? i wrote a children's poem here, will you listen? the tractor in the field dir-dir, why did we freeze. there are discounts on pulmolor tablets of 15% in pharmacies psylansky, pam and oskad. there are discounts on hepargin 15% in psylsnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies.
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the ship district, kherson, live inclusion, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00 a.m., a big broadcast of vasyl zima, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to be informed economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. premi. the sponsor of the national team represents.
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united by football, stronger together. we are back, thank you for the few thousands that have already flown to the account for fpv drones, we are asking for more, so that we can collect the necessary amount as soon as possible and buy all these drones, send them to the front. we are in the meantime. we take a picture for you through the eyes of our colleague, journalist alyona yatsina, this is sumyshchyna, and mrs. yatsina, we will ask what was done not only at the end of the night, but what the situation looks like along one of the longest ukrainian-russian borders. mrs. alyona, good morning, thank you for being with us, good morning, how are you the last weekend, how did it look in... in
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russia, was there more emphasis on alcohol or shelling? you know, it's hard to say, but it was quite loud in sumy oblast, not so normal, like, let's say, critical, but also quiet, well , there are shots from chernihiv oblast and sumy oblast that i watched of people planting, digging, flying in the gardens , they lie down, after the explosion they get up, and then the sound cannot be turned on the tv and... you have the same spring work in the sumy oblast, so it is the third year already the same situation, in fact we are now watching it, it is probably the third week already people are returning to bilopolska to velikoppisarivska communities, i will remind the audience that these are the communities that were hit very hard by enemy shelling in march, and people were evacuated there, there was very dense shelling from... and in fact,
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the enemy destroyed several villages in these communities, then people return, clean up the debris, clean up everything little by little from the yards, from the gardens, and actually take care of themselves, run the household, some still do not stay to live, do not stay to spend the night, because of problems with electricity, gas supply, water, but in general, people return, plant gardens, take care of livestock, and... that in the velikoppiseriv community, for example, rescuers worked there, that is, after all these shellings, it is necessary to collect a huge amount of various, there may be explosive devices, or before because of something people are returning, or at least they are formally inspecting this territory for explosive unexploded shells, is it their own fear and risk is returning, you know, the people who are returning, they don’t tell anyone, they don’t ask anyone, that is, they come to their home. in fact, i.e.,
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the yard, some household affairs like that, it is the business of the people personally, if they usually find shells, or see, or understand that there was an op nearby. then they turn to the actual rescuers and they are already acting, they are precisely inspecting, precisely inspecting the lands where agricultural work is taking place, ugh, ms. alyuno, and now they are attacking the border areas more or are they still targeting sums, where it is more difficult now, where it's annoying now, you know, the border is traditionally loud, let's put it this way, that is, it doesn't get quieter there... the russians attack traditionally with mines, mortars, mlrs, sao, they use tanks , they also very actively started and continue to use fpv drones, and as for sums, you know , sums have recently been literally included in the list
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of territories of possible hostilities, which means that the number of strikes on the city itself has increased very much, actually. we see the enemy hitting with rockets, hitting with guided aerial bombs, but this is, let's say, the civilian infrastructure of the city, that is, just a target destruction, and not some important critical objects or military, so you know, it's probably the sixth or seventh time, i can't count right now, during our broadcast, the enemy attacks the sumy mid airport, that is, he simply directs all his forces there , this is exactly what... the city military administration says, and we all see what is happening, but the enemy continues, this time he also hit the sixth, but we still don't know what weapon he used, we are waiting for confirmation from the military, we hope he get
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in the near future, they say it was rocket systems of salvo fire, and shostka is located, well, far from the border, so we will still wait for the conclusions of the military, because if this... then it is a very dangerous marker that artillery from abroad actually reaches more or less rear cities region similarly, this week , the enemy also hit bilopil, in the center of the city, with artillery, and there it was broad daylight, it was friday, and three people are in a very serious condition in the hospital. mrs. alyona, did you manage to see at least the time with your own eyes? the son of those so-called works, about which there are so many, i mean the arrangement of the second and third lines of defense, fortifications, a lot is written about them, all official publications report on it, and i trust more the people who saw it with their own eyes and the officer tetyana chornovol, our colleague ,
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i probably trust the journalist more than some pr guy, and she writes that she has seen quite a lot of second-line fortifications, which formally, well , they dug, well... they dug a couple of sticks, and it is already crumbling there, and she says, it's like that, for a formal tick for it's not a fortification, no line of menerheim, in a word, how in sumy oblast , where, did you manage to see with your own eyes, if not, then at least in colleagues whom you trust, what they say about the quality of works, you know, we were at fortifications, were in different places, along, let's say, the border line. well, this is what i would like to say, i would like to say that we would like to see more of them, we heard very different opinions from the military directly on the ground at these fortifications, someone says that you know enough, you know enough, and i
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as a good commander on these fortifications i will be able to set up and be able to hold defense there, for example, someone calls it a large landscape building... and actually says that it is just ridiculous, a nice picture, but for defense, that is, the military has very different thoughts on this account, and what worries me more, you know, yes , there are all these fortifications, i am confused as to who will occupy them, well, that's why there are a lot of forces, and the mobilization there actually does not stop, will we have enough? people in case of need and in the event that these buildings are still occupied by someone. ms. alyana, i also want to ask, this checkpoint near tylivka-pokrovka, how intensively is it currently used, how powerful is the traffic there, in which direction
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do people go or not go? look, this point bolotylivka-pokrovka, it works only in one direction, that is, people only return from the territory. of the russian federation, or from the territories of the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine, again, they return to ukraine through russia, that is , it is impossible to go there from ukraine to russia, this checkpoint does not work like that. now they did not go there a long time ago, probably for a month, they allowed red cross volunteers and allowed them right into the gray zone, previously the gray zone, which is a section of the road of about 2 km, people had to cross on their own, this is a very bad road, very bad coverage between one and the second checkpoint , that is, in fact, this is the path that people covered both those who can't walk well and those who use... wheelchairs, in winter, when there was snow, no one cleaned it, that is, it is a very, very difficult path,
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people, when they cover it , they simply say that they have passed some road of death, now they have begun to let in red cross volunteers from our side, from the side of ukraine, they help people little by little, they lead someone, they take someone on carts, in general, from 30 to 100 people pass by per day, and this movement is actually... unprecedented, ugh, thank you for answers, thank you for being with us this monday morning, alyona, yatsina, a journalist from sumy region, now we have to take a short break, then, as promised, we will talk about the south, and we hope that serhii bratchuk will be with us, we will ask, in particular about the commune, tired of heavy and bulky saw, then... just for you, they will easily cut trees and bushes, they are convenient
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by football, stronger together. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new, two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world. front society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. join the ranks of the 100th separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, protect your own. the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior, strong in spirit. they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with their brothers until the holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav
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because we are collecting on already proven working drones, loaded to the punch for two brigades. that's right, and while we're collecting, we 're also talking and asking our experts about how our defenders work with these drones, and about everything else, now we'll talk about one operation at sea and serhiy brachuk is in touch with us , spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south, mr. serhiy, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the armed forces, congratulations, glory to the heroes, we remembered another quote today, because there was... such an agent, he was exiled at one time, he liked to play the accordion, he created concentration camps, and he also had one song that he loved there, in the commune there was a stop, and in my opinion the commune stopped today, at least that is what the russian public says, that it is in them minus one ship with the stupid name of the commune, there is already confirmation,
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absolutely true, but i will reveal a little and at the beginning of our inclusion that i was supposed to meet you... a little earlier, but just over odessa an enemy drone was shot down, orland the tenth, it was landed, so everything worked out in we were successful, i can already inform you that orlan is no longer flying, but we understand that the activity of enemy aerial reconnaissance, of course, as always, before the preparation of appropriate strikes, actually tonight kamikaze drones were also shot down, five shaheds were landed by our forces of anti-aircraft defense, free fire groups, unfortunately, we have hits in odesa, farms in warehouses, there the equipment was destroyed, well actually, as always, the enemy fights with our bread, with our word, with our song and most importantly with peaceful people , fortunately there are no victims, as for the commune, there are a lot of, let's say, people spreading the information, it
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is true, on the one hand, that it is the oldest battleship of the black sea. fleet of the russian federation and in general they say that there were none and there are none in the world, but there is a nuance here: regardless of the year of release, the year of birth of this commune, which bore the name until 20 of a certain year, a completely different russian-imperial name was launched , then just the equipment on this ship, it was modern, it was extraordinary modern, because this auxiliary vessel, it... was used for rescue work, there is certain information, it is not verified, because it is very difficult to confirm it, on the one hand, and on the other, what is possible, just this commune, it took part in the rescue operation, although there was nothing to save, at the place of death, or rather the destruction of the russian flagship cruiser
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moscow, so here, let's say, from the emotionally and moral side. it's a huge slap in the face for the russians, i would say so, but it's just a very interesting story for us confirms this, the uncle turned out to be a sailor, so what video we just showed, he speaks in the big mother tongue there behind the screen and says that the rocket hit the steamer, and now he is already there, yes, and now he has already been forced to remove the compartment and apologize, there are already russian publics. but this is not enough, as they say, the first word, as they say, is more expensive than the second, of course, there is a hit, how big the damage is, we cannot say now, well, i actually know that my colleague dmytro plytenchuk, spokesman naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine, also speaking about
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hit, he confirms this from the naval forces, what damage, well, if there is equipment. at least damaged, then it can no longer perform its functions, so it will not be able to rescue someone, therefore the next hit will already be without a rescue team and immediately, as they say, to the bottom, unfortunately, this commune did not replenish the submarine fleet of the russian we have a federation on the black sea, but as they say, everything takes its time, in any case it is a minus for the enemy, and a minus for the enemy is a plus for us. mr. serhiu, that is, the situation looks like this now, in the commune. hit it off, the russians have recently been watching very rare caliber carriers send to the sea those that can only float from above, mostly some submarines there. that is, what sinks into the water, the swedes gave us torpedoes, sea mines, and this means that our, well, maybe not, not
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control, but everything is equal, our capabilities in the black sea become greater than the russians, and so more and more they have to hide somewhere there, well, in any case, unfortunately, we do not have rocket launchers, which i would really like, and until our victory... hardly they will appear because there is a problem to drag them to this particular water area. on the other hand , the enemy has missile carriers, this is a significant potential, they have missiles, they have enough calibers, and they have enough stockpiled. now for the enemy, there are two issues that need to be resolved, one of them is permanent, in fact, like the second one as well. well, the first is the safety of these missile carriers. port of novorossiysk. it is clear that they are there, but actually there is information about it. medically , they conduct the appropriate maneuvers there, that is , those submarines that you mentioned, they they can make launches precisely for sport from the water area, which they did, there is even information
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that near yalta at one time they launched those calibers precisely in odesa, by the way, they conduct such maneuvers, but they try to be as safe as possible, and secondly, they try as quickly as possible, and they have it in this regard. certain advances, to create logistics , the caliber equipment itself is already at this location, or in novorossiysk, or there are others there, i won’t even name, let’s say so, because the enemy can see this information, it is clear, whether we know it or not, but this problem exists for them, they are trying to solve it, will they be able to solve this problem, i hope not, because then of course the threat of missile strikes from calibers, and... from another on the other hand, it is not for nothing that i am talking about the port of novorossiysk, because i am announcing it once again, it is a legitimate military goal for our defense forces, and actually, when they say, and what
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is next, you should ask the crew of the olenihorsk miner, he was just in the port of novorossiysk last year , let me remind you, and then it was affected, so what we practiced from the rehearsal was then, and now there is indeed reinforcement with naval drones and... vedas and mines, why not repeat it, but we are not going into this forest any further. mr. serhiy, you have just been liquidated in orland, the intelligence was going on, and at night they hit not with rockets, but with shaheds, i see that the russians themselves leaked some information, how they are modernizing these iranian shaheds, calling them iranians, they increased the bk to 90 kg, increased, thanks to the decrease. high-explosive thermobaric warheads add fuel consumption and radio range, and worst of all, they track all this in flight with the help
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of a sim card that transmits coordinates, as they say online, up to 220 km, sim cards are used from the kyivstar network, and updates on the fight against rap, here are the russians talking about their shahedra, whether it is necessary strengthen our own by some other means. e anti-mine defense, i.e. in addition to zanits, is there any need to add something to shoot them down, and that today we have mobile fire groups working very, very effectively in the south, by the way, our unit, including does this job, and i will tell you that from machine guns, i can even say that it is , for example, a browning, from a browning they go astray a lot, and you have to thank the guys on the account already a lot. such downed shaheds, but they are really trying to modernize them, it’s even, well, we have different downed ones, and there are black ones, and gray ones, they paint them, indeed, they
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increase the fighting part, but let’s say this, the fact that the russians are many what is thrown into the information space, to put it mildly, it does not always correspond to reality, well, there is also an element of information warfare, that is, to show how much we have, but let's talk about the pickets for a bit. analysis of april of this year, see that after iran started hostilities, namely shelling of israel during this war, during this attack, the number of russians using shaheds decreased somewhat, well, i'm trying to be careful to say that it can be connected precisely by the fact that iran is already using its martyrs for its own purposes, this is the first point, and secondly, that i still hope for the russians... it was not possible to reach the production indicators where they are collecting these shahedis in tatarstan, the industrial indicators that they planned for themselves, this cannot reassure us in any
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way. there is a lot of work, the work continues, and i hope that tatarstan will again hear the sounds of our drones that fly and will fly at a greater distance, including. mr. serhiy, we understand that it is not just shaheds and rockets, there are a lot of things and the same reconnaissance drones are flying, are these drone detection detectors, they, you use them only along the front line, not far from the front line, or in the entire south, i am also talking about the de-occupied kherson region. about mykolayiv region, odesa region, and are there enough of these devices? i hope, you know, our thesis should always be that there are no limits to the improvement of the air defense system, so of course, and in odesa, i will say when i am asked what the americans have to give us there, i answer, let's give everything, we we will find a purpose for everything and everything will be used, that's why i think about these questions.
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that will also be closed, we really hope for reinforcement and the corresponding systems, because ballistics, you see, in fact every day odessa is hit, it is very difficult to name a day when missiles were not used, ballistics is the most painful, and the rest goes astray, but reinforcement is also needed, we understand this perfectly , we have already touched the kherson oblast a bit, they are not calmed down near the country, i read the statistics for the previous day , they stormed ukrainian positions three times. this one, how are they actually, with what forces are they going, are they only infantry, or am i adding someone, or are they adding something from the equipment, if we are talking about kherson region, today we can talk first of all about the fact that there are active actions, well , how intense, in any case , we understand how difficult it is to hold the bridgehead that we have on the left bank in the area of ​​the settlement of krynka, well ... once
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a populated place, now it is no longer there, then the enemy carried out four such assault actions, it is extremely difficult for them, that is why they do not use military equipment today, it is on fire, bad weather a little these days interfered with the usual work with drones, but that's what , what today we are actively using drone warfare, it helps to hold the bridgehead on the left bank, this is one factor, the second factor is our successful artillery... counter-battery fight from the right bank is extremely successful, but there is the main basic factor, it is the courage of our soldiers, this is, well, the most important thing that today allows you to keep these platforms, and you know, when they say, why and so on and so on, people perform an extremely difficult, for a difficult combat task, and for what, why, well, today no one reports this
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it won't happen, they have their tasks, yes... unfortunately, with losses, there are losses among our brothers, but nevertheless, they hold these bridgeheads, it is necessary for the front, this includes the withdrawal of the corresponding enemy forces , because the enemy has become more active, for example, in the zaporozhye direction, on the rabotinsky bridgehead, the enemy is becoming more active , including in neighboring directions, there vremyavka, for example, that is why we see the intensity along the line of combat today, it is not only bakhmut, not only times, it is today ... all directions on the front, sir serhiy, thank you for participating in our program, serhiy brachuk, the spokesperson of the ukrainian volunteer army south, he was supposed to be with us a little earlier, as he told us, and he just explained why, for those who did not join us over odessa, as over kharkiv, russia was circling with eagles, they are scouting, and then they strike based on the coordinates, the eagle was planted, and this is another help for the people of odessa
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after the downed shaheds, well... our colleagues must have collected news during this hour, khrystyna parubi 100% knows more and is ready to tell us all about it, khrystyna, congratulations, you have a word. congratulations, colleagues, thank you, how our soldiers reacted to the fact that the usa finally voted for military aid to ukraine, you will learn in the issue, as well as about the situation at the front, don't miss it in a moment. news on espresso. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. at night, the russians attacked odeshchyna with shaheds, launched seven drones. our defenders managed to destroy five - reported the southern defense forces. the drone hit the territory of the farm.
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damaged warehouse buildings and... agricultural machinery.


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