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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EEST

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christina, congratulations, and you have a word. thank you, colleagues, kyrylo bodanov gave his forecast regarding the situation in ukraine in the coming weeks, i will tell you more in the issue, as well as about the losses of the enemy, in a moment, wait. news on the air of spresso, i'm khrystyna porubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant at the moment. three people were injured due to an enemy attack in the kherson region, including a child, the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin said. the occupiers targeted the residential quarters of cities and villages. three high-rise buildings and three private houses were damaged. the russians also hit a private kindergarten. gas supply, medical and educational
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institutions. the orlant reconnaissance drone was shot down by five shaheds in the morning by the air defense forces over odeshchyna. in total, the russians launched eight drones in the region. the drone hit the territory of the farm, damaged warehouse buildings and agricultural machinery. fortunately, there were no casualties. a 19-year-old boy was injured as a result of rocket fire in kharkiv, he was hospitalized with injuries to his limbs, the head of the region oleg said sinygubov vovchansk was also under enemy fire, a residential building was damaged as a result of artillery shelling. during the day, the russians shelled 15 towns and villages of the region. the russians fired at nika with heavy artillery. in
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the dnipropetrovsk region, the head of the region serhiy lesak reported. marganytsk community also came under enemy fire. there is an unemployed farm and power lines. fortunately, no one was hurt. the russians have learned how to bypass sanctions and build up their military potential. he stated this in ukraine in an interview with bbc ukraine head of the main intelligence department kyrylo bodanov. he said that the closest. the weeks will be very difficult for ukraine, both at the front and in the domestic political situation, a rather difficult, in our estimation, a difficult situation awaits in the near future, but it is not catastrophic, this must also be understood, armageddon will not happen, as many are now starting to to say no, but there will be problems from the middle of may, precisely... about the front you, me and about
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the front including, this is a comprehensive approach, because the russians will use complex approach, they are conducting a complex operation, we will not talk about it with you for a long time, but it will be a difficult period, mid-may, early june, they have been waiting for this decision for a long time, the ukrainian military hopes... that the aid allocated by the united states of america will come to the front as soon as possible, they say, if the americans had not delayed, the situation of the armed forces would have been much better. let me remind you that on april 20, the house of representatives of the us congress supported the draft law on aid to ukraine. it is about 61 billion dollars, a document that has pass the us senate, and then it will be sent to president joe biden for his signature.
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shot, shot, if we had agreed earlier, then we would have given a little less positions to ours, then we might even have taken something, if we are already such a small number , we are trying to attract their equipment, well, what are we taking they have them, they throw them away when they leave somewhere, it turns out that some of us bring their shells to us, then we return them back to them, as it were, in this form, and if... joy and so on, but this is good, in my opinion, well, i wouldn’t say that i’m right there and i’m so happy that it’s good that they signed the aid package, that we will have something to shoot at, very good, then i think that the shells will quickly reach the front, literally on the same day as they arrive to ukraine, they will be unloaded and immediately sent in brigades so that there is work, there is a way, and... shooting of policemen in
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vinnytsia. the state bureau of investigation reported suspicion of desertion to two servicemen. law enforcement officers are also checking information about theft of explosives and weapons from a military unit. by according to the investigation, on april 19 , the servicemen, the father and the son, voluntarily left the military unit in the odesa region. the suspects also stole a service pistol and shot it at law enforcement officers. they later fled the scene. the fugitives were detained in the village of lipetske in odesa. let me remind you that on april 20, around two o'clock in the morning, in the haysin district of the vinnytsia region , police officers. a car containing two men was stopped for inspection. they opened fire on the law enforcement officers. a 20-year-old man died from his injuries a law enforcement officer, his partner, is injured. they are destroying russian evil. by the international
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earth day, ukrainian defenders eliminated another 730 occupiers. and in general, at the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, the defense forces already wiped out more than 4,60 thousand invaders from the ground, and with them burned their scrap metal, seven tanks, eight bmps, 17 art systems, 35 units of enemy cars and special equipment were destroyed yesterday alone, and one means of pppo of muscovites. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information from general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 85 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the occupiers became active. in the lyman direction, there the defense forces repelled 17 russian attacks. another 23 assaults were stopped in the novopavlivskyi direction near georgiivka, novomykhaivka, vodyanyi and urozhayny. our defenders repelled 16 attacks in the ovdiyiv direction. on bakhmutskyi - 14. restless
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also in zaporizhzhia. the russians tried four times to attack near robotino and staromaiskyi. ukrainian aviation in a day hit nine. areas of concentration of personnel of the occupiers. rockets and gunners hit the enemy drone control center and the area where muscovites personnel were concentrated. and i remind you about our collection. the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs communication and security equipment. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live. work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made the advance payment and we have to collect approx 400 thousand uah. so let's not delay. the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great
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importance. you can see all the details on the screen. something is on fire in russia again. a fire broke out in the city of voronezh. at the elmazh electromechanical plant, this was reported by the emergency services of the aggressor country. the fire covered more than 3, m2. engines, generators and transformers are on fire. information about the victims is currently being clarified. the russians demolished the monument in the temporarily occupied mariupol. it is about a memorial sign to 500th anniversary of the ukrainian cossacks. he stood. not far from the drama theater, - informed the adviser of the city mayor petro andryushchenko. according to him, barbarism is a common practice of the occupiers. the day before, they destroyed the monument to the victims of the holodomor, and also painted over all morals in the city. in the summer
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, ukraine receives f-16 fighters from denmark. this was stated by the ambassador of this country, oli echberg mikkelsen. according to him now. the entire fleet of these aircraft is being decommissioned by the danish military , some of the fighters will also be delivered to argentina. in return, denmark will receive a new generation of f-35 aircraft. they give up the russian language. latvia plans to cancel the study of the language of the aggressor country in schools. the relevant decision is being developed by the government - reports delfi. currently, latvian schoolchildren study, in addition to their native language. also english and russian as a second foreign language. therefore, instead of the language of the occupiers, they now offer to choose one of the languages ​​of the countries of the european union. such changes are finally planned to be introduced from 2026.
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read more about the next issue on the 11th on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. my colleagues oksana vasochanska and seagull, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. we are coming back, the poles are ready to place american nuclear weapons on their territory, and the greeks and spaniards say that they are being pressured by their colleagues in europe to hand over additional air defense systems to ukraine, because so far we know that only germany has agreed to supply us with an additional patriot system , and other countries currently not particularly. because even some eu leaders at the summit in
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brussels said that, well, you are not in particular danger in greece and spain, share, well, actually there is an even more global question, which as of monday has the answer yes, no, almost like in the verkhovna rada, you know, so much so against, and, for example, so much so that no, now we will take this question to the military commentator with... denys popovych is in touch with us. mr. denis, congratulations, glory to ukraine. glory. look, as of this morning, there are two diametrically opposed things. i found two publications. the financial times writes, that your colleagues, the military experts, say that the us package that should be finalized this week, right? it will not help to stop the russian offensive, and we have been announced the end of it. may, early june, and absolutely others, your colleagues, military
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experts, give the probability that with the help of this package it will be possible to stop this massive offensive announced by the russians, may-june, and there and there your colleagues, you are with which group stand in solidarity, i stand in solidarity with the second group, that is, will be able to help... you stop this offensive, because this offensive, it was largely based on the fact that this aid package will not be there, we remember all the political upheavals that preceded the adoption of this decision, which was on saturday, and therefore, as we hope, the provision of aid to us will be finalized on this week, that is, in many ways, this offensive was based precisely on the fact that this assistance will not be available in principle, and in itself, therefore, the transfer of these ammunitions, which we expect already in the coming days, it in itself is able to make adjustments, well we perfectly understand that when there is no ammunition, and when they
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appear, this, as they say, is a big difference, especially since if operational-tactical missiles are at the disposal of the armed forces of ukraine, this is a completely new word, but we actually do not have them until now were used, two more cases were the use of pojanka in attacks recently and in october of last year in berdyansk and luhansk, accordingly it will make corrections. at least the actions of the russian federation, it will not change their plans for a major offensive, but the scenario, let's say, can disrupt, uh, in fact, you said that you will not change their intentions, is it because they are not flexible enough, or because there is a plan that has been approved and no one cares that we have reinforcements at the front, why are they acting like this, we remember that when it started full-scale invasion and warned. even there the dates were called, the routes were called, how the russians would move, then they followed those routes, well
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, accordingly, the situation in the ukrainian armed forces was a little different then, but now they can simply face a tough rebuff, we ourselves we perfectly understand that all these things have never stopped them, that is, they have plans, which consist in the fact that it is necessary to seize the donetsk region to the administrative borders, they are moving with these plans. and they will carry out, that is, it depends on us, on our forces and capabilities and our measures, it depends on the extent to which they will be able to carry out or not carry out these plans, if we have the appropriate means of defeat, then we can , means plans, and this offensive may end at all, especially not started, but again i want to repeat that they have these plans, they will. try to use them, and the transfer of weapons to us can in principle disrupt these plans,
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yes, but you, will it change the course of tactical operations, today we spoke with our defenders, they are fighting in a time gap, in a time gap the russians are conducting the same tactics, what about avdiivka, i.e. a huge number of guided bombs in addition to artillery shelling, there are whole... costs, even after that attack, and so it works around the clock, we we understand that we will receive certain strengthening of air defense, and this will apply more to defense. civilian facilities in the interior of the country, and in order to stop these, at least, the front-line penetrations, front-line air defense is needed. well , so far in all the publications regarding the american package, i, for example, have not seen any announcements that the front-line air defense will be strengthened. i answered your
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question, the question of what front-line air defense is, in your opinion, well, this is the same patriot. drawn closer, who shoots the plane, who drops the cab, is no more what, f16 is not there, the thing is, the thing is that it is not only cabs that are a problem lately, if you talked to the fighters who are near the time ravine, it is obvious that you, you told us about what is already in fact su-25 o attack aircraft operate along the line of combat collision, which was not the case before, so they fly to that, well, they probably told, right, so they fly directly to the front line, well... yes, yes, that is, they, respectively, they perform assault actions with the help of attack aircraft, they have air superiority, and here the problem is not in long-range anti-aircraft missile compasses, which would be capable of knocking down cab carriers, here the problem is already in those anti-aircraft missile complexes of short, close radius of action, arrow, wasp, there is a vampire and so on, here
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there are no manpads for soldiers in positions, with two fzrks you can shoot down these 625 planes, here the problem is already in... direct cover of combat positions, so where did these means of destruction go, at least portable anti-aircraft complexes, did they run out? so are they over? well, obviously yes, obviously there are problems if there is no way to knock these down attack aircraft i'm not talking about helicopters that are capable of striking at a distance of up to 10 km, the russians have such missiles in them, so the first tranches will obviously include neither air defense nor air defense. carrier aircraft and fought with ballistic missiles, although we definitely need it, they should obviously include just short-range air defense, portable anti-aircraft missile systems, ammunition for zerk ee small radio judge in order to remove this advantage in the air directly on
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the battle line, and this is already in principle will make it easier for us to work during yaru, in the temporary yaru and in other places where they have such an advantage in the air. here's the answer to your question, how can it make a difference on a tactical level? mr. denys, the russians are currently withdrawing their contingent from karabakh, and there are assumptions, in particular julian ryobken from bildo, suggests that all these forces, that is about 2 thousand soldiers, can now be transferred to ukraine to strengthen certain positions as much as possible. in nagorno-karabakh, these are military personnel, well, their experience would be valuable at the front, certainly, although there are not many of them, that is, in
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quantitative terms, they are not very happy, but... yes, from the point of view of experience, yes, in principle, it can be a certain support, and what experience do they have there, the azerbaijanis ask, looking at the virtually defeated proxivmen troops , who could not hold that karabakh, there was more political than military, and what kind of equipment they have there, that is, that they can carry an armored personnel carrier with them, well, they have a certain school, they are cadre soldiers, that is, they can do it. . it is clear that they were not there direct participants in these events, well, but these are military personnel who learned something, now with military personnel in the russian federation it is not at all the same as it was at the first stages of the large-scale second war, well, but again, quantitatively, there are not many of them, so from this they will not
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have an assignment from this siren, but the question is whether they will be transferred, whether they will be left for the front or not transferred, it is 50 to 50. now no one can tell you that for sure, well, maybe they will transfer them, maybe they won’t transfer them, maybe they can their transfer not to the front, where they will now form new units, the leningrad military district, the military district, there they can find themselves with the same success, they can engage in the training of these new contract workers, who are now recruiting us in order to lead the bovids on territories of ukraine, any, any, any purpose they can, do you see, do you see the expediency of... asymmetric strikes, in order to one way or another break the enemy's plans for may, when the victory of the devil will begin in them and especially later , when they pull up all those reserves, well, yes let's say the beginning... lita, is the intention now to intensify the strikes, in the style that were in dzhankoy, or to intensify the strikes, as were the long-range drones on the refinery, up to there,
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almost to the urals, or with some unexpected diversionary things, when it burns, it burns deep in the rear somewhere in the moscow region, whether these asymmetric actions will in any way break the plans for the offensive of the russian federation or not, but now something... exactly in voronezh and near moscow there was and continues to be there, if there is an opportunity to strengthen the means , to carry out such asymmetric blows, they need to be carried out, and the more often, the better, that is, about some kind of break as a result of these blows, as a result of these actions, we can only speak if these blows will be many and in different places, so in order to achieve a break , it is necessary to continue them further, clearly, i repeat once again that there are forces and means for this, because every such action... it requires careful preparation, uh, i look at it at such a tactical level, actually from our side of the video and from the side of the enemy, it confirms that there is
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one such algorithm, in addition to fpv drones, which gives a good result, is when our orta, which does not have a small bk, but when it hits cluster bullets correctly according to the scouted coordinates, and then the glorious bradley arrives and actually cleans already in... in the territory in which the enemy tried to strengthen himself, there is we also have some such tactical chips on the battlefield that can break their offensive plans as well, in addition to fividrons and the mentioned scheme of work, i have a lot of them depending on who comes up with what there, depending on how the enemy acts , how do we act, here in the pile drones guide artillery, that's the use. set ammunition, it hits the squares and causes a lot, a lot of damage, so the enemy troops, on the other hand,
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the enemy is also inventing new things, here are the tanks of the barn, in particular, they too, so it is possible, it is possible, let's say yes, to classify them as similar novelties, you probably saw the pictures, and you saw them in, but it turns out that it works, by the way, because there is only one such ism. the shed was destroyed, and the second worked calmly, going deep enough behind the line of scrimmage, but it is not a great pity that it works, as for this second tank, he dropped off people there and drove off and drove back, and why did this happen, because exactly those vans do not take it, because not only is it basically a tank, it is also covered with these metal shields behind which marked the infantry, which he landed in positions and then went to pick up the second party, they say, there would be a javelin, and there would be no shed, so there is no javelin at hand, if such scumbags go here and there, well, well, well, well ,
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thus, that is, there are no classic means of defeat, anti-tank means of defeat, there there was not enough, i won’t say that they don’t exist, in principle, we are burning six tanks with something, yes, that is, constant losses in combat equipment , but on this part of the front , they obviously saw that there were no such opportunities and created an otaku. .. wow, we see not without success, but look at these javelins and lavas, that our supplies have stopped, because there used to be a lot of them, and in the kyiv region, in the kharkiv region, they showed themselves very well, he laugh - in general, a one-time story, shots and all can be done, javelin, he needs ammunition, about tank missiles, which in itself costs a certain amount of money quite solidly. and if there was no supply to the united states of america, then, accordingly, there were no stocks, that is, they are running out, and now obviously they will need to be replenished with these next
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tranches, that is, this once again shows that the help from the united states, it was critically important , i also really hope that now we have time, and we and our european partners, at least until the end of this year, so that in the event that trump will become the president of the united states and this dopo... will stop altogether, we could prepare for such a turn of events. sir, briefly, the last question about these subdivisions for mobilized convicts, so that there is justice on the one hand, and on the other, so that they can exercise their rights in some way, where do you see the application of these subdivisions, and which will only be mobilized, convicts ? well, unfortunately. or what i know about this history, there people are basically motivated among the convicts, and they would like to defend the country, i think that
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motivation to go out at all. at large for them is not the last in this case, but they have motivation, so it is quite important that these units, they will be used at the front, they will be formed, we know that there will be separate units, i have another question character in relation to discipline, that is, one way or another, these are people, they are systemic, if you can say so, that is , committing a crime is still a step against the system, the legal, legal system, and so on, and they will have to, they will have to... perform orders, well honestly saying, i think that the commanders who will command these units, well, will have to apply certain approaches to these people in order to organize, assemble from them combat-ready units and throw them into battle, but these are people who are not afraid of anything, in principle , these are people who are motivated, i think that in principle they can be used on the front line, thank you, mr. denis,
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military. denis popovych was with us, we are going to take a short break, then we will talk more precisely and narrowly about aviation ukrainian sky, wait. tired of heavy hoses that constantly get tangled up and create chaos on the site. unpack tv presents hose maxi at a favorable price of only uah 299. the hose automatically increases in. three times when the water is supplied and shrinks to its original size as soon as the water supply stops, extremely compact and light, the weight of the hose is less than a kilogram, it is very convenient to store and carry. the new improved version of the maxi hose is three times stronger and more reliable than the normal expanding hose. stable and flexible the inner coating makes it strong and durable, improved materials and wear-resistant outer coating allow the maxi hose to withstand incredible
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