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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 10:30am-11:00am EEST

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increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. there are discounts on eurofast softcaps. 10% at podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. the football format changes the time of airing. from now on , you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 8:00 p.m., professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, saves, emotions, a project for both experienced fans and just people who appreciate a detached view of football, football format every monday at 22:00 on the espresso tv channel. vasyl's big broadcast winters, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war. and how does the world live? two hours to
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keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become their own languages ​​for many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima’s big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people , in the evening for espresso. premium sponsor of the national team - united by football, stronger together. as promised, we are adding kostyantyn kryvolap to our conversation, an aviation expert, and now we can ask about everything that is happening in the ukrainian sky, mr. kostyantyn, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. we are already tired here with various representatives who... they tell us,
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we know, and you know that we know, we won't tell you anything, but we can repeat it, that's how we try to find out something, for example , after the super-successful shooting down of a strategic bomber, ukraine was once so small, but we had such dangerous intellectuals that they handed it over to the russians together with the kh-555 missiles, we had such people in... kuchmiv and other times, so here are 22m3, 308 km, with which we knocked down the british, they write about it openly, no one forbids them, in they don't have a single marathon, they say that this is the ukrainian air defense, we are a barricade, a reconstruction, how it looked, we are interested in what, what, well, what happened at night with the brain. of
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them, he had three kha 22 missiles on board, he flew over the black sea, flew somewhere to the level of sevastopol, flew a little beyond tarkhankut, and launched each of these bombers launched three missiles each, and two of these missiles were shot down, then these bombers turned around and flew to mazdak, but one did not reach mazdak, and now we saw what happened to it, it turned into a flat corkscrew and lay down very carefully. then we have an official report that it was shot down by a modernized soviet missile over there in the 60's when they uh... the missile was
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designed to shoot down american strategic bombers that were going to bomb our cities over there, uh, here i am supposed to eat it shot down, and it's a modernized missile, and uh, supposedly it shot down, then all the experts got weird and said, well, how is that possible, i was among those experts, because i... didn't understand how these smells launcher, stationary installation, how do you disguise it there, with what camouflage sticks, what events are not held there, i remember once, when, when there were tests of ruslan, it was necessary to bring this physique of ruslan into a hydro pool in the open air, and there they made up a time when the satellites would not be in the zone, when it would be there is some vanity. it was at night, and at night
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there was an operation to launch this ruslan fuselage for hydrobasin tests, so it was such a very serious matter, but... how did they concrete this installation, well , because it is a rocket weighing about 7 tons, it is there it is such a rotating platform that is quite large, and on this is this missile, it is 11 m long, and you are talking about the s200 complex, the kind that we have seen in hollywood movies of our time, and on and if... we have all the parades there, and at all parades they carried this rocket, so, she has such four wings, and between them there are powder accelerators, and here we are told this, and all the means of communication, there are european, american,
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they say, they were shot down by a s200 missile, well, i think that if our intelligence tells us that it is called s-200, then let's say it's called c200. what conclusions can be drawn from this, i think this is the main thing, not what is the name of this missile and what was it shot down, i believe that the main thing is that ukraine has shown its permanent ability to shoot down aircraft such as the tu-22 strategic missile carrier m3, although it is not quite strategic there, it is there it doesn’t have a long range, e.g. it shot down the a50 once or twice, because it’s the first time there too , some doubts arise, we have such a weapon, such a weapon, at such a distance,
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we can say that the number of such options is very limited, there is an anti-ship missile, a ship complex, an anti-aircraft ship complex sm6 and... and there are some modifications of the aster-30 missile, which allows you to shoot at such a sufficient distance. the aster-30 missile is a missile of the nassams complex, but given the fact that we do not shoot down, we do not use western weapons to work on russian territory, and he fell in stevropol, so a flat corkscrew. clearly something was wrong with the engine, then ukraine became one of the advanced states that have means of defense, anti-aircraft defense, which are capable of striking there at a distance of more than 300 km, this is the main conclusion, and in fact, such expert
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opinions are also heard that in this way we we are actually preparing a space for f16 to appear here, and the main question is when? they said that they would be in the summer, now they are already saying that by the summer, then a little earlier, your opinion, mr. kostyantyn, well, i have such an opinion that they will definitely be, maybe they will be a little earlier, a little later, but here it is necessary to understand that in order for several such organizational actions to come together, first, we must have the infrastructure ready, that is, airfields, equipment, personnel, which will be there. receive, service these planes, the flight time, i remind you, 16 people must then process it for an hour, then, well, prepare for the next planes, then,
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an air defense system must be built around these airfields, because it must not be just petrio, there there should be a few more expensive ones systems in order to make a multi-layered system, anti-aircraft, then... then we have to get enough air defense equipment, pilots are trained, technicians are trained, everything else is ready, but if these things are done, then everything will be fine. as for modernization, judging by this, a certain number of aircraft have undergone the modernization that allows the su-50, su-35 to seriously compete in the airspace. shoot confidently syu34 and everything will be fine, they will be, when they are, i will then put on my t-shirt at 16 and everything will be fine. and you you see that all this is already somewhere in the final stage, we are not asking to name locations, people, or anything, just do you see that
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this process is moving in the direction that we are ready to receive f-16 in ukraine? you know, like that drug addict dog that looks for truffles, i hear it, i hear it. ugh. and what, for example, will prevent you from strengthening our f16 fleet, for example, are there any obstacles to part. one of them was based not in ukraine, but very close, well, right along the border, because if we base our planes, we equip them with weapons, refueling and sending them there for action on the frontline, then we are already drawing the country into this conflict, well, it is called in legal language, yes, that is, we are drawing them into the war, and i do not think that neither the romanians nor the poles.. . who are members of nato and receive approval from nato
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generals, they will say that you, well, we are here, we are doing everything so that we do not have a conflict, yes, but the russians can establish where the f- took off from 16 from an underground hangar in, say, somewhere in the western regions of ukraine or from, for example, pidzhev, what is in principle for the dost, the satellite, the satellite will show in any case, but if there is... it is not well visible, then the system that they had there in the nebow, which was destroyed in the berensk region, or the container that is there in mordovia there a little bit of it was sprinkled there, they won't be able to see it, but it's still a risk that they can see, there will be violence in any case, so i think that we don't even count on such and such options, eh, you mentioned that , as well as patriot and other air defense systems. needed in order to to protect these f-16s, well, but not only for them it is necessary, and we know what we asked for,
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zelensky asked for at least seven patriots, seven systems, or some similar systems for ukraine, and well, the germans volunteered, how much time do we have, or already we don't have time at all and it was necessary for yesterday to get it all, well , what else can be an analogue of those? well, all the other systems there are ages there, then they are from the so-called atmospheric interception, we don’t have such missiles at such distances, they don’t fly, so they won’t be effective in our country, it would be very interesting to get them there the system is easier than david, but they are so that they are ready, then there is no, the finns signed a contract with... the americans gave their consent, because it is their joint development there, but there the receipt of
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this entire system is implemented there in the 25th and 26th years , well, it would be very interesting, because according to its technical characteristics , david's slingshot is very suitable for us, especially for the protection of kharkov and odesa, well, i mean the south and the north, that is, where it flies quickly. goes very close, yes, yes, yes, or, or very close, or very low, where it is necessary for the system to work very fast, unfortunately, patriot has such, well , similar speeds, but well, to be sure, that is, the probability of being impressed by david’s sling systems would be higher than petriod, or sumpti, well , the system you mentioned is part of this echelon system defense of israel, and without... it is one of the components, but it is necessary to understand that the israelis have a very dense air defense system, because
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the area of ​​israel itself is the area of ​​the lviv region, but based on these considerations, we understand that we are not we can completely close the entire territory of ukraine, it will not matter closing some zones, some territories, which are the most dangerous for us. well, in addition to various ways to destabilize the situation on the seizure of the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, there are a sufficient number of nuclear power plants that have actually now taken over the generation in the main, the main for this period, and in this case, well, no, we are not not insured that the russians will not want to do certain strikes on nuclear power plants and reactors, as far as you know? what they shoot at and you probably know the parameters of different reactors, how they can withstand impacts
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russian missiles, well, in general, they were designed for such actions, all these systems of the nuclear atomic power plant, they are all designed for very serious, powerful strikes, so when a drone flies somewhere and something burns there, it... well, i don't about drones, of which i am still talking about the x-59, x-69, as we saw their consequences of the work of the x-69 and x50. they have a combat unit of 310 kg, 300 kg, you won't break through the roof, it's impossible, and even more so the kurdish, kurdish as, it's not far from there, it's very close there, i don't think it's necessary somehow take this seriously, thank you, thank you, there was aviation expert
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kostyantyn kryvolap'i on this topic, because we moved a little from aviation to energy, so we will stay on this topic with... people's deputy of ukraine oleksiy kuchurenko. mr. oleksiy, we congratulate you. greetings, good morning, glory. mr. oleksiy, we just spoke with kostyantyn kryvolap about atomic generation and the fact that our enemy, as he is, never waits for what they will do, they worked in an echelon, at first distribution, then by generation facilities, we understand the consequences of all these shellings, this is far from the end, what about them, respectively, as your assessment, to what extent our atomic generation actually is a on the one hand capable, b - protected, because here on tv they show that new power units are being built, but they don't say honestly that they will finish in 10 years, and that this is news in the style of a billion trees, but i am talking about
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the construction of two new power units, this is an ambitious task, let's wait when accordingly... the bill will enter the verkhovna rada, it will go to our committee, and during the consideration of this bill we will very carefully deal with the technical and economic justification, sources, possibilities, terms and so on and so on, because to say that i am against it, i do not want to say it, i agree with you, it is necessary to clearly understand in what time frame, for what money it will be built, uh, now regarding potential attacks, crazy enemy, enemy, well, i will tell you this, it is not just a technical problem on the validity of our blocks, because really i i agree with the previous one expert, they were built very powerfully, the reactor blocks and their covers, they were designed for the fact that even airplanes will directly fall there, filled with explosives, they
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have to withstand these blows, the danger here is not in the destruction of these blocks, in the fact that potential shocks... can disable energy e-e systems, connections, power, i.e. transformer substations, relays and so on, lines, and without power, indeed these reactors can, if there is no power in them for 10-12 days for own use, with diesel generators, then they can get into such an unpleasant situation, huh. don't scare anyone there with the new chernobyl, because it took a lot of effort to make this chernobyl, to be honest, but this threat is definitely there, but the only thing i can reassure everyone is that whether we want it or not, there is some kind of system of red lines, everything is fine in this war, it is not even being built so much in ukraine as in the world, i think that the united states,
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and europe, and china, and other powerful countries there to a certain extent... well, they influence what is possible, something that cannot be done in this war. i think i'm convinced that our nuclear facilities and nuclear power industry now, well , you are within the framework of those red lines that cannot be crossed. what will happen next, we will wait and see, because really, the decision of the congress is the last, we are waiting for the decision of the senate, and accordingly new weapons, and as far as i understand, there may be medium -range missiles. and accordingly it will be a difficult time, especially since i read in the morning the statement of mr. budanov, the head of the guru, and he really says that in may there will be very serious such tension that there will be more, mr. oleksiy, you have started, but i am interested in how long it will take us to restore our energy system so that there is no shortage, so that if we do not
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sell, then at least we do not have to buy and pay extra for this electricity from abroad . well, it was recently and in the near future we will definitely import, this is not only a one-way traffic, we import when we have a deficit and export when we have a surplus, that is why we united with the unified energy system of europe, so there is no tragedy in this has absolutely nothing to do with that, on the contrary, we united energy systems for that purpose, so that we could buy electricity from them, especially... so that as soon as we and them, well, on the market , united, we actually have approximately the same ones on the wholesale market the prices themselves, i.e. to say that our prices are absolutely higher or lower there. well, they are correlated, let's say so, moreover, we need to increase the capacity of possible imports, i know the plans of the government and the state company ukrenerga to increase by
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about 40% before the heating season, it is absolutely correct in this situation that regarding the restoration, the members of the committee and i traveled to the objects, the information there is so sensitive, so i don't want to say too much, but... i am convinced that some objects can be restored quite quickly, promptly in 2-3 months, some will take longer , a year or two, but i want to say once again, we have a very reliable energy system, so even if there are restrictions, there can be no catastrophe here, and people should understand that if there are schedules, well, sorry, this is the price of war, we have to also to relate, it is not the most terrible thing that today takes place in ukraine. if you compare it with what our soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine are enduring today, that's why i ask everyone to calm down, the energy workers will do their job, and the military will do their job. mr. oleksiy, we have
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one more moment, how much, let's say, is it helpful to dream that, for example, in transcarpathia, in the western region of ukraine, we would have rapidly and extensively developed wind generation, whole fields in european countries. the flow of new production locations, you see the power from the center of ukraine from the exit there is moving and, accordingly, the generation there is growing and new projects are being built, both wind and solar projects, do you know the nuances that the sun is wonderful solar. panels are wonderful, which, if there is sun, if there is no sun, then a coal-fired power station should work next to you in charity, for now, you understand, well, this is how
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the system is built, and i don’t see alternatives yet, it is possible to build on gas fast eyes gas turbines, gas piston installations, this is also a very positive moment, all this must be done immediately, and what is stopping, mr. oleksiy, because you say it must be possible, first of all. the organizational and management structure in the management of the economy and energy, it, it is inadequate to today's challenge, it was rebuilt for wartime, and it lags behind to a large extent, the decision is made for a very long time, the decision is made and then it is implemented, no one controls them, that's why i by the way, the initiative to create a temporary special commission to analyze, but what about these shelters? they built on the energy facilities lease there kubrakov and other things, you understand, because i have a question enormous both in terms of estimates and in the organization of this process, agreed that if you
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receive, mr. oleksiy, if you receive answers to your own questions, then we would be happy for you to share with our viewers, we also have questions to do this exclusively in open space, but if colleagues allow, while the servants of the people do not really want to be controlled, let's tell the truth to the face and answer. i still haven't received my leaves from them, that's the problem. mr. oleksiy, thank you for being with the viewers of espress. oleksiy kucherenko, people's deputy from the profile committee talked about energy, there will be a short break, after which there will be news. yes, i'll just run ahead, i'll cheer you up, because you like such news that there's a fire in voronezh, and there are already three dead, the factory, yes, electrical equipment, more news in a few minutes, khrystyna parubiy will tell you, stay. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always , the fuel runs out in time, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed plot, the solution is:
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stronger 11 on the clock, time to find out what.. takes place in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porobiy works in the studio. a minibus with passengers crashed through a large sinkhole in the kyiv region. two people died, seven more were injured. all are in serious condition, she said state emergency service. the accident happened in the morning near the village of oliva on the ivankiv radomyshel highway.


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