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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 11:00am-11:30am EEST

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represents united by football, stronger together. it's 11 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna porobiy is working in the studio. a minibus with passengers crashed through a large sinkhole in the kyiv region. two people died, seven more were injured. all are in serious condition, the state emergency service reported. the accident happened in the morning near the village of oliva on the highway ivankiv, radomyshel. the minibus was carrying people to work and the road collapsed under it. in... there were nine people in the cabin. one
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one person died, six more were injured as a result of shelling in donetsk region. this was reported to the regional police. at night, the russians hit s-300 rockets on ukrainsk and novogrodivka in selid. a guided aerial bomb was also dropped on the village of progress. as a result of the attack, apartment buildings and private houses, educational institutions, an industrial facility and an enterprise were destroyed. a 63-year-old man was injured as a result of enemy shelling in the ship district of kherson. the man was examined with a contusion, mine-explosive and closed cranial brain injury injuries, said the head of the city military administration, roman myrochko. also, the occupiers moved from the temporarily occupied left bank to the residential quarters of the dnipro district of the city. private houses were burning.
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the reconnaissance drone orlan and five shahed fighters shot down the air defense forces over odeshchyna in the morning. in total, the russians launched eight drones in the region. the drone hit the territory of the farm, damaged warehouse buildings and agricultural machinery. fortunately, there were no casualties. it aimed russian missiles to kherson. the sbu detained an ex-deputy. and his accomplice, according to the materials of the investigation , the former deputy of the kherson district council and the hospital employee secretly recorded the locations of the armed forces. the suspects also collected information about the consequences of enemy airstrikes. all data was transmitted to the occupiers through another agent. the enemy group included a total of four people. all were informed of the suspicion. the russians have learned how to circumvent sanctions. to build up
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the military potential, the head of the main administration said in an interview with bbc ukraine intelligence officer kyrylo budanov. he stated that the coming weeks will be very difficult for ukraine, both at the front and in the domestic political situation, we are facing a rather difficult, in our estimation, a difficult situation in the near future, but it is not catastrophic, this must also be understood. tarmagiddon will not happen, as many are now starting to say, no, but there will be problems from mid-may, this is a complex approach, because the russians will use a complex approach, they are conducting a complex operation, we will not talk about it with you for a long time, but it is difficult the period will be mid-may, early june.
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they have been waiting for this decision for a long time, the ukrainian military hopes that the aid allocated by the united states of america will reach the front as soon as possible. they say that if the americans had not delayed, the situation of the armed forces would have been much better. let me remind you that on april 20, the house of representatives of the us congress supported the draft law on aid to ukraine. it is about 61 billion dollars, the document has yet to be approved by the us senate, and... then it will be sent to president joe biden for his signature. shot, shot! if it had been approved earlier, then we would have given a little less positions than ours, then we might even have taken something, if we are already such a small number and try to attract their equipment, well, what we take from them, they throw away when they leave there somewhere it turns out that we have brought some. they are beaming with joy
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and so on, but it is good, in my opinion, it is good that they signed the aid package, that we will have something to shoot at, it is very good, then i think the shells will quickly reach the front, literally on the same day , as soon as they arrive in ukraine, they will be unloaded and sent immediately brigades, so that there would be work, destroy the russian dishonor before international earth day, ukrainian defenders eliminated another 730 occupiers, and... in general, since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion , the defense forces have already erased more than 460,000 enigmas from the earth, and with them, they incinerated their scrap metal only for yesterday, destroyed seven tanks, eight bmp, 17 artists, 35 units of cars and special equipment of the enemy and one means of
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air defense of the muscovites. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. the shooting of the policemen at him. the state bureau of investigation reported on suspicion of desertion to two servicemen. law enforcement officers are also checking information on the theft of explosives and weapons from a military unit. according to the investigation, on april 19 , the servicemen, the father and the son voluntarily left the military unit in the odesa region. the suspects also stole a service pistol and shot it at law enforcement officers. they later fled the scene. the fugitives were detained. in the village of lipetske in odesa region. i would like to remind you that on april 20, at around two o'clock in the morning, in the haysin district of the vinnytsia region, police officers stopped for a check a car in which there were two men. they opened fire on the law enforcement officers who were wounded, a 20-year-old
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law enforcement officer was killed, and his partner was wounded. and according to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, 85 combat clashes took place. at the front during the day. the occupiers in the lyman direction became more active. there, the defense forces repelled 17 russian attacks. another 23 assaults were stopped in the novopavlivskyi direction near georgiivka, novomykhaivka, bodiany and urozhany. our defenders fought back in the avdiyiv direction 16 attacks, 14 in bakhmutskyi. restless also in zaporozhye. the russians tried four times to attack near robotino and staromaiskyi. over the course of a day, ukrainian aviation struck nine areas where the occupying personnel were concentrated. rockets and gunners hit the enemy drone control center and the muscovite personnel concentration area. and i
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remind you about our collection, means of communication and security, needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they are fighting for the independence of our country difficult battles on... the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and we have to collect about uah 400,000. so let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance. you can see all the details on the screen. white yan street. will appear in kostyantynivka in donetsk region, the regional police reported, in honor of the police unit that daily evacuates people from the front-line territories, the longest city ​​street the name was proposed by a family of townspeople to celebrate the heroism and sacrifice of ukrainian law enforcement officers.
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ukraine's largest weapon, germany has approved arms exports for the first quarter of this year. this was reported in the ministry of finance of the country. in the first quarter of this year, the amount of exports reached 5 billion 200 million euros. of them, almost 4 billion euros, that is, 74% of the funds, belong to ukraine. the german ministry emphasized that germany will continue to support our country in the fight against the russian invaders. again burning on russia in the city. a fire broke out at the elmash electromechanical plant in voronezh, as reported by the emergency services of the aggressor country. the fire covered more than 3000 m2. at this factory, the russians manufactured electric motors, generators, pneumatic power equipment, and regulatory
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equipment. the consequences of the fire are still being determined. we will summarize the morning at 12:00, read more on our website, also on our colleagues... roman chaika, don't switch, stay with the espresso team. we are back, thanks to our colleagues from the news department for the detailed report information, and even for good news, because 300 square meters in the warehouse of the military equipment plant in voronezh, well, this is just a continuation of the main thesis that if you don't know what to do, it's time to bomb voronezh, say our enemies. i knew you would be happy with this news. mood, you know what
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to do, if you don’t know, i’ll remind you, you need to scan qr codes and copy card numbers and donate, donate and donate again as many times as you can and in such amounts as you can, that’s how fpv drones are tried, tested for our defenders, they know what to do with them, how to use them, 2 million, let me remind you... you need to collect 1,315 already in the account at this moment, oh, while we were announcing this, another half thousand arrived, that is , 316.84 uah are in the account, you need 2 million , please be active and financially responsible to our country. in the meantime, we will understand how the magical saturday will pass from the congress to tuesday's senate in the united states of america. we will be helped in this by the diplomat, extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the usa, from 2005 to 2010, oleg
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shamshur in connection with our studio, mr. oleg, congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations to the heroes, glory, mr. oleg, while the americans are making fun of maryana bezuglai's sister, congresswoman green, so many memes have appeared there, and sparta is also not far behind in terms of the number of memes. another one, what are your expectations for the senate, the senate hearing this tuesday, are there any pitfalls? uh, let's just say, with my innate pessimism, like all of us, i think that in the senate on tuesday everything should go as we expect, and of course there may be attempts to drag out the... process and try to introduce some amendments, speak out, but judging
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by the fact that the senate package, and what came to the senate from the house of representatives, is very close to the senate version, at least in terms of the aid figures, uh, judging by what was supported in around the 70s. senators, this is a safeguard, i hope it will be maintained, against prolonging the debate, there is this practice of filibustering, where there is an endless debate and a speech, the time of a senator's speech, it is unlimited, but in order to stop this debate, 60 votes are needed, obviously they are, so there's a chance that... what schumer is telling us that it will be passed on tuesday and sent to
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biden for his signature is quite realistic. or maybe, as they say, after all, to catch up with the voted, how do you explain that in fact, a native of nosivka from chernihiv oblast, victoria sparts turned out to be the same as green and other ilona maskas, what is wrong with her? it happened, you see, yesterday i already had, well, i would say so, a debate on this matter, and in my opinion, well, let's say, in this, well, the congresswoman is given too much attention, but the main thing is to understand, about the need overcoming corruption earlier, which should have been listened to, you have to look at what
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she proposed in her amendment, in her speeches, this, well, the first is the lack of budget assistance, but, in my opinion, it is even more important that she advocated that is to drastically limit the ability of biden to provide us with assistance from the existing stockpile of american weapons and equipment, and if you look at it, it has to be responsible, however you want to make this statement, whatever you have, maybe some good, as they say, a wish is a must understand the value of your words. and that is, if this vote were disrupted, what would be better for ukrainians, those who are currently at the front and so on, that is, i have a unequivocally, strongly negative attitude towards her speech yesterday, or rather not yesterday, the day before yesterday, that is, this, as then they
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are already saying below, well, mr. oleg, you said that you have to believe and... are convinced that on tuesday, tomorrow, the senate will agree to everything and hand it over to biden for his signature, but they said that there is still a possibility that someone somewhere wants to delay something somewhere, who and why, i told you about it, well, there are those who are from the republicans, that is, i think that the democratic faction definitely supports, the republicans gave it somewhere, as you understand, uh, uh, somewhere ... in the region of 20 votes, that is , those who voted against, well , and it is enough to mention senator rand paul, who tried to delay the discussion at that time, there will probably be others, that is, the staff, to be honest, i
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am not going to say about it now, there may be several senators who from... declared their opposition, even a sharp position in providing aid to ukraine, obviously they will to speak, but the main thing is that there are more than 60 votes to end this debate, and i'm absolutely, well absolutely, maybe it's too confident that schumer, when he made the statement that there will be a productive vote, there will be a result on tuesday, he took into account all the points, that is, there is enough support from the republican senators, led by mcconnell, and i think that there are safeguards that this debate can drag on, that is , in politics, never say never, that is, anything is possible, but it looks pretty good now
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enough, it looks like the senators will surely... will move towards a positive decision and handing it over to the president for signature. in addition to the draft law on additional security assistance to ukraine, they actually voted on the confiscation and transfer to ukraine of russian state assets. many people have already said that it is really unexpected, that they did not expect that the states would go for it so easily, what was the driving force here? it should be understood here that first of all, er... johnson, for tactical reasons, split this package into three packages: israel, pacific texan region and ukraine. plus the fourth law, which was prepared by mike mccall, that is, the chairman of the committee on foreign affairs, which , among other things, includes provisions on
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the confiscation of russian assets. and then all this was combined into a single draft law. in the form of an amendment to the senate package, which has now been submitted to the senate. as for the makola bill, it includes the so-called repo, it is a bill on the confiscation of russian assets and their subsequent transfer to ukraine, it should be borne in mind that of the entire amount of russian assets in the united states, there are 5 billion dollars, that is, a smaller part, and this is mentioned in the bill, this issue has been discussed for some time, and it is discussed both at the level of congress and at the level of the executive branch, er, there is, it was certain advancing, let's say, the statement of the secretary of the treasury,
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that is, it did not come as a surprise, and it must also be understood that the congress in ... in this case provides, well, i would say so, a recommendation, that is, expresses its opinion, which the president must take into account and act accordingly , but still the last word is for the president, that is, there must be actions of the executive power, that is, how quickly they will be and will they be in the amount and in the form that we expect, we will see, that is, i would not draw conclusions right now, mr. olezh, we were looking for two curves, red and blue, respectively... biden and trump are like candidates for the presidential race, there was a gap, trump was well ahead, but in recent weeks it is within the
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margin of error, let's say. yes, and in this case, i do not know whether there is merit, new moves administration, maybe taylor swift sang too much about the affection for biden, and it raised a young audience, in a word, interest. it sucks, but according to your calculations, if, for example, trump wins the race, does this mean the end of financing and aid to ukraine for good, and he can only take loans there at high interest rates, barge from trump, or isn’t everything so clear-cut, because this is an election, after the elections, everything will be different, i would like to start by saying that the situation is really, as i call it... the dynamics are constantly changing, but it is necessary take into account that even when biden is now ahead,
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trump still maintains a more or less stable advantage in the so -called swing states, swing and battlefield states, that is, they will actually decide the fate of these elections, this is, firstly, secondly, what to expect from trump, here you have to... study his psychology, such a great moment of volatility, changeability, firstly, secondly, a priori, this is my subjective opinion, i expressed it, even wrote about it, which in principle he cannot be suspected of sympathy for ukraine, we remember him, him speeches, his statements about... putin's reality regarding the dpr-lpr, we also remember this whimsical idea of ​​settling the situation in ukraine in
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24 hours and it is clear that he means to put pressure primarily on ukraine, but what we see now, that is, before the vote , some softening of the position regarding aid to ukraine, in particular the agreement that it may be necessary to provide it, but as a loan, this is partially taken into account in the draft law, i explain, first of all, the interests of the election campaign, in particular, the fact that there is stable support for ukraine in american society and among independent voters, and even part of the republicans, who focused not on niki gayle, but on these votes. trump needs them, plus i think he, it is uncomfortable and politically unprofitable for him now to look like such a weakling
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to a person who plays along with putin, and this explains such lability, that is, a change, a change in nuances, after the election, i don’t know, that is, in principle, i am i believe that we should hope for the best. but prepare for the worst, let's see how he will implement his plans for 24 hours. sir olezhe, you already mentioned this option, if i were the president, then something would not have happened, there is such a formula in trump, in my opinion, it is already sewn into the standard of speeches, which is not a speech, if i were the president now, then iran, for example, he would not attack israel, he subscribed to such a thing, that is, he really believes in it, or is it simply the way political technologists lead him? no, i think he really believes that, because trump's whole policy was this statement by bolton, his former national security advisor,
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who said that if someone wants to determine foreign policy doctrine or views, trump's concept, my advice is not to do that, because trump is all about trump, that's all. what is beneficial and perceived by trump, personally, this must be absolutely understood, so what you said is his conviction, he really is absolutely sure of it, mr. oleg, and there are two such points, two provisions in this bill, which we talked about before, which are important for us, the first is about atacamps, we all consoled ourselves, and the second is that now the secretary of state and the minister of defense the united states... should be presented to formulate such a strategy of support for ukraine in order to further accelerate ukraine's victory, about
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what? what are the terms here, or is it something clear, or does it have to be some such specific thing, or can we see accordingly their support strategy for a certain period with some terms, dates, sizes and so on? eh, i eh always urge to look at all foreign policy and political events in general eh from the position of realism, so let's look at the attacks, very important eh... wording, message, and i think it is the merit of the traditional regen republicans who are demanding more decisive actions from the administration, such as michael mccall, whom i already mentioned, but you have to read it carefully, it says that it must be transferred to ukraine atakams, and not just atakams, long-range,
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but... but together after that there is a notification that indicates that the president may not do this if it is appropriate, or if he comes out in this case takes into account the national security interests of the united states, that is, it is absolutely not a machine gun, again, quality confiscation, the ball is in the court of the executive power, mr. olesh, we have literally half a minute left, if you can tell me more, the statement of the president of poland... dudy about the fact that as part of the negotiations with the usa, they express readiness, if there is a decision to strengthen the security of the eastern flank of nato to deploy nuclear weapons, it is meant, probably american ones, then poland is ready, what does this change in general geopolitical balances? well, i would say that it doesn't change radically for me, because the schedule
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is more or less. understood, at the same time, this absolutely fits in with what i have also said more than once, that it is necessary to make putin fear our allies and ukraine, and so far the situation is the opposite, i think that if this happens, putin will start scratching his head not only the back of the head. thank you, mr. oleg, oleg shamshur, diplomat, our extraordinary plenipotentiary. was with us in the past in the usa and in france, we have to take a short break, after which we will have an exclusive guest, the founder and commander of the georgian national legion, be with espresso. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you cannot feel energetic in the morning and productive in the afternoon, and with the matrik stopper you
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