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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EEST

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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events, we start with the situation in the kherson region, four residents of kherson have already been injured. due to enemy shelling since the beginning of the day. the city's dnipro and shipel districts were targeted, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the region, informed. a 44-year-old woman was hit at a bus stop. she was hospitalized with explosive and shrapnel injuries. two more men, 48 and 51 years old, are also at the moment shelling were on the street. both are now in hospital in a moderate condition. in
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donetsk region, a farmer found an aerial bomb in a field. he came across a dangerous object during agricultural work. sappers identified it as an unexploded 500-kilogram high-explosive aerial bomb. the find was destroyed in the city. employees of the state emergency service remind that suspicious ammunition should not be approached , and rescuers should be notified in case of detection. after examining this aerial bomb, we saw that... there are two of them explosives, which have a full range of action, and the transportation of this, the transportation of this ammunition is quite dangerous, and the head of the department made a decision to destroy it on the spot. new details of the shooting of policemen in vinnychyna, minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko said that the military was transporting ammunition, which was then thrown away. into the reservoir, they
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have already been served with suspicions and will choose a precautionary measure in the near future. the minister also added that another policeman who was injured is in a medium serious condition. let me remind you, on the night of april 20 in gaisynskyi in the vinnytsia region, two soldiers, a father and a son, opened fire on law enforcement officers during a car inspection. 20-year-old police officer maksym zaretsky died as a result of the attack. his partner was injured. criminalists, investigators and, accordingly, divers are working on the spot. as for the weapon with which our policeman was shot, as of today we, at this moment, we understand where, where this gun, the instrument of murder has already been seized and everything will be involved in the criminal proceedings. the security service detained a russian who hunted anti-aircraft defense systems that protect.
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capital, he was especially interested in the nasams and patriot anti-aircraft missile systems. according to the task of russian intelligence, the attacker was supposed to find this weapon and adjust enemy fire on it. for this purpose, he traveled around kyiv region and cherkasy region under the guise of an entrepreneur. he took marine binoculars with him and installed a hidden video camera on the car. the detainee was informed of the suspicion, he faces up to 12 years in prison. a two-party delegation arrived in kyiv the delegation of the us congress, the american embassy in kyiv reported. the department did not disclose the details of the visit, but emphasized that it is another reminder that the united states' support for ukraine is unwavering. ukraine and poland will sign a grant agreement for the construction of a large infrastructure facility. it will extend to lviv, ternopil and the polish city of krosno.
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maksym kozytskyi, the head of the lviv military administration, told about it. she arrived in lviv oblast to sign the document the delegation is headed by the minister of funds and regional policy of poland, katarzyna pelchynska nalenj, and the minister of the cabinet of ministers of ukraine oleg nemchynov. before the official negotiations, the officials honored the fallen soldiers at the lychakiv cemetery. kyiv received a new shipment from the german city of hamburg. of assistance, three city passenger buses and three ambulances, the mayor of the capital, vitaliy klitschko, said. the transport was handed over personally by the mayor of hamburg, peter chencher. he arrived in ukraine as part of a delegation the capital since the start of the full-scale russian invasion, hamburg has sheltered 45,000 ukrainians fleeing the war. also, during this time, the city provided kyiv with a large amount of humanitarian aid, medical supplies, nine carats. ambulance and six
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shuttle buses. hamburg is a sister city of kyiv. a large-scale fire in the capital of india, delhi. the country's largest landfill is on fire, reuters reports. rescuers are trying to control the fire from yesterday evening, but the flames continue to cover a huge area. the reason gas that has accumulated at the landfill is called a fire. environmentalists warn of a disaster for the environment and a threat to the health of local residents. the fire has already become the cause of mutual accusations between political parties on the eve of parliamentary elections in ukraine. main. the delhi minister had promised to clear the landfill last year, but its height has only increased. attempted terror attack, israeli police arrested two palestinians who tried to shoot several israelis in jerusalem. this
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was reported by the reuters agency. criminals were driving a car and crashed into another car. after the collision, the palestinians got out of their car and tried to escape. to shoot at the crowd of people, but their guns jammed. law enforcement officers detained both men and took them for questioning. the head of israel's military intelligence, aharon haliva, has resigned. this is due to the fact that he was unable to prevent an attack by hamas militants in october last year, jevronews reports. haliva became the first israeli figure. from the top, who left his post due to the attack by hamas. let me remind you, due to attack on israel on october 7 killed 1,200 people, another 250 people were captured by terrorists . with the arrival of heat in ukraine
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, ticks became more active. for example, in kirovohrad oblast , about a hundred people have turned to doctors because of their bites. what are the dangers of ticks and how do dill utility workers deal with them. our journalists will tell. in ukraine, the peak of seasonal activity of ticks. in spring and autumn, people most often turn to doctors because of their bites. yulia, a resident of kropyvnytsia, was bitten by a tick while relaxing in nature. and at some point in the evening i felt that my leg began to hurt a little and was pulling. i think, well, i didn't do anything out of the ordinary, and i decided to take a look. upon examination, she discovered that... i have some kind of growth on my leg, and then, when the light was already turned on, because it was already dark in the evening, it turned out to be a tick. julia removed the tick herself, the next day her leg was very swollen, the girl went to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with lyme disease, which is
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fatal. i was prescribed antibiotic treatment, this treatment, first of all, is expensive, well, it is expensive, because the medicine is currently being quoted for how much, and secondly, this treatment has taken over. for a whole month, i was sick, i had a fever, i was very tired, my leg hurt, the tick can carry about 150 types of infections. after being in nature, a person should be alerted by red circles on the body, pain and itching, according to the regional center for disease control and prevention. here, pests are examined for infection. it has already been proven that if a tick, an infected tick was on the human body for up to one day, risk. infection with these diseases will be minimal, but if the tick has been in the human body for up to three days, then the risk of infection approaches 100%. unfortunately, lyme disease, ixodid tick-borne bereliosis, has a tendency to increase both in the kirovohrad region and in ukraine as a whole.
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substances that destroy insects in kropyvnytskyi are sprayed with the help of steam generators, for their own safety, utility workers wear protective equipment. denis processes paths, bushes and trees already at the fifth location, he says that the drugs are available, and there will be more next year, well, most often they hide, they are some kind of stains on oaks, on maples, and in general, in principle, they are all around now, for the period of processing, we will hang them in a day. announcements indicating on which day the work will be carried out and requests that people not walk with their dogs and cats or go to parks on this day and the next day for at least one day. previously,
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communal workers recall, the fight against ticks in the city was not systematic, now the desired locations will be treated every spring and autumn. last year , due to tick bites, i went to the hospital... almost a thousand people applied to kirovohrad region, more than 60 of them were infected with lyme disease. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. ah... i have to remind you about our collection of communication and security equipment needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and we have to collect about uah 400,000. so no we are delaying, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important. every hryvnia of yours is of great importance, you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that
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time. our team is working to ensure that you can see the updated news release at 3 p.m., followed by my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin barkovskii. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers, thank you to the news team, thank you to our tireless irina koval, so what, we will pick up the baton and inform you about all the most important events of this day. live in the espresso studio marta olyarnyk, antin borkovskyi has already returned to us, and today we will have a very busy broadcast, because the events are over the weekend. today there is quite a lot, so we have a lot to talk about and for this we will involve our guests, with whom we will actually
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discuss all the important events, so over the weekend the congress of the united states, namely the house of representatives, adopted a document that provides for assistance to ukraine, and these days, i.e. the draft law should be approved by the senate tomorrow, well, we will inform you about everything one by one, there are also many events and the front ivan varchenko, military serviceman. the armed forces of ukraine and an expert on national security are already in touch with us. mr. ivan, we welcome you. glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. well, right away we would like to ask you about the situation at the front. we understand that there have been extremely important events in the united states, strategically important events, particularly for our defense, but the current situation at the front is extremely difficult, tense, and the fighting is ongoing, so we would ask you to describe it now current battles, in particular. when we talk about the times of yagr and the kurakhiv direction and, of course , the situation in the kupyan region, of course,
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despite the expectation, of course, of the decision in the congress of the united states, we were sure with you and repeatedly talked about it on the air, that democracy lasted in this the country is unlikely to allow the white flag of defeat and disgrace to be thrown away, and in the end... the united states of america has made a decision, we are sure that the senate will confirm this decision, now, and the president will quickly sign it, and those weapons that are currently in warehouses in european countries and will be ready for delivery to ukraine, it will quickly arrive and find its customer, and the ukrainian troops will eventually use it in a dignified way and do their job, as far as today is concerned. situation, of course, they are aware of this, including the russians, and the russians are trying to use the window
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of opportunity that is already closing for them, and in the near future it will be increasingly difficult for them to realize those advantages that they had due to the lack of ammunition in the ukrainian defense forces, in connection with the fact that that we did not have enough means to deter russian air attacks, today we understand that... these means will be arriving in the near future, at the rate that will increase. the russians are trying to put pressure on several directions so that it is possible to report on all such successes in the spring campaign, because the spring eventually stabilized the front line, we see that after avdiyvka the russians advanced... little, and this was in conditions of huge deficit that was experienced
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the ukrainian defense forces, because almost since october there have been active discussions in the political community of the united states of america, what is there to hide the truth there, so the united states of america has had enough, look already, forgive me for interrupting you a little, i would just like to clarify. according to the situation on the front, the russians, the russians, of course, try to push in those directions that they consider strategic for themselves, the strategic direction is time, of course, they understand that this road, which... where through time, through time, it's a road on kostyantynivka, and kostyantynka, accordingly , lies on the road that is a ring road between dnipropetrovsk and kharkiv regions through donetsk region, and further opens the way to other cities of the agglomeration, this is kurakove, the russians understand that after maryanka
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, krasnohorivka and avdiyivka, they have there are ways, more precisely, they lie on... rakhove and pokrovsk, and of course, the kharkiv region also remains a very tasty target for the russians, although they have been pushing near kupyansk for a long time, and now they have declared kharkiv as their main target, and i think that after all, kharkiv will remain an advertising target, which to some extent mobilizes russian citizens, but at the same time, for a big purpose, of course, yes, but at the same time... mr. ivan, look, there are certain ones, i would say, not very optimistic, and the statements that are now on the covers of the bloomberg publication, it writes that the aid from the united states will allow the armed forces of ukraine to rest, but will not change the situation at the front. this is how, actually, bloomberg writes, i would like
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to clarify with you whether we really have a certain one now a window of opportunity, more precisely... we will have this window of opportunity when help comes to us, but this may be the last window of opportunity, in fact, to win back, maybe some or other territories, because certain circles of experts say that it is not worth it now count on some subsequent support packages, and this package will have to be used to the maximum, here in this case what is secondly important is what expert circles think, especially political expert circles, what is important is that... what we have to understand, what must be the ideal architecture of ukrainian defense, and based on this ideal architecture, now communicate openly and honestly with our partners and say that dear friends, dear spoon before dinner, if this 61 billion from the united states came in october and november, then they would have already implemented a number of tasks at the front and perhaps
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we would not let the russians take advantage of the opportunity to take several. ukrainian cities to seize some ukrainian territory, and now, now, when you and i are honest, when we are frank, we say that we need to talk and work over the new aid package, because this package is designed for the 24th and 25th years, we have to say that for the 25th year, we also need to strengthen ours now, that this package does not exhaust all the tasks facing ukraine, such as no matter how it looks today, when we just applauded in the congress of the united states of america for... too big a wish, but a small wish is to protect our independence and a small wish is that we ask and demand from our partners to adhere to those guarantees that they took it upon themselves, in that number according to the budapest memorandum, if it did not seem to them to a certain extent what they would like to bypass, let's say, yes, what
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they would like to leave in yesterday. we speak frankly with our partners. what dear friends, you spent more than 1 trillion dollars in the proxy war in afghanistan, we are talking about the protection of values ​​in ukraine, when ukraine received a little more than 100 billion to date from the united states of america, can we expect more? yes, of course we can, let's talk about what russia is like a threat, and the fact that this threat is certainly better when it is bought, stopped, like in ukraine and destroyed here in... the country, than to allow it to spread to other countries, including nato countries. that is, this frank conversation allows us to talk about the future package right now, and of course, we understand that there will be discussions, discussions related to the elections in the united states of america, but it is important that we set the task of what it should look like, once again, ideal the architecture of future defense, and then it will be possible to talk, including about mobilization
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of our european partners for additional resources, additional efforts are now helping ukraine. thank you, mr. ivan. ivan varchenko, serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, expert on national security issues. meanwhile, the security service of ukraine detained a russian intelligence agent, whom the enemy had uncanned for hunting a radar station and anti-aircraft, anti-aircraft missile systems for air defense in the capital. yes, he arrived in ukraine on the eve of february 24, 2022 under the legend of a seller of household and fuel and lubricant chemistry well, in the fall. on the 23rd of the year, russian intelligence uncanned its agent, and under the guise of commercial trips, he traveled around the territory of kyiv and cherkasy regions, trying to find the location of the station. petriotto and airisty. in order to monitor the possible positions of the ukrainian troops, the russian even used marine binoculars and a high- resolution monocle and installed
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a hidden video camera in his own car. well, in a word, they took him, well, let's hope that the investigation, so to speak, will establish all of him henchmen well, in the meantime, ihor klymenko, the minister of internal affairs, stated that the soldiers who shot at the policemen in vinnytsia were carrying grenades and were afraid of being exposed, and... more details, we can find out information about this situation from tetyana sepian, sbi communications advisor in just a few minutes after a short break, so be with espresso. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always , the fuel ran out prematurely, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area, there is a solution, the kors garden trimmer from rozpakuy tv. buy in time at a special price of only uah 999. drimmer corse is a light, compact and incredibly powerful tool. it will cope with bushes and lawn even in
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to understand the processes taking place in ukraine and the world. vitaliy portnikov, khrystyna yatskiv and invited experts give based on facts his assessment and forecast of the development of events. if you want to understand how our today will affect our tomorrow, watch the saturday politics club, every saturday on espresso. vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. hosts, who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart people
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and those who care. espresso in the evening. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. well, as announced by marta oliarnyk, we are now adding tetiana sapyan, communications advisor of the sbi, to our studio. glory to ukraine, mrs. tetyana, we congratulate you. glory to heroes. i congratulate antin, i congratulate marta and i congratulate all viewers of the tv channel. well, right away, we would like to ask you whether it has already been possible to reconstruct plus or minus, so to speak, the course, the flow of... actions, when we talk about the shooting of our policemen in vinnytsia, and at the same time when we talk about some, possibly internal motivation, well , information has already appeared that the fighters... of one
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of the units were carrying illegal weapons, well , rather, grenades, so everything is possible in that extremely high-profile and, i think, difficult case. antin, yes, it is difficult, it is difficult to disagree with you here, because this criminal proceeding will really be complex, difficult, and that is why we will discuss all the nuances with you now. the fact is that, i think, everyone who sees us knew... the deceased policeman and all those people who were on duty that night, i would like to note that expresses good condolences to the family, relatives, and colleagues of the deceased policeman, and of course, in the fact that he is currently in the hospital, we wish him a speedy recovery, and we also know with you that the military personnel involved in this shooting, law enforcement officers in vinnytsia, they were detained, and of course they... bear
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the strictest responsibility for the crime committed. today we can talk about the fact that the national police have announced their suspicions, one under article 448, this is murder or for the murder of a law enforcement officer body and another suspicion is under article 263, which is illegal handling of weapons and ammunition. and we also, that in the near future in this criminal proceeding. precaution . also, the sbi is investigating criminal proceedings on the desertion of servicemen. you told me, on april 15, i am a military serviceman and a father and a son. they arbitrarily left a part of the odesa region, they uncovered a service pistol, this is what is known today, although i also know that the minister of internal affairs
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has already commented on the situation and... and stated the facts that the possible transportation of illegal weapons has been established, and that investigators are also currently working at the scene of the incident. what i'm getting at is that we have two criminal proceedings to date, one is being investigated by the police, the other is being investigated by the state bureau of desertion, and so, accordingly, when these servicemen were caught... who left the military part and who are suspected of murdering a policeman while performing his official duties, they are also detained now they will choose a preventive measure, and of course that both sides will ask for custody without bail, because the articles are quite serious, the crime is quite serious, and if we are talking to you about desertion with weapons
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under martial law, then the criminal... code says that for this you can suffer a severe punishment, there from 5 to 12 years of deprivation of liberty, but if you add to this desertion the fact of encroaching on the life of a policeman, then life imprisonment turns out to be quite likely, this is information that i have to date, you and i must understand that the pre-trial investigation on the facts has only begun, and we will not rule out that the two law... security agencies and the sbi and the national police will closely cooperate to investigate these crimes. ms. tetyana, allow me a clarifying question, but what about the motives, we understand that in order to escape from the military unit, take a certain weapon, sneak around with it during the curfew, and actually, as a reaction to the police, as a check, shoot in them, it must have been some good reason for it, or now somehow already about...
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it is possible that the motive of their such and such behavior is reviewed, and it is also possible that they had to use this weapon somewhere, are there any certain any ideas as to where they were taking it and what for? marta, i think we need to wait a bit, because the pre-trial investigations have just started, we have to understand with you that we would like to get the answers yesterday, of course, but the investigators have to document, interview the witnesses. in particular, eyewitnesses, to communicate with the leadership of the military unit, in particular, with colleagues, servicemen, in order to understand what could have been the root cause of exactly such behavior, firstly, the arbitrary leaving of the military unit, and secondly, it was with a service weapon, plus that the fact that they were talking about in the national police that they were transporting ammunition from ky...


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