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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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well, that's tomorrow, well, we are ready to learn more news from our colleague iryna koval, who is ready to share with us all the most relevant and fresh information. iro, we congratulate you, we give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out. thank you marta, well, in just a moment i will tell you about the evacuation from donetsk region, also about the church in which the abbot, the traitor was found, where it happened, and... also about which hospitals will switch to a qualitatively different level of palliative care , more details about everything in the issue. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on tv in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to
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all viewers. four residents of kherson have already been injured by enemy shelling since the beginning of the day. the city's dnipro and shipel districts were targeted, oleksandr prokudin, the head of the region, informed. a 44-year-old woman was hit at a bus stop. she was hospitalized with explosive and shrapnel injuries. two more men , aged 48 and 51, were also outside at the time of the shooting . by. both are in hospital in moderate condition. from reeds of donetsk region, 10 residents were evacuated in a week, the national police said. after another bombardment , two men, 21 and 68 years old, received shrapnel wounds. policemen and employees of the state emergency service came to help the victims . they were given first aid and taken to the hospital. it was possible from under fire.
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also bring out a 101-year-old woman. due to the constant blows of the enemy, she lived with her son in the basement. the city is now literally on the front line and remains, and staying there is deadly dangerously. in donetsk region, a farmer found an aerial bomb in a field. he came across a dangerous object during agricultural work. sappers identified it as an unexploded five-hundred-kilogram high-explosive aerial bomb. the find was destroyed on the spot. employees of the state emergency service remind that suspicious ammunition should not be approached. in case of detection, it is necessary to inform the rescuer. after inspecting this aerial bomb, we saw that there were two explosives that were all-round, and the carriage of this, the carriage of this ammunition is quite dangerous, and the head of the department made a decision. destroy on
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the spot. and new details of the shooting of police officers in vinnytsia region have appeared. minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko said that the military transported ammunition, which was then thrown into the reservoir. suspicions have already been handed to them and a preventive measure will be chosen in the near future. the minister also added that another policeman who was injured is in a moderate condition. difficulty let me remind you that on the night of april 20 , there were two people in the gaisyn district of the vinnytsia region military, father and son opened fire on law enforcement officers during the inspection of the car. 20-year-old police officer maksym zaretsky died as a result of the attack. his partner was injured. criminalists, investigators and, accordingly, divers are working on the spot. as for the weapon with which our police officer was shot, as of today we,
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at this moment, we understand where, where this gun, the murder weapon has already been recovered, and everything will be involved in the criminal proceedings. in khmelnytskyi region, the security service ukraine exposed the abbot of the church of the shepotiv eparchy of the moscow patriarchate, who praised the head of the kremlin in front of the faithful. at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , the cleric held liturgies during which he denied russian aggression and blamed the war. ukrainian authorities. the priest also insulted parishioners of other religious communities. the abbot was informed of suspicion under two articles, he faces up to 5 years in prison. the security service detained a russian who hunted the anti-aircraft defense systems that protect the capital he was especially interested in anti-aircraft missile complexes: nasams and patriot. according to the task of russian intelligence, the attacker had to find this weapon. and adjust
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enemy fire on it. for this purpose, under the guise of an entrepreneur, he drove around kyiv region and cherkasy region, took marine binoculars with him and installed a hidden video camera on his car. three hospitals in lviv, ternopil and polsky krosno will move to a qualitatively different level of palliative care. the relevant grant agreement was signed by the ukrainian and polish governments in lviv, the manager said maksym kozytskyi of lviv region. the total budget of the project is almost 4 million euros allocated by the european union. its purpose is to create decent conditions for seriously ill patients, to alleviate the symptoms of illness. and reduce suffering. doctors and nurses will undergo special training to improve their qualifications. it is also about repairing and equipping hospitals with modern equipment. a bipartisan delegation of the us congress arrived in kyiv. it was reported in
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the american embassy in kyiv. the department did not reveal the details of the visit, but emphasized that it is another reminder that there is no support for ukraine from the united states. shaky strengthening of air defense of ukraine and expansion of sanctions against iran. this will be the agenda at the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the eu member states in luxembourg, the roits agency reports. according to the media, officials will discuss the possibility of providing kyiv with more patriot systems. the head of state of the ministry of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrielos lansbergis, said that eu and nato countries should work even harder on helping ukraine. i'm sure we are today we will discuss the decision of the united states regarding military aid to ukraine. today, for the moment, i can say that we
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have dodged a deadly bullet, but unfortunately, there are many more bullets to come. so we can rejoice today, but we must be ready for the battle that will come tomorrow and... it is necessary to talk about how we are going to help ukraine in the future. there are only bombs and not rockets. today, russia is actively conducting an information war in ukraine. every day, the enemy spreads fakes, scares with fables, about new large-scale offensives. all informational discards against ukraine are personally managed by the administration of the president of the russian federation. in order to resist russian information manipulation, the ukrainian media must unite. clearly filter the facts before conveying them to the audience, according to our information, all russian special services are involved in this, as well as the fsb, the gru, the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation, but many proxies of organizations
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act as pr agencies , smn-campaigns, political consulting, lobbying campaigns, including. that's why with the help of the specified proxy organizations, they promote those narratives, which in principle mr. andriy already spoke about, this is the failure of mobilization, the discrediting of the country's top military and political leadership, the tools of dissemination are, in particular, everyone is talking about telegram channels, i will still focus attention mostly on tiktok channels, where, unfortunately, there is very little pro-ukrainian and ukrainian content now, we are in 2020. in the second year, a lot of our military and people in general produced content for this social network, now we are significantly lagging in in this regard, since the enemy adopted tiktok as the main tool for spreading disinformation in ukraine, and i want to remind you
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about our collection of communication and security equipment needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces, they are fighting for the independence of our country in difficult battles in the east. front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment and we have to collect about uah 400,000. so let's not delay, the war continues, and so does help of each of us is very important. you can now see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time, you can read more on our website. espresso tv, also follow us on social media and watch us on youtube. wait for the next news release at 4 p.m., then my colleagues marta oliyarnyk and antin barkovskii continue the broadcast.
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well, gentlemen, let's continue with the information. day on the espresso tv channel, there are a lot of events today, and by the way, i want to remind you that our collection is ongoing, it is important that each of us is in our place, we did everything possible to help... our defense forces, i remind you that now our goal is to collect uah 2 million in order to purchase fpv drones, the more drones the better, so if you have the opportunity to help now, please do it right now, don't delay your donation, and let's remember that our peaceful life is only possible because now there are those who are fighting on front, there are those who are now defending our independence with you, so we should be grateful, well remember that we need this, so that our soldiers are in... everything necessary for them to repel the enemy. now we will gradually add to our
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airwaves, our next guest, ihor chelenka, the head of the center for analysis and strategies, and we will talk with him about our political, let's say, perepepetias, so we are talking about the fact that the government is planning some kind of personnel reshuffle, we will talk about all this with mr. igor, mr. igor, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, good day. see, april 22, i.e. today, in councils should resolve a certain consideration of personnel issues, and in fact, today, censor-net says, referring to its sources in the servant of the people faction, a meeting of sorts should be held at which they should consider the possible rotation or even dismissal of oleksandr kubrakov, the minister of infrastructure, and iryna vereshchuk, what exactly. by the ministry of reintegration, but i would like to ask you if you think
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that certain personnel changes are really brewing in our government, and i read last weekend that it is now not only about kubrakova and about iryna vereshchuk, as well as the possible resignation of denys malyuska, the minister of justice and the minister of agrarian policy mykola solskyi, and also about the dismissal of the prosecutor general of ukraine andrii kostin. you have a word. well , in fact, in fact, various names are being discussed now, well, in fact, even representatives of the legislative power, people's deputies themselves do not fully understand who will actually be removed, this whole chess game, it is still at the stage of formation, i draw your attention that no kubrakov , no veryshchuk in theirs comments, as a feedback to these rumors, did not give a signal that really... they are going to leave the respective positions, although, again, we remember that the option is with the president, it
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does not go anywhere, where he can simply ask to write a statement at his own will, and this statement will be supported accordingly by the verkhovna rada. in this case , a completely similar situation may occur, but still, i would not focus specifically on the surnames kubrakovy and vereshchuk, but go on. a little deeper into the question of the actual structure of the government, i personally think it is the ineffective result of the experiment of the merger of the ministry of infrastructure with mingromad, as it happened before, because we somehow have regional politics, it took a back seat, and the existence of the congress of regional authorities, in my opinion, did not stabilize this situation, so if, for example, there will be a question of dividing these, well, according to this one multi of such
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ministries into two pieces, it would not be bad, the same situation, for example, with the ministry of reintegration of mrs. vereshchuk, because after the beginning of a large-scale invasion, it really entails a huge amount of work, and a big question regarding idps, which are almost 5 million, and in the current situation different approaches. is it possible to transfer all this to the ministry of social policy, or on the contrary should it be done separately in a more targeted way, well , that is, there is no understanding of the structure, the structure of the government, and in this the biggest problem is not in surnames, but i think that in fact this struggle for positions continues right now, regarding mr. malyuskyi, and he is already being fired, we do not have a government renewal. but mr. malyuska is being fired, i think now all the same, they will defend him in relation to mr.
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solsky, maybe, maybe there will really be personnel changes, because once again a tense situation is imposed with our agraias, with the poles, what we have with communication with the european commission, there are certain nuances, but well whether this is enough to fire the minister of agrarian policy, i don’t know, i don’t know, but really... there are also rumors, nevertheless, we must understand that everything is fine, even if these changes in the government take place, it will be 'what a reboot, not as previously planned, with a replacement of the prime minister, that is, such a... you know, a revolution, no, it will be absolutely in the same already typical power regime, i'm kidding, look, you mentioned the prime minister, well , we understand, if that's the case so to speak, there will be such a personnel party, and if they really start to push these or other chairs in the direction of resignation, then maybe they can also reset denys shmyhal, that is, do you have the feeling that
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some kind of major restructuring of what is called the executive power is brewing, well in general danys shmyhal, he arranges the bank as well. in general, he found understanding with the verkhovna rada, that is, well, he did not carry anything so scandalous, but, but rumors are rumors. according to my internal rumours, intuition says that the issue of shmygal's resignation is itself postponed, it is possible, but maybe it can move forward by a month, that is, we know, it is certain. from may 20 for example, and around this time, maybe we can expect an additional update in the government somewhere in a month, but it will only be like a certain fire extinguishing, when there is a need, well, let's say to remove certain political improprieties, so then i think that it is quite possible even
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to replace the prime minister, again shmyhal was quite successful. went to the united states led by our delegation in general, where the head of the nbu and the minister of finance were also present, and indeed a series of negotiations were held, and it was simply inappropriate to release shmygal now, after all that american track during the past two weeks, but in a month, there may be such political circumstances that it will be politically expedient to replace the head of the government and... accordingly, the structure of our cabinet of ministers was updated, so, mr. igor, by the way, you mentioned that there was a visit by shmygal to washington and our delegation, i just want to add here that after the house of representatives passed this bill about allocating aid to ukraine, everyone here began to attribute to themselves that it was thanks to them that this
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happened, that is, that for six months people who live in the united states actually came to us... picketed, and the diaspora got involved, well, that is, a lot of people , many, many different environments were in it all involved, but we have individual people who appropriate this to themselves, that they allegedly did it, then you see that there is such an old ukrainian proverb, yes, there are many victories of parents, only the defeat of an orphan, and here everyone is so so to speak, we joined, but the main thing is that we joined and in fact we have an intermediate, but very important result. mr. igor, allow me, i would also like your reaction to... maryana bezuglai's new statement, she said that she wants to leave the servant of the people party, but she gave up, she says that she cannot leave the president and the party in such a complex it's time for the country, what do you think, why did maryana bezula decide to give up, why did she announce earlier that she was leaving, she 's staying here, what's going on, no, she's supposedly from
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the party, it was the servant of the people who left, it's an old story, but... . there was the issue of her leaving the servant of the people faction within the parliament, just this nuance, it was suspended, and how many times there were even blocking of the podium, and statements from the opposition that, well, this issue should be moved somehow, that's the issue and including in relation to the management of ms bezuglii in the defense committee, her position there is the deputy head, well, that is, we understand that... really now the topic has been played back in relation to, well, how to say, well, we understand that ms. maryana, she actively worked as a political counterweapon against the past leadership of our defense forces and, accordingly , the commander-in-chief, we all saw it, we all
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remember it, and now the situation has settled down, and in principle we can see it. we see that it is obvious that there is even a certain attempt to whitewash mrs. maryana, so that she continues to work and as a member, respectively, of the committee, and as , respectively, a member of the faction, a servant of the people, so yes, this is actually now the closing of this big train, what we saw of this struggle directly with the then military leadership, and accordingly, mr. zaluzhny, see. and if, for example, we talk about american hints, yes, a couple of minutes ago marta talked about it, and we understand that this is an important story, that is, the americans give money, this story will most likely be the finale. well, i want to believe, at least so to speak, that the senate will not fail at the crucial moment, well, accordingly, that is, they will send to us to strengthen military experts, at one
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time the pritzker team worked and is working, and we understand that it is possible to strengthen these or other integration, so to speak , test points, how actively do you think they will be ready now the americans advise in what is called... the strategy of our government? i think that there will be a lot of different recommendations, indeed, including those regarding individual ministers , who will be involved in the development of the funds of our western partners? yes, it is communication may well be, but it is clear that ukraine reserves the absolutely sovereign right to determine everything. er, in these directions, but obviously, this is how we go about communication, because again, we will need help in the future, objectively, our financial situation is extremely
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difficult, and everything will be fine in some near future, everything will be fine we will have to allocate all our funds accordingly to the sphere of defense security, so i agree with you, there will obviously be communication with western partners. including with ms pritzker, as the responsible and special representative of the usa for the economic recovery of ukraine from the point of view of the implementation of certain measures, but in parallel with those, of course, we expect from the american side not only aid in the form of 60 billion dollars, which has already been accepted almost without a moment, but and for example, american investments in ukrainian energy or agriculture, well then... that is, it should also be private business that will enter according to ukraine, and then it will already be such a two-way movement. mr. igor, i still wanted for your reaction,
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a bipartisan delegation of the united states congress arrived in kyiv today, in fact, they already have a photo on the official page of the united states embassy in ukraine, in which republicans thomas keen and natil moren and democrats bill kitting and madeleine dean are present, and here i would like still remember about the republican party itself, because republicans, as you know, voted in the majority against providing aid to ukraine, and there 51% of all republicans were against it, and actually we see that inside there is a certain split in the republican party, there are certain two wings, which are against and which are for, what do you think, such visits to kyiv, they can somehow influence this maga wing, i don't mean specifically maga wing, in general. all the republicans who don't want to give aid to ukraine, can such visits to kyiv somehow sober them up, or how to say it correctly, i don't even know, well, you know, we will have
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to put a certain firewall for ourselves here, a filter to understand the situation in the united states , the fact that 112 republican congressmen voted against ukraine, or rather, against the aid package for ukraine, this does not mean that they are against our country, it's just that trump showed in such a simple way that everything is equal. the responsibility remains with the white house, that the majority of republicans will still focus directly on trump, and the topic of ukraine will be one of the frontiers in their further election campaign, but nevertheless, the most important thing for us is that the relevant decisions are finally made, and now a bipartisan delegation is given in kyiv from congress usa, this includes the manifestation of further coordination, because in my opinion it is the opposite. we should now not criticize even individual members of congress there, who will also say something toxic, but we should understand that they will work more for the domestic audience, we should set up
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bipartisan communication now for further decisions, because well, we should understand that if this war continues, we will still need support after december 31 , 2024. victoria spars, what should we do with her? is your last name they didn't name it, but we understand that in particular, it is also about her, she has a difficult situation at the moment, in the district, she decided to be re-elected, and she has an even more outspoken trump than herself, who accuses her of having too soft a policy towards ukraine , that she is generally mixed with ukrainian corruption and so on, that is, spurs now, in order to move on her fifth district, it is extremely necessary to show more rivers. this is exactly how she is currently acting, but the fact that she did not support ukraine's aid at a key moment will, of course, complicate her future foreign policy.
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activities and obviously further visits to ukraine will not be as rosy as it was before. thank you, ihor chelenko, head of the analysis and strategy center, and by the way, i can't help but react because we have a lot of comments on our youtube channel about roman chervinsky. friends, we do not know where roman chervinsky is, i can only quote what the lawyers of the intelligence officer roman chervinsky accused of exceeding his authority during the attempt to hijack a russian plane report. they state that they do not know where he is now their protégé, the public and direct channels are reporting on this, and well, we currently do not know what is happening with roman chervinsky, where he is, but believe me, we are also trying to follow up on this topic . the information was received by the ex-intelligence officer chervinsky automatically in quotes, quoting the lawyer, detention was continued without
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defense in court. this was reported to the public by chervynskyi's lawyer lyudmila kusa. so , today, april 22, chervynskyi's lawyers received a decision from the kirovohrad district court, where it is indicated that their client was transferred to the kirovohrad pre-trial detention center. is he really there? so far, we have not received any confirmation - said kusa's lawyer. well, we'll keep you updated on this matter, and after a little break, which we'll... we'll go now, and then we'll talk about that as well. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and as always , the fuel ran out in time, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area, there is a solution. garden trimmer kors from unpack tv, buy in time for at a special price, for only uah 999. drimmer corse is light, compact and incredible.
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