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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EEST

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the press center of the defense forces of the south will be headed by the spokesman of the naval forces, captain of the third rank dmytro pletenchuk. quite a frequent guest of our airwaves. i am quoting pletenchuk now. this is no longer a rumor, they are starting to perform their duties. the paperwork is already in progress, i need to accept a new position, familiarize myself with the work structure, it will take some time. i think i will be able to start at the beginning of next week, but if i can quickly reshape this structure, i will. matte in the form in which i see it, then maybe earlier, well, i want to talk very briefly about roman chervinsky, because you are actively writing comments on our youtube, i want to say that an appeal has already been filed with the european court of human rights regarding roman chervinsky, his lawyers actually filed an appeal with the page of the international association people's advocate, they write that in connection with the illegal deprivation of liberty after april 19, 2024 and the illegal ...
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hiding of colonel roman chervinskyi, lawyer viktor vasylyuk, partner of the law firm katerynchuk mor and partners urgently submitted an appeal to the european court of human rights in accordance with rule 39. this procedure allows the court to respond to the appeal immediately, we will monitor the situation, but we are currently adding oleksandr skoryk, a deputy of the kharkiv regional council, to the airwaves. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. greetings, good day, glory to ukraine. what, mr. oleksandr, let's first of all ask about the situation at the front, in particular, when we talk about the kupinsky direction, we understand that it is very difficult there, yes, but the question of intensity and how actively the enemy is currently shelling not only the front line, how actively the enemy is trying to concentrate one or another of its additional resources in order to attack kharkiv region, and if so, where exactly, now kharkiv and kharkiv... oblasts
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are under air alert mode , we have information that there are cab launches in kupyansk, borova and izyum district. they are launched precisely from the occupied territory of the luhansk region, by the way, in the kupen direction, on the contrary, we have a decrease in the intensity of attacks, now our military reports that the attacks on the liman direction have increased more, and the most attacked is the so -called bakhmut direction, the chasovoy yar area, there is a complicated story. and complex battles are going on, constantly, they are trying to storm this settlement, because, as all the media reports, in their ipso russians there, that their president gave an order until may 9, until
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the pseudo-victory of the so-called, they are all constantly devoting themselves to something their so-called victories, that's why everyone in this direction ... ours are reporting what's going on there intensification of military operations, on the contrary, in the kupyan region, the intensity of attacks has decreased and the situation is under control, well, this is despite the fact that commander-in-chief zelenskyi says that the kupyan region is now one of the most difficult areas, well, we will not, of course no additional information to ask you, because it is not necessary for our enemy to know, if we are talking about life activities. so what does the situation with the light look like now, do the blackout schedules continue to work now, do they have to be increased, i have to i mean the number of hours without electricity, or maybe on the contrary, it is already possible to somehow reduce these schedules, what is happening there now, in fact
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, it is possible to reduce the schedules, we have a schedule for another, another blackout, and it is written there that this blackout will be for an hour, but for today.. . time we have not had outages either at enterprises or for domestic consumers, this is at least what i have information about, on the network there is a normal direct current, without failures, and the metro works, albeit with reduced, increased vice versa periods, there is a 20-minute interval between trains, but the subway... is working and electric transport in the city is working, the situation is under control, and i see that due to the fact that it has gotten colder, and voltage is actually needed more, because they are starting to include some heating devices in those places where, where
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it is cold, people believe that it is necessary to warm up, then due to the fact that there were no blackouts today, we can state that the network is more or less... the situation is stable, look, sir oleksandr, we would like to casually ask you about the mood in kharkiv so regularly the enemy gives one or another signals, we understand that the key task that the enemy sets before itself is intimidation, in particular the residents of kharkiv, but taking into account the regular shelling, taking into account the situation with electricity and in general with what is called critical infrastructure, we understand how psychologically difficult it is for the people of kharkiv, so tell me, please, what... what is happening now, for example, with departure, or vice versa, maybe there is a return to kharkiv, to kharkiv part of its residents, yes, and in general, what is happening with the internal movement of people from the front-line areas to kharkiv, well, it must be divided into several
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stages: firstly, as regards the front-line territories, there are certainly areas where it is simply impossible to live, and from there it is necessary ... to resettle the population, because it is dangerous for life, physically, they will simply be killed, this is the border area, it is not the case that children should be resettled there, some settlements must be resettled there, and the council of the defense council of kharkiv, kharkiv region must accept it is also a decision to resettle them. as for internal, internal displacement, the russians are constantly launching information and psychological attacks against... kharkov, for example, that in a week there will be an offensive, that kharkiv is surrendered, that no one can defend it, that the military refuses to defend it, that they are standing on the other side of the border the columns are as they were in the 22nd year, that there are
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several thousand, several dozen units that are ready to advance on kharkiv, then putin's statement that we need to... increase the so-called sanitary zone from their territory, then the same confirmation of lavrov's words, i believe that it is all one and the same whole. an emotional and psychological attack on the population, the purpose of which is simply to intimidate the population, in fact, plus by the way, i want to tell you, by the way, if we hear such a message that, for example, the turbatam plant, one of the strategic plants of kharkiv, is moving from kharkiv and this there is a state enterprise, then i will tell you, this information is also for people, it does not add strength to faith. and everyone understands that a company of this level, if it leaves,
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then this is strategically important in order to preserve the technology, in order to preserve the equipment, and we will not get anything, nothing good from this, that is why the psychological situation in the city is very, very tense, all from some informational resources. receive messages that are catastrophically negative and concern the entire population. i see that part of the population is starting to leave the city of kharkiv and the kharkiv region, in the hope that it will be better somewhere there, in the hope that and fearing for their children, for their families, for his stay in the city of kharkiv. i will tell you how much psychological attack. that even people with a stable psyche and yes,
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you know, people who have analytical work, who understand that if they cannot take kupensk for a year and a half, why can they take kharkiv, people who do not understand that such a city as it is very, very difficult to take kharkiv, because it is a city with a subway, and this is a situation where neither the military nor the civilian population can be affected. it is a metro that you can use safely and it was used in the 22nd year as the best bomb shelter, because the underground level is extremely large, and there is a ventilation system, an alarm system, and everything, everything to live there calmly, even such people who understand analytics, they still start to get nervous, so i having the opportunity on your channel, i would like to say that... dear colleagues, dear ukrainians, dear residents of kharkiv, the goal of the russians has not
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changed, they do not just want to capture kharkiv, or kupyansk or some populated settlement of ukraine, they want to destroy us as the state, they destroy destroy us as nation, to destroy us as a territory, so these goals have not changed, and i would like you to critically filter this information and relate to it. from the point of view of analytics, from the point of view of communication with our military, and from the point of view of common sense, i simply urge you to be critical, critical of the information, especially in kha in kharkiv oblast, where there is just a flow, a constant flow, i i don't even want to comment on some things anymore, because they just hint at at least one such thing. well, for example let's give at least one thing, for example, the situation is accelerating, that the military, the military were at
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a meeting, in the president's office, and there it was announced that no one will defend kharkiv, because there are no forces, so a decision was made at the state level to surrender kharkiv, well, it's an outright lie, well, let's hope that people just don't believe it, it's not even ipso, it's just a lie, a lie. thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for drawing attention to this, well, we will remind our viewers that oleksandr skoryk, mp, was currently working on espresso of the kharkiv regional council on russian propaganda and aggressive russian actions, in particular in the kharkiv region. well, after a short break, we will continue our broadcast, so stay with espresso, and remember that there is our youtube channel, which you can visit, like, comment on the videos that are on it. youtube channel, also in the shorts section you can see videos on hot
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topics, and remember that live broadcasts are also available now on our youtube channel, there you can leave your comments, actually subscribe, we will now have a short break, you can go to our youtube right during this break, be sure to subscribe and follow all the updates on it. we go for a break and come back in a few minutes. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and uncomfortable, and as always , the fuel ran out in no time, and you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area. decision. there is a garden trimmer kors from rozpak tv, buy it in time for a special price of only 999 uah. trimmer kors is a light, compact and incredibly powerful tool. he copes with bushes and lawn even in the most difficult-to-reach places near fences, along paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, unlike gasoline trimmer corse is incredibly light,
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see this week in the collaborators program. sales bloggers, as a resident of mykyivka, became a voice. the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. but as the propagandist solovyov used mariupol madonna? everyone makes their own choice. on tuesday, april 23 at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics. even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help of a phone survey, turn on and be included, the verdict with serhiy in the morning, every weekday from 8 p.m. to 22 for espresso. premium sponsor collection.
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represents united by football, stronger together. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, now we will involve nazar voloshyn, the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of lieutenant colonel khortyts' troops. glory to ukraine, mr. speaker, we congratulate you. good day, studio, good day to all viewers. chasiv yar, russian attacks. this is how the information comes about the large number of personnel that they are now adding to the attacks, well, you have my word, because we understand the extent of the situation in in terms of information is irritating. the enemy is pressing in the direction of bakhmut, the situation around the city of chasiv in donetsk region is difficult, but the forces of the defense forces completely control the situation,
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there is no enemy russian army in the city. after massive artillery fire and airstrikes, the enemy engages armor. equipment and tries to throw in his advanced assault groups to knock our units out of their positions and have some sort of tactical success on the battlefield. well , both russian artillery, body armor, and mlrs work quite densely and on a permanent basis here. also, something the aviation is also working, the russian aviation, which causes damage with cabs and fabs, destroying the city of chasiv yar and its civilian infrastructure. mr. nazar, how many enemy troops are there now and what kind of troops has the enemy gathered there? well, according to our data, across from this section is the russian... paratroopers - that's 300 seconds, the 317th russian brigade of airborne troops,
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in addition to them, there are also various units there, numbering somewhere around 20-25 thousand. i want to emphasize that it is not just the troops storm and reach the position of the temporal ravine, a certain number of personnel have gathered and they are scattered in different areas of the terrain. sir? spokesman, if we talk about the specifics of the fighting in avdiivka, at one time, and now in the area of ​​the chasovoy yar, we understand that the enemy is intensifying its actions, and now there was information from the supreme commander-in-chief of ukraine, the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, that the enemy had been sufficiently exposed clear deadlines, in particular, it is about their criminal headquarters and in general about the kremlin strategy, they would like to achieve some success, of course. well , in particular until may 9, well, for the russian army there have always been and will be certain holidays, certain symbolisms, and against the background of their great losses,
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their personnel, their equipment, they always want to embellish and bring some kind of victory against this background, therefore and they have such a deadline, let's say, in order to dedicate this kind of victory, to some luck on the field. precisely for some holidays. mr. nazar, allow me, i would like to ask you one more question about the novopavlovsk direction, this is maryinka, it is also very hot there now, and the deep state map says that the enemy is trying to press there, quite so much, what is happening in this direction now? in the direction of novopavlov, our defense forces continue to hold back the enemy, these are the settlements near georgiivka, novomykhaivka, vodyny, and pozhatny. in the donetsk region, there are currently 23 times more enemies in the morning and during the day compared to the previous day, they tried to break through the defense of our troops, but
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the enemy continues to storm the area krasnogorivka with the use of assault groups, but his efforts are not successful at the moment, this is primarily due to the superiority of our soldiers. in this area, the russians are pressing from the direction of the occupied territories of the donetsk region even before the full-scale invasion. however, our soldiers are doing their best to contain the invaders. yes, the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of khortytsia troops, lieutenant colonel nazar voloshyn, is in touch with us, the connection went wrong, mr. rechnyk, the connection has been restored. go ahead, be kind, finish the thought. using as advantage in manpower and equipment, the russian army is conducting assault operations, and seeking... to break through the entire line of battle, but not in separate areas, however, our defense forces are conducting active operations, inflicting significant losses on the occupying forces, as in
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manpower , as well as in equipment, exhaust the enemy along the entire line of battle, for example, i would like to cite such large losses of the enemy that, for example, on average 85% of losses, both in manpower and in equipment, are borne precisely by the enemy our. the eastern direction and in particular the warriors of the taurian assault brigade , in just six months of fighting in one of the directions, more than 300 units of enemy equipment were destroyed, these are very colossal and large losses of the enemy, which he bears in order to occupy this or that height or this or that settlement, and we can cite an example of enemy losses in our area of ​​responsibility, just last week the enemy lost a man. these are 4,845 people, 50 tanks, 95 armored fighting vehicles, 95 mortar guns,
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17 anti-tank weapons, 4 anti-aircraft weapons, more than 200 vehicles, 18 anti-aircraft weapons, unmanned aerial vehicles of various types and classes are 3345, 25 warehouses with ammunition were destroyed and 165 enemy shelters, that is , these... figures speak for the fact that the enemy is suffering very colossal losses, and our soldiers are repulsing him in all directions. mr. lieutenant colonel, the kupyan direction, which is there now, we understand that the kupyan direction remains extremely important, although it seems that during this day there is a certain frost, well , in particular, when we talk about the attacks of russian interventionists in the kupyan direction. maybe i'm wrong, please correct me good in the kuplyansk direction, during this day and the previous day, the enemy did not conduct active assault operations, there is information that the enemy is redeploying its units for the purpose of
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recovery. and in order to regroup in other directions, look, mr. spokesman, we would also like to ask you about the eastern direction, there is such interesting information that the russians are using sirai tanks with home-made armor near krasnohorivka, do you know anything about this tactic, about this weapon of the enemy? yes, of course, these shots have already flown around, probably all over the world. note and the entire internet and informational space, such know-how of the russian kolibin production was noticed, one of these tanks was destroyed a week or two ago, recently it appeared again, there was a video that somewhere on the approaches somewhere near krasnohorivka, this miracle of the russian military-industrial complex was driving and trying to carry out assault actions, well,
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let's say this, they are folk... russian artisans made it, lined it with all possible and impossible means of protection, added additional means of booking and letters to it, and under it they hide the means of rap, so that our radar reconnaissance did not catch him and to hide the means of rap under this armor. and to what extent such initiatives of russian artisans justify themselves, time will tell. our artillery and our drones, but they are destroyed as well as any, any russian junk that came and iron that came on our land. thank you, nazar voloshyn, spokesman for the operational and strategic grouping of the khortesian troops, lieutenant colonel, was in tetar espresso and we learned about the situation in his direction, the situation is difficult, but there are certain encouraging data about kupinshchyna, there, at least in the last few days, there have been fewer
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enemy attacks. well, chasivre remains a key point of the front and we will remind you that zelensky stated that russia wants to seize chasivre by may 9, until the day of pabedabiesia, and there they have concentrated a large number of their paratroopers, in particular up to 25,000 such troops, so the situation there is very very difficult, and by the way, i would also like to state that budanov said in a bbc interview that a difficult situation awaits us from mid-may, but not a catastrophe. said we do not understand what exactly budanov meant at the moment, but he says that, after all, there is no reason to believe in the strategic defeat of ukraine, he actually reacted to the latest statements that are heard in the mass media information, according to him , there is reason to believe that there will be changes for the better, that's right, well, i will now quote the head of ukrainian military intelligence directly, yes, there are problems at the front, but
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we must also frankly... say that these problems are not today with appeared, and not a month ago, and not even three months ago, this is a systemic problem that we faced, and at the same time , we must remember that ukraine still exists, of the real successes, budanov called the capture of avdiyivka by the enemy, so with regard to the occupiers' strikes on energy, kyrylo budanov said, that we also have positive practical strikes on their objects, well, but despite this he admits. the head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense that the situation will now be quite difficult in the near future. well , our news editor and iryna koval are ready to announce more news, and actually we give ira the word for to find out more information as of this hour. iro, we pass the floor and ask you to briefly tell what this issue will be about. thank you marta, well, you can now freely pass through the yagodin
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dorogusk checkpoint, i'll tell you. about the strengthening of anti-aircraft defense, about the flood in china and the fire in india, more details about everything in the issue. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine. for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. travel is free. the movement of trucks through the checkpoint yagodin dorogusk again worked in the usual mode. polish farmers stopped the protest in this area, which had been going on since february 9. this was reported by the state border service of ukraine with reference to polish colleagues. the security service of ukraine in khmelnytskyi.


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