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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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the football format changes the time of airing. from now on, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00. professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions. a project for experienced fans as well as for people who... appreciate a non-committal view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two o'clock in the company of beloved presenters, presenters who have become like relatives to many, as well as distinguished guests. studio events of the day in two hours,
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a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for the intelligent and those who care, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. serhii danilov, currently in touch with us, is the deputy director of the middle eastern studies center. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy. glory. well? currently, we see that there is no third world war, particularly in the middle east. yes, after iran hit israel, israel responded, but responded, you can say, i won't say symmetrically, responded harshly and demonstrated some things by striking in such a way that the system did not work. against the missile or
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air defense of the state of iran, and accordingly we understand that this is a powerful signal, on the other hand, we understand that the so-called nuclear facilities of iran are located in rather powerful fortifications and rock structures. so, what is happening in the middle east now, how serious is the situation, is it possible that there will be some additional response from the state of israel? no, no additional response is expected at this time, this, well, half is over, so to speak, and now we await the next half, and moreover, there is now more and more evidence that israel, for example, after the first missile hit c -300 near the nuclear facility, near isfagan, the second missile, they launched a self-destruct in order, god forbid, not to cause more damage, and well, this is quite ... a typical situation for the near
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east, i think you have told on the air how the parties, for example, who are formally in the worst relations, warn each other about where, when, with what they will strike so that the escalation does not cross a certain limit, and of course now there is a battle of interpretations, a battle of symbols, who symbolically won, well, everyone starts the opportunity here. options through all possible media that can reach, let's say, to their consciousness in quotation marks, placing materials about their grand victory by various methods, see what it was for the ayatollahs, well, in simple language, well, we too they hoped that they had won a certain half, but no, they attacked israel then, they did so because...
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the citizens inside the country began to lash out at them, and moreover, there is a lot of evidence that a war with israel, or a regional war, is unpopular among citizens iran, well, such unpopularity led to the fact that there were a lot of photo shoots on social networks, memes about how the ayatollahs there can threaten very much, but do nothing, well, plus the proxies also began to ask questions, and what and how, you are sending us quickly, but you are not going to take it yourself participation in the fight, yes, uh, very tricky, well, plus inside iran itself, in the middle, inside the establishment, constant fluctuation, one part wanted, the other did not want, and the response to the strike on israel, it was, in particular, not only a strike for the answer in israel, and who will win in the internal political struggle, that is, there himself... one
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gets the impression, at least, that the blow itself is secondary, compared to the internal elite, internal clan struggle, and for them... this the decision was more about who is stronger inside iran than that it is israel's response. yes, mr. serhiy, i remember our conversation with you before iran actually launched these strikes on israel, and you said then that you do not believe in a major conflict, in a major war in the middle east, but now i would actually like you may have expressed your certain assumptions about the future, how the situation in the middle east may develop now, whether we will observe certain such mutual exchanges, blows, but no more, but still, well, there are now prerequisites to think and believe, that the situation may still escalate, in your opinion? well, there's always a chance of escalation, you see, uh, i said i didn't believe in a big war, but i didn't really believe in the kind of
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iranian strike that happened, and i was wrong, even though i thought it might be , but i, but you also talked about the fact that most likely israel will know what ... how and when iran will hit, and in principle we observed that it was quite a consolidated reaction, that is, israel knew about this, well, it seems that if not israel, then it is more true israel's semi-allies guessed for some reason who should be intercepted, yes, because yes, in this sense, the forecast was more likely to be justified than not, but if you... the question is to answer what's next, you understand, when the red line is crossed, then the possibility of , that it will be passed the next time, the probability increases significantly, that the israelis will hunt for uh not just a corps, but specifically the alkuts forces, all
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the alkuts, this is the shock unit, the shock unit of the guards corps, which operates in the middle east, outside the territory of iran. in this there is no doubt that if they continue to destroy the alquz commanders and if there is a situation in iran around iran again where they think it is better to strike than not to strike, then such exchanges of strikes will continue and so in that sense the situation has worsened, but at the same time, we now see how... diplomacy is actively working, how much pressure is being put on both sides from all sides, in order to somehow calm the situation, so first of all we will have some kind of pause now, well of course it depends in addition to what will be in the rafahs, or rafiahs in
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hebrew, rafahs in arabic, in this last city, which has not yet been entered, the tzal, the army of the protection of israel, did not enter, oh, extremely interesting, mr. serhiy, but look... negotiations are to take place today, i just wanted to move so smoothly to an equally important story, in particular, when we talk about russian-azerbaijani relations, yes, the meeting between aliyev and putin. we understand that this is a story about armenia as well, but not only about armenia, because stabilization, well, so-called according to the russian-azerbaijani or possibly russian-turkish scenario in the caucasus, it... will mean that russia will transfer its so-called peacekeepers in its clutches to the front line, most likely the east, where the fighting continues, and this is both personnel and a certain armored vehicles, maybe i'm wrong, what do you see as the prospects for talks between putin and
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aliyev? well, you have to give credit to the azerbaijani leadership and to aleyev personally, they brilliantly conducted the operation, i was among those who made a mistake. when he said that he would not be able to quickly oust the russians peacekeepers from karabakh, however, he succeeded, he put them in a ridiculous position, they came as guarantors of the security of the national minority, armenians, ethnic armenians in the azerbaijan state, and here they outplayed themselves, they are vardanyan, this moscow puppet, a billionaire. .. er, who became the prime minister there, this artsakh, who is no longer there, together with the russians, dispersed a terrible panic among the serb population of karabakh, and they almost all left, and the position of these peacekeepers became
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ridiculous, yes , that you protect, well, they they are currently being withdrawn ahead of schedule, i think i may be wrong, but as far as i remember, there is a contingent there that, well... will slightly affect the situation on the ukrainian fronts, they are not the kind of forces that decide something, that is, from this point of view for nothing changes about us, ah, well, but it changes. for azerbaijan, which did not allow the creation of a military base, as russia wanted on its territory, do not allow it, forgive me, but why did putin agree to this rather strange arrangement, so we understand that the reinforcement went, azerbaijan, went the strengthening of turkey, at one time, well , the kremlin there is also russian imperial diplomacy, it played very actively, strengthening, playing in favor of armenia for... russia de facto surrendered its historical ally. well, a few answers, she
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obviously couldn't fail to hand it in, because in order not to hand it in, it was necessary to have significantly more free forces and means that are involved in the war against ukraine. and on your broadcast, i already talked about the words of not the last deputy of the azerbaijani parliament, who smiled. said, looming over us a powerful 800, not 800, it doesn’t matter, the marine brigade in derbent, and now it is not there, because it was destroyed in ukraine, that is why, in particular, this factor is disappearing, was leveled, secondly, russia is very interested in the land corridor to iran, no only for weapons, and i don't really believe that the azerbaijanis will let weapons pass, but in general between russia and iran... now the general economic ties have become extremely active, trade is growing
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at a high rate, they need a railway, they need a reliable supply that ensures this trade , in addition, aliyev is one of the few, let's put it this way, strong leaders who come to moscow choose moscow as a venue, because right now there is a competition for venues where a peace agreement will be signed between. bakuyuvan in brussels, washington or moscow. and this competition is quite so powerful and serious. ot. in addition, the armenian lobby in europe and the united states achieved some demonization of azerbaijan and aliyev personally, presenting him as an authoritarian leader, armenia as a counterweight to autocracy, as a democratic country. in addition. played on some ancient sentiments, for example, in france, and thereby significantly worsened the perception
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and image of the west in baku, but on the one hand , everyone is going to baku because we need gas, we need a replacement for russia, on the other hand, they are starting to pressurize, accusing them of ethnic cleansing or genocide there, although i will remind you that it is russia and... russian politicians dispersed this fear in karapakh and actually forced all companies to leave for armenia from there. thank you, mr. serhiy, serhiy danilov, deputy director of the center for middle eastern studies was eteri espresso. we are moving on, now there is a short pause, after it we will we return to the espresso studio. stay with us, we will continue in a few minutes. thinking about a new mattress, but what's stopping
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of the 98th airborne division of the russian airborne forces are currently fighting here. let us know about it. lieutenant-colonel nazar voloshyn, commander of the operational-strategic grouping of khortets troops. he was on our air about an hour ago, i quote, now holoshen, on the stretch opposite chasovoy yar, russian paratroopers are fighting against us. these are about 20-25 russian servicemen. they are trying to storm chasiv yar and the surrounding settlements near it. according to lieutenant colonel voloshin, the russian army does not stop trying to capture the city, regardless. with losses in both manpower and equipment, i quote: there is no enemy russian army in the city, the city is ours, the situation around the city is difficult, but the situation is under control, our defenders are receiving reinforcements and stabilizing the strip. the enemy constantly storms our positions in a planned manner, but does not gain a foothold and retreats. and in the
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meantime, we would like to remind you that the hearings are ongoing, at which preventive measures are being chosen for two military men who are suspected of... actually murdering a policeman in vinnytsia region, so far the court has arrested the suspect's father, he was given a preventive measure in the form of detention without the right to deposit bail, the prosecutor general's office reports this in a telegram, currently regarding the son, that is, this man, the hearing continues, and we will remind you that literally at 2 o'clock in our db's communications advisor was on the airwaves. she reported that there are currently two criminal proceedings, one of which is actually being handled by the national police, and the other is being handled by the sbi, one investigation is being conducted by the sbi, which actually concerns desertion. uhu, yes, this is an extremely important story, but we will keep an eye on it and we understand that
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the number of criminal proceedings will most likely increase, well, but in... an important signal or message from the minister of internal affairs of ukraine, ihor klymenko. motive - i am now quoting the minister of internal affairs. the motive is the investigation, of course, but we understand that they were really transporting ammunition, grenades. they have already indicated where the dumped reservoirs are, grenades in boxes. forensics, investigators and divers are currently working at the site. as for the weapon with which our policeman was shot, at this point we understand where that gun is. the killing tool will be large. everything will be involved in the material of the criminal proceedings. the second policeman, who was injured, is in a moderate condition, but the condition stable. doctors give a positive prognosis. well, you are actively asking about roman chervinskyi on our youtube, so the ukrainian intelligence officer and colonel roman chervinskyi is in the kirovohrad pre-trial detention center, the court extended his detention for
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60 days until june 17, his lawyers informed. previously, they said that they could not find their accomplice for several days and now they plan to appeal the court's decision, because the lawyers were not present at the meeting where he was kept in custody. we will monitor this... situation also, well, now we will add valentina shults, a deputy of the odesa district council, to our atera. mr. valentina, we welcome you. congratulations. please tell us about the last day in odesa. we know that the shahedis were launched that night, right? is there any significant destruction from this attack? yes, well, you all see from the news that odesa has been a nightmare lately, the enemy is hitting. on civil infrastructure, and that night also the enemy launched shaheds, five shaheds were destroyed,
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but there are hits, now they write that in the odesa region in a farm land, ah, but a miracle no one was injured, there is currently such information for today, yes, it is extremely important if... we talk about the preparation of odesa to repel new russian missile attacks, what do you think is being done now, what is not being done, we understand that in most regions the so-called anti-drone brigades of ukraine are actively working, and they also work against the enemy's cruise missiles, which is similar to what is currently happening in odesa, how actively the training and training of the relevant fighters is conducted. yes, well, i can say that our air defense and such brigades are still there work effectively, because every day these reconnaissance drones are shot down, before
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these, before these reconnaissance drones, or rather, when the reconnaissance drones are shot down, a ballistic missile attack on odeshchya immediately begins, well, we noticed one... and this one was noticed , what is happening, but still there are not enough cars, i know from the odessa brigades, the guys are contacting us, we are always in need of cars, on which this installation is cooked, where the machine gun is placed and such shahed attacks are repelled, well, i can to thank our guys, because after all... most of the shaheeds are led astray by such mobile groups. ms. valentina, may i also ask you a question about missile attacks,
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because when our air forces, together with our special services, landed for the first time during a full-scale invasion a strategic bomber of the russians, i mean the tu-22, there was information about , that odessa might get a little easier, do you really feel that is possible after they lost? this strategic bomber, they still are now are trying to avoid hitting your region with x-22 missiles. yes, well, we are observing that shaheds were launched at least this night, but we cannot say with certainty that there will be no rocket fire in the future, because you see how the enemy is aggressively attacking the odesa region. hitting the energy structure, about the infrastructure, well , so far i can say that the people of odessa can breathe, well, at least we can see it from these
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few days, but we still have to be on the lookout and not neglect the air warning signals, so we completely agree with you , but mrs. valentina, i wanted to casually ask you about the mood of the people of odessa, well, but the real mood, because... what is anxiety, well , in the literal and figurative sense of the word, on the other hand, here we are now a couple of minutes ago, well, i don’t know couple, there for an hour and a half we talked with the deputy of the kharkiv regional council skoryk, and he says that the enemy is actively shaking the psychological situation in kharkiv, they wanted to ask you about the situation in odesa and odesa region, that is, we are just saying what is happening, that people feel, yes because... well, they tell us that extremely tough and active hostilities are ahead, well , it's may, june, and so on, so what's up with
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all that business in odesa? well, people still have some concern about this situation, well, we still have to observe, how to say, information hygiene, because the enemy is waging a hybrid war and throwing various fakes into the information space, but i can say that according to the people of odessa, but according to these strikes that have been taking place recently, i can say that... a lot of odessans are now under during the air raid alert, they are in bomb shelters, and the question of opening these bomb shelters, i always appeal to the presidents of the osnd to everyone to open the basements, because it is already the second year of a full-scale war, and unfortunately, sometimes during an air raid alert, we we hear reports that either the parking lot is closed or...
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it was possible to get into the shelter, so i think the relevant services should work on it more. thank you, valentina shults, a deputy of the odesa district council, was on our air, they talked about the situation on odesa, by the way, i would like us to pay attention to one more very interesting piece of news: as you know, a certain pro-russian candidate pelligrini recently won the elections in slovakia, and he, together with his prime minister... now, not so much want to help ukraine with ammunition, but the slovaks themselves decided that they will not stand aside and that they are not indifferent to the fate of ukraine, so slovak activists launched a campaign to collect funds for the purchase of ammunition for ukraine, i will remind you of this within the framework of the czech initiative, and that you do you think for for seven days, more than 5,000 residents of slovakia were involved in it and so far more than 3 million
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euros have been collected, that's how it is, that is, we understand that the slovak people still take their position, and this position is proactive, 3 million in almost a week time, this is a large amount, and we are very grateful to the slovak activists, we thank all the slovaks who joined this initiative, at first they wanted to collect a million euros, but the initiative began to gain momentum, so they have already collected more than 3 million euros, thank you to the slovak people for theirs activity, thank you, thank you to the slovaks, we love the slovaks, we love the czechs, we love the poles and not only them, that is, the peoples who really supported us, meanwhile the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyy held a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief, this is how i am quoting the presidential telegram now, well, of course i am picking bread of our beautiful colleague iryna koval, who is already at a low start, well, but, quoting the president, this is important,
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first of all the front. there was a report by oleksandr syrskyi. the occupying army has a task regardless of its own losses, show at least some victories by may 9. now they are encouraged by the positive decisions of friends of ukraine. it is difficult for our soldiers, but the arrival of the necessary aid will even out the situation. that is why we urgently need support for specific weapons that our partners have. well, there was a report by defense minister rustem umerov regarding contracts with domestic companies. i quote the president: we are working on a new format of the agreements, which, on the one hand, will not overburden the military budget, and on the other hand, will guarantee manufacturers long-term obligations of the state, what's more, either read the president's telegram, or listen to the news with iryna koval, if she will now inform about the president's speech after the election of the head of state. well, iro, we pass the floor and ask you to briefly tell what this issue will be about. thank you marta, well, in the release. i'm talking
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about the fact that the court chose a preventive measure for one of the suspects in the murder of a policeman, wait for more details in the issue. in ukraine. 5:00 p.m. and for your attention , a news release on the spresso tv channel, in iryna's studio blacksmith. two months behind bars, without bail. the vinnytsia court chose a preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of policeman valery vasylak. during the hearing, he admitted his guilt and said that he was very sorry for the crime he had committed. the judges today will also choose a preventive measure for his son, who was with him at the time.


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