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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EEST

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they say about grenades, this man now repents of what he did, and it is clear that grenades are obviously not the kind of cargo of high value, for which it was worth going to a crime that carries a life sentence, explain this story, are they communicating correctly now with society on this matter, how open, understandable, accessible this process should be, because this is a story, unfortunately, indicative, here i am saying without knowing the details, but this is... war both during the war and after there is and will be any kind of war, here you have to communicate very clearly, very clearly obey the law and do the right thing, how do you rate this job now? well, yes, they will try to seize the situation in some way, so you see, let's ban weapons, because there is a big movement to allow weapons, such facts will be that group, 2,000
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people signed or 300,000 in favor of to provide weapons there and apply for weapons permits, please excuse me, uh, well , in general, to adopt legislation to officially allow weapons, yes, well, in households, so that everyone adequate can carry a weapon, uh, and , example, the american experience shows that in those states where free ownership of weapons is not enough, where... if you don't have a gun, it seems in vermont, well, i'm not ready to say for all the states, how many states are there, where, if you don't if you have no weapons at all, then you have to pay an additional tax there, because you don’t have weapons, so you have to pay for the fact that you will be protected, and the history of the united states shows that the more weapons there are in the hands of the population, the less crimes, that's such a... parallel, but in
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there will be a lot of us lobbyists now, so let's not allow them there, although it will not lead to anything, because there will be an extremely large number of people who will bring in from the front, if not grenades, then assault rifles and something else, so there is nowhere to go from this we will not get away, now regarding the brutality there, this post-war syndrome is experienced by all countries, let's remember how much we have here about gleb zhiglov and volodya. there was a syndrome in the soviet union, the war ended, ended, increased, increased banditry, why, well, it also multiplied there was for total poverty, and eh, and in general for the specifics of the soviet system, but eh, let’s say this, in all its countries after the war, except for germany, by the way, because they sat there for a long time, especially those who were in soviet captivity , but in the same france there... there was a surge, well, an increase
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in crime in britain, and not just crime, not theft, but malice, embitterment, yes, when the veterans came who were used to the fact that death does not mean anything , they were used to death, and therefore it was easier to say goodbye to life themselves, and to deprive someone life is boring, i'll just add right away, maybe it is, but again, i'm interested in your opinion that... these two suspects, well , they are suspects for now, and they were active parishioners of the moscow patriarchate church, maybe, well, again, it's just a fact, and here we need to talk about it too, because this is a picture that consists of things, a person acted consciously, a person, well, now they are confused, and what he did, and here it is simply important, again, that everything was brought to its logical conclusion, and there was nothing hidden, well, obviously, so that there was a clear signal, and, because, because we understand that problems can be different over time. he understood that,
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er, well, the fact that they are parishioners of the moscow patriarchate, that, er, well, they, that is, they will not be punished for a rebuke, but if they were members of the servant of the people party, maybe they would they tried to exonerate, and so i think, the father will take the blame to exonerate his son as much as possible, so that he goes as a bailiff, gets a few years there, and this one, accordingly, who receives for life, uh, here well, this will happen, but i am talking about the fact that the state needs to work systematically, not to try to cancel it, let's go, because we will not cancel weapons, there will be a lot of weapons in the country now, but we need to work, we need a lot of state programs and grants from dollars and from the state there at the local level, or grants of special, specialized subventions for the creation of veteran centers, well, now to...
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they actively give money for this, and for the creation of veteran centers, for psychologists to work there, it all depends on that money can be given, but or those people, or there, well, because this... maybe it is possible to open somewhere in the community, but it will work according to the principle: there should be silence in the library, you know, like in that cafe, so who will work, or someone , who has already burned out professionally, whether it will be people who will be sincere there, or whether it will be themselves, that is, someone who ran such centers from the environment of veterans, where there will be mutual help, where there will be attraction to each other, again, it is necessary to understand that veterans - it's a lot of target groups because there are veterans who served... on their own zero, and somewhere someone sat on the distribution of products and fraud, yes, someone worked with donors, someone worked somewhere there in logistics, well, these are different experiences of the war, someone came to her already wounded and crippled - this is
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a separate target group, yes, disability, and someone else came to the family, but his wife did not wait for him, someone is still being prayed for, someone... became a bachelor, came and now does not know whether the girls there will accept him or not, because, well, due to the fact that he visited there, yes, that is, with us, and also the target groups are the families themselves, the children of the military, yes, we have many, many target groups, that is, there is no single such unique environment that we can say veterans, and which veterans should be further systematized into smaller taxa, ranked, it will be found out who is more difficult. and to work with each of these microgroups, and to work - it should be the state through a system of some benefits and guarantees there, yes, what there, yes, that children have benefits there for recovery, there, for example, for free food, veterans there for travel , there is something else, there is a pension, if there is a disability
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the second group is 12 thousand, the first is 17, for example, yes, but there must be some things that happen directly in the community, because... something can be done from the central level, something that can be transferred to a card, yes, or to give some concession, or there are some, i don’t know, hectares of land, and there is also the fact that when they meet, or someone meets them as family, someone will say, i didn’t send you there, you see, it’s already different, that is, we have to prepare communities and you need to be very understanding in the communities, but we talked today, for example, there, too, i said at one training that you need to be very clear distinguish. from reconstruction, when the school building is being rebuilt, and restoration, when the school is being rebuilt, not as a building, but as a collective of like-minded people, which includes both teachers and students, and the same goes for the community - it is not
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some kind of executive committee that cannot be touched, and this is specifically for elderly people in villages, this is specifically for quartering in cities, this is specifically for some centers, and... this is specifically for some kind of relationship with a veteran, because there is little to buy, let’s open a room now, let’s do a nice european renovation there, we’ll do some stuffing there, and then someone will come there a heartless person and veterans will not come there, that is, it is how locally we need to act, that this mother is being slandered, but only this will save us from that, rather not what will not save, optimize, because we will have such cases... whatever we didn't do it, there will be such cases, that's all, let's put up with it, because people are used to brutality in war, but the more we approach locally and humanely, the fewer such cases will be, you know, i like it here in the comment on youtube writes the man
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did not fight in france, but of course godaryan i didn't raise my troops, i didn't take paris, there was no dunkirk, there was no activity, i'm just leading to the fact that... there was a war and actually the opera movements were fighting partisans throughout the entire war, but i'm still here not much, but i still have one question to ask, by the way, this vitaliy vasilaki, the son of one of the participants, actually admitted that he was the one who shot, because he hit the policeman, and the other started, well, in one word, this story is revealed there, well, it seems to be confession, but this is not the time to talk about this topic, i would like to for you to comment on the story with ex-intelligence officer roman chervinsky, he disappeared, i still don't see any information about where he is. he was taken out of the courtroom in an unknown direction, and now the legal company has already submitted a request, a complaint, i understand, to the european court of human rights, and submitted in such a way that the court should respond to this request immediately, and this should give result, why prove what is happening in this case, because
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there are no longer grounds for holding colonel chervinskyi in custody, but he was not released and the term was not extended detention, he was simply taken away. in the courtroom and now he is in an unknown place, the government is doing ungodly things, this demonstrative, very demonstrative injustice, the first thing that does not add to him... well, just destroy us in front of our allies, it is a terrible shame and disgrace, yes, when the state shows this principle of franco, yes, what can be done to someone, if you are a member of the servant of the people party, then you can go to the side of the forest for a crime, and if you once revealed their crimes, then you can be sewn... something that cannot be glued to the military at all, yes there is a type and then in their opinion
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an unsuccessful operation, which, in war there are successful operations, there are failures, but it is sewn up as a crime, it demotivates the military, it also demotivates the rear, it demotivates the military, it’s like the military will be afraid to make decisions, now everyone will wait, you give the command, we go, but that's how armies lose, the army continues, it's wrong, that's why the red army lost, all normal armies are based on initiative chiefs and commanders, which means that they can sometimes make mistakes, if we say that every mistake is crime, that's how we won't win the war, that 's for sure, that's for sure we won't win, that's the first aspect, and the second aspect, "if you take revenge on the combat commander for the fact that he investigated you in wagnergate, for the fact that you are afraid of him
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, as a witness for the future, this is the baseness, baseness and meanness of the president's office, i can't call it any other way, i am exaggerating the situation, and what's more, during the war it is categorically not possible to do this, it is not possible, make me hate the government, damn it , do something so that i was irritated there, why would you me you are pushing the degree of irritation to the extreme, which is already turning from contempt into hatred, despite the fact that colonel chervinskyi was the person who not only named one person in the president's office, well, we know how, the agent of which state or not only the person who told details of how the implementation of the wagner operation actually failed or was nullified, and this was a man who stood up for the defense in the first days of the war. for which you have to give the hero
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of ukraine, well, the start of the hero of ukraine, and you have to understand what, what if, and again there is nothing it has not been proven that it was an ineffective operation or something else, and if some officer did 10 excellently, excellently. operation, and one satisfactory, then for that, well, well, this, damn it, no one does it like that, no one does it like that, vile, vile, yes, when the story will be revealed, how many lives and equipment were lost because of bad decisions of certain commanders, we will find out, i will remind you that exactly, just the very end, roman chervinskyi was the person who participated in the operation to remove tsemakh, the witness on the downed boeing flight mh17 in the trunk of the zhiguli. from the occupied territory, that is, that is why we will wait, but again, this raises many questions,
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i support you in the fact that you should not give reasons to hate either the government or individual people, whom the government allows to do this, thank you very much , viktor boberenko was with us, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis, and now i will include in the conversation serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency, host of the daily military summaries column, serhiy, congratulations, congratulations to you, vasyl, congratulations to our viewers, i am glad to see and hear, well, let's go over the key issues, the head of the main intelligence department kyrylo budanov predicts, general kyrylo budanov predicts that ukraine will face a difficult situation in the middle of may, at the beginning of june, but there will be no armageddon, so what is it about , whether to prepare, what to prepare for ukraine first of all, and again, we understand that general budanov is a scout and not all of his statements should be taken as the statement of a brigade commander or a battalion commander there, who was ordered to take something, and he says either... yes or no, well, it’s easier there to act on the front line, general bohdanov, after all, is the head of intelligence,
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sometimes not all of his words should be taken literally, then these words should be taken literally and what does he mean pay attention to the word armageddon, please, well, in fact, you are absolutely right that especially the words of the head of the main intelligence department should be perceived in the context of the multidimensionality of military operations, because we understand that it can be directed at the enemy, it can be... at ukrainian population in order to prepare him for certain realities, but father serhiu, please, but in any case, if you hear me... bohdano is really talking about the fact that at the beginning of may there, in june, it will be just right a complex situation, but here, de facto, there is nothing new, he says that the operation of my opponent can be complex, he says that it is not only about the situation on the front line, in ukraine itself, and if we can to make a certain forecast there, it means that
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the opponents will probably continue to press on the front line, the enemy will launch rockets. strikes that we actually understand and predict, perhaps certain terrorist attacks by the enemy and actions by the enemy on our territory, and, of course, a powerful informational and psychological operation, which is directed at ukrainian citizens and the countries of the west, in order, well, in particular, to reduce the possibilities provision of military, military-technical assistance, but when we talk about the military component, i will say that now the structure, potential and capabilities of those forces that... will be offensive actions of the enemy, they cannot actually ensure that everyone is afraid of an attack there on kyiv, on sumy, on kharkiv, on chernihiv, although the party will really try, in particular, to reach the borders of the donetsk and luhansk regions, right now the main enemies are here and the enemy's efforts are planned, but in any case we understand that this interview of budanov, in
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my opinion, is most likely to prepare the ukrainian population for... different realities that may be on the battlefield, but we we understand that today the potential is after the announced one military aid package from the united states, i think it will be increased, and in fact the risks can be offset by the actions of the armed forces. yes, i'm actually talking about the package, the fact that it gives us time, well, what i heard today, and the issue of the bill, well, a different attitude to this military. money and weapons are good, but ukraine needs 25,000, as if he knows how many of us are now being prepared at replenishment ranges, i don’t know, maybe he has secret data, i think he doesn’t know, and in fact he doesn’t have it know how much in there are people who are preparing us to arrive at the front line, to carry out the tasks set
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so, well, but in any case, and here it gives us time, and despite the weapons and money, it is good, but we need people and... president zelenskyi in in an interview with a french interviewer, he said the phrase that we, we attract and will actively attract young people under 30 to the front, because in addition to the fact that they are healthier, stronger, more durable, well, this is a logical story, the question is how many of us so young, they are also more modern in not only using their gadgets and technologies, but even in the creation of these gadgets and technologies, that is why this help is specifically what it gives now, and again in the future, if you take into account the mobilization and the time required, what it can give now, you know , such a blow on the pizza with the enemy's hammer, and then use this time quickly to do something, what? well, when we talk about american aid, the package is indeed more than 60 billion dollars, it allows us to meet the basic needs
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of the armed forces, and we also understand that, by the way, it counts another 4 billion there, which remained from last year, and there are two extremely interesting things in this draft law, which probably not everyone noticed, because in fact this draft law requires the secretary of state and the secretary of defense of the united states to present such a strategy for ukraine's victory over the russian federation, that is, in the optimal way , which... will be determined by the united states, that is, in fact , the word victory is finally mentioned in the draft law, because earlier we all talked about the fact that the united states professes a strategy so that russia does not win there, and ukraine does not lost, and in the same bill it is mentioned that an analysis of the possible transfer of those samples
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of weapons that will be of significant importance on the battlefield and which have not been transferred before should be carried out. i even thought that it could be, well, for example, i thought that it might be a version of the transfer, for example, to the same cruise missiles of the tomahawk type, in the bill itself it is mentioned that to provide for the transfer of aatakam missiles, this is in the version 300 km, which is also a significant shift compared to previous decisions administration usa, because today we have missiles there with a range of 180 km, in limited quantity, and these things are related to the expansion of the list of weapons, well, they are extremely important, but as we speak. what exactly will and should be transferred quickly, in particular , the representatives there of both the united states intelligence committee and the representatives of the pentagon said that within a few weeks
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, the transfer of primarily ammunition, this is extremely important, missiles to air defense systems, this is extremely important , it's also about, i think, still, the expansion of the number of armored vehicles, because we know how effectively the 47th brigade there is using... bradley, this is also very necessary now, and we can also expect that in the future we are talking about weapons that relate to the defense of the sky, but now we we see the patriot complexes, if in addition to missiles for the patriots, of course there is a need to increase the number of sams themselves, and the united states is the largest country that has more than 60 of these batteries in these arsenals, which are also ... well, the armed forces desperately need them, and in any case, all this, including ammunition and anti-aircraft missiles should be in the forefront as soon as possible, because this is precisely what
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is affecting the situation on the front lines now, where the enemy has an advantage in artillery, and also the work of air defense is extremely necessary to minimize the enemy's use of aviation with those air-dominant bombs that today , well, our fortifications are being destroyed quite systematically there. i would also like to give us literally a few minutes the situation at the front, today again there was information, well, but this is how it is voiced by some western media, who broke through the front in the area, in my opinion there it was about ivanivskyi, i wo n't say for sure right now, they broke through the front, surrendered their positions for unknown reasons, the village of ocheretyn, and that's what they told me, because i already, i then we talked like this with colleagues, you know which colleagues we talk to, well and there is an advance of the enemy, but again, first of all... how to evaluate these headlines of foreign media and why is this done, because among people who are not aware of it, it causes panic, well, they broke through the front, this is corridor 10 km, everyone
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ran, well, that is, how to perceive it, and well, when we talk about the situation on the front line, it’s just that you mentioned ivanivsk first, but i called a comrade who provides artillery support in these areas, i say that it is in ivanivsk, because i talked to him for a couple of days, he says that there was no ammunition for... trophically, but now, he says, ammunition has appeared for me, he says, if i am there, i turn to the senior commander, say there is a threat, and here, in particular, our brigade received as many as 200 shells there, he says that this is very cool, at that time there as how other brigades got there 510 and he says, by account and we poured it on the enemy in the same ivanovo, and in ivanovo , our fighters can actually sit in one house, the enemy can sit in the house next to it, he says that we need to cover the enemy very precisely on... cover the enemy, using artillery, together with artillery drones , says, it is possible to hold back the enemy's advance, but we understand that now all this is an echo of the history when
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there was very little ammunition, we understand that this precisely caused the enemy's ability to press on all front lines, i hope that in the near future it is the american ammunition will come faster and help our military hold the line. front and use the main advantage at the current stage to destroy the enemy's strength. i think it would be easier to do just that right now if that ammunition arrived sooner. when we talk about the reed line that you mentioned, the enemy is really trying there, using the advantage there in ammunition and the advantage in manpower, trying to advance there to the reed line, and then from somewhere in the north, to make a bypass there. turning his front to press there on berdich and go there, so to speak, from the north to the rear of our defense line, but it is not so simple, it looks like this on
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the map that the enemy is advancing at night, there is an advance, but we have seen several videos there where these russians are fighting given the fact that, relatively speaking, how they are destroyed by ukrainian submarines, and again artillery, even if it is not enough now, so that all these advances are several hundred meters. although there was an advance within a few kilometers in the ocheretinnoy zone, it was not exactly the same a situation that suggests that the front is about to collapse, the enemy has gained a strategic advantage, this is just a dynamic situation, where even in the conditions of the enemy's superiority in manpower and aviation artillery, the front is holding, now, if american help arrives, i think the situation will change in favor of stabilization, although the president seems to have even said yesterday that we can intercept there. it may not be easy, but even the stabilization of the front line will be quite acceptable for us at this stage option for the next couple of months. well, very
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briefly, if possible. literally a minute and a half, logistics, these mass attacks and other techniques that are very necessary now, especially for impressing the enemy and nearby and somewhere far away, and when you can wait for it without giving away any secrets, i know that you can, you know, how to say, but here it is important to understand how quickly it can come, well, it was said from the side of the pentagon that, linguistically speaking, in a couple of days, if a decision is made, we hope that the decision... nato will be made tomorrow and it is positive, president usa he will sign it just as quickly, and within a few days this help will be on the way. first of all, we are talking about ammunition, i repeat, ammunition for air defense systems, and i hope that within a few weeks , the ukrainian army will receive the most scarce items. thanks so much for joining, thanks for
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the comments. these were the military summaries of the day. serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency, host of the daily military summaries column. and now the plot is for your attention. in the city of myrhorod, in the poltava region, believers are rebuilding the temple of the orthodox church of ukraine destroyed by the soviet authorities. parishioners help in this, donate money, materials and work on construction. anna morozova saw how the people's church was being built. let's see each pile was bought by a family. there were families who bought several. step by step , the church of all saints is being rebuilt in myrhorod. after gaining independence, biryans wanted to revive the orthodox church of ukraine. 60 years ago, it was destroyed by the soviet authorities, for the services of the abbot, mykola basilevskyi killed in ukrainian. the revival of the ukrainian church began with the hands of the myrhorod regiment of ukrainian cossacks. the creation process was extremely difficult. there were no funds, but thanks to the efforts of the cossack
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community. who worked here every week, took out garbage, uprooted trees, brought earth, then we were joined by caring citizens, of whom there were also many. a trailer was set up next to the construction site, there were icons, photos of previous abbots and myrhorod residents who died in the war, and the faithful began to build the walls of the church on their own materials that they brought themselves. we will now have to complete the construction of our church. we have such a campaign: donate a brick to the church, and we are asking everyone, and we are appealing to everyone who can give us at least one brick, at least two. the parishioners want to make the place a kind of pantheon of memory. bricks from the destroyed churches of the poltava region were laid on the wall of the central entrance. when we laid this wall near the entrance, we selected and they are so polished, they look like new, but they are 300, 400 years old. now the builders are finishing building the exterior walls the maximum height of the church will reach 19.
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it will be able to accommodate a hundred people at the same time. tables with the names of fallen soldiers and victims of the holodomor are planned to be installed on the territory. the terms of completion of construction are not mentioned, because the process depends on the contributions of believers and those who care. anna morozova from myrhorod for espresso tv channel. well, we continue, the second hour of the great ether starts. a lot of interesting and important information awaits you in the world about ukraine with yuri fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morchivka. also sports news from eugene on pastokhovana and the weather from natalka didenko, now i will tell you in detail about the most important news. the russian invaders hit kharkiv again during the day, targeting the city's television tower, oleg synygubov, the head of the regional military administration, informed. at the time of the shelling , the employees were in cover, so they escaped unhurt. at the same time, there were interruptions in the digital television signal in the city, the enemy also attacked vovchansk. as well as dergachi and the village of slobozhanske
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without... casualties. two months will be played without possibility of bail, the vinnytsia court chose a preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of policeman valery vasylak. during the hearing, he admitted his guilt and said that he was very sorry for the crime he had committed. the judges today will also choose a preventive measure for his son, who was with him during this armed attack. let me remind you, they opened on the night of april 20. shot at two policemen who stopped their car for inspection in vinnytsia region. according to the investigation , the attackers were transporting ammunition in the car. as a result of the shooting, one law enforcement officer was killed, and the other was injured, both attackers, military personnel. meanwhile, in vinnytsia they said goodbye to the killed patrol.


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