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tv   [untitled]    April 22, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm EEST

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, you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of football every monday at 22:00, professional analysis of matches, exclusive interviews, goals, goals, emotions, a project for experienced fans as well as for people who appreciate a detached view of football. football format every monday at 22:00 on espresso tv channel. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on. in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on malice of the day by telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when
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the liver hurts? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder, alohol with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. let's continue the great ether and about money. oleksandr morchivka came to tell, congratulations, oleksandr, please speak to you. thank you, vasyl, good evening to the audience, in the next few minutes i will talk about pensions, you will also find out what is happening in the capital with investments, well, there will be a lot of interesting things, wait, details in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyvka, congratulations, this is a column about money, during the war, i monitor the situation in ukrainian-polish. there are certain movements
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towards improvement at the border, traffic is free, the movement of trucks through the yagodin dorogusk checkpoint has resumed normal operation. polish farmers suspended the protest in this area. let me remind you that it lasted from february 9, the state border service of ukraine reported. but i wonder if we have seen from the outside for a long time protesters showed similar signs of attention to... ukrainian carriers, that is , certain areas were unblocked, then blocked again, and it is not known when these ukrainian-polish checkpoints will be fully operational. well, yes, it is no longer clear here whether it is a political necessity or an economic necessity, at least what i managed today, well , to talk about this issue, that economically the poles are losing more now, even than ukraine in that issue, well, precisely by blocking these borders , and in the long run they will also lose.
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their prime minister knows, mr. tusk repeatedly emphasized that and called on farmers to stop all blockades, to stop these, well, no one really needs protest actions, both in ... and in the poles, because the prime minister understands the economic losses precisely from the polish side, well , this is yulia klymenko, we had the opportunity to talk today, she is from the transport committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, she said that now what passes through these borders, through these checkpoints, is 5% of ukrainian exports, well, that is if compared with what goes, say, through seaports, and others there, romania and so on, that's why the poles are even more interested in this here, well, well, i really agree with you. now exports are actively increasing, in particular by sea, it is working, and this is at least gratifying, but the situation in the social economy is not gratifying, there are fewer workers now than pensioners, about 6 million citizens need to be additionally attracted to the
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labor market in order to ensure an increase in pension payments, this was announced by the minister of social policy, oksana zholnovich. now in our country there are more than 10 million paying citizens the only social... contribution, it is needed for pension payments and 11 million pensioners, zholnovich also added, the aid approved by the congress for ukraine cannot be used to pay pensions. let's listen to the direct speech. one and a half people to one allow us to increase the amount of pension contributions , provided that there is a job in belarus, that taxes are paid and so on, and therefore it is approximately 6 million people who need to be attracted to the labor market in order for our pensioners to be able to live more dignified and so that we have the opportunity for them to increase pensions is objectivity. in america, there are no joint pensions, there is no such thing as a joint pension, there are accumulative pension accounts, like insurance, and therefore it is very
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difficult for them, for their voters, to explain if, if they do not pay their citizens some such pensions, then why they should be transferred to pensions for citizens of ukraine. well, it seems to me that ukrainians... are slowly being prepared for the fact that the solidarity system will simply disappear from the economic map of ukrainians during their lifetime, here i am i often go into the pension fund there, i look, that is, it will all be like my parents’ deposits in the early 90s disappeared, so will mine disappear, when i will be like my parents were then, well, the country has changed, the system has not changed , unfortunately, but i want to tell you that in 2009, i remember going to lithuania to make a story, as a journalist there for the tv channel stv, and we talked about how it works in them, that people make savings deposits in them. everyone said how cool it is, there are 2024 of us, for some reason we did not attract such experience, although lithuania is somehow like that, well , it works fine in it, but there is trust in those funds in which you invest money, there no one runs away to the maldives with this money, you understand, well, you see, on the eve of a full-scale invasion, in fact, ukraine was stepping to the second level
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of the pension reform, mandatory pension insurance had to come into effect, the third level was these non-state pension funds that could really multiply your... savings for retirement, work with your money, regulate all incomes, etc. the problem is that i am, let's say, an irresponsible person, but i think to myself, why should i pay into the pension fund now, relatively speaking, if they show me a structure of three fingers later, palnovych said that the solidarity system does not work in the states, i will contribute , now i will buy a property for myself, i will rent it out, for example, so that i can have fun in my old age, but, well, you have to be honest with people... yes, pensioners should not suffer now, of course for these reasons, but also for people, tell me honestly that you are not investing in your future, you are now you just feed other people, and when you become pensioners, we don't know whether we will feed you or not, well, we don't know, we have such a situation with, well, i will only add that mainly macro-financial assistance from the european union now
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covers the deficit in the pension fund, because the minister noted that money from the states does not go to this, well, i'm going, yes... the eu is ready to finance a pilot program of social housing in ukraine, this will happen with the support of the european investment bank and the european commission. the initiative on subsidized rent can already start in the fall. an approximate loan of 200 million euros is being discussed. this model assumes, in particular, that the objects should be fully owned by the municipality. this sector will be self-sustaining and financially stable. well, approximately 80% of the premises will be taken away. for social housing, it will be rented by vulnerable sections of the population on preferential terms, this housing will not be able to be bought out, and the rest of the premises will be rented out and thus this object will be maintained, well, it is like a project of an income house for me, vasyl , you remember
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before the october coup, essentially in the tsar's in the russian empire, tenement houses were a common phenomenon, there were even initiatives to create such tenement houses. and in kyiv, but in fact it remained at the level of an initiative, but now, i think, it is necessary to return to it, especially if there will be support, credit support from the euro. commissions and many people will need preferential housing rent. kyiv received a new batch of aid from germany's hamburg - these are three city passenger buses and three express buses - the mayor of the capital, vitaliy klitschko, said. the transport was handed over personally by the burgomaster hamburg peter chencher. he has supported the capital since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, sheltering a total of 45,000 of our compatriots in hamburg. also during this time. the city provided the capital with a large amount of humanitarian aid, medicines, and vehicles, and i would add that hamburg is
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a sister city of kyiv. and business attention, the state property fund put up for sale the third in ukraine, the state prosthetic plant, an enterprise in mykolaiv, put up for privatization with almost a starting amount of uah 11.5 million, the auction is scheduled for may 7. to the lot includes seven buildings of this enterprise, it is engaged in the production of prostheses, orthopedic shoes, manufactures equipment for rehabilitation, and the main condition for future owners is to preserve the profile of the activity of this enterprise for 10 years, the object is really powerful, important, especially during the war, prosthetics is important , the only necessary investment, but the union... with relatives is becoming closer. the new post office announced the opening of its first branch in barcelona. soon
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ukrainians living in spain will be able to send and receive parcels. the delivery time will be from 5 days. already now you can even get discounts, the company says. it is planned to open a branch in madrid soon. the new eu sanctions package against russia will include restrictions. on a shadow fleet of tankers carrying enemy oil. this was announced by the minister of foreign affairs of sweden, tobias bilström. this statement appeared on the eve of the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs of the eu countries in luxembourg. work on these restrictions has only begun - he says the minister of foreign affairs of sweden, but i will only remind you that unknown oil traders began to appear in the trade of barrels between moscow and india. they deliver. resource to the asian country with its tankers, the official delhi essentially complies with the sanctions against
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the russian somcom fleet, but it works with unofficial suppliers and only accumulates its reserves of russian oil, and also receiving a discount from the kremlin, well, this is such a double game in india, well in fact, even in china , sanctions regarding the so-called conspiracy are implemented, and bloody barrels are bought from shady tankers. well yes, but the question is that sooner or later it will also be possible to stop it, you just don’t know, as the tanker is huge, it won’t turn around quickly in the sea, and the sanctions against these tankers don’t work so quickly either, well, but i hope , what will happen, we hope that these restrictions will work in the new sanctions package, and the metallurgical giant is fleeing to china because of the sanctions, russian nornickel will close its arctic copper plant, because of the restrictions there have been problems with imported equipment, spare parts, the company plans to build a plant in china, thereby gaining direct access to the world's largest
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metals market. the sky has become one of the main destinations for russian nornickel. well, it is interesting that this company is not directly under the economic restrictions of the european union, it is not located, but it suffers due to a shortage of spare parts, components, well, now nornickel will really try to conquer the asian market, let me remind you that approximately 54% of revenue is there this company from the country of the aggressor, or asia conquers nornickel, right away the question is what you know, china now lies like a catfish at the bottom of the river and catches everything that is not going there, well, that is , russia too and still has a weakness, and nornickel due to restrictions, technologies, everything and all this flows to china, and of course it is great , and then chinese ones are discovered. proved russian weapons, of course they find out, because for that cheap you can pick up something that you would never have picked up and
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bought in your life, well, that’s the end, knau completely shuts down its activities in the russian federation, the german company worked there over 30 years, it is reported, the company's top managers did not give specific reasons for leaving the country of the aggressor, but the company's statement emphasizes that it decided to hand over the business to the local management, including ... extraction of raw materials, production and sale, a full cycle, in fact, such are going to save jobs. well, let me remind you that recently the knauf company came under... fire of criticism, and it was not the first time, because of its work in the russian federation, and in particular in mariupol, which was occupied by our enemy. indeed, this scandal is like that, i i think i was impressed by the prestige of this international popular corporation, that prestige is more expensive to vasyl, and the german company decided to close down its work in moscow, well
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, it really is, plus the success of the film about mariupol, 20 days in mariupol at the oscars, well, the whole world saw it, here you already know, reputation is not more expensive here, it is more expensive than money, i think in this case it is more expensive than the earnings that knau can get from the supply of building materials to mariupol, ukrainians. well, this is the last information, i will say goodbye to you, but the big one continues broadcast, more will follow, watch us. by the way, fresh news: the court again kept ihor kolomoiskyi in custody, but reduced the bail again, well, that's just to say, i updated the news feed, as they say in my head, and now i'm adding serhiy rudenko to the conversation, so that the verdict program will start on the 20th, and what will be discussed, we will ask serhiy. serhiy, congratulations, i would like to speak to you. greetings vasyl, today we will talk about the decision of the congress of the united states of america to allocate 61 billion dollars to ukraine.
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the vote, which was expected in ukraine, took place on saturday, april 20. today there will be a politician on our air. diplomat volodymyro hryzko, i hope that he will lay out on the shelves what this decision means, how likely it is that weapons from the united states of america will be delivered to ukraine in a few days, well, at least this is what everyone predicts and everyone says, american and ukrainian politicians , let's listen to the experienced ogryzko, what he will say about this, well, of course, of course, receiving this help immediately caused a wave, indignation among the russians, they started it is enough to aggressively comment on this news, but next to this decision to provide ukraine with 61 billion dollars there was another decision, which for some reason is not so actively commented on in the ukrainian information space, this is a bill on the confiscation of russian
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assets for ukraine of 8 billion dollars, quite high and large the amount in... american, in american finances and in assets located in russia on the territory of the united states of america, obviously, obviously, this will be a precedent for other countries in the world, for freezing the assets of the russian federation, withdrawal of these assets for the benefit of the ukrainian state, as far as it will be possible and how massive it will be, well, let's see and listen to our experts, because in addition to volodymyr hrysk, we will also have military personnel. expert dmytro snigerov and political expert serhii taran. in addition to these topics, the situation in the east, on the eastern and southern fronts, of course, the situation that is currently predicted by the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine regarding a possible russian offensive at the end of may, at the beginning of june, as -
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said budanov. in short, we will talk about all this for an hour, starting at 20:00. at 9 p.m., there will be the traditional summaries of the week, i will comment on the events that took place during the week, we will listen to various speakers, analyze the situation that is developing both in ukraine and outside the borders of our country, and of course everything related to the assistance of our western partners, armed forces of ukraine, because this is help not only to ukraine, it is help to the whole world. the greedy dictator putin, all about it in two hours, starting at 20:00, and vasyl zima's big broadcast continues, and we will meet you in 10 minutes. thank you, serhiy, we are waiting for you and your guests at 8 p.m., and now about sports events in a review from yevhen pastokhov,
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let's find out more. a surprise in the 25th round of the ukrainian premier league. on monday, lviv movement lost points in the confrontation with transcarpathian minay, an outsider of the championship. minaj led after serhii petek's goal in the middle of the second half, but the guests managed to avoid defeat thanks to a goal scored by ilya kvasnytsia. after in the 25th round, the movement remained in the fifth position in the tournament table of the championship, having 41 points. passes by 16 points, continues to be at the bottom. also on monday , metalist 1925 and obolon drew 1:1. on saturday , kryvbas was caught by a guest. victory over chornomorets 2:1, and vorskla lost to koloss 0:2. on sunday, after exchanging goals, veres and dnipro-1 shared the points. oleksandria lost to
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lnz 1:2 at home, and dynamo defeated polissia 3:0. the final match of the shakhtar-zorya tour. it started at 6 p.m. real madrid on the way to the championship. the day before, the madrid team velclásico beat barcelona in the 32nd round of the spanish la liga. hosts santiago bernabéu. missed first. andriy lunin played uncertainly at the exit, which andreas christensen took advantage of. however, even before the break , vinicius junior restored parity with a penalty kick. in the second half, barcelona took the lead again after a goal by fermin lopez. however, real responded quickly enough with a well-placed strike from lucas vazquez. jut burlingham was awarded the victory by the referee's time compensation. 3:2. it happened in the first half of the game an episode that caused a scandalous response. barcelona representatives insist that the referee
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did not count lamin yamal's clean sheet. according to the referee, the ball did not cross the goal line completely. regardless, the victory allowed real to increase their advantage over barcelona in the league standings to 11 points. madrid has 81 points. gerona is in the third position, in which. 68 points. a worthy performance. marto kostiuk became the vice-champion of the wta tournament in stuttgart, germany. in the final of the competition, the ukrainian tennis player conceded representative of kazakhstan, yelena rybakiniy. the game lasted two sets. 26-26. thus, kostiuk suffered a fiasco in her second wta tournament final. however, after the performance in stuttgart , the ukrainka climbed nine positions in the world ranking and now occupies 21st place. on the way to the decisive match in germany , marta won a number of bright victories, beating, in particular, the third-ranked player in the world , the american korigov. evgeny asked me
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to tell the result of the shakhtar-zorya match, i understand that the match is taking place in lviv, if i'm not mistaken, in my opinion, but here additional time is already running and one and a half minutes remain. shakhtar will win with a score of 2:1, especially since there was a relegation in sight, well , in one word, shakhtar remains the leader of the tournament table, if it wins this match, it will break away again by four points from kyiv dynamo, and soon there will be a face-to-face confrontation capital club kyiv dynamo and donetsk shakhtar, but again , even dynamo's victory does not guarantee the first place, because the gap of four points still requires that dynamo does not lose anywhere and shakhtar stumbles somewhere. but in any case the end of the season. should be interesting, and i wish you an interesting, most importantly, safe evening, we will donate to the armed forces of ukraine, we will support our soldiers with everything we can
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to support them today, stick together, take care of ourselves and each other, the 20th verdict with segy rudenko is not skip it, but just now the weather from natalka didenko, let's see what we should expect tomorrow, tuesday , and this week in general. greetings, our dear viewers, we will talk with you, of course , about the next day and the next week, luckily the weather is getting better, but more on that a little later, and now you and i will travel somewhere together, as always, and not far this time, comparatively, of course, like anyone else, we will go, we will go to the white church, the white church is located not far away. about 80 km from kyiv on the banks of the ros river, one of the most fantastically beautiful of our rivers.
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the construction of the white church began, starting with the castle hill, which is the historical center, and also here you can see the remains of the defensive walls of the 11th century. and of course, the most famous place of the white church is the arboretum alexandria, which was founded in the 18th century. in honor of count baranytskyi... well , everywhere you can find everything laid out in honor of count branytskyi by his wife, and i heard that it was more likely her idea, and since count branytskyi usually liked to indulge in all kinds of slander, mrs. branytskyi was in charge of everything , this is a wonderful result, because an incredible number of interesting types of flora are concentrated on a huge territory, well, reservoirs, sculptures, rotundas, just a very, very beautiful park, if you haven’t been there, it’s just, well, immediately, especially at this time it is... fantastic, because everything is blooming, of course. the shopping rows are perfectly preserved, they were built during the years 189-1814, and the most interesting thing is that they are still
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there... they are used for their purpose, there are restaurants, shops, in the white church there is a church founded by mazepa, a beautiful dam with an old mill, jewish streets, there are a lot of synagogues, also a white church, well, in general , it has a very good effect on the mood, well-being, i recently tested it on myself, because such a combination of beautiful nature, history, monuments and such general coziness and orderliness, to be honest... you don't often come across them, so i recommend, advertise, everyone go to the white church at the first opportunity. well, we go further and talk about the behavior of the earth's magnetic field. tomorrow, now for your attention the forecast chart, as usual, there will be very little activity tomorrow, so nothing that threatens the well-being for the work of the navigation services is foreseen, so we calmly
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move on to the actual weather forecast. on the next day is on april 23 and we traditionally start from the western regions, so tomorrow in the western part of ukraine, as you can see, the weather will be beautiful during the day, a lot of sun +13, +16°, but the next night there will be frosts in the western part of ukraine, take this into account, either please take note. in the north, it may still rain at night, and tomorrow the day will mostly be without precipitation, but in chernihiv oblast it will only linger a little. maybe a day, literally a couple of drops, +11 +14°. in the east of ukraine , the anti-cyclonic nature of the weather is expected, tomorrow, there will be no precipitation, there will be a lot of sun and the warmest will be tomorrow in the eastern part of ukraine +18 +20°. in the central part of ukraine, there will be no precipitation tomorrow afternoon, also sunny clearings, but it will be cold during the day, and i apologize, it will be cold at night, 12-17° higher during the day. zero, and
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in poltava oblast, as you can see, there is still a little rain, it will rain tomorrow, maybe a little, but still without significant precipitation, i would say, in the southern part of ukraine, tomorrow will be dry weather, eh- there will be a lot of sun in the afternoon, the air temperature will be from 17 to 20°, well, in kyiv, in the capital next night there is a chance of light rain, tomorrow will be dry, without precipitation, the maximum air temperature will be +12 +14°. in general, during the week, the air temperature will no longer be so low, when the maximum temperature reached only 7-6 °c during the day, that is, it will be moderately warm, and we will, of course, monitor the development of the daily synoptic situation together for precipitation and rain. on the espresso channel. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine,
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this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish you all the best health. for the next two hours , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. there will be no armageddon. intelligence assures that the armed forces control the situation despite the desperation. the enemy's attempts to seize yar times, what to expect at the front until the beginning of june. real us help. the pentagon is ready to deliver the necessary weapons to ukraine within a few days after the adoption of the law. will it help stop the russian onslaught? a dangerous balance. poland does not rule out placing nato nuclear weapons on its territory. what are russian
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nuclear weapons leading to... over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, politician-diplomat volodymyr ogrysk, military expert dmytro snigerev, and political scientist serhiy taran. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how russian troops targeted the television tower in kharkiv today. fortunately, during the alarm , the employees arrived in shelter, without casualties, however, from the attack above.


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