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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EEST

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today, i want to pay attention to the actors who open theaters in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine and stage the so-called russian classics there. the honored artist of ukraine ruzhena rublyova celebrated her anniversary, as befits a people's favorite, with a benefit on the stage of the native theater. the main roles are solo concerts, the title of people's artist of ukraine, as well as international tours and, of course, thousands of fans. all this ruzhena rublev's loss... february 24, 2022, as i will tell you now. ruzhena rublyova was born in 1967 year in the urban-type village of askania nova, located in the kherson region. since childhood, she was already on stage, performed at concerts in the local cultural center. after school, she entered the kherson school of music, majoring in choir master. and since 1999 , she worked at the kherson regional academic music and drama theater named after mykola kulish. as an actress-vocalist,
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choirmaster and author of musical arrangements for performances and concerts. for more than 20 years of work in the theater, ruzhena managed to go on tour in 10 countries of the world, including portugal and france. as a choirmaster, she collaborated with the kyiv national academic operetta theater. i never wanted to change my theater for another one. for years spent on the stage and contribution to the development of ukrainian culture, in 2021, by decree of the president of ukraine, rublev was awarded the title of people's artist of ukraine. but she did not stay as a people for long, because she betrayed this title by defecting to the side of the invaders to the accompaniment of a russian balalaika. when kherson was attacked by the orcs, lyubov rublyova's love for ukraine and her native theater disappeared somewhere. in return ambitions appeared, i already wanted to perform on the big russian stage.
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ruzhena took her steps of treason gradually. first, in the summer of 2022, she became the director of two music schools in kherson. but for zaprotinka's great ambitions, being a director is somehow shallow. therefore, already in september, rublyova took the stage in the center of moscow and, accompanied by the choir of the national guard of the russian federation, performed a musical composition of our 10th landing battalion. this concert was dedicated to the russian occupation of part of ukraine. ruzhena rublyova, soloist of khersonskyi. take a look how much determination in her eyes, how much pride on her face, she is here today on this stage singing a song that russia will not stand at the price of victory, and it does not matter how many people will die, how many destinies will be crippled, if dictator putin wants them, they his faithful servants.
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it will do, here she is true devotion to the botox killer. after this concert , rublyova engaged in campaigning for a pseudo-referendum on the accession of kherson oblast to the russian federation, and on february 14, 2023, she performed the monologue symphony of one soul in a temporary occupied henichesk. it was there that all the ministries and institutions of the occupiers moved after harson was released. and do you love the theater as much as i love it? the occupiers also moved the kherson music and drama theater to henichesk, renaming it the russian one. the director of this primitive variety show was, of course, made the comedian rublev. she quickly forgot about the self-sacrifice of the ukrainian curate, now she stages disgusting russian classics and actively tours the occupied territories of ukraine and the russian countryside. in a number of times, performing in collective solyankas of russian artists in moscow. here is her video from a recent performance in russia. and
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a golden gramophone as an award. develops the culture of his region, works with children, holds concerts, no matter what. such an outrageous pro-russian position did not go unnoticed. in august of that year, the traitor rublev was announced as a suspect, after which the case went to the rivne city court for consideration. and so march 26, 2024 appeared. a sentence of 10 years of imprisonment with confiscation of all property, and that's a few of them apartments, which will become state income, rozhena rublova was also banned from holding a position in the field of culture for 12 years. rublyova could have continued to shine on the ukrainian stage, but instead she chose to dance to russian harps for bloody rubles. who knows, maybe soon she will entertain with her songs and dances. our cellmates,
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at least we really hope so. in general, during the occupation , 25 artists were fired from the kherson academic music and drama theater named after mykola kulish. collaborators, the general informed director oleksandr kniga. honored artist of ukraine yevhen gamayunov is one of such shamefully released traitors. now i will tell you how he managed to become a werewolf from a favorite of the public. i answered you, i did not ask unnecessary questions. this is not ukraine for you at all. yevhen worked at the kherson drama theater for 17 years and played more than 100 roles. in 2017 , he became a scholarship holder of the annual monetary award in... activists for their contribution to the implementation of state policy in the field of culture and art in the kherson region. gamayunov in 2019 received an honorary certificate from the ministry of culture. at the age of 21, he became an honored artist of ukraine. let people go to all the performances. you have to go to the theater and watch a play. that's
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what we work for, to give emotions to the viewer. but time will show that gamayunov does not care who gives emotions, he is not against it. and play both in russia and in the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. when kherson was occupied, he, together with rozhena rublyova, quickly found his way, from a ukrainian actor, turned into a fake kherson russian, academic, musical and dramatic theater created by the rashists. here is gamayunov taking part in a cultural program dedicated to the visit of representatives of the occupation authorities of the kherson region to the russian one. anapa, and when our troops approached kherson, this cultural figure realized that it was time to turn his heels to the temporarily occupied genichask, there he participates in productions under the direction of rublev's cosplay of the leningrad drama theater named after ukrainophobe maxim gorky , and at the invitation of the imperialists, he sometimes appears in
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the capital of marshy marshes, moscow. sheep, horses, pillows, rings, i will not read this. yevgeny remains a clown with his russian masters. not long, he still has to play the most important role in his life - remorse for his actions in the ukrainian judge. before the bloody war , she sang ukrainian folk songs, and then unexpectedly sang the russian national anthem. russia, our sacred state, russia. meet, this is another traitor , viktoriya viktorivna kumanovska, born in 1968 in the city of nova kakhovka, graduated from the kherson school of culture, was a member of the famous slavutyanochka folk group. ukraine carols,
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the whole earth carols. when kherson was occupied, she quickly changed the ukrainian national costume to... that kosovorodka and started holding concerts in honor of the russian army and the occupation. here is a photo of her participating in an event organized by the rashists. but this traitor did not manage to stay in kherson for a long time. they gave a drapaka to the left-bank part as soon as the armed forces began to liberate the region. now there is a russian killer entertaining with his throat and waiting for suspicion. i think that sitting behind bars will not be as fun for her as singing the anthem of russia and wave the tricolor. and we will definitely witness her clumsy and belated repentance. it was the program collaborators and i , olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this email address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors after
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the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. good evening, we are from ukraine. greetings, dear viewers, this is a big ether on the espressu tv channel. my name is vasyl zema, i and my colleagues are with you throughout for the next hour and 43 minutes, we will talk about the most important thing, of course, to report on what will happen during our broadcast. well, we start with the announcement of the collection of espresso and the public organization baza ua sprotiv, calling to support the collection of drones on ivy for the 93rd separate brigade of kholudny yar. and the 72nd brigade of black zaporozhets, our own production, testing, variations for the needs of the defenders, we can provide all this together. having collected 2 million hryvnias, the first successful applications of fpv on the battlefield are already there, and this is not isolated cases, join us so that they
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become more, our goal is ambitious, but realistic 2 million hryvnias, i checked today, we have already collected more than 1400 thousand with your help, the fourth part remains. i think we can close this as soon as possible. remember, donat for the armed forces of ukraine is an investment in our victory, it is death to the enemies, let's say so. and life. for our soldiers and for civilians. now i am joining the conversation with askad shurbekov, deputy of the zaporizhia regional council. mr. skade, i congratulate you. congratulations. i know that on weekends, because the enemy fought in zaporizhzhia and also in the zaporizhzhia region, and we can also say how the day passed today, the consequences of enemy attacks and the security situation. please. indeed, the weekend did not pass smoothly. of the regional center itself, a few days ago there was an attack on an industrial zone, fortunately there were no victims or wounded
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civilians, the consequences are being eliminated, if we talk about enemy activity there in the past day, there today, then to a greater extent it is concentrated directly in the communities on the line front, and over the past day there have been more than 200 shellings, actually by the enemy continues to hit civil infrastructure, private buildings, we see that there are practically no high-rise buildings on the front line . to homes, mainly even now, all these blows are just hitting private households, fortunately, without injuries, without victims, however, the enemy is methodically, let's say, he is trying to destroy directly the places of civilian settlements in the zaporizhzhia region, and here i am today i read the story like this, i think you definitely know more, but it's telling, because i when i was preparing to ask about it, it was negative, but now it has... the positive is known, there are two, by the way, stories about bloggers from zaporizhia, but a well-known blogger in zaporizhia provoked territorial
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workers, or military personnel of territorial recruitment centers, discredited the armed forces forces of ukraine, there the videos were spread in social networks and so on and so on, i already read literally just before eter that he apologized to the employees of the tsk, to the armed forces of ukraine, and to this i would like to add that they are actively recording employees of the cyber security service, and... the presence of social networks where traitors and collaborators are concentrated in the zaporizhzhia region, how common is this phenomenon and what is it, maybe you know more about this blogger, well, there were such stories in ukraine, you know, in poltava there was a fitness trainer who tried to humiliate the armed forces of ukraine, in the end, well, he fell, i think, he slightly broke his face, well, something happened to him, but in a word, well, this activity stopped, but you see that it is still in certain resources are invested, because it affects someone and works, tell: about this story, please, well, unfortunately, there are similar precedents, they are so frequent, especially in
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the territory of zaporizhzhia or the zaporizhzhia region, that is the so-called blogger, i don't know how big his audience is, because before that, we have not heard of such a blogger there, as far as i know, he is a former law enforcement officer, but he has not been working for a long time, and indeed there were videos on the network , where he, well, let's say, openly clung to it to the representatives of the tsc with some provocative questions, such others, but to date this video has been deleted. and in general, let's say a person apologized, i think that probably, to a greater extent, this is some kind of misunderstanding, which is connected with the fact that people, unfortunately, are exposed to hostile ipso, and under the influence of these ipso, they try in some way oppose the activities of state authorities, because , frankly, during the entire period of mobilization, in the zaporizhzhia region, there were no precedents on the part of tsc employees or in of the entire armed forces of ukraine, who in some way treated the population incorrectly or incorrectly. they took it upon themselves when people were notified there, when they were issued summonses there or some other actions, that is
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, there were no such precedents in the zaporizhzhia region, and therefore it is very surprising that there is some kind of negative opposition there, when they cling so openly on the streets, that's why i mentioned it i'm only talking about the fact that people are exposed to enemy dogma and already under the influence of this russian propaganda, russian informational influence , they somehow try to do similar things, it is very, very valuable that this incident has actually been exhausted, and it is demonstrative, it will surely be a symbol and a signal... for other people that, in general, state authorities, local self-government bodies in the zaporizhzhia region always work within the framework of the law, if there is some illegal actions, then you need to signal to the relevant authorities, to the judges there or to the higher authorities, but in no case do not do similar things, which today can be used by the enemy to show some negative processes in us, because well such processes frankly do not exist in the zaporizhia region, and by the way, even i can advertise here, especially since the person is quite famous, and his act, he forces to say about it, oleksiy shkrobnets, known as
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tyler anderson, has been leading for many years youtube channel greek journal, and there he reviews ukrainian world cinema, tv series, and yesterday, on april 21, oleksiy announced that he had joined the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine in his telegram channel, he said that ah, if you, and, there, but in a word he says that if you want it to do, show it by your own example, and... and so he decided to leave and this, well, even more so, a person who has a large audience, and i understand there are hundreds of thousands, millions of views, well, this is a very cool story when people decide on such decisions for yourself personally without pressure. not out of coercion, not because there is a lack of money, well, there are different situations in life there, but i understand that catechism is the other side of the coin, which shows that the processes are going in a sufficiently correct direction, and many people with art and culture of the zaporizhzhia region went in droves, a lot of my colleagues from the regional council also joined the army, that is, there are many conscious people who choose this path, and i am very
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grateful to them that they follow this rumor, and just today there was a story, well, this - again, it was that , which was recorded in the mass media, well, in a specific edition, maybe it’s not true, maybe it’s not a mass incident, she wrote there about the death of a resident of berdyansk, who volunteered to join the armed forces of the aggressor country to fight against the ukrainian army, died there some the medal was given to his parents, but if we talk about people who are forced, well, here it is not that they are forced to join the army of the aggressor country, but simply speaking, they are sent to the battlefield. in the first ranks, as far as it is now a mass phenomenon, maybe after these fake elections that were held, pseudo-elections that were held in the occupied territories, maybe the work on conscription was intensified, and if there are even such volunteers, this man worked in russia , for a long time he supported putin, well and actually decided to join the ranks of the aggressor’s army and died. well, i think that the word is very
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forced, probably that it is very suitable for these processes, because there is a very small number of... real volunteers who join the enemy army, go to fight against their compatriots, to a greater extent, these mobilization processes, they take place in a military nature, because during the elections they went, did door-to-door rounds, identified and recorded the male population of draft age, and now they are these processes they only intensify, and we also understand that people in the temporarily occupied territories are subject to such a great propaganda pressure, because these are all hostile dogs, that the russians will take the nuts there, will go to zaporizhzhia, which they have been broadcasting there since the first days of the war, they are very affect the local population, they are zombied, and in fact people there , under the impression of this information, sometimes join the enemy army, and in fact the russians use them as cannon fodder and immediately send them to the front, because cases have already been recorded when people were killed by the russians on the zaporozhye front line, they were actually drafted
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there literally a week, two or three weeks ago, that is, no one there considers the people to be a valuable resource, it's another turn. an indicator of how people, like russians, treat their own residents, even more so, the residents of the temporarily occupied territory, so i am sure that such volunteers, real volunteers, who are ready to betray their state as a unit there, to a greater extent, these people are forcibly actually there mobilizing, well yes, if we talk about how they treat their own, i will not show it now, there is a video, well, eight, if not 21 plus, a russian military man, well, that, that, the one we called the chmobike. yes, but these are really people who do not have special rights, they are simply thrown away, he showed a real picture of the battles of some elite paratrooper units there near the temporal ravine, but ordinary russians who are sent to near avdiivka there, well, to the west of avdiivka, and here he says, it was the 19th, now it is zero, when landing from the bmp at the position, well ukrainian troops were destroyed, they were all burned, and
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the video shows where a bunch of russian soldiers are lying around the dead, that is, if they treat their own... illustrations, i added such realities of war, thank you very much, mr. aska, thank you for participating, thank you for your comments, askada shurbakov, a deputy of the zaporizhia regional council, was in touch with us, and war is a terrible thing, you know, there is always propaganda, that's right, but sometimes we are we see terrible pictures of war both from our side and from just the enemy, this is always the case. hides, yes, but when it comes out, you see and understand that, well, viktor bobarenko, an expert in political analysis, and mr. viktor, i congratulate you, good health, mr. vasyl, and i’m in a hurry, i’ll ask first, you know , that the enemy is constantly trying in one way or another to get into sumy oblast either with a projectile or by foot, as the situation was at the weekend and
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today, please, er, well, relatively... calm, but relatively here, you know, relatively when it arrived not 100, 500 times, that's all 100, 100-200 times, they were shelled again, shelled, shelled with mortars, shelled, it was again bombarded, but at least it got away without casualties, there are impressions, there are broken windows, there are demolished... roofs of houses , but there are no dead and injured, this is over the weekend and today i'm knocking on wood, well, really, let it be like this in the future, and we'll discuss some important such politically sensitive topics, but first, let's start, probably with here are these people who are accused of killing
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a policeman, for the father, for one of the two, who are the father, they chose a measure of remand for two months without the right to make bail, for the son, i don't know, they still chose a measure of remand, i don't know who he will be, in continuation of this story, the discarded ammunition says about um... grenades, this man now repents of what he did, and it is clear that grenades are obviously not such a reliable cargo, for which it was worth going to a crime that carries a life sentence, explain this story, is society communicating this correctly now occasion, how much this the process should be open, clear, accessible, because this is, well, this is a history, unfortunately, indicative, here i am saying without knowing the details, but this is a war both during the war and after the war. everything happens and will happen, here you have to communicate very clearly, follow the law very clearly and act correctly, how do you evaluate this job now? well, yes, they will try
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to seize the situation in some way, so you see, let's ban weapons, because there is a big movement to allow weapons, more than 200,000 people, more than 200,000 people , or 300,000 have signed up for... . that to to provide weapons there, and applied for weapons permits, please excuse me, and in general, to adopt legislation to officially allow weapons, yes, in households, so that everyone adequate can carry a weapon, and for example, the american experience shows that in in those states where the freedom to own guns is not enough, where if you don't have a gun, it seems... in vermont, well, i'm not ready to say for all the states, how many states are there, where if you don't have any guns at all, then you have to pay additional tax there, because you don't
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you have guns, that means you pay for being protected, and the history of the united states shows that this is exactly the case, the more guns per population, the less crime, that's the parallel, but we will have a lot ... now the lobbyists, let's not be allowed there, although it will not lead to anything, because a very extremely large number of people who will bring in from the front, if not grenades, then automatic weapons and something else, so there is nowhere to go from this we will not move, now with regard to the brutality there, this post-war syndrome is experienced by all countries, let's remember how much we have here about gleb zhiglov and volodya sharapov, and there is a syndrome in the soviet union. the war ended , ended, increased, increased banditry, why, well, there it was multiplied by total poverty, and er, well, in general
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, by the specifics of the soviet system, but, let's say this, in all countries after the war, except for germany , by the way , because they sat there for a long time, especially those who were in soviet captivity, but in the same france there was a surge, well, growth. uh, crime in britain, and not just crime, not theft, but that malice, embitterment, yes, when the veterans came who were used to the fact that death means nothing, they were used to death, and therefore it was easier to say goodbye to life themselves, and it was also easy to take someone's life or maim someone, i might add, maybe it , but again, i am interested in your opinion that these two suspects, well, they are suspects for now. and they were active parishioners of the church of the moscow patriarchate, perhaps, well , again, this is just a fact, and here we must also talk about it, because this is a picture that is being put together, a person acted consciously,
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a person, well, now she repents of what she did, and here it is simply important, again, that everything be brought to a logical conclusion and that nothing is hidden, well, obviously, that there should be a clear signal, and, because, because we understand, that the problems can be different during the war, well, that's understandable, eh, well... the fact that they are parishioners of the moscow patriarchate is a matter for them, that is, they will not be allowed to do it for a rebuke, but if they were members of the servant of the people party, maybe they would try to smear it, but i think that the father will take the blame on himself, to smear the son as much as possible, so that he goes as a magistrate, gets a few years there, well, this one, accordingly, who receives for life, eh oh well oh oh... it will be like that, but i am talking about the fact that the state needs to work systematically, don't try to cancel it, let's go, because we won't cancel weapons,
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there will be a lot of weapons in the country now, but we need to work, we need a lot of state programs and grants from dollars and from the state there at the local level, or grants of special, specialized subventions for the creation of veterans, well, now donors are actively giving, they actively give money for this, yes, for the creation of veteran centers, for psychologists to work there, everything depends only on the fact that the money can be given, but whether those people or there, well, because the center can be opened somewhere in the community , but... he will work according to the principle that there should be silence in the library, you know, like in that tokaven, who will work, or someone who has already burned out professionally, or it will be people who will be sincere there, or it will be themselves , that is, someone managed such centers from the environment of veterans, where there will be mutual assistance, where there will be attraction to each other, once again you have to understand that veterans are many target groups, because there are veterans who served at the very
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ground zero, and somewhere there are others. products and embezzlement sat, yes, some worked with donors, some worked in logistics somewhere there, well, these are different experiences of the war, some came already wounded, and disability is a separate target group, yes disability, and some came in the family , and his wife didn't wait for him, someone is still being prayed for, someone was a bachelor, came and now he doesn't know if the girls there will accept him or not, because, well, due to the fact that he visited there like this, that is, we have, and the target groups are the families themselves, the children of the military, yes, there are many, many target groups, that is, there is not a single such of a unique environment, what can be called veterans, and which veterans should be further systematized into smaller taxa, ranked, find out who is more difficult, and
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work with each of these microgroups. and it should be the state that works through a system of some benefits and guarantees, yes, what is there, yes, that children have health benefits there, there, for example, on free meals, veterans there for travel, there is something else, there is a pension, if according to disability there are the second group 12, the first 17, for example, yes, but there must also be some things that happen directly in the community, because something can be done with central level. something that can be transferred to a card, yes, or give some kind of benefit, or there are some, i don’t know, hectares of land, and there is also the fact that when they meet, or someone meets, how native, someone will say, i didn’t send you there , you see, this is already different, that is, it is necessary to prepare communities and one must understand in communities very much, we talked today, for example, i also said at one training there that it is necessary to distinguish very clearly from reconstruction when...
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a school building is rebuilt and restoration, when a school is restored not as a building, but as a collective of like-minded people, which includes there are teachers, and students, and the same, the community is not some executive committee there, which cannot be touched, but it is specifically elders in villages, it is specifically quarters in cities, it is specifically some centers, and it is specifically some relationship. to the veteran, because it is not enough will buy it, let's open the premises now, let's do a nice european renovation there, we'll make some kind of filling there, and then some soulless person will come there and i won't come there, that's how local we need to act, that this mother is being slandered, but only this will save us from that, or rather not something that will not save, optimizes, because such cases will happen, we, whatever we
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do, such cases will happen, let's put up with it, because people are used to brutality in war, but the more we approach locally and humanly, there are fewer of them there will be cases, you know, i like it here in the comments on youtube, a person writes, there was no war in france, well, of course, godaryan did not raise his troops, they did not take paris, there was no dunkirk, there was no activity, general de gaulle, well, but that’s it i will simply prove that there was a war and actually movements. fought partisans throughout the entire war, but i'm here, we still don't have much time, but i still have one question to ask, by the way, this vitaly vasylaki, the son of one of the participants, actually admitted that he was the one who shot, because he hit a policeman , and the other started, well in a word, this story is revealed there, but it seems that there is a confession, but it is not for a conversation on this topic now, i would like you to comment on the story with ex-spy roman chervinsky, he disappeared, i still do not see information about where he is.


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