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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 2:00am-2:30am EEST

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no matter what we do, there will be such cases, that's all, let's put up with it, because people are used to brutality in war, but the more we approach locally and humanely, the less such cases will be, you know, i like it here in the comments to youtube, a person writes that there was no war in france, well, of course, godaryan did not raise his troops, they did not take paris, there was no dunkirk, there was no activity, i am simply saying that... there was a war there and actually the opera movements were fought by partisans during of the entire war, but i'm here while we still have time not much, but i still have one question to ask, by the way, this vitaliy vasylaki, one of the participants, the son actually admitted that he was the one who shot, because he hit the policeman, and the other one started, well, in a word, there this story unfolds, well, it seems like there is a confession, but it is not for a conversation on this topic now, i would like you to comment on the story with the ex-intelligence officer roman chervinsky, he disappeared, i still do not see information where. he was taken out of the courtroom in
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an unknown direction, and now the legal company has already filed a request, a complaint, as i understand it, and to the european court of human rights, and finish in such a way that the court must respond to this request immediately, and this must give a result, why prove what is happening in this case before that, because the terms of the grounds for detaining colonel chervinskyi have already there is no, but he was not released and the term of detention was not extended, he was simply taken away. from the courtroom and now he is in an unknown place, the authorities are doing unrevealing things, this demonstrative, very demonstrative injustice, firstly, it does not add points and points to them, and secondly, in front of our allies, it just destroys us, it's a terrible shame and disgrace, yes, when the state shows this principle of franco, yes, what is possible for someone, if you are... a servant of the party,
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then you can go to the side of the forest for a crime, but if you once revealed their crimes, then you can sew something that in general the military cannot glue, yes, there is some kind of unsuccessful operation in their opinion, which, in war, there are successful operations, there are unsuccessful ones, but it is sewn as a crime, this it demotivates the military, it... and it demotivates the rear, it demotivates the military, it how the military will be afraid to make decisions, now everyone will wait, you give the command, we go, but the armies also lose, the army continues, it depends on those who take the initiative, and the stupid rule of the red army that the initiative has an initiator, it wrong, that's why the red army lost, all normal armies rely on initiative chiefs and... commanders,
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which means they can sometimes make mistakes, if we say that every mistake is a crime, then we won't win the war like that, that's for sure, that's we definitely won't win, this is the first aspect, and the second aspect, if you take revenge on a combatant commander for investigating you in wagnergate, for fearing him as a witness for the future, then this is the baseness, baseness and meanness of the office of the president, i have no other way to call it i can, knock me out. this situation, and not only that, during the war it absolutely cannot be done, you cannot make me hate the government, well damn, do something so that i will be irritated there, there is something else, why are you pushing me to the extreme degree of irritation, which is already passing simply not even in contempt, in hatred, despite the fact that colonel chervinskyi was the person who not only named one person in the president's office, well, we know, as an agent of...
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which state, or not only the person who told the details of that , how the implementation of the operation on wagner was actually carried out or leveled off, and this was a person who, in the first days of the war, stood up for the defense of ukraine, stood up for the defense of kyiv, and carried out certain actions, and did a lot of cool, cool operations, for which you have to give the hero of ukraine, well so start of the hero of ukraine, and one must understand what, what if, and again there is nothing... it is not proven, it is not proven that it was an ineffective operation there or something else, and but if some officer did 10 excellent, excellent yes, the operation, but one for satisfactory, then for that, well, well, that’s damn it, it’s just that no one does it, no one does it, it’s meanness, meanness, yes, when the history will be revealed, how many lives and equipment were lost because of bad decisions of some or others. tsemaha is a witness to
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the downed boeing flight mh17 in the trunk of zhiguli. from the occupied territory, that is, that is why we will wait, but again, this raises many questions, i support you in the fact that you should not give reasons to hate either the authorities or individual people whom the authorities allow to do this, thank you very much, viktor boberenko was with us, an expert of the bureau of policy analysis, and now i will add to the conversation serhii zgurets, director of the defense express agency and the host of the military summaries of the day column, serhii, congratulations, congratulations to you, vasyl, congratulations to our viewers, glad to see and hear, well, what! e by key let's go through the question, the head of the main intelligence department kyrylo budanov predicts, general kyrylo budanov predicts that ukraine will face a difficult situation in mid-may, early june, but there will be no armageddon, so what is it about, should we prepare, what should ukraine prepare for first of all , and
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again, we understand that general budanov is an intelligence officer, and not all of his statements should be taken as the statement of a brigade commander or a battalion commander there, who was ordered to take something, and he says either... yes or no, well it is easier to act there on the front line. after all, general buldana is the head of intelligence and sometimes not all his words should be taken literally. so these words should be taken literally and what he means by the word armageddon. please. well, in fact, you are absolutely right that especially the words of the head of the general directorate of intelligence must be taken in the context of the multidimensionality of military operations, because we understand that it can be directed at the enemy, it can be ... his to certain realities, but papa sergey, please, but in any case, if you if you can hear me now, bohdano is really talking about the fact that at the beginning of may, in june
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there will be a difficult situation, but there is de facto nothing new here, he is talking about the fact that the operation of my opponent can be complex, he is talking about , which is not only about... the situation on the front line, in ukraine itself, and if we can make a certain forecast there, then it is about the fact that the adversaries will probably continue to press on the front line, the enemy will carry out missile strikes, which we actually understand and predict, perhaps certain terrorist attacks by the enemy and actions by the enemy on our territory, and, of course, a powerful informational and psychological operation directed at ukrainian citizens and western countries in order to, well, in particular, reduce the possibility of... providing military, military-technical assistance, but when we talk about the military component, then i will say that now the structure, potential and capabilities of those forces that blow offensive actions against the enemy, they cannot actually ensure what everyone is afraid of an attack there on
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kyiv, on sumy, on on kharkiv, on chernihiv, although the party member will really try, in particular, to go to the borders of donetsk and luhansk regions, right now the main enemies are here. and the enemy's efforts are planned, but in any case we understand that this interview of budanov, in my opinion, is most likely to prepare the ukrainian population for various realities that may be on the battlefield, but we understand that on today, the capacity after the announced military aid package from the united states, i think it will be increased, and in fact, the risks can be offset by the actions of the armed forces. yes, i am... actually about the package, the fact that it gives us time, well, what i heard today, and the bilt publication, well, the different attitude towards this military correspondent of the bilt publication ropa, andreska, i will help, if not, i don’t remember how it sounded exactly, i think it was andriy, but he said that money and
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weapons are good, but ukraine needs 250,000, as if he knows how much they are currently preparing at the replenishment ranges, i don’t know, maybe in he has classified data, i think he doesn't knows, and in fact should not know, how many people we have... people who are preparing to arrive at the front line, to carry out the assigned tasks, yes, but in any case, and here it gives us time, and despite the weapons and money is good, but we need people, and president zelensky in an interview with a french interviewer said the phrase that we, we are attracting and will actively attract young people under 30 to the front, because apart from the fact that they healthier, stronger, more resilient, well, this is a logical story, the only question is how many such young people we have. they and are more modern not only in using their gadgets and technologies, but even in the creation of these gadgets and technologies, that is why this help is specifically what it gives now, and again in the future, if we take into account the mobilization and the time it takes now can give,
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you know, such a blow on the face with a hammer to the enemy, and then use that time quickly to do something, what? well, when we talk about american aid, then indeed there is a package of more than 60 billion dollars, it allows us to meet the basic needs of the armed forces, we also understand that he, by the way, blocks another 4 billion there, which remained from last year, and in this bill there are two extremely interesting things that probably not everyone noticed, because in fact this bill requires the secretary of state and the secretary of defense of the united states to present such a strategy for ukraine's victory over by the russian federation, i.e. in the optimal way, which... will be determined by the united states, i.e. actually now
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the word victory is finally mentioned in the bill, because before we all talked about the fact that the united states professes a strategy so that russia does not win there, and ukraine does not lose, and in the same bill it is mentioned that an analysis should be carried out of the possible transfer of those types of weapons that will have a significant importance on the battlefield and which does not transmit before. i even, well, i thought that it could be, well, i, for example, thought that maybe we are talking about a version of the transfer, for example, to the same cruise missiles, such as the tomahawk, in the bill itself it is mentioned that it is necessary to provide for the transfer of missiles to the attack , this in the version of 300 km, which is also, well, a significant shift compared to the previous decisions of the administration. the united states, because today we have missiles there with a range of 180 km, in limited quantities, and these things
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are related to the expansion of the list of weapons, well, they are extremely important, but when we say what exactly will and must be transferred quickly, in particular , the representatives there of both the united states intelligence committee and the representatives of the pentagon said that in the course of several weeks there , transmissions could be secured first of all ammunition, this is extremely important. missiles to air defense systems, this is extremely important, it is also about, i think, still expanding the number of armored vehicles, because we know how effectively the 47th brigade uses the bradley infantry fighting vehicle there, this is also extremely necessary now, and we can also expect , that in the future we are talking about weapons related to the protection of the sky, but now we see patriot complexes, if in addition to missiles to... of course there is a need to increase the number of sams themselves and the united states is
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the largest country that has all the arsenals more than 60 of these batteries, which are also badly needed by the armed forces, and in any case, all this, in particular, ammunition and missiles for air defense, should be transferred as soon as possible, because this is exactly what is currently affecting the situation on the front lines, where the enemy has an advantage in artillery, and also work on... it is extremely necessary to minimize the enemy's use of aviation with those aviation dominant bombs, which today are quite systematically destroying our fortifications, i would like to spend a few minutes on the situation on front, today again there was information, well, but it is so voiced by some westerners that they broke through the front in the area, i think they were speaking ivanivsk, i can't say for sure now, they broke through the front, surrendered the positions in an unclear manner. the reason is the village of ocheretyn, and they tell me that, because i already, and then we
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talked with colleagues like this, you know which colleagues we talk to, well, there is an advance of the enemy there, but just look again, first of all, how to evaluate these foreign media headlines, and why is this done, because among people who are not familiar with it, it causes panic, well, the fronts broke through a corridor of 10 km there, everyone ran, well, that is, how to perceive it, and well , when we talk about the situation on the front line, you just mentioned at first... i called a comrade who just provides artillery support on these areas, i say that it is precisely in ivannivskyi, because i spoke with him for a couple of days, he says that the ammunition was not catastrophic, but now he says that i have ammunition, he says that if i am there , i will contact the senior commander, say that there is a threat, then here, in particular, our brigade received as many as 200 shells, he says that's it very cool, at the time other brigades got 5-10 there, and he says count... we poured this over there to the enemy in the same ivanovo and in ivanovo, in fact, in the same
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house, our fighters can sit in the house next to it can sit the enemy says that we need to cover the enemy very precisely using artillery together with drones and the artillery says that it is possible to hold back the enemy's advance, but we understand that now all this is an echo of that history when there was very little ammunition, we understand that this is exactly what caused the opportunities to press the enemy on all front lines, i hope that in the near future it is american ammunition that will come faster and help our military to hold the line. front and use its main advantage at the current stage, to destroy the enemy's strength, i think that now it will be easier to do just that if these ammunitions arrive faster. when we talk about the reeds that you mentioned, the enemy is really trying there, using the advantage there in ammunition and the advantage in manpower,
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trying to advance on the reeds there so that then somewhere from the north to make its detour there. turn your front to press on berdich there and go there, so to speak, from the north to the rear of our defense line, but it is not that simple, it looks like this on the map that the enemy is advancing, there is an advance, but we saw several videos there, where these russians are fighting in view of the fact that, relatively speaking, how they are being destroyed by ukrainian submarines, and again, artillery, even if it is not enough now, so that all these advances are several hundred meters. although in the zone ochereting was advancing within a few kilometers there, but this is not the situation that suggests that the front is about to collapse, the enemy has gained a strategic advantage, it is just a dynamic situation, where even in the conditions of the enemy's advantage in life aviation forces and artillery, the front is holding, now, if american help arrives, i think the situation will change in favor of stabilization,
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although the president seems to have even said yesterday that we can intercept there... the initiative, it may not be easy, but even the stabilization of the front line for us will be at this stage, well, a completely acceptable option for the next couple of months, well , very briefly, if possible, literally one and a half minutes, the logistics of this mass attack and other equipment, which is now very necessary, especially for impressing the enemy and close ones and somewhere far away, when it can be expected without revealing any secrets, i know that you can, you know how to say, but here it is important... well, it was said from the side of the pentagon that, relatively speaking, in a couple of days, if a decision is made, we hope that the decision of the senate will be adopted tomorrow and be positive, the us president will sign it just as quickly, and within a few days this aid will be on its way, we
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are saying that, first of all, ammunition, i repeat, ammunition for the complex. air defense and i hope that within a few weeks the ukrainian army will receive the most scarce items. thanks so much for joining in, thanks for the comments, that was a military recap of the day. serhiy zgurets, director of the defense express agency, leading the military summaries of the day. and now the plot is for your attention. in the city of myrhorod, in the poltava region, believers are rebuilding the church of the orthodox church of ukraine that was destroyed by the soviet authorities. parishioners help in this, donate money, materials and work on... construction, anna morozova saw how the people's church was being built, we see, each pile was bought by some family, there were, there were families who bought several piles. step by step , the church of all saints is being rebuilt in myrhorod, after gaining independence, believers wanted to revive the orthodox church of ukraine. 60 years ago her destroyed by the soviet authorities, the abbot mykola
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bazilevskyi was killed for services in the ukrainian language. the revival of ukrainian has begun. by the hands of the myrhorod regiment of the ukrainian cossacks. the creation process was extremely difficult. there were no funds. but thanks to the efforts of the cossack community, which worked here every week, took out garbage, uprooted trees, and brought earth. then we were joined by caring citizens, of whom there were many. next to the construction site. set up a wagon, here are icons, photos of previous abbots and myrhorod residents who died in the war, believers began to build the walls of the temple on their own from the materials they brought themselves. we will now have to complete the construction of our church, we have such an action, donate a brick to the church, and we are asking everyone and appeal to everyone who can give us at least one brick, at least two. the parishioners want to make the place a kind of
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pantheon of memory. bricks from the destroyed churches of the poltava region were laid on the wall of the central entrance. when we laid this wall. near the entrance, we highlighted and they are so polished, they look like new, but they are fine these bricks are 300 or 400 years old. now the builders are finishing building the outer walls. the maximum height of the church will reach 19 m. it will be able to accommodate a hundred people at a time. tables with the names of fallen soldiers and victims of the holodomor are planned to be installed on the territory. the terms of completion of the construction are not mentioned, because the process depends on the faithful and those who care about mneski. anna morozova from myrhorod for espresso tv channel. well, we continue, the second hour of the great ether starts, a lot of interesting and important information awaits you in the world about ukraine with yuriy fizer, money during the war with oleksandr morchavka, also sports news from yevhen'. pastokhova, and the weather from natalka didenko, now i will tell you in detail about the most important news. the russian invaders hit kharkiv again in the afternoon, targeting the city's tv tower,
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oleg synigubov, the head of the regional military administration, informed. at the time of the shelling , the employees were in cover, so they escaped unhurt. at the same time, there were interruptions in the digital television signal in the city, the enemy also attacked vovchansk. and dergachi and the village of slobozhanske were previously without... victims. vinnytsia court chose a preventive measure for the suspect in the murder of the policeman valery vasylak after two months without bail. during the hearing, he admitted his guilt and said that he was very sorry for the crime he had committed. the judges today will also choose a preventive measure for his son, who was with him during this armed attack. let me remind you, they opened on the night of april 20. shot at two policemen who stopped to check theirs car in vinnytsia region. according to the investigation , the attackers were transporting ammunition in the car. as a result of the shooting, one law enforcement officer
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was killed, and the other was wounded, both attackers are military. meanwhile, in vinnytsia they said goodbye to the killed patrolman maksym zaretsky, he was buried on slava alley cemetery in bershad. yanukovych was only 20 years old. were left without an only son. zaretskyi studied at the national academy of internal affairs and served for a year and a half in the response sector of the patrol police in the bershytsk community, today is the day of mourning. well, really, we will to monitor how this matter will develop in the future, and of course, honor and here is indescribable pain and irreparable loss for the parents. ago. honor and grief only, unfortunately. ukraine continues to celebrate the bravery of ukrainian soldiers who defend their home from the enemy, president of ukraine
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volodymyr zelenskyi said during the ceremonial awarding of the defenders of our state. the head of the ukrainian state presented the order of the golden star of a hero to the families of seven fallen heroes. this highest state award was also given to three-time military servicemen, ten more ukrainian defenders, the president honored with an award. cross of combat merits, those present also honored the memory of all soldiers who died for ukraine with a moment of silence. i am proud of every ukrainian soldier, i thank every family of our heroes, for such sons and daughters of ukraine. thanks to all the sergeants and officers who really care about the soldiers and are role models for them. and i'm asking. always remember, remember each and every one who gave his life in battles for the sake of ukraine. in the mountains to romania, two residents
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of zakarpattia organized a scheme to transport conscripted men abroad. they were discovered by the border guard when they stopped two cars with a group of people. customers had to pay the dealers 20 thousand dollars each and conquer the mountains to... get to neighboring romania. the organizers also involved a taxi driver in the scheme, who did not know about the criminal intentions of the passengers. those who want to flee the country will have to pay a fine, and the smugglers face criminal liability. and in khmelnytskyi, the security service of ukraine kidnapped the abbot of the church of the shepetiv diocese of the moscow patriarchate, who praised believers of the head of the kremlin. first, a full-scale invasion of kli'. held liturgies during which he denied russian aggression and blamed the ukrainian government for the war, the priest also insulted parishioners and other
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religious communities. well, i hope that the verkhovna rada will bring to a conclusion the matter regarding the banning of all religious organizations that have ties with russia on the territory of our state, in fact, i hope that the russian church and its activities will be banned. and the activities of its agents and supporters on the territory of our state, which suffered unprovoked aggression from the russian federation, and let me remind you that the head of the russian orthodox church, kril gondyaev, called the war against ukraine not criminal, not fratricidal, sacred. i think there is nothing more to add . it is believed that one of the perpetrators of the shootings on the maidan was vladyslav vladyslav lukash, the ex-commander of the kharkiv berkut. responsible for the shooting of protesters on february 18, 2014, his lawyer natalya vozniuk dragged out the court proceedings for years. due to these actions
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, the statute of limitations has expired in the case, so... bring to the responsibility of the suspect is no longer possible, a very large part of the hearings was postponed precisely because the defender was either busy, or sick, or on a business trip, that is, she filed the appropriate petitions in advance, and thus we did not have court hearings. to date , the motion of the defense to close the criminal proceedings is being considered, also in connection with the statute of limitations. i went to the maidan, i was 74 years old. for... i am already 85 years old and have had court proceedings for 10 years, but even then, i left to protect his state, support for students, over 10,000 laptops were received by schoolchildren, schoolchildren of the zaporizhzhia region from unicef, the project is implemented together with the ministry of education and science of ukraine - announced the head of the region, ivan fedorov.
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new. the heads of educational institutions will transfer to displaced children, children with disabilities, orphans and schoolchildren from low-income families living in the frontline region. and british prime minister rishisuna kigensek nato jen stoltenberg will arrive tomorrow on a working visit to the republic of poland, about said polish prime minister donald tusk. according to him, together they plan to discuss the national security of poland and cooperation between the countries and. they will also discuss the issue of providing air defense systems for ukraine. i'm talking about the patriot air defense systems because we were investigating the number of them in europe to see who could put them in ukraine. germany has offered its systems, but of course there are other types of weapons that could help ukraine defend its skies. so, poland will be
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actively promote this issue. a monument to the late queen elizabeth ii and her dogs was erected for the first time in great britain. the opening ceremony took place in the city of oken. in particular, about 50 corgi dogs took part in it. it was a favorite breed of the late monarch. the four-legged furry ones walked in solemn procession in front of the sculpture together with their owners. corgis or non-corgis, and dogs, and people, and other living creatures need to beware of ticks with the onset of heat, therefore, with the onset of heat in ukraine , ticks became more active, for example on about a hundred people in kirovohrad oblast turned to doctors because of their bites, how dangerous ticks are, and how to deal with them, and the communal workers of kropyvnytskyi are struggling, our journalists will tell. the peak of seasonal
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tick activity. in spring and autumn, people most often turn to doctors because of their bites. yulia from kropovnych was bitten by a tick while relaxing in nature. and at some point in the evening, i felt that my leg started to hurt a little, and it was pulling. i think, well, i didn't do anything out of the ordinary, and i decided to take a look. upon inspection, i discovered that i have it some growth, as it were, on the leg, and then, when it was already lit, because it is already dark in the evening. turned out to be a tick. julia removed the tick herself, the next day her leg was very swollen, the girl went to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with lyme disease, which is fatal. i was prescribed antibiotic treatment, this treatment is, first of all, expensive, well, expensive, because the drugs are currently being quoted for how much they cost, and secondly, this treatment took a whole month, i was sick, i had a high temperature, i was very
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tired, i have... a sore leg. a tick can carry about 150 types of infections. after spending time in nature, a person should be alerted by red circles on the body, pain and itching, according to the regional center for disease control and prevention. here, pests are examined for infection. it has already been proven that if an infected tick has been on the human body for up to one day, the risk of infection with these diseases will be minimal, but if the tick has been in the human body for up to three days, then the risk. infection is approaching 100%. lyme disease, ixodid tick-borne bereliosis, unfortunately, has, as in in the kirovohrad region, as well as in ukraine as a whole, there is an upward trend. substances that destroy insects in kropyvnytskyi are sprayed with the help of steam generators. for their own safety, utility workers wear protective equipment.


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