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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EEST

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the treatment took a whole month, i was sick, i had a fever, i was very tired, my leg hurt. a tick can carry about 150 types of infections. after being in nature, a person should be alerted by red circles on the body, pain and itching, according to the regional center for disease control and prevention. here, pests are examined for infection. it has already been proven that if a tick, an infected tick stayed on the human body for up to one day. the risk of infection with these diseases will be minimal, but if the tick has been in the human body for up to three days, then the risk of infection approaches 100%. unfortunately, lyme disease, ixodid tick-borne bereliosis, has an increasing tendency both in the kirovohrad region and in ukraine as a whole. substances that destroy insects in kropyvnytskyi are sprayed with the help of steam generators, for their own safety, utility workers work in protective equipment. denys processes paths, bushes and
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trees already at the fifth location, he says that the preparations are available, and will remain for next year as well. well, most often they hide, they are like parks on oaks, on maples, and in general, in principle, they are all around now. during the processing period, we... for the day post announcements about, indicate on which day the work will be carried out and request that people on this day and the next day, for at least one day, not walk with their dogs, cats and not be in parks communal workers previously mentioned that the fight against ticks in the city was not systematic, but now green locations will be treated every spring and autumn. last year because of a bite. ticks to the hospitals of kirovohrad region
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almost a thousand people applied, more than 60 of them were infected with lyme disease. from kropyvnytskyi for the espresso tv channel. well , really, be careful, protect yourself and your furry pets from ticks. well, we continue, there are many forces in the world, from which it is difficult to protect yourself, but sometimes you can protect yourself from them, sometimes they make a noise somewhere. actually, about good. yury fizar will tell us about the pagans from what happened outside the borders of our country, he is already with me, yury, good evening, please word, good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, today i will mention some political ticks, besides, aid to ukraine, why blinken, this is the secretary of state of the united states of america, is going to china, and russia was on fire , was on fire, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine column. well, let me start with this:
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the european union has the unwavering intention not only to continue, but also to strengthen the provision of military and financial support to ukraine. he announced this this morning the head of european diplomacy, josep borel , before the start of the joint meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the eu member states, which took place in luxembourg. in particular, the chief european diplomat called on the leaders of the euro'. union to give more ammunition to ukraine, and especially for air defense systems, as in the end the systems themselves that will help to close the ukrainian sky, and for this, says mr. borel, official brussels is actively working with all the member countries of the european union that have such systems in service and they can to give them to ukraine, so they are working to give these systems to ukraine, and already after dinner , zaporel said that this was... exactly
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what it was, the main thing that he addressed to the representatives, to the ministers from various countries of the european union , that is, look for warehouses in yourself, and if you do not have warehouses, if you see that there is something open, search, see if it is possible to give it to ukraine and give it, the ministers agreed with him, but it is not yet known what exactly they will give. the delay in the supply of weapons and ammunition to ukraine had a negative effect, unfortunately for us, on the field battle, but it is not too late for the us. sent everything needed, nato secretary general jen stoltenberg said in an interview with the american tv channel msnbc. according to him, without american supplies , the ukrainian armed forces are five or even ten times inferior to the enemy in terms of firepower. and, unfortunately, they also feel a lack of anti-aircraft defenses and ammunition for them. therefore, says the secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, the decision of the house of representatives of the congress. of the united states
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of america on unlocking the provision of additional financing, in particular to ukraine for more than 60 billion dollars, is extremely important, but what else? said nato secretary general, let's listen to jens stoltenberg in direct speech. nato allies welcome this decision, because it is very important that ukraine receives the necessary military support. and the aid package from the us will help it shoot down russian missiles, defend itself along the front line, and also deliver deep strikes on russian military potential, so this is very important. and this decision also demonstrates a duality. this is a really important decision and it was interesting to watch on facebook, how are friends reacting, my friends, after all, you must have been watching the same way, when
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this vote took place in the house of representatives on saturday night sometime after 8:00 pm and when it took place and when the vote was taken, what was being done in advance on facebook? because it is important for us, and tomorrow there will be a meeting of the senate, this is the upper house of the american congress, where this decision already passed by the house of representatives is to be ratified, and immediately, as far as i have read, it goes to the president of the united states of america, joe biden, for his signature , and he it will definitely not be delayed, and from what i read, the pentagon will immediately send this aid, maybe even the first batches will arrive by the end of this week. but what might be in this aid package which will arrive first, that is the question on everyone's mind, will there be missiles that are so important to us?
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the head of the senate intelligence committee, mark warner, hinted at this a little, again the day before in his interview on the cbs tv channel, the american tv channel, in the program "face the nation". let's hear what he had to say. the great news is that it finally happened, it was supposed to happen six months ago, but it's good that we finally got the result. i hope that after the president signs the decree, everything necessary will be on the way by the end of the week. and this package will not only contain ammunition. i believe that the administration has been ready for the past few months to provide long-range attack missiles. it's recorded in... it's important to us because they're long-range and can hit targets, well, for example, temporarily occupied crimea, for example, they can hit the crimean bridge, the one that connects
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the temporarily occupied peninsula with the territory of the terrorist country, we will be very much waiting for these missiles, after all, they can not only hit the bridge, they can hit many things, good ... quickly and efficiently, and mr. stoltenberg also said in the interview that i gave you the opportunity to hear a little earlier that nato has no plans to deploy its combat units, or rather, not its combat units, but combat units member countries of the european euro-atlantic community on the territory of ukraine, and he says that no matter what they say there, this will not happen in russia, but at the same time jen stoltenberg emphasized that... after all, there are nato instructors in ukraine, they work in the embassies of countries, which they represent and help ukrainians. ukraine can win after receiving another tranche from the chamber from the united
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states of america and at the same time establish itself as a sovereign and independent state. nato deputy secretary general mircha said this juanna, said in an interview with the american portal semaphore. in his opinion, the situation on the battlefield for ukraine is difficult, and this is connected with certain technical and logistical advantages of russia, but - says the deputy secretary general of the north atlantic alliance, the new $60 billion aid package approved by the house of representatives on april 20 will help the armed forces ukraine to gain an advantage on the battlefield, and this is great, the main thing is not to delay the shipment of weapons and ammunition. to her in ukraine. the next, western heavy landing party to china. the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken, plans to visit heaven from april 24 to 26. this was initially reported by the press service of the us
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state department, and today it was confirmed by the chinese ministry of foreign affairs. one of the main topics that will be discussed during the visit is russia and... which it aggressively conducts against ukraine, including russian-chinese cooperation. at the same time, the journalists of the financial times reported with reference to their sources that antony blinken had died. reddit, at least, intends to warn china that washington is ready to impose sanctions on chinese financial institutions if beijing does not stop supplying russia with goods related to weapons-related technology and equipment, well, that is, the visit begins on the 24th, i.e. the day after tomorrow, i will keep an eye on it, you will obviously be one of the first to find out about it all at once, and so what... unfortunately, without hungary.
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preparations for a world war are intensifying in brussels. the minister of foreign affairs of the country, our neighbor peter, said this cijarto wrote on his facebook page before the meeting with his colleagues in luxembourg. according to him, the united states of america, nato and the european union are now competing for the right to coordinate military aid to ukraine, instead of focusing on strengthening peace and seeking a diploma. technical solutions. after the us congress approved a new aid package for ukraine, europe's pro-war politicians want to make up for lost time, mr. szijjártó says, and that's why, in his opinion, new billions of euros worth of arms shipments are on the agenda today, which it must be stopped, for some reason he is still convinced. and he still does not understand what will happen if this aid to ukraine stops. therefore, then our armed forces will not have the capabilities and resources to defend our country, and then
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the very independence of our country is in question, but for some reason in budapest, in hungary, they continue to turn a blind eye to this. poland will be able to resist aggression if it manages to change and strengthen its own defense potential, but now the country is not in a pre-war state, according to the facts of the polish newspaper in an interview with the newspaper. andrzej duda, president of the commonwealth of independent states, said. according to him, warsaw does not receive signals from nato partners about the possibility of an armed conflict with russia, but at the same time mr. president added that the armed forces are constantly strengthening their potential, and if the polish leadership acts responsibly, war will never come. and one more interesting piece of information related to the president of poland arrived today, in the same vein. interview, he said that poland is considering the possibility of placing american
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nuclear forces on the territory of the country. he said it, everything was discussed about it, and then later polish prime minister donald tusk came to the journalists. and he says: i wonder what the president of poland meant when he made such a statement, what he was guided by and in general, and donald tus says, i would like to meet with andrzej duda in the near future. and to talk about this very thing, because the deployment of american armed forces, nuclear forces on the territory of poland, is a matter of security, national security of poland, and therefore he says: well, how could he say so simply and no who not to talk to, well, that is, i will follow this dispute and see what will come out of it. georgia continues to protest, the day before thousands of protesters again took to the streets of the country's capital city of tbilisi in order to... express their disagreement with the adoption by the parliament in the first reading of the so- called law on foreign agents. the protest action
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started in front of the building of the highest legislative body of the country. then the people dispersed to all the nearby streets. law enforcement officers closed them for traffic. most of the protesters were there the day before by members of georgian youth organizations. well, let me remind you that the rallies in the center of tbilisi began after the ruling georgian dream party made amendments to the law. of the project on the transparency of foreign influence, in the new version of the bill, instead of an agent of foreign influence, the term organization that pursues the interests of a foreign power is used, very similar to the russian law on foreign agents, although the poles say that no, no, no, it is not at all similar, it completely different, but everyone is talking about what is similar, and from brussels they say that this is a step back for georgia, if it wants to become... a full member, a full member of the european union, this is a step back. the head of chechnya, ramzan kadyrov
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, is terminally ill, and a replacement is being actively sought for him, novaya gazeta europa reported, citing its own sources in the chechen patishakh's circle. according to published information, ramzan kadyrov has been suffering from untreated necrosis of the pancreas for a long time, since 2019. by the way, pancreatic necrosis is a serious disease. which is painful and bad is subject to treatment with a high degree of lethality, but the journalists of novaya gazeta learned that during the last two years , kadyrov has hardly left the hospital. therefore, the kremlin decided to train chechen special forces commander akhmat alti alauddinov to replace him. well, who has seen kadyrov lately, lately, by the way, he is only shown in the records, a little earlier we saw that he still has huge health problems, he has greatly replenished the swollen cabins, that's why there are such problems, and more about
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kadyrov and chechnya, but kadyrov could not resist. and awarded the medal to another of his daughters, tabarik kadyrova, 19 years old. kadyrov awarded her a medal for services to the chechen republic, and you know what, for her contribution to the development of entrepreneurship and investment attractiveness of the region. 19 years old, well, why, well, experience is already an investment attraction, this is her chip, well, that's why. well, and in conclusion , today in... gronezh, an electromechanical plant burned down. enikmash v. to be more precise, one of its production shops electrical equipment according to local mass media, the burning area was 300 m2. according to local media, there are no casualties. the cause of the fire is also unknown, but one of the eyewitnesses in the video
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claims that one of the plant's warehouses burned to the ground. it is also known that crows. the electromechanical plant manufactures gearboxes, engine gearboxes, shoe brakes, industrial fans, and also specializes in the supply of electric motors, that is, everything that can be used in the production of weapons, now they will not. well, for today i have everything in the section world about ukraine, everything only for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so do not switch. thank you very much to yuri fizer for the interesting information, emotionally presented vividly, and you should also thank him, well, i have a plot for your attention, so eyes for the military, eyes of course in brackets, in winter they made trench candles, now kremenchug volunteers took on
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a difficult, but a very important development for the front, at the request of our soldiers , an analogue of the russian complex was created. murom m. vin enables long-range observation from closed positions. our film crew saw the first piece of equipment capable of saving more than one life, they will tell and show more. now we are looking at the object, which is 4 km away from us, the control is very simple, the button to the left. the image moves to the left, the button to the right, the image moves to the right, with this regulator you can change the speed, as in a train. a few simple manipulations and we can see landscapes inaccessible to the human eye at a distance of up to 6 km. a complex that can from afar distinguish the ukrainian soldier from the enemy, scans the space and reproduces the image on the screen of any modern device.
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the military asked that this device e-e signal not transmit e-e... over the air, but that the communication between the operator and the e-device be by wires, so that the slaves and their other devices could not record what he useful? it is installed in any room where there are greenery, and the operator who will operate this device after seeing military equipment or a crowd can be hidden up to half a kilometer along the wires our enemies... the operator is already transmitting the signal to either the artillery or the sniper. the eye is the result of painstaking work of dozens of people. as the developers joke. in the process, it was possible to write more than one dissertation. the initial version has already received positive reviews among the military. currently, experts want to reduce the size of the structure and improve the functionality. the computer program will
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compare the picture that is on the screen today, well, at this moment, with the previous one. that is, it means that some changes, if they have occurred, the system will give a signal that the guys, something has changed, some new object has been drawn in the picture, there is something that deserves your attention, the next development will use night vision devices, because the quality of the image drops with the clouds, this is a normal optical phenomenon, from the initial idea to make a normal periscope from two mirrors, refused for safety reasons, using this device. while observing enemy positions, the operator will remain safe, and that is the most important thing. we made an angle of 90°, well, at a distance of 4-5-6 km, this is a crazy distance. and... up and down like that very large angles, moreover, we hope that this development will find demand even after the war, after our victory, that
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the border guards will be interested in this ukrainian development, all kinds of environmental specialists, just private security systems, something like an oil plant or to protect fields and so on, so that the matter goes, the invention is sanctified, i invoke god's blessing today, and may the lord strengthen it. may he grant you many good deeds to do, may he strengthen you, may he give you that strength, that mission, that mind that is needed for to preserve human life. in the plans of the developers, certification and entry into serial production, given the urgent need for such devices at the front, they count on the support of the ministry of defense. anastasia ushak and serhii vitrovy from kremenchuk for the espresso tv channel. exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings friends. politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week. russia's war against ukraine. war in the middle east. crisis on
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the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine. drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for the world the second presidency of trump will be terrible. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative
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radio liberty project. top guests every day. this is the shipping district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. see this week in the collaborators program. selling bloggers: as a resident of makiivka, stavos of the kremlin in the temporarily occupied donetsk region. uncle vova saw what was happening and sent troops. but how did the propagandist solovyov use the mariupol madonna? everyone makes their own choice. watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on tuesday, april 23 at 5:45 p.m. on espresso tv channel. join the ranks of the hundredth separate mechanized brigade. tsu, protect yours! the result of their work is our safety. they, the boys from volyn, proved that everyone can be a warrior. strong in spirit, they appreciate the ability to stand side by side with
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their brothers and sisters, all the way to holy victory. everyone who pilots a uav understands it, prepares, treats, repairs, rolls kilometers of roads, fills piles of documents, significantly strengthens those who cover the enemy with heavy fire and return meter by meter our native land. stand up to. armed forces let's stick together. let's continue the great ether, and oleksandr morchivka came to talk about money. i congratulate oleksandr. please, you have the word. thank you vasyl. good evening viewers. in the next few minutes, i will talk about pensions. you will also find out what is happening in the capital with investments. well, there will be a lot of interesting things, wait for the details in a moment. i am oleksandr morchyv, congratulations, this is a column about money, during the war, i am monitoring the situation on the ukrainian-polish border, there are certain movements
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towards improvement, the road is free, the movement of trucks through the yagodyn checkpoint dorogusk started working normally again. polish farmers suspended the protest in this area, i will remind you that it has been going on since february 9, the state border service of ukraine reported. , but i have a question, whether we have already seen similar signs of attention to ukrainian carriers from the protesters for a long time, then certain sections were unblocked, then blocked again, and it is not known when these ukrainian-polish checkpoints will be fully operational. well, it's not clear whether it is political necessity, or economic necessity, at least what i managed to talk about today about this issue, what is economic. the poles are losing more now even than ukraine in that matter, well, precisely by blocking these borders and in the future they will also lose, well, their prime minister, mr.
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tusk, knows this more than once to vasyl. emphasized that and called on farmers to stop all blockades, to stop these, well, no one really needs protest actions, both ukrainians and poles, because the prime minister understands the economic losses precisely from the polish side, and yuliya klymenko , we had the opportunity to talk today, she is from the transport committee of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, said that now what passes through these borders, through these checkpoints, is 5% of ukrainian exports, well, that is , if compared with what... goes, say, through sea ports, and there are others in romania and so on, that's why the poles are even more interested in this here, but, well, really, i agree with you, exports are actively increasing now , in particular by sea, it works, and this is at least pleasing, but here it is not the situation in the social economy is encouraging, there are fewer working people than pensioners, about 6 million citizens need to be additionally attracted to the labor market in order to ensure
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an increase in pensions. payments, the minister of social policy, oksana zholnovich, informed about it. now in our country, there are more than 10 million citizens who pay a single social contribution, it is needed for pension payments, and 11 million pensioners, zholnovich also added: " assistance for ukraine approved by congress" cannot be used for pension payments. let's listen to the direct speech. one and a half persons to they allow us one. to increase the amount of pension contributions provided that there is a job in belarus, that taxes are paid and so on, and therefore it is approximately 6 million that must be attracted to the labor market in order for our pensioners to be able to live more dignified and for us to have the opportunity to increase their pensions, this is objectivity. in america, there are no joint pensions, there is no such thing as a joint pension, there are savings accounts, like insurance, and so it is very difficult for them, for their constituents, to explain that if they
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their citizens are not paid. some such pensions, so why should they transfer to pensions for citizens of ukraine? well , it seems to me that ukrainians are slowly being prepared for the fact that the solidarity system will simply disappear from the economic map of ukrainians during their lifetime, but i already go into the pension fund a lot, look, that is, it will all be like my parents' deposits in the early 90s disappeared, mine will also disappear when i am like my parents were then, well, the country has changed, the system has not changed, unfortunately, but i want to tell you: in 2009, i remember i went to lithuania to make a story as a tv channel journalist, and we talked about how they work, that people make deposits in them, everyone said how cool it was, here in 2024, for some reason we did not attract such experience, although lithuania is somehow like that, well , it works fine in it, but there is trust in those funds that you invest money in, no one runs away to the maldives with this money there, you understand, well, here you see, on the eve of a full-scale invasion, in fact, ukraine was taking steps towards the second level of the pension reform,
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mandatory? pension insurance had to come into force, the third level was these non-state pension funds, which could really multiply your savings for retirement, work with your money, regulate all these incomes, the problem is that i am a person, let's say irresponsible, but i think to myself , why should i pay into the pension fund now, relatively speaking, if they show me a structure of three fingers later, i told myself vhodunovych now that the states have a solidarity system. well, you have to be honest with people say yes and pensioners should not suffer for these reasons now, of course, but also tell people honestly that you are not investing in your future right now, you are just feeding other people, and when you become pensioners, we don't know if we will feed you or not, well , we don't know, we have such a situation with the heads , only that mainly macro-financial assistance from the european union now covers the deficit in
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the pension fund, because the minister noted that money from the states does not go to this. well, i'm going further. the eu is ready to finance pilot program of social housing in ukraine. this will take place with the support of the european investment bank and the european commission. the initiative on subsidized rent can already start in the fall. an estimated loan of 200 million is being discussed. such a model assumes, in particular, that the objects should be fully owned. well, roughly 80% of the premises will be allocated for social housing, it will be rented by vulnerable sections of the population on preferential terms, this housing will not be able to be bought out, and the rest of the premises will be rented out and thus this object will be maintained, well such a project of an income house for me, vasyl, do you remember until october. essentially
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tsarist russian.


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