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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EEST

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began to persecute, and the third is crimes, or war crimes committed on the territory under control, murder, brother, murder directly, let’s put it this way, the terrible things that the russian federation and the oppressors did, these three factors, they affect the consciousness of any crimean, people simply do not can be physically silent, they have a normal person, she can no longer restrain herself, that's why it's a wave, and that's why these phenomena have become thousands, they see, in two years, about thousands of people were punished, thank you. thank you, this is a signal that crimeans are already waiting for the liberation of crimea and understand that this entire system is collapsing. boris babin was on our air, the ex-representative of the president of ukraine in the autonomous republic of crimea, as well as gulsum khalilova, thank you for being with us, until we meet korosh kenji. see this week in
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the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. contest to the constitutional court. as the candidate's nephew, he was promoted in the courts where she worked. i cannot forbid him. but why does the contestant law professor collect executive proceedings? the year turned out to be difficult for all of us. congratulations, this is a judicial program control and as always we are talking about the main reform from which. what do our european prospects depend on, how is the new judicial power being formed in ukraine, how is the competition for the constitutional court of ukraine going, and who may soon occupy a high position? about all this today, but first traditionally to the news. oleksiy tandyr, the judge of the makariv district court of the kyiv region, who was drunk last year, killed the national guard soldier vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint.
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upon entering kyiv, he allegedly tries to avoid punishment by mobilizing into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. for several months in a row, tandyr has been applying to the court with a corresponding request, he expressed his desire to become the deputy commander of the company in nizhynsk tro. according to vochers media journalists, he even received a letter from the military unit about the readiness of the command to take him to their ranks as an officer of the psychological support and rehabilitation group. but the judge rejected the request and the tandir was kept in custody until the friend. in june we note that mobilization is a fairly common practice among judges involved in criminal cases. by joining the armed forces, they stop court proceedings against themselves. it will be recalled that in may 2023, the head of the makariv district court of kyiv, oleksiy tandyr, in a lexus eu-350 , hit 22-year-old national guardsman vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at a checkpoint in kyiv, 3 minutes before the start of the curfew. at the last meeting of the second disciplinary chamber of the supreme council of pravos. regarding the
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tandoor case, a video from the scene of the accident was made public. the footage shows the judge opening the door car, gets out of the driver's seat, approaches the body of the dead national guardsman and grabs his head, but then he tells the police that he is a passenger and calls them prejudiced people. i see signs of alcohol in you, please blow into the device, you agreed to pass the test. you blocked me, i don't understand. i consider you biased people, you will pass tests, look, i consider you biased people by vehicle, right or wrong, i don't know, you are the driver, no, who are you, i am the owner of the car, i did nothing, i was a passenger. currently, judge tandyr, although he is removed from the administration of justice and is in a pre-trial detention center, he has not yet been dismissed from his post and still receives a considerable salary, moreover, now he has a chance to simply escape from justice by mobilizing into the ranks of the armed forces. higher. yes,
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the justice dismissed yulia berlimova, head of the heniche district court of the kherson region. after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia, berlimova went over to the side of the occupiers and is currently conducting proceedings under russian law, illegally created by the russians in the judicial body. another person was elected as the head of the occupation court, however, berlimova remains a judge there and allegedly received a russian passport. it is also known that the judge's husband, serhii dobrovolskyi, cooperates with the occupation administration. last year in november. the vkk council appointed a qualification assessment of judge berlimova , and of course she did not appear for the interview. 238 candidates apply for positions in the higher anti-corruption court. 153 of them for 15 positions in the first instance and 85 candidates want to sit in the seats in the appeals chamber. among them are 11 acting judges of the first instance of the higher anti-corruption court, who want to transfer to the appeals chamber. at the first stage of selection , compliance. must be evaluated by a higher
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qualification commission of judges. those who pass it successfully will be subject to qualification assessment and testing of personal moral and psychological qualities. the commission must also choose. members of the public council of international experts for the competitive selection of candidates. the competition for the positions of vaks judges is planned to be completed by the end of the year. in ukraine, the competitive selection of candidates for the positions of the most important judges in the country is underway of the constitutional court of ukraine. judges are selected by a specially created body, advised by a group of experts, which includes international experts. they evaluate the moral qualities and professional competence of applicants for a high position. in the first stage. 25 candidates took part in the competition, experts admitted eight to the next stage. who got the chance to hold the position of judge, the constitutional court of the country. this is the judge of the civil cassation court of the supreme court of ukraine, alla oliinyk. she loves her family very much. professional activity of the judge is very
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is often intertwined with personal life and it is sometimes impossible to determine where this line is. from 2011 to 2015, allainyk lived with with his nephew in a one-room apartment in kyiv. at that time, the boy was studying at the kyiv national university of culture and arts, where oliynyk taught by coincidence. i did not take any exams from him, i did not communicate with anyone, and it would even be immoral for me, because i know that i am a judge, and for me my reputation is quite important, on the contrary, these are strict training requirements , about his behavior. indeed, in the third year , i taught civil procedure to him, because i was the only teacher. after graduating from the university, the nephew was looking for a job, but by coincidence he was able to get a job at the higher specialized court where his aunt worked. then he went to work at the kyiv
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court of appeals, where, as you might have guessed, allainyk was a judge. a competition was announced. and i cannot forbid him, if there is a competition and he wants to work, realize his own. constitutional right, so he really passed the competition, and when there was a question of liquidation of the higher specialized court of ukraine for consideration of civil criminal cases, he was dismissed. the question of work arose again. before 2007, i actually worked in the kyiv court of appeals, it was the court of appeal of the city of kyiv, now, as the legal successor said, the kyiv court of appeal. the court in the 21st year, it seems, he, yes, in the 21st year submitted documents, he passed the competition, the competition was fair, i think, because the tests were on computers. judge allainyk in the fact that her nephew studied and worked in institutions, where she herself taught and worked,
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she does not see nepotism. i never even thought before that it might happen in the future, such questions would arise for me. so that it would be a doubt of my integrity. the panel of judges, with the participation of ala oliynyk, made a number of decisions, which were later recognized by the european court of human rights as violating international obligations and the european convention on human rights, in particular, due to the excessive length of court proceedings and the imperfection of national legislation. no judge in ukraine, me i think, just as in any other state, he does not want to participate in the decision-making process, the current court found a violation of certain provisions of the convention, just as, as they say, every judge does not want to have some disciplinary procedure. of course, there are such solutions. the experts stated that ala oliynyk's explanations, in particular, regarding her nephew's career growth are not very convincing.
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nevertheless, it is believed that the judge meets the criterion of high moral qualities. oliynyk passed to the next stage, and soon the commission has to assess her professional competence. another candidate for the post of judge of the constitutional court of ukraine, serhiy riznyk, vice-rector of the ivan franko national university of lviv, professor of constitutional law, made it to the next stage. he collects executive proceedings, in particular for violations of traffic rules. both a judge and a candidate for the position of judge of the constitutional court must treat traffic rules with great respect. serhii riznyk has accumulated as many as 18 fines for traffic violations over the past two years. among them are violations speed limit, and improper parking, and phone conversations while driving. riznyk himself is proud that he receives an average of two or three fines every year, and only 2022 turned out to be so fruitful. this is the 22nd year of violations and in the 23rd year there are three again,
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two of which are parking violations. disruption for violations is 15 fines per year, a significant number. you are 22 years old. difficult for all of us, we, and i, in particular, had a very long work schedule, a significant workload with foreign students in the conditions of the attack, in addition, we ... beat several such serious long trips, let's say, to kyiv and a little further to deliver foreign humanitarian aid to our colleagues, we covered 1,500 km at a time, the drivers changed, i do not exclude that it was not me who could have allowed such violations. serhii riznyk does not own real estate, but instead has a lot of savings. $68,00 in cash as of 2020. wife, small children, i understand... you were the main breadwinner of the family, what were the sources of these funds?
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as of 20, at the end of the 20th year in that moment was this amount of funds, unfortunately, it is already significantly less for this period of time, since the expenses were postponed, but i will frankly say that from the point of view of even, as we say, a reasonable outside observer, in 20 years of life, at the same time.. .to the modest way of life that our family led, this is a normal amount. serhiy riznyk explains that he was able to save a significant amount during 10 years of marriage, even before the children appeared, his parents helped with products from the village. our family did not buy any real estate anywhere, we did not buy any car more expensive there 11 thousands of dollars and it was once, and the second one was worth 6 or 700 dollars there after the sale of the first one. we... during almost the entire period of time, we went on a foreign trip with our children once, i say again, i am not
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proud of it, because you have to find time for the family, for such expenses, but we lived economically, my parents helped natural products to us, this is a fairly common practice here in ukraine, the medical group of experts passed serhiy riznyk to the next stage of the selection, whether the lawyer will become a judge of the constitutional court, we will find out soon soon. and that's all for today, if you want to report corrupt judges or illegal decisions, write to me on facebook or to this email address. see you in exactly a week. glory to ukraine, this is a program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine,
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the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. there will be no armageddon. intelligence assures that the armed forces of ukraine are in control of the situation despite the enemy's desperate attempts to seize the yar region. what to expect at the front early june? real us help. the pentagon is ready to... give ukraine the weapons it needs within days of passing the law, whether it will help stop the russian onslaught. a dangerous balance. poland does not rule out the deployment of nato nuclear weapons on its territory. what do russian nuclear threats lead to? over the next hour, we will talk about this and other things with our guests, politician-diplomat volodymyr ogrysk, military expert dmytro. snigerev and political scientist serhii taran. however, before starting our big one
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conversation, i suggest watching the video of how russian troops targeted the tv tower in kharkiv today. fortunately, during the alarm , the employees were in shelter, without casualties. however, the upper part of the object collapsed from the attack. currently, there are interruptions in the digital television signal in the city. let's see how it all turned out.
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friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and also vote in our survey, today we ask you about this, will russia dare to use nuclear weapons? in the war with ukraine, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, yes, no, or write your answer in the comments under this video, if you watch us on tv, take an expensive smartphone or phone and vote if you think that russia will dare to use nuclear weapons in the war with ukraine (0800-211-381, no), 0800-211-382.
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all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will pick you up the results of this. voting. and we have our first guest volodymyr o. hryzko, diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine in 2007/9, head of the russian research center. mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you, mr. serhiy. good health, greetings to our dear viewers. mr. volodymyr, let's start our conversation with the great saturday that was in the congress of the united states of america, there is a lot of talk about aid, or rather, about the bill on... allocation of aid to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars, let's talk and about him, but first of all i would like to start with the draft law on the confiscation of russian assets for ukraine, since we are talking about freezing those russian assets, transferring them to ukraine in the amount of approximately 8 billion
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dollars, whether or not this decision can become a precedent in the world and others ? will also do the same, referring to the fact that the united states of america has already done it. well, mr. sergey, come on, let's be honest, when they say that in the usa there are only 5 billion dollars, which russian oligarchs hid there, then this is a very big, i would say so, delicate misinformation, what the russians stole from russia, and what they transferred and invested in the american economy, is not 5 billion, and not even 50 billion, and not even 500 billion , these are trillions of us dollars, they know everything about it perfectly well, but when it comes to such obvious scandals,
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when they see that there are... russian oligarchs who are already very clearly supporting putin there, who are already very clearly siding with the aggressor , then those are the ones that are chosen, that's why 5 billion is it extremely a drop in the ocean for the american economy, and i think that no one will ever talk about these huge sums that are really hidden there, because they work for the american economy and no one will take them from there, of course, but you. .. mr. sergey, if we are talking about the precedent of confiscation, then there may even be a topic of 100 million, not necessarily, even 5 billion, the main thing is that there should be a precedent that it can be done, and then the world financial system will start to think , well, what about us? to react, and is it right, i think that
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if our western, mostly... here , european politicians came to a simple conclusion that it is necessary to change approaches to relations with russia in principle and not be afraid that it may file lawsuits in courts simply because it wants to use democracy in the fight against democracy, then the situation would be different, i lead to the fact that it is necessary to make not legal, but political-legal decisions, that is... recognize that any attempts by russia challenge these decisions in european courts, should not be accepted as such by these european courts, because russia itself has violated all possible international and domestic laws of these countries, so it has no right
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to sue, sometimes they say that, you know, it will create a bad precedent and... some countries, let's say , there china, the countries of the middle east, will be able to think about the fact that it is necessary to withdraw their funds, take their funds from europe, well, here the logic is absolutely not clear, if the europeans declare that no country that has not committed any international crimes, aggressions can feel free and easy, if you broke these rules, well... then what then will you have to pay for it, and thus no normal country that does not want to have problems with international law and sanctions, never in its life. he will not do any such things and will calmly keep his funds in the same european depository. in a word, there is a lot to work on, but here again, the political will of these
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western politicians is needed, which, unfortunately, is not enough. meanwhile, they are already croaking at russia about these sanctions, regarding assets and saying that there will be mirror sanctions, well, in a word, they are very worried about this, and it cannot help but be happy, as well as... angry that the congress of the united states of america still voted on april 20 for the decision to allocate aid to ukraine, as it all was, let's remind our viewers of the atmosphere that prevailed in the hall of congress of the united states of america. during this vote, 311 for, 112 against, one abstention, this means that the draft law
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has been adopted, i call for order in the hall, i call for order in the hall, the chairman wants to remind that, unfortunately, our rules of procedure do not it is allowed to use the flags of different... countries at the meeting in the hall. i call for order in the hall. well, these proportions were ukrainian, that's why the chairman tried to bring everyone to their senses. but we have another vote ahead of us, mr. volodymyr. on april 23, already in the senate, and the leader of the majority in the senate, chuck schumer announced that american senators will come out of recess specifically to vote for aid to ukraine. taking into account the fact that the democrats seem to have a majority there and there should not be any problems there, could there be any more
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problems, after all, the historicity of this decision was already on april 20, but on the 23rd there will be confirmation of this historicity, well , you see, mr. sergey, what will the senate actually vote, well, the same as it already voted, only under with a slightly different sign that does not change the essence of the issue, so yes, of course there will be several proposals for amendments, they will be considered, it is written that it will last as long as 10 minutes, that is , these are purely formal things, and i think that the draft law will again supported by the senate and then immediately signed by the president, and… this will mean that by the end of the week , the weapons that are extremely necessary for the ukrainian defense forces will finally get into the hands of our
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heroes, and this will give an opportunity to stop a very difficult, if you can say, critical situation that is developing today in some areas of the ukrainian-russian front. in an interview with nbc news, president zelensky thanked everyone who supported the united states aid package. america in ukraine, which will give our country a chance to win the war. let's listen to what zelensky said. this support will really strengthen ukraine and the armed forces strength and we will have a chance to win, but on the condition that with this money, ukraine receives the insufficient weapons, which are so necessary to repulse the enemy. this is also artillery, it is long-range and... strategic, it is what was in the law
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. mr. volodymyr, the fact that in this draft law it is now written separately that there will be attack missiles, this is a signal to putin, as far as i understand, right? this is correct, although it is a late signal, but... finally it, as they say, took place, and this finally, i think, indicates that the white house has won the line that this half-empire must be ended after all, because these attacks, of course, and first of all, i i think they will be used to cover those goals, in the temporarily occupied territory of ukraine and outside this occupied territory, in order to make it impossible for
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russia to continue this... terrible war of aggression, so if there are enough of these attackers, and here again - after all, we should not talk about units, but about hundreds, then you can hope that the crackdown will still happen, add to this the fact that in a couple of months the relevant forces are expected to help close the ukrainian sky and not give... the opportunity to attack it as it is happening today, then this will indeed create very serious positive preconditions for this breakthrough to happen as quickly as possible. but when, mr. serhiy, we talk about this stage, this stage of aid from the united states of america, i think i spoke about it today with several of your colleagues, i don't think it's worth
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worrying about it. because in fact we need to ensure that we do not have more such six-month pauses, and for this, it seems to me, we need to do two things: the first is to ensure that in our bilateral agreement with the united states, which is called security, the truth, which i call security in the field of defense assistance to ukraine, to prescribe clear, specific, very clear commitments from the united states of america to provide ukraine with the weapons we need over the next 10 years. these agreements they are really designed for 10 years, they are already signed with several countries, members of nato, in europe, and they give such a very
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clear framework. which can be taken as a basis for planning certain actions, it gives partners the opportunity to prepare so that it does not happen once and at once, and now suddenly it is necessary to collect shells all over the world, but so that it is a clear, systematic work designed for that moment, until we become a full member of the alliance, when that happens, that's all. will definitely be adjusted, that will be a completely different story, this is the first point, the second point, in spite of all this , in my opinion, we must continue the line of reviving such a topic, there cannot be enough weapons now, they must be taken from all possible sources and from all possible points, so to speak, so even i imagine that it
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will not be accepted... at least initially positively, but one way or another, this topic must be forced and lobbied, and let's not forget that there are a large number of european partners, a huge thank you to them for what they are doing, and here i think, despite some problems that were in germany with these long-range weapons, we have to thank her for being a really powerful ally, which... and gives us everything we need, and for some reason it seems to me that after the decision on the attacks, the same thing will happen with the taurus missiles, well this is my assumption, then i think that if these efforts , both american and european, are combined, and moreover, our defense industry will begin to produce
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more than what is necessary for our weapons ... forces , then there will definitely be such a breakdown, will be objectively real, and let's be to help, each in his place, each as he can, so that exactly such a scenario actually takes place. mr. volodymyr, the chairman of the european committee in the bundestag, anton hofreiter, does not rule out that the aid to ukraine approved by the house of representatives of the united states of america may... become the last, well, for some reason he thinks so, er, you mentioned this ten-year program of our cooperation with the united states of america and not only with the united states of america, after iran attacked israel on the night of april 13-14, there was much talk about why western partners don't protect us, like the state of israel, why, why...


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