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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EEST

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viewers of the tv channel, we start the information day with news. khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. night attack of the enemy on odessa. seven townspeople, including a child, were injured due to drone strikes, oleg kiper, the head of the military administration of the region, announced. occupants targeted the residential sector of the city, fires broke out, residential buildings were damaged. at least 14 apartments were damaged. rescuers continue to eliminate the consequences.
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late in the evening, the occupiers hit the kharkiv district with rockets, a fire broke out on the territory of the poultry farm. information about there were no victims, - oleg synygubov, the head of the region, informed. also , in the evening, the russians attacked the village of yurchenkova, chugiiv district. an enemy projectile hit the excavator. the 34-year-old driver died. in addition, the enemy hit the village of prikolotne vilhovatska from aviation. community a 71-year-old local resident was injured. private homes and civil enterprise buildings were damaged. and about the details of the attack on the kharkiv tv tower. the russians hit her with an kh-59 missile, the regional prosecutor's office reported. according to the state service of special communication and protection of information of ukraine. the enemy partially damaged the structure of the tower. due to this, digital television disappeared. signal. at the same time
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, radio stations broadcast in the fm range. during the restoration works, residents of kharkiv region will be able to receive information from local radio stations. and also to use cable or satellite television - stressed the state special communications. it was loud and hot in temporarily occupied mariupol. late in the evening, there were explosions and a large-scale fire broke out. the flames engulfed the left bank of the city, - said the adviser to the mayor petro andryushchenko. he noted that the barracks of the russians had already been hit. instead, the occupying power did not come up with anything better than to explain everything with thunder and lighting the queue. the attacker who shot the policemen in vinnytsia was carrying a large arsenal of weapons, 100 grenades, the same number of fuses for them , and 25,000 rounds of ammunition. to small arms were found
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in one of the reservoirs, the regional prosecutor's office reported. the day before, the vinnytsia city court chose a preventive measure for the suspect 52-year-old valery vasylake and his 26-year-old son vitaly will be held in custody for two months without bail. the latter claims that when they were stopped by law enforcement officers, they were carrying 20 grenades in a car that they wanted to bury in the village. the suspects also learned that they were going to leave the country and go to moldova, and they regret what they did. the command of the suhopyt troops previously confirmed that valery and vitaly are military personnel. let me remind you that on the night of april 20, they shot a patrol crew that stopped a car for violating the rules traffic one policeman was killed and another was wounded. the criminal offense that the suspect is currently charged with, according to... article
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12 of the criminal code of ukraine , belongs to the category of particularly serious criminal offenses, accordingly , this type of criminal offense is subject to the exclusive, exclusive punishment of life imprisonment, i watched into the car, isn't there a second partner, when i realized that there was no one, he was alone and we approached the door. consciousness and us if they had gone further, but one of the perpetrators of the shootings on the maidan will not be punished, vladyslav lukash, the ex-commander of the kharkiv berkut is considered responsible for the shooting of protesters on february 18, 2014, his defender... natalya vozniuk has been delaying
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court proceedings for years, because of this the statute of limitations has expired, and it is no longer possible to bring the suspect to justice. most of the meetings were postponed precisely because the defender was either busy, or sick, or on a business trip, that is, she in advance, she filed the relevant petitions, and thus we did not have court hearings. to date , the motion of the defense to close the criminal proceedings is being considered, also in connection with the statute of limitations. i went to the maidan, i was 74 years old, now i am 85. for 10 years , the trial has been going on. proceedings, but even then, i left to defend my state. the first aid package from the usa will be fast and powerful, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, emphasized this in
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a telephone conversation with president volodymyr zelensky according to the head of the white house, this will strengthen the anti-aircraft, long-range artillery capabilities of the armed forces. biden also assured. "if, after approval by the senate, he will immediately sign the law on aid. zelensky thanked washington for its support, he informed about the results of the conversation in his evening address. we are working with our american partners to increase our capabilities. four priorities, they are key. protection of the sky, modern artillery, long-range, so that these packages". co support arrived as soon as possible, and today's result in the agreements on attacks for ukraine, all the dots are placed. thank you mr. president, thank you congress, thank you america.
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great britain will allocate a record aid package, 500 million pounds, for ukraine. prime minister rishi sunak will announce this decision today during his visit to poland. it is on the website of the united government. kingdoms ukraine will receive 60 boats, including raiding and diving boats, as well as naval guns. in addition, the package will include more than 1,600 attack and anti-aircraft missiles, as well as additional long-range stormshade missiles. also , more than 400 pieces of equipment and about 4 million cartridges for small arms will be sent to our defenders. but hungary is again against the dpo. can ukraine, it will block 2 billion euros from the european union. such a statement was made by the minister of foreign affairs of the country, peter sijarto, local zmi reports. the reason is the alleged discrimination of hungarian companies in ukraine, he says, this
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will be budapest's position until kyiv provides guarantees that the situation will change. it is not the first time that the hungarian authorities have tried to block allocations to us help in particular, it vetoed 50 billion euros. support for ukraine. and i will remind you about our gathering: the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces needs means of communication and security. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already contributed. additional payment and we have less than uah 400,00 left to collect, so let's not delay, the war continues and the help of each of us is very important, each of your hryvnia is of great importance, you can see all the details on the screen. the service is safe, the first
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service center of the ministry of internal affairs in ukraine was opened in kharkiv, the ministry of internal affairs said. the facility was equipped with all the necessary equipment. they established communication and the internet, created a comfortable waiting area, in the center you can get or exchange a driver's license, register a vehicle and get a number of other services. read more news on our website, also on our social networks, join, put yours likes, this is the end of the issue, next time welcome my colleagues, oksana vasochanska and roman chaiko, don't switch! stay with the espresso team.
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on the eve of easter, not all ukrainians have the opportunity to bake paska at home. that is why the lithuanian food for ukraine fund decided that... it should provide traditional celebrations and a food package to those who were forced to leave their home. mrs. lyubov from the kherson region. her family lived under occupation for nine months. the woman tells when the russians were fired upon. intensified, the family decided to leave to a safer place, now her family lives in a modular town near kyiv. at the moment, we only have one child working for us, i am retired, my daughter takes care of the children, so of course, she is a child without support, we thank you very much for your help, it is important for us, for us and our children, we believe in victory. for two years now, benefactors have been helping ukrainians with essential goods, including the base. meal kits. in total, over two years, food for ukraine, in cooperation with the novus network, handed over almost 2 million kilograms of food
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for more than 90 million hryvnias. currently, people are experiencing many difficulties, the loss of their loved ones and homes. they need our attention and support. we believe in the victory of good, especially on the eve of easter. the foundation team continues to actively work so that each of these people can experience a little. activities of the fund. in addition to food kits, the fund also creates happy memories for ukrainian children who were forced to leave their homes. olena is from kharkiv and mother of four children. after a full-scale invasion, she took her family to czech republic and returned to ukraine at the first opportunity. currently, olena has settled in kyiv. we are always invited to such wonderful events for children. well, it is such a positive thing for children. they are so happy. and they are always... waiting, and they are happy to come, and uh, well, we are very, very
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grateful from the bottom of our hearts. for more than two years, these food kits have helped people not only to survive, but also to feel needed. it is extremely important to support those who are having the hardest time right now, because thanks to it , these children and the elderly have hope for the best future. the food for ukraine fund emphasizes that they will continue to send aid. ukrainians who suffered from the war. benefactors are sure that ukraine will definitely defend its freedom. good morning, welcome to espresso. the night was not as good as the morning, and now we have told a little in the news, our colleagues, but we have... even fresh, fresh video, fresh footage from the south from odesa, odesa, in fact, now we
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will demonstrate them, show them, let me remind you that on this night there was a report yesterday that the shaheds of the rooster had flown from the crimea, temporarily occupied, the kherson region-odesa region was traditionally moving towards odesa, unfortunately we see the consequences of the work of the enemy shaheds. fortunately, there were no casualties, the emergency services actually worked on the spot from the very beginning, worked all night, provided all the necessary assistance to the victims, helped to save people, as for the mykolaiv region, shahed was shot down there, although its debris damaged the commercial and... infrastructure, the fire took place , the fire, but
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the firefighters quickly managed to eliminate everything, and we thank them for that, in general, let's summarize what in our morning in summary, the general staff reported that 16 kamikade drones were launched over ukraine, 15 were eliminated by our defenders, there was also a powerful attack on the capital, they were flying at kyiv, and from all sides, they traditionally used not only the trajectory from the east, but the account. flew over the capital, flew in from the west, from the southwest, in fact, from those directions from which we previously shot down less effectively, worked less effectively, but since they have been using such tactics for some time, our air defense services have also learned to work with these trajectories, and thank you, because everything was destroyed over the capital, and in the meantime, we are adding to the wounds of the morning conversation our first guest , deputy of the zaporizhzhya city council, dmytro ki'. in connection with our studio, mr. dmytro, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes,
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good morning, we know that, traditionally, zaporizhzhia is shelled across the dnipro, these shellings are daily, every night, how did the last days look, did they hit to the regional center, as well as to the region itself, yes, mr. roman, indeed, the enemy does not abandon these unhealthy plans there to strike precisely at... er zaporizhzhia region, in particular zaporizhzhia, but the days passed for zaporizhzhia itself, for the regional center, it was, thank god, calm. what can't be said, yes, what about the front-line settlements of the zaporizhzhia region, which are under daily shelling, when we talk about that number, which , unfortunately, never drops below 200, and that's only for the year before last 24 hours a day, yes, so now we have data that 202 shellings were actually fired at six populated areas,
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and in particular, this is what suffers the most from the cursed rashists, it is precisely the work that is not there , where the enemy is. is constantly striking there with aircraft, where he is constantly, where he has the possibility of mlrs, they are practicing there, it is also a lot of work, so it is crowded, walk the field, suffers from it, yes, that there were six shellings, 25, they made launches with their drones, these are exactly the same works on the small takmachki, walk the field, levadne, malynyvka, and of course they have the most... there is an opportunity, unfortunately, so far, yes, and they use it, this is 169 art shelling was inflicted on this particular settlement there , but at the same time, mr. dmytro, i look at at least the deep state map at the entire line of defense, as received in recent weeks, it is basically holding with fierce battles, but the front-line ones have just
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been listed , they are fired upon, the trickiest way is on the other side on the left bank. dnipro, there you can always cover yourself with various objects, and here we read that zaporozhye publics say that in the temporarily occupied energodar, the city of energy, in principle, these people, the inhabitants of the siberian atlantis, ural atlantis, i mean all orcs, ors from orsk and others, this is what we read about, that is, russian drowned people are transported to energodart. do you have confirmation of this information? yes, mr. roman, indeed, you know, there, we cannot provide a clear answer as to the number, or exactly the localization, that exactly these orcs from orsk, yes, such scumbags were manured there, at the moment we cannot provide, but at the same time we understand that this is a recent trend
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resorted to by racists, which in general, yes, there taking into account their kanga of this propaganda and the means of these... rioters, taking into account that there is nothing new for them, as you know, the 21st century has not come for them, but the 20th century continues for them, and with these methods, when they try to change the ethnic fund there , precisely those territories into which they put their paws and tentacles, then the same processes begin here, it’s just that somewhere a couple of weeks before that, they became more active and took on precisely... when the coast of the sea of ​​azov there, they now they remembered that they are in the crimea everything possible was messed up, yes, all that can be said, all that pearl of the black sea, yes, it is simply, you know, in such a neglected state, and there can be no question of tourism there at all, that is what they are saying everything is in the plans,
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they took it for primorsk, when they massively brought in young specialists from all the swamps, from all their regions there, who were promised a bright future there and are rebuilding and building a las vegas resort there, relatively speaking, and even more so the situation now concerns and energy gifts, and it turns out that in principle now they have taken on primorsk, this is in the same style as yesterday a large number of videos appeared from mariupol, where in certain private areas houses that have not yet been destroyed are lying down. bodies and they remove stubs with signatures, thank you to russia for my happy present, i am in mariupol in an apartment, so, more precisely , a house, it is something like that, does it mean that they are given apartments and everything else, and this is such a middle asia only in the azov region? it's a good thing
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, mr. roman, that in primorsk we cannot and will not draw such a parallel about... with mariupol, yes, which was simply that the city is destroyed and is on the bones of our citizens at the moment, and what they are arranging there, from primorsk, they simply decided to arrange this, you know, signboard, and simply, wherever there is fake work, they are digging trenches, the same type, let's build a resort in order to occupy the information space with something like that and create a picture for your propaganda there, that a big resort is being built there, but you said, their main goal is that the first thing you mentioned is the changes of this ethnic fund when they populate the swamps with their inhabitants there , in order to mix and displace our citizens from these territories, conditionally the same coastal area, yes, and the second moment, to settle them in this squeezed property, these apartments
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that were the result of that process , which intensified after the so-called null elections, when they simply inventory and continue to take away, to wring out virtually any property, in particular, the apartments of the residents of all these territories, which are under temporary control. occupation, and these are the processes that currently continue and will continue, you see, the energy gift is a confirmation that this will continue in other populated areas under temporary occupation, mr. dmytro, thank you for the conversation, for participating in our broadcast, it was zaporizhia city council deputy dmytro kyrylchuk, now we have to take a short break, we will return later, about kharkiv, let's talk about yesterday evening, yesterday afternoon, it is actually known that the russians attacked the television infrastructure of this... city about the consequences in a few minutes, so classically, both in the evening, and at night, and in the morning constantly attack, continue to attack kharkiv, more on that in a few minutes. kratal contains
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congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that... drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored because there is nothing to fight about. let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future. second presidency for the world. will be a terrible project for those who care and think politclub every sunday at 20:10 on espresso.
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the air is spreading across the country. the air force reports the threat of using ballistic weapons from the temporarily occupied crimea. please have a look from the north of sumy oblast, through poltava oblast, kirovohrad oblast and to the north of odesa oblast. the whole east, south, center actually turned red. do not ignore the air warning signals, stay under cover. in the meantime, we will talk about what happened yesterday and tonight in kharkiv, with us yevgeny haustov, the founder of the charitable fund. we congratulate you, good morning, please, mr. yevheniya, we already know, the magpie brought us the news that you were quite close to the kharkiv tv tower, its hitting it already went viral yesterday the video that was shown, the whole world saw it, there may be some details, which you can tell, what was already established, so it was a cruise
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missile x50. nine were hit by telelevage around 5:00 p.m. with no casualties, as far as i know. ugh, and after that , what about such basic things as communication, radio, tv signal, what's in the city? it works, when hitting there were interruptions with the digital for some time. television, but everything seems to be working, ugh, this is not the first attempt by the russians to attack specifically television facilities, specifically communication facilities, or are there any measures in the city, in the region, related to providing alternative communication in case of similar incidents? i told you last time that we are working
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on... providing an autonomous power source for the gsm tower of mobile operators so that even if there is no light in kharkiv, the connection does not disappear after 3-4 hours when they sit down batteries at the stations, and you managed to fix it, because it was a big problem, let's say 22-2 even in the capital, little by little, it's all in the process. there are already volunteers who can and to provide generators, we need 7.10 kw, we need to bring them, because well, in the process, i follow this issue, and preparations are underway little by little, and these nights are a lot of work, 300 communication points, that’s a lot of generators , mr. yevgeny, at night, what kind of explosions were there
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already from? where to and what flew in the late evening? yes, yes, i know that one of the arrivals was at a poultry farm, apparently also without casualties, and that's all i know, it's still early in the morning, i think the information will be later, but just, well , i understand some certain things objects, when it is chosen, but not for the first time, it is not the first time, in fact, on farms, and on vataho. factory, it often happens to you that for products, for enterprises that manufacture some products, products, raise animals, flay them, in the 22nd year i personally was on a dairy farm and saw how many cows were slaughtered.
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personally, i have photos there on social networks, so using the dairy farm as an example, we can say that it is not the first time, ugh, animals are beaten, well, they fight with animals, and also take the same felman park there, too were the animals saved, who are sick there and what they did to them, it is not known, it is clear, mr. yevhen. thank you for the good work you are doing, leaving kharkiv residents with a connection, yevhenii khaustov, founder of the khaustov charitable foundation, who saw the kharkiv tv tower hit with his own eyes, it will probably be one of the symbols of this russian-ukrainian senseless war symbols, it's a pity that the chickens will not stand, because hitting the chickens with rockets is also fantastic, and in the meantime their orcs are drowning, but they are moving them to the occupied territories.


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