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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EEST

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the patriots, spain and greece are at their disposal. journalists reported that they have more than a dozen such systems in their arsenal and there are others. leaders of other countries urged the spanish and greek prime ministers to share air defense systems, because there is no direct threat to their countries. in athens, commenting on the article, they said that they had already provided tangible support to ukraine, but noted that they would not take steps that could even remotely threaten greece's air defense. head of the ministry of foreign affairs of spain. yesterday did not directly answer a question about whether madrid was considering the possibility of transferring air defense systems to ukraine, he said, he prefers not to provide unnecessary details. the ukrainian ministers of defense and foreign affairs called on their colleagues to make concrete and bold decisions by video link and warned that one should not relax from the news from the congress. on friday, ukraine's partners will gather for another meeting in the ramshtein format, the purpose of which is to help it with weapons and discuss what efforts in this direction will be intensified and how. from. polish
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prime minister donald tusk reacted to president andrzej duda's statement about accommodation of nuclear weapons in poland, says he would like to understand the president's intentions and is looking forward to meeting him. these words of tusk are transmitted by the polish agency of popes. he explained that he supports measures to strengthen polish security, but considers it appropriate that, i quote, the initiatives should first of all be very well prepared. that there are negotiations between warsaw and washington about the placement of nuclear weapons in the country, the president of poland andrzej duda stated the day before in an interview with the polish publication that it is a fact. he said if allies decide to deploy nuclear weapons to strengthen security the eastern flank of nato, then poland will be ready for this. meanwhile , russian foreign minister sergey lavrov, against the background of these statements , accused the unnamed representatives of the event of, quote: dangerous balancing on the verge of a direct military confrontation. nuclear
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states, we see serious strategic risks in this, this is also lavrov's quote, what exactly it is about, he did not voice the details. andre sumlant, an analyst at the stockholm center for east european studies, joins our broadcast. welcome to our broadcast, thanks for joining? hello, thank you for the invitation. do you think the deployment of nuclear weapons on the territory of poland is a realistic prospect? not yet, but the world is changing, apparently, and even this can happen, it seemed impossible a few years ago, and there was also an agreement between nato and russia that this would not happen, but now everything is changing, and probably this will happen, i don't know how it can develop, and why prime minister tusk is so repulsive in public. to the statement of president duda, well, i
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think that duda probably made this statement too, well, not so much as a statement for the foreign politicians, as for internal politics, because well, it cannot be decided by poland, and such statements, as a rule, and tusk said it correctly, they discuss it... first unofficially with partners, and it was not here, and therefore tusk is , answered this, it seems to me that this is just a continuation of internal internal conflicts, internal political conflicts already in the field of foreign policy. on the same day, perhaps this is a coincidence, lavrov said that about such...
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i quote a dangerous balancing act on the verge of a direct military confrontation of nuclear states, and that in this has serious strategic risks, he said so, this is moscow's reaction to these talks in poland about nuclear weapons, or whatever it may be, it may be, but we have had this kind of rhetoric for many months, and this is not a new statement in principle , apparently, this is a slightly more official statement from the minister of foreign affairs, but it seems to me that this is a psychological war waged by russia, because in reality there is no, if there is a direct conflict between the west and russia, the russian state territory, it is not under any threat threats to nato, so it's all well... fiction,
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but it's such a psychological war, it works, and it has led, for example, to the fact that many people in germany now believe that ukraine should not be given... taurus missiles, so that then there will be a nuclear escalation, that it will involve germany in the war, but about nuclear escalation, well, in fact, it is the russian side that always talks about the placement of nuclear weapons at their request there, for example in belarus, closer to poland, can this really happen a reason for nato to defend itself and so on the eastern flank, because only france has nuclear weapons in the european union? yes, as i have already pointed out, everything is possible here, although it is probably not the case, it is necessary, let's say, for poland, because it is already protected from nato, and it will not be so important where these missiles will be located, but
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now it is the situation, if russia really wants such and such a confrontation, it, it... will, well, i do not mean the military confrontation itself, but here are such statements and also, probably, then, let's say, missiles from other countries will move countries, eastern europe. well, in in this context, why does russia have such an expansion of nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus, it is like intimidation, or maybe it is a certain preparation, because it is about the offensive of russia, including on the territory of poland. nevertheless, we understand what they are saying, and military experts in particular are saying, do you think this is a realistic prospect in general, or can russia really plan such measures? well, it cannot be ruled out, and of course the poles or estonians and lithuanians and so on, you can
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understand that they are scared, and that is why there are such slogans now, as from duda, they are they popular, but if... if you look at the history of russia's behavior in relation to nato, russia has always made a big difference between its policy towards countries that are members of nato and countries that are not members of nato. well, there was, for example, this case in 2015, when, er, turkey shot down, er, destroyed, er, a russian plane, er. and the russian response to this was only economic, that is, there were sanctions against turkey, because turkey is a member of nato and russia did not want an escalation with nato. thank you for joining our morning
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broadcast. andre sumland, analyst of stockholm center for east european studies, was a guest of freedom mornings. and then let's talk about health. an urgent question, as you and i can see, and i can say this on my own example, in ukraine, an outbreak of whooping cough is generally recorded, this is in the first months of the 24th year, this year, the incidence of this disease has increased according to the ministry of health of ukraine 20 times compared to last year, and at least 122 cases have already been recorded in lviv oblast in the first three months of this year. also, an outbreak of pertussis is reported in chernivtsi, dnipropetrovsk regions. whooping cough is a bacterial infectious disease that begins as an acute respiratory viral infection. however , later the cough develops into a strong and spasmodic one, especially at night. the disease has other symptoms of acute respiratory syndrome. runny nose, fever, whooping cough are very contagious, the ministry
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of health says, and are especially dangerous for babies, because they can cause apnea, suspended breathing. whooping cough is treatable, but recovery is very long, the cough may persist. up to 100 days, and it is also possible from whooping cough protect yourself with a vaccine, in detail about how to protect yourself, what threats we seem to face now, let's talk further, iryna borug, expert of the public health center, epidemiologist, joined our broadcast, congratulations, thank you for joining, and have a good day , greetings to the studio, good day, my voice illustrates certain diseases, but not the one we are going to talk about with you now, yes, there are certain consequences for the voice, tell me: please, why in ukrainian moz are they now talking about an outbreak of whooping cough in ukraine, is the situation real is so invasive and is the pace of the spread of this disease this year really, it shows that there is an outbreak, i also want to inform you that not only in ukraine is
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the increase in the incidence of whooping cough, but also in many european countries in general, in particular the czech republic, which is not such a far country from ukraine, so by territory. placement and generally by distance. i wanted to say that the czech republic is currently recording the largest increase in pertussis cases over the past 60 years. england, the netherlands and many others have also reported an increase in the incidence european countries. in particular, i also want to note that whooping cough has periodic increases in incidence. the last such peak was observed in 2018-2020, and since pertussis has a frequency of exactly 3-5 years, every 3-5 years we can see an increase in cases. 3-5 years have passed, the curve is shifting again and
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cases are increasing again, so i can say that such an increase in the incidence is expected, especially, we observed a significant decrease in the incidence during the covid pandemic, since there were significant quarantine measures during that period, children contact had much less contact with each other. than, er, in the years before the quarantine, this led to a small, small morbidity, but since the pandemic has now been closed in 2023, accordingly, no one observes the mask regime, accordingly, there are large contacts, among children, as well as in schools and educational institutions, as well as in preschool educational institutions, that is why we can observe this... such an increase in morbidity, and tell me how dangerous whooping cough is, it is more dangerous
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for children or for adults, because we can see statistics that most children are sick now, yes, of course, it is most dangerous for children, especially young ones, that is, 0.4 years old, and it is especially dangerous for newborns 1-2 months old, since it is a pre-vaccination ... period the very first vaccination takes place at two months, the next at four months, 6 months and at 17 months, this category of babies 1-2 months old is the most unprotected and, unfortunately, proceeds in such, one might say, the most severe form , that's why i personally recommend visiting the center anyway women's consultations. also family doctors, who accordingly observe women during
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pregnancy, to recommend vaccination against pertussis, the most optimal period is the 16th-32nd week, so that the antibodies that the mother will receive are transferred to the newborn child and protect her from this dangerous disease, since it is most dangerous for babies and unvaccinated people, non-vaccinated people. them in starting from the second month, yes, since it can occur during a prolonged cough, so-called reprises, apnea, i.e. respiratory arrest, i.e. which the mother may not notice in time, yes, vaccination, this is simply the key to protect yourself and your child, and even during pregnancy you need to pay attention to this, here i will ask another question, if a person does not know, is she vaccinated, for example, was she there against it? lost documents, now this is a widespread problem, so to speak, and there are medical cards, so here, if there are lost documents,
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you need to get vaccinated in order to protect yourself and those around you from this disease in the future, and it is also possible to conduct a test for immunoglobulin g antibodies, but i understand that... vaccination would be more effective advice here, because there could be contact with her before that and there could be antibodies, but for example, an adult person could tolerate these in a mild form diseases, and i would also like to mention here that now there is still a high, one might say high rate of morbidity in children 10-14 years old. why is this happening? they are almost on the same, on the same number with 0.4 year old children, why does this
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happen, because whooping cough vaccination, it protects a person for 5-8 years, then the antibodies decrease and therefore there is also a risk of getting sick, but again i will say that there is a risk of getting sick, but the course is mostly mild, most often... and severe and medium severity, that is in children 0.4 years old and unvaccinated people, so they, thank you very much, vaccination, here is ... the key point , we heard from you, also do not forget to contact the doctors if you experience any symptoms. iryna borukh, expert of the public health center, epidemiologist was there freedom of the morning as a guest. thank you. thank you to all our viewers for being with us, be sure to like this content, share it with your friends and see you tomorrow, have a good day.
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we are now, i know. whether our guest is already there, there is a guest, and we will talk about some personnel disturbances that are expected, announced even by some people's elected representatives, whether it will be serious decisions, we will ask people's deputy sofia fedina, she is in contact with our studio, ms. sofia, good morning, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, i congratulate everyone, but we do not hear you, but we see you, that is, i hear you and see you now, we do not hear you. yes, but we want to hear ms. sofia here in the studio as well, yes, i hear you, i see you, everything is beautiful, there were some such magnetic storms, that is, everything is fine, there is already a sound, good morning everyone, greetings, morning, yes, who will be replaced, for what, in a package, by half, by one and a half, with what ratio, what is the logic of these
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personnel reshuffles announced in the government, well, i will. for last night and for today morning, so they say that all issues of dismissals and appointments have been removed from the agenda for this week, allegedly yesterday there was a small faction of the servants of the people, at which they did not reach an agreement on the appointment of dismissals, and as someone there said that one dismissal entails a discussion with regard to all the rest, well, for example, it was assumed that these things would be actively considered in the verkhovna rada on tuesday, wednesday, at the moment it has all been removed. but from what was discussed, it was about the release of kubrakov, and it was about the release of vereshchuk, solsky, oksen lisovoy and... malyuska, and there are very interesting nuances here, because if it was about kubrakov that he should be fired because of the completely messed up work, in particular on fortification,
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excuse me, on the safety of our stations, electric stations, then if it is about malyuska, then they say , that he himself wanted to resign, because he is very stressed, and about oksana lisovoy, i think it is clear to everyone here, to be honest, we... expected his dismissal after the plagiarism of his phd thesis was revealed , there is a conversation about vereshchuk, that they want to release her but she is very actively working to ensure that this dismissal does not take place, and the least of all is the discussion about solsky, it is not clear what and how, and why it is not clear, mrs. sofia, look, i am looking at the story that we have from the national agency today the fight against corruption, nabu says that... they covered a whole criminal group, it is connected with the state geocadaster, and in it the current minister and ex-chairman of the agrarian committee of the verkhovna rada appears in the amount of uah 291 million,
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for owning land for another 190 million hryvnias, if not put, then a former servant of the people, who is this the committee was headed by mykola solskyi, and then another, then it is clear why this issue is raised, but look, i... the trend shows that all ministers, officials of the zelenskyi era, who are accused of something somewhere, are very often led to dismissal and further they completely avoid any responsibility. that is why european solidarity, first of all, demands that every minister who comes to the verkhovna rada for dismissal should come with a mandatory report and that there should be a moment for deputies to ask questions and receive answers unfortunately, for many years in a row , we have not heard reports from dismissed officials. the second is such an interesting nuance that usually everyone who is dismissed, regardless of what scandal, the servants of the people are seen off with standing and
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loud applause, and then they tell how good the minister was, instead they dismiss and appoint, i apologize, even worse than everything that happened. well, and the third point, which i would like to emphasize, i even see the headline and there are personnel changes in u... i conclude that the awl is changed to a soap and the amount will not change due to the rearrangement of the terms. because people who have a position, who have experience, who want to do something do not go to this government, or they are not even hired, people who are totally loyal to the office of the president and are ready to do any nonsense go to the government and are accepted, if only to fulfill the whim of the office, mrs. sofia, but you also named... probable candidates for dismissal, and something is known about the appointment, that is, if there is a vacancy, then it must be closed at least in the near future. so far, as of
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last night, there have been no offers, and it 's just as maristic, because after all deputies, if they have to vote for someone, they must have these candidates, they must study the documentation, we must analyze what and how, and although european solidarity does not vote for the appointment of a green government, but... still, there is a procedure, there are some minimal things, which all deputies have to work out, and once again this kind of attitude towards deputies shows the general situation with parliamentarism in the parliamentary-presidential republic, mrs. sofia, can you shed some light on us, because there is a certain number of deputies who once wrote that i'm tired, i'm leaving, i want to leave, there are several deputies who i'm looking at in the list of purchases. wanted, but there are deputies on whom the global economy, politics, geopolitics and national security depend, after yesterday's most important event in the galaxy, when
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maryana bezugla said that she had changed her mind about leaving the servants of the people, we do not know what this planet can expect you know a little, oh, you know, with brainless, thoughtless, insane deputies who are not responsible for anything, but think that they are the most important. in the world in our country now, that's why there is such a tragic situation, in fact, after mrs. maryanna announced, well, proposed a draft law, with which she proposed to kill military personnel for disobeying the commander, she should have been completely removed from political life, dismissed, recalled, well, that is, she was not should be a part, in particular, of the defense committee and the parliamentary process, instead we have such a mess, but that's true. you are right, there is a large share of deputies who have submitted applications to their faction for the exit, compilation of their powers, in particular this is the faction of servants of the people, they are not allowed to do this, in particular
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because... in order to get at least some kind of monomajority, which in fact has not existed for a long time, even in the most critical moments - the servants are able to collect no more than 190 votes from their own deputies, and therefore they work very actively with the opz, which has now split into two groups, as well as with other groups and factions that surprisingly show loyalty to the most idiotic decisions of the servants of the people, probably in order not to initiate or create criminal cases against them. some inconvenience to them relatives, i believe that a large proportion of deputies should be allowed to draw up the mandate, the main thing is that 226-230 deputies remain to make some or other important decisions, in particular, how to extend martial law if necessary, how to adopt the state budget, and finally those who are ready work now to ensure that ukraine survives. ms. sofia, another alarm bell is being signaled by volodymyr vyatrovych, so today
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, april 20, at noon , an urgent meeting of the committee is being convened very urgently, in fact, at an emergency pace humanitarian and information policy, and it looks like we are returning to the draft law that has already been criticized and seemingly abandoned, so about the english language, about dubbing, about so, about english in ukrainian cinema. we have a huge problem with that, because yesterday evening there was information that the office of the president, especially volodymyr zelensky himself, is demanding a review of the decision of the humanitarian and information policy committee in order to return the norms that will destroy ukrainian dubbing, and therefore , in essence, destroy cinemas how big part of the film industry, because people simply
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will not go there if there is no... ukrainian dubbing, but there will be english films in the original or with subtitles, and in the end it will deprive ukrainians of the opportunity to visit cinemas even for leisure, and a huge layer of the industry, in particular where people earn well, have the opportunity to earn money, and where the ukrainian language and our communication with western film partners is manifested in the best way, by the way, dubbing is not done for ukrainian money, but for funds of the film producer, then this... everything should be completely crossed out and destroyed, because today someone there allegedly said some day of the english language, the greatest leader of our time wants to show off in english. in fact, this is another step to the fact that a large proportion of people will return to moscow's low-quality dubbing in social networks or on some other sites, and simply destroy a whole layer of the ukrainian economy, one minute, do you see the mechanism, how it can be stopped, we will have.
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most of the edits, there are about 100 edits then we will raise each one specifically in the parliament, if god forbid it passes in the committee, now we are trying to inform the committee that this is a malicious violation of the regulations, because the draft law is going to be voted on today, and this cannot be done, because the committee meeting cannot be held according to normal by the norms later than 24 hours before the vote itself, it is not just the committee that is meant, but the entry into the table. decisions on the website and everything else, although it is not the first time that the servants violate all the rules of the regulation, but we will be tough to fight, but also thank you very much for the active publicity to all concerned people both in social networks and on other resources, because it must be stopped, but the pressure on the ukrainian language has suddenly resumed, that is, that the moscow federation is again trying to protect its rights? heard ms. sofia, the question is rather rhetorical, sofia fedena, people's deputy
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of ukraine, another attempt... of english dubbing, well, i just imagine how irmak sits and watches the series "servant of the people in english". well, london and the question of great britain is, in my opinion, the maximum that our vice president can speak english. okay, news time? newspeak. khrystyna parubiy is ready to talk about the most important things, including new details of this night, the consequences of this night. christina, you have a word. thank you, colleagues, the number of victims of the night russian attack has increased. i will tell you more about everything. in the release, as well as enemy losses in a moment, wait. news on the air espresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant at the moment.


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