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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EEST

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imperialism with individual fascists with the fidesz party, and i have a fresh batch for you today, i didn’t prepare it, i’m not to blame, but a great friend of lavrov, who travels around sochi and st. petersburg, his name is peter sijarto, he published another batch today about the fact that hungary will again block the european union's aid to ukraine in the amount of 2 billion euros, later. and, as they say in hungarian, they still haven't stopped in ukraine, quote: discrimination of hungarian campaigns. here's what i came up with, well, i could still go to hungarian transcarpathia for school there to switch, no, but today he declares this, and this is actually the second blockade from the hungarians, because there is also 500 million euros blocked by hungary, this is when it is in brussels.
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decided, and yes, such an amount is accumulating, what should we do with the siyartas and other hungarians as of today? well, in fact, when we were recently on a visit to rome and paris, and then my colleagues were still in berlin, we said whether there would be enough coffee in the european union to make every decision where the hungarians would try to block, send, or siyartro or, orban to drink coffee so that the european union can make strategic decisions that affect the security of the entire continent. this is why it seems to me that many people have already understood that ancient actions, and hungary since the time of orbán, they resemble the actions of the trojan horse both in the eu and in nato, that is why they are looking for various workarounds, you saw how there were attempts to block and unlock now this
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the hungarian veto literally has half a minute to do so, i think that it will not just succeed, after the decision of the usa, europe now understands its responsibility, if we talk about the security of nato, then they should invest in new production facilities, in helping ukraine, to win here, and if a military contingent and air defense protection are needed, this must be done, and finally such an adult understanding that this is a war in it appeared in europe, and we thank ms. hanna for her comment and analysis, hanna gubko, the former people's deputy. convocation, there she headed the committee of the verkhovna rada on foreign affairs. we will talk about foreign affairs related to us later. we remember that ukraine and moldova are one received the status of a candidate for eu accession. that is, we are moving towards europe together and together we hope to do it by the 30th year. how thorny is this path for kishenev for moldova, do they not see the threat of a conflict with russia there and whether it is realistic to complete in six. years, all the requirements,
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our correspondent kateryna galko learned all this from the head of the eu representation in the republic of moldova, after a short pause, let's watch this conversation together. when you sleep on an uneven surface, the spine is in the wrong position, because you can't to feel energetic in the morning and productive during the day, and with a matrik topper you will forget that you are sleeping on an imperfect surface, order a matrik topper for a comfortable sleep at an affordable price. more and more ukrainian families choose topper matryk, which comes in a convenient package that is easy enough to remove. within a day after removing the factory film, it can be used. a unique cover, in which you can hide your topper, will become not only a new item of interior, but also quite a functional thing. you can it can be used both while resting and while working at home. and the top itself is quite easy. and spread out. a topper from the factory means
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us today. so, on june 23, 2022 , the european council granted the republic of moldova the status of a candidate for joining the european union. what prospects are there? i believe that since june 2022, quite substantial and quite impressive work has been done, because like ukraine, moldova had quite a lot of homework, actually more homework, if you look at the number of points that moldova had to complete, and the work is being promoted, this has been recognized by both the european commission and the european council, which has adopted. the decision to start accession negotiations with the country. now we are at the technical stage, when we explain what the negotiations will be like and what the moldovans should pay special attention to in the process of screening and negotiations. so now it will be the normal process that we have been doing with
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all the candidate countries that have gone through the chapters, which is the opening of the chapters, the closing of the chapters, and it will take quite a long time, so that the purpose of this process is to prepare the country for the and can moldova join the eu by 2030, for example? this is the ambition of the country's leadership, and this is also what the top eu officials have said, that the union should be ready for enlargement by 2030, noting that currently 2024 and 2030 will leave... not much time, it is a very ambitious schedule , but quite feasible if the high rate of reform, the high rate of change continues throughout, because one of the points i keep making is that it is not about only the current mandate of the president or not only
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the current mandate of the parliament, which means that such a high pace of european integration should be maintained in the next election cycle. after all, we also saw bad examples when countries lost their desire for european integration, and the process slowed down, on our part, this is something ambitious, but we hope that it is possible. will the euroscepticism of a rather large part of citizens prevent moldova from quickly and effectively joining the european family? well, first of all, citizens will most likely have the opportunity to as soon as the decision of the constitutional court appears, to mention it in the referendum on eu membership this autumn. so, of course, this will be the first step that will show whether the people of the country want to continue moving in this
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direction. we see that the number of people who support the european union is growing slowly. of course, it depends on who... asks the question, and which question, understanding that the future of the republic of moldova in the european union is growing slowly, although, of course, there are all rational reasons for this. including 2/3 of moldovan exports going to the markets of the european union. however, it will be a great working process, because indeed there is also an electorate that does not support eu integration, and of course we work with all sections of the population. do you think that if mrs. maia sandu does not win the elections this year and is replaced by... a russian representative, which is quite realistic according to recent polls, could moldova suddenly
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stop the eu accession process. first, we greatly appreciate the leadership of president maja sandu in the eu integration process. after all, i think that much of what the country has accomplished is to its credit, not just the political steps to obtain the status of a candidate country and start negotiations. but also all the essential steps that made it possible, namely the reform of the justice system, in particular the fight against corruption, which were her personal priorities. therefore, we hope that the european course of the country will be preserved even after the elections, because it is also supported by the citizens. this applies not only to eu membership, but also to integration with... do you accept that
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russia can interfere in the presidential and parliamentary elections in moldova in order to compromise accession to the eu. how to deal with it? unfortunately, i'm pretty sure russian interference will happen because we see it on a regular basis, whether it's local government elections last year. when there was a lot of that. we are talking about millions of euros and dollars that were brought into the country by various means to influence political processes. or take maria zakharova, for whom moldova has become a daily topic. i can say that this is, on the one hand, a reality that the country will have to live with until it becomes a member eu. because of such...
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russian propaganda, hidden funding that comes from outside. after all, we need help so that the political process is genuine, that it is not controlled by uninvited pro-russian forces. of course, legitimate public sentiments can be of different directions, but it is important that such processes come from within, and not be bought, and in order for this to happen, i think several things should be done: first, it is the work of law enforcement agencies, which must fight withdrawal of funds. and secondly - on the struggle with disinformation, that is why we now supported the creation of a strategic committee center in
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the republic of moldova. which hopefully will not only analyze the narratives, but also provide advice on how to counter them, and of course, on our end, we're doing that work as well, both here nationally and through headquarters. ukraine and moldova simultaneously started their way to the european union, however, both countries suffer from the neighborhood with russia, one way or another, how does the eu plan to help these countries in their struggle? we provide quite powerful support, and it is not only our projects, but also when necessary, it is also very fast and very large amounts, as for example to the republic of moldova for. in the last two years just to counter the crisis, the energy crisis, the migration crisis, the covid crisis, our
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support has been more than 1 billion euros, so this is a very good example that the eu is really a friend that is known in bida. we are back, and we have another very important topic for today. as my friend says, it is very important to study several subjects at school, including history, geography and defense of the homeland, defense of the homeland is clear for what to... acquire certain skills, history in order to know who to fight with, and geography in order to know where those with whom you have to fight are geographically located. now we will talk about history, in particular about history textbooks, viktor kruglov, general director of ranok publishing house, is in touch with us. mr. viktor, welcome to our airwaves. mr. viktor, you
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have published a request to the ministry of education on your facebook page. understand the situation that has developed with this year's a competition, this is a competition for textbooks, they must be, they must be approved, and then they become textbooks, this is from history for high school students, for the 11th grade, if you can briefly tell us what exactly you consider the bias of expert opinions, what is illegal , what you write about, i still have to intervene briefly, in fact, because unfortunately, we did not have the opportunity to involve the second party, that is, komi. thank you, first i would like to tell you how textbooks are selected, today according to the law on education, it is the teachers who choose the textbooks according to which
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they want to teach children, but this procedure is in the competitive selection of a textbook. now there is a competition for history textbooks, and you really rightly said that history is a very important subject today, because it can be said to be an informational weapon in the hands of the teacher, and in the hands of students, and in the hands of experts, and before the textbooks go for the competition, that is, the teachers will choose, these textbooks are considered, examined by experts, they make comments, the authors respond to these ... comments, somewhere the authors agree, because it is clear that there are flaws in the manuscripts, somewhere the authors argue, defend their point of view, the problem is that maybe, maybe the experts, well, do not really understand their roles, from my point of view, the experts of the history commission
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should not serve as barriers to allow whether or not to allow a textbook. before the competitive selection by the teachers, and the experts should help improve the text, because the task of both the experts, because they are professionals in their field, and the publisher and the authors, is to make a high-quality, high-quality product, and i am very sorry that sometimes the experts, when something wrong with them like, they believe that there should be no other... opinion, well, imagine that there are different teachers, there are different approaches to teaching any subject, including history, for example, uh, one the teacher is teaching, for example, we have a situation, imagine when an expert says that history should be studied only in this way,
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for example, not with the methods of country studies, but with the help of problems, i won't bother. in the theory of the question, but imagine that a teacher comes, whose children win olympiads, they love this subject, and this teacher also writes a textbook, and the experts say, no, we don’t like the method of teaching the variant, then maybe it makes sense for the experts to see if there is a discrepancy, for example , with the program, if there are any inaccuracies, but to choose a textbook... the teacher has to and it is very good that today the teacher chooses which textbook they will study according to, he will work and will teach, teach children, and when you read these conclusions, i would not say that this is prejudice, these are really expert professionals, but they have own opinion, how
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to teach the subject, why can't there be another thoughts, and let the teachers sort it out. do they like this textbook or not, because actually, mr. viktor, let's briefly voice it so that our viewers understand what it is about, these are the conclusions made by the experts who reviewed your textbooks, that is, for example, it is indicated that these two textbooks, the content of the material in them is identical, another note is that the proposed projects do not fully correspond to the curriculum of the world history course. of the 22nd year, or that the updated version of one of the sections is about the third section, no contains the structures declared in response to previous comments. changes, but contains other points, for example, changes, they are asked to adjust them accordingly, another remark about the lack of specificity and clarity, ee in
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the textbook about self-repetition, about the impossibility of clearly formulating key problems in order to then consider them with more specific examples, and so on one point, actually this is expert yastriva's remark that the program does not include countries. of the well-known structure of the course in certain sections, instead , it is a problematic structure of this course, here such things are written by the history commission of the institute for the modernization of the content of education. let's understand: firstly, we are talking about a textbook on world history in profile for profile classes and standard level classes, where standard level history is studied. the program is the same, therefore. it is clear that textbooks, well, if the program is the same, then the material that is taught is similar, only for specialized classes, where more hours are planned for you to
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teach materials, more, more attention is paid to practical tasks, therefore , there are a lot of additional, additional problem tasks, additional ee tasks in the practical, profile level textbook. and an expanded methodological apparatus, that is, they cannot be identical in principle, further, when the same expert, by the way, it is very interesting that she has these authors, ghisi, martyniuk, who are not the first, not the first , to participate in the competition year, all, all her expert conclusions, and in the fifth and sixth grade, that is , the textbooks were passed, were always negative, i don't know what this is connected with. connected because there are many experts in the commission, well, for some reason it is this expert who constantly examines textbooks and publishing houses, well, it is like this when an expert
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writes something that does not correspond to the program, the expert does not give any, not a single argument, and this is not correct, and maybe there are things that i would like the authors to discuss the country studies approach, not the country. expert approach , i have already said that teaching methods can be different, the main thing is that this method covers the entire, entire program, it would be very appropriate, i think, to invite the authors to the commission, where they could argue their point of view, not only in writing, because even here we are now communicating, there is no other side, it is not right, and i really hope. a word to be more specific, or just maybe explain now, because we are talking about textbooks, we are talking about methodologies, but we are not talking about students, well, i
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understand that the textbooks of the author's team for the 10th grade do not have a neck, that's right, this means that for the children of the current tenth graders, what should they study, what next year, what textbook, what own, are there other programs that these children should study? is there a short period of time in the summer to quickly create new programs, new textbooks, approve them, publish them and send them to schools? and yes, there is very little time, they have to print right now, after the selection of the 11th grade teachers , the textbooks must be printed, and by the way, teachers and students should use the textbooks of the authors of gisym martenyuk, well, at least a third. students of our country are studying, by the way, there were such comments from experts, from experts that, well, you can
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give a bunch of examples, for example, such as and why are your definitions similar to the terms that exist, that are defined in wikipedia, the fact is that the authors, our authors worked on... from history for students back when there was no ukrainian-language wikipedia, and many texts is taken precisely from the texts of gissam martenyuk, who is now on wikipedia, or there are a lot of others, a lot of other comments, and i think that it would be right when the authors could communicate with experts, we made several proposals: to provide an opportunity to argue our position under meeting time commission, unfortunately, unfortunately, we did not come across
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a positive decision, maybe now we will have the publishing team to talk with experts to argue our point of view, because we have a single common goal - to improve the quality of the textbook, the teacher already has to choose which textbook to teach children. now, now after passing the examination, it is the teachers who choose how many textbooks they want to teach. and if we trust our teachers with the most valuable thing we have, these are our children, then why can't we to entrust, as it should be to teachers, the choice of textbooks, and what i want to say, and perhaps we should change the regulations on the competition, where authors and publishers have not only obligations, but also rights, to defend their point
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of view and... . and to ban the textbook, to ban , that is, not to provide a vulture, that is, what is a ban, it is not to provide the opportunity to use it, it can be only based on specific factors, for example, non- compliance with the law or violation of the law, or non-compliance with the program, but not simply verbally no responds program, as we now read in the expert opinions, and with specifics, what exactly is not, what exactly... is enough, even in the provision on the work of the commission on the provision on marking it is said that all the experts' conclusions must be clear, well-founded, well, with with arguments, why yes or no, so when you boast that it does not correspond to the program, it should be specific what is missing in the textbook, we are smart people, we understand that if we are pointed
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to... a specific deficiency, then we are ready to finalize, and this is normal, because in we have the experience of publishing textbooks, one of the employees of the commission, i don't want to name him, said that sometimes we manipulate the fact that we are in kharkiv, this is not manipulation, but i want to say that the last three weeks, when it is now. .. textbooks are being prepared, when the team is in the morning, without light, at night, when there is internet and electricity, they work and prepare textbooks, when the city center is bombed every day, well, you know, that’s also mr. viktor, we understand what you mean , we are actually grateful to you and to everyone who kharkiv works, despite constant danger,
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constant anxiety and constantly. so that precisely these substantive comments that you say from them are ready to be divided, but point by point and say specifically, let’s use it for the continuation of our conversation, next time, we invite the institute for the modernization of the content of education to participate in our broadcasts, mr. viktor, thank you for conversation, viktor kruglov, the general director of the publishing house "ranok" was with us, roman and i also say goodbye to you. have a peaceful, safe day, take care, take care it should happen by voting in the senate today at 20:00 kyiv time, then biden should sign the document, after that we will come back in the morning and see if biden has signed, we say goodbye, we will stay in a hurry, because in a moment there will be news. yeah!


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