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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EEST

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presenters, who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. the information day of the tv channel in rozpala, we work live, we inform about all the most important events of the day, well, accordingly , important news has already arrived from the commander of the national guard, so pay attention, i think the people of kharkiv will be extremely interested in listening to it, so the commander of the national guard oleksandr pivnenko in an interview with liga. direct command language.
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the enemy may try to capture kharkiv, but it will not succeed. they are able to act only classically in two or three distracting directions and one main one. however, this story will be difficult for kharkiv because there will be continuous attempts to destroy critical and civil infrastructure facilities. but to capture kharkiv, they have to fight for years. remember how long bakhmud and avdiivka held on. it is easier for the russians to change the leadership of russia and abandon their plans than to take the city by putting thousands more of their soldiers. commenting on the new a possible summer offensive of the russians, commander pivnenko is sure that the enemy will not achieve his goal. russia cannot take either zaporozhye or kharkiv, even if they try something in the direction of kyiv, these are demonstration actions, although he expects certain difficulties. well, we remind you that recently there was an interview of the chief intelligence officer, i would say so, of ukraine, yes, the head of the main intelligence department under the ministry. of defense
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of ukraine kyryl bodanov, he said that in may-june ukraine should prepare for the fact that there will be a very difficult situation, he said that it will not be catastrophic, but it will be very difficult and difficult, so we understand that now we are waiting for an aid package from the united states, and by the way, the ambassador of ukraine to the united states, oksana markarova, stated that the united states can and not to provide ukraine with weapons for the full amount of aid, she said in an interview with european pravda. she says that the approved budget for financing military aid to ukraine means that there will be opportunities to get a lot of equipment for this amount, but markarova says about whether this equipment is available now, whether we will find, develop enough equipment quickly enough to get, well, this question itself remains open, well, i remember that before the house of representatives voted for this bill, which allocates its own aid to ukraine. the pentagon even stated
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that they are already ready to transfer and that they have in certain warehouses in the european union, yes , on the territory of the european union, there is certain equipment that is already ready for transfer, so we hope that this equipment will arrive in ukraine soon, and by the way, they say that it can happen by the end of april, that is, this week, next week, and we will already have it, well, in any case something will come, but for now the russians are actively hitting... civilian objects in kharkiv and the kharkiv district, the head of the kharkiv regional military administration oleg sinni gubov reports. yes, i confirm the information of the mayor of kharkiv terikhov. several explosions have already been heard in kharkiv. be careful well, that's it, while the allies are preparing to deliver as soon as possible, the most important thing, the enemy does not stop its barbaric attacks on kharkiv and... on
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kharkiv oblast, yes, and we continue to inform you about the main events, by the way, important information, if you remember , in january of the 22nd year, before the large-scale invasion began, the whole of ukraine was shaken by the tragedy at the pivdenmash plant in dnipro . a weapon, yes, he stole a weapon from armory and opened fire on his co-workers, as a result of the shooting , four of his co-workers and an employee of the enterprise were killed, five more national guardsmen were injured of varying degrees of severity, after the crime, the shooter fled from the place of duty and took the weapon with him, he was detained shortly after , so he was sentenced to life imprisonment, this is reported on the website of the general's office.
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the prosecutor, the court found him guilty of violating the statutory rules of relations, murder and attempted murder of two or more persons stolen weapons desertion, as well as in violation of statutory regulations. guard service and illegal handling of weapons. thank you, thank you marta. well, now we turn to the situation in the east of our country. serhii tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handyuk. glory to ukraine. mr. serhiu. well, avdiiv direction, we would like to ask you to comment on the situation in pervomaiske, krasnohoriv, ​​krasnohorivka, nevelske. what do you have now? what do we have now? so, well, enemy, enemy. tries to storm, but constantly makes attempts capture, enter, let's say, our positions, that's the main direction, well, i'm talking now for the section of our brigade - it's netaylové and krasnohorivka, it's exactly here that he's trying to accumulate his
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personnel in small groups, they're trying to advance, to gain a foothold somewhere, that's our task in ... to catch and destroy, they don't use equipment, but rather in such small groups, we traditionally call them local, but this is the current tactic, if we talk about the use of armored vehicles and aviation, mr. serhiy, what's wrong with aviation now is used, aviation is used as, let's say on positions on in the direction of positions, let's say so. to be more precise, also on the rear, on civilian objects, on constant shelling for terrorizing the population, let's say this, to create panic, there, to make some chaos and so on, but the situation is completely controlled, there is a clear interaction
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between all bodies authorities, by services, i mean, first of all, it is the ministry of emergency situations, the police, military administrations, that is why there is no panic, where necessary, we evacuate people, including we take part in this, we help, well, everything else, and we constantly prepare gifts for the dear, that is , it will simply not be the case that they can go somewhere in pairs, as it was in the 22nd year, and get some for themselves, well, i mean in the south in the first place, when he made this attack there, such a vile person. this is the situation at the moment, mr. serhiy, allow me, i would also like to ask you about the artillery, whether it is now possible to reduce this difference a little bit, because the latest data indicated that the difference was one to six, even one to 10 b such statements, do we now manage
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to reduce this difference a little bit, well, calculate, for example, you know that, you can say it in different ways there, you can call any number and so on, this should be calculated by specialists and... who keeps this record, but i will say this, that we, despite, let's say, what we call this projectile hunger, we make their artillery a nightmare, primarily with the help of our artillery, that is, counter-battery combat, this is a great merit, i thank our artillerymen, that's it also to our pilots of our fpv drones, v first of all, those who are constantly working, look wherever there are... small signs that the enemy may be there, disguised or not, that is why they do not use the equipment now and in that amount and do not use it openly at all , yes
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, they can shoot from closed positions there, but they are afraid to go out into the open on the battlefield, ugh, and accordingly, we would like to ask you what you hear in the direction of ceramics and reeds, right? we understand that the enemy there is trying to develop one or another offensive activity, i don't know which one levels, how active, maybe there is some non -secret information, their activity goes everywhere, there is no such thing, just somewhere more intensively, somewhere less intensively, and also that somewhere there was some, you know, rest on a certain part of the front, then i don’t i will say this simply, i have a good command of the situation in our neighbors and not only in this direction, the enemy must always be given to him. you know, if they feel, they are not warriors, they can only attack the weak, they can be tricked and so on, as they have this saying, yes, they are happy to win by all means good, that is, saying big slogans, that
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we are saving people, that we are bringing liberation and so on, in fact they destroy, kill, destroy, because they are evil. they are bandits, and this must be understood, here we are now fighting not just with the russian occupiers, we are really on the side of good, that is, against evil. in the whole world, this is an example, our victory is the victory of light over darkness, over this demon, i don't know what else to call it, mr. sergey, we know that your unit is currently collecting funds, you need to raise money for pilots bombers, you can announce this collection now, so please get involved, this money is needed for components for ours. workshops, which are constantly, i repeat, working around the clock on the equipment,
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equipping, filling our unmanned aerial systems of various modifications, for this we constantly need antennas, spare batteries, explosives and many, many other things, every day we practically supply them to us, and this enables us, let's say, to hold the front, to hold as much as possible. and protect the life and health of our servicemen. thank you to you, mr. sergey. serhiy tsehotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk. you just saw the qr code, dear tv viewers, if you can, listen, listen to yakov handziuk, listen to the fighters. they need help, they are in the avdiiv direction. if it seems to someone that something has become a little easier, then it is not so. yakov handzyuk. i'm sorry, serhii tsyhotskyi just confirmed that the officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handziuk.
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so, dear viewers, don't be indifferent, we financially help the armed forces of ukraine. well, marta and i are now going on a short break, after which we will continue to analyze the most important things. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always, the fuel ran out in time, and yes... you want to have a beautiful, well-groomed area, there is a solution. garden trimmer kors from rozpakuy tv, buy in time for a special price, only 999 uah. the corse trimmer is a light, compact and incredibly powerful tool. it will cope with bushes and lawn, even in the most difficult places: near fences, along the paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees, unlike gasoline ones, the corce trimmer is incredibly light, even women can use it, but that's not all, take a look. how powerful the kors trimmer is, how it cuts carrots in a flash, which means that our trimmer can handle even
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no doubt, a lot of people were seriously affected by the disappearance, well at least. so to speak, from the public field of the detained colonel chervinskyi, we would like to ask you what this case is now, and why certain procedural actions took place yesterday without the participation of lawyers, what about everything now, a good question, i am not a lawyer in this case, i not all are definitely unknown details, but an important comment is that what is happening now in the case of ... chervinsky is not something new and extraordinary for our so-called law enforcement system, both for prosecutors and for the court at the stage of pre-trial investigation, your studios we have been commenting on similar cases for 10 years, but unfortunately, uh, improper activity, in my
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subjective opinion, improper reaction of society to such cases, it leads to what we have... now what is happening in chernvinskyi's case, i am not commenting now on the presence of evidence there prosecution, i can only focus on what is publicly available, on how the prosecutor's office, let's say, comments on its position, both in the context of the suspicion and in the context of their actions at the stage of the pre-trial investigation, this is usual. normal, if this word is appropriate, the practice of prosecutors and the court in cases that have signs of violation of article 18 of the european convention, namely the so-called political persecution, in my opinion, they are all present here, yes, that is, the prosecutor's office does everything
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to discredit one's own criminal proceedings. and does so surprisingly effectively. and explain, please, mr. vitaly, what does this activity of the prosecutor's office mean, so to speak, and what, so to speak, is the discrediting? eh, discrediting is what it creates by its actions, it creates signs that the european court in its practice qualified as the use of tools of criminal proceedings for other purposes, in everyday life. er, violations of article 18 are called political persecution, which are, yes, it is difficult to prove, relatively speaking, given the position the court, but here the case is perfect, that is, i am not going into the presence of any evidence and the composition of the criminal offense, although it seems to me very doubtful, what
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he is accused of, mr. chervinsky, but the conduct of the action in the process at the stage of the preliminary trial , which is happening now, this is a wild thing, i repeat, and not admitting lawyers, not informing, changing the preventive measure, yes, not changing, sorry, but the extension of the preventive measure is taking place under the circumstances that the european court of justice has repeatedly indicated in ukraine as a violation in business, here is such a spoiler, literally yesterday... to the supreme court, the chairman of the supreme court delivered a report on taking into account the practice of the european court, where he cited cases where the european court ruled against ukraine, this is the third, fifth, sixth article, and these are all violations in specific cases where they were established, they are simply listed in
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the chervinskyi case, yes, that is, stupidly, on the one hand, the supreme court points to the obligation of compliance. those unequivocal ones, yes, it's not, not now, this practice is not new, it has happened more than once, in relation to ukraine such decisions were made, yes, they are a systemic, general problem, this was emphasized by the supreme court, and in view of this, well, prosecutors should react in some way, this is discredit, no matter what they prove, this case will be discredited precisely their actions. at the stage of the pre-trial investigation, if you comment on this process in this way, look, mr. vitaly, but on the other hand, we understand that they grind the journals of european justice carefully, but believe me a little. in your opinion, if the whole thing came to of the european court of human rights, how long could it be considered there, taking into account, so to speak, the volume of this process, and
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how much weight would the decision of the european court of human rights have for our bodies, well, we understand that usually they file a case for compensation to the victim, your question is short, but very complex with many of the... components, firstly, regarding the term, if we are talking about a violation, then it is not, not conditionally , not a case like a criminal proceeding, taking measures of a criminal process, yes reaction, in particular, with regard to detention, extension of the term and ensuring the right to a fair trial, these violations have already been ascertained by lawyers, as far as i understand, and a lawyer of any... yes level of qualification, he already has, without waiting for a conditional sentence in this case, i.e. admissibility the criterion of admissibility for
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submitting an application has already been reached, i think they will apply at this stage, will submit, questions regarding consideration, indeed the european court, as you said, has been grinding for a long time, it has been going on for a long time, but there is a procedure that they said that... uh, in their decisions, that those violations that uh, have already been established, which are of a general nature, have been established by the european court, that the state does not comply with these articles in more than one case, but that it is happening en masse and systemic, then in such a case, in principle , the court can in general, and there is such a practice, when it does not delve into the essence of the case of violations even there, it states. these facts, referring to those cases that have already been considered by him, from the point of view of procedural economy, new approaches of the european court of justice, so i repeat that there are all
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circumstances to apply now and ascertain these things, it is possible to apply, there is a procedure for the application of urgent measures by the court, and he can take such measures, and sir, the court ugh. and i also wanted to ask you, but look, just yesterday there were certain assumptions about the possible removal of roman cherbinsky to the territory of the russian federation, in general , are there any legal grounds for exchanging him and so on , because these are quite serious reports, and i would like to understand , whether such a thing is even possible, at least once, is wild ditch, yes, well, how about lawyers, i apologize for my slang, i can't find an answer in my... dictionary, words, it can't even be brought up for discussion, yes, such topics are wild, if such, such actions
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hypothetically will be committed in this direction, obviously such actions have signs of a serious crime, to the detriment of the interests of the state and security, article 111, and it should be cut to the root, i don't even want to discuss this. it's, well, i think there's been a bit of a honey bee here, even understanding, let's say, if it's politically correct to say what is happening in our bodies of pre-trial investigation, such as the security service of ukraine, which, well, in what competence are such actions and such a matter, even i, well, do not allow that they can take such actions...newbies. mr. vitaly, look, i just now went to the facebook page of the international people's advocate association, which actually reported yesterday that
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roman chervinskyi's complaint is currently being considered by the european court of human rights, and it states that due to the completely negligent treatment and torture the hero of the scout roman chervinsky during his detention, non-provision of medical aid, detention without food, etc., we see a threat to his health during the incommunicado period, given certain. tsemakh, the extradition of the berkuts to the russian federation bypassing all legal procedures, we do not rule out a threat to his life, but can we now appeal to various organizations, such as the red cross, so we understand that they have already discredited themselves, for example, as regards the military - ukrainian prisoners, the red cross seems to cover it eyes and he can't see anything, and it feels like they don't even want to figure it all out and somehow get to our prisoners of war, but if we're talking about... from chervinsky, can we appeal to organizations like the red cross , so that they check the reception of roman chervinsky and whether there is really a certain threat to his life
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e. no, i want to return to what i tried to say once again, even conversations on such a topic about involvement, they already discredit chervinsky himself, that is, to consider to accept, let's say, the disposition, to consider chervinsky as a person who acted in the interests of the enemy, this is already discredit, accordingly, any appeals to... the cross is all the tools, well, at least declaratively, yes, it must be included in ердр, contact the dbu, it is their responsibility, if there are such signs, sent, there are such, let's say, evidence or reasonable assumptions, to submit this statement to the dbu's jurisdiction and initiate a pre-trial investigation and within its framework measures to ensure security and
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access is real. authorized ukrainian, let's say, persons, yes, in other words , in my opinion, this question cannot be taken under any circumstances, but how to act correctly in this situation, mr. vitaly, how do you act correctly to protect the interests of roman chervinskyi, while not questioning and at the risk of his fate, so that, well, everything was clear and clear, there would be no problems later. well, first of all, these are the tools you quoted, it turns out that the lawyers have already turned to the european court, accordingly, most likely they also, taking into account the circumstances that you cite from their statement, they initiated the procedure for taking urgent measures, i.e. to initiate, say, any bans there and to bring it to the attention of the state, to take this case to
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communication, that is... . tool, the second tool we have is called the authorized person of the government in the affairs of the european court, and there is a whole procedure that is never followed, yes, the ministry of justice followed it only in one case, which ended in criminal proceedings, these are golden mandarins, yes, if anyone remember this but in principle it is a mechanism to turn to mrs. sokorenko and margarita and indicate. on such circumstances, which are already contained in the statement against ukraine in the european court, in the future, a decision will probably be issued, and accordingly, the european court has, excuse me, the authorized representative of the government in the european court, it must by law take measures to prevent, say, making a decision against
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ukraine. this is such a declarative tool, but it can be done, but i repeat, as a criminal lawyer, i would start, initiate criminal proceedings, if any such evidence, and within the framework of criminal proceedings initiated appropriate actions. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, vitaliy tytych, lawyer of the heavenly hundred family, partner of the bar association, vitaliy tytych and partners and a military serviceman, was on the air. eso, we are moving on and now we will pass the floor to our colleagues, the news editor and iryna koval are ready to share with us all the latest and most relevant information as of this moment, so we will, but there is important news from the president of ukraine volodymyr zelensky, therefore, zelenskyi said that ukraine agreed with the united states on the supply of long-range etekms missile systems, the head of state stated this during
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the evening address, well... we are talking about yesterday's address, according to president zelenskyi, there are currently four key priorities: protection of the sky, modern artillery , long-range and for the american aid packages to arrive as soon as possible, but the key story is the confirmation regarding the supply of etecoms long-range missile systems to us. we hope that we can learn more about this and not only from iryna koval. iro, we give you the floor and ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to find out about. thank you martha. i will tell you about the most important thing in the issue, but before that i want to add that the air force reports that a missile is moving from sumy oblast in the direction of poltava oblast, so please everyone be careful where the air alert has been announced and stay in safe places, i will in a moment i will tell you about the most important events at this time.


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