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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EEST

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evening address, well, we are talking about yesterday's address, according to president zelensky , now the four key priorities are air defense, modern artillery, long-range and that the packages of american aid arrive as soon as possible, but the key story is the confirmation regarding the supply of etekoms long-range missile systems to us. we hope that we will not only be able to learn more about this from iryna koval, we will pass the floor to iro and ask you to tell us briefly what you managed to do... thank you marta, well, i will tell you about the most important things in release, but before that i want to add that the air force reports that a missile is moving from sumy oblast in the direction of poltava oblast, so please everyone be careful where the air alert has been announced and stay in safe places, i will tell you about the most important in a moment events at this time.
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news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. the situation in the area of ​​the village of ocheretyn in the ovdiyiv direction is difficult, said nazar voloshyn, the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of the troops of khortets. according to him the occupiers use the entire available arsenal of weapons in including chemical, poisoned substances and are trying to gain a foothold in the southern part of ocheretynskyi, - added the spokesman. currently, the majority of the village is controlled by the defense forces, the southern part of the settlement is under fire control of our artillery, comprehensive measures are being taken to knock out the enemy from the southern part of ocheretino and stabilize the situation in this direction. the russians injured five people in
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kostyantynka, donetsk region. two of them in in serious condition - reported the head of the regional military administration, vadym filashkin. in the morning, the enemy dropped a guided aerial bomb on the city, three houses, a car and an infrastructure object were damaged. four people were injured as a result of a russian missile attack in the dnipropetrovsk region. the enemy attacked the dnipro district during the day. three men and a woman. are hospitalized in a moderate condition - said the head of the region, serhiy lysak. there were two fires, the information is being clarified. and national guard conscript artemiy ryabchuk, who arranged two years ago shooting on south masha was sentenced to life imprisonment. according to the state bureau of investigation, the convict had a conflict with other servicemen during his service. in january 2022, he committed a shooting at the pivdenma plant. reported the security service
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of the enterprise, five people were killed, among them one civilian, five more were wounded, he was detained in the dnipropetrovsk region within a few hours, the man admitted his guilt in court and asked for forgiveness from the relatives of the victims. in transcarpathia, a mobilized person died on the way to the training center, about it reported in the transcarpathian regional center of recruitment and social support. it is noted that after... the conscript had an epileptic seizure, the escort officer provided first aid and called an ambulance, but the medics did not make it. the department added that an official inspection was ordered based on this fact. he helped escape abroad under the guise of business trips. the security service detained a military man from lviv oblast who, using his official position, promised to help conscripts leave ukraine. cost. services evaluated by
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1700 dollars, for these funds he included men of draft age in one of the delegations that will go to an international conference in europe. the suspect was detained while receiving an advance payment of 8.5 thousand dollars, he was taken into custody with the right to make bail. staying abroad does not free a citizen from his duties towards his homeland. some ukrainian consulates have stopped accepting documents. moments for citizens of conscription age, in particular at the consulate of poland and the consulate general in barcelona. ministry ministry of foreign affairs instructed to restore fair treatment to men of mobilization age in ukraine and abroad, noted the head of the diplomatic department, dmytro kuleba. mechanisms that will operate in accordance with the new law on mobilization are currently being developed. lithuania transferred the party to ukraine. command and staff armored vehicles
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m577. this was reported in the press service of the lithuanian ministry of defense. the exact number of vehicles is not mentioned in the department, but it was stated there. that a batch of cars has already arrived in ukraine and in the near future will be used for the needs of the armed forces. the ministry of defense of lithuania also noted that this year the country has already provided aid in the amount of 84 million euros. in lithuania, the training of the german bundesfer great quadriga 2024 began . more than 3,000 german military personnel and 200 pieces of equipment, in particular. leopard, bmp puma and boxer are re-based on training grounds in pabrada and kazlura. units of the lithuanian army , together with their german counterparts, will learn to conduct planning and special operations and provide support to the host country. training will continue until the end of may.
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at the same time, the sword strike exercise, organized by the us army, is taking place in lithuania. lithuanian-polish exercises brave griffin and one of the largest national exercises - storm. perkonosa prime minister of great britain rishy sunak arrived on an official visit to poland. this was reported by the reuters agency. in warsaw, he plans to meet with the head of the polish government donald tusk and nato secretary general jens stoltenberg. together they will discuss the current situation in ukraine, as well as the security of poland. today, richie sonak has officially to announce a new package of defense support for ukraine worth half a billion pounds . restoration of the kharkiv tv tower is possible only after the end of hostilities. finally, experts will evaluate the possibility of reconstruction after analyzing the damaged equipment, but the height of the tower was almost
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250 m, so restoration work is impractical, - noted the director of the civil protection department of the regional military administration, ivan sokol. now experts eliminate. the consequences of the russian attack on the tv tower and there will be a positive result in the near future - he promised oleg sinigubov, head of the region. for now, the alternative is the internet, cable and satellite television. the price of gas for the population will not change. until april 30 next year, household consumers will pay 7.96 kopecks per cubic meter, naftogaz reported. the company extended the fixed tariff plan for a year. because the effect of moratoriums on raising prices. currently, naftogaz of ukraine provides gas to almost 12.5 million households. in the city of myrhorod, in the poltava region , the church of the orthodox church
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of ukraine, destroyed by the soviet authorities, is being rebuilt. parishioners help in this, donate money, materials and work on construction. anna morozova saw how the people's church was being built. the pile was bought by some family, there were, there were families who bought several piles. step by step , the church of all saints is being rebuilt in myrhorod. after gaining independence, the biryans wanted to revive the orthodox church of ukraine. 60 years ago, it was destroyed by the soviet authorities, the abbot mykola bazilevskyi was killed for services in the ukrainian language. the revival of the ukrainian church began with the hands of the myrhorod regiment of the ukrainian cossacks. the creation process was extremely difficult. there were no funds, but thanks to the efforts of the cossack community, which worked here every week, took out garbage, uprooted trees, brought earth, then we were joined by caring
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citizens, of whom there were also many. next to the construction site, a trailer was set up, there are icons, photos of previous abbots and myrhorod residents who died in the war. the believers started on their own with... we will now have to complete the construction of our church, we have such an action: donate a brick to the church, and we ask everyone and appeal to everyone who can help us to give at least one brick, at least two. the parishioners want to make the place a kind of pantheon of memory. bricks from the destroyed churches of the poltava region were laid on the wall of the central entrance. when we laid this wall near the entrance, we highlighted them and they are so polished, they look like new, but they are 300, 400 years old. now the builders are finishing building the outer walls. the maximum height of the church will reach 19 m. it can accommodate hundreds of people at the same time. tables with names are planned to be installed on the territory dead soldiers and victims of the famine. the terms of completion of construction are not mentioned, because the process depends on the contributions of believers and
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those who care. anna morozova from myrhorod for espresso tv channel. that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website spreso tv, too. subscribe to us on social networks and watch unique content on youtube, we will see you at 4:00 p.m., and my colleagues marta oliyar will continue the show in just a moment. well, an extremely meaningful issue, we pick up the baton and inform you, dear viewers, about the most important thing: at 10 p.m., marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii work live on espresso, and now we will be able to. to add tetiana vysotska, our special correspondent in european institutions, to eter.
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there is a lot to talk about today. tatyana, congratulations, we are glad to see you, and we ask you to share with us news from european institutions, because today, as you know, we have good news, we have been extended duty-free trade for another year. please share the details. thank you, congratulations studio, congratulations mark, congratulations. the price greetings from the sidelines of the european parliament. yes, in fact, the very fact that a visa-free trader with the european union was voted for today is already very good news, because this is the last session of the european parliament of this convocation, then the european deputies go to the elections and the next chance to vote for trade preferences and duty-free trade with european union, it would be only in the month of july, and by this time. those preferences would have already ended, in fact, this is where the very good news ends, that's why
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that this document was voted with great reservations about ukrainian agricultural products, and if for the past two years, the european union gave ukraine the opportunity to trade with it without quotas and without duties, now they will pay close attention to ukrainian agricultural products, in particular, will be applied two types of restrictive mechanisms, this is increased monitoring by the european commission and automatic return of quotas and duties on some types of agricultural products, regarding the automatic return of quotas on and customs, for some types of agriculture, we are talking about seven types of products, these are eggs, meat and poultry, sugar, sheep, corn, cereals and honey, if the amount of the mentioned products will... be sold on the european market in volumes that exceed the arithmetic average for 2022, the 23rd and the second half of 2021, then
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quotas and restrictions will be applied to these products automatically, those that were in effect until 2022, and actually ukrainian farmers are already saying that ukrainian agricultural exporters may lose due to these restrictions a year to a billion euros, and as for the increased... monitoring of the european commission, it is already a little better, ukrainian wheat, grain and oil crops will fall under this increased monitoring, and if the european commission sees that the volumes of imports from ukraine exceed the volumes that already affect to the markets not only of the entire european union, but also specifically, for example, of one or more countries, such as poland, then... the european commission can act at its own discretion up to the point of banning the import of a certain type
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of ukrainian products to european markets, therefore, this is a rather complex document, but it is actually good that it was approved, not very good for ukrainian poultry farmers and sugar producers, but in general the news is very good and positive. thank you tanya for the prompt, prompt inclusion in our broadcast, it is important, tetyana vysotska, espress correspondent. in the european institutions was in touch with us, in the meantime we are already ready to add it to the air, so we will talk with tetyana in more detail tomorrow, watch our daytime broadcast, and tetyana vysotska will make a lot of different points over her, yes, well, we are now joining the marathon diana dutsyk, a member of the commission of journalistic ethics, executive director of the ukrainian institute of media and communications. glory to ukraine, ms. dianna, we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, congratulations, what, suffering by telegram or? the epic is so telegram-like, well, information is arriving that
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our state institutions may be banned from using this russian program, so to speak, in order to inform our tv viewers, so maybe you will refute it, well, because at the moment it is not at the level of those or other very specific decisions, er, well, i want to say that there is actually no such message. official that some document or possibly a law is being prepared in the parliament, which will therefore prohibit the use of telegrams for officials tomorrow, but in fact it is quite relevant. the topic of what we should do with telegram, and it is actively discussed both in expert circles and publicly, during various events, because we understand the whole threat that telegram carries today, and i think it is very important that already about it began to speak aloud, for example, about
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this is what budanov, the head of the group, says, yes, and it is important, he directly says that this is a threat. national security, because for a long period of time only experts paid attention to this problem, and well, let's say, the attitude of different authorities to expert warnings was different, because we know that today a large number of state institutions have their telegram channels, a large the number of officials, they run their own telegram channels, and therefore, if the question is quite complicated and it is not... well, you mentioned kirill budanov, but at the same time the main intelligence department under the ministry of defense also has its own official telegram channel, and oh, i apologize, i am losing the sound of communication with you, i did not hear your question, you mentioned kirill budanov, do you hear now, i hear now, yes, you mentioned kirill budanov, well, but i must note that
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at the same time the main intelligence agency also has its official telegram channel, and here... it is important that previously mykola knyazhytskyi, people's deputy of ukraine, he already spoke on this topic , and some of his colleagues even his supported the fact that this draft law on normalizing the work of telegram should still be considered, but there were many skeptics that this draft bill does not even have a chance to be considered by the parliament, because it is not beneficial for the authorities, do you think that we are already at to the point that the government itself is interested in normalizing, regulating... the work of telegram channels, and there is already a political will for this law to enter the parliament? you know, what i observe may be my subjective vision, but i see so far the discussion between various authorities regarding what to do with telegram, they do not have a single vision, it seems to me that there is no political will yet specifically, well
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, let's put it this way, at least to ban officials from using telegram, because... the last sometimes various discussions take place, there are public and non-public ones, in which various representatives of various state institutions are present, i hear different positions regarding telegram, someone believes more categorically that it is necessary, well, to limit the use of telegram, someone believes that it is not, because it communication, this is direct communication with society, so it seems to me that a critical mass of these... well, let's say, the government supporters of such strict regulation of telegram has not yet accumulated, but the understanding that we started talking about it, it seems to me, is the first step to the fact that we will come to a settlement of this issue, yes, well, and accordingly, if we talk about attempts to somehow adjust the work of telegram, also, this is not a story about taking, you know,
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and banning everything, no, but they should open an office, representative office and should respond. well, as suggested by a number of people's deputies of ukraine, and they should respond to the requests of official ukrainian state institutions, well, as, for example, the same facebook does, and the list goes on, when we talk about western social networks, they respond, they react and they, as far as i understand, they adjust this or that policy, well, not always, of course, but this is not about interfering with freedom of speech and so on and so forth, but if someone works for our sovereign, then let her be there, i don’t know, of the virtual plan is sovereign, well, but still they should somehow react and accordingly, maybe in this way somehow force them, well, to work according to civilized western models, well, that would actually be very good, but so far i think that it is not quite it is realistic to do, because the question
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here is not only in ukraine about this network, about this platform, but also in european countries, and so far, its owners, they are not going to be in contact with the governments of different countries, so here there is a certain problem, we we don't know if this policy is stupid and his team will change sooner or later, maybe it will change, maybe it won't change, that's why it's obvious to us, as a state that is at war and against which it is constantly carried out... informational aggression, including yes, we should put our own barriers, let's say, in the information field, and telegram in this sense. it is a very dangerous platform, compared to facebook or even the same twitter that used to be the x network today, because telegram has
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this dark side or gray area in different ways you can call it, let's talk about the dark side of ms. diana's telegram, yes, well, first of all, there are a large number of anonymous telegram channels that work, we don't know who is behind... what is their purpose, you can only research and build versions there, but in addition, there is an opportunity to work in telegram for all kinds of possible criminals from all over the world, and well, if law enforcement agencies recognize it, that drugs are traded there, and various services are offered, information is exchanged there, which may not always be, well, let's say so , which can harm one or the other. that is, there is this gray area or dark area, and no one knows what to do with it, because telegram is built in such a way that it is difficult to do anything about it, unless those who
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created it, those who administer it, are involved today, here, and therefore the country should take care of its citizens and its national security, and actually, what decisions should be made here, this is of course a matter for discussion, but it seems to me that what we can do ... first of all, it is, of course, to limit officials, and such military personnel, in that to exchange information via telegram, it should simply be mandatory, if someone wants to read in private there various telegram channels, please, it is possible there too, let people read it for themselves, but to forward documents, which happens more than once, to exchange some important... information there in messengers and so on, it should be prohibited, because we do not know whether this information does not get on the road, and
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please also allow us about tiktok, because for some reason we focus on telegram , and tiktok is also a dangerous social network and maybe even more dangerous than telegram, but at least in the united states there are more questions about this social network than, for example, in ukraine, and there, too, they are trying to do something about it... and what should we do with tiktok, we can in principle list other social networks, which we do not know for sure, who is the ultimate beneficiary of this social network, but then surely we should talk about the regulation of social networks in general, and not just one specific one? well look, a few words about tiktok and about the difference with telegram, why not americans are now paying attention to telegram, because it is not present in the states, and that is why they do not see this one. problems and the fact, well , last week at one of the discussions, the opinion was expressed that the fact that durov gave an interview to the american journalist, tucker carlson, is just
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such and such, well, the first step to the fact that turov wants to leave to the american market, i don't know if he will be given this opportunity, that is, we will watch it, how it will develop, that's it, but tiktok is just... the americans see it as a threat, because tiktok is a chinese social network, and of course geopolitics plays a role here, the americans are very sensitive to this, the state is studying this issue and trying to regulate and control it, and therefore, of course , everyone has many questions about tiktok, including about the protection of private data, about the protection, about, well, for example, about the distribution of harmful content for children. this question is asked in all civilized countries, and there are a lot of complaints about tiktok in the united states, in americans and in other countries. regarding the regulation of all social networks, yes,
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i think ukraine will come to this, but not so quickly, because for now we will follow the european union in this matter. the european union is currently working on the necessary regulatory acts that will, well, let 's say, change, influence the behavior of social networks, but again, the question is whether or not they will influence those social networks that don't even have normal legal registration in the e zone of the european union, i.e. like telegram, telegram, well, supposedly like they say that they are registered in the arab emirates, but again, there hasn't been any such... final confirmation yet, so there are a lot of issues, legal and technical, that need to be discussed by professionals.
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specialized experts on these various issues, about which i said, this is law, and well , security and so on, and of course we are, well, i already said that at the level at which ukraine can now take some steps, it must do so in order to secure its citizens, and of course, the debate as well about the deanonymization of these anonymous telegram channels, at least in the ukrainian segment, i think here... the state can quite cope with this, so thank you, mrs. diana, diana dutsyk, member of the commission of journalistic ethics, executive director of the ukrainian institute of media and communications, was in ether espresso. well, now we will go on a short break, but after it there will be a lot of very, very interesting information, i will open this curtain a little bit, we will have the opportunity to talk more substantively about
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today's scandal surrounding the minister. noi of solsky's policy, he actually appears today in the news of the national anti-corruption bureau, about this and not only, we will talk during this hour, so stay with espresso, we will be back in a few minutes. gasoline trimmers are so heavy, loud and inconvenient, and as always they run out of fuel in no time, and so you want to have beautiful ones. a well-kept plot, there is a solution. garden trimmer kors from rozpakuy tv, buy in time for a special price, only 999 uah. trimmer corse is a light, compact and incredibly powerful tool. it will cope with bushes and lawn even in the most inaccessible places, near fences, along paths, near the sidewalk, curb, around trees. unlike gasoline trimmer corс is incredibly light. even women can use it, but that's not all.
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