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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EEST

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for this moment, iro, we give you the floor and ask you to briefly tell what you managed to find out. thank you, marta, what about the continuation of preferential trade with ukraine in food products, and where else is povin in ukraine at the moment? wait, i will tell you about everything in more detail in the issue. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all viewers to the most important events. the russians injured five people in kostyantynka, donetsk region. two of them are in serious condition, the head of the regional said of the military administration vadim filashkin. in the morning, the enemy dropped a guided aerial bomb on the city.
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a car was passing near the place of impact, and the injured were riding in it. they suffered shrapnel injuries, three houses, a car and an infrastructure object were damaged. law enforcement officers have registered a criminal case in connection with the death of a conscript, according to the information of the general prosecutor's office , they will investigate possible abuse of official powers. the cause of the man's death is now being established. as you know, in transcarpathia, a mobilized person died on the way to... educational center. he had an epileptic seizure. the ambulance doctors did not have time to help. the zakarpattia regional center for staffing and social support announced that they had appointed an official inspection. the situation in the area of ​​the village of ocheretine in the avdiyiv direction is difficult - said nazar voloshyn, the spokesman of the khortytsia operational-strategic group of troops. according to him , the occupiers are using the entire arsenal
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of weapons, including chemical poisons , and are trying to gain a foothold in the southern part of the reed area, he added spokesman. currently, the majority of the village is controlled by the defense forces, the southern part of the settlement is under fire control of our artillery, comprehensive measures are being taken to knock out the enemy from the southern part of ocheretiny and stabilize the situation there . direction, prime minister of great britain rishi sunak arrived on an official visit to poland, reuters reports. in warsaw, he plans to meet with the head of the polish government , donald tusk, and the secretary general nato by jens stoltenberg. together, they will discuss the current situation in ukraine, as well as the security of poland. today rishiy sunak is to officially announce a new package of defense support for ukraine in the amount of half a billion. points sterling. the european parliament
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supported the continuation of preferential food trade with ukraine for another year. however, the decision provides additional safeguards to protect european farmers. this is stated in the press service of the european parliament. in particular , the european commission will be able to quickly apply measures are necessary if serious problems arise on the market of the european union or on the market of at least one member state. through ukrainian agricultural imports. then the decision must be approved by the council of the eu. eyes for the military. in the winter , trench candles were made, and now the kremenchug volunteers have taken up the complex development. at the request of our fighters, an analogue of the russian murom m complex was created. it enables long-range surveillance from closed positions. the first piece of equipment capable of saving more than one life. saw our film crew.
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now we are looking at an object that is 4 km away from us. control is very simple: push the button to the left - the image moves to the left, push the button to the right - the image moves to the right, you can use this controller to change the speed, as in a train. a few simple manipulations and it opened for us. landscapes are inaccessible to the human eye at a distance of up to 6 km, the complex, which can distinguish a ukrainian soldier from the enemy from afar, scans the space and reproduces the image on the screen of any modern device. the military asked that this device did not transmit the signal over the air, but so that the communication between the operator and the device was via wires, so that the slaves and their other devices... could not record what it is
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useful for? it is installed in any room, there are greenery, and the wires can be hidden up to half a kilometer away. e.e. the operator who will control this device, seeing military equipment or a cluster of our enemies, the operator already transmits a signal to either the artillery or the sniper. the eye is the result of the painstaking work of dozens of people, as the developers joke, it was possible in the process write more than one dissertation. the initial version has already received positive reviews among the military. currently, experts want to reduce the size of the structure and improve the functionality. the computer program will... compare the picture that is on the screen today, well, at this moment, with the previous one, that is , it means some kind of changes, if not an attack has occurred, the system will give a signal that, guys, something has changed, some new about the object was drawn in the picture, there are some things that are worth your attention, the next
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development will use night vision devices vision, because with dusk, the quality of the image drops, this is a common optical phenomenon, from the initial idea... to make an ordinary periscope with two mirrors, i refused for safety reasons, but using this device, during observation of enemy positions, the operator will remain safe, and this is the most important thing: we made an angle of 90°, at a distance of 4-5-6 km, this is a crazy distance, and up and down are also very big angles. moreover, we hope that this development will find demand both after the war and after our victory. that border guards will be interested in this development in ukrainian, all sorts of nature protection specialists, just private security systems, something like an oil plant or protecting fields and so on. in order to get things done, the invention was sanctified. i invoke god's blessing today, and may the lord
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strengthen you, may he grant you many good deeds to do, may he strengthen you, may he give you the strength, the power and the intelligence that is needed to preserve human life. in the plans of the developers, certification and entry into serial production, given the urgent need for such devices at the front, they count on support ministry of defense. anastasia ushak and serhii vitrovy from kremenchuk for the espresso tv channel. in the kyiv region, in boryspil district, there was an overflow of water over the dam, namely within the boundaries of the zolochiv community in the area of ​​the third, fourth and fifth locks, the regional police reports. law enforcement officers. regulate traffic and warn drivers to observe the speed limit. at the same time , the district authorities expect that the water level in the dnipro should decrease during the day. now the issue of the feasibility of opening the locks is being resolved. according to forecasters, up to 25 in april, further
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flooding of floodplains and riverside areas is expected in kyiv region. and i want to remind you about our collection, the equipment and safety equipment needed by the intelligence unit of the third regiment of special operations forces. they fight for the independence of our country in difficult battles on the eastern front and give us the opportunity to live, work and study. our goal is uah 720,000. with your help, we have already made an advance payment, and we have less than uah 400,000 left to collect. so let's not delay, every hryvnia is of great importance. you have all the details now see on the screen. that was the news for this time, you can read more as usual on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks, there you will find a summary of the main things and watch us on youtube, there is unique content of the espresso tv channel.
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my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii continue the broadcast. we are working so that you will see the updated issue already at 5 p.m. well, the information day of the espresso tv channel. in the midst of it, the news arrived that most of the weapons were from the aid package the united states for ukraine is already in germany and poland, cnn writes about this, although american officials do not speak about it openly , the publication's source reported that a large part of this aid is already in exchange. warehouses in germany and poland, which will obviously reduce the time required for its delivery to ukraine. the source also said that artillery shells will be among the first materials to be delivered to ukraine. we will talk more about this and more with oleg katkov, military expert and chief
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editor of defense express. mr. olezh, i congratulate you and i am glad to see you on our air. good afternoon, thank you for the invitation. well, if you allow me, i would still like to start with... help from the united states, information from cnn that germany and poland already have weapons for ukraine, and as i understand it, now only mashka is expected from washington, so that we can start this business from... correcting, that is, if we are talking about the practical part of this issue, today there will be a decision of the senate, we hope, so final, maybe today or tomorrow biden he will sign this bill, and accordingly, when do you think the ukrainians will receive the first package of weapons? immediately prose focus because after the signature biden has to appoint and announce the presidential removals, this is an extremely important aspect, because in addition to the vote, the key thing there is that just... money, that is, what is accepted, is just the financing of the whole aid for
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ukraine with weapons, in principle, well, not only with weapons, but in general, yes, and then this program, this money must be implemented, and therefore, at the same time, it seems to me, i will hope that it will be so, at the same time, as soon as biden signs the bill, which becomes law, the funds appear, he signs the presidential withdrawals with a list of those weapons that must be transferred from the stockpiles. . of the united states of america, directly to the defense force of ukraine, and these were always the minimum delivery terms, which were measured in days. usually, well, it's no secret that there is just a parallel bureaucracy, but there are real things, and in the case a lot was done to help ukraine even before it became public knowledge and was publicly announced, and some preparatory things, of course, were done in advance. in the conditions of what... what is happening now , that is, when the issue of funding will be accepted, and most likely it has already
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been agreed for a long time, what exactly will be transferred in the first pda package, that is, the presidential bailout, it has already been agreed upon objectively, that is why it is pointed out by such people, what does this presidential removal mean, in such simple words that are understandable to us mere mortals, and this is when the weapons that are in the stockpiles directly... of the united states are transferred to the armed forces of ukraine from the stocks of the ministry of defense itself, there is an alternative program, well , a parallel program called the promotion of the defense capability of ukraine usai, and under it weapons are ordered, that is, directly from the manufacturers, ukraine needs, for example, conditionally, but there is a very good difference between these programs, for example, ukraine now needs patriots, for example, yes, under the program of presidential withdrawal, we take a patriot who is in armed force. usa, we transfer it to ukraine, that's all, we spend time only on logistics. the program, when the weapons are ordered,
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an order is made from rayton, from locket martin, for radars, for missiles on the launcher, and we wait a year or two, maybe a little more, until all this is manufactured. mr. olezh, what is your military expert intelligence telling you, because we understand that we need everything, yes, we also need anti-aircraft missiles, and... we need ukrainian shells, we need a lot of things, but what do you think our allies will be on first emphasize what they will bring us, first of all? first, it will be what is really most necessary now, it can actually be ammunition, first of all, in a significant amount of ammunition, i mean artillery, ammunition for hymers, ammunition for anti-aircraft missile systems, this is the first priority, this is what ... may pass with one line in the presidential withdrawal program to be announced, but it will be
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an important line. then there is the question of the transfer of armored vehicles to restore those losses that still exist, and that means will continue transferred, for example, there are combat vehicles bedli, stryker, it is quite possible. the third aspect is atacoms in fact, because most likely they will be transmitted in the very first packet, a certain amount, it is not known what, in general. in fact the number of seeds even given to the attacks before this has never been made public, apparently there were only a few, but the fact that the atacoms will be in the very first pack indicates that they were used for the first time in a long time during attacks on dzhanka, during the attack on occupied dzhanka, on the airfield where there were attacks themselves 400 complexes and other systems of the enemy were destroyed, if there was no certainty that ... new missiles would come, then they would remain as such an inviolable reserve
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for the darkest day, and also because of the fact that they were used, well, this is just such an indicator of the expected renewal of stocks, atakams is a huge intrigue, mr. editor, well, if we talk about the nomenclature of atakams, then we understand that atakams is 150 km, and further, further, further, further went, i.e. different power, different modifications. what happened to us? would in reality get? in fact, now there are targets and how within 150 km there for an attack with... the most powerful cluster warhead, we are again talking about heliports, we are talking about enemy air defense positions, it is absolutely necessary when we say to clear the positional areas of the threshold in near-front zone, this is the number one task in general, if you consider it in the light of the received f-16s, everything is interconnected, as well as the destruction of
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the zanito missile systems themselves, as well as surveillance radar stations like the sky, which also well quite actively time. can be destroyed, that is why there are targets for this category of missiles, and there are, of course, even more so, targets that are at ranges of up to 300 km, and for atacoms, which already have a reduced warhead, there are approximately up to 250 kg, but you can immediately to say that this will not be the crimean bridge, because for attacks that were created to destroy airfields, to destroy anti-aircraft missile systems.
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to hope, if the usa will still remove the inhumane condition regarding the non-use of their weapons on the territory of russia federation, in general, this means the need for a much larger number of these missiles, because in the conditions when the warlock is shelling with, well, destroying simply with terrorist strikes, the same kharkiv, well, with a banal attack, would help to do something for understanding, with its help, it would be possible to get , such as the air base in baltimore. voronezh, where su-34 anti-bomber fighters are based, it is possible to destroy the s-300 and 400 anti-aircraft missile systems that are shelling kharkiv with anti-aircraft missiles, this is a task for atacoms, but it is necessary for the usa to remove this innocent condition for its use the territory of the russian federation. mr. oleg, look, i would also like you to evaluate this
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aid package with your military expert eye in terms of quantity, i mean in the capabilities of this package, how much this... package can affect the situation at the global level, because zelenskyi says that at the moment we are not talking about any kind of advancement, so this aid, will it allow us to achieve some kind of parity with the russians, we can defend ourselves, but we are not talking about advancing, in order to conquer, at the moment, how much times this aid should be greater in order for ukraine to be able to talk about some theoretical countermeasures. fall actions? here even the language, of course, should be about volumes in monetary terms, but in fact it should be about the stability of aid. when we remember how, for example, ukraine was being prepared for active offensive actions in the summer of 23, then just in winter, for example, at the beginning of winter , rather large-scale
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aid packages were transferred, which provided for brigade equipment, for example, packages were sent there to... in which contained a hundred bradley bmps, a hundred wheeled ones stryker armored vehicles, additional artillery was contained, such packages were contained, which allowed us to say that a certain brigade would be armed with the same type of equipment, well, this is necessary, because it is desirable, very desirable, to have the same type of equipment in one brigade, so that it was easier to maintain, so that it was possible to train the whole unit in full, as a single unit, and not a uniform... when we generally have a gap in the provision of security assistance from the united states, which began to form due to, for example, money for usai, that is, when weapons ordered for ukraine, they ended in november, the money for just under the pda program, they actually
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ended at the end of the year exactly, and after that there was a single package, in the conditions of... such uncertainty, when there is no understanding whether it is possible to arm an additional brigade, or whether it is possible in general, what will happen, it is quite difficult to talk about planning, and without planning, well, it is difficult to talk about any offensive actions? look, mr. editor, well , we would like to ask you about the propaganda statement of the russian minister of attack sergei shoigu, so according to this character in the 24th year... the first samples of the new-generation s-500 anti-aircraft missile system in two modifications will be delivered to the troops of the russian army, as i quote shoigu. this year is a testament. the first samples of the new generation s-500 anti-aircraft missile system in two modifications, anti-aircraft missile systems, long-range anti-aircraft missile systems and anti-missile defense systems,
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s-400, s-300b4 buk m3, tor m2 anti-aircraft missile systems, new generation radar stations will arrive and shoigo announced that the supply of anti-aircraft missiles and cannons would be doubled shell complexes in 24. last year, well, we are most interested in c500, is it a propaganda fake bubble, or are they really putting it on the stream for production? they can declare that they are putting it into production, it really exists, he conducted firings with, well, what kind of complex 5y is it, it is already a complex of such a heavy upper echelon of anti-missile defense, that is, the s-400, well, he showed what in general. does not intercept ballistics, but in relation to the c5th, the russian federation has very well shaken off the dust from the last soviet developments in the subject
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precisely anti-missile defense, that is, designed to destroy ballistic missiles, and a few years ago the russian federation shot down the s-500, which destroyed a satellite, this means that it can really intercept such objects as combat units. intercontinental ballistic missiles, and of course, in idealistic conditions there are a lot of different issues, because these blocks have, well, they disguise themselves, they are false targets there, but technically they proved that they can shoot down objects in outer space and at speeds over 7.9 km/s. and objectively, the fact that they will install it is well... okay, and it will not change anything, because the main task is to install and stuff more of them around moscow, where they have the main area of ​​anti-missile defense, and- and, in reality, it
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is unlikely to change anything, therefore, including the so-called balance of forces, because even if we compare with the usa, a similar system called sm-3 is installed on every missile eight of the us army, well, the us navy , and these are 60 ships. and established in that including in europe on land-based launchers ages offshore in romania and poland, which even cover the territory of ukraine. mr. olezh, look, i would also like to ask you about such ambitious plans of the russians to produce 10,000 shaheds per year, at least this is evidenced by the data on the purchase of some components that are actually needed to make shaheds. uh, are these numbers realistic, do you think, can the russians produce 10,000 shaheds a year, and actually, well then it turns out that we will suffer from
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attacks by these drones even more often, if this ambitious goal is justified by the russians, and we are talking about a limited goal and declarations of intentions, directly from alabuga, which produces these drones in a well under the embankment boats in the tatarstan of the russians. the federation, in the presentation where it was about the development of shaheds, such as what they call grand2, indicated the volumes, including combat units, that they want to purchase and receive, or rather receive, in the amount of 10-11 thousand and some other components in the amount of 10 thousand, well, what exactly is this if the size is not known. that is, what is the deadline, but obviously it is for a year, for which it is not known, but the fact that the russian federation will 100% try to increase the production of shaheds, well, we must count on this. now,
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according to the data of the main administration of the rodsky ministry of defense of ukraine, approximately 330-350 shaheds are produced per month, that is, up to 350, this is the average rate per month. in the paradigm of the fact that even a year ago there were an order of magnitude fewer of them. month was produced on the territory of the russian federation, then of course we are talking about what vorok will increase their number, and perhaps in this way will try to really reach the rate of 10,000 of these drones per year, because now about 330, 350 are produced on two production lines, and now the russian federation is not at all limited in the number of drones production, because it overwhelms this problem with money and no sanctions have any effect on it... and ukraine obviously has no way to effectively crush this production, because all we have are drones, we are blowing drones. a short pause,
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attacks of the russians from the project. chronicles of the information war with olga ley. tuesday-thursday at 17:15, repeat tuesday-friday at 22:00. vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become talkers for many. as well as distinguished guests of the studio: events of the day for two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. information viruses: almost living creatures that destroyed entire nations and civilizations. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war
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, russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of telegram with the russian special services, now telegram has the data of more than 20 million people at its disposal, this is more than an action. telegram is the fastest way to correct strokes on any objects. that is why, or to limit the influence of the telegram, i introduced the corresponding bill. this is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are dealing with the mythical trojan horse that was brought into the city and then an enemy army came out of it in the middle of the night. what to do when there is a liver? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, he protected the liver and gallbladder.


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