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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm EEST

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and civilization. in the heads of a critical majority of ukrainians, even in the third year of the war , russian narratives live and multiply freely. there are too many different facts that testify to the interaction of the telegram with the russian special services. currently, telegram has the data of more than 20 million people at its disposal, this is more than an action. telegram is the fastest way to adjust hits on some objects. that is why, or to limit the influence of the telegram, i made the appropriate one. the draft law is not about banning telegram, it is about regulating its work. we are dealing with mythical trojan horse, which was brought into the city, and then in the middle of the night , an enemy army came out of it. and what to do when there are livers? alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and bile. hello hol with
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care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football together are stronger. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, there are quite a lot of events, now we are adding oleksandr krasovytskyi, ceo of folio publishing house, to our marathon. kharkiv publishing house. glory to ukraine, pa'. congratulations glory to the heroes, congratulations, friends, well, before moving on to the main topic of our conversation, we would first of all like to ask you about the situation in kharkiv, so we understand that regular shelling continues, the enemy is intimidating, deploying its information sabotage special operation, that now in kharkiv and share, be kind, the mood of kharkiv residents, i am in kyiv today, but i was in kharkiv all last week, i can tell you that the mood in the city is much better
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than the mood of other ukrainians in relation to kharkiv. kharkiv residents understand that the what did not work out in the 22nd year for the russians, certainly cannot work out in the 24th, and everything that happens around kharkiv is more of an information bubble that likes to discuss problems related to the upcoming offensive . inside ukraine, but not in kharkiv, everyone understands that electricity is really a problem, and destroyed energy in the kharkiv region is a problem. i can say that we work in kharkiv with five printing houses, they all switched almost completely to generators, but this did not affect the activity of printing our books. of course, generators are much more complicated than
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the usual supply of current, of course we hope that the state will be able to find solutions to this problem, and we understand that further problems will be created by some russians in kharkiv, but for today, as far as i i understand that 200-300 residents of kharkiv do not plan to leave the city, but mr. oleksandr, by the way, today we have a good, i would say, opportunity to talk more about... book publishing, in particular about kharkiv book publishing, because we we understand that kharkiv is a fairly active city that provides ukrainians with good reading, and our colleagues made a very good story about this, we suggest watching it together now and continuing our conversation after it. many ukrainians know the titles of their books, but there will be no new editions. during the full-scale war, the russians were killed. at least fifty ukrainian
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writers, poets and translators, people who created a new ukrainian culture and were to write hundreds more works. friends come in march together with migrants birds, streams of melted snow and young primroses, with the first sunny bunny, the sound of drops on the roof, or a nightingale's song convey greetings, leave us with the breath of autumn. and in the spring they return, friends go with the mists and become migratory birds. in december 2021, yuriy dadak, better known as yuriy ruf, will present the vanilla steel collection in kramatorsk. how will his last life book turn out later, because already two months after the publication of this video, on april 1 , he will die during a mortar attack on luhansk region during his lifetime, yuri ru managed to publish
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four collections of poems and found the literary and educational project "spirit of the nation". you have no way out, because you have already been left alone, although... they give another command and say: serve, animal, serve! everything will end with the shame of returning on a dirty shield, or in a quiet ditch by the road, run if you can, run. hleb babich in full gear reads one of his poems. in 2014, he joined the ato as a volunteer. in 2022 he returned to the army again. on july 28 of the same year, a man with three brothers blew himself up on an anti-tank mine near izyum. during his lifetime , gli babich managed to become the author of the anthem of the kolomyia ten, write more than half a thousand poems and songs, and publish only
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one book. welcome to the most terrible talk show "war" on the oblivion tv channel. clap your palms while you still have them. stomp your feet while you've got them. meet the guests in the studio. they returned from the fire. their eyes are earth. the second year of a full-scale invasion. maksym kryvtsov reads his poem with the symbolic name of the talk show "war" in the dugout. then in 2014 he also volunteered in the ato, and with the beginning of the great war he returned to the ranks of the zu. on january 7 , 2024, maxim died in our country. of artillery shelling in kharkiv oblast. the day before, he published his last poem on the social network, which turned out to be prophetic. during his lifetime , maksym published an author's collection of poems, poems from wartime, and also worked on a novel with the previous title radio oblivion, which he
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did not have time to finish. heart without feeling, eyes without sight, so if i'm dead, bury me humanely, so i don't have to wander anymore. among people like me. olena rybka quotes a poem volodymyr vakulenko at the evening of his memory. even during the occupation of izyum, the man refused to leave the city. on march 24, 2022 , the russians kidnapped the writer right from his home. later, his body, shot through by two bullets, was found at the site of a mass burial. volodymyr vakulenko became the author of 13 books during his life, even after his death. the author published his diary of the occupation, which volodymyr managed to bury at home under a cherry tree, before he was kidnapped by the occupiers, and was found by the writer and poet victoria amelina. air alert throughout the country. yes, it's as if
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everyone is being shot every time, but only one is being targeted, mostly someone from the countryside. today is not you, rebound. and this is the performance of victoria herself. in june 2023 , the writer read her poems to the public for the last time on the stage of the art arsenal. immediately after that, victoria left for kramatorsk with the colombian delegation. during their dinner, the russians launched a rocket attack on the pizzeria building. amelina was seriously injured and died in a hospital in dnipro on july 1, 2020. victoria made it to become a winner of the joseph conrad award and the author of two novels and a children's book. but she never had time to finish her first non-fiction work in english about ukrainian women during the war. as a result of russia's war against
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ukraine, at least 48 ukrainian writers, poets and translators were killed or died. however, there are more dead artists than is generally known. hundreds more books could have been published by ukrainian authors, hundreds more lives could have continued, if not for the russian attack. thanks to our colleagues for this sensual material, shot revival of the 21st century, this was the material of our colleagues. mr. oleksandr, we understand that the russians are now killing our intelligentsia, that is, the people who delivered their word to large audiences and publishing houses were those who were... that bridge between the audience and the author, how is your publishing house working now ? we understand that kharkiv is constantly under fire and we know that your publishing house also has a difficult fate now, but we would actually like you to share with our viewers what the challenges are now the main ones before you? well, first of all, i want
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to say that it is very difficult to speak after such a plot, because we understand that these are not the last victims among our culture. we understand that in the near future, many of those who could become new authors, publish their first books, will never publish them. we understand that every war gives a new generation of writers, but if it is a long war, then a significant part of this generation will go to light before the books appear, so we very hasten to appeal to all military personnel who writes, who writes diaries, who writes fiction, so that they definitely do not put it off for the future, if it is fear... it did not sound, as for kharkiv, our
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publishing house, where we rent premises, it was six times over this time is under shelling, a significant part of the windows are missing there, so we work remotely, computers work in the publishing house, and people work remotely from abroad from other regions, from kharkiv, from other districts on their own computers. we did not just keep the volume of printing, we increased the number of new ones names by 2.2 times, and we plan to increase this year by another 30-40%. this is definitely the result of the active work of the team, which has been preserved in the publishing house. unfortunately, we lost the printing house that was in the north of kharkiv region, today we have access to the premises, we are thinking about setting up
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production activities in the summer, but for this we need to completely sort out all the machines that in three winters, well, we lost the opportunity to work in normal mode, insert 63 windows that are broken and repair the roof, on which shrapnel from russian mines and projectiles flew, but the city is jerks. where our printing house is located, this is ukraine, people live there, and we are sure that if we manage to fix the equipment, they will come to work at their workplaces, as it was before. as for the picture in the industry in general, i am sure that all of us publishers should thank the readers, because there was no significant support from the state in those years, and this... it is clear, there was no large foreign aid either, and this is also
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clear, although not very pleasant, but readers supported the industry if now open in the in kyiv, lviv and some other peaceful cities, conditionally peaceful, there are new bookstores, this is the result of the fact that the ukrainian reader wants to read a ukrainian book, for me a special topic is ukrainian libraries, i believe that here the state has... a lot to do even now during the invasion, because today 45% of the total holdings of public libraries are soviet books and 20% of the holdings are russian and belarusian books that have appeared there over the past 30 years, and today we are asking the question of what even if the state or the local local government cannot quickly replace these non-perishable products in our libraries, it must
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sign a memorandum together with publishers and librarians about the regime in which these products will be replaced after the end of hostilities and what to do today with these products in relation to we don't even have quality statistics of school libraries except for the number of books, we understand that there is a significant part of... this product that destroys the lives of our children and we would not like it to be freely available. thank you, mr. oleksandr, for your work, for your emotional performance, well, we understand that we will replenish and issue money, of course, after the victory, but we need to develop a strategy. oleksandr krasovytskyi, general director of the folio publishing house, a kharkiv publishing house that has published many, many significant works in translation. in particular, in the ukrainian language, yes , well, a big, big publishing house and a big
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of the national team. represents united by football, stronger together. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them. however, it was not enough to know what was happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskyi and invited guests experts soberly assess events, analyze them. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat at 22:00. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. well, an extremely important
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signal from the commander of the national guard of ukraine oleksandr pivnenko in an interview with liga. quoting now team. wants the national guard, the enemy may try to capture kharkiv, but it will not work. they are able to act only classically: two or three by two or three distracting directions and one main. however, this story will be difficult for kharkiv due to the fact that there will be constant attempts to destroy the objects of critical and civilian infrastructure. but to capture kharkiv, they have to fight for years. remember how long bahmud and avdiivka kept each other. it is easier for the russians to change the leadership of russia and abandon their plans than to take the city by putting it down. thousands more of his soldiers, and commenting on a new possible russian summer offensive, pivnenko assured that he would not achieve his goal. well , in the meantime, news arrived from the economic security bureau that they are now investigating the situation with an online casino called kosmolot, which apparently does not want to pay taxes and owes more than uah 1 billion. we will
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i will talk more about the online casino with oleksandr chabanenko, a lawyer, together with him. to analyze the situation with online casinos and the recent decision of the national security council, which was signed by zelenskyi, in fact, it is supposed to be a decision, a certain regulation of online casinos in ukraine. mr. oleksandr, to begin with, we would like you to analyze the main theses of this decision, because i, for example, have questions about how they will be monitored, because there is one such provision that prohibits military personnel from playing in online casinos. and how is it in practice plane to really monitor who is playing and who is not playing, well, accordingly, so that these, you know, decisions of the national security council are not just on paper, but in fact they do nothing... they give, glory to ukraine, good day, so for at the beginning , it should be noted that in general it is very good that
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the authorities paid attention to this issue, but now with regard to the instruments that are involved, uh, of course, control, and there we are talking primarily about the control of the agrarian market. it is necessary, the question is how it is implemented, i will immediately answer your last question regarding servicemen, these issues in general, they, they can be settled first of all, well , explanatory work and establishing responsibility for certain violations, for this, unfortunately, one decision of the national security council, which was put into effect by presidential decree, is not enough. because, for example, there is a so-called disciplinary statute, which, as a matter of fact, regulates certain
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issues regarding responsibility for certain offenses, if there is no rule in this statute that playing online or offline is a violation of military discipline, and what the heck... for example, the use of alcohol or narcotic drugs other than those prescribed by the doctor, if this is not the case, then it will be quite difficult for the commander to explain to his subordinates and, in principle, hold them accountable for these violations, because they must be prescribed in laws, as for the military. employees, of course, first of all in disciplinary statutes. now, let's put in order the main theses that are in this decree,
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that is, the implementation of the online monitoring system. it must be said that four, more than four years ago , the question of the so-called legalization already arose. of real business in ukraine, many people, including me, and foreign experts who, with whom we worked closely and tried to convey, so to speak, these ideas to our authorities, warned that the first thing to do is to , how this business will be legalized is to introduce this same online monitoring system, because well, if we draw analogies, what would happen, for example, to banks, if they were not connected in any way to the control system, to the monitoring system, here are analogies quite admissible,
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because here and there groschi appear, that's why it will be very good if, well, if this online monitoring system has not been introduced in the previous four years, and it will er... be introduced in the near future, especially since in february there was a corresponding resolution of the cabinet of ministers on this issue, now in general regarding yes , regarding the blocking of sites with illegal real content, so to speak, it must be said that this kind of decision, that is, about blocking illegal gambling sites, is absolutely... an exception in european legislation, that is, it is impossible there without a court decision to block either extremist sites or sites,
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i'm sorry, regarding child pornography, or other gross violations of the law, which are implemented using the site, using the internet, using the website. please allow us just with you, we just have 5 minutes with you and it is important that you walk through specific such things, well, and generalize, so first, first of all, that this is really possible, blocking sites is possible without a court decision, so on, please, i wanted to clarify more about the fact that there was such a provision about a limited number of games a week, as well as how it can practically be regulated and whether? in general, it is possible to regulate these issues, for example, belgium, which, in many issues, regulates the
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so-called online gambling games, it is the leader, there, for example, it is established that in a week you can lose no more than 200 € there . and this is quite serious, but gaming addiction, mr. oleksandr, is like a drug addiction, well, a psychological addiction that destroys not only the budget, but very often also the psyche of certain people.
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to clarify the work, regarding the installation of real responsibility for these violations and so on, because you and i said that it is drug addicts who are the most dangerous, so scientists have proven that, in fact, drug addiction can be even more dangerous than the same drug addiction, because in some issues, because ludumania sufferers, they are prone to suicide, they are one level of tendency. they have one of the highest rates of suicide among all types of narcissistic addiction, and can you imagine what this means where the shells are hurling and uh, and where they are shooting, so this issue must definitely be resolved, it is not that it is ripe, it is overripe, the question is how, with what tools, in
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what direction will it be? not be implemented, but are these decisions of the national security council sufficient, to answer very briefly, is this decision sufficient, no, not enough, i.e. the state, first of all there should be laws, laws and resolutions of the cabinet of ministers, etc., i.e. these questions, they primarily affect rights and legitimate interests of citizens, and these issues are resolved by laws, thank you, oleksandr chepanenko, that's why we support it, but still... it will be very big way. thank you oleksandr chebanenko, a lawyer , gave his analysis of the decision of the national security council, which should limit the operation of online casinos. and actually, summing up, we heard that this is not enough. our legislators should work harder to settle this matter properly. there is hot news from the united states, voice of america in ukrainian writes that the vote on the aid package, which includes 61 billion dollars for ukraine. the senate has not yet announced a vote.
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happen later, or today, or tomorrow, the voice of america will promptly report on this, and we will also follow the events in washington, we hope that no force majeure circumstances have occurred, i wonder what the reasons are for postponing today's vote, yes, because today, tuesday , april 23, we were supposed to vote in the senate, the recent, recent decision of the congress, well, we hoped that it would be done quite quickly, expeditiously. and in our favor, here we see that a small delay is beginning, well , but on the other hand, you know, we waited for six months, then you can wait a day or two, the main thing is not to drag on too long, well, for today antiiyn and i have already finished working for you, but tomorrow we will see each other in this studio at the same time, now our colleagues will continue the broadcast, so stay tuned espresso, all is well for you, take care, and we will meet you tomorrow at the same time.
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in ukraine at 5 p.m. and for your attention , a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all. the situation on the eastern front has worsened. the hottest are the bakhmut, gavdiiv and novopavli directions. about this was stated by the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of khortytsia troops, nazar voloshyn. according to him, the russian occupiers are trying to capture the village of ivanovske and the outskirts of bohdanivka in order to break through the temporal abyss. the enemy army does not stop trying to storm the positions. at the same time, our defenders are used by artillery, tanks, and
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various drones. types and aviation. all attempts.


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