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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EEST

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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers to her now. major events. the situation on the eastern front has worsened. the hottest destinations are bakhmutskyi, avdiivskyi and novopavlivskyi. this was stated by the spokesman of the operational-strategic grouping of khortytsia troops, nazar voloshyn. according to him, the russian occupiers are trying to capture the village of ivanovske and the outskirts of bohdanivke in order to break through the temporal abyss. the enemy army does not stop trying to storm the positions our defenders, while using artillery and tanks. drones of various types
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and aviation. all attempts by the russians to move forward, the ukrainian defenders successfully suppress and destroy a large amount of russian equipment, voloshyn notes. nazar voloshyn also denied the information about the capture of the village of ocheretine in the avdiyiv direction by the enemy. according to him , the occupiers are using the entire available arsenal of weapons, including chemical and poisonous substances and... to gain a foothold in the southern part of the village. currently, the majority the village is controlled by the defense forces, the southern part of the settlement is under fire control of our artillery. comprehensive measures are being taken aimed at knocking out the enemy from the southern part of ochereteny and stabilizing the situation in this direction. more than 8 billion. hryvnias
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was allocated by the government for the construction of the fortification, the money was redistributed from other budget expenditures, prime minister denys shmagal said. ukraine is building three lines of fortifications to protect against a possible russian attack. only from the beginning this year , almost 38 billion hryvnias were allocated to the strengthening of defense lines. we are not going to stop there. our task is to create a reliable. a defensive rampart that will protect our soldiers and give more advantages to our army on the battlefield. as we said earlier, we will direct all additional resources to the defense capability of our state, we continue to work to attract more resources internally and from partners. volodymyr zelenskyi met with the minister of entrepreneurship of denmark, morten batskow. the main topic is the protection of ukraine from russia terror in particular, the search for additional
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air defense systems for the mykolaiv region. particular attention is paid to the prospects of expanding danish business and attracting new investments to ukraine, zelenskyi noted. the european parliament supported the continuation of preferential food trade with ukraine for another year. however, the decision provides additional safeguards to protect european farmers. this is stated in the message of the press service of europe. parliament, in particular the european commission will be able to quickly apply the necessary measures if serious ones arise problems on the market of the european union or on the market of at least one member state due to ukrainian agricultural imports. then the decision must be approved by the council of the eu. an important visit: prime minister of great britain rishi sunak and nato secretary general jens stoltenberg came to poland. they have already arrived there together with the head of the government.
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of the country by donald tusk to visit the polish military. today, the leaders plan to discuss the current situation in ukraine, as well as poland's national security. in addition, rishi sunok is expected to officially announce a new one a defense support package for ukraine worth half a billion pounds. diplomatic institutions of ukraine abroad have temporarily suspended consular actions regarding ukrainian conscripts. century, this was confirmed in particular by the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, dmytro kuleba. he noted that in conditions of full-scale russian aggression, the main priority is to protect the homeland from destruction. the stay abroad of men of mobilization age does not release them from the duty to protect the state. so our correspondent maria will tell you more chernyakhivska, which is in direct communication with us from warsaw. maria, i congratulate you, and before i give you the floor, i want to. in addition, i don't know
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what you will tell, but i want to additionally ask about the fact that a video about huge queues near. consulates, is this true information, so tell me. hello iryna, we are just near the consular section of the embassy of ukraine in warsaw, as you can see, there are no queues, and in fact, during the time that we are here, we have seen literally a couple of women who entered the diplomatic institution, and the innovation of the resolution. action, because there is an announcement at the gate, which says that consular services are suspended for men, citizens of ukraine aged 18 to 60, except for those who want to use the services
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in order to make documents for return to ukraine, also today the minister of foreign affairs reminded that updating your data in... collection centers should, should, should have been done even before the new one was voted mobilization law, he also reminded that men of conscription age who live abroad and have ukrainian citizenships must also protect the state, and informed that soon the ministry of foreign affairs will announce new details on how men of conscription age who are under border, will... in the future receive consular services, i will also add that service centers, passport centers, which are numerous both in poland and in other countries, and provide various services to citizens of ukraine, in terms of documents,
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today announced a technical failure, and due to technical reasons they are not issuing ready documents to citizens. for now, this is all the information. irina, you have a word. thank you, maria, it was our colleague, maria chernyakhivska from warsaw, as you already understood, as maria said, all men who are abroad must update all data. and we continue to the following news: rescue at a height: in the volyn region, policemen saved a suicide bomber, a man climbed to a height, the chimney of a boiler house and wanted to get there to jump he explains his act.
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how they fought, what they looked like and what they were armed with, ukrainian soldiers from the past to the present day, this is what the new informational project, the history of the ukrainian army, tells about. the main goal is to reproduce the historical images of ukrainian soldiers. also, the authors of the idea will talk about the peculiarities and traditions of the ukrainian army through videos. the first video tells about the cossack infantryman of the time of bohdan khmelnytskyi. informational videos can be seen. on the youtube channel of the project so that ukrainians know theirs history and for them to understand that ukrainians are not a nation of pig herders, so they are a nation of conquerors, that they are a nation of rebels, rebels, that they are a nation of underground people, that they are
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a nation that has always fought, struggled, that has always been wrong, unfortunately, but constantly tried to prove that they have the right to exist, our task was to be inspired by these epochs, huh. to find the authenticity of their reflection, and we found it, we did it, thank god, there are a lot of powerful re-enactors, partners, we gathered it into a single whole, formed a huge a team that now recreates every image of a ukrainian warrior from ancient times to the present day. that was the news for this time, you can read more on our website espresso tv, follow us on social networks, there you will find a summary of the main and unique content on youtube. in just a few minutes, meet my colleague vasyl zima, i'm iryna koval, i say goodbye to you and say goodbye to you until tomorrow, a quiet evening.
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good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america too they say, let's make better roads , we will have even better roads. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world do you dream of, mr. orman? can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny: saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, front, society, and also feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day by phone. turn on the survey and turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every
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weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. what to do when there is a liver. alohol, but what for bile? alohol, it protects the liver and gall bladder. alohol with care and respect for the liver and gallbladder. the premium sponsor of the national team represents. united by football, stronger together. good evening, we are from ukraine. enemy attacks, the enemy hit odesa, dnipro and kharkiv at night, explosions again in kharkiv, literally in a moment we will find out what happened there. britain is allocating huge amounts of money to ukraine, and the senate is supposed to... vote for aid to ukraine today during our broadcast, maybe it will happen,
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meaning the vote in the united states senate. this is velikiy eter, my name is vasyl zemai, and we're starting over the next hour and 45 minutes. i and my colleagues are with you, and you, i hope, with us, and our audience, i hope, will grow again. we announce a new collection. espresso calls to join the collection on ammunition for the 65th separate mechanized brigade. she. serves in the zaporozhye direction, where it is quite hot now. we have a request from our soldiers for specific types of ammunition, they are very much looking forward to help from us, not in the near future, but just now. battles are fought in hellish, really hellish conditions, so things have to be modern, high-quality and meet the needs, that is, they have to protect and help our soldiers fight. we believe that with joint efforts we will quickly close this collection. our goal is 100 to be hryvnias, we will collect it, i believe, in a few days, but i just know that we will do it, we have almost collected, by the way, the 2 million
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that we collected before, we are now transferring this collection, but it continues too, well, now we urgently need to collect uah 100 for our glorious soldiers from the 65th ombr, let's do it, close the issue, the soldiers need it now, there are many requests, but i know for sure that both we and you, we do not let's stop, we will continue to do this, and now... we will talk about kharkiv and kharkiv oblast. bohdan kachuk, deputy of the kharkiv district council. mr. bohdan, i congratulate you. congratulations, mr. vasyl. i didn't even have time to read about the consequences, literally minutes. that's why i read about the explosions in kharkiv, what happened from what is known and what can be said, let's start with the very last, very last attack of the enemy on the city, in the afternoon there was an attack by kabom, and in the evening they write about ballistics, but the information not provided by our leaders, i
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could not confirm from any sources what exactly, but the warning was about ballistics from... the direction from luhansk, from the luhansk direction from the luhansk region, so the consequences are not reported either, literally a minute ago i tried to find out, but there is no information yet, because they write that the blow was struck at approximately six in the evening, the fact that now it is an attack by kabo in saltivskyi district, in a private building, a car was damaged there, more than a dozen were broken, well , more than... private houses were damaged, that is, such a situation, in general, in a day, well , probably eight or nine times the alarm sounded, a warning , before the very broadcast, there was a setback on duty, anxiety, i.e. the whole day such a tense situation in the city, it is felt, there are attacks, but they
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are not significant at the moment, we have not, let’s put it this way, no... we have not received any strikes in the city center or any such more serious, so far such a situation. well, there was an attack yesterday, if i'm not mistaken, now the days are so confused, in my opinion, it was yesterday, an attack on the tv tower, and the enemy managed to hit the tv transmission center, these metal structures, and if possible, i know about the consequences that the mayor of kharkiv told... did it affect the spread of the signal, the possibility for tv viewers, first of all , to receive this signal, please tell me more, again from what can be said, well, of course, it was visible on the video, i think that the enemies have their information there , which they needed, well, they collected it somewhere, maybe they didn't collect it somewhere, i don't know how they manage it there, but in any case, let's talk
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in general about the quality, first of all, of providing information, receiving information, especially television information for residents kharkiv kharkiv. and how do you manage to work in this, please, well the digital content that was transmitted, it had more influence on, say, the region, the city, almost not, because the city of kharkiv is covered, it is cable tv, trialan, volya, other operators that provide both the internet and cable tv, for example , espresso, can be watched in kharkiv, on the cable television network. so now, in relation to other populated areas, even before the full-scale war , many houses received satellite dishes and have such access there, therefore, to somehow significantly influence, as terikhov said, the information there is the availability of information, on politics, well , it is difficult here, radio stations work, they are
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almost all on the air, they are often turned off, you know, when the electricity is turned off and the towers are de-energized, then... the number of radio stations decreases, accordingly, so then cable television, as i already said , it works, the internet is quite powerful, it works normally, people get information, it’s youtube, it’s telegram , of course, well, we have to admit that telegram channels are very powerful in kharkiv and even throughout ukraine, they provide a great deal of information coming from them and they are the first to provide it, so by and large... let's say that people do not get such a general picture of what is happening in kharkiv, in ukraine, this is not happening, and i still wanted to visit kharkiv, but the important information was , that kharkiv oblast, of course we understand the situation with energy and electricity, first of all, 300 generators have now been handed over to kharkiv oblast, well, it
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is important whether it is the help of western partners, or maybe other regions of ukraine with which there are... partnership in kharkiv and kharkiv regions are those who can invest money now, have the opportunity, and what are the needs in general, because we understand that, well , until winter, it is unlikely that anything will change significantly in terms of the quality of electricity supply, the generation of electricity, first of all , thermal energy there, therefore , generators will definitely be needed in even greater quantities, so how many are 300 generators, which are prospects. for providing them to the city and the region as well, and look, we are of course grateful to all the regions of ukraine that joined in helping. and of the kharkiv region, here it looks a little like how, you know, the administration gave the order from the president’s office, and they searched there, found it and brought it here to
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kharkiv, of course, they held an informational meeting, there was a photo meeting with our oleg sineg, the head of the administration, that is this is happening, even the sumy region, it seemed like it was on the border, it was suffering, and yet they found several dozen generators there, and brought something else to kharkiv. eh, that is, it is necessary, of course, especially what concerns, say, smaller populations points, villages, where, well, there is one electricity supply line, it is damaged, and there is simply , well, there is no alternative in the village, so it is very necessary, well, these are such small generators, one of them is powerful, they wrote that it is enough there, it can provide there are some microdistricts there, as they said, but it is important, we are grateful for it, what concerns... globally, well, so far these plans are not disclosed, we know that we are talking about gas generators, such mini- boiler rooms that will be installed around the city, how they will be connected
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neighborhoods, houses, neighborhoods, all this is not disclosed yet, the process is very active, and we hope that the delegations that came to us, there are representatives of embassies from denmark, sweden, france, germany, they all, you know, take note of this questions and... they are practically asking what you need, spare parts for tets that they have frozen and do not work in europe, there are quite a lot of them there, there are coal mines there or something else, they are ready to transfer this equipment, yes, the same substations , gas, generator, or any other options, or powerful, well, powerful diesel generators, that's all being discussed, i hope there will be deliveries, not just talk, and very briefly, sir, i just... i can't help but ask this question, very in short, today the city mayor announced how many people live in kharkiv now, and whether and how
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to comment on this number, well, the mayor stated that there are more than a million residents in kharkiv, as he stated several times over the past year, i cannot answer for the accuracy of these numbers, maybe them less of these people, maybe approx. so it is, but visually i see that our city is working, there are quite a lot of cars, cars, that is, transport is working, there are many supermarkets, that is, life is going on, it is not as usual stormy as it was before the attack in the 22nd year, but after all, the city lives in such a more or less full life, thank you very much, mr. bohdan, take care of yourself, hold on, and we will keep an eye on the information that there were explosions in kharkiv, kachuk , deputy of the kharkiv district council. as mr. bohdan said, there were strikes on kharkov, so far there is no information, they were talking about ballistics from the direction of luhansk region, well, this is an area
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that borders kharkiv region, there is closer to russia, luhansk region, kharkiv region. and so, we will monitor, as soon as the information appears, when the information is official again, we will announce the consequences of the enemy attack on kharkiv, and the arrivals were recorded somewhere approximately. but an hour ago and we are still going further to the dnipro, the enemy also attacked the dnipropetrovsk region danylo miro, a deputy of the dnipro city council. i congratulate you, mr. danyla, i congratulate you, good evening. actually, the enemy struck the suburbs of the dnipro, from what i have found of enemy attacks. it was about four people who were injured. perhaps you have more information, how the day passed today, what is the situation as of now, because there were new arrivals in kharkiv just a few hours ago, well, the situation is changing very quickly, maybe something, god forbid, happened and in the dnipro, please, yes, in fact
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, the dynamics are really like this, everything changes very, very quickly, events switch very quickly, well, i will tell you that until today's strike in the day before the day before , a reconnaissance uav was shot down, which i think he was watching closely, that what, where and how and... and after that there was a missile attack, which is how we have four people, three men and one woman, they got to hospitals, and in principle , her injuries are considered to be of medium severity in them, so you know, you can't say that it's a calm day here, but what do we have, what do we have, well, the firefighters are already under control. when the buildings there caught fire, the devourers had already extinguished it, and at the moment , in principle, we are concerned about the health of the four people, there are basically young guys and...
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a man and a woman, and maybe you have more information about the region, because of course, we read every day about arrivals in the nikopol community, nikopol region, there is marganets, other settlements that are on the coast of the right bank of the dnieper, from the left bank of what used to be the kokhov reservoir, the enemy is constantly flying in, maybe there is some new information, plus drones fly in there periodically, and artillery hits, mortars, yes, of course, is very close, so of course... it's always there reconnaissance drones are flying over, but today fortunately, in principle, it is too early to tell, because the day is still burning, then fortunately today it was quieter in these communities, and usually there is also constantly due to the fact that the artillery is flying in, due to the fact that everyone from how to say, you know, a person who has left the country can get away with anything, and in principle, they
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don't care what... people live, what they do to people, or is it purely psychological and physical pressure, because there, in principle, where it was possible to evict people, people are evicted because that the chaotic hitting that happens in them, it simply destroys buildings, destroys farms, and fortunately it is very rare there that people have trauma, because i say again that very many people are displaced, and if someone and somewhere and i got there, it’s more... you know, a coincidence, and by the way, regarding the destruction, resettlement and the fact that help is needed, even in such simple things as sorting out the rubble, i read a story that in kryvyi rosie was awarded to a schoolboy who, after classes, went to sort out the rubble of the house, which was hit, well, enemy, enemy means, i don't know if it was a rocket, or if it was a projectile, or if it was a rocket, whatever it was, but it's indicative, yes, when, a child,
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a schoolboy, he... after classes, he doesn’t go to some kind of club, no, he doesn’t do any kind of leisure, but he goes and dismantles rubble, i just want to ask how united and organized the public is in terms of rebuilding, defending, helping, to analyze to what extent the enemy succeeds or fails in morally and psychologically breaking people, or on the contrary all his attacks, they rally people, because it is important in wartime, you know that, maybe it sounds like pathetic words, but this example of this schoolboy is not pathos, especially since he, well, he does not owe anything to anyone, he is a schoolboy , he can go to clubs, watch movies, play gadgets at home or do something else, but he walks, sorts out these messes, so it’s important to him, maybe he has, i don’t know, maybe he has relatives at the front, i don't know, but it's telling, and it's and it's not pathos, it's reality, yeah, it's, you know, it's let's say this, of course, that it's wartime, and it 's like that, you know, probably... few people in the world
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today can feel, and who can feel like this, what is happening today with our children, what is happening with our people, but we really have a very, very strong, i will speak for dnipro, i will speak for kharkiv, because we communicate very closely with that and also with the local authorities, we have this moment, you know, mutual support very strongly, we even have a very such cases when there were... recent flights and people are in such a hurry to the destruction that the police and emergency workers stop them and say that wait, because it is not excluded, the alarm is still going on, god forbid, now there will be another flight, and people are worried and not even that their relatives or someone will be there was at the front, it seems, you just already know this, such mutual assistance is very, very embedded in us, of course, you know, because of such
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serious. not a test like a war, but it is very felt, it is very visible, and in principle, and i say, yes, even at such moments, when teachers in schools were lost there, now housing, or very today, i was in the hospital, there is this six-year-old boy, who lost both his mother, grandmother, and grandfather, and was left alone, now they want to take him, the local and regional authorities want to take him into custody, help him as much as possible , and everyone... everyone, when all this happens, the city gathers together very strongly, very strongly , meetings are immediately gathered in us, you know, the fact that there were many, i hear what they say, someone there is tired of gathering, or that, in us, thank god, people have enough energy for this and, let's say, a penny, a penny, but collected very such powerful.


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