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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EEST

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and the situation in the area of ​​the village of ocheretyny in the avdiyiv direction is difficult, said nazar voloshyn , the spokesman for the operational strategic grouping of the khortytsi troops. the southern part of the reedbed, the spokesman added. currently , the majority of the village is controlled by the defense forces. the southern part of the settlement is under our fire control artillery, comprehensive measures are being taken aimed at knocking out the enemy from the southern part of ochereteny and stabilizing the situation in this direction. russians injured five people in kostyantynivka, donetsk region. two of them, unfortunately, are in serious condition, reported the head of the regional military administration , vadym filashkin. in the morning, the enemy dropped a guided aerial bomb on the city near the point of impact.
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a car was driving by, people were already injured in the future. they have severe injuries, three houses, a car and infrastructure object. national guard conscript artemiy ryabchuk, who two years ago staged a shooting in pivdenmash, was sentenced to life imprisonment. according to the state bureau of investigation, during his service , the convict had a conflict with other servicemen in january. on the 22nd of the year, he committed a shooting at the pivdenmazhdae factory, he was on guard duty at the enterprise, five people were killed, among them one civilian, five more were wounded, he was detained within a few hours, meaning the shooter in dnipropetrovsk oblast on trial the man admitted his guilt and asked for forgiveness from relatives of the deceased, but there is a court decision to life behind bars, law enforcement officers for... initiated
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criminal proceedings for the fact of the death of a mobilized person. according to the information of the prosecutor general's office , possible abuse of official authority will be investigated. the cause of the man's death is now being determined, as is known in transcarpathia. the mobilized person died on the way to the training center, he had an epileptic seizure. emergency medics did not make it. in the transcarpathian regional center of recruitment and social support reported that they had appointed an official inspection. well, by the way, you really need to check such things, on the one hand, people should fulfill their duty, get registered, at least this accurately, on the other hand, some unconscious people should not fill in the column, sending a person to a training center, who actually does not have the ability or health for that , nothing, of course, these are the same cases that, but here it is important to check and give the effective part, it will definitely cut off.
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various rumors and various hype of people who are very they like to hype about such things. staying abroad does not release a citizen from his duties to his homeland, because he remains a citizen of his country, in this case ukraine. some ukrainian consulates have stopped accepting documents from citizens of conscription age, in particular the polish consulate and the consulate general in barcelona. the ministry of foreign affairs instructed to resume the cases. attitude towards men of mobilization age in ukraine and abroad, noted the head of the diplomatic service department, minister dmytro kuleba. currently , mechanisms are being developed that will act in accordance with the new law on mobilization, which i will remind you on may 18, approximately, and in my opinion, if i am not mistaken, should enter into force. the lenin museum in finland in the city of tampere will be closed. the museum will be open. until
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november 3, after which the exhibits will be dismantled, finnish media reported. during the cold war, the museum was a place of demonstration of eastern policy, which was visited by all soviet leaders, after the collapse of the soviet union turned into a cult object. the directorate says that the old name no longer corresponded to the content of the exhibition. a new museum of eastern relations will be opened next year. it is dedicated to the cross-border history of relations between finns and russians. yes , by the way, the museum has been working since 1946, and that’s all, in kyiv, the european parliament, and, just a second, the session of the european parliament is going on in strasbourg this week, the last one before the elections in june, the agenda is full, today the european parliament approved the decision to extend the duty-free trade with ukraine yet for one year. also, i... deputies listened to
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the report of the european commission on the use of frozen russian assets for the victory and reconstruction of ukraine. our correspondent in european institutions , tetyana vysotska, followed the debates. tatyana, congratulations, is there any news about what the eu plans to do with russian frozen assets and profits, from them and very briefly about the document approved today on the liberalization of trade with ukraine, and is it different from what was done in the previous two years or not, whatever please, congratulations to vasyl, greetings from the sidelines of the european parliament, the actual debate on the use of russian frozen assets ended just a few minutes ago, and i will report to you in hot pursuit. so, the high representative of the eu for foreign affairs, josep borel, spoke on behalf of the european commission, and he actually began his speech by stating the fact , that putin will continue the war as long as he can seize new
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territories of ukraine. he wants to capture as much as he can, the war is for a long time, and maybe the war will go beyond the borders of ukraine, that's why the european union should give ukraine as much as possible. aid and to plan it in the long term, therefore the european commission discussed for a long time, studied international law and finally finally decided that the income from russian frozen assets can absolutely legitimately be used to provide military aid to ukraine, with such a proposal the european commission actually turned to the european council and now in the european council continue. discussions on this matter, but joseph borel said that very soon he expects result, he emphasized that it is again about the use of income from the russian frozen assets of the central bank, so far there is no question of confiscation, but very soon a decision will be made about their use. what does the european
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commission propose? it proposes that 90% of these revenues be directed to the purchase of weapons and ammunition in ukraine every year, and these revenues will amount to approximately 3 billion. every year, that is, 2.7 billion euros will be sent to military aid to ukraine through the european peace fund, since the european union does not have the right under its budget to buy weapons, and 10% will be provided for the reconstruction of ukraine, as berel stated, it is better to invest in the defense of ukraine than in the reconstruction after the destruction, so that the european deputies who spoke during the debate emphasized that... who union, it is time to make a decision on the use of frozen assets in full, on their confiscation, and it is quite possible that the thesis on confiscation will be present in the resolution of the european parliament, which is being prepared for thursday, on thursday we will see what its text will be, we hope that it will be powerful and
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good for ukraine, and very briefly about the actual trade report on which the european parliament voted today, extending ukraine's duty-free trade. with the european union for another year, the main difference from the previous documents is that if the previous documents completely canceled all duties and quotas on ukrainian goods going to european markets, this year, unfortunately, at the request of european farmers, in particular polish farmers farmers who are still blocking the ukrainian border, the european parliament and the european union c generally decided to apply fuses to some types of ukrainian agricultural products. so that not too much of it would not enter the european markets. to be very brief, there are seven types of ukrainian agro-industrial products to which the automatic setting of quotas will be applied, if the volumes of these
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products will enter the european market in volumes greater than the arithmetic average for the past two years and for the second half beyond 2021. these are eggs, meat, poultry, sugar, oats, corn, cereals and honey, all other agro-industrial products of ukraine, and primarily wheat, grain and oilseeds, will be under the control and monitoring of the european commission, with the fact that if they affect the markets of the eu, or even some eu countries, the european commission will be able to submit its review certain restrictions on these types of products, and... up to banning their import to some eu markets, but actually, literally another word, that the poles, the french, romanians, hungarians, for example, lobbied for wheat, for example, to be added to automatic fuses, and therefore the fact that wheat, grains and oils remained
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under monitoring, and not under this protective automatic brake, is positive, good news for ukraine. tesovska, our correspondent in european institutions from strasbourg, told us a lot of information, and now we will talk more about the events that happened outside. beyond the borders of our country, yuriy fizar is with me, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you, vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined this season to us, today, in particular, i will tell you about the following: the western world is intensifying the provision of military and financial assistance to ukraine, the prophet, viktor orban, the prophet, and why is belarus not saudi arabia, cries oleksandr lukashenko. about this and other things in a moment in the rubric world about ukraine. well, i'll start with
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this: historical help from great britain. the government of his majesty, king charles ii, allocated another package of military aid to ukraine worth 617 million dollars, in pounds sterling it is 500 million. this was announced by the prime minister of the country, rishi sunakh: according to the information later released by his press service, we receive more than a thousand. 600 missiles intended both for striking enemy positions and for air defense systems. in addition, the armed forces of ukraine will receive additional stormsadow cruise missiles, the range of which can exceed 250 km. the aid package will include 60 small craft, including two types of landing craft, 160 armored infantry vehicles, 162 armored vehicles and 78 all-terrain vehicles, as well as more than 4 million rounds of ammunition, according to rishi sunak, the prime minister. great britain, the new package should help
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ukraine to resolutely repel russia. great britain is giving this aid package, as soon as they heard that the european parliament is taking such important, serious steps, and, of course, that all this is being done in coordination with the united states of america. the new package of military aid to ukraine from the united states of america will be larger than usual. this was reported by the financial times journalist with reference to its own sources in the white house administration. according to published information, the pentagon is ending agreement on a new package of military aid to kyiv to be sent to ukraine. and then the quote: shortly after president joe biden passes the act to provide additional funding for these purposes. end of quote. to the new package. additional bradley infantry fighting vehicles, humvee armored vehicles and m-113 armored personnel carriers will be included, and in
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addition, the new tranche of military aid will include artillery shells and air defense equipment. but the one who watches the column world about ukraine remembers like yesterday yesterday i have said that this new package will also very likely, with reference to some senators , also include long-range attack missiles. which can hit, well, up to 300 km for sure, and in this way they can fly to where they can fly and where they need to fly, and also about this the white house is convinced that the united states of america can speed up the provision of this assistance, and i would like this help to reach us right away literally in a week or two, but taking into account the fact that there will be a lot of things, logistics will take time, so in the white house... in the white house they claim to the journalists of the financial times that the first deliveries
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will be in ukraine by may 9, may 9, this is also pretty good further quote: it all depends on the possibilities, some things are easier to put in place than others, says the interlocutor of the financial times, some help, for example, artillery shells will come, and it will be needed for other things, will be needed. a little more time, i'm just a second, you can imagine what it will be like screeching in the swamps, they are screeching now, they are already screeching that the decision was made on hitler's birthday, by the way, yuri and i talked to our colleagues today, we don't know when this bastard's birthday is, so what do they call us, but they remember they are rushing, they say, it's until the birthday of that shackelbruger, and now, what and now they will also deliver until the day of victory, until may 9, ah, well, that's right. yes, let's go further, allocation by the congress of the united states of america of multibillion military and financial
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assistance to ukraine will be an additional motivation for the european union to continue supporting kyiv. such a statement was made by the president of the european commission, ursula fonderen , following a telephone conversation with the president of the united states of america, joe biden. in addition, she then gave an interview to politico and in this interview emphasized that the allocation of the administration. the white house's new aid package to kyiv, quote, will have a huge psychological effect and may lead to a change in the situation on the battlefield, restoration of support. will raise morale of the whole country, and this is of course true, it raises this morale when you see that europe has stepped up to give you military aid, when the united states of america initially said that if europe will not give, then we will also think, europe gives, the united states of america gives, in a word, certain countries of the civilized
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western world are looking for some way to find us ammunition. and technology somewhere outside of europe, for example, and it's really inspiring. now from the european continent moving on, flying to asia: don't add fuel to the fire and don't blame others. the ministry of foreign affairs of china made such a criticism of the administration of the current president of the united states of america, joe biden, because it will not help to end the russian war in ukraine. this was stated by the official representative of the foreign ministry of the celestial empire during the briefing, although he usually called the war a conflict and did not specify that this war was started by russia, wang wen binh. at the same time, the representative once again, as if following the kremlin methodically added. quote from mr. rechnyk. the only right choice is to take into account the reasonable
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security concerns of all parties, as well as to create a balanced, effective and sustainable structure of european security through dialogue. well, isn't it about this even before the start of a full-scale invasion, and then during these two years, more than two years, he speaks in moscow, let's face their concerns, the west does not want to listen to their concerns, the west does not take their concerns into account, and this is the main thing in order to sit down negotiation table the same was said today. and after all, this is not the first time that they say this in heaven, they just repeat, repeat, repeat, but, i will tell you honestly, the statements of the prime minister of hungary , viktor orgman, sometimes bore me to the core, but he also says them in these statements, he talks about ukraine, unfortunately it is not good, so i am forced to just talk about them. the conflict in ukraine can be resolved by the end of 2025,
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but only if in the june elections to... the european parliament and the november us presidential election will be won by candidates who stand for peace, not war. the head of the hungarian government wrote about this on his facebook page. according to him, in this way the citizens of the united europe will have the opportunity to stop supporters of the continuation of military operations in ukraine. well, here's a quote from peaceful orban. brussels behaves as if it is losing at cards. he constantly raises. bets, because he wants to win back what he lost, it can involve the whole of europe in the war. but the peace-loving prophet viktor orban does not understand what war can be dragged into europe by putin, if god forbid, europe will not help ukraine to defeat him on its territory. well,
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thank god that in countries like hungary and slovakia there are people, simple people, intelligent people, who understand all this and... even though their governments don't give us help, they collect this help, and here in slovakia , for example, they collected 3 million, there are already more than 3 million euros, people simply collect because they understand it, viktor orbán does not understand it, robert fico does not understand it, although he may they understand, maybe there are just some interests and that's all, well, here it is, yes, the czech republic, representatives of russian diplomatic institutions should be in the territory of the schengen zone. limited in movement only by the country in which they work, and the ministry of foreign affairs of the czech republic took this initiative. jan lipavskyi, the head of the czech foreign policy department, said this the day before. and then it was also confirmed to journalists in the ministry itself. in the motivational part
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, it is said, in particular, that a significant part russian espionage activity takes place under diplomatic cover. accordingly , they want to include the proposal in the 14th package of anti-russian sanctions, work on which is just beginning, and at the moment, czech diplomats are looking for support for their proposal from colleagues from other eu member states. a good initiative, a necessary initiative, but it seems to me that it is still not supported in the european union in order for... it to become a draft law and then a law, because, well, unfortunately, still on the territory in the eu, there are many representatives of those countries who say that oh, no, no, no, with russia it is necessary to continue to keep open the window of opportunities for dialogue and so on and so on, and they say that even now they are writing about that, and in this way we will close all the doors to be able to talk with
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representatives of russia, although why talk with representatives of a terrorist country, this is also a huge question. yes, i mentioned the terrorist country, and i will continue about it, the leadership of russia has no right to appropriate kant to itself, therefore that putin's war in ukraine contradicts all the fundamental statements of the königsberg-born philosopher. german chancellor olaf scholz said this the previous evening during a speech in berlin on the occasion of the third anniversary of immanuel kant. this is how he reacted to yesterday's russian sabbath in the so-called kaliningrad, where the german philosopher was called a russian trophy. the head of the german government criticized the hypocrisy. the russian leadership, which uses kant for its propaganda purposes, appropriating him and manipulating his ideas, in particular, to justify its aggressive
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war in ukraine. well, at the same time, olaf scholz directly and without objection added that we are listening to the head of the german government in direct language. it was this kind of instrumentalization and exploitation of people that kahn condemned. this is diametrically opposed to all his ideas about human rights, about freedom, autonomy, and the dignity of every person. for this reason alone , putin has no reason to refer to immanuel kant. that is, the german, olaf scholz , forbade the russian putin to use, to use in his for the propaganda purposes of the german immanuel kant, and that's right, i would still knock on the table and say: "wow! and by the way, i'll remember that yesterday." in kaliningrad, as well as in berlin , the three-year anniversary of immanuel kant was commemorated, and there the governor of the kaliningrad region, anton
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melikhanov, seems to be that's his name , he said that kant is a russian trophy, that is, everything is fine, everything is interesting and beautiful, they do with their trophies, you know, they also have scavarda, the russian philosopher, although everyone knows this beautiful story, when catherine ii invited skovoroda to work in... russia, he said, and there the church fathers told him that, well, a clergyman, they said that come to our church, well, russian, and you will be a pillar in our church, he he said, there are enough of you pillars in the temple of god, that's why bryulov, an italian, and for the most part played alexandro or giuseppe, he has different names, cagliostro also worked in russia for some time, but that does not make him russian a philosopher and an adventurer, that's how he played ostro, well, that's why it was an empire, there are many people there could have been there, well, listen, it's okay, but nothing. "we'll take kant, we'll take all ukrainians, the empire is gone, it won't be, yes, and in conclusion lukashenko won't believe it, but he doesn't believe that belarus is not saudi arabia or qatar." during
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the meeting with the newly appointed minister, the self-proclaimed man made a demand to the newly appointed minister of natural resources and environmental protection, serhii maslyakov, that there should be a drumbeat here, to find oil and minerals in... what exactly did lukashenko say, let's hear it directly. i'll say it straight, i'll say it straight, you have to dig and search, in addition, you need to make everyone work in this direction, i don't believe that we don't have what we need in our bowels, but if at least to some extent you solve this task, it's a memory you can put the flag in any place, especially traditionally, well, of course, we have more or less explored. but i do not believe that we do not have large volumes of oil, and there are large volumes of oil, and there are large volumes of gas, but in the end
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everything, and potatoes tell me that it is not for someone such a diamond layer there is belarus, it's just a god-given country and a god-given president, well, that's all i have for today in the world about ukraine column, i'm starting to prepare for tomorrow, don't switch, because as always, there's still a lot on our air.. . a lot of interesting things, thank you very much to yuri fizer, and now i have a plot for your attention: the word is the only weapon, we must not die both, today is the world book day, it is a holiday of writers, poets, publishers and critics, a holiday of people, and readers as well. i want to say, i would like to add because without readers, all this does not exist at all. of no importance, a holiday of people who, even in the great war, found the strength, courage and inspiration to continue speaking. next on the air is our story about writers who, unfortunately, will not
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write any more books. only because the russians killed them. let's see many ukrainians know the titles of their books, but there will be no new editions. during the full-scale war, the russians killed at least fifty ukrainian writers, poets and translators, people who created a new ukrainian culture and were to write more hundreds of works. friends come in march together with migratory birds. metallic snow and young primrose, with the first sunny bunny, the sound of drops on the roof, or a nightingale's song conveying greetings, they leave us with the breath of autumn and return in spring, friends go with the mists and become migratory birds, december 2021, yuriy dadak, better known as yurii ruv, presents the
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vanilchestal collection. in kramatorsk, as his last life book will later turn out, because already two months after the publication of this video, on april 1, he will die during a mortar attack shelling in luhansk region. during his lifetime, yuri ru managed to publish four collections of poems and found the literary and educational project spirit of the nation. there is no way out for you, because you have already been left alone, although they still give a command and say: "serve, little animal." serve, it will end in disgrace, returning on a dirty shield, or in a quiet ditch by the road, run, if you have time, run. gleb babij in full gear reads one of his poems, in 2014 he volunteered in the ato, and in 2022 he
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returned to the army again. july 28 of the same year a man with three brothers blew himself up on an anti-tank mine near izyum. during his lifetime , gli babiz managed to become the author of the hymn of the kolomyia ten, write more than half a thousand poems and songs, and publish only one book. welcome to the most terrible talk show "war" on the oblivion tv channel. poletsky tebdorolonks while you have them. stomp your feet while you've got them. get to know. guests in the studio, they returned from the fire, their eyes, the earth. the second year of the full-scale invasion, maksym kryvtsov reads his poem with a symbolic title talk show "war" in the dugout. later, in 2014 , he also volunteered in the ato, and with the beginning of the great war he returned to the ranks of the armed forces. on january 7 , 2024, maksym died as a result of artillery shelling in the kharkiv region.
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the day before... he published his last poem on the social network, which turned out to be prophetic. during his lifetime, maksym published an author's collection of poems, poems from wartime, and also worked on a novel with the previous title radio oblivion, which he did not have time to complete. heart without feeling, eyes without sight, so if i'm dead, bury me humanely, so i don't have to wander anymore among people like me. a poem by volodymyr vakulenko on the evening of his memory. even during the occupation of izyum, the man refused to leave the city. on march 24, 2022 , the russians kidnapped the writer right from his home. later, his body, shot through by two bullets, was found at the site of a mass burial. volodymyr vakulenko became the author of 13 books during his lifetime. already after the author's death, his
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occupation diary was published, which managed to bury at home under a cherry tree, before being kidnapped by the occupiers, he was found by the writer and poet victoria amelina. air alarm all over the country. yes, it's as if everyone is being shot every time, but only one is being targeted, mostly someone from the countryside. today is not you, rebound. and this is the performance of victoria herself. in june 2023 , the writer read her poems to the public for the last time on the stage of the art arsenal. immediately after that, victoria left for kramatorsk with the colombian delegation. during their dinner, the russians launched a rocket attack on the pizzeria building. amelina was seriously injured and died on july 1, 2023 in...


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