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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EEST

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what could be done with these people? well, it seems to me, of course, that they should be invited to ukraine, and i know of many cases when people from abroad come, take up weapons and join the armed forces of ukraine, but in advance i would, for example, personally, this is mine point of view, i would impose a tenfold war levy on these people for the rest of their lives, even after the end of the war, because they transferred their... duty onto the shoulders of my other brothers, accordingly, they have to pay for it, but should they be pushed before, for them to leave ukrainian citizenship and acquire another, i am not sure, because ukraine, in any case, is a legal state that must think about the future, i regret what has been said, now it is necessary to open the lists of evaders and those who blessed them for this slime.
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unconstitutional way, secondly, to offer them to choose a profession in the armed forces, according to the vacancies, which, unfortunately, there are many, and thirdly, to impose punishment not in the form of these insane queues and unconstitutional deprivation of rights, but in the form of an increase in military service until the end of life to those who don't want to. perform its constitutional duty. thank you, yuriy vitaliyovych, it was yuriy lutsenko, politician, former prosecutor general of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us live there now. please subscribe to our platforms, our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: do you watch the telethon only news. well, i don't mean directly...
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during the broadcast of the tv channel, but in general do you watch this news and do you watch the one news telethon, if yes, you can call 0800 211 381, no 080021382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will summarize this vote, and everything is quite simple in youtube, you choose options either yes or no, or write your comments under. this video. next, we have yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. mr. yevgeny, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. congratulations, mr. serhiy. glory ukraine. glory to heroes. literally in these minutes, minutes of our telecast , the meeting of the senate of the united states of america should take place. it was announced that sometime around this time, the senators were supposed to consider a bill on providing ukraine with 61 million dollars in aid,
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but they postponed this meeting, and it is not yet known when this meeting will take place, they are talking about april 24, well, let's see, actually, when will it all be , you can say, but what changed the position of american congressmen and senators in the so-called ukrainian issue during the last week, because this position has changed, the congressmen about... voted for this bill, the senators will also obviously vote and obviously biden will sign this law, what arguments were convincing for the senators and for the american congressmen in the matter of providing aid to ukraine? i think that we should consider this situation in a complex way, and the first question we should note is the fact that the usa and... the usa's nato partners after
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february 24, 2022, provided ukraine with an unprecedented amount of military assistance. unprecedented. we are on that did not expect help. and we did not have any documentary reasons for it on february 24, 2022. and security agreements, which are signed quite actively in our country, they do not create such either. reasons, this must also be understood, this is the first, the second, we could get this agreement last year, but the situation became hostage to the elections to the house of representatives, which will be held together with the presidential elections, and accordingly those who... have plans to run for office , they
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tried to determine, i think, the situation with the division of the draft law is related to this to different se'. moments, because the amount offered by biden from the very beginning has not changed, it still slightly exceeds 90 billion dollars, and the recipients of the money have not changed, but someone was able to show their support for ukraine, someone for gaza, someone for the republic of china or taiwan. someone, and there is a certain novella, acts as a politician who wants to torpedo tiktok in the united states, that is, there is, well, you know, the segmentation of american politics, where
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different political players within the matrix of their political forces, they choose how they act, and it's, well, i think it's quite interesting, by the way, the next thing, i think in this context, both the democrats and the republicans got their arguments in their favor during the election campaign, some will say that we have provided unprecedented aid to ukraine, others will say that we destroyed the principle of an open check and will demand. and plans from the biden administration and , accordingly, a report from the ukrainian side on how it uses the american military aid and used it, that is, everyone will keep his own, and this will allow these
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political forces to act accordingly. this is currently the situation, which, as far as i know, is currently known. that the united states of america will provide long-range missiles of the atakams system in this package, which will be evident in a few weeks or in a week in ukraine, and in fact zelensky talked about his conversation with joseph biden, about how the american leader spoke and explained his decision or decision of the united states of america. we work with by our american partners to increase our capabilities. four priorities, they are key: defense of the sky, modern artillery, long-range, and to get these packages of american support
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as quickly as possible. and today's result in the agreements on attacks for ukraine, all the dots are set. thank you mr. president, thank you congress. thank you america. today, the prime minister of great britain, rishi sunak , arrived in poland, and there he is to announce the provision of a huge aid of 500 million pounds sterling to ukraine, this is the largest aid, military support from great britain, well, probably to other countries, great britain has never helped in this way, but the very fact that it happened literally in a few years. after the vote in the congress, does this mean, mr. yevgeny, that our western partners have decided after all that the defeat of russia is, and this dilemma, when they did not want ukraine to be defeated, but did not know in what way
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it should be defeated russia, what, that this dilemma no longer exists, that they understand that the more weapons ukraine and the ukrainian armed forces have forces and... and ukrainian fighters, the less chance putin's regime has of surviving at all. i would very much like to answer your question in the affirmative, mr. serhiy, but i have to say no, because the aid that ukraine will receive will, unfortunately, help ukraine primarily defend its territory, of course, by striking. on russian facilities, including on the occupied ukrainian territories, it is absolutely clear, but to say that we were given such, you know, carte blanche, and it will be possible to act so
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actively, i will, i think that it will an extremely serious exaggeration, with such a giant as russia is impossible. in the country to achieve maximum success in confronting head-to-head in resources, russia outnumbers us, i am now deliberately holding out for support. russia's possible thesis that they will use nuclear weapons there in case of such and such and such. nuclear weapons after 1945 have always been weapons of deterrence, not a real factor, and therefore we should not talk about it at this moment, i think. we, moreover, at one time back in september... of the 22nd year valery zaluzhnyi and mykhailo zabrodsky emphasized that even the use of
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tactical nuclear weapons will not stop ukraine from op. i do not think that there will be any noticeable changes in the official position of ukraine on this issue. but i think that the main thing should be the process of changing the modus operandi, that is, the method. thinking of the west, the west must realize that a world without russia is quite possible, that the dismantling of the russian federation does not represent something radical, terrible and incredible. we can use analogies with the beginning situation 90s, when the united states and its partners in the west. they also said: well, we
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cannot dismantle the soviet union in any way in principle, it must exist, there was also the famous kiev cutlet from george bush sr., and other speeches, but let's be frank and honest in this case, we have a radically different situation, because russia... became the aggressor, it started the biggest war in the world after 1945, and we have to realize this for ourselves, and we have to broadcast this thesis to the west, we have a moral right to it, as a country that became a victim of aggression and that withstood the blow despite the fact that 800 days ago , western partners, and not... and experts were practically in one voice, well, more than 90%
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of the forecasts were negative for us, we were already for them at that time died, it is true, but today we are not the living dead, it is true, we are a fully capable organism that is fighting for its life, yes, we have problems, yes, we have difficulties, but ukraine is armed . . proved its right to statehood, this is , in general, a unique situation in the modern, civilized world, and we let's listen now to rishi sunak about what kind of help great britain is going to provide, because we are talking about a package of british help, which includes 400 units of equipment, 4 million rounds, and air defense elements and curtain missiles. let's listen to the british prime minister. today we
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are going even further. we will provide ukraine with an additional half a billion pounds, reaching £3 billion in support this year. we will provide them with a record-breaking aid package. and what, mr. yevgeny, should our western partners do in order for russia to lose. for in order for russia to lose, our western partners must introduce sanctions that directly hit the financial sphere and the oil and gas sphere even more, i.e. the price of $60 per barrel of oil is too much for russia, it must be reduced and, accordingly, on is to influence. next, our western partners. should be, i would say, more pragmatic,
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and accordingly, they should realize that the fakes russia is using against them, they will bury them if they are not really opposed to them, that is, at the moment i i'll just pay attention to what reuters wrote: microsoft is already recording the activation of russian hackers about election interference, and this is a very serious matter, a real matter. with which it is necessary to work concretely and objectively, because elections are a sacred cow, and if we look at the second half of the summer and the second half of the current year, then all the time there will be some kind of election, and russia will try to shake up the situation during them, it is absolutely clear,
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further, our western partners should realize that in... the country is not just a state that deserves diverse advances, i am now far from the fact that we will be offered accession to nato or acceleration on the way to the european union, no, this is, unfortunately, an unrealistic scenario, but the constant signaling that there can be no more business as usual with russia, it will be right i thank you for now... i remember how in the 21st year, in february of the 21st year, he visited russia, moscow, and, i'm sorry, they barely wiped his smudged jacket there, but now borel takes a completely different position, and this is the position, by the way, of the european people's party
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party, this is the position of borel, ursula funderlajen, this is the position of many other leaders. flights, but we also have to understand that there are others, and in this sense it is necessary that the issue of confiscation of russian property, russian capitals, it is still gradually implemented, we need to look for opportunities for ukraine to receive new and new resources to counteract the russian federation, we need ukraine... to be a full-fledged partner of the event, by the way, we have to show ourselves that we are a force in the fight between good and evil. it's on mine opinion, the most clear analogy is for the western world, where mostly christian morality prevails in terms of
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policy formation, but not in the sense that we have to turn the left cheek if we are hit on the right. and vice versa, in the sense that we should more actively defend our interests, and we should emphasize that ukraine was a colony of the russian federation for a long time, and we are currently waging a war for independence, and we currently have a chance to take revenge for the previous defeats of the national... liberating movement, you have already mentioned borel and european politicians, there is a separate caste of these, i don't know if it is correct to just say caste, but there are politicians who do not want ukraine to receive aid from the european union, from our american partners , from our british partners, the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, péter
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szijártó, stated that the european union is drawing incorrect conclusions. the situation on the battlefield in ukraine, and supplies of western weapons contribute to further escalation. let's listen to what siyard says. arms deliveries have not brought us closer to peace, did not improve ukraine's situation on the battlefield, on the contrary. arms deliveries can only prolong the war and further increase the risk of escalation. world war, you, mr. evgeny, understand why the hungarians who survived the occupation, the soviet occupation, and quite in a harsh way, why they are now playing the role of putin, on putin's side, that is, it is about money, it is about joint gas business , they
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are doing there, why are hungarians not on the side of the european community now, of which they are a part... de jure, and why are they so opposed to helped ukraine, because they are next, i think the issue is somewhat different, i think that both hungary and slovakia, they are trying to use the situation in ukraine, the relationship between ukraine and the european union, in order to demonstrate... to brussels, that they need to provide financial assistance. here, in this context, the situation is aggravated by the fact that poland will receive more than 130 billion. well , i wouldn’t say about the aid not received earlier, although my opinion is not in trend, that hungary, well
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, it is the enemy of ukraine, we have to do here clear enough things and speak with clear definitions, you can say that it is not a friend, you can say that it is an opponent, but we have only one enemy when we... call a country that is a member of nato and the european union an enemy, you understand, we create a situation in which we actually create a contradiction with the general line, because there are certain procedures, and here, when you show now viktor orbán, who speaks under the banners of national conservatism. this shows that he is primarily a leader of right-wing forces, and he is fighting for the interests of hungary, yes just as robert fico will fight for the interests
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of slovakia, in order to receive more money from the european union, we for our part missed the opportunity in the fall, we missed the opportunity to address all the countries of the visegrad four at once, when fico... came to power and said : "dear neighbors, your experience is important to us, we understand that there were problematic moments of relations between us, but we ask you to lend us a helping hand, i understand that we could not receive such help, but we could instill information them from opposing us, why? because in european morality. a country that is bleeding, the way ukraine is bleeding, and which is asking to extend a helping hand to it, it can count on at least
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a reduction in the degree of negative rhetoric, or not, but for this it was necessary to take an appropriate step and talk with our partners on one more question, mr. yevgeny, it is possible... an olympic truce, because french president emmanuel macron believes that countries currently at war must stop for a while olympic games to be held in france. president zelensky said that he does not believe in the possibility of implementing macron's idea, because the aggressor never keeps his promises. let's listen to what zelensky said. i do not believe in this with russia. i don't believe in this truce format in general, i don't believe in any truce format with the russian federation, and it's a lie, emmanuel knows it, and
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he himself is a witness to it, he and we were together in the normandy format, we went through this entire minsk process together, france, germany, ukraine, we are all living witnesses, not from books, but we are living witnesses of what will freeze. there is no conflict with russia, it is a question of regrouping with russia and acquiring additional forces for them, and then to destroy us, we went through it. mr. yevgeny, zelenskyi says that he does not believe in any truce with russia, what are the possible scenarios in the war between russia and ukraine in the next six months or so? well, thanks to the kharkiv ultras, we have known who putin really is for 10 years, right? i'm just not going to repeat that quote on air for the sake of it
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not to offend the espresso channel and you personally, mr. sergey, it is not pleasant, but i will say this that we must prepare for the fact that the war will not end in two or three weeks. we must understand that we cannot achieve success in matters of mobilization by flight... by legal acts alone, we must understand that the government should be more clear and clear in its actions for our fellow citizens, that its actions should be understood, and not as we saw, valery zaluzhny was dismissed without an explanation, oleksiy danilov was dismissed without an explanation. they changed the situation with consular accounting today, they did not explain, and such things, well , you know, there can't be so much with that
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idleness. the reason is that they are undermining the internal unity of ukraine, and that is why this is a really serious challenge that must be countered, that must be fought, and we must do it with joint efforts, that is, the government and citizens must act as a united front, and not be everyone for himself , this is absolutely clear and 100%. because we, what we need in this...situation, what would i say, i think we have to expect that the war will continue, and accordingly, ukraine should minimize opportunities for claims to itself by its western partners, that is , the normalization of the work of the parliament, its return to normal actions, regular decision-making work, in particular,
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for example, the creation of conditions for... the formation of the newest defense-industrial of the complex at the expense of joint ventures, when we will offer ready-made industrial sites and special conditions for investors, these are substantive transformations within the state that do not give our opponents a reason to speak about tightening the nuts and authoritarian tendencies, this is... accordingly, i think that now is another opportunity to do everything so that such a practice as a government of national unity appears, this is the need at the moment, because it becomes easy to continue playing personnel tricks dangerous, you know, without real consolidation. government
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without new blood, not new faces, without new professional blood, you understand, the government needs a transfusion of blood that was , let's say, in the warehouses of the ukrainian state for a certain time, that is, these are people who already have the appropriate experience and who, i think, will not refuse to return to the executive power, having no political ambitions, can be signed. a declaration that they have no political ambitions, but we must strengthen consolidation for the sake of victory, otherwise the road to it will only be longer and longer. thank you, mr. yevgeny, for the conversation, it was yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those currently watching on these platforms, please
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sign up to our pages, take part in our survey. today, during the entire two-hour broadcast, we ask you about the following: do you watch the telethon only news, well, we mean not at this moment, but in general. the intermediate results of the televised poll are 18% yes, 82% no. on youtube, we have a ratio of 10% yes, 90% no. well, these are actually the results, i repeat once again, the intermediate results of this survey. the same survey will be in the second part of our program, which will start in 15 minutes, now you have news ahead of you from our colleagues from the bbc, then we will return to the studio, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, iryna gerashchenko, galina vasylchenko and oleksandr merezhko, and in the second part we will already complete this survey and see what the ratio will be in the support of the united telethon, see you in 15 minutes,
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stay. from espresso. the united states senate is considering a long-awaited aid package for ukraine, the delay of which has saved ukrainian forces on the front lines. so what exactly and when western aid will change, we will talk about it later. 15 minutes of the bbc broadcast live from london , jafer umerov works in the studio. it has already been six months since the us started talking about this $60 billion aid package to ukraine. a little background. last october , president biden sent a request for funding to ukraine and israel. at the time, he explained it as a smart investment in america's security. but then something new.


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