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tv   [untitled]    April 23, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EEST

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well, there is no control, there is no control, even the deputies cannot ask the government questions today, and what is happening in our military industry, and what is happening in agriculture, and where are the promised drones, for which billions of hryvnias were directed there, and actually, from a good point of view, we achieved european solidarity with our colleagues as part of the monet dialogues that took place this weekend in lviv, the return of the question hour to the government, and even a final document was submitted. that every plenary week there we will have these hours of questions to the government, this is very important, and i want it to assure you that this friday we will demand from the prime minister a report on certain politicians, but also information about what is happening with these rumors and who is going to be replaced by a puppet , because what is the question here, well, not in names, but really in politics, in the fields of the military industry, energy, there are probably no less problems in
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the american congress and in the senate, because the senate may not have personnel issues and there are no such pressing issues that require an immediate solution within the united states of america , but the war in ukraine is the war is not only against... ukraine against the whole world. on april 20, the congress of the united states of america passed a bill on the allocation of 61 billion dollars to ukraine, but the senate meeting, which was planned for today and was supposed to start at 9:00 p.m. kyiv time, is not taking place, and as the guardian writes, this vote was postponed because procedural voting on allocation.
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aid to ukraine, as well as to israel and taiwan, has been delayed due to several republicans complaining that they cannot propose amendments. senators eric schmidt and mike lee accused senate majority leader chuck schumer of effectively pushing their version of the bill through with minimal debate, possibly without amendments. lis claims that financing ukraine is unpopular. sir oleksandr, tell me, we waited after the passage of this bill in the congress of the united states of america, and in the senate, well , it seemed clear that this decision would be adopted almost automatically, and the main thing was to pass the congress, where there was a majority of republicans, and republicans there had more votes to block passage, what's happening now with this aid and can... two senators or
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how many or more republican senators can they make this decision drag and drag and drag. i very much hope that this will not happen, even i am confident that this decision will be passed in the senate as soon as possible, because , first of all, we have more solid, more stable bipartisan support there, including this important bill. project, but the united states is a democracy, and the senate, like congress as a whole, is a democratic body where these kinds of procedural issues are likely to arise , so that's perfectly fine and right in a democracy, but we're interested in now is the time to get that timely help because the lives of our military and civilians are at stake. therefore, i
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hope that in the near future, in the near future, this decision will be made, and the president will sign this law, and we will receive this assistance, it already, as far as i understand, i am ready to be sent and be in ukraine as soon as possible. yesterday, during the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the member states of the european union in luxembourg, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of lithuania, gabrilius lansbergis, said that after the decision of the chamber. representatives of the united states of america, eu and nato countries should work even harder on helping ukraine. let's listen to what the head of the foreign policy department of lithuania said. i am sure that today we will discuss the united states' decision regarding military aid to ukraine. today, for the moment, i can say that we have dodged a deadly bullet, but unfortunately there are many more bullets to come, so we...
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we can rejoice today, but we must be ready for the fight that will come tomorrow, and we must speak about how we are going to help ukraine in the future. mrs. galina, this one. the decision that is expected in the senate, and of course, the signing of this law by the president of the united states of america, will this decision be a marker for other states, for the european union, for of the north atlantic alliance, for the countries, for germany, including, for them to give us the taurus already after atakams, because we see that great britain has already announced a huge aid package in a few days. for 500 million pounds of barrels, whether other countries will follow the british and americans, and whether we will get enough weapons, and whether the west is generally speaking now that something needs to be done with russia in the form it is, and it must be done quickly, yes, you
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know, always when one or the other is accepted decisions on important issues for ukraine , of course, the united states of america, as a leader... whoever helps us in this fight against russian aggression, we always expect and it will be easier to negotiate with our partners from the european union, with great britain, and even when we are talking about both financial aid and specific types of weapons, it definitely has a corresponding effect on decision-making in the future. the european continent. i remember several meetings, in particular in the british parliament, with our colleagues last year, when we actively discussed and raised the issue of the transfer of frozen russian sovereign assets to ukraine
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in relation to this issue, in fact, in particular, great britain is one of the leaders in this process, and although the united states of america does not have such funds in comparison... a lot , there is order, as far as i remember, 5 billion dollars at a time when on the european continent it is about 300 billion dollars, respectively, everyone always looks towards the united states of america, they say, yes, yes, we are ready to work here, to work up mechanisms, because there are actually complex legal procedures, and each country, in particular, has its own relevant legislation. vats and the country that has such relevant frozen russian assets, but at the same time they say yes, and at the same time they nod in the direction of the united states of america, they say, what about your negotiations accordingly with them, so definitely, all of us waiting for this important
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historic decision, and i think everything will be fine, because these are actually the procedures that are taking place now ... in the senate, it is, as my colleague, the united states of america is a democratic country, and obviously they have the appropriate bureaucratic procedures, as far as i know, in this case, the discussion of the additional, the vote itself should be delayed for about 30 hours, and in particular we have already heard the speech of the president of the united states of america , that he is ready to sign immediately as soon as the vote is taken. in the senate and also the statements of their other officials that immediately after signing this aid will be transferred to ukraine very quickly, because really everyone understands the need that we have now, and of course that
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accordingly, after this decision, it will be easier for us to communicate with our european partners, regarding both financial assistance and military assistance. and it will be easier to communicate with the russian troops, i mean our armed forces of ukraine, because russian propagandists are simply hysterical about the adoption by the congress of the united states of america of a bill on providing aid to ukraine, and they often try to find an explanation on the air, what happened there, why some republicans and in particular speaker johnson allowed this vote, let's see a small fragment, because it is very revealing. bought johnson, bought but trump's idea, it's trump who proposed the idea of ​​the loan. actually, this game is like johnson speaker. comrade johnson, you are the speaker, don't take a bribe from biden. i wonder how much biden has broken
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trump and his supporters. he really destroyed them, this is an unequivocal brutal victory for biden. because he didn't give. no one can understand how it happened that speaker johnson changed clothes so quickly in the air, what happened to him, maybe he was tortured, there must be some very a strange multi-course, it is very difficult to understand what happened there, it is difficult to say unequivocally, but i think, after all, it was not possible without trump here. ms. irina, as russian propagandists say, we couldn't do without trump here. without everyone, apparently, it's just that putin already got everyone and russia got everyone, that in principle both
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republicans and democrats are already beginning to understand that, as i said, it's not about a war against ukraine, not only against ukraine, against everything of the world, or is it like this , 2024 can be considered a kind of overfishing moment year, when the world finally begins to realize that with such... russia, there is no future not only for ukrainians, but also for other peoples of the world? i think that there is still a long way to go before russia is punished, unfortunately, and i see slightly different accents here. it was not without americans here. it is obvious that america is a democracy, and american politicians, whether it is the biden administration, whether it is the trump team, whether it is the democrats, whether it is the republicans, despite the strategic vision of those... threats that putin's russia definitely carries, they, especially in the year elections are very dependent on the public
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opinions, and as you know, i very carefully monitored the american media after the historic saturday vote, and the entire range of ukrainian media, no matter what their sympathies were, whether they were more republican or democratic, they all very favorably evaluated this vote, finally, that it very right that it strengthens america, i think that's when society... matured and showed that they realize that this is necessary for america, when it came, including to society, that some of these large, some of these funds remain in to the american military industry, that it is theirs budgets, as well as their workplaces, that this is a punishment for evil, so this vote took place, plus i am very grateful, for example, to the former deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, who , working with such a conservative... wing of the republican party, added arguments not only political, but also, you know
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, emotional, in particular, there was such a meeting between johnson and a man who lost his wife and young son in odessa during the russian shelling, and this is such a very religious family, a priest, a protestant, and all these emotional things, they work very well, and i am convinced that everyone... we can do more, much more, but unfortunately inter-parliamentary diplomacy is blocked, i am convinced that the members of the verkhovna rada should have more opportunities to communicate with our partners, including , including republican partners, for example, we saw republicans during the osce parliamentary assembly, and there was a chaplain of the house of representatives, with whom we also talked about the law on chaplains, about the great work that chaplains... don't do today at the front, about that munitions hunger, about every day of delay, which brings death to both
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civilians and military, you know, we would help our country much more with this, and i am very sorry that this is an absolutely bad foreign policy of the ukrainian government, which sometimes blocks inter-parliamentary dialogue, it hurts the front, but we welcome the decision of our american partners today, and here i agree with colleagues that i hope that this week there will be a ... vote in the senate and this law will be signed, weapons will come to the front as soon as possible, there is simply a catastrophic situation with shells, we need them very much, and we need an air defense system, and we need to work with other countries to strengthen our front. thank you, mrs. iryna, kyrylo budanov, general and head of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, speaks about what awaits us. quite a difficult period, may-june, the russians will try to shake up the situation
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both internally and at the front, and domestic politics is meant, obviously we are talking about the fact that the russians will question the legitimacy of president zelenskyi, no one is questioning the legitimacy of zelenskyi as the head of the ukrainian state within the state, we understand that there is a war and this is absolutely understandable. but when budana says that at the end of may and in the middle of june it can be hot in ukraine, then they arise. logical questions, but what should both the legislative and executive authorities do in this situation, perhaps more work needs to be done, perhaps some operational decisions should be made, which will allow to oppose in an operational mode against russian occupation forces, maybe more diplomacy is needed, international
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parliamentary diplomacy of all forces, maybe we need to unite all efforts of all political... forces into a government of national unity or maybe into a new parliamentary majority and say that we are one big team together with the people , we will resist this influx, mr. oleksandr, isn't the time to say everything to all opponents, because it turns out that there is power, there are opponents, i don't say opposition, because during the war to say that there is opposition, it somehow... not quite that's right, because we have one enemy - the russian federation, but this political unity is still not enough, and people don't feel it either. well, in fact, the answer to this question is very simple: in those conditions of war, when the survival and existence
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of the people's state is at stake, it is necessary to make sure that all authorities do everything possible and impossible. in order to achieve victory and in order to resist and effectively repulse the russian invasion, and if we are talking, for example, about the sphere of foreign policy, and about the interaction between the ruling party, conditionally so to speak, and the opposition, we see that we have complete unity, i, as a person who was part of, for example, the ukrainian delegation in pare, can testify to this, that is, we have never had issues, as well, if we are talking about other delegations in the inter-parliamentary union, in the nato parliamentary assembly and so on, i think colleagues will agree with this, the situation is really quite dangerous, especially this may be due to the fact that putin will try make some, let's say unpleasant surprises on the eve of may 9, or
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on the eve of the nato summit in july, that is, you have to be ready... and what mr. budanov says, you really have to take it very seriously and do everything possible to prevent it in the first place. thank you, mr. oleksandr, ms. galina, oleksandr mereshko says that provocations by the russian federation are possible, it is clear that at least two important summits for us are ahead, this is the global peace summit. in switzerland in mid- june, then in july there will be the 75th anniversary, the nato summit, and ukraine also expects to hear from the north atlantic alliance, some kind of invitation, i don't know in what form it should be, or the road map was already prescribed in lithuania last year, how
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russian this machine is on... in your opinion, how much it can change the course of these two summits, because in the end , the future of ukraine, the future of europe, and the future of the world will probably depend on these two summits. yes, it is obvious that both events are very important for us, and we already know how russia, preparing for certain events, activates, how it uses its military and weapons, but when we are talking about war, in particular on our side... about defense against this brutal russian aggression, then first of all we have to talk about weapons, because what can we fight, what can we defend ourselves with, if we don't have weapons, that's why these are all help, which we have already mentioned today, are critically important, and it is very important for us that right after the united states
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, our other partners also step up and the things that we hear are now being actively discussed and the transfer of additional patriots from other... countries of the european union, so that she really was completed and implemented. we need to strengthen our anti-aircraft defenses, we need more artillery shells to actively defend ourselves. we need high-quality fortifications so that our soldiers can properly defend themselves, because we are not russia, we protect our soldiers and , first of all, for our top military leadership. must be the preservation of military life, we must fight with quality, with quality new technologies, new developments, drones and everything else, you know, in us... in fact , relevant developments are taking place in the military-defense complex, i know that
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many high-quality manufacturers have really appeared in the field of defense industry, the issue is money, so the second issue, besides weapons of course, is a financial issue, that what we also said today, it is very important that our international partners... do not stop financially, because they can both help us purchase these weapons, and similarly help us continue to replenish our state budget, because, let me remind you, all the fees that we as a country during the war, we collect from taxes, customs payments, everything goes to the defense of the state, to the payment of salaries to our military, to the purchase of ammunition and other things related to... defense, other somewhere around 60% of the needs of our state budget every month are covered by with the help of our international
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partners, i.e. all pensions, salaries, state employees, doctors, teachers, the entire social sphere, cultural, infrastructural, all, all other things, all payments from the state budget are carried out with the help of our financial partners, so it is obvious that the complex includes... weapons, financial issues, and of course people on the battlefield, but here it is very important that the people who go to fight are properly equipped, properly trained, understand where exactly they go to which branch of the army and according to this they had proper training, these key things, it seems to me, are very important now and on the side. of our military leadership must be adequately provided for, it is obvious that we must be very alert and prepared
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now, especially in preparation for these two summits thank you, ms. galina, ms. irena, you had experience, a lot of experience communicating with russian delegations when you were involved in regulation, peaceful regulation in donbas, and you know what is worth... or what is not worth a russian word, right? whether after february 24, 2022, we should hope for any words, for any commitments, for what they promise there, or in principle with this regime of putin, everything is clear, and there is nothing to talk about with them at all. sergey, you and i have known each other for a long time, and you know my political position, all these years, i believe that membership in nato is fundamental for ukraine. and unfortunately, we have lost a lot of time here, and i believe that this is even more important for us than eu membership, and unfortunately, in fact, two months
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before the summit, we do not yet have any positive signals, any maybe there was a signal at the washington summit, and i believe that we don't really have this program either, that's how we had a clear plan for ukraine's membership in the eu, at home for... the tasks that we had to do in order to get candidate status, we did not develop such a plan either, our diplomatic service there did not offer the country and partners to move more actively in this direction, i believe that now all institutions of power need to focus on preparations for the nato summit, on, excuse me, dialogue with our partners, so that ukraine still receives this signal, this is the first. second, with russia, it understands only power, and you know, today we need to talk more actively about the illegitimacy of putin, because the world has forgotten that putin is illegitimate, sorry, he was elected
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not just in an undemocratic way, and not just in the occupied territories, but in fact on the bones of ukrainians, in mariupol, in other occupied cities, and he cannot be considered a legitimate president if the west does not recognize lukashenko, and why does it recognize putin, just because , that it is a nuclear state, we will not finish. we are here, i think this is also our homework, but we have blocked inter-parliamentary diplomacy and we could do more together. you rightly said that today there is a consensus on the impossibility of holding elections during martial law, because they will not be democratic. this consensus was reached, by the way, by the leaders of the parliamentary factions, we signed this document, although it is, well, this document is not simple, but among the points, in addition to not holding elections, because... they must be democratic and already post-war, there are others point, this is inter-parliamentary diplomacy, this is freedom of speech, and i'm sorry, there have been no steps in this direction for six months. and the talk
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today should be, well, about the support of the government, the issue is not only legitimacy, but the fact that the government should feel the society. i would very much recommended the authorities to strengthen communication with society, if you talk to society, no russian ipso is possible. with society, it is necessary to go to bed, 30 seconds on the air, and it seems to me that these steps would be very important for today, as our homework. thank you, mrs. iryna, iryna gerashchenko, oleksandr mezhets. galina vasylchenko were guests of our program today. ladies and gentlemen, thank you for participating in the program. let me remind you that during this broadcast we conducted a survey and asked you about the following: do you watch the telethon only news is meant not while watching the espresso channel, but in general. so 17% yes, 83% no, that's the results of a tv poll and it's almost identical on youtube. 14% yes, 86% - no. friends, it was the
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verdict program, it was conducted. serhii rudenko, take care of yourself and your relatives, we will meet tomorrow at 20:00, goodbye, laughter, physical activity, sneezing, even during such a small load, urinary incontinence can make itself felt, feminost uuro helped me. thanks to natural ingredients uuro femininity helps to restore. control of urination feminost uro, urination under control. turn on well, it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh, what is needed. meg turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. there are discounts on linex forte capsules. 15% in travel bam and savings pharmacies. have you never seen a classic in underwear, or something? i
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meaningfully. there is none. exclusive, objectively and substantively, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, svoboda life, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. congratulations, in russia for several days there has been such, you know, panic hysteria about the fact that it is necessary, ukraine was given weapons, the fact is that the russians, in principle, thought that they have broken western democracy, and now
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there will be no help for ukraine. and that's final, and that's exactly why they are like that.


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