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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EEST

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that the first question was not the package of aid to partners, but another question regarding federal aviation in the united states of america, nevertheless, despite the fact that the first question did not concern ukraine and this aid package, the first speeches concerned precisely these issues, and the legislators spoke primarily in support of aid to ukraine, and what is interesting is that a large number of these speakers also represented the republican party in the senate, and they called for continued aid. ukraine, they also repeated an important message that these money, it does not go directly to ukraine, it goes to factories in the united states of america to produce this defense aid, to replenish the reserves of the united states of america itself, and that it must be remembered that this money primarily strengthens the defense of the united states of america, and that is why this package is actually called the national security package of the united states of america, because all this assistance primarily helps not only partners, but also the united states. america, the economy of the united
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states of america, and, based on those speeches that we heard today during the day, a large number, in particular, republicans are insisting on this and trying, so to speak, to accept greater support for ukraine in their policy. as of now, at least from the speeches , it appears that the majority of legislators support this bill. there were also separate other speeches like this, in particular by the far-left democrat bernie sanders, who in particular opposed it. and opposed the aid to israel in this package, he wanted to consider everything, each bill separately, but nevertheless, now it looks like that will not happen, and they will move to package help soon. thank you, katya. i will keep an eye out for updates from you at the congress, for the development of events. it was voice of america congressional correspondent kateryna lisonova. as soon as the project on financing for ukraine becomes a law, the weapons will arrive. to the front in a matter of days or
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weeks, this was assured by a bipartisan group of congressmen who arrived in kyiv the day before. the american legislators also recalled that the document approved by the house of representatives provides for attack missiles with a range of 300 km and other types of weapons, in particular for air defense. us aid to ukraine is in safe hands. i am sure that strict supervision measures. and under reporting guarantee that our aid will not be subject to fraud, corruption or misuse. and once on the battlefield, we know that the weapons provided by the us will be put to good use. from the first days of this war, the world marveled at how brave ukrainian soldiers destroyed the russian army with their own weapons, as well as weapons provided by the united states and other allies. with resources unlocked this supplemental funding bill, i look forward to it. i'm looking
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to see what the ukrainian army can achieve. i hope that president biden will use the funds and authority of this bill to quickly provide ukraine with the weapons it needs. these include the atakoms missiles, the larger radio judge that ukraine is asking for, and i am glad that this additional funding bill specifically requires the president to transfer these missiles to ukraine as soon as possible. support has always been strong. you probably noticed that now in the congress. usa everything is not happening very quickly, and that's unfortunate, but the bipartisan spirit that we have here shows that we can do our job, but i've always felt that the support for ukraine is there, it's strong, it's just worked its way through congress, which sometimes is experiencing difficulties with its own approval of its own budget, it is not specifically about the issue of ukraine, it is more procedurally difficult, but we did the work, we did it together. prime minister of great britain rishi sunak announced. in a record
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package of defense aid for ukraine for london for more than 600 million dollars. the package includes munitions, air defenses, drones and engineering support. in addition, additional long-range stormshadow missiles, 400 vehicles, 60 boats and 4 million rounds of ammunition will be handed over to kyiv. we will talk about this in more detail with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin. hello, bohdan. so how did britain's new bailout package fare? defense of ukraine? in fact, it will be seen, probably, best for ukrainian fighters at the front or defenders in ukraine, in general. we can only talk about certain ones numbers, and that, quite, quite mysterious. for example, of the 1,600 declared ammunition in this so-called package, named. strike,
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so-called missiles and anti-aircraft missiles, how much of those 1,600 are, for example, stormshadow cruise missiles, we don't know, but ... probably small, because we know that britain and france, these missiles are a joint development , do not have very many such missiles, they are very powerful, but very expensive, that is, one such missile costs more than 3 million dollars, and today, in particular, about the price, about the price of war, about the price of weapons, the british prime minister spoke in warsaw, the capital of poland. next to nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, who emphasized that the allies actually have no other choice than to invest more and more money in defense.
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the reality is that having an aggressive neighbor is expensive, and we have a very aggressive neighbor. we cannot escape from this price, we can now invest in the security of ukraine, this. good for her, it's good for us, and it actually reduces the overall cost of dealing with russia as a neighbor. if we let putin win, the price will go up, not down. and secondly, we must remember that even if all of us members of the alliance now provide unprecedented significant support to ukraine, this is only a part of our defense budgets. we don't have a single nato soldier in danger, no brits, no norwegians, no nato soldiers at all. therefore, by providing support to ukraine, we help it with supporting ukraine is not charity, helping ukraine is an investment in our own security. bohdan, please tell me if it is possible to say that europe does transfer its
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economy to war rails? europe is very big, there are many different countries in it, there are even countries like switzerland that are neutral, not part of nato or... of the european union, but the leading states, the leading military powers have really been talking about the economy on war rails and so on, in particular, that the french economy is actually already on the rails of war, french president emmanuel macron said recently, about the zeiten wende in germany, about the reversal of politics and... both economic and of germany's military policy, mr. scholz, olaf scholz, the german chancellor announced back in march 2022, and now the british government announces a kind of zeiten-wende, prime minister rishi sunach said that
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the british defense industry will work on war rails , and in general , britain is increasing defense spending at... the fastest, most massive rate in ages, as the british leader of this generation has said. so, today i am announcing the largest strengthening of our national defense in a generation, by 2030 we will increase defense spending to the new base level of 2.5% of gdp, it starts today and will steadily grow. every year, over the next six years , we will invest an extra £75 billion in our defence, which will be fully funded without any increase in borrowing or debt. bohdan, please tell me whether it is possible to say that the announcements from the european allies
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are taking place against the background of the news from the congress, where after six months of blockades , funding of 60 billion for ukraine is still being advanced, is it possible to link the aid of the united states yes, everything is connected, but there are two we can say, the opposite points: on the one hand, the europeans, of course, have been closely monitoring and are monitoring the promotion of the decision to help ukraine in the united states, and these days there have been very serious congratulations and approval from european allies, and this is obvious. inspires and pushes europeans to also make greater efforts to help ukraine, yes, cohesion is very important, and the example of the united states is very important, but there is also the opposite, one could say, consequence of what
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happened in the united states , and delay almost more than six months, which some leaders and commentators fear. observed in europe, so frightened and pushed some europeans to take a closer look at their capabilities, capabilities, uh, to understand that... europe cannot always rely on the united states and particularly in the future, i would say, also pushed many european leaders to think about, many commentators say that if the united states , given that there is such a huge war in europe, political disputes were able to cause such a delay, then europeans should think very seriously about... the future. thank you, bohdan. it was the european correspondent of the voice of america,
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bohdan tsyupin. before making the final decision to vote on the funding package for ukraine, house speaker mike johnson knelt down and prayed for guidance on the right path. his fellow party member, congressman, told about it. michael. speaker johnson is an evangelical known for his conservative views. for the last few for months , representatives of ukrainian protestant churches met with johnson to persuade the speaker to put aid to ukraine to a vote. pavlo unguryan, the coordinator of the christian platform of the ukrainian-american partnership, told maria ulyanovska about this. they were with their brother mike. such very private, friendly, above all fraternal relations
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and meetings, for example, in february he met with the leaders of the ukrainian evangelical churches of ukraine, with the leaders of our ukrainian, evangelical christian-baptists, christians of faith evangelical, other denominations, and it was also another friendly one, so private, but extraordinary. an in-depth meeting of christians, where we spoke the truth about what russia is doing, about the horror it is doing, both by shelling the free ukrainian territory and in the occupied territories, how did he react to what you told him, he, he only said one thing: brethren, i know you understand what a difficult time we are going through... your country, our country, and the world, but let's pray and act in whatever way
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we can now to help and israel, and taiwan, but especially ukraine. you have met with the speaker several times. please tell us about the meeting that you remember the most. our last such trip was just a visit, ours together with my brother. by faith serhiy gaidarzhy, who went through a terrible grief, he is actually going through it now and we are walking next to him, the wife, actually, and the four-month-old son of serhiy gaidarzhy were killed more than a little more than a month ago, on the second of march, by an attack by iranian drones in odesa, and serhiy told the speaker his. history, and you know, just incredible faith and incredible
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compassion and speaker mike johnson and his team, and what did he say to that, sergey? well, you know, i think the phrase that i remember the most is that you're on my mind, you're on mine. when literally just a few minutes after our meeting, literally 10-15 minutes after our meeting, the speaker went to the press and it was published later, he absolutely firmly and clearly stated that the time is coming when every political figure must decide in order to be on the right track side of history. on why do you think it took so long for mike johnson to issue a bailout? i think that all this time, speaker mike johnson
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knew absolutely clearly where the truth was and where and where the evil was, where the light was and where the darkness was, he, as a good man and an honest man, wanted to find and create maximum consensus and maximum support of both parties, to me, this is my assessment. and the only thing he constantly said was: i want to do everything as well as possible so that there is help for both ukraine and israel. and asian east asian partners but want it adopt in the most correct and unifying way. i am convinced that, and i know that speaker johnson is on his knees in humility before god, he made this decision and he makes other important decisions in his life,
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because he is a god-fearing, humble and good man. look for the full interview with pavlo onguryan, as well as other stories of voice of america in ukrainian, on our social networks. since the start of the full-scale invasion, russian forces have destroyed 200 and damaged another 400 ukrainian libraries. such data is provided by the ministry of culture and information politicians of ukraine. to lesya bakalel world book day. visited libraries that were under occupation and learned how they are being restored now. and she delayed it here, you see how they struggle with ukrainian culture. the book, which librarian svitlana godun is carefully trying to unfold, is an encyclopedia of modern ukraine. after the occupation, the russians left two bullets in it, shot
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the library premises from the street. they damaged the tv. that's where the bullets flew, that's all damaged too, in the door, here's another bullet, and here she is stuck. the russians captured the village of ivankiv in the kyiv region on the first day of the full-scale invasion. svitlana says that during the 36 days of occupation, their library was relatively lucky. the russians never entered the room. in the neighboring village of obukhovichi, from the presence of the russian army two years ago, it is still recovering. i was very shocked when i was walking, it was all scattered, books also fell from the explosions, and they made book holes, a lot of books were simply stacked in the windows with small windows so that they could watch, it was such a shock for me, well, i simply had no words,
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there was not a single surviving window left in the entire building, the roof was damaged, the door was torn out, and then later... when we started, well, the books had already been recalculated and you start to look: something was stolen, something was stolen, something was stolen, well, a certain part of the books disappeared, a geographical atlas of ukraine, an album atlas of anatomy, anatomical, russian-ukrainian dictionaries disappeared, ugh, then from the interesting 50 shades of gray, the money for the windows was found only now, the international helped. organization, but the library, despite the spartan conditions, began to work immediately after the liberation of the village. they raised a couple of shelves a little, washed them, when one reader came to me and said: you know what i lacked in the occupation, i say, what, books, that’s why svetlana and elena, in addition to repairs , are engaged in replenishing book funds, they say that everyone helps, from private
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donors to the publishing house, which send books to ukrainian libraries free of charge. they received books in english from ukraine. we are from the very beginning, first purchased these books as much as they could, then many partners appeared in our country who began to transfer these books, including publishing houses and people from abroad, and such an apogee of this activity happened to us last year, when the british organization bookcade international transferred 25,500 pen to the ukrainian. not in english, and we have been delivering them to ukrainian libraries for six months now. priority for the ukrainian foam, libraries of liberated and front-line regions. the organization not only provides books, but also gathers groups of writers for meetings with readers there were already 20, exactly 20 trips: kyiv region, chernihiv region, sumy region, kharkiv region, donetsk region, zaporizhzhia, dnipropetrovsk region,
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mykolaiv region, kharkiv region, odesa region. french writers anne and laurent champmassard, a couple of french writers, regularly take part in... in meetings with readers, they came to ukraine at the beginning of this year and decided to stay. for a long time, we usually say: my grandmother was ukrainian, so we always wanted to visit ukraine. unfortunately, we couldn't before, but when the full-scale invasion began, we wanted to participate directly in help the country. the most important thing for us is to witness them. our mission is to absorb information here and transfer it to europe, to bring messages, information, photos, testimonies to france. the couple's first trip was to dnipro, where they immediately came under rocket fire. recall, were shocked both by the explosions and by the sight of destroyed libraries. this is not only military aggression, it is also cultural. i think ukraine is threatened with
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genocide. in fact, this is genocide. writers are impressed by the thirst of ukrainians for cultural events despite the war. libraries, especially in the frontline regions, acquire a completely different special meaning, they say in the punk club. on our first visit to nikopol , we saw the central city library of nikopol, and in the library there is a shelter, which is used by the entire, entire district of nikopol, and people come and spend the night there, because nikopol is shelled mostly at night, there is artillery from the opposite side of the dnipro, and people go to this library for the night, first go to the mountain, climb up, take a book, then go down to the basement and spend the night there and read, there are many libraries all over ukraine has become... points of indomitability and volunteer centers. in the ivankiv community , camouflage nets are being woven near the reading rooms, herbs are being dried for tea for the front, and food kits are being collected. here is the librarian svitlana, if she is not engaged
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in book affairs, then she volunteers. they have already replaced the damaged windows, the bullet holes in the walls will be plastered over, but svitlana keeps the shot encyclopedia as evidence that ukrainian books can hold back russian bullets. i can't write her off and i don't want to. lesya bakalets vladyslav smilya. voice america. download the voice of america mobile application. the application allows you to bypass blocking automatically thanks to the built-in vpn service. read news, watch informative programs and videos, as well as listen to podcasts of the ukrainian service of the voice of america. we conclude with this. maria prus worked for you in the studio. see other stories. of the ukrainian voice of america service on our website and social networks, as well as subscribe to our channel on youtube and telegram. thank you for your trust, see you on the air.
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represents. united by football, stronger together. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is korabelny district, kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii ordenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, and
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the war. and about our victory today in the program. one step to the new package. the us senate is ready to approve military aid to ukraine, will this pave the way for long-range weapons from partners? for the sake of protecting the homeland, the ministry of foreign affairs stopped providing consular services to conscripts for the border does it keep men coming back? suspicion of an incumbent government official. law enforcement officers. the wings of the minister of agricultural policy solskyi on land frauds, are there no more untouchables in power? we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, with politician, former prosecutor general of ukraine yury lutsenko and executive director of the institute of world politics yevgeny magda. in the second part of our program, we will have people's deputies of ukraine, iryna gerashchenko, halyna vasylchenko and oleksandr mereshko. however, before before,
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how to start our big conversation, i suggest watching a video of how ukrainian fighters disabled the russian self-propelled gun hyacinth s. the explosive video was released by the special operations forces. the enemy cannon managed to fire only a few shots. our scouts determined the coordinates of the armed target and passed them on to the rocket launchers. after that, it was completely destroyed by fire from hymars. let's see. glory to the armed forces of ukraine and death to the russian occupiers. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as
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on... our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are watching us live there now, please subscribe to our platforms and also participate in our voting. today we ask you about the following: do you watch the telethon only news? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your comment about the only news, please leave it below this video. if you watch us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote, if you... watch the telethon only news, well, i mean not right now, but also in general, look, then 0821381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. and we have our first guest, yurii lutsenko, ukrainian politician and statesman, former prosecutor general of ukraine, captain of the armed forces of ukraine, mr. yurii, i am
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you. greetings, thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. today, yury vitaliyovych, staff changes in the ministries were expected, and the resignations of ministers were expected, or, let's say, the decision of the verkhovna rada, what about some ministers, but at the same time there was information that nabu and sap informed the current minister of agrarian policy and food, mykola solsky, of the suspicion of flooding a state-owned enterprise with land. in sumy oblast , the criminal group, as reported in nabu isap, included officials of the state register of land registry and persons who controlled the activities of these bodies. i will quote this message. as a result of the implementation of the facilities in 2017-21, the participants of the scheme took possession of 1,250 land plots with a total area of ​​2,493 hectares, the value of which is
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moment of commission crime amounted to more than 290.


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