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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EEST

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armed forces of ukraine. mr. yuriy, i congratulate you. thank you for being with us today. i congratulate you. today, yury vitaliyovych, personnel changes in the ministries were expected and resignations of ministers were expected, or, let's say, the decision of the verkhovna rada as to what, where, regarding some ministers. but at the same time , information appeared that nabu and sap informed the current minister of agrarian policy and food mykola solsky about the suspicion. in the flooding of the land of a state-owned enterprise in sumy oblast, the criminal group, as reported in nabu isap, included officials persons of state geocadastral bodies and persons who controlled the activities of these bodies, i will quote this message. as a result of the implementation of the facility in 2017-21, the participants of the scheme took possession of 1,250 land plots with a total area of ​​2,493 hectares. the value of which at
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the time of the crime was more than uah 291 million. they also attempted to seize 3,282 hectares of land worth about uah 190 million. yuri vitaliyovych, but with this, it seems, well, if everything was clear and understandable, but it is not clear who will bear political responsibility for the fact that solsky was in office and tried for so long. to replenish his agrarian possessions, because we know that he had an agrarian business with andrii bohdan. you actually took the answer out of my mouth regarding this, because during the time of the green government, we remember dozens, i do not blame, dozens of cases when people's deputies from servants, ministers from servants, heads of regional administrations or their deputies from servants received suspicions . from
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the national anti-corruption bureau or sbu, they are suspected of embezzling millions, millions of bribes, offering to the police drunk driving, allowing hundreds of thousands to go quietly into the woods, collecting money for the illegal export of ukrainians who evade mobilization abroad, ordering prostitutes right in the parliament building, embezzling billions from the military budget, we are all these... scandals we live inside, and the worst thing is that our front-line fighters are constantly inside this corrupt and scandalous bubble, who must repel enemy attacks 24 hours a day, while knowing and feeling what is being done by the authorities in behind them, so the first question is not when these people will be convicted, because a fair trial, in contrast to... fair, this case
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is long enough, but when will those who appoint the relevant persons be held politically accountable? there is also corruption in the west, but when a minister or a deputy minister or a deputy is detained, those who recommended or appointed him resign politically, due to political responsibility, someone put mr. solsky on the list of servants of the people, someone put him... appointed yermak to the cabinet as the future the minister of agriculture, who supported his activities all these years, these people without even proven criminal profit from such an appointment should resign, then the institution of reputation will work in the country, then the authorities will trust that it can be wrong, but punishes its own corrupt people, and that's it... the fact that just one more got caught,
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the next one will take his place, and in this case, when you started your question, mr. serhiu, that there might be changes in the government, in fact, this society is practically not worries you go outside and ask passers-by, well, for example, the first 10 passers-by, what is the name of the minister of the pc, well, i have almost no doubt that none of them will give you his nickname, ask what the name of the minister of finance is, ask what his name is... ., for example, the minister of energy, i think that the result will be the same, why? because the state, unfortunately, in the current unconstitutional management system, has returned to yanukovych's methods, when one person is absolutely not authorized to do so by law, and his name is the head of the president's office andriy yermak, accepts decisions, how the parliament will vote, what it will do... this or that minister and how
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the government will actually work, therefore nothing will change from re-installing the signs on the doors of the government, as long as there is one person in our country who acts in an unconstitutional way, contrary to the requirements of the constitution, she is trying to manage the state as she succeeds, well , we can see, but nevertheless, this all makes the reshuffling of ministers absolutely unnecessary as long as they follow yermak's whims and instructions, and not the orders of the armed forces of ukraine and the ukrainian people. you are talking about andrii yarmak, as a person who manages the process. precisely in the state, well, as someone said, i am neither the first nor the second, do you remember such a mr. tkachenko, now deceased, but in the current situation, yaermak became one of those people who entered the hundred most influential people in the world according to the version
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magazine, and the publication called yermak a person who played and plays a central role in ensuring the work of the ukrainian government after the start of a large-scale... war, to quote the publication: after the full-scale invasion, he brought zelensky's message to the world, creating a strong network of friends of ukraine, from the west to the global south, uniting them around issues from sanctions to the environment. since 5 years have already passed since the election of zelenskyi on april 21, can we not already say that the era of zelenskyi is changing. era of yermak, or has it changed a long time ago? i think that the public, this publication of the rating in time magazine, reflects the reality that has long been obvious to everyone, president zelensky
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cannot manage the state without his friend yermak, this is a tandem: we have the greatest leader and the most influential leader, but if no joke, then... i think that in this situation, if someone considers yarmak a really good manager, then it would be correct to appoint him to a position where he will realize his abilities and be responsible for them, because this is zelensky's invention and his teams, when all those who manage processes in the state are in positions in which there is no functional responsibility, well, tell me what will be responsible for what? advisor to the office of the president podolyak, his functional duties are to advise, if suddenly his advice leads to some critical things for the state, then the prosecutor's office or nabu cannot even present him with any suspicion of exceeding powers or abuse of powers, they don't have them, and
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what authority does yermak have to provide the president with paper clips, papers and analytical notes, to keep his schedule under control, how can it be shown... that the department of energy, or the department of the treasury, or any other department that he actually runs, has led the country to the point where of another crisis, the same applies to advisor shurma, the same applies to advisor tatarov, none of them have functional duties for which they are responsible, and nevertheless they manage everyone, so from my point of view, now in the place of zelensky it would be very fair to do one thing, but... either leave one leader on the bank street, admitting that yarmak clearly exceeded the stick of his rating, or send him to a responsible position, well, for example, the prime minister, especially since then we
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will all understand who is really in charge and who is responsible for this, i really suspect that nothing will happen, we will continue to live in... an office block democracy, which does not correspond to the constitution, but there are realities in which we have to live during war. yuriy vitaliyovych, yarmak is not responsible according to the current constitution and does not have the same functionality as president zelenskyi, but one way or another, during the 5 years of his presidency, zelenskyi is responsible, and this is a political responsibility, it still rests with zelenskyi. .. on yermak, even though he and he says, he says that yermak will go only with me when my presidential mandate ends, this was said two years ago at a press conference, what were these 5 years of president zelenskyi like, you knew volodymyr oleksandrovich long before he started
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his political career career, and you can say that you knew zelensky there from the beginning of 2010 or 2011? year, and you know the zelensky sample of 2024, but how does the zelensky of that time differ from the current one? uh, look, that's a tough question to answer briefly, yeah of course, i have known volodymyr oleksandrovich for a long time, i communicated with him in normal life, when i was freer, and he was more cheerful and accessible, but i now recall an episode when i remained the prosecutor general, and volodymyr oleksandrovich had already become the president, at first he suggested i have to resign, i asked... why suddenly? he says: well, everyone left, i say, i was never like everyone else, i didn't steal anything, i
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didn't sell anything, why do i have to go anywhere, i have a term of 5 years, but if the new parliament is with its majority, yes of course i will go because the prosecutor general is not needed without a majority in the parliament, i am not interested in the position, but in the possibility of implementing the law in ukraine, he immediately calmed down, said, okay, now we will have enough parliamentary elections, everything is fine, and he is very satisfied. was, and here i ask him, well, out of my friendship, i say, i own it, but tell me, where are you leading the country? he says, i have cara blanche for everything, i say, where from? he tells me, well, what don't you know, i have 73%. i say, how much was in the first round? 25, i say, look, in poroshenko five years ago in the first round was 53, and yanukovych won from tymoshenko by only 2.5%. and yushchenko won from yanukovych by only four, these same percentages mean nothing, it is simply an open door for the implementation of his course. i ask,
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where are you taking the country? and here he answers me the main phrase to which i am leading you. i will show you old politicians how people will applaud me every day. volodya, the country is very sick, it has a lot that needs to be changed, if a sick person applauds a doctor, he is on the hook. he tells me: "no, these aplos." promotions will be every day, and that's it volodymyr oleksandrovich has not changed at all in this, he sincerely believed that it is possible to achieve applause with populist, simple, dilettante steps, and this is what he needs most in all his five years. remember, in the 19th year of the ovation, everyone who talks about the dilettantism and bellicose ignorance of his new team, well, is simply erased from the political map. year, applause, nevertheless, criticism is almost not allowed. 21st
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year, dr. komarovsky and gordon are already saying that we are fools, we were deceived, and there is a war, a disaster, which, from my point of view, was caused, among other things, by the absolute incompetence in foreign policy with such a neighbor, and this trouble brings zelensky back to the mountain of world popularity. already a world standing ovation, a year later world applause, and another year later, now, in which we live, rare claps. what does it mean? this means that populism, simple solutions, unwillingness to think through strategies, always leads to one result, to a result that does not benefit the ukrainian nation, and we have this lesson carry out of these five years, yes, despite the completion. term, zelenskyi remains the president of a warring country, and one should not
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succumb to the russian pso, which tries to deny this, but nevertheless, immediately after the end of the war, we must make a notch for ourselves, regardless of surnames, everyone who does not have experience in public administration, everyone who promises to lead a young team that will change everything, everyone who does not have a strategic vision for the key issues of the country, should not start training in 40 million countries, because a cross is in the ballots, for the sake of it at least the porzhom is very often turned into crosses in the cemeteries of the whole country. yuriy vitaliyovych, dmytro chikalkin made a film about two presidents, where he tried to compare what ukraine lost after volodymyr zelensky came to power, we remember these debates at the olympic stadium and zelensky's 10 questions to poroshenko, i specifically watched these 10 questions, you can in
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principle, how could candidate zelensky ask president zelensky exactly the same as poroshenko, and could ask about his hands, why are his hands still in there are some of your closest people, and who is crushing burshtyn, and there are many, many questions that, in principle, they could absolutely be relayed to the president from... well, if we talk about two five-year plans, one poroshenko's five-year plan and the other zelenskyi's five-year anniversary, which she still lost. ukraine after zelensky came to power, and i immediately understand what our tv viewers will say, and lutsenko was a member of poroshenko's team, he cannot be objective, but i will address you to a person who is already out of power and who visited at war, and you obviously have less of a politician
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now in this situation, and a person who can look from the side and say about what ukraine has lost. look, it's true, i will be biased if i answer about the law enforcement system, about certain things related to my work in repru, but, yes, it is really a war, and participation in it gives a very serious, fresh perspective on that happened in the 19th year, well, first of all, poroshenko accepted a country in which donbas and two-2/3 of donbas and crimea were already occupied. at the same time, according to the testimony of the then chief of the general staff, v the country had from 5 to 15 thousand combat-ready troops. after yanukovych , the entire technical base, documentary base, economic base of the armed forces of ukraine was actually destroyed. nevertheless, without general, without general
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mobilization, thanks to volunteers and armed forces. forces managed to liberate 2/3 of the occupied donbas, after that they managed to sign the minsk agreements, which gave us respite for the revival of the armed forces of ukraine. at that moment, precisely, here i can be biased of course, but the general prosecutor's office of ukraine at that moment was under yanukovych, who is now on screen, his organized crime group confiscated $1.5 billion, half of that amount. by poroshenko's decision , she went to ukrainian-made missile and artillery programs, and to be honest, when i began to analyze this situation at the front, you know, when you're all the time waiting for artillery fire or, well, our rocket attack on someone else's ork positions, you remember all this and
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analyze it , and you think how much we didn't appreciate what was done, then... the official, being the secretary of national security, himself a native of the city of dnipro, in the old dnipropetrovsk, clearly remembered that we are a country of rocket engineers, builders, and with the money confiscated from yanukovych's mafia, a closed-loop ukrainian missile program was created in three years, we entered the top five countries of the world, which can produce their own missile weapons, just think, from the fuel of the hull and the guidance head to all the elements of the missile , we did everything ourselves, during these two or three years , the vilkha m missile was developed for 130 km, this is the radius at which hymers hits, in the same years was the neptune rocket was developed, which hit at a distance of 280 km, this is atakams, during those years
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, the sapsan rocket was developed on yuzhmarsha, or some call it thunder. it is up to 500 km, and according to analysts , if this program had not been frozen in the 19th year, had not been exchanged for asphalt, at the beginning of the war we would have at least 90-100 vilkha launchers, 30-40 launchers neptune, 200 guns, long-range guns and 20... 25 saksan missiles for 500 km, and now tell me, would anyone dare to go through chongar, in crazy columns, if we had there were hundreds of ukrainian missiles. someone would go to kyiv in a 120-kilometer convoy from belarus if we had neptune missiles, the kerch bridge would be standing, if we had a sapsan missile, that's the main thing that we didn't
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appreciate in the 19th year. and the voters, unfortunately, did not see this as an achievement. i remember how, mainly in the east of ukraine, at any mention of war, they said: what if putin attacks? those towns that the russians have now wiped off the face of the earth, at that time, doubted that there would be a war. and they absolutely did not appreciate the team's efforts poroshenko, who built the new armed forces of ukraine. to say that i am engaged, remember the videos we went to the front in the 14th year, in sandals, in old soviet clothes. uniform, in those terrible fairy tales that do not protect against anything, in the best case with a machine gun, on which you will not be hit, unfinished cars, and
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what the army looked like already in the 19th year, this process had to be continued, but amateurs who were looking for cheers, they chose tarmac, again, in this movie you're talking about, which you can also watch on chikalkina's youtube, and on youtube there... the channel, the fifth channel, there is a terrible number that ukrainian society has forgotten for some reason. in the last year before the war, when the leadership of the us special services, when the government leadership, and the united states, and britain, and other countries warned us about an imminent attack, just in the last year before the war, ukraine invested 13 billion in asphalt. bucks 13 billion dollars. yuriy vitaliech, this is the price of the difference between those who professionally approached foreign policy and
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the external challenge with such a neighbor as of russia, and by those who viewed the presidency as a merry-go-round for applause. and this has its price today. yuriy vitalivych, i want to ask you one more decision. which was announced literally yesterday by andriy sibigo, who is now the first deputy minister of foreign affairs, but this is the decision of the ministry of foreign affairs, regarding the prohibition of the foreign division of the state of ukraine to issue ready-made documents to men who are conscripted and aged between 18 and 60. the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba confirmed this information on suspension of provision. services to citizens of ukraine of draft age, who are abroad, and explained it as it is now, a man of draft age, went abroad, showed his country that the issue of its
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survival does not bypass him, and then comes and wants to receive services from this country, yes it doesn't work, there is a war in our country, how should we perceive this, this is a decision and information, because in principle, apparently, some of the men left abroad legally, some apparently escaped through this system, the way that was created, and people gained access to a possible legal departure abroad, some fled illegal, but the decision simply outlaws those who are there abroad now, not without understanding, that is , how to restore the status quo of those people, that is , they all have to return here... and, in principle, pass, clarify the data in the tcc and pass the vlk, or how should it all happen? you know,
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it is both difficult and easy for me to answer, on the one hand, this decision is obviously against the constitution, and it seems to me that the constitutional court should act very quickly in this situation, after all, he already receives funds for something during the war, he should evaluate such actions. heads of the ministry of foreign affairs, because the constitution is still the main law of our state, on the other hand, i believe that this decision is fair, because the constitution contains a section of law that clearly violated the order of the ministry, but there is also a section of duty that obviously are violated by those who evade the duty, i emphasize, the duty to defend their country for... for this, it seems to me, it would be necessary to start with the key concept on which ukrainian society rests, justice. to start
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it should have long been made public the lists of those persons of conscription age who left ukraine after the introduction of martial law without reasons, for example, disability, or three children, or over 60 years of age, as well as lists of those who signed their documents, because i'm sorry. it is not fair, first to collect millions of dollars from evaders, and now to threaten not those who allowed them to flee the country, but himself. what could be done with these people? well , it seems to me, of course they should be invited to ukraine, and i know of more than a few cases, when people from abroad come, they take up arms and the armed forces of ukraine go, but in advance i would, for example, personally, this is my point of view, i would impose a tenfold military levy on these people for the rest of their lives, even after the end of the war, because they
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postponed their duty. on the shoulders of my other brothers, respectively, they have to pay for it, but whether they should be pushed to the point that they leave ukrainian citizenship and acquire another, i am not sure, because ukraine is, in any case, a legal state that must think about the future, i miss what has been said, now it is necessary to open the lists of evaders and those who blessed them on this slippery one. the unconstitutional way, secondly, to offer them to choose a profession in the armed forces, according to the vacancies, which, unfortunately, there are many, and thirdly, to impose punishment not in the form of these insane queues and unconstitutional deprivation of rights, but in the form of an increase in military service until the end
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of life to those who do not want to comply. its constitutional duty. thank you, yuriy vitaliyovych. it was yuriy lutsenko, a politician, former prosecutor general of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us live there now. please subscribe to our platforms, our pages, take part in our survey. today we ask you about the following: do you watch the telethon "edynyi news"? well, i don't mean directly. during the broadcast of the tv channel, and in general, do you watch this news and do you watch the telethon of the united news, if so, then you can call 0800 211 381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, and everything is quite simple on youtube, choose the options either yes or no, or write your comments
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below.. . video, we will be in touch with yevhen magda, executive director of the institute of world politics, mr. yevhen, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, congratulations, mr. serhiy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, right now , minutes of our telecast should be a meeting of the united states senate of the united states of america, it was announced that sometime during this time the senators should consider a bill to provide ukraine with 61 billion. aid dollars, but they postponed this meeting, and it is not yet known when this meeting will take place, they are talking about april 24, well, let's see, actually, when will it all be, you can say, but what changed the position of american congressmen and senators in the so-called the ukrainian issue during the last week, because this position has changed, the congressmen
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voted. for this bill, the senators will also obviously vote and obviously biden will sign this law, what arguments were convincing for american senators and congressmen in the matter of providing aid to ukraine? i think we have to look at this situation in a complex way, and the first question we have to note is the fact that the us and partners. after february 24 , 2022, the united states under nato provided ukraine with an unprecedented amount of military assistance. we did not expect such assistance and we did not have any documentary grounds for it on february 24, 2222, and we have security agreements that are quite active in our country . are signed
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they also do not create such grounds. this must also be understood, this is the first, the second, we could get this agreement last year, but the situation has become hostage to the elections to the house of representatives, which will be held together with the presidential elections, and accordingly, those who... have plans to run for office, they tried to determine, i think the situation with the division of the bill into different segments is also connected with this, because the amount proposed by biden did not change from the very beginning, it still slightly exceeds 90 billion dollars, and the recipients of the money did not change, but... someone
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