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tv   [untitled]    April 24, 2024 1:30am-2:00am EEST

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people's deputy of ukraine from european solidarity, member of the verkhovna rada committee on foreign policy and interparliamentary cooperation, former commissioner for peace settlement in donbas, mrs. iryna, i congratulate you, thank you for joining the broadcast, good evening, halyna vasylchenko, people's deputy of ukraine from the voice of the members of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy, mrs. galina, i congratulate you, thank you. that you are with us today, good evening, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes! so, ladies and gentlemen, since we ask our tv viewers whether they watch the only telethon, well , i'll just ask you too, because i can immediately say about myself, i don't watch the only telethon, i wonder if you watch it, because we conduct such a sample and want to understand in general, does anyone watch this telethon or not here... among our guests, including
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mr. oleksandr, you must be watching the only telethon, or taking part in it? well, unfortunately rarely, i watch mostly when i'm doing interviews, but actually i mostly listen to the news, i listen to the bbc, for example, that is, you watch the espresso tv channel, i understand that the ukrainian service of the bbc, is it also a very interesting format, by the way, i like it very much, thank you, mrs. iryna, i fight with it a marathon and... how about a rudiment authoritarian state, and mr. mereshko is really correct in saying that he is temporary, i see the monitoring of the marathon very well, and as the same media detector testifies, for example, just last month , representatives of the servants of the people, 146 participated in the marathon there once, the european solidarity is second only to the number of factions in the parliament there were five inclusions of our deputies, and in these two years i... for example, as the co-leader
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of the faction and also a member of the committee on foreign policy, and i was never a participant in the marathon, so i think it is necessary to reformat these funds for armed forces thank you, ms. iryna, ms. galina, i am not watching the marathon, moreover, i support the initiative of my colleague from the faction, yaroslav yurchyshyn, who heads the committee on freedom of speech, to finally open access to journalists to the sidelines of the verkhovna rada. i believe that this initiative is very right on time, and we must do everything to make it happen as soon as possible. i'm sorry, it's a very cool story, i'm sorry sergey, mrs. galina, you know, i don't know about such an initiative of your colleague, because neither he nor your faction registered any bills, but we registered two resolutions, relevant, this and regarding the tv channel the council, or he began to show the parliament, this, which also concerns the redirection of funds from the marathon, we registered for... the institution and regarding the admission
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of journalists to the sidelines and even signed there is a scheme, that's why it's great, tomorrow i propose, i will put this issue to a vote, and i hope that your faction will support it, so that we put this resolution to a vote in the hall. yaroslav, nothing like that, unfortunately, yaroslav hasn't registered anything like that yet, we are waiting if yaroslav, as the head of the committee, has the opportunity to visit conciliation councils, and he always raises this issue in public as well.
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position, as i understand it, and something must be done with the single telethon, because even ukrainians speak, but according to the international organization internews, for the 23rd year, the only telethon, 23% of ukrainians watch it every day, the same number watch it at least once a week, and 45% of respondents do not watch the telethon at all, so the question is open, the question should be articulated by the premier to the minister, probably because shmygal said that he... will redirect these funds to the armed forces, and this is probably not a very good answer and not a good decision. ladies and gentlemen, today the verkhovna rada was expected to consider dismissals of ministers and members of the government of denys shmygal, but this did not happen, i do not know whether it it's just that the leak of information was not true, or the case of mykola solskyi prevented it, nabu'. "sap announced that he is suspected of
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taking over state land for 291 million uah and trying to take over land for another 190 million uah. whether these rotations are personnel, government, or are they on time, why am i asking you, because we have a parliamentary-presidential republic, therefore, in principle, the parliament should appoint, dismiss and carry out rotations, you should definitely know much more than in the office of the president, well, for sure, mr. oleksandr, well, first of all, such personnel rotations are quite normal and i don't see anything wrong with it... session, it's normal, especially when it comes to a very difficult period of the war, so i'm positive about it, the only thing, well, i have unfortunately, today there is no specific information regarding the names of those persons who
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may be in the cabinet of ministers, let's say, there will be a change , that is, i don't know, but as a deputy i would really like it if such changes take place . know in order to accept a responsible decision and to vote accordingly, that is , this issue was not raised or brought up in the servant of the people faction, you simply did not discuss it, correct? well, you, you are the majority in the verkhovna rada, you, you determine the fate of the ministers, well , at least the fate of two governments, you have already decided, that is, the fate of honcharuk and the fate of shmyhal, shmyhal, especially the record holder, i am looking forward to stay. in the prime minister's chair, mrs. galina, were you waiting for changes, personnel changes in the government and possibly for the appointment, because, for example, the minister culture, information policy after the resignation of oleksandr tkachenko still does not exist in ukraine, and it is also a big question why there is no main propagandist in
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the state during the war. you are very right about the ministry of culture, moreover, the rumors circulating that they want to liquidate this ministry and merge it with another ministry are alarming. and everything else, we well remember how at the beginning of our term, back in the 19th year, certain ministries were united, then separated again, we understand how harmful it is, and in particular now at a time war, it is very not very risky, i would say, to do such things, because when people enter the ministry, a new team enters, the minister changes, deputy ministers begin to change, it probably takes about... four to six months sometimes in order to get into the work, implement some specific vision strategies and start implementing the policy of the particular minister who took this position, and actually we don't have time for
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all these swings, we need maximum efficiency in work, and such a ministry, as the ministry of culture cannot be without a leader for so long. moreover, i hope that it will still be preserved and not liquidated. if we talk in general about those personnel reshuffles, well, as of now, we do not have the corresponding registered removals within the walls of the verkhovna rada, so that we can clearly see who they want to dismiss, who they want to appoint. it's all just a rumor right now, but those rumors have really been going around for months. and for international deputies, regarding several ministers, in particular, this is about minister kubrakov, about ms. iryna varishchuk, there were also certain conversations about oksena lisovoy, but what i know in general, i asked
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other colleagues, it seems that it is really only at the level of rumors and these positions come more from the rectors, which is a long time ago. sit in their positions and do not want to be re-elected, but we know that the minister of forestry introduced a big initiative regarding the associations of certain universities and everything else, so this is more like real rumors, regarding other ministers, those whom i called, indeed there have already been messages several times, so i think we will see in the near future. and the fact that the government needs a reboot, i can say for sure, there are a lot of comments to various ministries, both from the people's deputies and society in general. thank you, ms. galina, ms. iryna, what happened with solsky, is this not at all a reason to send the resignation to the entire
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government, because, well, in principle, there are many issues, and the prime minister should also be responsible for what happened to solsky? well, first of all. in this government there is not only the minister of culture, and also the minister, for example, of veterans, although we are already a country of veterans, we have a million military personnel today, and it is obvious that... politics is one of the priorities, but there is no minister for several months, there is no minister of sports, although in a few months the olympics will take place, and it seems that the summer olympics, today the minister of sports should make every effort to prevent athletes from the russian federation and belarus from entering these sports competitions, even under neutral flags, we have failures in whole sectors different politicians, and the issue here is not so much in the government as it is in the parliament, but pay attention, mr. mareshko, he is not an ordinary deputy of the servant of the people, he is the chairman of the committee, also a member
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of the conciliation council, and even he does not understand what is happening. i want to tell you that just at the conciliation council, i am very sorry that it is taking place in a closed mode and not in an open format, the representatives of the monomajority announced that this week there will be certain personnel changes, they said from three to six ministers, you know this is of course the first time, probably in... ukrainian history, when, a day before the vote, the representatives of the monomajority, who were supposed to delegate candidates for these vacant positions, do not know what they are talking about at all, and this obviously indicates such a very systemic crisis in the parliament itself, among the very servants of the people, that is why the question is not in the way it will be, who will be appointed to the post of minister, in such a correct diagnosis that there really is a crisis in the monomajority, in the monomajority there is no... because no law is given, even if it is a presidential law, today no 226 votes of service, maximum
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there are 200, it is obvious that it would be correct to reformat the majority, to create a coalition of responsibility, which would already form a government of national unity, which would be based and united around surnames, as for mr. solsky and other ministers, you know, we have since september of last year there has been no inquiry hour. this is an absolutely abnormal, irresponsible policy, and of course, i think you can engage in corruption, steal, do whatever you want, if there is no control, there is no control, even the deputies cannot today to ask questions of the government, and what is happening in our military industry, and what is happening in agriculture, and where are the promised drones, for which billions of hryvnias have been directed there, and actually from a good point, we have achieved european solidarity with our colleagues. as part of the monet dialogues, which took place this weekend in lviv, the return of the hour of questions to the government,
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even a final document was introduced that every plenary week there we will have these hours of questions to the government, this is very important, and i want to assure you that this we will demand a prison there from the prime minister a report on certain politicians, but also information about what is happening with these personnel rumors. and who is going to be replaced and with whom is the main thing, because the question here is not about surnames, but really about politics, in the spheres of the military industry, energy, veteran policy, culture, as you mentioned, reintegration, there are a lot of questions and no answers. thank you, mrs. irina, no, there are probably no fewer problems in the american congress and in the senate, because the senate may not have personnel issues and there are none. acute issues that require prompt resolution inside the united states of america, but
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the war in ukraine is a war not only against ukraine, but against the whole world. on april 20, the congress of the united states of america passed a bill on the allocation of 61 billion dollars to ukraine, and the senate meeting, which was planned for today and which was supposed to start at 21:00 kyiv time. is not happening, and as the guardian writes, this vote has been postponed because the procedural vote on the allocation of 61 billion to ukraine, as well as aid to israel and taiwan, has been postponed because of several republicans who complain that no can suggest amendments. senators eric schmidt and mike lee accused senate democratic majority leader chuck schumer. in that he effectively pushed his version of the bill through with minimal debate, possibly without amendment. lis claims that
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financing ukraine is unpopular. mr. alexander, tell me, we waited after the passage of this bill in the congress of the united states of america, and in the senate, well , it seemed clear that this decision would be adopted almost automatically, and the main thing was to pass the congress, where there were privileges republicans and the republicans there had more votes to block the passage, what is happening now with this aid and can two senators or how many there? or more republican senators , can they make this decision drag on and drag on and drag on. i really hope that this will not happen, even i am sure that this decision will be passed in the senate as soon as possible, because, first of all, we have a more solid, more stable, bipartisan
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support, including this important bill, but the united states... is a democracy, and the senate, like the congress as a whole, is a democratic body where such procedural issues can arise , most likely because that's perfectly normal and that's the right thing to do in a democracy, but we're concerned now is the time to get that timely help because it's about the lives of our military and civilians, so i hope that the nearest... adopted and the president will sign this law, and we will we will receive this help, as far as i understand, it is already ready to be sent and be in ukraine as soon as possible. yesterday, during the meeting of the ministers of foreign affairs and defense of the member states of the european union in luxembourg, the head of the ministry of foreign affairs
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of lithuania, gabrielus lansbergis, said that after the decision of the house of representatives of the united states of america, the country. the eu and nato should work even harder on helping ukraine, let's listen to what the head of the lithuanian foreign policy department said. i am sure we will discuss today the decision of the united states regarding military aid to ukraine. today, for the moment, i can say that we have dodged a deadly bullet, but unfortunately there are many more bullets to come, so we can rejoice today, but we must... be ready for the fight that will come tomorrow, and it is necessary to speak about how we are going to help ukraine in the future. mrs. galina, this is the decision that is expected in the senate, and of course, the signing of this law by the president of the united states of america, will this decision be a marker for other states,
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for the european union, for the north atlantic alliance, for the countries, for... germany, including for them to give us the taurus already after the atakams, because we see that great britain has already announced a huge aid package for 500 million pounds, whether other countries will follow the british and americans, and whether we are getting enough weapons, and whether the west is generally speaking now that something needs to be done with russia as it is, and done quickly. but you know, always when one or the other is accepted decisions on important issues for ukraine, of course, the united states of america, as a leader who helps us in our fight against russian aggression, we always expect and it is easier to negotiate with our partners from the european union, with great britain, and
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even when we talk, as well as about financial. aid, as well as about specific types of weapons, it definitely has a corresponding impact on decision-making already on the european continent. i remember several meetings, in particular in the british parliament with ours colleagues last year, when we actively discussed and raised the issue of the transfer of frozen russian sovereign assets to ukraine in relation to... this issue, in fact, in particular great britain is one of the leaders in this process, and although the united states of america has such funds in comparison not so much, there is an order, as far as i remember, 5 billion dollars at a time when on the european continent, it is about 300 billion dollars, accordingly, everyone always looks in the direction of
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the united states of america, they say so, yes, we are ready here... to work to develop mechanisms, because there are actually complex legal procedures, and each country, in particular, has the relevant legislation to implement, the country that has such relevant frozen russian assets, but at the same time they say yes and yes and at the same time they nod in the direction of the united states of america, they say, what about your negotiations with them, so clearly, we all expect this... his important historical decision, and i think everything will be fine, because these actually now the procedures that take place in the senate are... er, as my colleague said, the united states of america is a democracy, and obviously they have the appropriate bureaucratic procedures, as far as i know, in the case of this,
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the debate on the supplementary, the vote itself has to postpone for about 30 hours, and in particular, we have already heard the speech of the president of the united states of america that he is ready to immediately sign as soon as it is voted on in the senate and also. statements of their other officials that immediately after signing, this assistance will be very quick transferred to ukraine, because everyone really understands the need that we have now, and of course, accordingly, after this decision, it will be easier for us to communicate with our european partners, regarding both financial aid and military aid, and it will be easier to communicate with the russian... troops, i mean our armed forces of ukraine, because the russian propagandists are simply hysterical about the adoption by the congress of the united states of america of a bill on providing
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aid to ukraine, and they often try on the air to find an explanation of what happened there, why some republicans and in particular speaker johnson allowed this vote, let's look at a small fragment, because it is very revealing. no matter what it was, whether it was a defeat for donald trump or a concession by the republicans. no one can understand how
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it happened that speaker johnson changed clothes so quickly in the air, what happened to him, maybe he was tortured? there must be some very strange game going on. it is very difficult to understand what happened there, it is difficult to say clearly, but i do... as the russians say propagandists, not everyone was spared here, apparently, it’s just that putin already got everyone and russia got everyone, that in principle both republicans and democrats are already beginning to understand that, as i said, it is not about a war against ukraine, not only against ukraine, against the whole world, or is it... this can be considered a kind of overfishing moment in 2024, when the world finally begins to realize that with such a russia there is no
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future not only for ukrainians, but also for other peoples of the world. i think that there is still a long way to go before punishing russia, unfortunately, and i can see it here slightly different accents, there were not americans here, it is obvious that america is a democracy and... american politicians, whether it is the biden administration, whether it is the trump team, whether it is the democrats, whether it is the republicans, despite the strategic vision of the threats that definitely putin's russia, they, especially in an election year, are very dependent on public opinion, and you know, i very importantly monitored the american media after the historic saturday vote and the entire range of ukrainian media, whatever their sympathies are more republican or not? democrats, they all very much applauded this vote, finally, that it's very right, that it strengthens america, i think that's when society matured and showed that they
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realize that this is necessary for america, when it came to including society, that part of these large, part of these funds remains in the american military industry, that these are their budgets and also their workplaces, that this is the punishment of evil, so... this vote took place, plus i am very grateful, for example, to the former deputies of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, what and working with such the conservative wing of the republican party, added not only political arguments, but also, you know, emotional ones, in particular , there was such a meeting between johnson and a man who lost his wife and young son in odessa during the russian shelling, and this... such a very religious priest's family as well protestant, and all these emotional things, they work very hard, and i am convinced that all of us
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can do more, much more. more, but unfortunately, inter-parliamentary diplomacy is blocked, i am convinced that the members of the verkhovna rada should have more opportunities communicate with our partners, including our partners, including our republican partners, for example, we saw republicans during the osce parliamentary assembly, and there was a chaplain of the house of representatives, with whom we also talked about the law on chaplains, about the great work, that the chaplains are doing today at the front, about that... hunger, about every day of delay, which brings death to both civilians and soldiers, you know, we would help our country much more with this, and i am very sorry that this is an absolute external evil policy sometimes the ukrainian authorities, which block the inter-parliamentary dialogue, it harms the front, but we welcome today the decision of our american partners, and here i agree with my colleagues that i hope that this week there will be a vote in the senate and it will be
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signed... this law, weapons will come to the front as soon as possible, there is simply a catastrophic situation with shells, we need them very much, and we need an air defense system, and we need to work with other countries to strengthen our front. thank you, mrs. iryna, kyrylo budanov, general and head of the main directorate intelligence, the ministry of defense of ukraine says that we are in for a rather difficult period, may. june, the russians will try to destabilize the situation both internally and at the front, and internal politics is meant, obviously it is about the fact that the russians will question the legitimacy of president zelenskyi, no one is questioning the legitimacy of zelenskyi as the head of the ukrainian state now within the state, we understand that there is a war and this is absolutely understandable, but here... when
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budano talks about the fact that at the end of may and it can be hot in ukraine in the middle of june, then absolutely logical questions arise, but what should both the legislative and executive authorities do in this situation, maybe we need to work more, maybe make some operational decisions that will allow us to oppose in an operational mode against russian occupation troops, perhaps... more diplomacy is needed , international parliamentary diplomacy of all forces, perhaps it is necessary to combine all efforts of all political forces into a government of national unity, or perhaps into a new majority parliamentary, and to say that we are the only big team together with the people, we will resist this influx. mr. oleksandr,
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hasn't such a time come now? to say everything to all opponents, because it turns out that there is a government, there are opponents, i do not say the opposition, because during the war to say that there is an opposition is somehow not quite correct, because we have one enemy - the russian federation, but this political unity is still not enough, and people do not feel it either, well, in fact , the answer to this question is very simple, in in those conditions... of war, when the survival and existence of the state and the people are at stake, it is necessary to ensure that all organs of the authorities do everything possible and impossible to achieve victory and to resist and effectively repel the russian onslaught, and if we if we talk, for example, about the sphere of foreign policy, about the interaction between the party in power, conditionally so to speak, and the opposition, then we see
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that we also have... complete unity, i am a person who was part of, for example, the ukrainian delegation in pare , i can testify to this, that is, in we have never had any questions, likewise, if we are talking about other delegations in the inter-parliamentary union, in the nato parliamentary assembly and so on, i think colleagues will agree with this, the situation is really quite dangerous, especially this may be due to the fact that that putin will try to make some... let's say, unpleasant surprises on the eve of may 9, or on the eve of the summit in july , the nato summit, that is, you have to be ready, and what mr. budanov says, you really have to take it very seriously and do everything possible to warn it first of all.


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